The Nigger Fears the Canine
Video (also attached): youtube . com/watch?v=CX_RQqS7rFI
Full article: startribune .com/video-shows-minneapolis-police-officer-shooting-two-dogs-in-north-minneapolis-yard/433481333/
The Nigger Fears the Canine
Video (also attached): youtube . com/watch?v=CX_RQqS7rFI
Full article: startribune .com/video-shows-minneapolis-police-officer-shooting-two-dogs-in-north-minneapolis-yard/433481333/
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This calls for my favorite nignog fears the dog related copypasta.
I'm surprised he actually managed to score a hit honestly.
I've always liked the looks of those dogs, but I hear the fluffier a dog gets, the more they shed, and I don't want to deal with that.
The real reason: muh dik was on the line. He had seen one too many Hollywood scenes where a dog bit a man's crotch.
Do you really think a nigger would take a chance with his reproductive capability?
All nigger cops need to be issued with a small bag or rope that the dog can "attack" while the officer gets out. They always go for whatever you stick out in front of you first. If all else fails a kick is a decent deterrent. Dumbass niggers…
I have a dog similar to that one, its usually fine if you bring them outside and use a brush to get all the loose fur off.
Cops probably kill more dogs than people each year. It's a known issue and the owners are seldom compensated, even if they and their dogs were completely innocent. There's no repercussions so they keep doing it.
*sent to africa. Would probably be cheaper and a lot safer
Guess that's the dog I'm gonna have. Whenever I get my own house.
Standard Poodles are good dogs. They have some hair but they don't really shed. Easy to train, athletic German hunting dogs; they're the smartest non-herding dog breed.
Don't carpet dogs get really dirty when you let them out?
Are straight-haired poodles common?
Is it likely that he wasn't a cop? Police tend to work around dogs enough to not get scared by them. And hoping the fence in means he can hop right back out - almost was back out too.
More curious why he paused. He stops 5 steps short of exiting, keeps his draw at the dogs, and fires dead center, with no preceding warning/miss shots.
I sure hope people aren't paying for this lazy waste.
Good, fuck the cops
there's not a single real human in that articles photo.
Man, I thought I was numb to the usual news of bombings, killings, rapings ect., but this hit me like a bus. The dog didn't even eagerly jump at the cop, it fucking was standing still looking in another fucking direction.
I thought that meme died long ago, but it just became a real person.
I've been seeing and hearing about a lot of nigger cops lately, and they never seem to do their job right. Always shooting dogs/people and acting like they're a full blown kang. Especially with white people, they're really hard on white people, probably because it's the only way a miserable nigger like him can get back at white people legally. And they'll still spout the lies that "duh poleez be raycis agens bruthas you".
harden the fuck up m8
Was wondering why the usual outrage against cops was absent.
Finally a nigger doing something useful.
Dogs are worth more than you ever will be achmed, makes you mad as fuck doesn't it?
Poodles are actually one of the most vicious breeds. I don't like them.
I have always owned Boxers, but I now own an Australian Cattle Dog. Boxers, Rotts and Dobies are my favorite German breeds. Other than that, I would have a French Mastiff.
KYS if you believe that.
I couldn't agree more.
Gas yourself.
Let's be clear. Seeing eye dogs are the only legitimate service dogs. I am with the nigger on this one. Too bad he didn't shoot the two fatherless pussies that needed emo-dogs.
Make way for best dog
Is that a chow?
Shitskin detected
The cop didn't know it was a service animal so that's a moot point.
Maybe you can get a job with the Feds. They love shooting people's pet for no reason. And their sons. And their wives.
You are a nigger and you should go back to sub Saharan Africa, faggot.
your choice race traitor
Also understand that dogs are far more likely to attack blacks because of the way they smell, so a dog that is not dangerous to you may in fact be dangerous to Ja'Davius the cop. Never had a dog that was not racist as fuck. Even blind dogs dislike blacks.
TFW my state and county have zero restrictions of wolf hybrids. maybe i should get one just to keep the pavement apes away in case any of them ever make it out my way.
in order to cow a populace all pleb dogs must be killed, while raising authority dogs to human status.
what don't you know you fucking moron
these laws are racist, wolfs and dogs whats the difference? there is no genetic basis for breeds, it is just a social construct. same species smh
I don't like dogs. They are friendly and all some even have uses like the one in the video. That still does not justify this nog absolutely failing at situational awareness(the camera and the pets passiveness) and being unfit for the job.
Also if you pause the video and zoom at 0:09 you can see his badge shine. At 0:06 you can see some sort of patch on his shoulder. At 0:15 you can see the gun it is fully black. If we had audio I could try figuring out more from that. Bit suspicous the audio and the entering of this nog on the premesis is cut from the video.
