Bongs Hope on Polacks to Battle the Mudshit Hordes

The anti-immigration party trying to recruit immigrants

So are these guys cuckservative "Wars for Israel" types or not?

Antisemitic, well that's surprising, can any bong support the legitimacy of this loose accusation?

A recent report from the campaigning group Hope Not Hate said the largest and most organised neo-Nazi group in the UK is the National Rebirth of Poland. The presence of groups like these, Hope Not Hate says, has fuelled extreme far-right activists.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good luck after the damage that kosher stooge Farage did.

Which was?

His non-stop whining about Bulgarians, Poles, and Romanians while being so eager to shift immigration to commonwealth mudshits like Kenyans, Indians, and other filth.

This thread will be derailed by british government's paid shitposters.

Britain First are state actors

Take a look at some of their videos, now if the average bong were to go out tomorrow and try and emulate it (say for example bursting into a Halal butchers in a group and giving the owners abuse for half an hour) they would be arrested and carted off to prison on hate crime charges. Fact.

Brothers, we got you.

Hope not Hate are also well known state actors

This is all orchestrated theatrics. Ignore it.



Britain is unbearably cucked. Its people, its leadership, everything. Trying to save Britain is like rising Winston Churchill from the dead so he can rally to keep Britain white again. It's not happening. The only hope is to work against Britain and undermine it along with all radical leftist groups like antifa to destroy Britain as a whole and whole in superior masters, like Russia. Russia should rightfully be Britain's master. Churchill would agree, after all they fought the Nazis together. Russia is master of the UK, it needs to bow to Russian might and fury and only then can Britain be saved.

aka the Mexicans of Europe


Maybe anglos aren't cut out for this shit

Anglos should be the white colonial navy. its what theyre best at.

The unholy alliance.


once a large amount of slavs move into your country, you will beg to have ahmed's cum back

Hello Ahmed.

gopniks + chavs = niggerdeath right wing death squads

Butthurt Prusscuck detected. Shoo, cuck, shoo! Back to your cuckshed you go!

A good place to start is a TRUE pan-european movement. Not totally ideal, but not totally shit as I thought it was. Better than Tommy Robinson bullshit.

you might enjoy it in your closed off neighbourhood praising the slavs for their culture keeping, meanwhile i have lived in shitty parts in the city with eastern european immigrants and arab/turkish immigrants, within a month i was almost robbed 6x by a eastern european, they will only come to westenr europe to recieve welfare since it's easy since most of them are in the eu, while the arab emigre or the 3rd generation of immigrant usually is like the rest of our people a bit shunned or different but working atleast, enjoy your sheltered live untill a polish family moves into your neighbourhood and you start to miss stuff and sleep

you are very special

Wew lad I'm not defending either immigrant, they're both bad, but only a German could say this, truly.
Fucking based!

i'm not promoting any imigration but anybody who prefers a slav over a turk or arab should be gassed, the slav has the richest lands and the poorest countrie, AKA the niggers of europe

Poles would put up more of a fight over keeping his job from muhammad than pathetic britcucks would over their own country, if you go over to shithole known as /brit/ too you can see them screech about muh poles all day too, while those poles work the jobs the fat neets who sit on there all day calling blue collar people "degenerate"

poles steal the jobs because the white brit wants minimum wage while the pole works illigal for alot less, that is why they are disliked

Gee I wonder why that is, years of communist centralization after your country sperging out and destroying everything, then the (((Germans))) buying everything up when we joined the E.U. I know it's nothing but hot puff and typical German kvetching when you can't and won't say the same to untouched and model Slavic countries like Slovenia, Slovakia and Czechs, who you try kissing up to all the time. Fuck off and cry in your containment thread, cuck.

the only good slavs are slovaks, slovenes and croat and bosnians the rest are commie scum, also not our fualt you let yourselfs be cucked, don't give me the stalin bullshit he was dead after 1953

There is no Stalin bullshit, he was the first to recognize our Oder Niesse border and wanted to give us more on your behalf.
Then shut up and close your border so you won't get our gopniks Ahmed.

can't do it because our government is bribed by the slavs and felling bawwwwwhhh for ww2

lviv sure is nice this summer ain't it?

