$1.6bn border wall proposed by House GOP committee

$1.6bn border wall proposed by House GOP committee

Sup shills. You considering suicide yet?


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Why can't they use the nuclear option for this?

We need the wall started immediately, before it's too late.

We need to get the DOOR TO DOOR DEPORTATIONS started before it’s too late.

1.6bn? That's fucking nothing. That's maybe ten F-35s (not counting development cost).


Who says he won't?

Just admit you don't get how budgeting works.

That's like 100 dollars compared to what you spend you fucking Kikes!



Don't you realise that the deficit is a imaginary number that can never be paid off because of money printing? Think of the wall like this. "GOP house committee passess bill allowing workers to take goods in exchange for their value of labor building a wall" "Goods that will be dumped in the trash otherwise such as the countless automobiles in backlog inventory that are currently being melted to be recreate and resold if possible(not), countless houses not sold and owned by kikes, and food"

Just shy of 29B pesos, at today's exchange rate. That's only a few days business for the state run cartels.

how long until Mexico actually pays for it?


Who cares, Mexico is paying for it anyways.

Undoubtedly they'll pay for it through tariffs and shit.

Dream on, establishment cucks. It's a wall, and the fucking thing has already been built in my heart.

Hot damn, that's not even a tenth of what illegals cost just california per year. Are you sure? I mean if you wanna slap a couple extra B on that fucker for some gun turrets and gold plating I am A-OK with that.

That's why trebuchets were invented, user.

It does say it's a down payment.



Still sounds like a steal to me tbh.

They can pay for it in pounds of flesh

Any updates on Cruz' CHAPO bill?

I'd rather it be expensive and sturdy. Cheap isn't always good.


The man builds city skylines ahead of schedule and under budget. You think these faggots wouldn't doubt his ability to get a wall built

A budget bill passes the Senate like any other bill. If they don't need sixty votes for other bills, then why not the wall budget?

It's because Rat Ryan and Bitch McConnell are cucks and always have been and don't want to use the nuclear option.

Image related. We should work on some preliminary memes.


2017 budget was locked in last September user, same goes for the 2018 bill being locked in this December. Chill out.

Relevant to this thread

Checked, heil'd and tweeted that shit out. We need to get a head start on this now.



What the fuck are you talking about? The spending bill was already finalized and the wall was never included because of this "it would NEVER pass the Senate" bullshit.

I've seen this shit before, back in the 2000s when the Republikikes controlled both houses and had Bush, and they did nothing about illegals. A lot of the same LIFER cucks are still running the show.


Just admit you don't get how they do budgeting. I'll even help you, not even trying to be a dick, go watch the Mulvaney briefing on budgeting.

Literally the only thing I wanted out of a Trump presidency and the reason I voted like a good goy.

God is in his heaven and all is right in world.

Wrong weeb shit song. My bad.



That would be the best time to use it.

Oh, I dream of it. A big, beautiful wall with a big beautiful moat full of crocodiles for all the latinos who want to immigrate legally

I understand that the money is disbursed later in the year, but where we disagree is that money cannot be spent immediately in certain circumstances. It can and should for the wall.

We have an invasion situation on our border. In the event of an invasion or some other crisis, the funds can be disbursed immediately to get the job done.

That is what budgeting is for you stupid fuck jesus christ.


Well, now I have to post this.

You're an argumentative shill. Gas yourself.

BTFO, peace nigger.

Man I miss old 4chan


Never thought I would refer to my unemployed, drug-addled, anime-masturbating, meme-shitting, gore-spamming, life-ruining days as the innocent and carefree time of my life, but there you go.

But what they don't realize is that it's a one-time cost and would help reduce illegal immigration (an annual cost of several billion per year). Dumbasses

I know that feel, bro.

That's some fuckin good thinking user.


That's it. It's a done deal. The only real concern is the rats might try to underfunded it. Keep their feet to the fire

sage becasue I am being a gigantic sentimental faggot in the wrong thread

The exact amount doesn't really matter. If they really needed extra cash, they could always double or triple the intial amount to whatever they need. All that matters is the foundation bill that legalizes the government to begin working on this project. Everything can and will be changed when needed.

Cucks will offer amendments to remove the wall from even a homeland security bill because of this fiction that the wall can't pass the Senate.

those drawings bring back so many memories user you have no idea. Do you have anything more like that from back in the day?

$1.6 billion? I know a nigger who can do it for $200!


Trump is not a politician, he is a businessman in construction. He know's that most of the money our government throws at things are a vast waste of money. Remember what he did to boeing with just 1 phone call? If this was some cuckserative president, pushing for this, the thing would cost in excess of 100billion. Trump's going to get this shit done for 1/10th the price, ahead of schedule and it's going to be fucking big and beautiful. ten feet taller amirite?
My brother is a VP for a multibillion dollar real estate company. His boss even introduced trump at a rally once. They have done business together and can confirm that trump is a bad ass mofo that gets shit done.


I seriously want to cry. I remember when that came out being pissed off about all the newfag memes. Holy shit why does time keep slipping past?

I hate getting old. I hate how my knees and back hurt all the time. I hate how pozed up the world is. I hate that I am a responsible conservative person nowadays when I still do the same shit I did in 2005. I hate pretty much everything now.

