Redpilled Fitness

Let us have a thread about getting in shape if you are not currently trying to improve your physical condition as well as mental then you are not redpilled.

Let me start with my knowledge on the topic of nutrition.
Now if you were to casually get advice about nutrition and exercise I can almost guarantee that you would end up with low testosterone levels. This is because of two things overtraining and 'healthy diets'.

Regarding nutrition you will often see stuff get shilled like low fat and high protein this is the opposite of what you want. You want to get enough protein but you need fat specifically saturated fat for hormone production.
Ok let me put it in points so I don't ramble. You will just have to trust me I have researched it and it's very different from mainstream advice.

1. Get organic (you don't want the hormone disruptors injected in the meat and pesticides on the fruit)

2. Beef is great because it has zinc and you should get it with fat minced can be a cheaper alternative than steak get highest fat.

3. You want your split to be something like 25% protein 35% fat 40% carbs. (carbs are also good for T it is the fat and carbs that help with it)

4. Eat fruit and a lot of it but not so many vegetables because you don't want too high fiber but have some spinach and remember to boil it for like 2 mins. Fiber thing is disputed but does raise shbg which inhibits your free T this is seen in vegans. We don't need excessive fiber this is another myth.

5. Dairy and grains can be a source of discomfort for your digestive system. If you handle them well go ahead but if you suspect something try cutting some of it out. I am eating paleo atm but I still recommend 300-400ml yoghurt to get enough calcium. Or you could eat like 500gram spinach but its costly. Also many grains of poor quality.

6. The type of fat matters. Avoid PUFA fat and try and eat saturated fat. This means less nuts, seeds, vegetable oils more steak. Only nut I eat is 3 brazil nuts a day for selenium which brings me to fish have some seafood occasionally or even everyday but avoid farmed like the plague. This is for selenium and iodine and it can be a good protein boost (I know this contradicts earlier point but its low calorie and natural protein is only bad if its too high in your overall intake inhibiting fat and carb intake.

7. In the beginning you might have to weigh everything and type it in on c ronometer . com. This is because fat people think they don't eat enough and skinny people think they eat a lot. Get your expenditure calculated and try and get those amounts of calories.

Typical day for me would be … 4 bananas, 1 apple, 150g spinach, 400g sirloin steak, 100g beetjuice, 300g orange juice, 2 eggs, 1tsp cod liver oil, 80g raisins, 400g yoghurt, 1 pear, 3 brazil nuts and 100g cod.

8. Quick fixes which often help T levels are to get a zinc and magnesium supplement. Don't get multivitamin because it has a bunch of stuff you dont need and not enough of those two. Don't go crazy with this and once your body has enough of those minerals there are no more benefits you can go off them for a while and then use sparingly.

9. Get enough sleep try and get 8 hours of sleep in a completely dark room.

10. Get enough sunlight.

Moving on to exercise. If you are fat I recommend that you go on a calorie deficit and only do walking at least 1 hour a day. You can also fast during the mornings aka no breakfast and probably even fast entire days. You will need to weigh your food and calculate www. c You will likely decrease T for a while but it will pay off since getting rid of excess body fat will help (too much abdominal body fat increases estrogen)

If you are skinny then train to get appetite and eat a lot of food but watch out for too much fiber since it makes you full.

If you haven't trained before then do calisthenics first and focus on movements like pullups, chinups, pushups, inverted rows, dips. For legs do squats and stuff but keep in mind that it is not as good as weight training but hill sprints, jumps and stuff should be ok to start.
example routine (keep in mind that you probably won't be able to do it untrained but keep at it)

Pull ups 3 sets of 8
Dips 4 sets of 8
pushups 5 sets of 10 (pushups are not easy it is just people with bad form to make them harder pause at the bottom of the rep and keep strict form)
chinups 2 sets of 8
Squats 3x25, reverse lunges 3x25 each leg.
Do it no more than 3 times a week. In the beginning you wont be able to do that many pullups so you substitute with inverted rows. If you can't do 1 pullup then just jump and do them and inverted rows. Substitue dips with bench dips maybe or just pushups some people are not suited for dips for some reason and bench dips im not sure if they are safe.

Other urls found in this thread:

Overtraining is a big T killer too and excessive cardio. For cardio I prefer to walk than jog. I think everyone should walk around 1 hour a day. Walk briskly and swing arms at shoulder for low back relief. Other forms of cardio that are good are the more explose so sled push, sprints and bodyweight training.