This place isn't, so fuck off faggot.

Real hungry for another brother war aren’t you. Typical Tricks.

Same goes almost every other post ITT. We don’t need Slavs in our country, they are only here to take advantage but I don’t dislike them at all. As much as I don’t want them here driving our wages down I’d happily fight side by side with them should the EU or similar entity wage war against them for refusing enrichment quotas.

Good luck with that. Half of bongland is so cucked that they actually mind immigrants (white, christian immigrants) from Eastern Europe more than Abdul ibn Tyrone and his 14 sons from Somalia. Just look at

Haha the fucking British are scumbags. HAHAHA

i pressed space accidently
also brest has good byelorussian food, don't you agree?

That's "Old" German eternal butthurt for you, shilling for more Turks, nothing unusual.

you can't eat bread or afford expensive stuff if the majority of your immigrant ruin your economy making it like their own country, while you can get welfare from the immigrant being government employed to make a road and the taxcut pays for your NEET life while the slav works illigally no taxes, no NEET bux for you

You are no better than the evil white immigrants working illlegaly

i work, i pay taxes, those taxes fund shitty NEET life like yours and the welfare of the 6 gajilion poles

Breivik did nothing wrong.

Good luck. These half-wit white traitors won't say a single thing about a ghetto of third world muds shitting up their area, but they'll talk shit endlessly about a single apartment building filled with Polish people, and put them down like they're sub-humans. Brits are pathetic. They say not a single word about the muds, but they talk more shit about other Europeans than Holla Forums does about Jews.

I'm from the US. I've met Polish people. Good people. Hard workers. My grandfather was Polish. Owned a small business but was put under during the great depression.

These guys are hyper Zionists. That bitch in pic is a jew herself, forget her name, Fransen or something.

Britain First are literally crypto kikes, fuck them.

As a Britbong I agree. I'll be moving to the country away from all this shit. Both myself and my gf are headed toward high paying jobs (80K+) and we've both agreed we'll be regularly paying a considerable amount to any decent right wing groups (such as any new NA types as well as hardline parties). Several friends who'll similarly be doing well have agreed to do this also. So it's just a matter of letting Nature fix things here.

But yeah the people are fucking pozzed. Notice how most of the cuck memes like #NotAllMuslims #YouAintNoMuslim and #PrayFor ALL came from Britain. They're obsessed with feel good signalling it's pathetic. I welcome more death, more suffering. Cleanse the slate so we may rise.


brits are kike pedos. FUCK EM

Keep dreaming.

Like the Trumps?

Yeah, why do you think both are allowed to exist?

This is either shilling or the ultimate form of cuckoldry. You're basically saying these people are so profoundly superior that no one could dare challenge their authority. You're saying they control and run everything. We could never win. If we win it's really just them subverting us. Again, either a shill or the ultimate cuckold.



What are you implying here?

ITT pajeet,paki,chinamen and mulattos causing d&c, offcourse there are british government shills too


best thing to do is ignore him he goes insane like he did in the Football Lads Alliance thread.
(His tantrum fit was hilarious)
See first reply in that one.
Also, reported.


The NOP are Fascists, not National Socialists. Respect muh pronouns!

Her nose is showing

Goverment can delegalise them and put them away with one stroke of pen

Churchill selling out to international Jewry is what caused Britain to turn to shit like it did. He is no saviour or great prime minister who defeated da ebil natzees, he's a traitor to the white race.

That's the name of the article, lad.

And now the British center is trying to recruit them to fight against a greater evil.

I wonder if we could do the same thing with Hispanics here?

it's a good idea.

but I have to correct you:

It is not like this. Polish are so badass for the lack of better term, they offer their help themselves.

For proof.

t. Euro

Britain First is run by proxy by the state, they do it to keep nationalist politics in a pen in its own corners. Unless they can win seats they achieve nothing and that's exactly the way the state wants them. Shouting and screaming and scaring voters away so that the government can continue on with no proper political resistance, the only resistance that matters. Also no foriegners ever going to vote to stop the stripping of Britain of it's wealth and assets especially when they have bennies to lose.

You are being a d&c jew / paki / pajeet / akmed / communist

Which exactly you are is unimportant, what is important is that you are identified and reported.