I am so tired. Tired of working my ass off only to have my money taken and fiven to shitskins to replace me. Tired of having kids in my own race scream and throw shit at me for doing my god damned job and enforcing the laws the people they elected wrote. I am tired of every pavement ape that talks to me looking for a chance to kill me. I want to go back to simple times when shitposting was done out of fun instead of anger and wanting to fuck up someone elses day.

The Fuhrer agrees – the world is shit now. Good news though – because of how this timeline has been going, you'll see brighter days.

Don't kill yourself.Yet

Implying niggers can into complex structures.

Check the filename on that pic, user. Then look at it again and see how the concept of an arch escaped the nigger geniuses who devised that doorway, and how the stones above the lintel are subsiding.

Sincere post, sincere Hitler dubs. Maybe in heaven we'll get to relive those old Holla Forums days user.

Isn't an arch superior because it distributes the weight over a radial area, instead of just straight down?

If you were illiterate, and had no engineering knowledge, arches would be a pretty huge innovation

We can pay trillions for wars for Israel and billions per year for fucking air conditioning for troops in the sandbox but not spare a couple billion for a fucking wall? Really? What the fuck. Cut military spending and siphon to fix domestic problems and fix the goddamn US infrastructure.

If boomercucks cuck block the wall funding couldn't we just get a bunch of crowd sourcing campaigns started? Even if (((they))) shut them down, it would still send a powerful message to DC. Especially if the money pledged was more than the 1.6 billion.


Maybe a civilization like that shouldn't try building things 10 feet tall?

Seriously, though – the arch was discovered by the Etruscans, 2,000 years before Zimbabwe was built by ancient Kangz. It's a disgrace how kike authors burble about the magnificence of that tiny village made out of random piles of rocks.

Just impose 15 dollars fee on the visas upon entry. USA receive 50 or more million visitors annully so if they impose the 15 dollars fee on the entry visa then they would earn $750 million per years. They use the earned fees to fund the border fence without the congress or other's approvals, Trump can do that?

You're both right.

Defense spending basically splits into two categories:
1) Support the Troops (roughly 18%)
2) Enrich the Jews (82%)

The money that gets spent on members, their families, and all the shit they need to go kill Israel's enemies is contained in the Personnel and Maintenance & Operations outlays. Each of these is about 9% of the total defense budget. Every gun, boot, tank of gas, tank of water, tank of kill, all that shit; it's in those two columns.

The other 82% goes for missile procurement, consulting services, civilian R&D, tech-rep's salaries, new airplanes, repairs for new airplanes, pictures of new airplanes to show John McCain before he votes, and so on. That's where the boondoggles are, and the waste there is breathtaking.

Guess which parts of the budget have been cut consistently since 1992.

How about everytime an illegal migrant commits a crime the military gets a permanent budget cut depending on the severity of the crime?

Like for every murder 10 million dollars gets removed from the budget.

Whites only, patchucko.

No, no, I get that. I know niggers were busy with mudhuts and being kangz, while other civilizations flourished.

It's just surprising that the physics behind such a simple concept are relatively complex for beginning civilizations.

That will cause the white people to stop visiting USA. That's racist.

Shit, if he gets Mexico to pay for it, great. But if the spics cant pay for it, I will gladly accept a tax hike. The costs will be more than offset by rising wages. They can write "wall tax", right on my paycheck.
Of course I'd rather see the wall money come out of the spending on Israel, but Trump doesnt seem too keen on that.
Certain (("libertarians")) will certainly make sure that cuckservatives in congress cant raise taxes for this vital undertaking.

I think Democrats shutting down the government over this is a declaration of war. They should all be tried for treason. Go back to Israel before its too late, Schumer.

The amount of tax dollars that would have been going to illegals and their anchor babies will more than offset the cost of the wall

Maybe he would reduce $666,000 gradually over years until 6 cents.

Checked and Heil'd, Hang in there police user. DOTR is coming soon. I hope you have good aim.

Let's be real here, the majority of the boards on 4chan were fucking trash, like /d/ and Holla Forums.

Um did anyone even read the whole OP?

Doesn't the last line:

imply that it's not even going to be passed by republicans?

The Dems are fucked too when that happens as well
They're trying even harder with the "Niggers Yes, Burnfags No" thing they've been pushing since onigger

I remember when flash used to be hot shit and Newgrounds wasn't reddit trash.

Say, what happened to W.T Snacks?

Snacks fucked a whale, got b& by moot, then gave up on life, last I heard.

Not just memes, we should run for it

Well, hitler dubs explain all.

Looking back on it all now, everything seems so woefully naive and juvenile. It's a strange feeling to know we were once in a place, in a time, in a world, removed by time and space, the same yet so vastly different. If we could go back in time, would we do it differently?

I hope Trump ends the Obamacare tax soon, the IRS wants my parents to pay $5,000, my family $11,000 and my boss can only talk about how the welfare niggers are almost as bad as swindling Jews because his fines are going to put him out of business.

Fucking nigger jew Obama.

I wish I were there for the full of it and not it's twilight years.

My kids are why I'll fight for this new Reich we are creating. It'll be a hard long bloody war, we'll be fighting our own sometimes which is sad but the survival of the white race is paramount.
Hail victory!
nothing but victory matters to know your enemy is gone will allow us the life we all wanted to have before the war

He hosts an online radio show out of new York occasionally and plays Japanese dance music

Holla Forums was what made 4chan in the early 2000s faggot

If you've been here since first exodus, then you've seen everything the internet has to offer. The ebb and flow of the internet hate machine is all that matters.

Dox of senators vowing to block?