When I moved on to weight training after being a calisthenics only guy I noticed that my legs were lagging and also my lower back/glutes/posterior chain. I really love calisthenics and think you should switch between weight training and calisthenics weekly.

When going to do weight lifting keep in mind to always be paranoid about your form there is a high risk of lower back injury if you use bad form. I don't like to do too much bodybuilding stuff since it's just vanity but feel free to throw in some stuff like curls… facepull I think are great because it doesnt get worked that much.

Day 1 upper
Barbell rows
Bench press
Pull ups
Overhead Press
Farmers walks
(throw in curls, tricep ext, lat raises, facepulls if you have energy)

Day 3 lower
Trap bar DL
Sled Push
Planks / Side planks

Day 5 upper
Barbell row
Incline BP
Chin ups
Farmers walks

Day 8 Lower
Glute ham raises
planks/ side planks

I know people think that functional fitness is a meme but I think there is something to it we don't need to get overly clunky arms and shit I also think we should be doing weeks with calisthenics this will take load of our joints you can also do it outside and doing stuff like hill sprints, farmers walk with a rucksack, climbing mountains etc. I have avoided machines since it is more for just looks imo cables can be ok though.

Anyway post your suggestions and routines and stuff. Remember don't overtrain and eat saturated fat most of the programs out there are by roid heads.


Nice hobby, bro.

Plenty of books here

It's not a hobby I do it for T levels and future happenings.
Anyway forgot to say don't fall for the bulking meme eat an adequate amount of calories but bulking and cutting will wreak havoc on hormones.



Why are there so many shills. I said for some faggot I'm more a fan of dairy than grains though.

Being sedentary is not our natural state
Thread theme inspiration

If you cant handle neolithic food, youre from hunter-gatherer stock.

Meaning nigger or asian.

There has been some fake chinese(TM) going around and shilling everyone user. Not sure what their agenda is though. They called me a kike on a thread similar to this. I think that this thread is not controlled op though because it is genuinely helpful. I never knew why saturated fat was shilled against so hard till just now for example.

Also if your a poor user and skinny how does one eat that much food a day?

Probably stuff like minced beef luckily the higher fat are cheaper also white rice, PEELED potatoes I think it's important to peel them because there is some shit in the peel that is toxic cant remember.

Ok in that diet there is not enough fiber haha so some fruit too.

Girevoy Sport.
I discovered it about 5 years ago while looking for something to supplement my Judo since bench press / pullups weren't cutting it.
It's basically endurance weightlifting. Instead of focusing on 1rm in clean&jerk and snatch it's about doing as many reps as possible with a submaximal weight in a (usually)10 minute set.
I used to have severe lower back pain and extreme thoracic kyphosis and shoulder impingement. I've put on about 30-35lbs of muscle in the 5 year span I've been practicing it and I turned 41 this past April.
The vfworkout channel on youtube is a great resource for learning about this sport.

I don't really follow a strict regimen per se but I try to eat clean: no sugar, no processed foods, only water and coffee to drink, no alcohol. Of course I treat myself on occasion.

I run about 2.5 miles 3 times a week and do dips, pullups, squats, and abs every day. I also hit the heavy bag a few times a week. I run a 1/2 marathon once a year with a group of guys.

I'm a father of 2, going on 3, little babies so my time is limited and I don't really give enough of a shit to follow a strict program.

One thing I'll say though if you want to get into great shape, build a ton of character, strengthen yourself mentally, join a legit MMA gym. Hopefully you live in a city that can support you. I don't train anymore but when I did it opened my eyes to a lot of things and plus it's hard as shit so it makes other things seem easy.

Forgot to say brown rice is bad news we can't digest it and bad for T in some other way cant remember something to do with the bran. Oher surprising things to stay away from: Flax seeds (most estrogenic food out of all) Mint, Beer (the hops).

Yea no point training if it just fucks up your back listen to the body and do calisthenics if you start to feel something recover and get back. Maybe if mine ever gets really bad I would maybe only do trap bar dl.

To each their own but the steady state of jogging is a more passive feminine training imo I prefer walking and then doing explosive instead like sprints. Overtraining in jogging is one of the worst T killers.

inb4 the ImKikey locks this thread


Oy vey! I can't have the goyim bettering themselves in body and mind! Better shit up every self-improvement thread and call everyone who disagrees with me Smiley!

