Why do you believe the Holocaust was fake?

Hitler himself said:
"Today I want to be a prophet once more: if international Jewry succeeds in plunging the nations into another world war, the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thereby the victory of Jewry, but the destruction of the Jewish race in Europe!"

". . . [T]he war will not end as the Jews imagine it will, namely with the uprooting of the Aryans, but the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews. Now for the first time they will not bleed other people to death, but for the first time the old Jewish law of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, will be applied. And – world Jewry may as well know this – the further these battles [of the war] spread, the more anti-Semitism will spread. It will find nourishment in every prison camp and in every family when it discovers the ultimate reason for the sacrifices it has to make. And the hour will come when the most evil universal enemy of all time will be finished, as least for a thousand years."
worldfuturefund.org/wffmaster/Reading/Hitler Speeches/Hitler Speech 1942.01.30.htm

Himmler has said:
"I also want to refer here very frankly to a very difficult matter. We can now very openly talk about this among ourselves, and yet we will never discuss this publicly. Just as we did not hesitate on June 30, 1934, to perform our duty as ordered and put comrades who had failed up against the wall and execute them, we also never spoke about it, nor will we ever speak about it. Let us thank God that we had within us enough self-evident fortitude never to discuss it among us, and we never talked about it. Every one of us was horrified, and yet every one clearly understood that we would do it next time, when the order is given and when it becomes necessary.

I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, to the extermination of the Jewish people."


Other urls found in this thread:

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1867&date2=1920&proxtext="6,000,000 jews"&x=0&y=0&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic;
chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1836&date2=1922&proxtext="six million jews"&x=24&y=19&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic).
new2.fjcdn.com/comments/Its true though have you actualy read any of those _d07e5dc584d2a126e05bf6d929b4421c.jpg;

because we do stupid




There's a fucking redpill thread in the catalog with detailed and sourced answers to this stupid, stupid question. Now shut your faggot mouth and lurk more.






cause ai even admits its fake kikery

These number make me curious. It's said over 60 million people died in that war. What happened to all the bodies? Surely they're not all sitting in graveyards. Did enemies sides just scoop up their kills and burn them/dump them in a mass graves?


Mind actually addressing the points? No one serious actually believes that 20 million died or in lampshades. Of course there was post-war atrocity propaganda to demonise germany but that doesn't mean that there was no attempted genocide.

Stick around, fag. Just stop making shitty low-effort threads.

Read this for a summary of the main points

Or go here

Then stop creating threads about things that have already been discussed to death.



Because that is what the primary sources tell us. If you had to make a judgment on something and your life depended on it what would you sooner utilise to aid that judgment?

A: Primary/ verified official sources.
B: Propaganda created by people with a clearly defined multi faceted motive to lie.

Jews were put into work camps; some Jews were executed in those camps (minute numbers) whilst some other groups of Jews were machine gunned to death (also small in number and in defiance to Hitler’s orders). This is what the primary sources tell us and all available evidence supports. This is therefore what it makes sense to believe.

It isn’t even a politically motivated belief to hold. You either value the truth and the pursuit of truth or you do not.


He did. You are illiterate.
Try harder.
That 11 million died. That 6 million died. That 1 million died. That 500,000 died. If you don't comprehend how the "official" number is just as arbitrary as the one you came up with right there, you're a fucking faggot who doesn't know how scientific deduction works. You'll want this content, too.


Nizkor also claims that the ovens in Auschwitz didn't need fuel to operate, but could burn bodies using the energy from previous bodies.

>Also, the Auschwitz furnaces were designed to run continuously, using the heat energy produced by the burning of previous bodies to keep the oven hot for the next bodies. After they were fired with coke to their proper operating temperature at the beginning of the day, they required little or no extra fuel to operate.

It also states that several bodies could be burned (i.e. reduced to ash and smoke) in a single muffle in 30 minutes.

>The crematoriums that were eventually installed at Auschwitz-Birkenau were massive. They were capable of disposing of several bodies per muffle in half an hour or so, and they could run for days at a time without maintenance.

Get better sources for your bait.

1) codoh.com/library/document/4056/?lang=en
2) thegreateststorynevertold.tv

now fuck off

reported for being a kike

You can listen to the recording of himmler's speech, or get someone who speaks german to do so.
Just because Nizkor is wrong about some things, doesn't mean that the speech is a fabrication

Not fake, but exaggerated to high hell to the point it may as well be fake.

Precisely, it was forceful deportation. The gas chamber stuff is obvious bullshit even from a brief look at the porous door that was supposed to a door to the "showers".

"To the extermination of the jewish people"

The fact that no none in certain European countries is even allowed to question the official narrative should tell you there's something wrong with it.

At the Nuremberg trial, virtually ALL documentary evidence came from the soviet union, and consisted of (((Certified True Copies))). This means that a soviet clerk was handed the original document, typed a COPY on a typewriter. Then they put the original in an Archive in Moscow….

DONT WORRY THOUGH! The copy was stamped or signed by a Soviet Officer! That means its authentic!

By the way, EVERY. SINGLE. DOCUMENT. Alleging gas chambers at the death camps are "Certified True Copies"!

A video for more info.

whatcha slidin rabbi?

But that's just because of jewish influence in the media and world politics and shame by the germans. Just because it did happen doesn't mean that they wouldn't want it to be unquestionable.

What Was The Holocaust… What Actually Happened?
Over the past 20 years I have read - with a very open mind - roughly 40 books on the Holocaust. So just what exactly was the Holocaust? What happened during that period?

During World War II, Germany rounded up millions of civilians (both Jews and non-Jews) who could be potential saboteurs, belligerents, spies, informants, messengers of the enemy, subversives, etc. Germany put them in camps whilst the war was going on. At the end of the war, Germany planned to move them elsewhere (assuming Germany had won WWII). With regard to the Jews, Hitler had considered moving them to Madagascar (yes, you read that correctly, Madagascar). With that said, and despite what Jewish dominated Hollywood has been peddling for the past several decades, there was never, I repeat never, a plan to kill the Jews of Europe. Hitler's "Final Solution" was a plan to relocate Jews out of Europe - it was not a plan to exterminate them. This distinction cannot be emphasized enough.



There was not a single order even once by Hitler himself to kill the Jews and would explain why he dealt with Brown Shirts.

As it turned out, the vast majority of such potential subversives were, in fact, Jews. Why? Because Jews were overwhelmingly leftist, communist, Marxist, etc and thus many were naturally sympathetic to the USSR (which was of course communist and at war with Germany). For these reasons, Jews couldn't be trusted. Hence they were put in secured camps along with anyone, of any religion/creed/ethnicity/race/nationality, who may potentially engage in subversive activities. Homosexuals were put in not because they were homosexual but rather because homosexuals are almost universally, politically speaking, leftist. Thus homosexuals were put in the camps because of their subversive politics, not because of their sexuality.

Incidentally, the USA did the exact same thing with the Japanese (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_American_internment) and to a lesser extent German (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_American_internment) and Italian Americans (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_American_internment). FDR put them in camps because they couldn't be trusted during the war (the U.S. was of course fighting against Japan, Germany, and Italy). Further, the practice of rounding up potential belligerents and holding them in camps is extremely common during war - you will find this to be true when studying the history of warfare: from the ancient Greeks, the ancient Chinese - you name it - rounding up potential belligerents has always been a common practice during war, all throughout recorded history. The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany
Nazi support and creation of Israel

So what about all these Jews who allegedly died in and around the camps? Well, the majority who died did so in the final months of the war (perhaps 600,000 at most). In late 1944 and early 1945, the Allies were bombing Germany into the stone age. Roads, bridges, rail lines, etc were destroyed and hence Germany could no longer supply the various internment camps with food and medicine. The result? A lot of people died of disease and starvation both in the camps and all throughout Germany, including huge numbers of German civilians.

You're totally fucking retarded. There is no law against questioning any other event in human history in the West.

Regarding the gas chambers. yes, there were indeed gas chambers but they were used to disinfect the prisoners (and their clothes) as a measure to prevent typhus from spreading. Zyklon-B was the chemical used for this purpose; it was the standard disinfectant chemical used in Europe at that time. Jews have manipulated this and claim, "the Nazis gassed 6 million Jews to death." Absolute nonsense. There is no evidence of this, none. What tourists are shown at Auschwitz is easily refuted. For example, the lone "gas chamber" at Auschwitz I (i.e., Auschwitz Camp 1; there is also an Auschwitz II, called Auschwitz-Birkenau, 3 km away) was built/modified by the Soviets after the war for propaganda purposes; the Polish government has acknowledged this (Auschwitz is in Poland, not Germany). Regarding Auschwitz-Birkenau's (i.e., Auschwitz II's) so-called "homicidal gas chambers," I refer you to this excellent critical analysis: youtube.com/v/7-Kl6RHKIQk

So what was life in the camps really like? In short, the camps were run in an orderly and humane manner. They met all International Red Cross standards for POW camps (they were regularly inspected by the Red Cross). The German-run camps were very similar to the American camps for Japanese-Americans en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_internment_in_the_United_States, German-Americans en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_American_internment, and Italian-Americans en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_American_internment (e.g., Manzanar en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manzanar in California for Japanese-Americans).

