Isn't it funny how Trump and the MSM basically engage in a total war of information?
The current situation is an excellent example. The other is the Obama meddling in the elections.

1. Trump shakes hands with Putin and achieves progress with Syria and other palaces
2. The MSM cabal releases the Don Jr. email that they obviously were saving for an occasion like this
3. The Don releases Hillary's emails and pounds her and her dog faced daughter on twitter
And I wonder what'll be found in them.

How I see it:

Trump and the MSM are playing a turn based game of cards.
Attack stories are organized according to their relevance and strength. Each one has it's own deck.
Trump has it ordered like an autistic kid in 5 albums. He of course never let's you see the pokemans he's been collecting since the 70'. The MSM has only unorganized bits and pieces with occasional rare encounters.

The match starts with one player laying down a card downwards. It's the one who's the most desperate to win.
When it flips over, the other counters it.
The point is to match them against their opponent as best as you can so the certain parts cancel each other out and the difference is the thing that the people notice.
Trump's trump card is the environment effect of media attack which weakens or downright negates the overall effectiveness of their play. This was his tactic to tip the playing field in his favour by a large margin.
Another one is the internet and the disgruntled people that got their voice.

Why the MSM will lose:
-no counter to his Trump card which only gets harder and stronger with the MSM doing obvious mistakes of propaganda press
-no counter to the internet without shutting everything down
-never bothered or were able to collect the cards that could be used against the joker. So they're left only with low level filler mobs to throw at the lvl 100 death knight.

The desperation will get the better of them and they'll just keep on attacking. The smarter and younger cogs will realize that the point of the game is not to play it and they'll flake off and start their own news organizations or switch to the internet.
Mainly the internet.

Trump is basically steering the rest into the gas chamber. Little do they know they'll just be castrated, deliced and showed into a concentration camp named

captcha: jw goyn

Other urls found in this thread:

It's some kind of autistic turn based poker with dice.

Oh a Trump thread. If it's not deleted, I'll grab the second post before the shills flood in posting wall pics/ivanka pics, repeating lugenpresse fluff and ignoring real action at a political and war/geopolitical level.
Anyone noticed how hellbent they are at dividing us over this issue?
They really don't want us to feel that we have someone who is at least partially working towards our goals, or that we had a major part in getting him there.
He's not the fourth reich and we never said he would be, but he's certainly a step in the right direction. More nationalism than king nigger or anyone else before.

In b4
inb4 Trump is literally a nigger cuck cus he touched a marine nigger and put a hat on them

Requesting more info on that one. I don't come here as often since Trump was elected because the quality has gone through the shitter but I'm intrigued about this story.
There is also no doubt Trump is playing on a level we can't understand fully until all has unfolded simply because we don't know everything also for the fact most people here are too retarded to understand the president of the USA can't just go around heiling Hitler and gassing kikes yet

What was the Don Jr. email? I haven't heard of it.

except the media doesn't talk about his jewish ties or him touching the wall, dropped

Just like CNN hosts? Because that's anti semitic! (long .RU breakdown with maps of combat at the time)

All confirmed by official sources.
Happened beginning to early June while peak 'CIA nigger drumpf is a gud goy' shilling occurred. They disappeared for a week after this kek. This lead to 105km of beautiful border back, Iran can resupply its militias and Iraq can help more now.
This makes trump a gud goy? lol

Agreed on the last part too - some seem to be thinking he'll be starting the Hitler Judgend and the Reichsarbeitsdienst asap. Lol.

filtered, subhuman heeb nigger.

the way i see it is trump and the MSM are both puppets controlled by the same (((marionette))) and it's all just a big bullshit game to trick the plebs like you in to thinking they are on opposing teams

Don Jr met with muh russha laywer to get dirt on hilldawg.
He's not politically involved so it's not illegal.
It was one of their only 'trump cards' and they played it now…
Probably to cover/distract from the CNN are kikes narrative.

I'm obviously a kike, posting positive news about Iran, Syria and Russia kek.

Could be indeed but the hard evidence doesn't support this approach. It's either the most elaborate false flag/plant operation ever that could potentially destroy the lugenpresse in the process, or it's real.

Time will tell. We'll see if he was a plant or if he's the real deal.

Put it this way, I don't vote nor consent to be governed in my own country as all Govts are fucking kike apparatus especially the taxslaver IMF/IRS world bank jews.

If someone like Trump came along, I would reconsider supporting a government closer, especially if they slashed company tax rates.
Slashing tax helps the jews now too?