I've been here in the brief time before first exodus hit full swing and goddamn what would I give to relive.

Why relive when the future is so bright that we're gonna need shades? Things are going to keep getting interesting.

That's an Arab trade outpost, even the natives admit they don't know who built it.

Never forget your origins though, as bright as the future maybe its always good to remember the old glories and pain.

The wall would only cost like 20 billion. The federal government spends roughly 4 TRILLION each year. 20 billion is so infintessimally small an amount that it's just rage inducing that the cucks are all hemming and hawing over this like it's some significant amount.

Glad to hear we're a step closer to the wall; it' can't come soon enough

the wall was always going to be inexpensive, even if a very high quality one was built
all the kikes kvetching and saying it was going to cost 6 quintillion dollars were lying
pic related

It's about 10% or less…

Congrats burgers, once the wall is built, remember to vote for the guy who'll deport non-whites. Oh wait, 56% and a many of those are cucks who don't reproduce and vote for globalism.

Only a fucking kike would D&C such good news. Neck yourself you pathetic parasite.

I'm genuinely happy for you burgers, a wall is a step in the right direction. Just remember to vote for someone who'll remove non whites next time because the wall probably won't have an automated catapult.
Or did you perhaps mean that I shouldn't be dividing you against your BASED non white friends?

When you are a child, you believe the golden age will come when you are 20. When you are 20, you believe the golden age was when you were a child. When you are 40, you realize there has been no golden age, and that your life has been meaningless. When you are on your death bed, you discover your whole life was the golden age, and saying goodbye is the finishing touch.

You're just a salty European who has been castrated from birth. The only thing we share in common is the color of our skin, you have no convictions and are a piece of human garbage. Euro cucks are just sad they have no hope.

Sure is the season after Spring in here.

He's right, when are we gonna ha/v/e another meme renaissance? I've been hoping for a slew of drawfaggotry heralding comics of our badassery in raping the corrupt jewish media, soviet style.

jews are so bad for the economy
and everything else

The fight has only really started now. Why draw of a victory now when the glory of the act can only be realized after the fact. Right now all anyone is seeing is the seal clubbing that is going on. Practically war art.

That's not even the half of it. An arch puts all building materials under compression… and only compression. Stones and concrete are superb at compression but quite poor at tension. A lintel style doorway puts stones under tension, making it an incredibly poor way to build structures like that.

Yeah but it was our trash.

>send off billions to worthless niggers every year and get nothing back

I shouldn't be surprised, but I am just a little tiny bit. just makes me hate people more and more.




You've gone too far this time Gringle Krembth!!

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Wasn't the proposed cost of the wall only 100 million or something? how did they round up this number?

The proposed cost was somewhere between $12-20 billion depending on who you believe. The $1.6 billion is barely enough to put up a fence

Put the entirety of the legislative branch on a work crew for a section of the wall if they leave for a damn vacation without settling things.

It will be a hell of a lot cheaper if they use concrete preforms and stack their legos or use the resources nearby to make adobe. The adobe would be indestructible once set.

Meh, so long as it's decent and complete the wall should receive unlimited funds.

It's money better spent in the long term.

Good luck with your meme construction material.

Good luck with the 8th grade, faggot.


Trump will steamroller Dems and the Wall will proceed. The Wall will be paid for via reductions in illegal immigrants leaching money from the economy, and reduction of US "aid" to S. America. I'd like to see more action on the large taxes and fees on US to Mexico et al wire transfers though.

No doubt, one of two things will happen.

They can't win, no matter what, and it shocks me they STILL don't understand they deal with a man that plays to win, or doesn't play at all.

What's the nuclear option? Changing the Senate voting to simple majority?

Basically. People keep asking why Trump hasn't just done that yet, but I honestly feel like he's playing as fairly as possible yes I know it's technically fair to do that anyways, since it's in the law to bolster the public image that he's reasonable. This accomplishes several things.

That's really, in my opinion, where this is all going. People keep complaining that Trump hasn't just fired everyone that's a jew in Congress, and cleaned out the swamp, but you can't just do it like that. If he were to do that, the Dems could potentially get a foothold in the door of "see Trump needs to be impeached, he's gone full Authoritarian!!" and it's game over. This doesn't just fall on Trump alone though.

He's continuously said things like, "I'm going to take power away from D.C., and give it back to the people of the United States", etc., and the snap elections a couple months ago back this point. Rather than just remove the dems against him, he encouraged voters to get involved, and use the democratic process to win all four of those snap elections, and that's the key thing in all this, not even considering the fact all four of the people Trump pushed the voters for, as far as Holla Forums could find, had clean records and backgrounds.

Fast forward to November 8th, 2018, aka Midterm Elections. I have a very strong feeling Trump's going to do what he did during the snap elections, 100x over. If I'm right, he's going to use the Midterms to encourage Americans to help him do what he promised to begin with, draining the swamp, as well as getting citizens involved in the democratic process, and basically cleaning out places like Congress, while voting in Americans to run things again. This is a much more subvert way of going about things, and it gives Dems ZERO room to complain, otherwise they just out themselves even further of being against the Democratic process when it works how it's supposed to, aka against their commie bullshit.

Why hasnt Drumpf killed every single mexican yet?

CNN said thats what he would do.


Is Colbert the next doompaul? Please?

