I'm looking for assistance. My little brother is cucked and still believes in the
Family sized red pill
Other urls found in this thread:
Ah, duh I should finish perusing that thread.
Also, here's the PDF.
I'm really not sure myself how to convince these people. I have a friend who won't believe anything I show him because "that's not a reliable source" then he goes on about muh Russia and shit. He even outright says he implicitly trusts MSM. His only argument is literally "there are lots of opposing opinions and I only trust these ones because they are the official ones". He's a pretty smart guy otherwise, he's just retarded in this area.
You have to lighten him up with other inconvienent facts. Try something involving picture evidence like the holohoax paper from the red army about being denied sending supplies.
Also show him the CNN stuff there is seven threads full of it. Then go from there.
If he is still cucked in the face of such damming evidence then he is willingly ignorant and nothing but physical pain would change his mind. I recomend you do not do anything at that point.
Thanks guys.
Point out to him that the MSM outlets are owned by multinational corporations that don't give a fuck about anything except their bottom line. It's basically the same conundrum as the JQ, they aren't American they're globalists.
You can't fix willful ignorance with forceful pills. They fight the whole way.
Just beat him for being a faggot. And tell him it's because he's a faggot.
There's no convincing people like your brother. He isn't intelligent and neither is this anons friend. To allow yourself to adhere to a central authority as the end all be all of knowledge and truth is to destroy the very last bit of your free will in this broken society. They can't be saved because they don't want to be. People like that are burying themselves in lies because deep down they know the reality is too much for them. They are fragile and to confront the brutal reality is to come face to face with their own cowardice. People like your brother are sheep and will only ever be sheep. He will follow the herd no matter where it leads him.
I advise you not to listen to people who recommend you show him other (((coincidences))). Until you've already swallowed the red pill, that shit really, truly, does make you look like a conspiracy theorist to normalfags. Don't beat around the bush, don't try to convince him of unrelated issues. MAKE HIM explain his argument, and punch holes in that.
So, step one. Intelligence community report indicated that Russia somehow interfered with our election. This is probably true, but it's probably true in the same way that EVERY SINGLE MAJOR WORLD POWER with a functioning intelligence branch interferes in every election of every other power in some way every single election cycle. What he sees is "Russia interfered in the election." What you have to do is to ask him, "how?" HOW did Russia interfere in the election? Ask for specifics. Ask him what specifically the Russian government provably did. When he tells you what they did specifically, ask him to prove how he knows this.
To my knowledge, the only thread that these plebs can even try to cling to is the release of the DNC emails. If he has any specific instances of alleged interference other than the DNC email leaks, I'd be very surprised. So if he brings up the email leaks, ask him to prove the Russian government did it. Wait for his answer. If his answer is "muh intelligence report said so," ask him what evidence the report gives to prove the assertion.
If he, unlike the MSM and the US government, is able to offer you incontrovertible evidence that the DNC emails were indeed hacked and released by Russian agents, as him to prove that the battleground states which swung for Trump would have swung in the other direction had the emails not been released. Ask him if he really believes the emails alone changed the course of the election and caused Hillary to lose.
If he believes this to be the case. If he believes he has incontrovertible evidence that Russian agents hacked the DNC emails, and that releasing those emails caused Hillary to lose the election, then ask him what content was in those emails that caused so many people to change their minds about Hillary. After all, if the emails were entirely mundane and benign, their release shouldn't have hurt her campaign. Ask him what specific things in those hacked emails caused so many people who would have otherwise voted for Hillary to instead vote for Trump.
And when he tells you, you ask your dirty fucking traitor son of a bitch little brother why those horrible secrets didn't change his cuck vote too.
I don't think approaching it logically will work. I'd read dillberts blog and use his methods. They didn't arrive to their thoughts due to logical reasoning.
I know that feel, my sister still believes Hillary won and trump is an idiot for saying 3000000 illegal immigrants voted. Help?
I feel your pain, bud. Always remember: Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize that half of them are stupider than that.
Fuck her until she respects the truth.
She's asking for evidence, so she's obviously indoctrinated
Interesting, although I still have a small amount of faith in my brother that he can be reached logically, maybe with a bit of persuasion technique thrown in.
I also have a fair bit of blunt candor, so I could use some of that to point out that he's getting emotional and not thinking rationally, when he's dismissing my doubts.
*Trump say there is massive voter fraud -Democrats deny it
*Trump wins the elections - Democrats say russia did it
*Trump makes a election fraud committee - Democrats refuse to cooperate
……….. dude
Don't bother trying to convince him. Call him xenophobic and paranoid. Dish back their bullshit
Tell her about the faked voting in the huge amount of states it's been uncovered in already.
