I was wearing a tank top with a German cross and a WW2 fighter plane over it. I also have blood and honor tattooed on the back of my arms. They called in a mediator named Mr Schwartz. He wanted me to go too. They wanted me to go back to camp and apologise for my white privilege. I am 40, when I was 16-17 I was a nazi skinhead. I got stabbed and put that shit behind me. But I haven't abandoned my core beliefs from that time. Problem was I was courting this lady I like and she was real confused. Those pussy hippies never wanted to debate. They just talked on and on about how evil racism is blah blah blah. I had a hard time paying attention. Anyway I had to share. Fuck that place. They are getting left in the dust. I just hope I didnt permatley fuck up with the girl. They are all her friends. She is not red pilled, buut she is very open minded. I had to choose my words carefully talking to her about my past and present beliefs. She was the only one I knew their. It was a fucking zoo. I was there 3 days before they spotted me as the bigot. Glad I got out before I was ripped to shreads by bugged out scum. I was having fun partying in the woods with pagans and wizards. Lot of hotties. But those are not people anymore. I live in Chicago so it wasnt easy getting there. I did have a real nice last 2 days with the my lady friend. I cant help but think, what would Ken Kesey, Hunter S Thompson, Jack Kerouac handled the situation differently?I was half hoping they would take me to a Tee Pee with Sun Bear sharing a peace pipe hashing out our differences and sharing our perspectives while passing around a talking stick. They wanted none of that. And the guy who ratted me out googled blood and honor and called my shirt hate speech. I checked his FB and has a fucking political science degree! And a hot SJW cunt of a girlfriend. How could I have handled this better?
Got kicked out of the Oregon Fair
Thats what you get for living in Calofornia+
nice blogpost fagt
Blogpost from the clear only if you know what you are trying to say to everyone else zone.
Press charges. Sue the organisers, make a huge scene and drag it out in court as long as possible.
You could have present yourself better. Tattoos are kind of a turnoff. i think the best way to get people to even listen to you politically is to present yourself well and emulate maturity. wisdom, and class. i.e, don't make people think you are trash. Think less skinhead, and more Richard Spencer.
dont know why i typed "are not"
You don't need to be commie cuck to not be a degenerate.
Just adhere to the original mentality of the national socialist and respect your body, family and folk.
How else, you blogposting nigger faggot?
If it makes ya feel better my friend dosed one of their security guys last year and he had a mental breakdown. Been hearing about it through the grapevine all year. Pussy
What a horrible incoherent post. You should feel bad.
0/10 would not RWDS with.
You're a faggot
Your thread is still up, you fucking fairy.
Man up faggot.
Die in a fire. You're not a good person, nor do I believe you could be one if you knew what that meant.
For shame…
Wtf strain are those fungi anyhow?
< I checked his FB and has a fucking political science degree! And a hot SJW cunt of a girlfriend.
Are the mods high, someone janitor this shit FFS.
You could have not worn a tanktop to a leftist event in a leftist city when you have Neo-Nazi tattoos for a start.
And you could have not been a drug user, might help with your coherence and ability to format a post as well.
First off, mods are comfy, we need an insomniac for this shift.
Next, user, we are a more diverse group than you'd think. There are many deadheads and old hippies who are full blown 1488 National Socialists. The difference between Tribal Anarchist hippies and National Socialism is Decentralization vs Centralization. The hippie wants a NatSoc utopia just the same as we do, but it takes a few years of life experience to understand that as long as there are still normies, we need some authoritarianism to force things into place. Or take the rainbow route and melt their fucking faces with LSD until they fall in line and dig a fucking shitter.
OP is our resident drug-addled hippy. He does lots of powerful psychoactive drugs and hangs out with leftists. Likes to say he can offer us insight into their mindframe but mostly just talks about how he likes to do drugs with them.
Degenerate filth
Every fucking time
Low IQ white nigger basically and your formatting verified this already
Not really this blog post is fucking cancerous
You remind me of some fucking idiot who belongs in prison.
Willing to bet you have been there before.
Kill your fucking self next time
This isn't a rainbow gathering faggot you deserve the rope
Fucking gas yourself nigger
Don't complain at me, I'm not a mod. I have no say over who gets to post here.
user, go to bed.
Dicky Spencer is actually the best example of why you shouldn't trust a book by its cover. Even with that nice dress, inside he is a flaming faggot that aligns with kikes
Learn to spell properly for one. In context it is not spelled "their" but "there".
Either you are a plant, a shill, or a redditor. If you were going there to shitpost, troll, or drop redpills where is the video. If you just went there for intel why put yourself on .billboard? Choose 1 of.2 options. Option 1…fuck off back to reddit. Option 2….fuck off back to /leftypol
Alright this is getting retarder by the second.
This is ILLEGAL! OP has a lawsuit now.
Stopped reading there
Get out while you can.
You write like a 16 year old sperg.
Not Your Personal Blog
He's not asking you to suck his dick. Tats are a European tradition.
Oh, I get it. You do want to suck his dick. Think NationalBolshivik and betray your race then. Good idea. Put on a gay white suit and attack your race through stealing Holla Forums memes.
Oh, it's the Rainbow FED again.
Spencer is the other extreme, and equally unappealing. Unfortunately, the TRSodomites have convinced a legion of autists that he's a "normie-friendly super chad" who's going to be president one day.
These are your neighborhood shills Holla Forums. They out number us and the mods are in on it
Tbh if I hosted an event I'd also kick out anyone who came wearing a fucking tank top. Stop dressing like a nigger in public.
OP sounds like someone who hasn't lurked long enough, but at the core a pretty stand up guy imo
Kill yourself!
annihilate your brain with shrapnel immediately
wrinkled dick
I think Billax is the best dressed man in the world, but Adolf Skywalker is a butterfaced mamma's boy, even if he has decent taste in blazers.
Here is more.
Yeah, he totally isn't data mining. Probably DEA who finally has an intel budget again after eight years.
Agreed, strong shilling ITT.
Oregon is one of the most blue pilled states around, so why have you not moved