Macron: Africa has “civilizational” problems which might be related to women having “7 or 8” kids
Did Macron pull one over on the lefties? Was he the one they wanted the whole time and Le Penn was the ringer?
Macron: Africa has “civilizational” problems which might be related to women having “7 or 8” kids
Did Macron pull one over on the lefties? Was he the one they wanted the whole time and Le Penn was the ringer?
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Can we get an English translation on the vid?
my french is horrendous, but i think it's the greentext
Macron is like the most literal Rothschild puppet in existence . Nobody else comes close because of how open, obvious and confirmed it is . But it's funny watching him stumble over leftards that voted for him and do anything to try and suck Trump's D .
He seems like some sort of double agent, or MK Ultra fuck boi.
Who knows what is up with the dude. We all know the kikes hate overpopulation.
maybe the kikes realise how much shekels the ape children will cost them in the next 100 years and are trying to backpedal
either way, all jews need to die
Ya think?
If the niggers keep breeding even Israel can't prevent the overflow of them flooding in anymore . They are clearly angry at diaspora Jews for supporting niggers . Nobody wants or likes them and they do not even make good slaves to rule over as they dream of .
Seems legit.
Macron sounds like Le Pen did earlier this year when she said that France played no role during the Holocaust.
On one hand this might be a "don't breed, goy, only uncivilised people breed" jewish trick OR it could be a hint to the r/k selection theory.
You mean Europe?
Literally a random establishment candidate who got molested by his teacher and then married her in a typical ritualistic manner you'd expect from a prodigal Rothschild son. Sees the change in the winds and tries to salvage the establishments agenda by playing controlled opposition to populist ideas.
Come on, think.
Hey if a guy who married off all his kids to kikes became (((/ourguy/))), so could Macron.
he's said some other weird statements, although I mean he is technically "right wing" in the centrist, corporatist sense. why was he saying that the loss of the french monarchy was bad?
I know he's just trying to pander to the right wing to let off some steam, but why does he have to sound like some NRx blogger while doing it? have we shifted the overton window so much that we've got globalists openly talking nicely about monarchy and badly about niggers?
im very cynical about it, but you can help at marvel at the weirdness of it all
What's with all this shilling to support this King Frog? Call me when he starts curb stomping the Mudslimes in his country.
there has been alot of pro kike frog threads lately with 0 substance… jidf is out of tricks it seems and is resorting to bare minimal bullshit
being all ayylmao that the kikes either lost control of a puppet for a moment or are slowly backpedaling on their shitty plan of replacing us all with niggers just to backstab whites at a later date isn't support
your post wasnt special though.. just nice digits
No, Africa is shitty because niggers have subhuman genetics, which is the reason they have so many kids.
Dumb fucking cunt.
It's the same shill making all the threads. Making one thread to repeat "based Macron" and putting the shilling there doesn't take enough space in the catalog. Probably same group that kept derailing Le Pen threads prior & during the election.
Thank goodness Macron defeated Le Pen the shabbos goy.
Are you the same person that made the previous "guyz guyz king frog is definitely BASED and /ourguy/!!!"
I'm legit starting to think Macron isn't the worst that could've happened. At least it's not (((Mélenchon)))
Fuck off Amerikike.
Oh he sure pulled one over the leftists, alright. Especially with the part where he was employed for rothschilds and continues to be in contact with them.
The leftists never wanted to vote for Macron, they voted for him to "stop facism".
I'm actually wondering what the ffuck Macron is doing because he keeps triggering the everyone pretty hard. Does he want a civil war ?
I'm starting to think he might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer.
The only good nigger is…
Interesting times ahead regardless.
Want to know how I know you aren't from here?
You keep saying this, but there's literally no proof. Le Pen was a Mossad fucker, Macron is based.
I see. I get it.
This is getting old. His daughter is literally a kike.
this is getting old
Dubs confirm
fucking americans always knowing better than anyone else.
If french patriots were in power we'd start by hanging all the CIA agents you send us.
God. If only. Wouldn't that be just so glorious? To live in a world of strong, competent, earnest leaders that DON'T have to hide their power level?
A world of Hitler-tier leaders. A world free of the eternal Jew. Marvelous.
100% this. Hasbarafag noticed his shilling wasn't effective, so he went for a MUH BASED (((MACRON))) narrative.
That, and notice the D&C "Amerikike" posts. These threads are shit.