Are there Holocaust survivors who speak honestly about their experience? Yes. In 1994 Steven Spielberg created the Shoah Foundation (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoah_Foundation). This project involved interviewing some 52,000 Holocaust survivors and recording their testimonies. Hundreds if not thousands of survivors gave honest assessments of their treatment in the camps, indicating it was humane. As evidenced by countless detailed Jewish survivor testimonies, recreational and cultural activities were available to the Jewish inmates: sports, art classes, musical performance, plays, etc. In 1998, Spielberg produced a "documentary" film called The Last Days (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Days) which highlights five Jewish survivor testimonies from his Shoah Foundation archives. But of course Spielberg didn't choose any honest testimonies to highlight because they would undermine the "horror story" he wanted to implant in the public psyche. Researcher Eric Hunt (holocaustdenier.com/) visited the Shoah Foundation archives (speaking.stanford.edu/Back_Issues/SOC80/library/Visual_History_Archive.html) at Stanford University and copied numerous honest survivor testimonies. Here is a small sample: youtube.com/v/dtlPlZGvgY0

One may wonder how is it that most Americans don't know about this? Easy. Americans are incredibly ignorant and gullible with regard to historical subjects. Americans are too busy watching sitcoms and sports to be bothered with studying history. Any "history" they do "learn" generally comes from TV and Hollywood movies. And these mediums are fully Jewish controlled (more on this below)… i.e., Jews make sure the truth about the Holocaust doesn't get out. Some may watch The History Channel and/or The Military Channel and think they're getting the truth about WWII, Hitler, and the Holocaust. But both of these cable channels are Jewish edited and provide extremely misleading and outright false accounts of such subjects. Hence, ignorant and misled Americans are easily manipulated into believing almost anything. To give you an example of just how ignorant Americans are: UCLA recently conducted a nationwide survey of 25 - 40 year old Americans. A staggering 56% could not name even a single Allied nation of World War II.

Anyway, let's move onto another aspect of the Holocaust. Regarding the Eastern Front, it is indeed true that many Jews were killed there. After Germany invaded the USSR in June 1941, they encountered, in addition to the Soviet troops, tens of thousands of partisan fighters, mostly Jewish. In response to this, Germany expanded the Einsatzgruppen which was then tasked with finding these partisans and capturing or killing them. Thus, these were not "innocent Jews" in the context of war, they were Soviet supporters (i.e., partisans) engaging in guerrilla warfare against the German troops.

That's what happened. That's the truth about the Holocaust.

But Jews have grossly exaggerated the Jewish death toll (more dead = more sympathy); they claim six million when in reality the number of Jewish deaths (of all causes) during WWII is more like one million (at most). Organized Jewry has turned the "Holocaust" (as they branded it back in the 1970's) into a marketing tool - selling to the public "Jewish victimhood" which garners world Jewry tremendous sympathy. Any Psychologist will tell you that people who are viewed as "victims" tend to get away with more than others. The Holocaust is essentially a psychological weapon which targets the Western World. Further, the Holocaust is implicitly used as a sort of "moral excuse" for Jews to commit horrendous crimes against the Palestinians and also engage in warmongering against many Muslim countries. The Holocaust is also used to extort billions of dollars in reparations from Germany (as a financial payback for this supposed "Holocaust"). Jewish scholar Norman Finkelstein (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Finkelstein) explains this reparations racket in his book, The Holocaust Industry.

Here we see the warmongering technique in action. The Prime Minister of Israel pushing for war against Iran in order to prevent another Holocaust: youtube.com/v/s16pZ4H1IQQ

How do Jews get away with perpetuating this lie? They control Western mainstream media - this is their main weapon. What people see on TV and in films - and read in popular publications - contributes 95% to how they perceive matters of politics and history. On extremely rare occasion, a story exposing Jewish lies will "slip through the cracks" and be shown on mainstream media, as we see in the following. Incidentally, the editor at Good Morning America who allowed this piece to air was fired the next day: youtube.com/v/j30sWIOMIak

There are thousands of researchers who have published countless books, videos, and technical papers on the Holocaust. For those wanting to explore this topic further, I refer you to the following:

Auschwitz: The Underground Guided Tour by Carolyn Yeager

Auschwitz: Open Air Incinerations by Carlo Mattogno

Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? by Carlo Mattogno and Jurgen Graf

A Brief History of Forensic Examinations of Auschwitz by Germar Rudolf

Expert Report on Chemical and Technical Aspects of the "Gas Chambers" of Auschwitz by Germar Rudolf

David Cole, a Jewish man, thoroughly debunks the Holocaust in a 7-part Youtube video. Part 1.

More Academic Books On The Holocaust:
The Barnes Review Books

I would ask for some titles of those books if you would

Right. If I told you "slavery didn't happen in America, it's a lie and a hoax" and went digging around to prove it, no one would care. They'd just laugh.
The ONLY REASON to make it illegal is because they have something to hide and are afraid of the truth getting out.

>Over the war approximately 210,000 jews died in internment camps throughout the Reich. Mainly from mal-nutrition and typhus.

In the original Latin, exterminare means to remove from an area, or deport, or evacuate. The roots are ex-, meaning "out" and terminus, meaning boundary, to form "to move something out of a boundary. We can still see this in some English words, such as the word "terminal" for use at an airport, or the word extreme (as in a belief) for something outside the accepted bounds of discussion.

But now in English exterminate means "to kill completely, especially a pest".

The Nazis really were trying to exterminate the Jews, as in evacuate them from Europe and into Palestine. But Nazi statements about removing Jews from Europe were translated into English as "exterminate", to promote the Holocaust lie.

So ausrotten didn't mean exterminate in the 1940s but it suddenly does now

Because Hitler was right and predicted the future.
We are the prophecy incarnate. Holla Forums is but one of the many outlets keeping the truth alive. The time will come, we must be patient. Eventually everything will come full circle like it always does and the truth will set us free. That is God's design for our world. All one needs to do to see the patterns is take a close look at history.

Another hall of cost thread.
Was what intrigued me to begin with when I found Holla Forums.
There should always be at least one hall of cost is a fake thread on this board.

"Es mußte der schwere Entschluß gefaßt werden, dieses Volk von der Erde verschwinden zu lassen."
What does "make this people disappear from the earth mean"

You're still here? Do you plan to watch any documentaries or read torfag's posts? No?

Color me surprised.

It means this time we're actually going to go from house to house and put a bullet between each and every pair of beady little eyes.

Why do you believe the Nazis killed 2 million jews with diesel engines? It astounds me how many people believe the holohoax without even knowing anything about it.


900,000 at Treblinka
600,000 at Belzec
250,000 at Sobibor
152,000 at Chelmno
and some number below 60,000 at Majdanek is what is widely believed

You got a source on that?
Widely believed does not mean fact.

Then how do you reconcile the last image here

I was tole 12 million as a child.
Then 6, then 4, now 2 million.

neet translation kike
we all know about the recent change of the term eradication

It means put them in Nazi UFO's and ship them off to the moon, silly.

1 million now according to kikepedia (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zyklon_B):

What the fuck!?
I am now thoroughly convinced that the red cross is right and it's really just a couple hundred thousand with most being Christians starved to death.

Wow. They weren't even specific to one camp. That sentence implies 1 million overall.

We're winning.

Debating the Holocaust by Thomas Dalton, I never said I believed the holocaust, I'm just staying that most people that believe the holocaust don't realise that its more than nazis killed 6 million jews with zyklon b

I don't, that image proves the real number of deaths

i wonder if every kike telling the "i survived 6 gas chambers" was just being deloused and thought it was a miracle from their volcano god that they and everyone else lived

There is a video of pretty much exactly what you described floating around. Someone here probably has it. A male kike, describing how he was led into the chamber and thought he was going to die because the rumor was they were being gassed. And then when water came down he thought it was a miracle.

The Holocaust didn't happen but I want it to.


Still not seeing any proof of gas chambers and 6 million exterminated jews.
Oh, and why can't we find a shred of proof of any of the communications that would have taken place regarding coordination of the alleged holocaust. No german documents were ever found. no communications were ever intercepted, even though we broke the enigma code. I guess the germans were really paranoid and did everything they could to prevent the allies from finding out about the death camps… but not bother preventing them from finding out about their actual military plans.

Hmm really makes you think.

The only thing you need to know about the Holocaust to know the whole thing is bullshit is that they fear its discussion. Take American slavery for example. It's one of the big 'atrocities' right there beside the holocaust. They don't fear discussing it happened because there's irrefutable proof. They just call you retarded. Obviously, they can't do that with the holocaust.

