Here's the gist: (((Publicist/tabloid reporter))) sets up meeting with Donald Trump Jr. and "Kremlin proxy," because there's evidence of wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton. An email was sent afterwards that apparently said it was an effort by the Russian government.

So what do they have? Also, pay attention to this:

So…it's fucking nothing?

Other urls found in this thread:

They are starting to get desperate. Your turn.


….no that was my conclusion, too. But this is going to be the new media narrative. It's almost a certainty.



Why is drudge amplifying the kike narrative?

Because he's a kike and love to stir the pot while trying to keep up the narrative that he's "right wing."

It's fucking nothing.

Good thing he wasn't running for president.

Would still vote for him over kang negro or shilary


So why have a thread on it?

The MSM is turning itself into a laughing stock with rubbish stories like this.

Drudge is a kike user


I just laugh when l see the name anymore.

Ummm no sweetie, Drumpf is finished.


Because Drudge is screaming it from the mountain, and it's interesting that it's coming out on the heels of the Trump/Putin meeting as opposed to when the Russia narrative was at its apex.

What did you expect from him? Either ways this is stupid of him since with each story that comes out we see kikes are the ones causing all the trouble here.

If he makes his readers nervous, they hit F5 more frequently. And therefore he gets more shekels.

Don't trust Drudge. It's also likely a larger narrative that (((both sides))) are playing.

Checked. ((drudge))) is juden too

Because the war going on between the White House and our countries media maters more than the inconsequential tabloid shit that's covered the board.

Well they have to shill this 100000000% if those new Hillary emails are legit. Expect a very heavy attempt to slide.

never trust a kike

Aussie here. Why is Drudge such a big deal? Seems all he does is collect articles and change the headlines

A shitload of Burgers use that site

All conservative boomers with internet read Drudge. Because he's the guy who broke the Monika/Clinton story.

Because people are used to using it as a news aggregator. It's a deceptively simple site.

When the site first launched back in the 90s, it was the only right-leaning news aggregator on the Internet. It was mostly dedicated to taking down the clintons. People kinda liked that idea.

You'd be surprised how many over-50s in America read Drudge on the daily, even if they read it just to be butthurt about something

My understanding of the whole matter is that nothing wrong occurred except for (((Kushner))) removing then readding this meeting on his security clearance documents as well as the progressive lies.
Why not just admit that from the start?


Fuck you faggot

Drudge is amazing

Drudge confirmed lugenpresse.

This is actually a newsworthy headline. Habbenings have slowed down. We all know nothing is going to happen - this is very, very likely the full and total extent of the "MUH RUSSIA" collusion, other than a very few other tenuous goings on in the low level and early stages of Trump's primary campaign.

I don't think anyone really believes Muh Russia anymore, it's not relevant. But still, this story is newsworthy. Don't get mad at Drudge for reporting on the news.

I don't know how they're still trying to cry about Russia when Seth Rich is pretty much now confirmed and the only hacker they found was a fucking Romanian.

They are trying to spin up the Russian narrative again?? They need to get a better think tank.

polite sage to not bump this thread too much with multiple (((you)))s, but I don't actually think anything about Seth Rich has been confirmed. Just innuendo from Assange. I don't know if Assange would lie to protect another source deep inside the Democratic Party, but it's possible.

I recently read a very convincing blogpost arguing that the DNCleaks had to have come from inside (someone with physical access,) and weren't consistent with an outside attack.

See here:


So Israel/Jews hacked the DNC got Trump elected then tried to frame Russia. Nice one you filthy fucking kikes

i've only even seen leftist and feminist use that phrasing online. they use it over and over. sometimes in the same paragraph. always a huge red flag.

They were always desperate, all of them. I'm leaning towards Comey is a complete blind idiot thinking Hillary was going to win the election and Trump didn't have a chance, that's why he took a shot at her towards the end, to try to seem non-partisan so nothing comes up later when Hillary wins by landslide, lhe basically drank the kool-aid 90% chance Hillary win by blowout in my thinking.
The Russia narrative is more bullshit, was just at the gym, CNN and Fox News on, CNN implying Jr. was involved in the Russian election fiasco, it's never straight foward with CNN, they coach their dumb gullible viewers who think any day now Trump will be impeached.
In a sense they have to hide Comey leaking classified documents and Bernie my wife is the most honest person I know loan fraud and numerous other things they don't want their gullible viewers who are hooked on any day now Trump will be impeached, they're going to get him, any day now. Can't smash that illusion the gullible CNN libtards cling to and hope, it's for the ratings just like Van Jones and the other guy said what they thought was off the record, remember?