This. I'm not really surprised. We've seen white cops pull this shit too.
The first one is clearly a pitbull. There's never a situation in which there's no reason to shoot a pitbull. They are the niggers of the dog world and need to be exterminated en masse.
The only good thing is that a white family will get some gibs for a cop fucking up for a change.
I don't necessarily think people should sue police departments, but as long as a nigger's family is getting millions for a dirty nigger lawfully being killed by cops, I can't disagree with this family getting their gibs for the death of two dogs who were undoubtedly more useful than Trayboon and Eric Brown.
Of the dogs had been through therapy dog training, thy weren't your average pitbull.
Now I hate pitbulls, but let's be fair here. Pitbulls should not be given to just anyone, but if the dog had been through therapy training, it's probably safer than your faggot-disease-giving flea infested cat.
The nigger cop did a good thing shooting that dog,I bet the white women in that family used to torture it daily by getting their cunts licked and engaging in other bestiality acts.
Truth but not every dog strikes fear in a niggers heart.
Someone shoop "der untermensch" onto the first pic OP posted. Literally everyone in that pic is subhumans that need to be put in a concentration camp to lose weight.
lol honestly dog breeds compares pretty well to human races… kind of surprised that the libtards aren't all up in arms about breed bans in certain cities, apartments, etc.
spics use small dogs like this to defend their homes from other spics and niggers
With how much liberals hate children, does their indifference about dogs actually surprise you?
Good one.
Good point. That was bad for thinking they might actually use consistent logic for once.
mixed terriers this small are everywhere in the ghetto
You're better than that, user. :^)
From now on, a good rule of thumb is
All I ever see are literal wild pitbulls roaming everywhere. Thankfully a niglet gets their face chewed off once a week.
t. Detroiter
I'm not a cat person, I'm a dog person. You're barking up the wrong tree here mate.
Yeah right bro.
the nigger actually ended their suffering.
if dubs, i am right
I see the occasional pitbull and rowtie that jamal has but Juan has his 50 or so small terriers gone crazy
t. Sofl fag
Is it a pit bull or an American Bulldog?
I'm thinking depending on the circumstance, the physician actually assigns you a dog.
Now if it's just some bullshit like "dis my therapy dog" then I agree.
But most of the time, you don't get to choose the breed if it's an actual prescribed therapy dog.
I knew an autist that had a therapy dog, but it was always a golden retriever that was selected, or so she said.
Before I pass judgement to the dog, I would need to know a little more first. Yes, I give the benefit of the doubt to a dog over a nigger.
To add:
The American Bulldog looks a lot like a pit.
Not to be confused with the American Staffordshire Terrier, which is basically the same thing as a pitbull.
But the American Bulldog is nothing like a pit, though they do share some characteristics.
Pic related is not a pit, but an American Bulldog.
Me the fish-keeper master race.
Saltwater or freshwater?
freshwater is for casual plebs tbh fam
Brackish. I have African Cichlids.
Noice. Big cichlid fan myself. Used to have Flowerhorns myself.
I want to cry :/ God really made dogs to serve men,
Loyal beasts, and as we all know, all dogs go to heaven.
Hopefully these dogs live to rip the throats of this nigger.
There's an update. Lying on the police report.
Does look like a red-nosed pit. Basically this dog wouldn't be "prescribed" to anyone who isn't able to exercise it 45 mins a day.
So forget the "therapy dog" bullshit. Still quite troubling and still a very nigger thing to do to kill it when it poses no threat.
Niggers should hang.
Are we being raided again?
Kill yourself commonspic.
Libshits are at the point now that they think purebreeds don't exist at all, whether animal or human.
The cop was a fucking nigger, but pit bulls are the niggers of the dog world. If true, this is just another case of nog-on-nog violence.
Small fish are only good as bait
I know it's a meme, but not if you raise them correctly. We had a large farm and a few acres, and pits. They need to be trained properly and exercised constantly.
They're not suitable for niggers and untermensh living in tiny ghetto houses, who treat dogs as accessories/status symbols. They never bother to train them or give them any sort of special care.
Unless you are a white man with a lot of open land to defend, having a pitbull is not the right choice.
common filth the jihadi mexican
All they get is fair market value for the breed. Nobody wins the nigger lottery for a dead dog. The cop will keep his badge and gun, and probably kill more dogs. Cops waste dogs left, right and center BECAUSE there are no repercussions.
I've owned a problem rottweiler briefly (acted fine until we took him home and he became an agressive killing machine instantaneously, took him straight back to the breeder after 1-2 weeks) and I've met one that a friend has owned since birth that's probably one of the nicest and most submissive dogs I've ever met. This can be true of any dog. Pit bulls are just much more likely to be niggers than any other breed.