He obviously has Jewish genes. Nose and eyes are a giveaway.
You probably think Heiko Maas is a goy
The pendulum is swinging back and the jews are scared.
His campaign was funded by the Rothschild's and the usual suspects you.fucking dumb ass.
Hes no different then Hillary
You don't say.
When some cuckservative caricatured him as a bankster, he was immediately accused of antisemitism.
So far he's talked about ruling like a king, how niggers are scum, and how the media is too stupid to understand what his plans are. I'm enjoying him far more than I would've Le "Fuck the Mossad, with my pussy" Pen.
Kikes have calculated that the grey mongrel slave race should only be 20% negroid. But their efforts to promote breeding in Africa are leading toward over 50%. Need to change gears.
Kill yourself retards
Living in a big family is beautiful. Only retarded single child would say such a thing as having less children is better. Materialist scum should stop look at people like some kind of cattle and rising sim game. Where will you get people to fix your low birth rates if everyone had low birth rates? This is stupid. Obviously importing people to takeover is stupid too.
It's mostly in the greentext. The last sentence he says is:
"You can spend billions of euros [in these countries where women have 7-8 children], you will stabilize nothing"
Because he's their puppet ?
There's nothing wrong with the concept of the European Union, or even a World Order, the problem is anti-white kikes trying to mongelrize the world. What we need is whites ruling the NWO, and we need to genocide Africans, Arabs, and all non-whites. A one world government, controlled by Europeans, is what the world needs. No more "respecting" other cultures. It's time to dominate.
Are you this fucking new to polatics? politicians lie through their teeth, they always bend to the strongest wind of the current issues. Say one thing and quietly do the opposite.
The only "tell" of a political mouthpiece has always who's paying him to talk.
Yes, and Hitler killed 6 million jews…
By letting more rapefugees in, selling our industry to kikes and adding more tax pressure to the only people who work, i.e. whites ?
Sure thing, Shlomo.
Converts don't count, only biological, the real deal is pointing out all of his grandkids are bonafide jews.
Give one reason why non-whites should be allowed to exist. It's time to start thinking big picture.
The holocaust didn't happen but it should have .
He's a pansy and a child. I've been ashamed for France seeing that goose parade himself around since the election. Doesn't surprise me he fancies himself a King but his version of being a King is the same as the other leftist cunts. Which is basically a 90's era American head-cheerleader.
Le Pen put it brilliantly during the debate when she chastised him for bragging about giving a gift of money to the French people if he were elected. She said something like 'So you think giving the people back their own tax money is a gift and they should feel grateful to you? What a joke you are. How pathetic'
Daily reminder that when Hitler tried to throw off the chains, the jew mustered every puppet leader they had into a world war just so they could protect their wealth
This entire post reads like something someone on reddit would say.
Macron is still a manlet though but I guess he's right about a lot of things lately seems to be laughing at the leftist idiots who elected him and wants Trump's advice on how he should have his leftist useful idiots ideologically and ethnically cleansed .
You haven't met your quota of dicks sucked for today or something? Sorry keep moving.
maybe macron was trump's trojan horse all along in case le pen fell through seeing how his support of assad and him making nigger jokes and jokes about lefty retards is all coming out of nowhere that's some crazy 40D chess or something right there kado
Maybe they're just trying to prep the whites to something bigger.
I was being sarcastic. is obviously a jew. It's the jew who paints the extreme right as mad genocidalists, a projection of what Jews actually are, and have actually been doing for millennia.
No, he wants to give Africa a lot of state money so Roschild can make a ton of private money at their cost
>Le Pen's is BASED!!!
Which she is, through her mother at the very least…
Le Pen couldn't find any loan from European Banks to fund her campaign.
Macron drowned in so much (((money))) that he couldn't create a real political party until he was President, because of the strict anti-lobbying laws that apply to political parties funding.
When the names of his godfathers was (partially) leaked, he immediately sued.
Of course he's a liar.
Of course he's a full globalist.
Of course he's a jew carpet.
Of course your thread is shit.
americans are just sassy they elected a jewish orangutan buffoon and the french will actually help to improve the world for whites. it's clear with how hard the JIDF shills for trump on the chans, and the tell-tale projecting of calling people with legitimate concerns over trumps zionist connections kikes. blatant jewish projection
LOL check Kushner on the left. That's fag if I've ever seen one.
Criminally underrated
Holy shit. I never thought he looked this different from the side. The lips and the ears are very Jewish, something I never noticed from the front.