Friendly reminder your mentally ill ass will burn in an oven.

It could also be that it was your form and breathing. I'm not completely sold on back squats since a lot of people don't have the anatomy for them but with deadlifts and basically all lifts you want to breathe abdominally and hold the breath while contracting your core.

A good way to determine if something is healthy: What did your ancestors used to eat?

In the Odyssey (I'm Italian so this is relevant for me), the feasting that all the characters do, which is mentioned about once per book, consists of four things: whole roast meat (goats, sheep, pigs), barley, olive oil, red wine (they diluted it bc water might not have been too fresh).

When they ate meat they didn't take the fat off and they didn't go for the lean parts; they ate the organs, and they ate them whole.

Keep in mind there were no (((pesticides))) back then so by default all the aforementioned foods were way healthier. If you can afford it, get the highest quality organic meat (preferably from a local white farmer) you possibly can.

If you want to sustain a body that can fight in 100 degree + weather, wearing 70+lbs of bronze armor while wielding heavy swords and spears, eat what they ate. If you want the body that can sustain 7 hours of typing at a coffee shop, eat what vegans and faggots who follow modern diets eat.

For those of you who hail from nordic regions, study your ancient literary and archaeological heritage to figure out what your ancestors ate. I'm not well versed so I can't tell for sure– my gut feeling is they had less barley and olive oil and more woolly mammoth but that's besides the point.

Also one more thing: a lot of common foods like potatoes, rice, tomatoes, etc. and many fruits are NOT indigenous to eurpoean regions. If you know any thing about racial differences, which you should, then it follows that different races, which adapted to their historical environments, ate different things.

As for dairy and wheat, yes, true europeans would be able to eat those products. However, the way they grow and harvest wheat and dairy is fucked up beyond all belief in the (((modern age))). Only consume them if they are from a good source that doesn't use chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics, (((roundup))), etc. And don't delude yourself into thinking you can handle them because you're muh white. Yes, if this were 2000 years ago, you'd be fine. But since you likely don't have as pure DNA as you would like to believe, don't sacrifice your health so you can larp as a viking.

This concept is called ANCESTRAL EATING and it's very important! Another great thing to do is start gardening. It's pretty easy once you get it set up. Research permaculture, hugelkulture, composting, and companion planting. Burn wood from fallen branches and organic plant matter and create wood ash. Mix it in your soils. Our biggest problem now is that our soils lost all minerals brought by wild fires or people mixing ash back in to the soils.

just talk about the benefits of (((VEGAN DIETS)))

I'll start

nice blogpost

Ridiculous but not wrong. One thing to not forget is that people born into conditions tend to be much hardier.
also true, there are museums here of evidence that modern wheat is not much like the wheat even from the 50s, and neither is the soil, and anyone who has eaten quality dairy or meat will know the difference. Or go work in a feedlot.

(also checked)
Agreed, though fire is much more likely to destroy fertility than to build it, outside of very specific ecosystems.


It's the weekly "'hey Holla Forums what sickening ailment and physical or psychological deformity do you have' thread that gets 500+ posts" thread

If you need "self-improvement" you're already a fucking disgusting waste of space, breathing other people's air. KILL YOURSELVES.

It's the weekly "Fat Fascist Anonymous" e-meeting with 500+ posts.

Kill yourself you degenerate faggot. Who would honestly care if you did? Give reasons why you hate the Jews and love the White Race.


Hey goy, it's me, Holla Forums, here to give you some "health advice".

So anyway, stay away from milk. The lactose makes my pure white stomach hurt for some reason. Also make sure you don't eat any whole grains or vegetables. They got mad phytic acid and they'll lower your T levels. Don't ask me for proof, just trust me.

The main things you can do to improve your health are to eat a lot of saturated fat from fatty cuts of meat, and avoid any cardio. Cardio kills your gains.

Also don't have sex with a white woman. Too much sex depletes T levels and kills your motivation to work for me.

Hale Hortler!

Believing mainstream nutrition advice, suit yourself. I didn't say don't eat vegetables the best one is spinach other than that they're overhyped.


you're getting a little triggered there, Smiley. better take some meds, girl.

I can handle raw dairy and heirloom grain(farrow, emmer ext) just fine.
Its this refined shit that is killing everyone, gut biomes cant deal with being fed poison all the time.