I thought the same thing. No one would prescribe two pit bulls as therapy dogs, especially for someone with severe anxiety issues.
Regardless, the dogs were clearly not threatening in any way. But niggers are afraid of dogs. Why? Because niggers share certain traits with niggers, and niggers fear another territorial, dominant being with the ability to back up it's sense of dominance. Not that all dogs are this way, but niggers believe they are. That's all that matters. The dog could be something that will fight the nigger to the death and establish it's dominance, and so the nigger fears it. It's insecurity against something the nigger, unsurprisingly, views as his equal.
Niggers, on an unconscious and instinctual level, view a strong dog as their equal. A fucking dog. And thats why they beat dogs that they hold dominance over, and fear dogs that they are not dominant over. It's all insecurity that the dog may prove better than them
>niggers share certain traits with dogs
It's different when they kill the dogs asshole. They are mans best friend unlike niggers and leftists. Kill all of them you want but get your damn dirty mitts off the pets
Vizslas don't shed much or at all and are extremely friendly. They need to actually run though, so you need space for that. They're very laid back/lazy once they've run themselves out.
Pits aren't any more likely than dobermans, rotties, labs or a gsd to act like a nigger. They're just the current nig status symbol, so tons of niggers have them and raise them to act like niggers.
Wolf hybrids may kill other dogs and will generally lead to problems with your neighbors. Instinct is a hell of a thing. I know some people in Colorado that had a neighbor that had a wolf hybrid and it led to some really nasty shit.
I also knew a couple with a wolf hybrid in Michigan, and when I would visit it would pace in the most uncomfortable way. You have to realize you're dealing with basically a wild animal, keeping it may not be good for the animal or your own relations with neighbors. Yeah, it sounds cool though
Poor doggos dindu nuffin.
Statistics tell another story.
You sure about Yorkies not striking fear in the heart of niggers?
Whoops I fucked up.
Confirmed niggers of the dogger world.
North Minneapolis is a god forsaken shithole
I don't want to counter signal but Cops are pretty trigger happy when it comes to pups. I'm sure the cop being a negro didn't help but let's not pretend cops don't kill dogos.
For all the shit they talk, when it comes to animals, niggers are pussies.
Why are violent blacks policing white neighborhoods and whites policing violent black neighborhoods?
It happens all the time in the USA
Get a wolfdog. Wolfdog are best dog. Just make sure you have the space for them to be happy. If you can't go full wolfdog, I promise black people can't really tell the difference between them and any other normal snow dog. Just get a husky and you'll be fine. All snow dogs are top tier.
Alternatively, get a pit bull. I got the first pit bull I've ever owned about five years ago, and I was really surprised how friendly and gentle they are. He's the sweetest dog I've ever had, but he looks hard as hell.
Fuck you to hell, faggot. White men bred the pit bull, and it is a noble, courageous and kind-hearted breed. Just because ghetto trash irresponsibly twist them for wicked purpose doesn't mean it's the breed's fault.
dogs are niggers of the animal world. give this man a medal
dubs confirm
Adopt a retired Greyhound, best decision you'll ever make.
Shitskins hate doggos. The mudslimes, gooks, niggers, etc. Just look at Obama, he even eats dogs.
When they said dog was man's best friend they only meant the white man.
I will! And slip it in your moms clam sack.
Dogs are great animals..
but… and I know that y'all are going to be triggered….
They don't belong in cities. They belong in a rural setting - on at least 20 acres of land.
The cities are a degenerate shithole of constantly barking dogs and their shitty owners who project their machismo through the bad behavior of their aggressive dogs.
I don't want to see dogs getting shot by niggers, but this is the situation their owners have created for them.
Nothing does. Absolutely fucking nothing.
t. hillbilly
Fuck liberals up the ass. Fuck them hard, make them scream, give them the POZ force smoke them METH fuck them real good HAIL SATAN
lol this. Fuck cities. They are horrible degenerate traps.
i like cities.
theres cute liberal boys that will literally be your whore as long as you want - free of charge.
you don't know what you've been missing out on until you've fucked a liberal's asshole
What is it with niggers and abusing animals?
Ok Shlomo.>>10233576
You didn't see type
And he's right. Dogs have tendencies for aggression or companionship and such no doubt about that, but a dog is an extension of its master. Pit Bulls were fine for years upon years until niggers started getting them en masse. The British hadn't had these problems for a long ass time until niggers came into the equation.
Yeah, poodles are a good choice.
They were originally bird hunting dogs, so they have a urge to chase bird.