That's why they're pushing mixing so much. They want a bit of the White / Asian work ethic in there with the nigger stupidity. A pure nigger will just quit and laze about the moment you aren't watching him.
bithrates or no birthrates it's still a shithole, always will and always was
(((who))) is trying to sell this literal kike puppet to us?
1. Germans were savage like niggers when the Romans civilized them.
2. All snow niggers are hardcore leftists and seek to die in multiculturalism. It's german europe that's genetically diseased.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
The Germanics were far from the savages niggers are. Sure, they invaded and pillaged, but so did Rome.
Oh wait, you're just a d&c kike.
Go back wherever you came from.
The reason this is happening is because we keep sending money over there via charities for muh virtue signalling. The recent SGDQ (gaymer event) sent $1.7mil to doctors without borders, helping the African kids who were supposed to die, naturally. They're a lower life form and we should stop trying to supplement their evolution of which will never happen, be gone with them all.
how are jews to beta yet so powerful?
Fuck off with this globalist "white" shit, you burger mongrel.
Except for that petty thing called "moral hazard"
Recent African population projections create a doomsday scenario. They won't stay where they are and starve. Migrations will occur, food shortages will cascade from area to area, wildlife will be hunted to extinction, and populations may resort to cannibalism. Plenty of countries would be rolled over, because what are they going to do, kill billions of people at their doorstep? An aggressive population is required for that level of violence, but an aggressive population is likely to overthrow their leaders too. Countries would also be faced with riots from immigrant Africans and sympathizers. The fun won't end in this century.
Do the white IQ stats include hispanics?
Macron lives in Paris, a city where you're forced to see the reality of shitskins living amongst you every single day.
dark times ahead
Keep them contained in Africa and it'll sort itself out.
is he, dare I say, /ourgoy/?
Dude weed man always finds a way to culturally enrich us.
Go fuck yourself trash brain.
He's parroting a line that was popular with his handlers since the 50'.
At the same time he won't stop food aid to Africa, which makes that many kids possible.
Or better yet, he'll propose to take up the excess that goes over the demographic support limit and send them to Europe to compensate for lower native populations.
Sage for based King Frog thread.
well, don't forget Che really hated niggers too.
Only after getting there and seeing them chimp-out firsthand, though.
He was a commie, but you gotta feel bad for being the first sad fucker to fall for the "africans are just like us" meme.
who have maintained their racial purity thanks to their lack of an affinity with bathing
fucking kek, I guess that's one way to do it.
so he seems to be trying to be a more "traditional" (((socialist)))
in b4 kebab gulag
and sudden acquisition of appropriate mustache.
Mormons have like twice as many as they do.
Granted they all manage to live to adulthood and still have a daddy, too.
He looks like he's trying out for the nearest Little Lord Fauntleroy play.
I'm getting some serious Louie vibes here.
I heard that Harper only nixed the BHP potash deal after CSIS vetoed it, he killed the CSIS watchdog a little while later, and the rumor was a lot of your guy got fired over it. You have enemies to the left and right up there. Stay frosty.
Trump used kike magick against them. He is innoculated against orthodox kikes. (pic related - orthodox kikes are obliged to treat Trump as an honorary kike)
It's the libshit gay atheist kikes that're still trying to demonize him. (And failing spectacularly, because they don't have the backing of the kikiest of kikes, the orthodox kikes)
forgot to sage
Fuck you dumb niggers
Look at this cuck and laugh! He actually thought I was blaming the roman conquest.
I meant that germanic tribes were still in the stone age, at the height of the classical age. And it was their immigration that brought down the ancient world. Barbarian literally means nigger, for your information.
Your number isn't as big as you think it is. At that rate, it would take over 2000 years to kill the Africans that will be born in the next 80 years. Those Africans are born with the ability to reproduce, which negates that completely. Around 400,000 would need to die each day to cancel out their replacement rate.
Fuck off, shill.
All niggers might be barbarians, but not all barbarians are niggers.
Lol, if there is no global white race, then there is no white race. If there's now white race, there's no reason for Holla Forums to exist, you absolute mongoloid. Anyone who tells me I'm not white, even though I have 100% European DNA, is an enemy. If you seek to deny my heritage, then I will not shed a single tear as you are raped by niggers.