This shit is still going on? Jesus fucking christ I am so fucking sick of hearing this shit ever fucking day on the nightly news (not my option to have it on, normies do it)

They are being both maternalistic and condescending when they use words like that. Or, if its a bloke, he's a faggot.

Really, this bullshit again?

That's just the thing right here. We have skippy's own emails. And hills. At least 50k of them. Maybe not The 33k but is /baph/ found anything yet?

gas yourself you phaggot kike cuck . you don't belong here. the other user is right, "sweetie" and such vernacular is Holla Forums dogshit.


Every fucking day at the gym the idiotbox is kvetching about Russians

At least it's only the lockerroom TV showing political bullshit

Drudge traffics in sensationalism and scandal. Take a critical look at his links, most of them are there to trigger your rage reflex, fear of missing out, even if it is degenerate hedonism: everyone is trying this new drug / big sex parties in the Hamptons / miracle cure only elites can afford / student teacher sex scandal etc.

View drudge if you want to get a collection of top articles being inflicted on the American psyche, but do so knowing that it comes from the lens of a homosexual Jew.

I imagine playing Clue with Jake Tapper would be a truly exhausting experience.

What really pisses me off is how they just casually refer to it as "The Russian Hacking of the US Presidential Election" in order to suggest to the viewer that it's an actual thing that actually happened. My boomers still watch ABC every night and it's the exact line they open with every single fucking day, even after the Comey hearing.

I'm just glad they are going to roll with this muh russia for 8 years while they continue to get whatever remains of their credibility destroyed, day by day. Democrats won't win shit until they stop talking about Russia and start talking about fucking America.

Moose and Squirrel know!
Shut it down, Natasha!


No shit. It's a fucking joke. Do you also think anyone who says "oy vey" on Holla Forums must be a kike, because that's what kikes say?

Don Jr's tweets must be really pissing them off

I can imagine why. I guarantee Don Jr. is a crypto-Holla Forumsack. Maybe not necessarily on hatechan, but definitely on cuckchan at least. Imagine having a guy like that who has almost as much sway online as Trump himself, but goes full balls-to-the-wall and isn't afraid of stepping back from anything. It's great.

You're both idiots. Sweetie is clearly clearing the retard in his pic, who used to spend all her day attacking Trump like that on twitter.

Trips of truth.

It seems I'm retarded too. *clearing->referencing.

>(((Rob Goldstone)))

Of course they do they have nothing but lies and misinterpretation of fact to run with. They are literally built on lies at this point and have no choice but to double down on it or lose a huge fucking voter block. The best part is seems like only old people are buying it these days. Everyone knows MSM lies through it's god damn teeth and it's hitting hard. I'll be laughing as all the big names in news die off by the time I'm an old man, all they got left are old farts who don't trust the interwebs. I mean come on it's a series of tubes full of cats and filthy porn!

In all seriousness though it's amazing how if you just sit down and read the facts this turns into a shame of the highest degree. If you ever wanted to red pill your friends and expunge the MSM from their lives this is the time alright.

I still prefer him to his dad.

I too am looking forward to the 2024 elections.

Legally he's old enough but in practice he'd be very young by American political standards.

I like how the shill lawyer was quick to point out Kushner was the first to leave the meeting, okay (((goldstone)))

once again

It's stories like these that really pisses me off. (((They))) are full of holes and are literally making up details. I'm beyond ready to start plowing journalists into mass graves.

Collusion means it was illegal. Asking for evidence isn't illegal.

Well duh.

Umm no sweetie. Barron Trump was playing CS:GO with the Russians. Impeachment soon!

>At least it's only the lockerroom TV showing political bullshit
Every "reputable" source of news I check treats Russiacollusionhackgate as an indisputable fact. They all lament that it will no doubt take years of investigation to figure out just what the nefarious Orange Hitler did, but they're all certain it was something. Read any mildly-moderated normie comment section: they really think Putin orchestrated the whole election from his secret lair. I really wonder what it would take to get this all to dry up and blow away.