Ancestral eating, huh? I've never heard of it, but it does make sense. Being a Slav, I'm used to having a good amount of carbs in my diet, and during my cut stage I feel way too diminished because I reduce them to pretty much zero. I'm actually gonna give this a go and go back to my mom's old fashioned cooking. Thanks user.

I don't trust you. Provide sources you lazy nigger

Dubs for truth. This is pure evolutionary science. Our ancestors have evolved through millennia to eat natural foods so anything else is a risk. Your body was simply not built (hasn't evolved) to eat pesticide-laden, re-processed shit from a plastic dish.

Basically, eat what your grand-grand father ate.

Most "fitness" advice out there is already redpilled. Just lift heavy, eat heavy and you will gain. Then lift a little less and eat a bit less and you will lean out. It's really not that complicated. Most of the direction you should take is in form for individual lifts and programming once you get out of the newbie gains stage. In depth specifics in a thread targeted towards those who currently do not exercise is pointless.

It's more for my lungs/cardiovascular system plus it conditions you, when I mixed in running with my training my stamina in sparring increased big time but ya to each their own it depends on your goals

Yeah different people need different nutrients, just like men and women.

I've never been, but in Russian class our professor was saying how women and men eat vastly different diets, the primary difference being men eat much more meat.

The slavic diet in general is full of good stuff like fatty meat and butter, which is required to sustain life during harsh winters.

(For people who want science: the body is a heat generator that requires fuel to burn and keep the fire going. Fat is more than twice as calorie dense as carbs or protein hypertextbook. com/facts/2004/PingZhang.shtml
It also is more "clean burning" in the sense that its metabolisation produces fewer byproducts, and your body will take it as an energy source first.

Also, your body can produce glucose from fat or protein via gluconeogenesis, but fat and protein cannot be produced and must be consumed in the diet.

That's not even mentioning how all of your hormones are made out of saturated fat, a shortage of which will cause inadequate hormone production.

edwardjedmonds. com/thyroid-function-and-saturated-fat/

In general, good luck with the diet user, and try to source the ingredients (esp. carbs and grains) from high quality sources (if you can go to a Russian store to get black bread or bread made from slavic wheat then that would be even better)

But one more point about the "ancestral diet" I've been talking about– different classes of people would have been able to afford different foods. So the Greek aristocracy ate the above mentioned roast meat all day, but the peasants likely did not. Of course, the whole point of indo-european aristocracy is that those are the big strong people with healthy genes responsible for fighting and defending the people, so they need the better diet. Anyway, my point is that just because your mother or grandma made it doesn't "necessarily" make it optimal, especially given the high likelihood that your (and most of our) close ancestors were peasants.

He already took his meds 4 hours ago.

t. knower

Yeah different people need different nutrients, just like men and women.

I've never been, but in Russian class our professor was saying how women and men eat vastly different diets, the primary difference being men eat much more meat.

The slavic diet in general is full of good stuff like fatty meat and butter, which is required to sustain life during harsh winters.

(For people who want science: the body is a heat generator that requires fuel to burn and keep the fire going. Fat is more than twice as calorie dense as carbs or protein hypertextbook. com/facts/2004/PingZhang.shtml
It also is more "clean burning" in the sense that its metabolisation produces fewer byproducts, and your body will take it as an energy source first.

Also, your body can produce glucose from fat or protein via gluconeogenesis, but fat and protein cannot be produced and must be consumed in the diet.

That's not even mentioning how all of your hormones are made out of saturated fat, a shortage of which will cause inadequate hormone production.

edwardjedmonds. com/thyroid-function-and-saturated-fat/

In general, good luck with the diet user, and try to source the ingredients (esp. carbs and grains) from high quality sources (if you can go to a Russian store to get black bread or bread made from slavic wheat then that would be even better)

But one more point about the "ancestral diet" I've been talking about– different classes of people would have been able to afford different foods. So the Greek aristocracy ate the above mentioned roast meat all day, but the peasants likely did not. Of course, the whole point of indo-european aristocracy is that those are the big strong people with healthy genes responsible for fighting and defending the people, so they need the better diet. Anyway, my point is that just because your mother or grandma made it doesn't "necessarily" make it optimal, especially given the high likelihood that your (and most of our) close ancestors were peasants. Look to what the warriors ate instead.

meant for

Speaking of getting /fit/, I remember some anons talking about Diatomaceous earth food grades as small suplements in their diet to kill parasites and others considering it. Is there any anons who tried it since then who can tell me any results they had?