I'm saying calling Macron based because he said "MAYBE Africans are having too many kids" is like calling Merkel based because she's backpedalling on the million shitskins she sunk into Germany. Think, nigger.
nobody here is that retarded except shills user, look at posts in this thread
let's take whatever wildlife we can and put them in reserves in America. Then wall in the niggers and let them have a massive extinction.
In the US, usually.
Spics being considered whites is a historical remnant. Hilariously enough, with the exact same arguments as today. They needed more labour, but non-white immigration was restricted, so they decided to just consider spics white. There's still some remnant on this in a lot of statistics.
It also usually includes dune coons as well.
They were in the iron age before Rome had any contact with them.
Macron has blackmail on top kikes, he is going to be king.
He was a literal rothschild banker
Barbarian is a greek word that origionally was a slur for foreigner because they thought they talked funny. The Gauls and the Germans defeated Rome several times at its height and before its fall.
Translation is this:
I certainly don't believe he "is the man". He obviously does not need our support since he has won and thus, if he truly wants to help the continent he has all the tools he needs in his position.
I think he is trying to appease Le Pen voters while still looking "reasonable" to the leftists which actually is looking like a fucking lunatic for anybody sane.
What will he propose if we don't send them money? That they come here? Because I know for FACT that he won't be proposing that we don't spend money on them AND at the same time we tell them to fuck off from our countries. So he's probably doing the former, creating a new talking point about how we cannot help them from here, we need the negroes to come so we can house them, feed them and have them have our children.
They had tech and could work metal also they took over and ran the Roman empire after hence the Holy Roman empire……
The Germans and Germanics for that matter have been exterminated and actively lessened in numbers for over 70 years due to post war and the world war to pretend other wise is plain jewish.
Either the damage is already done and (((they))) don't need to pull any more niggers into white countries for the plan to continue, or (((they))) realized shit isn't going anywhere or as fast as it should before people revolt so now (((they)))'re pulling a (((SHUT IT DOWN))) and trying to save face.
holy shit
The guals taught romans better metal working roman helmets and armor are copys of a gaulish design.
Before rome was even and empire the Guals sacked the city.
When rome tried to push deep into German lands they were rekt
I'm beginning to believe that they may be shifting to let this go for another generation or two, they started to show their cards WAY too early and people were able to catch on. Rather than keep doubling down until humanity literally wipes these people out / fully document what happened to be shown for the future of humanity so it may never be repeated, I think they are just going to back off and regroup / try to maintain a slightly lesser status quo to get the heat off for a few decades. Remember these people play the long game, shits been going on for 100s of years, the current lot of old-timers pushing the agenda just got impatient.
That would be the safer way if they rush things they will fail
No, he's still a cuck. This is in fact the former leftist narrative of why Africa is shit, "There's too many kids, if we educate them then they'll have less children because more educated people have fewer children, now give gibs." Its just that they've devolved to the point that any criticism of niggers instead of constant dick sucking summons the conditioned outrage.
In another generation or two every Western country will be around 80% nigger so I'm not even really sure what you're trying to get across here.
Nah fuck you. Self determination and control of your destiny is what the jew hates. You really sound no better than a jew
depends on the pacing. If you shill against whites too hard and too fast, they will notice.
From the globalist jew perspective, is better to slow down and keep destroying white volk by subtle propaganda / moderate migration (and not obvious propaganda and extreme migration like these last 4 years)
No, it doesn't. It depends on whether or not Whites are going to physically round up and start exterminating people. If not, it's already over.
I was just telling my wife about a webm on one of the other threads where these Nogs are catching mosquitoes and making mosquito-burgers out of them and she says, "And they wonder why they get AIDS." I go on to say that they also need Birth Control, and she says that the Catholic Church promoted 'No Birth Control' and that's why all these Nogs are having 7 or 8 children.
She thinks I'm 'bigoted' and 'racist' KEK - she has no idea…
Sounds like a wonderful marriage.
Tell me about it
I'm guessing you got married before you got redpilled?