2 scoops

… and Holla Forums is nowhere to be found…



The Washington Times version of this story mentions how much wall we're getting at the moment: 32 miles of new border fencing in Texas, 28 miles of levee wall along the Rio Grande Valley, also in Texas, and 14 miles of replacement fence in San Diego.

Looking at maps of smuggling routes makes it clear that the first few portions of the wall will go up in the worst areas for illegal trafficking.


Wew. Just because we get shilled everyday doesn't mean you have to fall for it.


pick one





Couldn't he arrest the obstructionist for treason?

1.6b is something… like planning and mapping the fucker out but that's a long way from the construction costs. Like 5%.

There was some spic yesterday that had been arrested and deported, SEVEN TIMES who killed a US citizen while drunk driving.

Anyone against the wall is a damn traitor who should be lockedu p.


But really. Every last congressmen and senators voted to increase Israel's welfare, but they're obstructing the wall.


song name pls

Those foods turned into poopies.

That is the reason the demorats fight so hard for illegal immigration. The NGOs they set up bilk the taxpayer out of tens and billions of dollars "caring" for the refugees. They spend chump change getting them over here, dump them in the street to destabilize the country, and pocket the rest. Its a huge fucking racket and it makes tons of money. And anybody that speaks against it is a "cold heartless asshole."

Darude - Sandstorm

If Trump does something epic like actually get somebody like Podesta busted or starts building a wall and proves he is more than part of the dog and pony show there won't be no stopping it. With the number of seats up for grabs it would be the largest voting upset in United States history.

I'm hoping that is why the rats have been accelerating so hard lately, because they see the sweep coming and feel the fear. I usually never even bother to drag up any hope for things like this because i'm an old fag and I have been watching this circus for decades,but with Trump doing wild shit like tweeting about Podesta from the G20 i'm beginning to wonder if maybe a powerful faction of intelligence and military are fed up and are backing him. Thousands of people are screaming about Podesta being a pedo and under those circumstances they usually wouldn't single one another out because the last thing they want is a person that is in the public spot light for pedo to be focused on by the public.

Never seen anybody campaign that hard either. If he was the golden pick from the banking families he wouldn't have had to fly around to two or three campaign rallies a day. For all practical purposes Hillary didn't even bother to hit the campaign trail because she could barely drag 200 people to a rally.

Maybe Trump is just that narcissistic and fed off the energy of the crowds but if he turns out to be the real deal i'm gonna be in a state of disbelief because even as old as I am I have never seen the type of beat down this will be if he is real.

user, one does not import cheap labor to Africa, one exports it from Africa.

I don't think it's the physics. A fucking ape can tent its fingers and notice it gets more support when it's resting its chin on them. But an arch requires a certain attention to engineering details that might as well be a superpower as far as shitskins are concerned.

See, an arch is irreducibly complex. It all has to work, or none of it works. So to build one takes multi-stage planning and scaffolding that will later be taken away.

"Multi-stage," "planning," and "later" are all abstract concepts of exactly the sort niggers have trouble with. It's why they all have AIDS – condoms are something you have to buy before, so you don't wither away and die later. But muh-dick is NOW, so a nigger will attend to it just like an ant lion will snap at things that fall into its trap. Those ant lion larvae are more likely to weave a fishing net than a typical nignog is to plan six months down the line.

And that is why the development of arches had to wait until a white group had large-scale architecture and a settled class of professional smart people. Though I notice it happened almost right away when that developed in Italy.


I downloaded this with hook tube so I don't know if the front panel will have a firefox logo or what. If it does maybe some can fix it. It's the webm posted on this page.

Save time and money, mine the border instead.

Naaa, if you even leave 6 cents the merchant will put the judoratness on it and buy the whole country with it somehow. Gotta take it all.

Even we even turned half these immigration memes toward more proper targets, the thieves in Washington, it would do a hell of a lot more good.

4chan was never good






No, but it used to be better


I would honestly love Mexico to try and stop it, giving Trump the perfect excuse to pull out from the ME and focus here 100%.

So for all of you anons who truly wish to make america great again, that date is your date.

The shill tries to divide the euro whites and the burger whites.

Do you just share the same skin color with SA cucks? Or AU cucks? Is your version of cuck so grand that it will defeat not only the shitskins of the world but all the other whites as well?

I was told he couldn't pass anything until September, when obama's budget plans expired

Am I right to believe that this can't pass until then?

This is the one I meant to post. I think its funnier.

The next fiscal year begins Oct 1.
They can pass legislation for it whenever they want, but congress dondu nuffin.


Fucking underrated post.

The wall with Honduras and El Salvador would be much smaller and cheaper, this time last century we had already invaded Mexico and took Mexico City pretty easily. Damn Jews convinced us to give the beaners back their country.

If we take annex Mexico, Guatemala and Belize look at how small the border wall will have to be. It'll also be so fun wiping out La Raza.

We spent 10 billion on the last census. I don't give a hot gay fuck if the wall costs a trillion dollars

Trump can use the DHS budget to build a wall when he wants, if the senate forces him.

We are in the best timeline. Libtards can suck it. The wall will be built.


Who is this charming fellow? I see him posted from time to time and anyone with a Big Trouble in Little China tank top is worth a couple of minutes of my time.

Sage for off topic.

Only fiscally conservative when it suits them. The wall is going to pay for itself in a couple of years.


This why /jp/ is my favorite board.

That wasn't even theclip I wanted.


Only the royalty are kikes. They enslaved the german people to form the kingdom and now the focus isn't on beating the titans but killing the kikes that stop the volk from killing them.