Filtered for lying libshit, sweetie.

I use the russian conspiracy shit to redpill people IRL on the holohoax. One of the biggest barriers people have to realizing the holocaust is fiction is that they think something that massive couldn't possibly be fake.

But then all you need to do is point at this russian shit, and how the media was able to weave this complex conspiracy shit out of thin air. They make some vague assertions and use anonymous testimonies, and then they cite their own stories, and cite the stories that cite their own stories, and they just keep citing each other until they've made it look like it's an established fact. Hell, the way they chimp out when Trump insinuates he doesn't believe in any russian hacking nonsense is akin to the way they freak out if you don't say six gorillion died in gas chambers and ovens.

What are the chances Trump jr is fucked because of this? He did nothing wrong but libshits are on the attack and keep claiming he's done for.

If I had to guess I'd say zero, but the media has a fantastic batting average with this stuff so maybe we better listen to them.

The NYT and CNN (aka cianigger central) has been absolutely braying the last few days over this latest nothing-burger. They keep trying to make the phrase "russian lawyer" sound like "sooper-spy agent of the Kremlin" instead of "lawyer who happens to be one of the 145 million people who live in russia".

Trips of absolute fucking veracity and clarity.


Is this bullshit ever going to stop? It seems like they were grasping for straws long ago expect they never run out. One thing that bothers me about this is the fact that the more Trump has to spend so much time defending himself over this, the less likely he will get important things done.

I seriously think Trump needs to remove the TV set from the White House completely, have lawyers deal with this shit, sue the media for defamation, and continue with his work no matter how much they bitch and scream up a storm.

Kikes will never stop. You know Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, the kikes who stole the atomic bomb blueprints and gave them to the Soviets? Even with insurmountable proof against them, they still adamantly claimed they were innocent. Hell, even TO THIS DAY, their two kike sons still claim that their parents dindu nuffin and still go around trying to lobby in their favor. The point is it doesn't matter what the actual facts are. They will always push their bullshit no matter what.

What does it take to stop these people?

A holocaust. But for real this time.

This think is sadly common here.

Pics from Jr's Twitter, if people are interested.

honestly who gives a shit what they say? anyone with a functioning braincell ignores the shit they write unless it's something we can meme them on or simply laugh at.

Let's see how long before Don learns.

His Guess Who set is just pictures of kikes. But you can never win cause when you try to pick one the board says "Not me goyim it was anudda guy".



fucking kek, you're too good at playing a leftyfag, anan

Let's say it was a foreign TV production company that had the "Grab her by the pussy" tape and they sent an email to the Clintons saying, "hey, I have some major dirt on Trump," are these media goons telling me Hilldawg would have said, "oh no, you can't talk to them."

This is like a bizzaro version of Trump's birther thing. In 2009, the liberal media said "Trump is crazy, Obama is from Hawaii" and spent massive amounts of time and money covering that story trying to paint Trump as a dummy, yet it's undeniable that the coverage benefited him in the end. Is this payback for Trump hijacking the shit out of their narrative early on in the Obongo days?

about that, does people know/belive his birth certificate was forged?

There are definitely aspects of Obama's past that they tried to hide, but imagine for an instance that you're his mother. You may be a burner, but you know you'd rather give birth in an American hospital in Hawaii over a Kenyan one.

Yeah i dont really care where he was born, just the time it took for him/WH to publicize his birth certificate, and when it was investegated it turned out to be forged? or has that been 'debunked' ? sorry for OT

Remember that time when our (Labour, mainly) party voted to ban him from the country?

I mean, they ignored an equally sized vote which said "close the fucking borders already" after the Paris attacks.

No, he's ensuring they can't control the narrative by leaking slowly from the emails at their will. This was the correct move.

Also this opens the door to shining a big light on the Uranium One deal. No rational person would believe a democrat wouldn't try and get offered dirt on a shady Trump dealing with russia. None of this makes any fucking sense when you step back.

Hell, the fucking New York Times is owned by a foreign national.