>wouldn't it be great is we followed the Jews plan EXACTLY except we had (((whites))) running it!
they are making an attempt at civilizing niggers. the shills lately have been pushing a "we need to reduce birthrates in africa" narrative. these people pretend to be aware of the inferiority of niggers etc (they will only cite iq though and nothing more), but if you keep pushing them you will find out that they are not interested at all in what we are interested in. watch out for people pushing this type of thing. macron is definitely not /ourguy/ obviously, but even this "africans need less kids" isnt a silver lining - just another jewish trick
the shills will say things like
this is because the goyim are waking up to the absolute savagery of the nigger and the kikes dont want people to be anywhere other than we-are-all-equal land. macron is trying to force niggers act better so they can appear equal, or saying that they arent actually subhuman - they just have too many kids because they're so full of love for one another or something idk
Doctors without Borders (Medicen Sans Frontieres) are also instrumental in taxi-ing immigrants from Tripoli to Europe at the moment too
as OP there is nothing in my post that says anything about him being /ourfag/ just spreading the info
that is only the fags in this thread saying that
macron is really just some loser
below jeb tier
cant even keep his support base going, which should be the easiest thing ever since he has the whole media to support him
and he wants to cut one third off the french parliament
what happens when no one likes him?
do we get to chop his head off?
i wonder how macaroni would handle a civil war should one break out
Would it be possible to make Macron a new Ben Garrison, just slapping racist quotes on him now that we have a precedent?
not at all you simplistic black vs white thinking retard.
macuck will make vaccines mandatory and increase immigration, and never forget that he worked for the rothschilds and had speeches at masonic lodges.
i dont think it would be. the reason it is successful with ben garrison is because all he does is post cartoons with heavy symbolism that are already right wing, so it's easy to convert it to slightly more right because that's sort of the nature of symbolism.
it wouldnt work with macron at all
If he really thougth so, he would have included it into his program but he's a socialist, so meh he's just trying to please everyone as always (having no program was a way to "please" everybody, just to show how ridiculus his statements are).
What's up with all the unchecked dubs these days?
Your dubs are a waste because you have to go back.
Oh yeah.
My wife is German too. From Germany.
This post speaks truths, for (((some))) reason whites seem to think that niggers only act savage when they have a reason to; when in fact they do it because it is a way of life for them, how can we influence whites to come to this realization without them being exposed to it first hand?
I only say without them experiencing niggerism first hand because by that point it would likely already be too late.
nice dubs
Try your best and slowly red-pill her. Show her the real world
The OP is a stupid fag. Macron has already stated that he wants to bring in millions of dindus into France whenever they get hungry due to the climate change.
Macron was groomed by Jacques Attali, who was in turn groomed by the Rothschilds.
>Jacques Attali is a very interesting person. Formally, he is a philosopher-globalist, a writer of color utopias of how all nations and states will disappear from the face of the earth during bloody conflicts, and the survivors of humanity will unite under the banner of democracy and under the control of a World Government. Moreover, for many years Attali was well received at the Elysee Palace and is one of the most influential advisers of generations of French presidents, from François Mitterrand to Francois Hollande. Local media, calling him “the true president of France” is hardly exaggerating.
apologies op I had your post left clicked on
Told you faggots Macron was better the LePen
Uh, then, let them?
That's actually wrong. Blacks' curve is flatter than whites'. There's both more geniuses (relative to mean black IQ) and more morons (again, relative to mean black IQ - and that's fucking saying something)
That's just talk, user. Watch what they do - not what they say. They're not going to change and we'll have to kill them all.
You're not white because "white" is a eetarded meme made up by cultureless American mongrels who have long tarnished whatever ancestry they might have. You're an absolute fucking idiot for disregarding the cultural and ethnic differences of the people of Europe.
This. Politician's will lie about anything. Pic related is Merkel from 2010 saying Multiculturalism had 'utterly failed'
that's a way to put it…
Since when did the kikes hate overpopulation? I thought they wanted to be served by a planet filled to the brim with Muslims and Chinks. The less power the individual goy has, the better.
Whatever angle he is playing, is right.
Nah. Wasted dubs. Let the niggers nig in Africa.
But this graphic does.
Its really incredible when you look at the actual statistics.
From my calculations overall, there are about 10 million US non-Hispanic White geniuses (IQ>130), about 5% of our 200 million-strong population.
But that's not really interesting without context - and with that context, the whole situation becomes so terribly obvious.
There are about 100,000 to 150,000 Hispanic geniuses in the US today.
There are about 12,000-40,000 Black geniuses in the US today.
There are less than 1 million (~600k-900k) Jewish geniuses in the US today.
Taken into account, basically everything we see around us makes sense - or doesn't, in the case of the Jews.
I've heard nothing of the sort - if anything, they tend to have a steeper curve via all information I've seen (ie, SD 13 vs White SD 15).