Because you so desperately want me to believe it was real.

Evidence > Vague after-the-fact interpretations by those with an agenda

The holocaust didn't happen.
But it should have.
And its going to.


I like to approach the subject with a broader view. Let's say it did happen, it's nothing compared to what the Bolshevik jews did to white Christians in Russia under Lenin and Stalin. Once you can put it in that context you can see how silly the narrative is.

The funniest part of this is that the jews will have no one to blame but themselves when we initiate Holocaust 2: For Real This Time. They're the ones who have been pushing this ridiculous extermination story so much that it became ingrained in all our minds, and they gave us the perfect blueprint for what we're going to do when it really happens.

Had the holohoax story never been memed, we'd probably only be talking about expulsion right now. But we now know that this isn't good enough, and extermination is the true final solution.

Nice, I haven't noticed this before. So by their own admission, only 1 million PEOPLE over all were "gassed"? We all know that gas chambers doesn't real and that jew ovens also doesn't real, so this is basically an admission that the holocaust is entirely fabricated. Archived.

Fucking Schindler's List the movie did that very fucking thing. It showed no gassing, only actual showers.

Show me the bodies millions are missing, then show me the gas chambers.

They even get gas chambers right in a shitty pleb video game (batman origins pictured). There is nothing remotely like this in the German camps.
Then there are demonstrably false and even comically false claims that jews have tried to pin on the Germans over the years some of which have been quietly silenced due to how comically false they are.

Go discuss WWII tanks or airplanes with a russian national and you'll understand quickly why nothing from that time period particularity since the USSR was jew controlled should be trusted.

Not really, but I can see it now:
And then the blue pills become red pills and they just pick up some guns.

It's part of being counterculture, you don't buy into ANYTHING that people outside of the counterculture believe.


Schindler's list also had the poop diamonds story alluded to, with the woman swallowing her jewelry.

I would love to get more information and primary sources on the soviet documentation for the holocaust. Just today I was out researching in books published in 1944 and 1945 about the liberation of the camps (Nordhausen, Buchenwald, and Bergen Belsen specifically). Most of the references were ONLY to "deaths due to typhus and malnutrition," but in a few cases they mention "experiments" and "extermination" (which is the most they can get away with saying about the Western-liberated camps even today). I'm realizing more and more that I'm not going to be able to find any POSITIVE information from Western sources, only NEGATIVE information.

Does anyone have a repository of soviet ✡documentation✡ from this era?

nothing russian that is.


And the "hiding in the toilets" was outright shown, I think. But that could've been a different movie.

Extermination of the Jewish people in Europe could also mean exterminate their presence by any means including deportation. Fucky translators got to that and changed it's meaning.

so can "ausrotten" mean "removal" or some other word implying non destructive elimination?

Also the purported gas chambers mysteriously look like big shower rooms and the doors to them are flimsy wooden doors. That dead gas which isn't even deadly could've seeped out at any time. Jews are pathetic weaklings but even they could've broken the doors down to escape it.

Also the 6 million is a number that was just reached recently. Israel has six million jews just nowadays. There weren't that many jews in europe even during WWII. The red cross death toll was roughly 270k and due to typhus and second to that starvation. In their report they admit the jews were doing just fine until the allies bombed a supply line. The germans were keeping the camps well fed even when the war was going bad.

It's almost like the camps were internment camps leading to their deportation or something.

No one talks about the holodomor either.

Going around shooting them in the streets would be good enough. Holding public executions for the notorious kikes would be the best way to televise it, bonus points for having their shabbos goyim die alongside them - always kill the traitor before an enemy and whichever traitor has survived up till them will die with their jew handler.

The best way prelude to this is to ensure that antisemitism is part of public consciousness. There is nothing better in justifying any kind of deadly punishment than the rest of the people wanting them to be gone as well. You can justify any kind of final solution for the jews once you weigh all of their deeds on the table and show how throughout history they have had hundreds of chances to quit their shit. It's no longer about expelling them for the five hundredth time, it's about making sure that the last time the jew stains this world it's with their blood.

They like to say it was one, then the other, then all of the above. As if gassing chambers wasn't absurd enough, burning bodies alive in an oven that isn't even equipped like a crematorium would be of which those were common back then is even less effective.

Protip: The funniest part about the "holohoax exposure" label is that I get to say to normalfags that the are crazy conspiracy nutjobs that believe "no one died" are the actual holohoax exposers but the event itself is a fraud. I always see the eye widening look in their faces when I tell them that because then they see it as there being 3 hypothetical groups; the people jews who say it was real and the 6 million died, the people who say it was not real and no one died, and people who just want the truth. Then I tell them the basic facts and they internalize the event as the hoax that it is. Then I tell them that the holocaust story is used as a victim card and it finally clicks for them. Then I soothe their confusion by saying that the people who just want the facts have to deal with the lies on both sides.
Protip 2: You can potentially overturn all holohoax exposure laws by defining the discussion of the "event" as innocuous because you are not denying that nobody died.

Given that it took Hitler 9 years of total power to even "begin" killing jews–never mind that during that time he EXPLICITLY HAD AN AGREEMENT WITH THEM TO SHIP THEM SAFELY TO PALESTINE LIKE THEY WANTED–you'd think that the "extermination" could have gone more successfully…

This is the new mod fucking with us. Some think he's kampfy, I thnk he's just a faggot. Still a good thread for info, but fuck you mod-kike.


I'd find it difficult to take their eye witness accounts seriously having worked with many of them. Constant D&C, attempting to control communication channels, and demonization of others. Let's say you went to a kike manager and let them know of an issue and to inform their employees. They would tell those employees they found the issue, they suspected you knew about it and didn't tell them, and if anyone finds further issues let them know as they will take it up chain.

Holla Forums wordfilters fucked up my protip especially when I was showing how you exploit the semantics. D en ial got switched to exposure.

Daily Reminder

How do you spell data mining?



Fixed. Stalin got redpilled and purged the kikes too late.

oy vey my good chap that's rather unnecessary
bong holocaust

Stalin was a kike & had jewish wives.

Stalin was no better than the kikes. While it's true that he purged the kikes, the same problem persists. He was Georgian, not Russian. It was still an example of an ethnic outsider leading the country and not giving a shit about the Russian people. He wasn't technically a kike, but he was damn close.

I'll post some intro-redpill copypasta just for the fun of it.

This is admittedly a very touchy subject. The Holocaust is covered in extremely extensive detail in school. Regardless of how much a grade school or high school student in the US knows about math, science, or anything else, it’s pounded into their heads that six million Jews were tortured, murdered, gassed, etc in Nazi concentration camps, trumping all other historical massacres as the most sinister and evil. Speaking from personal experience, this was a huge component of WWII coverage in my high school history classes.

The three aspects discussed below about the Holocaust make me believe further research is needed on the subject, and that every excruciating detail about it may not be 100% true. However, even historians who the media have figuratively crucified for their beliefs on the Holocaust don’t deny some that some systematic murder and plundering of Jews occurred during wartime (for example, David Irving: amazon.com/Hitlers-War-David-Irving/dp/0380758067).

Illegality of criticism:
holohoax exposure is illegal in a number of countries, including countries in the EU (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_National_Statute_for_the_Promotion_of_Tolerance; europarl.europa.eu/meetdocs/2009_2014/documents/libe/dv/11_revframework_statute_/11_revframework_statute_en.pdf section 7-a-v; haaretz.com/jewish/2.209/italy-approves-law-making-holocaust-denial-a-crime-1.211077). Those accused are only allowed to plead insanity or guilt. This goes blatantly against free speech rights (even though governing committees have deemed that it doesn’t). Many people, including politicians and historians, have faced fines and jail time under this charge (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_against_Holocaust_denial).

Take David Irving as an example again. He is a British WWII historian and writer, who prides himself for supposedly thorough translations, analysis, and authentication of war records. In 2006, he was arrested and sentenced to prison for three years in Austria for the charge of “trivializing the Holocaust”. He was also fined in Germany for the charge of “denying the Holocaust” (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Irving; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irving_trial; theguardian.com/world/2006/feb/20/austria.thefarright). In even professional interviews about his writing and opinions, he is completely unacceptably harassed and interrupted, and questions are loaded to avoid actual discussion, despite his calm and neutral behavior and his desire to explain himself. Rather than focus on research, or details, or anything worthwhile, interviewers smugly force the man to defend himself against being deemed a racist, or waste their time on similar demoralizing claims against his character (Hardtalk - David Irving (BBC 2000) - youtube.com/watch?v=JF4GFGMNm3g). This treatment for a historian of any kind is absolutely unacceptable.