Kill yourself, kike.

(((Britain First, Jayda Fransen, Paul Golding)))
too right her controlled opposition nose is showing.


this is your only shill tactic and it is lame

They know poles will actually help fight muds so bringing in more of them is better.

I'm not the one to speak sine I'm based in Poland, its why I asked you to refute the "antisemitic" claims if they're untrue. They don't seem so kosher to me, m8.

In britain you are either a liberal or an Israel shill

yes, absolutely no patriots.
get fucked

He killed the children groomed to be the next generation of leftist traitors so naturally that means:
fucks sake
The organisation has now published a thorough report on the activities and strategies of Britain First after following its development closely in the last few years.

Mr Collins told the Star that Hope not Hate wanted to “warn people that this group has different aims, different goals, different strategies” from previous far-right organisations such as the British National Party or the English Defence League.

“We are looking at a group that is drilled, uniformed and, more worryingly, is doing things like ‘mosque invasions’,” he added.

The group exposed the leadership of Britain First as a collection of violent individuals, most of which have police records for serious offences.

Mr Collins, a reformed militant of the National Front, said that Britain First was particularly dangerous because it had been successful at co-opting what he calls the “social-moral panic.”

Its propaganda is based on a lethal combination of Islamophobic slurs and anti-immigration policies.

It has been keen on capitalising from general feelings of disappointment with mainstream politicians, much like Euro-sceptic Ukip has done.

From animal abuse to “British values,” Britain First has tweaked its political agenda according to currently popular national sentiment.

Hope not Hate expects its report on the far-right group to be a “wake-up call” to politicians and individuals alike.

“So that people can extend a hand to the Muslim community,” Mr Collins said.

As reported this Wednesday by the Star, Britain First has been staging regular incursions into Muslim communities, pushing people around and provoking people into physical confrontation.

Before the so-called “mosque invasions” in Bradford, Glasgow and Luton, the proto-fascist group had already staged “Christian Patrols” in Tower Hamlets, promoting racial and religious hatred.

Speaking to the Star, Luton’s Muslim community leader Mohammad Shafait described how after Britain First’s incursions people started fearing spiralling bloodshed.

“Either they are going to lose their lives or he is going to lose his life,” said Mr Shafait of Britain First chairman Paul Golding’s storming of local mosques during prayers: “That’s what they are frightened of.”

Hope not Hate and Mr Collins also urged the government to take action.

“The police or whoever needs to put an Asbo on Britain First because wherever it goes its sole objective is to wind up fear,” concluded Mr Collins.

Not wanting poles doesn't mean we want pakis ffs

Churchill was based tbh


waste of dubs

He was an idiot that collapsed the empire

Fuck off brit/poo/
He could've halted the war so many times but deliberately chose not to. Fucking kike puppet.

It is though, the gov, the media, the corps, this site, all under jewish control.

Gr8 b8 m8…9/11

He was a kike puppet.

So were the Germans, and now we're seeing global weimar which will result in the final war.


I hope I live to see Germany turned into an blood refinery tbh

Or should I say


oy vey it's annudah shoah

Nuance escapes you

Yeah I agree, Hitler was a cunt who would have stabbed the UK in the back the first chance he got. They were just defending themselves against the GERMan menace.
Germans aren't even human and should be holocausted.

Would you anti-white fuckers fuck off to your containment board?


The day GERMany is eradicated from the earth will be a glorious day indeed.

What's it like being this stupid?

Kek OK I am biased a little…


This tbh





I think they are more for attention than real change, but they are amusing nonetheless.

Sounds like a German. Germans dreamed of killing all the slavs in WWI and WWII and taking their land for colonies. Just a continuation of their entire history, it's in their blood to covet the possessions of their neighbors and believe they are entitled to ownership.

Churchill, saving whites? Russia, saviour of whites? What the fuck are you smoking shlomo?
My advice to you is stop watching Sargon and kill yourself

What has this site become?

It's mostly shitposting and a side of Soviet takeover.

He's right about Churchill, though.

Churchill was massively racist. Britain would have lost the war in both situations, and Churchill had no idea that Britain would be "blacked"

Infact, it was deliberately delayed until AFTER his death. Because he was widely respected.