In any case, as with the genius intellect above, 'morons' are, indeed, more prevalent amongst the non-Whites.
How much more though?
US Whites demonstrate about 1% of the population below IQ 70 (which is medically retarded), which is like 1 to 3 million.
Hispanics demonstrate about 10-13%, or about 5-7 million.
Blacks demonstrate about 12-15%, or about 6-7 million.
Jews demonstrate an interesting case… Based upon their reported average IQ scores, it DOES appear they demonstrate very low levels of retardation… However…
… 95% of US Jews are of Ashkenazi derivation, and 1 in 4 Ashkenazi Jews is a carrier of a serious genetic condition, many (most) of which include severe mental retardation as a symptom; for example, 1 in 25 Ashkenazi Jews is a carrier for Tay Sachs, which effects 1 in 3,600 amongst the Ashkenazi population (1 in 320,000 amongst the general US population).
This suggests the Ashkenazi Jews - which 95% of US Jews are - to be a special case, in that, those that survive and don't exhibit such genetically-oriented malady may demonstrate functionality, but the rate of espousal of such disease states is much, much higher (granted, some of which can be controlled via genetic testing and eugenic abortive efforts, which Ashkenazi are well-known to employ, especially in the US).
macron was our agent all along
how can leftists even compete?
next step will be forced sterilisation of niggers israel style
Niggers specifically . They are too stupid and lazy to even work they are useless even as slaves . Overpopulation of niggers is terrible to anyone in fact any population of niggers is bad period and everyone and the elites like Bill Gates are starting to realise this .
The underlying data for Ashkenazi Jews is almost certainly manipulated for propaganda purposes.
Average IQ in Israel is 95. When you discard the Arabs with their 84 IQ the Jews are scoring only 98 IQ on average and half of them are Ashkenazi.
Here's the key though: It really doesn't matter.
Even with their bolstered scores, the size of their population is so small, its basically meaningless when applying a bell curve - particularly in the context of import, which is claim that cognitive advantage is the reason for their over-representation in places like media, finance, academia and government.
Even if their claims are true, there are UNQUESTIONABLY less than 1 million Jewish geniuses in the whole of the United States, versus the 10 million - literally 10x as many, probably more depending on how much less than 1 million the Jews posses - non-Hispanic White geniuses.
The kikes may cry if you call their numbers bullshit, but their numbers still don't paint a pretty picture - especially when you take their genetic condition into account.
Nothing about the Jewish narrative of their situation in the United States makes sense in the context of a cognitive advantage claim, the data just doesn't support it, at all.
Higher IQ, some other psychological factors and ingroup cohesion.
Mostly better ingroup cohesion by pressure.
Everyone knows that their over-representation in media, finance, academia and government is the result of pure nepotism and corruption. On top of that, the *performance* has decreased in direct proportion to the infestation. These sectors are obviously not run by geniuses. Just look at Hollywood.
Confirmed, check out how Hasidic neighborhoods voted in the general election:
Na, it is soley on their ability of genius, not like you need a certain environment, i mean if you look at germany in ww2, their achievements are soley on their genius, ingroup outgroup pressure had nothing to do with it as an example.
It is not like men thrive in certain environments, soley their very own achievement.
If the intelligent Jews pile onto one country, it doesn't make Jews more intelligent by virtue of being Jewish. Move 1 million of the white geniuses to Israel, and you can easily declare whites as the most intelligent.
And here you go; a perfect example of Jews jewing around with multiplication to turn a reasonably small number into gorillions:
What? Macaroni is hardcore capitalist. He's now cutting gibs and worker rights left and right.
You should get one million more somalis, because they are worth more than gold as they told us, and who would be malicious to isreal once their acolytes advise us so greatly.
he still thinks it's environment, that influence the niggers, not the niggers themselves. I was sitting next to an American nigger today on his computer and I look over and what's he looking at on his modern marvel of laptop computing? You've guessed it folks…… the nike website, nigger needs himself some new kicks, that's his care of the world
That guy who played John Coffee in the green mile.
Because niggers, also applies to impoverished whites, care about the shoe shine as a means of superficially representing wealth to attract boobanimals by social good standing. Nigs just have a different way of doing that.
The nigger cares not about the ills of the world. He cares only about the brand of his shoe.
Niggers need a new curse word for people like you, noptics, new Skoptsy, with a little zeitgeist optimism. I need to come up with something better, more mainstream.
