Vigilante Pedophile Hunters to Join Police

So called "vigilantes" have never really been supported by authorities at least not publicly. Largely what is known about such individuals is that they take matters into their own hands with no regard for the law. But the plague of pedophilia and child sex abuse continues to gain ground so one police commissioner in the UK says he may just need their services. The members of vigilante ‘pedophile hunter’ groups could be made special constables to help officers in their online search for child sex groomers, a police and crime commissioner has suggested.

RT reports Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent Jeff Cuthbert told BBC Wales that the groups, which track down and confront groomers then post the video on social media, were “intent on playing what they see as their part,” and saying they had secured many convictions.

The former head of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Agency, Jim Gamble, described the growing number of child sexual exploitation cases as a “tsunami” and “almost overwhelming.”

The Home Office has also condemned such groups.

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Sign me the FUCK up.

I believe this is my, and several other anons, true calling and purpose in this life. Doing 4 years of pedowood/pg research sans salaire should enable the qualifications for sending a boot through some pedofucks face.

Pedophile hunters? That's very bigoted and Islamophobic of you Brits.

make sure to upload your prey to liveleak and webm

First off

They definitely have some work to do methinks.

Because they've been doing such a good job so far, right? Why are police so incompetent that we have to do their work for them?

Inb4 pedos join the police force in this way to provide cover

Let's do this

Bullshit. In the UK the police are involved with it. The bigggest abusers are protected by the state which is part of why, I never worked there. Wales and Scotland are even worse. This is some honeypot shit if anything. I'll refer you to a top pig there saying a few months ago that viewing filth should be ALLOWED.

I'm sure they have good intention but they use scum tactics and are more like fake news.
They lure these asians by chatting with them as adult male/female and later go their residences claiming they were underaged all along and intimidate without giving a chance to explain.

No, we're military.

Yes, it's called a right wing death squad.

The cops are in on it.

Seconded. Lets go pig hunting.

I already did this for a while (and still kind of do) right here on Holla Forums. There's pedos all over the goddamn place. Go to Holla Forums and you will find a pedo thread.

But this place has its share of pedophiles,I have seen some eyebrow raising views here on Holla Forums and the altright sites about this subject.
Just take this thread as an example.

2 days before the April 1st site disaster I made a thread about a pedo ad jim allowed and posters here chastised me and said it was ok,then the mods even banned me.

I really don't give a fuck if Mohammed gets a 9 mm headache for wanting to rape a 9-year old. I'm so fucking sick of all these fucking Muslims getting away with shit because "muh diversity" and "muh multiculturalism".

Quick question: What does "burnt offering" mean in Arabic?

As soon as my state's PD starts up their own jurisdiction to hunt down pedophiles, I'll be right on that.
Not gonna do shit until it's legal, mr fbi.

Stop posting that stupid animie, that anime is a fucking lesbo pedophile

You know nothing.


I know way more than you you kid fucker

Get the fuck outta here.




count me in

a lot of modern day germany is pro pedo, should nuke the whole country

Jim will fix it.

Yeah sure thing. I'm sure it's Nigel Armstrong from down the street, not Abdul Mohammad Mohammad molesting the kids.

We will nuke Pedo UK first :)



Didn't National Action have a pedo hunting group?


Reminder that all these services are stooges for the government, especially one in the (((UK))), they will do nothing to end the mudslime rape gangs or pedo elites.
Look up how many people who cross the path of kikes and globablists get charged with CP on their pc, they just use these guys to destroy their opponents.

How do they get away with this?
Imagine just crosses. People would have trouble accepting mere crosses on police badges, even though there's a judeo-christian majority. Why is this accepted?

$5 says they only go after whites and let the real paki asian rape gangs and kikes off scott free.


Are you the same user shill posting anti-britbong D&C in every thread or did they hire a full team of Indian's top talent?

I'm pretty sure that it's imkampfy. That guy never gets banned and imkampfy used to openly do D&C exactly like that.



They target mostly white guys online, Pakis would knife them. They pretend to be 1-2 years below the age of consent and lead the guy on. It's fucking lame because at best they get some perv who would never succeed in luring a teen or even leave his basement. Sometimes they use pictures of legal age females and just say they are 15. This does absolutely nothing to stop real pedophiles molesting 8 year olds.
It's a waste of time. You will never stop a teenage girl who wants to get fucked from finding men willing to fuck her.

You sound like a total Minor Attracted Person™ but the girl in that pic is surely in the 18-25 range.

isn't that islamophobic

When can people just be honest with themselves and start deputizing the citizenry to remove all kebab invaders?

Or when will people be honest and realize that all levels of government, even the local fucking bobbies have sold their children out to foreign rapists and that legal action most likely wont lead to the end of their problems? London RWDS now.

U wot m8?

I wonder what type of person would be compelled to say something like this…

When will Rotherham be renamed to Rotherhalal?

Tesak should go to UK and recruit some Polish guys into anti-pedo, Slavic death squads.

I assume it means burnt offering dumbass.