I'm pretty sure it's the new shill tactic, call everyone a shill and spout LE BASED TRUMP and 88D everytime you're confronted to arguments.

Trump is a puppet of the right-wing kikeky, the media are puppets of the left-wing kikery.


It's really odd to me that they still think they're going to be actually able to fundamentally change Holla Forums's mind on anything. A good example was recently when Trump posted that .gif to Twitter, we had threads full of nothing but Holla Forumsacks and zero shills (they were off at their focus group trying to work out how to respond), and everyone was behind Trump on it. They're not actually changing anyone's mind, they're only managing to create some noise for the exact amount of time they're actually actively posting on the board.


You left the best part out. The meeting was arranged and set up by a British (((journalist)))

>OP writing style and logical contortionism same as (((second reply)))


Are you that 'user' that posted a photo of his shitty book shelf in the last Trump thread? Are you that analsplattered that you are gonna make another samefag thread about your shitty alt-kike idol? You outted yourself dude.

I laughed really hard at ""If it's not deleted''''. Good one.

KEK! Didn't see that part. Thanks for heads up, will dig.

LOL oyyy veyy (((they))) set the meeting up even! I'll need to get some more popcorn for this one when USA and Shareblue wakes up soon.

I'm glad more than a few Holla Forumsacks have picked up on this, thank you.

You're right though it seems all so pointless. All they do is disrupt conversation while there, then they disappear when the thread turns on them and makes it a massive Streisand effect. They also try to use consensus shilling, burning through profiles/IPs to make (1) posts 'supporting' the drumpf is a gud goy post/shill flavour of the day.

I've even been quoted when obviously sarcastic/attacking them, as part of their 'consensus building'. It's hilarious, they are paid per post sometimes, depending on who it is, so are rushing and fuck it up, quoting posts that disagree/debunk their narrative.


Oh look, it's case_in_point.jpg
Thanks for dropping by and trying, shlomo.

Too bad your script has been made far too obvious here already.

I'm also f55cbe, right? Lol

Comedy gold. Thanks for helping us build up a solid case to get rid of you dude.

oy vey user!

Spin harder alt-kike shill

Does anyone have that study about darker skin being linked to higher aggression and sexual activity?

I think we need to get rid of endkike faggots like you. You worthless niggers do nothing but spam, you're just as bad as Holla Forums.

And even more glaringly obvious than them tbh.
At least JIDF niggers put more effort in to divide/distract/control. They actually try at least.


I was here before you. I will be here when you are gone.

Filtering is for cucks and spammers like ashes and assholes when he goes off his meds.

Typical tricks

And that's all that matters. Filtered. Bitterness does not seem to become someone seeking the truth no?

You think I'm 4 different IDs now? Did you remember to double lock your back door oh Paranoidus?
I ain't going anywhere.

Thanks for blessing this thread with your truth, Satan.

It would be pretty hilarious if we could bait him in to shitting up shill threads.

Jej, yeah just filter everyone, including yourself.

Take your trump fanfiction to cuckchan.

A very kosher post my friend


wtf I love the declaration of democracy now


If shills are this butthurt, Drumpf must be doing something right

To think i got 0 replies and banned for making a thread that said god bless Donald Trump, we all need to support him a lot more– about a month or more ago when energy was low.

Fickle friends, dont do that again.

This user knows what the fuck is up.

Another item for the list is that alt-kikes and other controlled opposition were supportive of Trump for about only 2 months before claiming Trump had crossed the line somehow and that they were no longer "trumpers" or "trumpets". Funny how these people who claimed to believe in the same ideals were so easily lead astray by fake news. Yeah right. Their pathetic attempt to change people's minds about Trump, only to go on and spout the same (((globalist))) marxist b.s., is more proof Trump is on the real deal and they were controlled oppisition that blew their load to soon.

They already have convoluted tax avoidance methods.

This, basically.
Sad to see anons still falling for fake nationalism tbh.
Trump is a means to an end and a useful method to popularise our ideas. He's an integral part in shifting the overton window and bringing the pendulum back towards the right, but all of this blind faith is worrying. The mods have really done a fucking number on this board by filling it with redditors and dumbing down the discussion.

I unfortunately missed that and the HanAssholeSolo thing that followed. I'm only now aware of what had happened.