I would want a word that fits your retarded brain or group precisly. Cuck, ist pretty broad band but not really perfect. Like the german word gutmensch. It needs to be more tightly fitting like a huge boss uniform. Dog also fits but it misses the precision.
Acolyte with some good measure, i think that word fits for every side and gives it some depth.
You are an acolyte.
I think that some smart niggers could spread that.
Now I'm genuinely confused.
Is Macron
Nos gars?
no he didn't you faggot
We need to invest heavily in female education in Africa. Placing women in school will cause fertility rates to collapse, which is exactly what happened in Latin America. Most Latin countries have fertility rates close to European, some, like Brazil, have rates still lower than the US.
Investing in the massification of the Internet in African countries is another point to be made. When they've access to Western culture all sorts of degeneration will spread. Homosexual sex, for example, will get much more acceptance among young people. See China's case.
Food is another important point, Africans have a much healthier diet. When they begin to eat fats and sugars, when low-quality food is massed there, there will be the same effect we see in the western male population - the reduction in semen production and quality.
The main reason, you shitter, why women have less kids is to provide a sufficant environement to incite said behaviour. If africans know that it is beneficial to them, in an egoistic way they will do so. BUt at the same time you cannot have the lords of war running around, and you also need to make a good deal to them to give up their resources so they can get what we provide. And usually africans cannot do that on their own, so they better hand over the stuff we like and they get the stuff they want.
Are you even French ? He said that after having stated that "there's no French culture, but there's a culture in France, which is diverse and multiple".
What do you think that means ?
It means that Islam and niggerdom are part of French culture, and as a consequence, France isn't multicultural as long as niggers and goatfuckers are integrated.
It's just anti communautarism bullshit.
France, and French, have to adapt themselves and accept foreign cultures as part of their own. That's the beautiful Republican integration model. That's why technically, for this ploutocrat France isn't multicultural: it has not its own culture.
Don't fall for the based Macron meme.
And besides that niggers eat love the very same mixture of nutritians as whites, high fat, high protein with some carbs.
There's something about those teeth. His mouth/teeth look JUST LIKE the happy merchant's, and I know plenty of jews IRL who have the exact same distinct mouth/teeth too.
So he is just another faggot kike multiculti kike faggot. just as I suspected.
no I'm clearly not French
Keep trying bro
Make a deal with China to move highly polluting factories to Africa. The Chinese will benefit directly from the stabilization of the African population.
dumbass. niggers rape, you can "educate" loq IQ female niggers all you want, there will be no demographic change from that.
africa nigger population is artificial, stop it at its source; christcucks, they've been breeding shitskins since just before the 19th century. Stop the nutjobs global shitskin hoard breeding program and not only is there not expansion but huge as correction with nogs mass die off with no capability of sustaining themselves.
The sad thing is that Africa would be fine if they had a eugenics program and all the organisations helping out apefrica promoted eugenics or at least population control. One thing people don't mention much is that black African IQ is lower than ever because they were on their way from natural selection killing off the retards finally but then all the aid rushed in and suddenly even the most retarded nigger could live and have kids. All the foreign aid ruined Africa in more ways than one.
Why do you set white IQ at 105?
also you got any resources that talk about distribution and difference in standard deviation size?
Insects are a good protein source, in general very healthy and farming them would be much easier and friendlier to the enviroment than traditional farm animals. Also more efficient.
Europe should start eating insects as well tbqh.
This must be bait. Northern Europeans had superior metalworking to the Mediterraneans, and were advanced in other ways such as horsemanship and textiles. Their immigration disrupted the empires of the classical world simply because they did not integrate, not because they couldn't, unlike the nigger. Barbarian is a Greek reference to the way non-Greeks would speak, whereas nigger is derived from the Romance languages and means black. Every single point you have attempted to make is wrong.
How about you go to Niggerland and see how long you last once the niggers find out you have no gib me dats.
Yeah, Africa is such an intellectual challenge.
so let me get this right
we are losing so aggressively to the liberal globalist agenda. someone saying an obvious truth is now what we consider a huge victory?
Take Puerto Ricans for example, they think they are white and fill out government paper work as ethnically white.I've seen this first hand However, if you look at IQ tests done in America, they do show ethnic backgrounds and you can see that the incoming spic population is the reason we've dropped a few points in the past years. It would be greater but the Jews along with the importation of Asians have keep the number from falling drastically fast. Without just asians I'd probably be in the low 90's if not high 80's.