Since you posted this youtube link I guess this is the one you wanted? Speak nigga…


I fucked up twice last night because I was posting from my phone. That was the originally intended vid.

Everyone (who is a "good guy") is a kike in the manga!!

That's why they wear the Not star of David, why they all had "European" features (can't believe I didn't made the connection with Annie's nose), they even have concentration camps!

Heck, the whole plot of AoT is that the People of judea Ymir were blamed (we don't know if justly or not) for having disproportionate power in humanity's life. Now, if some work hard enough, they can get honorary status.

Did we even know about all of that last year when the webm was made? I dropped the manga a bit after the giant/armored eotenas reveal.

Why is there no /new/ if /r9k/ is already there?

You did missed some (many?) important plot points, so I'll try to fill you in:
1) Giant and armor are going back to their nation (place they were born); the jaws Titan willingly comes with them (to be killed).
2) Meanwhile, "redpilled" soldier overthrow the monarchy, some reveals about eren and (((Titans))) are given.
3) '''Time passes, all the Titans inside the (((wall))) are killed; "redpilled" soldier fight armor/colossal/beast/burden Titans. Colossal Titan is given to smart jew boy.
4) Inside basement, Eren's father had 3 books. Some reveals, most importantly: people of judea Ymir are put in concentration camps because their ancestors were powerful, forced to wear armbands with star of david Ymir. Other important reveals.
5) Currently we're after timeskip. Jaws Titan got eaten, honorary Aryans are trying to kill their kike VOLK inside the walls, other nations exist out there (without Titans).

You haven't read the manga at all. Like what so ever. Annie is from the village of merchants outside the wall that is connected with the royal family.

The nation is what is left of Germany aftsr the kikes shoahed the world. Misaka is a hold over descendant from the nip families that lived there before the fall. It is heavily implied that tne only other bastion of civilization left nesides the kike village that rules totan land is a pure blooded nip island that desperately wants to restore connection with germany so they can remove the kikes.

Holy shit you faggot stop pulling shit out of your ass when people can just read the manga.


Mix a half teaspoon or so of raw ground turmeric into cold water and chug it. It also goes well with V8 or ginger tea, which means it doesn't taste quite as bad.

Also eat raw honey. Make sure it isn't heated even a little for packing purposes, and don't put it in tea. Dip a pretzel rod in the stuff or something like that. Above 104F the anti-inflammatory properties of this stuff breaks down.

To be honest, I'm not too sure about the honey, but I'm sure about the turmeric. My doctor showed me a bone spur in my shoulder that was causing increasingly severe chronic pain, and he was ready to operate. Quitting smoking also probably helped a great deal, but if I go a week or two without the turmeric the shoulder starts to hurt again.

Amazing what an SJW and a website owned by a lonely mid 20s guy can do to a website.

Sup, fellow /k/ommando. Going to NF this fall?

Actually, only jews can turn into Titans. The rest of white Britainans cannot, which is why they give honorary status for based jews that fight for them.

Actually, it seems more like Jews are ruining their country and using the white mans power to keep attack others (sound familiar). The white man has always been the most deadly out of all races. Our bloodlines have created the strongest rulers and armies.

The kikes blame the white man and keep him under heel so that he will someday "get good goy status." What else convinces me is the attitude

What else convinces me is the attitude of the kikes. They refuse to adapt and try to use the same tricks, they discourage ingenuity and kill/fuck children which is what happens. Only kikes would play "real holocaust, lol" against the white man because "they started it, oy ve!"

But related to the thread, the nuclear option is obvious. The wall funding bill MUST pass.

2017 is a great memetic year
i recommend all use their meme magic to their full abilities

For the sake of argument; aren't most of the illegals that enter America coming in via boat? Not through the southern border?

That's an argument a friend of mine uses in regards to the WALL and I wonder if there's any counter to said argument.

How much is maintainance on the wall gonna cost though? Won't they have to fill-in holes and replace cannons?

In light of continued wall discussion, it is VITAL that you repost this information everywhere that you see ANY leftists trying to fight it.