He attacked the Syrian government using obviously fraudulent "intelligence" that was made up out of whole cloth. And unless we are taking the position that General Mattis and the Syrian government are liars, I'd rather not be fed your boilerplate "muh empty airstrip" garbage.

stop posting and lurk more.

i agree but i do think we should be a little bit more open to criticizing him. We've gained massive ground with Trump, he may have been a start to something great but i don't think he'll be the end. I see some people on here immediately spout the "1488D chess" meme whenever Trump does something we disagree with. Maybe, or maybe he's actually just pandering to neocons and cuckservatives. We should encouraged to criticize or atleast question the guy without being spammed with comments calling us shills. If we don't do that i fear we may end up subverting our own ideology. Trump was a victory for sure, but we can't let victory make us complacent.

So he's playing MAGA: The Gathering?

This isn't faceberg or a chain e-mail letter from your grandma, you fucking faggot. Lurk the fuck moar.


Slashing taxes pulls a little bit of the kike dick out of America's asshole.

Get the fuck out.

Finally someone speaking some sense. We need to keep up the pressure on the administration to do the right thing gas the kikes but blind allegiance and T_D-tier
shitposting isn't helping the cause. It's OK to savagely rape normalfags and lefties with those memes for propaganda purposes, but that is their primary use: memetic warfare to shift the overton window.

Sorry, should have specified:
this shitposting isn't helping the cause ``here`` on Holla Forums - outside of Holla Forums it's extremely helpful.

fuck my nigger keyboard

Your description of Trump's autistic game was in it's self extremely autistic. Sounds like you've had experience autistically hording pokemon cards.

A turn based game of cards, you say?

I still wanna play that shit

Sure us crafty goyim and the juice can do it too. Sorry, should clarify I meant the Rothskikes/IRS/IMF/World bank/fed, whatever you want to call it, it's tentacles of the same thing.

They will lose out on corporate tax. They may make it back through extended growth and employment which then creates more spending, thus more tax base through sales tax.

Which is pretty much what the third Reich banked on, especially with awarding mothers for additional births.

So it may win out eventually if things continue and inflation is kept in check, but with a short term loss for the kikes.

Yup, fair point. He's not perfect either and definitely needs criticism from us and others as he has his flaws too.

There is a video or two I could post here that would fuck people off, showing some CIAnigger shit going down in Syria recently, which could look bad for Trump if you focused on that alone. Thing is, I have heard multiple statements to the contrary that he doesn't have control of CIAniggers and even military, to this fine-grained level (not a fire mission). So, it is so compartmentalised and a little difficult to always pin blame on him alone too.
But TBH he should crack down on that shit and just GTFO Syria.
Presidential directive to remove millitary and CIAniggers from Syria. A proper fuck you to ISISrael, he's done it subtly a few times but not this publicly. GTKRWN Massively exceed a campaign promise for once, not just meet them.

True and interesting point re-external to Holla Forums

I think he should GTFO from Syria.
So he does deserve criticism at the minimum there.

If we come up with genuine and well thought out criticisms of Trump, then hearts and minds will follow.
If you simply come out 'drumpf is a gud goy ra rar isisrael' it just comes across as desperate shilling. Let's be honest, anyone who is anyone in business has dealt with the kikes. You can't avoid them, they are everywhere in the upper echelons when you get there.
Doesn't mean you are not jewing the jew but you have to learn to play with them. You can also use them if you are really crafty, Don has done this for decades too. Anyone who has read the start of Art of the Deal knows this is true.

But re: Syria criticisms (pull the fuck out), we also need a method to communicate this to the insider or make it visible to them. Hopefully, naturally it is, if they are regulars here. you'd better be paying attention, bud

It's unfortunate that he made it a point of his campaign to get more involved then, isn't it? No matter how many times it was pointed that "safe zones" was a cryptic way of announcing continued occupation and partitioning, it just goes right over so much of the board's heads.

Now this is much better, actually competent shilling. See, you can do it if you try. And please do, it's far less grating than the 'loud' shilling that's usually practiced (with the redtext, mass links etc.).


Nobody's against valid criticism besides a few autists. However, if one looks like a shill and acts like a shill, he's a fucking shill. Holla Forumsacks who don't know how to not look like shills when they speak don't deserve anyone's time of day. If you frame an argument with a "Muh xxx" or some tedious bullshit, you deserve to be called out like the shill, or the faggot that you are.

You on the other hand are not. Protip: Holla Forums is smarter than you and already understands the current political layout. We also understand where there's things we don't know, and consciously hold off on hard judgements in those instances.