Why is this fucking anchored? God damn these kikes mods.

I'll believe thousands of scientists and mountains of evidence they produce over some anonymous retard on an image board who won't cite anything in evidence, you dumb nigger.

I tried the whole fatty meat diet thing and it didn't do shit for me. It wasn't "redpill", it was what the whole internet was pushing at the time, and all it did was hold back my gains for ages.

The truth is that the "boring conventional stuff" is conventional because it works for most people most of the time, when they actually apply it scientifically. What you're pushing is contrarian bullshit made up to sell books, and it has an abysmal track record. Hell, my fatass relatives are already on your diet

Meanwhile a nigger ir spam thread is still alive and kicking

The kikes need to be removed from the controls.


t. Smiley

Why is this bumplocked guys?

Good thread. I'm gonna give some personal experience input:

I had an injury a while ago and took a long time to get over the worst of it, so I wound up getting fat. When you are fat and have low muscle density your hormone levels go because both independently cause hormone problems. When you gain a lot of fat all sugar and carb intake, instead of being mostly used and excreted from the body gets stored into fat cells as stored sugar, thats all fat cells really are they store sugar in a form which needs to be broken down before use by the body. The hormone which controls this is insulin and its related hormones. When fat cells are overloaded with stored sugar they dont want to store any more so the insulin cant get in, this is called insulin resistance. This results in your body producing extra insulin to try to force the cells to comply. Eventually this leads to diabetes, i.e. the insulin no longer works so your body will produce so much that they wind up destroying the fat cells, this is what leads to diabetes patients getting gangrenous sores on their extremities with lower blood flow and high amount of small capillaries feet.

This overload of insulin hormones negatively effects testosterone and other body function/growth hormones.

Having low muscle density also causes low test and other hormones.

Also effected by this is your bodies processing of vitamins and such no matter how much sun you get your body will never utilize/produce enough D3 and not having D3 means depression and laziness.

The only way you are going to fix this is to fix your diet and your metabolism as well as getting sun and exercise.

In May I weighed 280lbs. And I said enough is enough I need to fix this shit now. I started taking a multivitamin, 10,000 mg of vitamin d3 for 2 weeks, after that cut down to 2,000 mg, was told by a doctor to do it that way and a liquid fish oil, not pill form.

And I changed my diet significantly. For 3 weeks I did a 'fast' of nothing but salad. No Carbs. No Meat. The salads consisted of kale or spring greens not iceberg shit lettuce, mushrooms, carrots, bell peppers, onions, broccoli, and avocado to make it more palatable since I wasnt putting any dressing on it at all. After a week of that your body will be in ketosis, this is the metabolic process where your body starts devouring the stored sugar in fat cells. I started this diet on June 3rd and since then I lost 40lbs. I reintroduced small amounts of meat, less than I used to eat.. Meat currently makes up about 15% of my weekly food intake, and it is mostly shrimp or flounder sometimes chicken. And most importantly all of the food I eat now is organic.

Organic food is a touchy subject because people either denounce it as leftist bullshit or think its too expensive. There is nothing leftist about not wanting to eat meat tainted with kike additives which cause the animals to be unnaturally large, common sense dictates it must affect your body as well.

As for the price, yeah its expensive if you buy the shit in a commie faggot wholefoods market. But I found a website in my area that is a network of organic farmers that require a $30 membership fee and then they send you a weekly list of what is for sale. They sell fruits and veggies by the box $50 for one of each. And I took it home and compared it to reciepts of normal unorganic fruits and veggies that ive bought from walmart. The price difference wound up being like a $4 difference all together. So its not a problem at all unless you are a nigger.

And in addition to all of that sunlight is extremely important. Go to the local state park or what have you and walk around and bullshit for an hour or two.

If you arent fixing your self how are you going to fix the world?

(Sieg Heil)
Bullshit, at least without further clarification. Surviving ≠ thriving.

You're just not hardcore enough :^)

Barley and wheat werent eaten by europeans until they were introduced by semites (wheat) and gooks (barley)

Top kek, I can't wait for the butthurt when you fags realize the thread has been autosaged.
Make a >>>/polfit/ if /fit/ is too gay.