The German government even threw an 85-year-old grandmother into jail for denying the Holocaust, twice (foxnews.com/world/2015/11/13/germany-87-year-old-nazi-grandma-jailed-for-denying-holocaust/;
dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3317083/German-grandmother-87-sentenced-ten-months-jail-denying-Holocaust-saying-Auschwitz-just-labour-camp.html; thelocal.de/20161012/87-year-old-holocaust-denier-sentenced-nazis). And we're supposed to believe that modern Germany is somehow less of an authoritarian dictatorship than Nazi Germany? (Also in modern Germany, singing songs that Nazis sang can land you in prison for up to 3 years (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_songs). Nazi imagery of any kind is also illegal, even when it’s used for enemies in a video game (bbc.com/news/technology-27488254; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strafgesetzbuch_section_86a; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post–World_War_II_legality_of_Nazi_flags)).

Although America has so far been able to escape this blatant trampling of free speech, attempts by special interest groups and some government officials to make Holocaust criticism illegal here as well are ongoing (sos.ca.gov/administration/news-releases-and-advisories/2015-news-releases-and-advisories/proposed-initiative-enters-circulation51/; ballotpedia.org/California_Holocaust_Denial_Speech_Restrictions_Initiative_(2016); nationalvanguard.org/2016/01/california-holocaust-denial-speech-restrictions-initiative/). Jewish and Israeli groups are even trying to prevent Amazon from selling books about Holocaust revision or even anti-Semitism of any kind (latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-singer-amazon-antisemitism-holocaust-denial-20170302-story.html; dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4261464/Israel-Amazon-Stop-selling-Holocaust-denial-literature.html; sacramento.cbslocal.com/2015/07/03/sacramento-rabbi-calls-on-amazon-to-stop-selling-books-denying-holocaust/; latimes.com/books/jacketcopy/la-et-jc-rabbi-amazon-holocaust-denial-books-20150706-story.html). The German-born Ernst Zundel was denied entry into the US even though his wife is a US citizen, on the grounds that he has written about Holocaust revisionism in the past (washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2017/04/24/holocaust-denier-ernst-zundel-barred-from-moving-to-the-u-s-though-his-wife-is-an-american-citizen/?utm_term=.ac4acb3e9eb6; archive.is/edGu9).
Jews and Israeli interests are even pushing to have anti-Semitism made illegal as an international crime (algemeiner.com/2015/04/15/israel-launches-initiative-to-have-antisemitism-recognized-as-an-international-crime/; davidduke.com/israel-pushes-to-have-anti-semitism-recognized-as-international-crime/). Already, there have been cases of American students being arrested merely for saying anti-Semitic remarks (abc17news.com/news/crime/two-mu-students-arrested-for-harassment-anti-semitic-remarks/366363293). Lawmakers in Ottawa, Canada threatened hate crime charges against people who boycott Israel (washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2015/05/11/ottawa-considering-hate-charges-against-those-who-boycott-israel/; cbc.ca/news/politics/ottawa-cites-hate-crime-laws-when-asked-about-its-zero-tolerance-for-israel-boycotters-1.3067497). The powers that be really don’t want non-approved Holocaust details or even criticism of Jews to be discussed openly.

If the Holocaust was a tried and true fact, there should be no reason to censor the research. Research and debate would enhance the impact of the event, rather than detract from it. If the narrative and details are foolproof, Holocaust revisionists would be welcomed in open debate so that they could be proven wrong. (Similar ridiculousness is seen in the banning of Mein Kampf across many European countries, or the only releases of the book needing to be saturated with footnotes trying to denounce every claim the book makes (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mein_Kampf#Current_availability; thejc.com/news/world-news/151794/we-made-anti-mein-kampf’).)
People who promote the earth being flat, for example, are not censored and silenced; laws are not written in countries to make flat earth criticism illegal; they even have their own groups to discuss their theories (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_flat_Earth_societies). The same is true with people who believe in UFOs. The Holocaust is the only event in history where acceptance is enforced by law on this wide of a scale. Why?

As an additional note for irony, Israel does not recognize the Armenian Genocide (huffingtonpost.com/michael-a-moodian/why-does-israel-refuse-to_b_9775078.html; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide_recognition#Position_of_Israel; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide_denial#Comparison_with_Holocaust_and_Israeli_stance), and doesn’t recognize the Holodomor as a genocide either (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor_in_modern_politics#International_recognition).

Because it as. The Holohoax is a propaganda tool the Jews made up for political and monetary gain.

The constant revisions of Holocaust details over time:
Atrocity propaganda is a very real thing (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrocity_propaganda; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah_(testimony); foreignpolicyjournal.com/2012/09/08/the-lies-that-led-to-the-iraq-war-and-the-persistent-myth-of-intelligence-failure/; reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/3cgqk6/the_hilarity_hysteria_and_madness_of_russian/; dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4178230/Fixer-paid-person-got-accuse-soldiers.html). The details of the Holocaust and the specifics of the atrocities committed are constantly changing over time. Many atrocities that were regarded as (and legally enforced as) objective fact were found out to be exaggerations and non-truths, arising from duress during the Nuremberg Trials (where rules of evidence and proof of facts were suspended), popularized during Denazification after the war, or claimed in imaginative Holocaust survivor stories. Who is to say what other details about the Holocaust are not actually true?

The facts are still so unclear and so undecided upon by historians, that as recently as October 2015, Germany and Israel’s leaders got into comical political arguments over the Holocaust’s details (haaretz.com/israel-news/1.681525; reuters.com/article/2015/10/21/israel-netanyahu-hitler-germany-idUSB4N11U01120151021). Even in mainstream media outlets (in this case The Guardian), new historical documents “discovered” by the UN as recently as April 2017 will “rewrite chapters of history” of the Holocaust, when rewriting the history of the Holocaust is revisionism and illegal (theguardian.com/law/2017/apr/18/opening-un-holocaust-files-archive-war-crimes-commission). Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, even made a speech over these newly-discovered documents, chastising the Allied powers for not doing enough to save the Jews from the Holocaust in the war (independent.co.uk/news/world/world-history/holocaust-allied-forces-knew-before-concentration-camp-discovery-us-uk-soviets-secret-documents-a7688036.html; breitbart.com/jerusalem/2017/04/20/un-archive-allies-knew-holocaust-two-years-concentration-camps-discovered/). A young Jewish man named David Cole visited Auschwitz and made a documentary about the conflicting accounts of Holocaust facts that he heard (youtube.com/watch?v=DFrJF-noN7A). So, clearly, the facts are far from settled, and there is still much research and debate to be done.

Although it’s widely accepted among the mainstream that the number of non-Jews killed in the Holocaust is 5 million (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust; huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/27/holocaust-non-jewish-victims_n_6555604.html), after President Trump’s message on Holocaust Memorial Day in 2017 did not explicitly mention Jews, the media and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum engage in the very Holocaust revisionism that they criticize against, by saying that it only a few hundred thousand non-Jews who died (vox.com/2017/1/30/14431216/trump-holocaust-statement-6-million-jews - “Hicks cited a Huffington Post article that counted 5 million additional victims of the Holocaust, naming people with mental illnesses, priests, twins, Roma (gypsies), and gay people. But those victims, according to the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, numbered in the hundreds of thousands, not the millions.” ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007329). In fact, one article in Jewish media outright says that the 5 million number is a fabrication, an artificially high number to attract people’s attention! (jta.org/2017/01/31/news-opinion/united-states/remember-the-11-million-why-an-inflated-victims-tally-irks-holocaust-historians - Yehuda Bauer, an Israeli Holocaust scholar who chairs the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, said he warned his friend Wiesenthal, who died in 2005, about spreading the false notion that the Holocaust claimed 11 million victims – 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews. “I said to him, ‘Simon, you are telling a lie,’” Bauer recalled in an interview Tuesday. “He said, ‘Sometimes you need to do that to get the results for things you think are essential.’” Bauer and other historians who knew Wiesenthal said the Nazi hunter told them that he chose the 5 million number carefully: He wanted a number large enough to attract the attention of non-Jews who might not otherwise care about Jewish suffering, but not larger than the actual number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust, 6 million.) Again, this is a crucial detail that seems yet undecided upon by historians.

Shut up Gommie scum, Stalin married kikes and served Rothschilds, and I'd gladly hang your ilk from a lamppost.

Two other examples include production of soap from prisoners’ body fat, and the production of lamp shades from prisoners’ skin, both of which have been conclusively debunked by historians (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soap_made_from_human_corpses; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lampshades_made_from_human_skin; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lampshade:_A_Holocaust_Detective_Story_from_Buchenwald_to_New_Orleans; haaretz.com/jewish/features/.premium-1.527623; thejewishweek.com/news/new_york/holocaust_era_soap_find_raises_new_questions; jta.org/2013/06/06/arts-entertainment/israeli-director-dismantles-nazi-jewish-soap-myth#ixzz2YUEFutP1; articles.latimes.com/1990-04-24/news/mn-438_1_nazi-soap). Despite this, though, just after the war, throngs of citizens from nearby German towns were marched around and shown these supposed examples of the Holocaust in person, which included other wild claims such as shrunken heads as well (gettyimages.com/detail/video/news-footage/mr_00024883; scrapbookpages.com/Buchenwald/Atrocities.html; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denazification see image: “U.S. Army soldiers show the German civilians of Weimar the corpses found in Buchenwald concentration camp.”). And Holocaust survivors to this day still preach the soap and lampshade stories (youtube.com/watch?v=r5kxahU6kEQ&t=x75y30; youtube.com/watch?v=j6MqZho90c0).