You're right on the money. Their methods are so obvious that even a complete newfag can catch on in less than a week. All it takes is one of Trump's signature wildcards to throw them off for a few hours to see what the board or one thread looks like without them. Their top-down decision making structure is their greatest weakness as it's too slow to react to chaos in a manner which appears natural. The best part is that the kinds of people who are depraved enough to run such an operation are also too power hungry and egotistical to ever abandon such a self serving org structure.

I looked in to this and it's actually very hard to find a concrete statement on it. If you can source, please do I'd love to read.

Which is what is happening now with RU etc in last week or so.

US has made much more strikes on ISIS since king nigger was out. That I can't debate as the proof is in the video pudding.
That said, Russia dwarfs US efforts. And CIAnigger base (encircled none the less) etc is a bit of a boon.

No, it really isn't. You can't create territory that's been set aside without physically occupying it.
Apart from the multiple times they've been attacking Syrian government positions in support of ISIS, right?

The MSM playing the Don Jr. card has got to piss off Don Sr. He'll have no mercy.


Mattis is a liar though.

Damage reports were 6 planes and a few buildings damaged by 50 missiles!

He is on record stating they wiped out 20% of the SAF.

6 planes is less than 10% of a single model of fighter bomber, let alone the various variants in operational service with SAF. He has direct satellite data so knows how many planes they have.
They had over 500 aircraft prior to the war, larger than any other military.

I believe he attacked the Syrians for a few reasons
1) To stop the CW Kvetching (just like the #2 tweet of all time - wrasslin' CNN to stop it the second time)
2) Establish a narrative to punish the intelniggers who lied
3) to keep ISISrael off his back (they supported a missile strike with ~70-80% miss rate)
4) other reasons we will find out in due course

If it's not hard to find it then pony up.
He was elected to do this as I provided quotes. I don't agree but it seems Russia and Iran are all happy, who are mortal enemies of ISISrael, who is the reason for the fucking war in the first place. They won't get their Golan heights oil.

They have struck SAA a few times yes. Most recent was when SAA tried to hold territory in the 'de-escalation zone', after allowing SAF to strike ISISrael forces to cover for Iranian militia fighting ISISrael.

So it's not just, US bombed SAA, sometimes it's more complicated than that.
Not to mention the few strikes they have made pale in comparison to the other actions which have ended up with zero action from US forces. E.g. 105km Syria-Iraq border corridor opening up for Iran to groun resupply.

I do think they should stop totally with any of that shit and GTFO though.


And forgot to mention, the pre-warning of RU/SY forces regarding the missile strike, amongst other similar occasions.

So with all this in mind I find it very hard to say US is doing x or x. It appears the overall strategy is negative to ISISrael, overall action + evidence of suggests this very strongly.

Why would I when you already did? You're just obfuscating that he is directly saying doesn't mean what he's directly saying. There is no way to create a safe zone without physically occupying territory and being there on the ground, with your air assets, to make it "safe". It is the exact same thing the US has been using ISIS for – break the country up and seize a portion of it because American influence in the Middle East is evaporating at a record pace.

I'm not interested in your phony kike narrative. You're about to be filtered.

post ITT> 10234490

They don't want people to know that Trump in intimately embedded in the jewish community. I hang out sometimes at a small forum that is dominated by SJW Tribal Cry Bullies. If I really want to trigger them all I have to do is make subtle but respectful reference as to how connected Trump is to Jewish Culture.

Early in the Trump campaign there were sparse reference to Trump being anti-semitic in the media and on some internet sites. So I posted thisk in the Tribal SJW Cry Bully forum.

Oh mannn…that triggers them. They even told me it was "anti-semitic" to imply such a thing. I simply replied,

"well, people were calling Trump anti-semitic and it didn't make sense to me. I looked it up, I discovered that Trump has always had a good relationship with the jewish community, and I posted it. Where did I go wrong?"

The kvetching continued. They told me I needed to develop a better filter or ask someone what was appropriate to post. As you can see what I poasted was not disrespectful, crude, or anything negative.

They were just pissed because they felt like their well kept secret from the normies was being revealed. lel


Of course creating a safe zone requires some sort of action on the ground. He didn't say it had to be US forces though.
But when taken next to 'Bombing the fuck out of ISIS', there isn't much of a line.

What do you suggest we do then?

Pre-Warning is fake?
Why did even the fucking lugenpresse report on it in mass?

