Fjotolf Hansen / Anders Behring Breivik

In 11 days will be the anniversary of Anders Behring Breivik's slaughter of cultural marxists in Norway.

He killed 77 getting holy dubs of Kek in so doing and injured 319.

He now goes by the name of Fjotolf Hansen, suspiciously similar to Adolf Hitler, and a name never known in Norway before.

He identifies as a National Socialist and a Fascist and an Odinist.

Some kikes reject this hero because they point out the leftist marxist cucks he killed were anti-Israel, as if that somehow negated them from being legitimate targets, when they were doing what they could to destroy Norway. They also think his Freemasonic larpery somehow proves he's somehow against the white race.

A lot of rhetoric he used in his manifesto and much else of what he did, he did specifically to protect ethno-nationalists, and keep reactionary blame off of them.

Really, this man did absolutely nothing wrong, and all the shit-talkers who don't like Breivik need to step up and get a higher score.

How are you preparing to celebrate this hero of the white race this coming July 22nd?

Other urls found in this thread:

Holla Forums is a board of peace, we do not condone mass murder

Shlomo you are not good at this.

What a fucking lie.

They were not innocent but the future leaders of the Norwegian Labour Party.
They were not kids but late teens and young adults.
More then a few were also non white.

tfw he was defending his white classmates from dindus and he defended his country as a whole later on

He didn't murder anyone. He killed enemy combatants / traitors in an ongoing racial holy war in Europe.

Fuck off kike

I support Breivik's actions, but it's still a shame so many white kids had to die that day. I understand they were traitors, though. My lamentations are more with the fact that they were traitors in the first place. If they were alive today I'd probably wish they were dead, but there's still that part of me that wishes they could have been saved instead. Still, better dead than red.


I was subjected to intense bluepill liberal propaganda my entire life. It never got through to me. These were lost causes easily swayed by anti-white propaganda.


That was just 88D chess as he has revealed in this year of 2017.

He confirmed the Zionism was a false flag in 2014


And he is a judeo-christian Mason, Zionist and pro-LGBT

People react to stimuli differently. I was subjected to jewish propaganda for the entirety of my early life as well, and it never sat right with me, but I didn't learn or dare to even acknowledge the hidden truth until I was maybe 17 or 18. At that point my past history only made my convictions stronger. At 14 or 15 you would have thought I was a lost cause too. You need to stop being so naive. That said, Breivik still did the right thing.

I took the blue pill and ran with it.
Ironically, after a series of traumatic events I started to see the world differently. When shit really hit the fan, I realized that the left's moral posturing is absolutely meaningless in any real situation where you need help and support. When they face that you're in real pain and trouble, they jump ship.

You want to redpill people?
Put them in deep fucking shit for extended periods of time. Works, every single fucking time. Not on women though.

You're just looking for excuses not to like him.

TRSodomite detected.

The fuck are you on?

Apparently Breivik compared himself to this man right after he surrendered to the police and told what his attack was about.

Already been covered , now fuck off.

He once called himself "Europe's most perfect knight since WWII". How is this not a pro-NatSoc, pro-white statement?

He shot up a school and killed white kids right?

He hates NatSoc and loves Israel. What kind of Jewish shit is this?

Don't you know they expect one of us in the fire brother?

He never shot up a school and he killed the freaks in pic related.

He has many times expressed his admiration for NatSoc and he is no lover of the jews.

Muh based Dylan Roof, rite? Breivik killed more norwegians than the muslims did in the whole history. This is e-celeb tier.

Dylan Roof is more of a man that you'll ever be, coward.

A bunch of under age white kids. Of course you kikes love him for this.


The average age of the "kids" which were killed is 20, you lying kike.

The youngest was 14. The age of consent in National Socialist Germany was 14. The very fact you intentionally skew the truth by using emotionally overhyped words like "child" to describe teens and young adults make you a lying kike. There is not a single thing a true Holla Forumsack has to lie about because truth is always on our side.

I made a new meme for you Commie Jew.

>implying Hitler enjoyed killing white slaves of the (((international elements)))

I see you kike provocateur shit, first the "Islam was done by jews" but christianity is not jewish, then Breivik endorsement. Reported and hope the mods notice it too.

sure are a lot of headshots

If only he had showed up at the G20 rally instead of Utoya.

The men of always propping up their bastion of everything is permitted. Nothing to see here.

If he was a commie jew why didn't he, you know, do what all the other commie jews do?

Nice shill thread. You made a couple before and got deleted as well. Fuck off with your "Based" traitors.

Why do you consider G20 a good target? The only people that rioted at G20 were antifas.

You people will find faults in absolutely anyone who actually wages racial holy war and kills our enemies.

Being forced to move into a shitty neighborhood works wonders.

Wasn't Trump at that thing? Would you have liked people to kill Trump?

That is the point.

Massive numbers of antifa scum (they canĀ“t run away easily) + lightly armed police.

(((trump))) is a jewish race traitor, it will be abundantly clear in time to those that are too blind to see it now

Nice bait, or you're a faggot, or you're a kike, fucking kys

Probably but he's not an ideal target unless you think by taking him down we can false flag a race war into happening.