Another example is the death toll numbers themselves. The death toll at Auschwitz was regarded as objective fact for decades to be 4 million. In reality, this number was a greatly exaggerated propaganda figure from the Soviet Union, who said that 4 million people were gassed to death with Zyklon B there (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zyklon_B#Explanatory_notes); In the 90s, that number was revised by Holocaust researchers and scholars. The official death toll is now between 1.1 and 1.5 million victims (articles.chicagotribune.com/1992-05-07/news/9202100662_1_death-wall-auschwitz-memorials;
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Auschwitz_concentration_camp#Death_toll; jta.org/1992/06/18/archive/plaques-at-auschwitz-to-be-replaced-efforts-continue-to-preserve-camp; articles.sun-sentinel.com/1990-01-03/news/9001170365_1_auschwitz-holocaust-victims-bauer; news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2245&dat=19900718&id=-XozAAAAIBAJ&sjid=eDIHAAAAIBAJ&pg=2736,1882593&hl=en). Despite these revisions, the numerical 6 million Jewish total death toll still stands seemingly unchanged. How does that make sense?

This “6 million” number had also been used for decades before WWII when describing the number of Jews in their communities. For example, searching “6,000,000 jews” in the Library of Congress newspaper archive for the years 1836-1922 brings up 126 results. Searching “six million jews” in the same search yields another 58 results (chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1867&date2=1920&proxtext="6,000,000 jews"&x=0&y=0&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic; chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/search/pages/results/?state=&date1=1836&date2=1922&proxtext="six million jews"&x=24&y=19&dateFilterType=yearRange&rows=20&searchType=basic). Most of the entries involve trying to trying to emphasize the plight of Jewish communities around the world (with many promoting donations and aid to said communities). Why is this six million number brought up so frequently in such a throwaway manner well before WWII even began? Did Jews constantly thrive in communities numbering exactly six million? If so, why? Were Jews who died from natural causes, disease, Allied attacks, or during the pre-war 1930s counted towards the six million? If so, isn’t the 6 million rightly a massive exaggeration?

It is also important to be highly skeptical of Soviet documentation regarding the Holocaust. All six of the Nazi concentration camps classified as “extermination camps” or “death camps” (Treblinka, Sobibor, Belzec, Chelmno, Auschwitz, and Majdanek) were liberated and inspected by the Soviets, and not the western Allies (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camps#Liberation). Out of the 20+ Nazi camps that exist, it is an interesting coincidence. The Soviets were bitter enemies with the Nazis. Has proper skepticism of Soviet claims been taken into account when certain Holocaust details are taken as fact? The Soviet Union was well known for disinformation; after all, it managed to convince the world that the Holodomor didn’t happen, that the Katyn Massacre was committed by the Nazis, among other things.

One wartime issue regarding life in the concentration camps that is often unspoken of was the prevalence of typhus (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhus; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidemic_typhus). Typhus ran rampant during almost all wars in history. WWII was no different, especially as Germany and the Eastern Front were flooded with refugees and logistical confusion by the war’s end. The earliest use of the chemical DDT was to control lice-borne typhus among WWII soldiers and civilians. It was crucially used by the Allies to prevent a typhus outbreak in Italy in October 1943. DDT was also distributed to inmates saved from German concentration camps. (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; aei.org/publication/the-rise-fall-rise-and-imminent-fall-of-ddt/). World War II was actually the first war in US history where less soldiers died in active warfare than by diseases like typhus, thanks to innovations like DDT (livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe40s/pests_01.html). Anne Frank and her sister are said to have died of typhus at the Bergen-Belsen camp, having been transferred from Auschwitz where, despite its notoriety has a systematic death camp for Jews, they were not killed (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Frank).

On the Wikipedia page for Typhus, an image of a pile of dead bodies from the Bergen-Balsen concentration camp during WWII is included with a caption explaining that the corpses were typhus victims; the image would have looked equally appropriate elsewhere as an example of Holocaust victims. (The image has been removed since the time I wrote this; the most recent Wikipedia revision with the image is found at en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Typhus&diff=656956859&oldid=654525707.)

The Holocaust survivor Chaim Ferster, who makes the almost unbelievable claim that he survived eight Nazi death camps, specifically mentioned surviving typhus as well (bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-38893479; haaretz.com/world-news/europe/1.770316). In all the pictures of dead Holocaust victims that we have seen, it’s strange that typhus is rarely mentioned as a potential cause. Containing typhus in concentration camps would have required measures such as replacing inmates’ clothes with clean outfits, shaving hair (to prevent lice), and delousing, which the chemical Zyklon-B was originally manufactured for (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zyklon_B).

In fact, Rudolf Weigl, who developed a vaccine against typhus, was ordered by the Nazis to set up a vaccine production plant in Poland, where a thousand people, including Polish intellectuals and Jews, worked. The vaccine plant, which saved “countless lives” along with “countless additional Jewish lives”, was shut down by the Soviet Union during their offensives into Germany in 1944.

Karl-Otto Koch was a Nazi SS colonel who served as the first commandants of the Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen, and Majdanek concentration camps. He took part in “notorious crimes” at the concentration camps and stole “vast amounts of valuables and money from murdered Jews”. He and his camps were thoroughly investigated by the SS for killing prisoners and other actions. He and other camp officials were charged and sentenced to death “for disgracing both himself and the SS” and executed by firing squad one week before American troops arrived at Buchenwald to liberate the camp. Suffering of camp inmates at the hands of this man resulted in his death by firing squad by the Nazis themselves.

Finally, two interesting incidents happened in 1985 and 1988: writer Ernst Zundel fought back legally when he was arrested in Canada for his Holocaust revisionism. What ensued were two legal trials where beliefs about the Holocaust itself were cross-examined and discussed in a court room, surprising many about how much (or how little) Holocaust scholars actually knew (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Zündel#Trials_in_the_1980s; youtube.com/watch?v=MlyPNufutfo; amazon.com/gp/product/0970378467/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1). For example, Raul Hilberg, one of the first and most influential Holocaust scholars (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raul_Hilberg: “He was widely considered to be the world's preeminent scholar of the Holocaust, and his three-volume, 1,273-page magnum opus, The Destruction of the European Jews, is regarded as a seminal study of the Nazi Final Solution.”), was brought to the stand as an expert witness.
“Mr. Christie [the defense lawyer] then asked for one single scientific report indicating that there were gas chambers. Dr. Hilberg said that he didn’t know of one.”
Newscaster: “A recognized expert on the Holocaust today admitted there is no single report that shows the existence of gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps” (starting at 26:31 of youtube.com/watch?v=MlyPNufutfo).
Raul Hilberg chose not to re-appear for the 1988 trial after this cross-examination in 1985.
Ernst Zundel was ultimately acquitted when the law that he was prosecuted under was deemed unconstitutional by Canada’s Supreme Court.

The exploitation of the Holocaust for profit:
The Holocaust is big business. A well-reviewed 2000 book by a Jewish writer analyzed this in some detail (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust_Industry; amazon.com/dp/B008GZ4J76). An article by this Jewish Washington Post journalist (because a non-Jewish journalist would risk his entire career writing something like this) talks about just one example of this Holocaust profit-exploitation, where Jews used harassment and intimidation (including for example through US politicians) to convince the Swiss government to hand over $1.28 billion among 457,100 Jews, by exploiting Holocaust guilt over Jews who owned Swiss bank accounts, well past any kind of statute of limitations on such a claim and even though the bank accounts in question weren’t worth even close to such an amount (washingtonpost.com/archive/opinions/1998/12/04/the-holocaust-scandal/a7723357-56f6-4f9b-ba81-2aacaad56037/?utm_term=.44395b5bb6bf; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Jewish_Congress_lawsuit_against_Swiss_banks). Is this really the prevailing attitude of a humble group of people who suffered an injustice, and who only seek understanding and the truth? (Books like An Eye for an Eye: The Story of Jews Who Sought Revenge for the Holocaust (amazon.com/dp/0967569109/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8) or militant Jews who murdered Germans after the war (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakam) demonstrate that many Jews have been anything but humble over the issue.)

Herman Rosenblat is a Holocaust survivor who faked a Holocaust love story. He received a book deal (“Angel at the Fence”), several TV appearances (including with Oprah), and even a film deal. When his story was found out to be fake, he acted unrepentant, said he would do it again, and gave excuses like: “It was real in my mind.” In his story, he was supposedly scheduled to be gassed at the Theresienstadt concentration camp; Theresienstadt did not have gas chambers, and prisoners at the camp were not told that they would be gassed ahead of time (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Rosenblat; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angel_at_the_Fence; youtube.com/watch?v=j30sWIOMIak; theguardian.com/books/2009/feb/15/herman-rosenblat-oprah-winfrey-hoax).