Most Americans underestimate how much illegal aliens cost us each year. Looking at the Heritage Foundation study, you will find that the average illegal household pays about $10,334 annually in taxes. The disparity lies in the fact that the average illegal household receives around $24,721 in government benefits (this includes direct benefits, means-tested benefits, education benefits, population-based services, interest and other spending, and pure public goods expenditures) annually. For comparison, the average households with college-educated heads received $24,839 in government benefits while paying $54,089 in taxes. Now, looking at these figures, we can conclude that the average household of illegals costs taxpayers $14,387 per annum. The Heritage Foundation estimates that there are 3,444,955 households of illegals in the US, containing “no more than” 12,708,875 illegal immigrants. This estimate is flawed, however, because it is based off of a census study conducted in the year 2001. It’s strange how immigrants flood into our country and hop the border in droves, yet the amount of illegal immigrants has stayed roughly the same… A more apt estimate would be the one conducted by Ann Coulter in her book Adios, America! in which she cites a study by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Barlett and Steele that estimates an average of 3 million illegal aliens are coming in yearly–enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737-700 airliners. Coulter also cites a study Fred Elbel done in 2007 that estimates there were 20 million illegal immigrants residing in the US in 2005.
Taking these new figures, we can calculate that there are close to 50 million illegal immigrants currently in the US. However, since I understand these studies are just estimates; I will use a more conservative estimate of 35 million. This new number of illegals is close to 3.5x the Heritage Foundation’s estimate, so we arrive at 12,057,343 households of illegals. AII of these households are costing US taxpayers $14,387 per annum. Multiply these two numbers and you get the cost of illegal immigration to the US: $173,468,986,547.
The US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) contractor, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) completed 651 of nearly 652 miles of fencing mandated by Congress in 2005, which was a part of the DHS’ Secure Border Initiative (SBI). The price per mile (PPM) ranged from $400,000 to $15.1 million, for an average of $3.9 million PPM. The USA has close to 2,000 miles bordering Mexico and other areas illegal aliens typically trek though. Assuming the best option is the option for $15 million PPM, it would cost taxpayers around $30 billion to build a comprehensive wall. The price to build a wall that would last a lifetime is less than 17% of the yearly cost of illegal immigration. The choice is extremely clear.
The areas mentioned are not the only areas in which we would save. If we decided to deport all illegal aliens, we would save the $173 billion that is spent yearly on the illegal aliens. This would allow us to increase the border patrols budget by $15 billion–a more than 100% increase–$10 billion towards defense spending, $50 billion towards paying back the national deficit (or $60 billion; whatever), all while cutting taxes by 2.5% across the board. In addition, close to 29.3 million jobs would be open. This number comes from multiplying the amount of illegal aliens by 89% (the amount over the age of 18), and then multiplying that number by 94.5% (accounting for just Obama’s fake unemployment rate in May 2015). With the amount of job openings caused by deportation, everyone drawing unemployment in the US would be able to find a job. And there would be close to 21 million jobs left, which would allow for an extraordinary amount of economic growth and would cause a massive surge in the Labor Force Participation Rate, which is seemingly lacking. When US citizens fill those jobs, the government will see a huge leap in tax revenue. The average US citizen pays close to 30% in taxes on their average $44,888 salary. The average citizen pays approximately $13,466 in taxes per annum to the government. Multiplying this by 31.3 million (the amount of jobs that now pay income tax to the US government) gives us $421.5 billion. Allocating these funds could give us $50 billion for infrastructure repair, $10 billion for education, $15 billion for defense spending (or, again, no more than we’re spending now at all), $150 billion to pay back the national debt, and would allow us to lower taxes again, this time 5% across the board.

Freeing up all these jobs would allow us to completely cut all unemployment benefits, which would discontinue FUTA (6%) as well as SUTA (5.82%) taxes on business, while saving taxpayers 108.5 billion USD annually. 10 billion of these newfound funds could go to paying back the national deficit, all while cutting taxes yet again, another 2.5% across the board.
In conclusion, building a border wall and deporting all illegal immigrants would allow us to spend per annum: $15 billion on border patrol, $25 billion in defense spending, $50 billion for infrastructure repair, $10 billion for education, and $210 billion towards paying back the national deficit–in addition to their current budgets–while cutting taxes nearly 12% on business, and 10% for citizens.


Ukranian here, I was wondering how much "used" brick costs in Mexico? And how much do you need to be rich there?

I wanted to get my fair share out of the wall and sell it there, maybe even become rich. I've been reading things along those lines in different groups, as it seems much easier than being here.

Having a wall essentially puts a massive topper in the amounts that are coming via land allow for more focus in the rivers like the Rio Grande. Currently, there is only patrols in the open land, no actual deterrent. It means that any beaner still stupid enough to try a river crossing will have way more heat to attempt to get through, making said beaner reconsider their attempt, especially if they have no connections on the other side.

Hey, why not put the wall funding in the next Israel bill !?

That way it would be too obvious when there's outrage over the wall and not over Israel.

It would be like a litmus test.

If it has solar panels, almost all of the maintenance will be for that.

The solar panels are bullshit. It needs to be a high speed train, that way the wall would be maintained meticulously day and night.

Look at how the current wall has fallen in such disrepair. The boomer cuckolds would want the wall to fall apart.

the wall should be on the north, not the south. Mexican people are hard working Catholics who vote very conservatively.

Wait a minute, why can't we make Israel debase their currency to pay for our wall? We paid for Israel's wall, and hundreds of billions of dollars worth of Israel aid.


Train to where?


Kill all beaners, convert all papists.

stop being racist please


You would link all of the Major ports together. Design the wall to carry the weight of triple stacked shipping containers.

Redesign the rail system so that the flaws such as curves would be removed so you could have 200 MPH triple stacked cargo trains.

Design the rail system so that the heaviest cargo load would reach anywhere in the country in three business days at the most.

I will never have children. I can’t. I made a promise as a boy to take care of my sister, who can’t live on her own. I will never put her in a home. The bond of marriage is the single most important relationship that any human being will ever have. With the wife at his side, the husband is invincible against the world. With the husband to lead her, the woman rides protected in the wake of the invincibility. No trappings of life, no satanic indoctrination, and no secular society can break them apart. To that end, the woman moves heaven and earth for her man, and the man moves heaven and earth for his woman. Nothing can ever get between them; it is a violation of their vows for such a thing to happen. But even if I was able to find a virtuous woman–should one even exist anymore–even if she were to embody traditionalism and be unsullied by indoctrination, my obligation–my promise, for a man’s word is vow–precludes keeping a marriage vow in good faith.

So I will never have children. My “breaking point” will not be a breaking point at all. It will simply be when my sister dies. At that point I will have nothing else holding me to this Earth. At that point, any surviving enemies of the caucasian race will be subjected to the worst horror they can imagine–truth.