Stop bumping this muh based Macron thread, please.
no wonder they get aids
they are eating the aids infected bugs
This Bogdanov forced meme has to end.
Only Slavs will remain white and you all will turn to shitskins unless you grab your weapons and start defending your countries.
Sure, pre-Renaissance Germans were complete shit at inventing stuffs, but their discipline and system efficiency utilisation are among the best of any peoples on Earth
(but Protestanism agreed with them the best, and probably a Germanic Islam would led to a human Alpha Centauri in 16th century or so)
Out kike, we have more than enough space to eat actual animals and even expand on such if we stopped feeding shitskins worldwide.
Probably an ideology shift amongst the kikes. Socialist Jews have antagonized whites so bad that everyone calls out the Jew, even normies will at some point be redpilled on the Jew.
They're probably hoping to pin this all on Soros and company to preserve their legacy. They've already started pushing anti Soros laws which stop him from funding leftist organizations in Israel.
My money though is on the kikes figuring out that there would be no strong allies in Africa like they thought because the only functional african states are ones that whites make functional.
"The jew would tell the truth if it will benefit another lie."
Based Macron?
And some context here is important. Having 7 or 8 kids used to be the norm 100 years ago. Then you consider 5 or 6 of them might die before age 2…
Macron worked for the Rothschild bank. He now has proclaimed himself the reincarnation of the God Jupiter and will be the new Napoleon.
"Summoning over 900 politicians from both houses of the French parliament to a rare Congress at the palace of Louis XIV – the ‘Sun King’ – in Versailles, he threatened to overrule lawmakers with a referendum if they try to frustrate the “reforms” he wishes to impose on the legislature. Such assemblies are usually reserved for times of national crisis."
Prince Emmanuel. He is going to grab control of the EU.
"Macron assumed office on May 14th – Israel’s 69th birthday, or just two days after 70 prophetic years since Israel became a nation. CNN reported that Macron won the French election with 66.06% of the vote. As a noun, “Macron” means “a written or printed mark. Of course, the name Emmanuel is another name for savior or messiah – a god among us."
If anyone believes that Macron is #ourguy, get bent. He may or may not be the antichrist, but he believes that he is.
I'm going with #2. Soros believed the BS he was shovelling so much he wanted to see it done in his lifetime. So he pressed the timetable way far ahead of where he should.
(check out the old '95 charlie rose interview when he began the open society stuff, 100% kool-aided)
Thanks to this he's now been made "international jewry's" fall guy so the rest can pretend we dindu nuffin we wuz güd boiz the whole time. They're hoping by the time Trump leaves people will have forgotten, and they can start again.
show'em Colin Flaherty and the early 2000s Egyptian reporter rape sprees that were so ridiculously bad not even CNN could ignore them.
IMO these are essential starting points. It's like Clinton and DOMA and the whole "against it…before she was for it" deal.
that just means the denials will be a lot funnier.
You're like 3 centuries too early fam, we can't even keep one space station in working order. Sry, no speehs mahreens in yr lifetime.
japs have the right idea, civilised folk should only deal in goliath beetles! Someone must have seen a few Futurama episodes over there….
…They're basically already walking burger patties. Hell, they're even black&white like cows and zebra!
What could be a better "eat me" sign than that?
White birth rates are at a responsible level, overpopulation is a problem. The rest of the world's people have a birth control problem. We need better quality people not an endless flow of dependents. Resources are being consumed at an alarming rate, these go to prop up dependents. These resources need to be used to create the best humans possible.
All memes are forced, the Bogdanoffs actually redpilled Macron with our meme magic.
I do not see how this will end with France peacefully keeping a high IQ, although it could succumb and then it need not go to war. A mongrel empire for a pathetic leader, truly?
If France is to maintain a high IQ, more than sane birthrates will be needed. The Islamic subculture brought to heel and rendered open to any reasonable education at a minimum.
How remotely is the Bogdanoffs shilling here going to help Jupiter Terminalus of the Third Empire?
What's next? Muh PR?
Re read the post shill
Maybe they aren't ready for europe to decend into civil war yet. Things were moving too fast.
Need to invest in feminism in africa. The trouble is that Islam is immune to feminism. It's just too intolerant.
Bogdanovs are niggers. There's nothing magic in niggers. Cuckchan should go back with their shitty memes before they hurt someone.