Elie Wiesel won a Nobel Peace Prize for his Holocaust stories, the most notable of which was Night, a memoir of his time in concentration camps, translated into 30 languages and “one of the bedrocks of Holocaust literature”. He also spent personal time with Obama, the German chancellor, and the German president.

The book’s original Yiddish version “was for Jewish readers, who wanted to hear more about revenge” and included passages about things like Jewish boys going out to rape German women after being released from Buchenwald; much of this was censored and reworded for releases in other languages. In one excerpt, Auschwitz was soon to be invaded by the Soviet Union and Elie had the choice of staying behind or evacuating with the Nazis. Elie willingly chose to be evacuated and go with the Nazis through the icy cold winter, rather than stay behind and be liberated by the Soviets (pg. 81-82).

In his book Legends of our Time, he wrote: “Every Jew, somewhere in his being, should set apart a zone of hate - healthy, verile hate - for what the German personifies and for what persists in the German.”
books.google.com/books?id=JWsFb07rIScC&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q=German&f=false (pg. 142)

In a Time magazine article, he said that “In Buchenwald they sent 10,000 persons to their deaths each day. I was always in the last hundred near the gate. They stopped. Why?”. According to historians, only about 56,000 people died at Buchenwald over the course of its entire existence.

Elie himself mentioned that his own stories could be dubious at best. From Wikipedia:
Wiesel tells a story about a visit to a Rebbe, a Hasidic rabbi, he had not seen for 20 years. The Rebbe is upset to learn that Wiesel has become a writer, and wants to know what he writes. "Stories," Wiesel tells him, " …true stories": About people you knew? "Yes, about people I might have known." About things that happened? "Yes, about things that happened or could have happened." But they did not? "No, not all of them did. In fact, some were invented from almost the beginning to almost the end." The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more sorrow than anger: That means you are writing lies! I did not answer immediately. The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defense. Yet, I had to justify myself: "Things are not that simple, Rebbe. Some events do take place but are not true; others are—although they never occurred."
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_(book), source: Elie Wiesel, Legends of Our Time, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2011 [1967], viii.

Another example is Bernard Holstein’s Stolen Soul; Holstein had in fact never left his home country of Australia. He offered similar non-repentant excuses upon being found out. He branded himself with a fake tattoo in order to convince people, and among his imagined experiences were Nazi masturbation machines that killed their victims (amazon.com/Stolen-Soul-Story-Courage-Survival/dp/0646434462; fpp.co.uk/Auschwitz/docs/fake/WA_SundayTimes_301004.html; judicial-inc-archive.blogspot.com/2010/08/nazi-masturbation-machines.html).

Yet another imaginative author, Misha Defonseca, described the fake tale of escaping from concentration camps by living and traveling with a pack of wolves; her bestselling tale was made into a film and translated into 18 languages (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misha_Defonseca; theguardian.com/books/2008/mar/03/news.film; foxnews.com/us/2014/05/12/massachusetts-woman-who-wrote-fraudulent-holocaust-memoir-ordered-to-pay-225m/).

Joseph Hirt, who claimed that he escaped from Auschwitz and encountered Josef Mengele, gave public speeches over his experiences. At age 91 he admitted in an emotional letter that his entire story was fabricated. His story fell apart under basic scrutiny from a history teacher. Hirt even tattooed a prisoner number on his left arm to try and sell his story.

Binjamin Wilkomirski’s bestselling Holocaust memoir, Fragments, translated into nine languages by publishers, was also fake (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binjamin_Wilkomirski).

In one book compiling Holocaust survivor stories, one survivor talks about a Holocaust roller coaster (Holocoaster?) that flung its riders into ovens (new2.fjcdn.com/comments/Its true though have you actualy read any of those _d07e5dc584d2a126e05bf6d929b4421c.jpg; books.google.com/books/about/Inside_the_Concentration_Camps.html?id=hNrqjiyIOhYC).

Rosemarie Pence had a biography written about her tale as a Holocaust survivor, Hannah: From Dachau to the Olympics and Beyond. She had paid speaking engagements over her story. Her story was entirely fake. Comically, her husband who she claimed was shot down during the war, was actually living in another state and was searching for their son whom she had taken from him years ago (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosemarie_Pence; amazon.com/Hannah-From-Dachau-Olympics-Beyond/dp/0615128661).

Enric Marco wrote fake stories of his supposedly being a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enric_Marco; theguardian.com/world/2005/may/12/secondworldwar.spain).

The spokeswoman for the Israeli embassy in Germany said they have no intention normalizing the post-Holocaust relationship with Germans, and that maintaining German guilt about the Holocaust benefits Israel (haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.662962).

During an interview, former Israeli minister Shulamit Aloni said that calling detractors of Israel anti-Semitic is “a trick, we always use it”, as is bringing up the Holocaust. She also says the Holocaust “justifies everything Israel does to the Palestinians”.

In 2013, an administrator who distributes German reparations for the Holocaust (they even get reparations in 2013!), Semen Domnitser, was arrested for running a $57 million fraud that used Russian immigrants to pose a Holocaust victims (nypost.com/2013/11/04/fraudster-gets-8-years-in-57m-holocaust-scheme/; timesofisrael.com/claims-conference-insider-gets-8-years-for-fraud/; forward.com/articles/187001/semon-domnitser-gets–years-for-m-holocaust-cl/).

In 2014, the state of Maryland threatened to block a rail company’s US project unless the company paid reparations to Holocaust survivors (theverge.com/2014/3/7/5480714/the-holocausts-legacy-threatens-sncf-france-us-rail-projects; washingtonpost.com/local/trafficandcommuting/opposition-to-maryland-rail-line-bidder-raises-questions-about-accountability-for-holocaust/2014/03/09/ddb2a8c2-9f0c-11e3-a050-dc3322a94fa7_story.html).

Jewish interests try to undermine other genocides so that the Holocaust gets more emphasis (thelocal.de/20150424/gauck-germany-has-blame-for-armenian-genocide; youtube.com/watch?v=Fg1rL_kbO_w).

A proposed memorial for the 100-ish million victims of Communism in Ottawa, Canada, was derided by the media for “negative symbolism” and was apparently too expensive with its $6 million budget (cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/victims-of-communism-memorial-design-slammed-1.3245736; news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadians-give-thumbs-down-to-grandiose-memorials-planned-for-ottawa-and-nova-scotia-poll). Meanwhile, a Holocaust memorial being built in Ottawa is receiving praise despite costing $8.5 million (ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/small-ceremony-planned-at-unfinished-holocaust-monument-next-august).

Schindler’s List is a big, high-grossing Hollywood film about the Holocaust (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schindler's_List) and is even shown in school classes (it was for me), despite it being a work of fiction (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schindler's_Ark).

Haaretz uses the Holocaust to try and push for open borders (except for Israel of course): “The real lesson of the Holocaust: The world needs open borders”

Even though the US had nothing to do with committing the Holocaust, the US government continues to give millions in taxpayer money every year to supposed Holocaust survivors. The government even hires people with titles like "Special Envoy for US Holocaust Survivor Services" to manage the operations.
The US government also calls for Germany to keep increasing the amount of money that it gives to Holocaust survivors.

Holocaust survivors will receive the royalties for American sales of Mein Kampf after a deal with the publisher.

Jews are trying to keep this gravy train rolling by claiming their descendants experience horrible trauma from the Holocaust as well, even GENETICALLY, despite these descendants not even being alive at the time.


Typical Jewish word trickery. The word they translate as exterminate, "ausrotten", simply means to uproot, remove.

what happened to these and where are they?

Damn OP, what does it feel like to get BTFO this hard?

Hitler said alot of things, but it didnt mean that he believed what he said.

If course people died in camps, only an idiot would say otherwise, but i disagree with HOW they died.

I believe about 1 million jews died during the war, in camps, in cities, etc but not 6 million.

Whats more upsetting is how the only topic thats off limits, just happens to be the most expenive, most deaths, most destructive, most crazy war EVER to have happened (besides the mongols) in the world. Why cant we ask questions, why?


Any other thread like this would have been deleted or bumplocked right away

I believe more like a quarter million user.
None gassed
A few hung/shot for crimes committed.
The majority from disease and malnutrition towards the end of the war.

How fucking retarded are you? It's imkikey. It has always been him.

There is a new mod, check the board logs.

Yeah, it might be kampfy with a new name, but no one can prove that

It's not the lamp SHADE. Its the lamp.

Look at the lamp base, its stitched leather.

How fucking NEW are you? Or are you seriously trying to shill for kikey by pretending he's gone? In what way does your feigned retardation benefit you or him?