All of these ports would be linked.

My first questions haven't been answered though.
How much is "used" brick in Mexico?
And how much do you need to be rich in Mexico?

Before someone asks, and someone will, Panamax is the biggest ship that can fit through the Panama Canal. You also see Suezmax, Aframax, etc.


I don't know. The germans used trip wire shotguns.

We could ship the equivalent of the largest cargo ship with a single train that could reach speeds of 200 mph.

If only there was a way to have such trains travel across the ocean. Perhaps underground tunnels.

200mph trains would blow the global shipping industry out of the water.

Rail along the boarder is stupid.

1. There aren't that many major destinations along the border.
2. Everything on one side of the train would be outside our country, which means the train would only be servicing half the effective area that it would be if it were built in the interior of our country.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

while he's not right about a wall not going up on the south, he's not really wrong in saying a wall needs to go up on the north too. With all the dumb shit Trudeau is doing up there, a pre-emptive border wall might be preferable to being invaded by all the shitskins Trump is trying to keep out with the immigration ban, on top of all their cucked whites that are welcoming it like Europe

they could build 2 or 3 walls if they stopped cucking to israel's demands

1 wall on the southern border
and another around california

hell, if they stopped giving nearly half a trillion to niggers every year they could build over 200


panama canal also proves flat earth because as always, water does not curve. its called sea level, not sea curve.

just sayin.

I take a teaspoon of turmeric a day. Any natural med doc that knows his shit will tell you that turmeric is one of the closest things on the planet to being a medicine cabinet in a jar. If memory serves me correctly it has been documented to be good for over 360 diseases, disorders, and ailment. Cheap too. Get a whole pound of it from Mountain Rose Herbs.com for about fourteen bux. Be careful with spelling on herbs though in that address. Can't remember which way it goes herb takes you one place and herbs to another. One is a rip off little over priced boutique place online that sells a few herbs for astronomical prices. The real Rose will take you to a place that has prolly thousands of bulk products at good prices.

Get yourself a dinner plate and a basket ball. Pour a glass of water onto both.
If the earth was a ball, the oceans would fall off. WAKE UP IDIOTS.


It won't be enough. The cartels will find a way. Trump needs to take note of how Australia covers ocean borders. These will be the next frontier.

Alternatively, invade mexico :^)
I mean they are invading your sovereignty by becoming an unnecessary aid burden.

Germanfag here, some of my bros have been thinking the same thing (with metals)

I've got some ideas on that.

Don't use a high speed rail.
Just use normal freight rail?

That's a lot of metsl

To be frank, there needs to a radar system of sorts.
On the one hand, water makes building a wall impossible, on the other, radar is more effective as it becomes harder to hide in open water (no bushes, tunnels, etc - just boats and submarines)

It certainly would and I'm utterly surprised that high speed freight has never been considered.

That could be a revolution.

We have lots of freight rail all across the country. Sure we could use more, but putting the freight rail right on the border is a bad meme. There are plenty of better places to put it, and no particularly compelling reasons why it should be on the border.

Here's a video of his and he wears that shirt. I don't know which one is the one that exact gif is from though.

Steve1989 is addictively /comfy/.

First OP that made me smile in a few months.

1%. The 1% how many of them are nationalists? I can't name any save maybe Trump and even then he's still civnat cucked. Yet I can count countless globalists among the 1%, pretty much all of them. Do you know why? They are the ones pushing for all the pozz shit and globalisation because it means free movement of themselves and their capital and leftists a typical useful idiots. The elites do not have to deal with the brunt of the shitskins and subhumans and all the negative effects of globalist agenda and leftism but the working class does. Even if you raise taxes on the rich know that the majority of the 1% in the USA vote democrat yet 100% tax dodge in countless ways. It means nothing for them and they know it and they promote it for themselves and their image. The democrats will never be the ally of the working class and neither will the republicans only a third position can lead the way and we need to start with this wall. The Nation State and Nationalism is the only way to bring them to heel.

KEK, once I start making a living selling parts of the wall, I'll be trying to send some of the money back to my families in Europe. Some of the guys I've met in France wanted to ship wanted to ship back anything valuable from the wall.

that gif is retarded

Does this happen? I would expect the parts would be sold as spares.

I would pay money to watch him collaborate with Ian of Forgotten Weapons. Review some vintage firearms and then share a vintage ration together. Bring Carl along too.

That would actually have made him a lot of money.

I remember when things were run naively by Holla Forums here in the gamergate and pre era.
Feels like we're in some fuckin walking dead universe being led by Holla Forums grimes now.
Not that I don't appreciate it but it does grate against the soul.

1.6 billion. That is only slightly more than hilldawg spent losing the election.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Trump's stupid redneck white trash supporters are about to get fucked up the ass by Trump's kosher circumcised 3 inch weiner.