You suddenly got very angry about this and it appears to be 100% true.
Why is that? If it's wrong, debunk it instead of being a filtering bitch. This isn't facekike. Ffs some of you get asshurt about Trump when he doesn't fit your kike notions.
P.s. My ISP seems to give me a new ISP every week or so. So I'll see you soon either way ;)


Then why even bring it up? Why even talk about it? Just fucking leave already. "Fight ISIS", yeah. After they funded them, equipped them, provided them air support and logistics. And we can't forget about all the weaponry they sent the Kurds and the failed coup against King Roach. It's all so simple to just fucking leave unless of course the goal is to counteract the complete collapse of American influence worldwide.

i'm still waiting for someone to say what trump would be doing differently if he was actually the reincarnation of hitler
it hasnt even been six fucking months that he's been in office

Epic alt right thread, my friend!

Of course ISIS is CIA/mossadnigger golem and pumped full of western and saudi/qatari/kike weapons. We know that.
But now he's in charge, things are turning against ISISrael.

Give him some more time and see how it plays out.

If US goes balls deep it starts WW3. It's a non option.
After G20 they are looking closer than ever (RU+US). I think we'll see things more openly change in the near future, they are working too closely and friendly to do otherwise.

t. mr. Holla Forums is a hivemind
kek. faggot.

This. Trump is a step in the right direction. The kikes obviously wanted Hillary to win. We've scored a point, but we haven't even come close to beating (((them)).

You forgot to mention there was a heated discussion and "controversy" kvetching over Trump himself or someone in his camp saying that the west wall didn't actually belong to israel. With how quiet that's kept instead of kikes using it as a means of going on and on of "look how anti-jew trump's party is" it really puts suspicion and question into whether the west wall really belongs to israel or is just another seized landmark by jews.
The msm is on a losing streak because of how much they overplayed their russia narrative and blew their load way too early.

i'm gonan need some gamemaster user to get on this

Exactly. The goal with Trump isn't to initiate 1488 niggerdeath. The goal is to buy us time by kicking out and keeping out as many shitskins as possible while also implementing policies that hopefully bring back prosperity to the white middle class to get those birth rates up again. And while doing this, normalizing the issues we care about and begin waking people up

I do believe we'll need a race war eventually.

Are you the same nigger who keeps posting, or is there a team of you faggots:

>Oh ((((((blah blah blah))))))
>Yeah (((fart fart fart kike)))

nigger please

If Trump was playing 36DD chess he would have checkmated them day 1 and ended it then and there. Instead he's been bogged down playing 36DD chess for months fighting a baseless conspiracy theory whilst wasting countless manhours on this issue and allowing the Russian conspiracy narrative to box him into taking the political positions they want. The way I see it Trump is being drowned and he surfaces every once in awhile to gasp for air and everyone calls it a victory then Trump gets pushed back underwater again.

In 4 years if they don't impeach him he'll still be trying to prove he's not a Russian agent. Trump's biggest mistake was ever acknowledging the accusations. By acknowledging it he gave it credibility and made it into a partisan political issue that could be grounds to fight on. Time and resources that Trump could have spent doing something productive is instead wasted on a bottomless blackhole of Russian conspiracy that is nothing but a diversion.


Don jr met with a russian lawyer but he cucked the NYT by releasing it himself when there was a reporter who spent the better part of a year researching the story just so he could break it.

This is it for me. Every president from now on that does not nuke israel is an obvious kike plant. If any nation of the face of the earth deserved to be nuked out of existence it's israel and any non-kike plant president would quickly realize this and push the red button.

Trump = Kike puppet.

I used to be a political consultant for leftists. So much fucking this.

>Oh ((((((blah blah blah))))))
>Yeah (((fart fart fart kike)))
i kekd


Get a load of this baka!

When will Trump play his three Blue Eyes White Aryan cards?

he only has a golem card

Considering this is a genuine conspiracy theory with no evidence, how in the fuck do you propose he stop people from believing in this thing they have no rational reason to believe in in the first place?

The reason they believe it is because they want it to be true. They'll continue to believe it until they get what they want.

Hillary could run again I think

In Hell, maybe.

I will laugh so fucking hard if they actually do that.


she can barely even walk

This. To any of you newfags that only came here after hopping aboard the trump train, half the people around here were arguing exactly tha. The other half said voting was just playing into a rigged system that nobody but the kikes would win. I wonder where those guys went.


Fuck off shit skin.

Broken clock, twice a day…

just go back to redit

Have some OC.

shit… wrong one. Here's the OC


googled it and its some israeli/jewish news shit or something.
thats rich. consider ending yourself