Nazis had very good propaganda. I assume a lot of these stories that come from the holocaust never happened, but were released as propaganda from the Nazis to scare Jews away and unite people against a common enemy.

Eventually, Jews learned they could co-opt the propaganda (sound familiar from liberal kikes?) to benefit themselves, and now you have Jews hyping things up for fame, sympathy, privilege, etc.

Looking at how kikes and marxists corrupt and co-opt everything they touch, imagining them co-opting Nazi propaganda to use against Nazis seems like an obvious thing for them to do.

the one about the ovens always irked me, if the physics doesn't match up with reality then how is it real?

I don't have the time stamp but David Cole does a pretty good job of braking it down.

There was typhus also to consider and Allied bombardment of everything that movied which means supplies couldn't get to the camps and caused a large epidemic of typhus at the end. The US invented DDT to combat this, the Germans did not have DDT only Zyklon B which was an insecticide not meant or intended to kill people or jews for that matter. Also Allied mishandling pics related:

The whole table was concocted before they reached the camp based on old rumors there is a script they printed up maybe a year before they entered the camp with a list of props they needed shrunken heads and lamp shades were listed…. Typical atrocity propaganda.

sorry it was 4 months before they entered the camp:

1. Never happened, youtube.com/watch?v=Dda-0Q_XUhk

2. All of your (((sources))) are Jewish propaganda, Hitler never said any of that. Try showing actual proof like I did.

I don't like the complex theories & arguments that would take five minutes of someone seriously interested in what you're saying.

You need soundbites.

1. Auschwitz required forced air heater to convert the poison that the Germans were using to kill the Jews from a solid pellet form into a gas. The Germans used such heaters for delousing devices that killed disease-carrying lice.

The Germans never used such heaters for the gas chambers. The movies depicted, and books & survivors say that the Germans dropped these poison pellets through a hole in the roof of the alleged gas chambers.

2. The Auschwitz gas chamber poison depositing hole was crudely implemented.

This is what the Germans were capable of producing.


That's the turbopump of the V2 rocket.

This is an American execution chamber that used poison gas.


Why didn't the Germans use actual chemical weapons & not lice poison to kill the Jews?

This video is the same type of poison the Germans had access to.

major new faggot detected.

That is by far the most well thought out, finely articulated and concise comment I feel I have ever had the pleasure of reading user.
I would like to probe your brain for all but a few questions;
1. Would you perhaps be sympathetic towards the ruskies in the sense that bolshevism was jewry and that they arse fucked that country at the start of the last century so well, that hence why the ussr failed miserably and why the doccuments you afore mentioned were "copies" and fudged?
2. Would you say putin is to russia as trump is to murica? As in the jew is almost losing control of these countries and that putin is for the good fight as is trump in a very bland sense without going to far into secret societies, elitism and globalism and the fact that the whole game is rigged anyway?
And finally,
3. Would learning the languages of russian and german truly help the good fight in the sense that so much can get lost to mistranslation and the skewing of words as the jew does (exterminate and jealousy as examples) perhaps be of more help to our cause than we could care to mention?

I feel language is truly the forefront here and that if we cannot explain what we are going through then we cannot be for or against it. And that the subverting of language has been a well used tool for the better part of the last 200 years. Maybe we should start some kind of language school for those who detest judaism.

Also. Historians clame that the Germans built the gas chambers because they didn't have the guts to kill them with guns. If that the case then why were the communist able to kill tens of millions of people that way?

You're a fucking idiot. Its Jewish propaganda Jews made so people would feel sorry for them and to demonize the Germans. You are literally retarded for saying that.

Because it is virtually impossible to applaud someone who attempted genocide, so the facts must be denied to preserve the image of their god.

Get lost Kike you are the one who denies fags

Meant for

Why don't you? You fucking kike

you can't kill 2000 people with cyanide gas behind a wooden door. what more do you need to know?

If it had happened there wouldn't have been any of your kind around to fuck up the world. The fact that you greasy kikes have been trying to pin this horse shit on the Germans since the 1900's and you use it to parasite shekels and sympathy from western nations means that it must be investigated. Under investigation surprise surprise your claims fall apart because jews are lairs.

A wooden door with gaps at the top and bottom as well as on the door itself since it was made from scrap wood given that Germany was resource starved due to the war.


Yes every nation stuck their subversive element ( or whom they deemed might be a threat) of their population in camps during a World War it makes sense to do so unless you plant to get over thrown by these elements. As what the jews did in WW1 to the Germans. Hence Hitler's plan to remove them from Germany.

If? Fact: There was an attempted genocide on Jews by Nazis.

If a group of people try to commit genocide on another group of people, they only have themselves to blame.

Regardless of how much investigation is done, there is no reality in which you make Hitler a dindu. No honest historian denies the attempt to exterminate the Jewish people.

So? The only fact I need to point out was that Hitler attempted genocide on Jews.

Nah. Fact: You cannot prove it.

Nah, not if that group did something to deserve genocide, like the Jews have done and did do.

People are already moving that way. All the kvetching about Trump being Hitler, and the death of the generations that give a shit about the holohoax, ensured as much.

That's an outright lie.

Nah. Just more Jewish lying. Keep it up. What could go wrong? ;^)

The holocaust didn't happen.
But it should have.
And its going to.

none of those are facts kike.
There is no document or evidence showing your claims have any validity. Only your belief in the propaganda your kind spun after the war. Perhaps your kind should seek to make holohoax investigations an action punishable by death to further prove it happened?

I'm actually waiting for the forgery of Hitler's order to kill jews to drop soon and then mysteriously vanish before it is tested for authenticity. That's probably the last play you kikes have before the whole holocaust-tm franchise becomes unprofitable.

They kicked you kikes out and tried to help you establish your Israel. Why would any group of people do this if their goal is genocide?

You don't want to argue on an absolute like that; the kikes have attempted a dozen genocides on a dozen peoples. If we are talking about the absolute facts of genocide, the jews hold the record.

Here are some census figures of jews living Worldwide to consider:

World Almanac, 1925, pg. 752 — 15,630,000, “In 1925 a census of Palestine gave a total of 115,151 Jews”
World Almanac, 1929, pg. 727 — 15,630,000
National Council of Churches 1930 — 15,600 ,000
March 24, 1933, jewish newspaper Daily Express — 14,000,000 jews worldwide
World Almanac, 1933, pg. 419 — 15,316,359, [“The estimate for Jews in the above table is for 1933, and is by the American Jewish Committee”
World Almanac, 1936, pg. 748 — world jewish population = 15,753,633
World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510 — world jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany
American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council, 1939 — 15,600,000
World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population — 15,319,359
World Almanac, 1941, pg. 510: World Jewish Population — 15,748,091
World Almanac, 1942, pg. 849 — 15,192,089, “Jews include Jews by race not necessarily by religion”
World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population — 15,690,000
World Almanac, 1949, pg. 289: World Jewish Population — 15,713,638
Statistical Handbook of Council of Churches USA 1951 — 15,300,000
World Almanac, US News & World Report, 1983 population of jews — 16,820,850
World Almanac, 1996, pg. 646: World Jewish Population — 14,117,000
World Almanac & Book of Facts, 1989: World Jewish Population –18,080,000
World Almanac & Book of Facts, 2001: World Jewish Population — 13,200,000


It's already been proven. See who argues, as you do, for further investigation into the specifics of the matter:
>However, even historians who the media have figuratively crucified for their beliefs on the Holocaust don’t deny some that some systematic murder and plundering of Jews occurred during wartime (for example, David Irving: amazon.com/Hitlers-War-David-Irving/dp/0380758067).
Yup, that's attempted genocide. All you can argue now is details, but this goes beyond my point.

Arguing Jews "deserved" genocide doesn't change the fact that people saying the Nazis attempted genocide are factually correct.

So? People are morons and most of them are illiterate to history. Popular opinion has no bearing on either argument of ours.

Can you sight a single accredited historian who denies the Nazi's attempts to exterminate the Jewish people?

Calling me a liar doesn't make me one. You'll need to prove anything I said was false to substantiate that, which you have failed to do.

Reminder that Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews.

Sure thing, kiddo.


Yes I do.

So? This doesn't change anything I have been arguing. This is like the student getting caught and tattling on another student expecting not to get punished.

history won't be kind to us

You sure showed us :^)


For all the inforgraghs and infodumps being presented no one has been able to refute the central point of the OP.


Then why should we listen to the jews for any reason? They are guilty of genocide! It should be illegal to support the Jews. They ought to be enriched by the local ruskies.

OP you are just a newfag
You are at Pre Redpill there are several stages you will go through and more afterwards that you can't even comprehend so I won't bother you with them. The stages go as follows

Hitler was evil, the Nazis were Evil and over 6 millions Jews died.

Hitler had some good points, Nazis were not all evil, some of the claims made in the Holocaust seem exaggerated.

Hitler was actually a good leader, the Nazis were very stylish, less Jews died in the holocaust then I thought.