I was just thinking this is a good way for NA to continue their work in a state-sponsored way.

This is a trap to send them to the jails for ruining the pedo's life.

Utter bollocks. The polices' problem is if they press the Crown Prosecution Service to go after men known to have looked at kiddy porn, they're going to have to find prison or offender management regimes for about 1 million. Which is about 10x the entire UK criminal management system. Not to mention the knock-on effects of child protection, divorce, unemployment etc.

Good thing it's legal for citizens in burger land to make arrests.. Hence the legal term " citizens arrest" is it like that in the UK as well ?

Oh vey goy don't you dare go for younger women. Families are bad, grab yourself a free college educated liberated woman goy.

Its pretty jewish in this thread.

you wish, we can get longer sentences than the criminal for being a vigilante here.

No matter how hard you shill, you will NEVER EVER get those 10 bucks back

I wonder how will the authorities respond when 90% of the traffickers turn out to be muds…

There are "pedos" who want a pure 3D waifu like it happened for ages and then there are muds, kikes, spics and other promiscuous kiddy-fiddling degenerates that rape and prostitute children or worse to fullfill their lower unnatural urges.

Noice, exterminate them all

I hate normie filthy abominations.

No, there are pedos and there are pedos who try to rationalize it. You fucking neets will hang alongside the niggers. You were never principled and few of you are even interested in real life let alone politics at all.

You're a fucking kike yourself.

Has anyone considered that they may be trying to better discover how they keep getting caught. Like another user said, these ducks are in on it. Just keep getting them caught until the populace turns on them or take it into your own hands.
Eventually we're probably gonna have to anyway. Just prepare for worst case scenario and expect to catch cops and muzzieniggers.

Why should the successful chain themselves at the hip to the unsuccessful? If the vigilantes join the UK police department, the only ones who win are the pedos. The badge is a ball and chain on the legs of good men, and nothing more.

Count me in

Sounds like a totally worthwhile effort

What I never understood about Rotherham was how they got away with raping 1,400 girls. You'd think at some point a father would catch wind and go apeshit. Where were the fathers? And how in the fuck did these shitskins get a hold of so many white girls?

It's just unfathomable.

Never really got into Mercs, BMW is a car that I like what is the difference? Do mercs drive as well and have the same features?

Toppest of kek's, user. They're way ahead of you on that one.

Mercs have the luxury market in a vice grip. BMWs are comfy of course but Mercedes has always had the most advanced technological features, they implement sensors in almost every part of the car.

Mercedes suspension and drivability might rival BMW's in terms of comfort, but nobody can compare the FEEL of a BMW taking a turn, accelerating onto the highway, etc.

Nowadays however, if you're getting a 2017 model, Audi will give you some groundbreaking tech. So the end game for guys with that kind of money is style. I'd much rather have the style of Mercedes than Audi, but I too am partial to BMW because of their aggressive design.

tfw still a poorfag with only an E30


Man you people are nuts. I don't even like having anti-lock brakes or power steering on my ride. Or a stupid TRACS light blinking on and cockblocking me every time I want to do something cool.

look at my spoiler fag. I drive a 1988 model.

No AWD system in the world could redeem a move like that

I drove a newer Jetta in the snow recently, and the TCS actually increased the tendency to fishtail. Compared to my 88 3 series, which powers through most road conditions. Although, even with TCS, I am never going to buy a FWD vehicle.

also when did this become an auto thread.

Soon as someone mentioned cars on a board entirely populated by men. Though, there really does need to be a pushback against what manufacturers and government are doing to autos. Big time. They can't even legally make me something where I can turn the cam and crank with the belt off without meeting resistance. Let alone something that doesn't look like a fucking pontoon.
Trump please help

Sahgay for car sub-thread

>Joining the (((police)))

I swear Holla Forums forgets who the real enemy is sometimes

This. These cuck cops are the same ones who let girls get raped by pakis for 20 years. Now they want to further distance themselves from it by having hooligans do the work for them, exclusively targeting whites when there are entire kike and mudslide networks to take down. If you're an anti-pedo vigilante in the UK, keep the (((police))) out of your affairs. (((Courts))), too.

Man, this would be so trivially easy to exploit.
Hell, the economy of human trafficking and child prostitution isn't going to collapse only because the dumbest pedophile ever falls for an obvious trap. They're the tip of the ice berg.

spoiler alert, they be found to be pedos in a decades time.

Or you could just deport all the brown people, and take care of any that don't go quietly.


Got away with what? Their 'potential' crime?

Good heavens.


So.. they are going to hunt down Hollywood. Excellent!

The trick is eliminating the actual practitioners of child abuse instead of the dorkmeiers who watch the filth on computers. I recently found the ped fags have actually made a guide in their sadistic practices. All we need are a reliable group of authorities to report them to.

You just made the list sheeny

not buying it, stinks of misdirection

This user might be on to something. Why go for the masturbating losers wearing neckbeards and trilbies when Bill Clinton is still making trips to the island?