What this shows is a democrat operative attempted to fabricate a russian collusion situation. Sure, Jr. took the bait, but so what – even if there was evidence given regarding the corrupt Uranium One deal, who cares that it's a russian government rep? Where else could they go – the US government? HA! It would be perfectly reasonable to act as a liaison for such information so justice could eventually be done. Who give a fuck if "the russian government wanted Trump to win". Thinking they didn't would mean they wanted to go to war. None of this shit holds any water to any rational person.

Also this shows a pattern of DNC operatives trying to frame the Trump campaign for Russian collusion. If the Trump campaign was actually colluding with Russia, they wouldn't need to fabricate information pointing to that. Like the Warren Flood scandal where the dem operative change the Guccifer 2.0 authorship information to a russian name. Pic related. DNC is the one that's fucked here.



The fake "smoking gun" bullshit seemed to pick up right around the time Skippy Molesta got his MSM position?
Seems pretty clear he's been desperately feeding the press these red herring distractions to cover him and all his criminal friends, essentially creating slide threads for the news to prevent any prosecution from gaining public traction.

Drudge has been nothing but shit lately in terms of news stories. I guess they have to make a headline from something for nothing since nothing is really going on out there? Who fucking cares about this Hillary-Russia email bullshit anymore.

That depends. What are the chances of him apologizing?

Why isn't the counter narrative here:

That's literally what has happened. Not just this, but the Warren Flood authorship change on the "guciffer" DNC emails, and the proven flash drive transfer of information.

At the heels of showing guccifer 2.0 being an inside job and much more, the kikes are getting very sweaty and running low on their hand lotion comfort cream.
But this is more of an attempt to try and character assassinate Don Jr and try to eliminate the chance of him getting into the political game with the chance of being successor to Trump as another president.
But this will backfire on the MSM, Trump Jr may catch some metaphorical scrapes and bruises, but he'll come out stronger and get right back to swinging. Meanwhile, the MSM, the dem party, and the (((swamp))) are on a downward spiral.

With Jews you lose, Junior

It's extra funny because most people I know didn't even know Trump had more than two sons. They think this is putting him in a vice when it's only a spotlight.

I'm sure it has been 'snopes' debunked, but really there isn't anything conclusive. If Obama becomes too much of a thorn in Trump's side though, I suspect we'll all get to find out the truth. Can you imagine an FBI investigation on the matter?


Last I heard on the subject was Sheriff Joe Arpaio's press conference where they claimed that they discovered through forensic analysis that the White House-published birth certificate was a forgery based on someone else's birth certificate. I don't know if there's been any movement whatsoever in prosecuting the Obama administration for it (my money's on no) or if there's anyone at all looking into just where the hell the politician formerly known as King Nigger actually came from.


I see nothing wrong with checking every possible lead to get the Clintons in jail as soon as possible.

kill yourself fat monkey.
Drumpfy is done 4.

Enemy switching propaganda angles is definitely newsworthy.

Oy vey.

Is the filter man still paying him?

I did not know that, but kike degeneracy is unsurprising…it is even expected when it's one of (((them))) appointed to be the figurehead of "conservatism" ala Milo

media whores are throwing around the word "treason" on the morning shit shows. (((they))) are just trying to provoke a reaction and a misstep from the Trump admin, there's no actual meat to this.
The thing that would drive them nuts is if Trump and his allies just ignored this completely
I think they're doing this, in part, so the optics of revoking CNN's press privileges would look worse/scandalous…but Trump should do it and let CNN become even more of an echo chamber than it already is

At my old job 10 years ago an early 20's superliberal coworker saw I was on Drudge one day and went off on me about how I'm a terrible person, how I'm a racist, etc.
I asked him how am I racist because I was on Drudge, and his response was, "all that site does is give neonazi propaganda"
It's fucking mind boggling why libshits hate Drudge so much.

muhhh ebil russia. in reality, its a nothing burger

Jr. actually taking the bait is arguably what's going to let us string up king nigger and all his cohorts by the balls. Entrapping a political opponent as a pretext to circumvent an already once-denied FISA request on a political opponent for the sole purpose of benefiting your own party in a national election is a pretty big no-no.

Pardon the necrobump, but I remembered this post as I was looking at drudge today. Not only does he traffic in scandal, but he dispenses blackpills incessantly.

Just look at these articles he has (((chosen))).