Hitler was one of the greatest leaders of the 21st century, the nazis were victims of worse war crimes then they committed, The Holocaust never happened

Hitler was right, the bad guys won WW2, the holocaust didn't happen but it should have

Gas the Kikes Race War Now

Chap, if Jews are untrustworthy because they committed genocide…do the math.

The Jews did the genocide first, and for longer too. Again, why should we trust or listen to them at all? Any of their claims are bound to be completely wrong because they clearly committed genocide and cannot be trusted.

Proof this thread is just a raid and should have been deleted.

Do you have the source for that center image? We’ve known that statement for a while now, but I haven’t ever found any hard evidence, nor of evidence that bombers flew over the camps and saw no chimney shadows (we know the chimneys were installed later based on GROUND photos, but I’d love to have the aerial photos).

Why do you think that the holocaust is true? Also, why do you believe that the kikes deserve to live?


Quote from the video, "GB casualties would be minimized if the men inside would have been properly masked before the gas entered the bunker."

The current US military gas masks offer zero protection against Sarin gas. I don't think the masks in the 50s/60s would have either

11 million dead, yet his ID number is only 6 digits long? SOUNDS LEGIT.

Fact: There is soon to be a real genocide of the kikes by white people around the world.

I believe that the jews were placed in labor camps and ghettos, but that the concept of ethnic extermination was unpalatable enough at the time for such things to not exist. The fact that the government even considered sending the jews to Madagascar proves that the main goal was to remove jews from Europe. Not necessarily kill of them.

The jews want to stay powerful and influential in Europe AND they want to have Zionism create a greater Israel. Even if they got what they wanted they wouldn't leave any of the lands they consider anti-semitic.

The zionists haven't been able to exterminate their neighbors in their search of expansionism, yet their media demonizes the concept of Lebensraum in white countries. They have tried to bleed their enemies slowly through ghettoization and indirect pressure while encouraging their private citizens to settle in Palestinian territory. They use politics, propaganda, and foreign militias funded by their monopoly on global capital to divide and conquer people along ethnic and religious lines. Even when their enemies are relevantly recent fabrications of Britain and France, their schemes so far have only caused mass deaths, yet the states that they have seeked to topple still persist due to the existence of the "international community" being generally horrified of the idea of genocide. At no point has any genocide actually worked. The jews themselves are evidence of this. They have been exiled and expelled many times, yet they persist.

So if the jew hasn't been able to accomplish the extermination of their enemies with the entire world subdued, what makes me think that the NSDAP had a well oiled jew killing machine operating at maximum efficiency?

It's far more likely that Hitler wanted Europe to be rid of jews as thoroughly and quickly as possible. He also had to deal with political enemies, jews being the leaders of every Marxist revolution in Europe. The idea that he would prioritize a system of mass killing after he lost valuable territory in Africa and faced resource shortages is absurd. It requires one to believe that Hitler was not reasonable in any material sense, which is unreasonable to consider when you cross reference all of the things that Hitler achieved in his short time ruling the German people.

The bolsheviks capitalized on their victory by oppressing the German people immediately following WW2. To this day Germany is basically ruled by communists and zionists. They use the concept of the holocaust as their primary means of civic demoralization. It wouldn't take any time at all to make alterations to captured labor camps in the aftermath of 1945. The soviets are well known for altering photographic evidence. They erased many of their own people in their government records, who is to say they wouldn't alter captured photos in a similar fashion? Every single method of propaganda has been used to destroy German history at the behest of zionism, which Hitler would have thoroughly researched and figured out after his service in World War 1. A method of removing the jewish problem from Europe would have to be managed for sure, but the mass extermination of jews is rather unsubstantiated considering the lack of physical records and government documentation. The logistics seem farcical considering the amount of attention that it would require while conducting a "Total War" economy.

Amon Goth who Spielberg made Schindler's list about was arrested by the SS for stealing state property and mistreating prisoners. Spielberg twisted that into the psychological impression that the German state were the ones who instructed Goth to act like a psychopath, yet he was diagnosed as mentally ill by the SS in 1944 while the war was still going on. His killing of jewish women was a personal vendetta. A pattern i personally would liken to a serial killer.

The Nuremburg trials were a Kangaroo court that sought to establish which leaders could be held complicit for War Crimes. "Crimes Against Humanity".
What that really means is that all people who could speak for the actual functions of the NSDAP government were exterminated so that they would have no method of speaking up for themselves. At no point has any pro-zionist leader been tried in the same type of court as the Nuremburg trials.

So even if it did happen, i don't believe it because every person speaking on behalf of "the holocaust" is either a secondhand source or a source that can't be trusted considering statements like "it was real in my mind" or "Some facts are true".

Everything Hitler says in Mein Kampf is rooted in logic and reason. Why would i believe in post-war propaganda on the subject when i feel as though i live in Weimar Germany now. I can see Hitler's Vienna outside my window. I can't see the remains of 6 million jews or the mechanism they were killed by.

why isn't this thread deleted yet?
Is kikey upto his usual shenanigans and the one who started these threads.


Where's the rest of this? I need the whole thing.









Nice veiled freemason symbol at the intro to your vid there.




Why is the water table a factor?


See "Gas Chamber DIGEST" on this post:

In reference to "burning bodies in ditches". "Water table" is a different term than what you probably think it is.

Here's more on the Treblinka hoax:
Using tubeunblock because apparently it's blocked in my country, which is America. There goes that 1st amendment.

I read water table as in, the height of the water table in the landscape, yes. I didn't realize the implication was with mass graves, since it mentioned the crematorium (so I thought "excess moisture" was a problem or something).

But wouldn't they just double down and argue that they used HUMAN BODIES FOR FUEL so that's why there's no mass graves or coke needed?

The jew talks about how everything Himmler says is a “distortion of the truth”, “atrocities”, etc. etc.

Prove it: gas yourself.

Oh, that’s interesting. Is THIS segment part of the admitted story now? Or are Germans still supposed to have burned those corpses?

Oh shit, is this reported ANYWHERE? This allegedly happened in fucking 1944, during the height of the gassings.

They do argue for the mass graves though. Their lies are never well thought out, which is more confusing as to why people believe them. Human bodies cannot be destroyed in crematory ovens by such sheer numbers. I reference the following:

And the advanced math here:

Yes, of course the jew says that. The same way they used Himmler's recording of "ausrotten" as extermination instead of extirpation.

Damn. I didn't even look into the source. Going to save those to my collection. Must sleep now. Anyone with more questions, I'm sure there are others here who can answer them.


pic related, sucks to be a shill huh?

That's funny, i didn't know Hitler did his speeches in English.

Interesting digits, user.



Germanfag here and not really. Ausrotten has a destructive implication, something you can see in fact that it is similar to the word verrotten. And yes it does mean rot just like it does in English

Prove that it always has an explicit connotation of destruction.

Basic mathematics.


Hey mods. When you delete someone's posts don't make it so blatantly obvious you're censoring descent to your narrative.

This thread was also archived if you want to read the deleted posts that were merely pointing out the fact that Hitler did attempt to genocide the Jewish people. archive.is/JP8AV

There is a certain irony in engaging in censorship of while crying about revisionism.

So where are those official documents? Guess they're filled next to the jewish fat soap recipe in the archives.



why would they exterminate their own (the SA, as mentioned just before in the same supposed speech) and then simply send the filthy kikes away? that doesn't make much sense.


It is going to happen.
We will ensure it

We ban people for being Jews as well.

Also: kikes are not people so it can not be genocide on a fundamental level.

Ok I'm trying to redpill my aunt and she's bringing up the Final Solution document. Can you guys help me find the info to debunk this shit cause Jewgle is pozzed as fuck.

Give us her personal information.
She must be corrected.

Shouldn't the order to exterminate all Jews have been carried out and all of them slaughtered when first found? Why round them up into concentration camps and provide them with food, shelter, and medical care instead of just shooting them on the spot when they found them, or at any of the other presumably government-controlled stops on the way to the camp.

She's saying that they didn't decide to kill them until after so many were interned.
Is their even any documentation on this supposed final solution?

Tell me about the numbers in kike skin where can I debunk this shit.

Research even the usholocaust archives and things don't jive. Willie Frey for example. There is a collection there containing "russian copies" from a private collection that were used at Nuremberg and the whole thing does not jive. Different prisoner names between this transcript and historical texts. It's a complete shitshow. What was entered into testimony was basically anything that covered either marxist or jewish asses for some of their on crimes while interred.

Research a camp. Go through private collections of papers from Nuremberg trials. Be amazed at the inconsistencies and the absolute kangaroo court atmosphere. Once people testified to this shit it became (((public record))). We can't have people doubting putting people to death now can we? That would hurt sensitivities in the 40's/50's.
Russians hammered the Germans with their "true copy" paperwork as they truly feared a reunified or even just a hostile and reenergized west Germany. Insuring some sort of communal guilt and future male beta cuckness would ensure Germans would not pose a problem for generations.