Currently the shills are doing an opposed shilling technique to create noise and astroturf controversy among us. You can see right through it because the ones who pretend to be us are strawmanning our own positions (ie unironically using nazi, a kike slur for wn/NatSocs) to then be "btfo" by flawed reddit-tier contradictions and ad hominem. Steel yourself against their faggotry.


Poisonous kikes, I didn't mean just in this thread but Britain[judaism] First

Back to your containment board, rotgum mud.

(((Britain First)))

You could at least be honest and say you went to war with Germany because you had a vested interest in maintaining the independence of Belgium, desire to cripple the German economy and financial system and take its colonies. Not that the Germans are free of blame thinking they could get away scot free with violating the neutrality of a nation or thinking that Bismark's alliances would help them when he was no longer around to maintain them.


Ow come on, jews would never infiltrate the goy-

well, what do you expect by people who had been invaded by relatively small groups of foreigners and always bent the knee.
under that aspect brits are hardly different from those balcanic populations who became the ottomans' bitches and converted to islam.

not principle people.

To be honest, Tommy Robinson is only against open borders and the free pass migrants get to commit crimes, he is not against mixing and multiculturalism. He constantly talks about how mixed and multiculti his hometown is, his muslim friends, etc.

This really, they are obvious, everything wn is jewish and if you disagree you're a jew, basically demoralisation campaign

Learn to recognize it

Tommy isn't thick, he understands that he'll never be taken seriously if he outs himself as a racist. His agenda is clear, but he's as controlled and articulate about it as it's possible to be. Muslims are the most immediate threat, and in the UK Muslim is synonymous with shitskin. First step is to get people united against Muslims before they outbreed the white man and can no longer be removed from society.

Fuck off with your disinfo propaganda back to 4shit, kike. Do you even know what board you're on?


it's true, ric in natural resources, and the abilety to build great infastructure and industry, what do they do? corruption and taking easier jobs in the west, they are sub-humans trough and trough

This just pisses me off so much. Many of the white working class who choose get involved in activist groups like Britain First do so for very legitimate reasons, but their leaders betray those same people by doing stupid shit like this. Countersignaling against things they have zero comprehension of or understand.

I want to like them, I really do, but the reality is that they are just a liability. They alone can not come close to fixing the multitude of problems that Britain has today, they only divert energy away from far better movements and organisations. It's so irritating to see this.

No they hadn't. They wouldn't have acted if the French invaded Belgium. Britain and France had a secret pact against Germany years before 1914, because the Anglos thought it is time to cut down a economically too successful Germany.

It was a joint Anglo/French/Russian aggression against Gemany and Austria. Russian supported Serbia did kill the Austrian heir. The Serbs are proud till today about that terrorists attack. England (it's ally Italy and co-masonic France) sought to destroy Austria since at least 1848. Russia wanted a warm water harbour at the Mediterranean (and the North Sea). England didn't like the idea of an economical prospering central Europe under German leadership, connecting by rail North Sea and Mediterranean. England also didn't like the idea of German built railway line connecting Central Europe with the Persian Gulf (were the British fleet planed to get the oil for their new oil powered battleships). That railway line would have skipped all choke points for trade under British control.

Britain did not respect the neutrality of the Dutch or Danes, Norwegians, intercepted and embargoed their shipping in WWI, because they wanted to blockade trade with Germany. When Germany blockade and embargoed British trade with “neutral” USA, they cried “war crime”.

Like the Brits in 1801 attacked neutral Denmark, destroyed their fleet and in 1807 burned down their the capitol of still neutral Denmark Copenhagen?

Like Britain respected the neutrality of Norway in WWII mined Norwegian Waters, tried to destroy the iron ore harbour of Narvik and the iron ore railway to Sweden and most probably planned together with France to occupy the iron ore mines in Kiruna of neutral Sweden.

Like Britain respected the neutrality of Iran/Persia, occupying the country in collaboration with the Soviet Union in WWII.

Turnabout is always fairplay.

Poland got the second “Ruhrgebiet”, German Manchester, second industrial center of the Reich, incredible rich and developed agricultural land, an infrastructure made by the Germans, second to none – and they wasted it all. Million of Poles come to West as beggars, burglars and robbers, check British crime statistic.