T_D has some good collations of this.
He's your brother. Tie him to a chair and force him to watch The Greatest Story Never Told.
Here's literal footage proving that the crap put out by the msm has been staged, scripted & fake for a very long time - youtube.com
I was going to offer a reasonable and logical piece of advice to OP, but I have to say fuck it and do what this user says.
USS Liberty can work on older people. We'll make sure they actually like America first.
Fuck him up the ass, user.
No joke - just do it.
You're using logic on an emotional faggot. You have to appeal to failure and humiliation. That's all girly men care about.
You got to understand that your brother just doesn't like Trump likely because people he cares about in his peer group do not like Trump. It is why logical arguments don't go anywhere, because you're threatening his connection to these other people so he blocks all arguments full stop. What often happens is that someone you know who refuses to accept any argument you make on a subject one day will come around to your view of something after they lost ties to whatever other relationships were influencing them the other way.
follows the dubs, OP. Obama himself said that election could not be hacked. During his final national address was asked point blank by a (((reporter))) about Russia involvement and King Nigger shrugged it off by saying there is no evidence it happened. If they don't like to their 'prophet,' they will not listen to anyone or any reason.
your brothe needs logic
ask him what did hilary promise
what does he want? etc
>he sent me the (((intelligence community))) report
Pretty sure the MSM released today that they no longer believe that because of the Guccifer 2.0 analysis.
Stop arguing reason. Make jokes that border on their sensibilities and "morals" but aren't too far over their edge. That's how they were indoctrinated and it's how you deprogram them. It takes time.
Also to add to this: never risk going over their limit or they'll stop taking in information from you. It's worth being a "moderate" in their eyes as they redpill themselves looking up bits of your jokes.
Imagine shifting the overton window per person.
Anyone can do this with their friends and associates.
Pretty much this, although he's attending a private liberal arts college for political science. He's thinking about doing diplomacy, and he's even learning Russian. Ironic as fuck.
Bumping for visibility. Hopefully this thread and some further replies will help other anons.
Also, what do you guys think of Trump Jr.'s whole thing? Seems like that could throw a wrench into disproving the muh Russia narrative.
Tell him to google the GDP/GDP per capita of both countries. They just have way more interest in cooperating with everyone on the surface of things.This is what you will probably have to tell him, getting into the jewish roots of bolshevism and how it continues to this daay…………..will take some time to ease into, depending on "normalcy".
kill jew
didn't mean to sage
Thanks for the suggestion user
Sounds like an idiot to me. Ask him what he means by official and what he thinks journalistic standards are. He doesn't seem to understand those are just companies. Their primary goal is to make money.
That is so hard to fathom unless of course you get to work in walmart customer relations.
Ask him how he knows if something is a (((reliable source))) it is a philosophical discussion but it will shut them up. You can start then by saying that in the old days (((reliable sources))) taught the earth was flat. Why is he so arrogant to believe that now days (((reliable sources))) know everything. Take some historical reports by (((reliable sources))) that are now universally accepted as false. Or you can show him things that play into his feels. He believes racism is objectively wrong or not? Like all normalfags. Show him some old article from a reputable American news paper about race or homosexuals (which we know to be true but he will reject because it hurts his feelies) then ask him if the NYTs was wrong then what makes you certain they are right now?
I had a friend on Steam for about 5 years, he was a furry who liked snuff and vore and drew such things, but he was a developmental psychologist from Arizona. We got into an argument about gender politics, how I wouldn't recognize the (((WHO))) as a legitimate body.
Specifically, my argument was how gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and making it trendy stops people that need actual assistance don't get the help they need. He countered with it was declassified as an illness 6 years ago, so he took comfort in moving the goalposts solving everything. I said that if they changed the definition once, they could change it again, but by this point he was quite salty and throwing a tantrum about me and broke into ad hominem and called me a waste of time and how he never liked me.
I took the moral high grounds and reported his Paypal, Patreon, Tumblr, and Dropbox, but only the Patreon got shut down. He lost $80/mo off it, and made a salty journal about it a few weeks later.
Ultimately, it was still his fault though, since he had NSFW plainly viewable without an account. This is a huge sin on social media websites, and is a great way to kill accounts.
Anyways, my point is, if someone appeal to authority, because they're the authority, they might be beyond saving because you have a lot of deprogramming to do.
You mean like the (((intelligence community))) said Sadam had WMDs?
Tell her there are evidence in the fucking kitchen!
There was never any evidence on that. Could be true, but you fell for a Meme that had as much evidence as the flat earthers.
Let me ask you this: if there was a thread that even had a speck of what you're saying, why isn't it stickied and constantly remade?
Fuck that's a good one to use.