Trump's Budget hits his own Voters Hardest

Republicans plan Massive Cuts to Programs for the Poor

Trump Seeks $3.6 Trillion in Cuts to Reshape Government

Trump to Pitch Deep Cuts to Anti-Poverty Programs, Medicaid

Trump's Budget dismays Families hit by Drug Addiction Crisis

Trump's Budget Cuts Deeply Into Medicaid and Anti-Poverty Efforts

Trump's Plans to cut Food Stamps could hit his Supporters Hardest

Kids in Pro-Trump Rural Areas have a lot to lose if GOP rolls back Medicaid

How GOP Health Care Bill could hurt a Program beloved in Trump Country

Trump to propose Big Cuts to Safety Net in New Budget, slashing Medicaid and opening Door to other Limits


Rural Voters lose in Trump's Budget Plan

Trump Budget Cuts put Struggling Americans on Edge

In Trump Country, Shock at Trump Budget Cuts, but Still Loyalty

In Ohio County that Backed Trump, Word of Housing Cuts stirs Fear

Trump's Budget would hit Rural Towns Especially Hard — but They're Willing to Trust Him

10 Ways President Trump's Agenda will Harm his Supporters in Rural and Small-Town America

Trump is an obvious deep state asset.

You're idiots for falling for this charade.

let's keep spending money we don't have on shit we don't need, surely our children will be able to pay off the massive debts we incurred to secure their futures :^)

>all these (((1)))'s

fuck off cia nigger

Trump is designed to give the plebeians a symbolic victory. The media counter signalling him is designed to allow you not to sniff out the trail.



I lulz'd my fam.

Am I doing it right?

Focus on the central banks.

This is the best idea.

Checked and yes, absolutely. There are still OEM DeLoreans being made from old stock that were just sitting around in decay forever. Before DMC was revived, I doubt the owner of the warehouse imagined a future for the cars.

When TVR shut down, they just left bodies in the factory. You can go there now and see them, unless someone actually bought the buildings. At that point, it's not even worth it to cut the losses and sell off the parts. When shit closes, shit closes.

Same deal with the Jeep DJ-Series trucks from the USPS contract that never ended up getting put on the road. Some (including mine) were just given away to postal workers who had several years worth of tenure, as retirement gifts, and whatnot, but most of them ended up like pic related.


I hope Trum fails on this too so we can get someone actually willing to deport people in office next time

mexico's paying for it! ;P

don't say that, we've had nothing good to say about Trump in so long praising Trump is all Holla Forums moderators allow us to be good at

You have to go back pedro


Kill yourself libshit


Can't. Under the floor of the ocean is just lava; the crust is very thin there, and at the mid-ocean ridges, there is basically no crust; you certainly couldn't put a tunnel through it.

There's a fucking uncensored furry porn in the catalog that still hasn't been deleted.

We must begin now with preparing for the november 2018 elections. Few people vote in these, so our work will have incredible meaning!

Steve (or someone claiming to be Steve) has posted here, said it was cool seeing that .gif of him. So while they're both /k/, Steve is Holla Forums and Ian is a closet faggot lefty.

Trump can still lose the upcoming election if he pisses off the white working and middle class the way the democrats did. So far he'd made a lot of companies promise and keep or bring back their businesses in America but it's still not enough. If he doesn't cut taxes or do something special for the middle class at least to save Trump is finished and so is the housing market he values so much.


Thunderfoot ruined those 3 words for me

Are you fucking retarded? That was the stupidest post in this thread.
1) he does commercial real estate
2) you ALWAYS make profit in real estate, the market is always good: a) if values are high, you sell/rent; b) if it's low, you buy/expand

I still need to get that tank top or the tee shirt version.


Hello fellow Holla Forumsacks, do you have time to talk about BASED trump and his updated fence? I sure do LOVE the idea of what COULD be a steel wall with plastic or a one way mirror to look out of, but what I REALLY love is a wire mesh fence like what part of the border already has! I hope you all sit in awe as the god emperor himself lays down $1.6 billion dollars of wire fencing as you shove burgers down your throats. t. real murigan


Remind me why we still allow torposting.

So CIAniggers can v& retards
Hi guys, if you want to go out for drinks again let me know ;^)


baby in the summer time

but that's wrong

>Tax on all wire transfers

Holy shit, that would nearly drain the swamp in and of itself. How many dual citizens would leave if they couldn't funnel money to some (((tax haven)))? And at the very least you'd get rid of a sizable chunk of currency arbitrage created migrant labor.

Meme it, lads.

You're on point, it's the military that's backing him. Specifically, the group in the military that has hated the Chinese CCP since WWII (the ASC ol' boys club). Nixon was their GG, because (((Kissinger))) was the guy behind the agreement with Deng that allowed the CCP to survive the Cultural Revolution. Clinton's major donors spurred them to action along with the TPP. They figured it was then or never. The timing of the Syrian missile strike made this shit obvious.

This is also a big reason why China has been flailing about recently.

Anyway, if you want to know if a politician is /ourguy/ or not, ask them about China. The Chinese are paranoid and narcissistic, they won't allow their goys to speak ill of them. Even if it's politically costly.

The politician might dance around it, but if they don't at least agree to talk tough or side with the American people then you can be sure they're bought and paid for commie plants. "Valued trading partner" is the approved phrase. If you hear it, run.


Don't get my hopes up.

no thanks. he's been tamed.

He only does it when he finds them in old MRE's. One of his videos he went on about how he was at one point a smoker but has long since quit.


4Chan was a womb. It was inherently more comfy, and a place of uninhibited imagination.

Holla Forums represents our birth and emergence and merger with the real world. The memes of the old days were just the child playing make belief.

But those times are over and we have finally become which we were always trying to be: Serious Business.


newfag spotted

They can not stump the Trump.

Otherwise I approve


With a price that cheap, Trump may as well build a second one that extends 50 feet underground and link it to the first one.

How to spot a shitskin in one easy step.