Also all the “Slavs land” are rich in natural resources, rich soil plenty of minerals. So how is that a resource poor country like the Dutch have great industry and agriculture and the Slavs haven't?

Isnt that an anglo thing? There are only like 4 countries you have not invaded

I would like to start a motion that we exterminate the flithy britkikes and replace them with poles.

Russians are cucks they need to bow dow to their finnish masters. The UK is rightful Polish clay

Brits make up the single largest white group on Earth, with around 55-60 million in the UK, around the same in the USA, and in NZ/Aus/Ca again.

So you're looking at up to 200,000,000 - around a fifth of all white people are British.

The next largest are German (around the same, but slightly lower) followed by Russian (120,000,000 or so)

I agree. He's 100% clueless about the war against the European people and how we get here. Not even controlled op in my opinion, just a victim of the liberal democracy meme himself.

gas yourself, turkroach

because the dutch are smart, invest in trade and make good friends, slavs only like each other and all of them are corrupt sub-humans, that is hwy they fail

That's not what you said when you lost 95% of your empire to turnabout, especially the chink and pajeet parts.

You type like a nigger fresh off the boat from Somalia and you complain about other bring sub-human. Is this why you're so mad? Because there's potential competition for your gibs?

i'm mad because people steal my tax money and pol sucks their balls all the way because they act edgy, my typing is a bid bad because i can speak over 8 langauges and my keyboard is broken

I don't think you can even speak one.

What the hell are you talking about? Lodz was incapacitated by the Great Depression and the (((Soviet))) takeover in the east, and it's still a major manufacturing center. As to why they don't do a brusque trade in heavy industry, well, take a fucking look around Europe.

Top fucking kek.

Americans are not brits you filthy subhuman stop trying to drag us into your subhuman race

still, would be more than you

And we had a lot of our money come from oil from the first ever refinery, but we don't tap our reserves anymore because we don't want America up our ass about it or fined through hell and back like Norway and the E.U.

Care to share a story?

Your nation was defined, until the 1920s, as a "nation of Englishmen"

Your constitution literally defines the nation's people as "Englishmen and whites of a none-swarthy complexion"

America was founded by Englishmen, hoss. English and Ulsters, that is.

This is actually pretty common in the UK for Polish to care more about Britain than actual Brits. Whenever there is any sort of nationalist rally, half the people who turn out end up being Polish. IIRC this even happened with national action marches before they got shut down by the Jews.

Correct. The true royal bloodline of King Cnut was Polish. The crown has since been usurped by filthy Jews.

We didn't try and do it all at the same time you sperg.
This is the trouble with Krautists. No patience. Can't walk through Maginot line, much too slow, must go via Belgium. Can't negotiate for Danzig, got to ally with the Soviets and take it RIGHT NOW.
Patience is a virtue.


Pic related capped from :37. A real Aryan beauty, right go- guys?

There would be no muslim problem if it weren't for the jewish problem. He doesn't actually want to fix either problem, see .

sage for this thread being shilled beyond belief

At least they don't guzzle brown cock like you, Eternal Anglo-kun.

Your country is a disgrace, Brexit or no.


False. British govt shitposters do it for free.

Here they come.

EVERY UK thread.

Each and every single thread, these fuckers show up.

NEVER more than 3 posts per ID, always the same style.

Is this an MI5 thing? GCHQ? Talented amateurs?

enjoy your bubled off world untill the welfare stops and the gates come down, enjoy living like eastern european standards with no animus, no NEET bux, no independance (either suck up to russia or usa)

Anyone still defending (((Tommy Robinson))) is a shill or an idiot


And right on schedule, BF gets pushed in the wake of NA.
Both Jewish operations.
Both state controlled.

As always, the objective is to lure gullible young WNs into acting out like their agitators, thinking that the police will turn a blind eye, or give a slap on the wrist at worst.
In reality any normal White doing the things that Jewess Jayda does in her videos, will be imprisoned for roughly 5 years once all of the "hatecrime" modifiers to the common assault are totted up.

Here again.


the joke writes itself, you are so distant from the real world it's laughable

Filthy dumb britpol scum.

This is good news. English and Poles have a good chance of winning if they cooperate.