Other than that, they don't shed, their fur is extremely soft, and they are fiercely protective/territorial.
A good choice for a pet.
I will deport you to hell.
Don't complain when someone shoots your dog, they're just trying to spare it misery and shame
it's the percentage that's telling.
Why are you spamming this crap all over Holla Forums you raging faggot? The only thing I'm willing to fuck you with is a bayonet.
It's unfortunate the cop shot the doggos instead of the coal burning slut.
I've always wanted one of pic related.
I grew up having a crossbreed lab/rottweiler, nobody fucked with me when he was around.
They don't, dogs and wolves are closer genetically than humans and niggers.
The nigger didn't do his job properly and make sure those fucking dogs died.
Yet another reason the saudis are still castrating their black slaves.
A Great Dane and Chihuahua are much more closely related than a human and a black.
American Bulldogs are seriously one of the best breeds out there. I have a pitt mix, love her to death, but there's no fucking way they should be around children. Pitbulls are fucked in the head, they have a crazy switch that gets flipped and then they'll go nuts on everything but what they see as higher in the pecking order. Pits aren't niggers because they aren't evil and have some level of agency.
pics related, my other dog is half and half. Dogs can be annoyingly smart some times. Capable of being clever and always loyal. Nigs lack both capacities, even the brightest aren't truly beholden to anything.
Blacks are children in adult bodies. It's why they are so dumb and easy to convince of even the dumbest things. It's also why they are short-sighted and capable of such spectacular cruelty.
They sense psychopathy.
This calls for my favorite dog related copypasta
Why are so many black people scared of dogs?
Whites aren't afraid of dogs because whites domesticated dogs over the course of thousands of years. Niggers are afraid of dogs because they never domesticated jack shit.
Well kind of and also this and a whole bunch of juice made movies and shit to promote the narrative.
well they cant all be Dorners now can they.
Plausible but got any source for that?
Dogs are mastery over nature even if they are domesticated. It is our unbending will that allows us to control these creatures. Niggers do not understand the concept of domination over nature.
To a street monkey, walking around with a dog would be like seeing a guy walking around with a undomesticated lion.
There's nothing wrong with executing a pit bull. They are literally niggers of the dog world.
There's something wrong with a nigger killing anything though.
Dorner was just a stupid nigger too.
He didnt care when kelly thomas was beaten to death by his fellow LAPD spicnigs.
You know what blacks are good for? fertilizer.
They are a cursed race of insincere bullshit. They don't even care about each other unless it results in gibs me dat. They all need to be killed and repurposed into plant growth materials.
That's a myth. They're no more likely to bite you than any other dog. It's just that they do more damage because they were bred for fucking up large animals.
I know where he's coming from with pit bulls your typical nigger bred one is bred for what basically amounts to random bouts of psychosis and unprovoked aggression I've had to live around them it's remarkable what can set them off at times. I had to help beat him off another dog with a god damn stick because his switch flipped and went from playing to throat ripping. Unless he had an episode he was the goofiest little dumbass you just wanted to give an ear scratching to. Seriously niggers ruined the breed by and by large, only the most demented and violent lived long enough to breed in the fighting rings they setup and then the humane society thought it was a great idea to put them up as rescue adoptions despite knowing the animals were unbalanced on a neurological level.
If you can turn up one that's well bred it's a good dog but odds are you'll adopt one from the nigger kennels that'll flip his shit on a dime. Like with everything they're left alone with niggers managed to ruin dogs.
I consider pits and their ilk to be pure work dogs.
Not pets.
There is no reason to have one for a private person as a pet.
Always buy one with the intent of siccing it on something.
Get a fucking border collie, a dachshund or a jack russell terrier, or something if you want a pet.
That's why they shouldn't be pets.
Nigger, pitbulls are innately aggressive, but can be brought up to be tame. The problem is that niggers like you don't know how to raise a dog and just put it in a cage for showing the other niggers. Then obviously the aggressiveness shows up and it becomes a beast.
I believe you in that there are peaceful pitbulls, but these are well-brought up dogs (by whites) that are the exception, not the rule. I also hate to see cops shooting dogs for no reason because they can't figure out a friendly to an aggressive dog through their body language. Would you give a badge and a gun to a nigger who can't figure out friend to foe?
bernese mountain dogs are the shit
also literally any breed mixed with a corgi
Literally niggers: the dog breed.
i had a chocolate lab pitbull mix growing up
it absolutely hated niggers, acted fucking rabid whenever it saw one
the niggers were always scared completely shitless, it was hilarious
very loyal and loving too, good guard dog, killed any pests that got in the yard like possums or rats.
died of brain cancer
RIP poppy
Because niggers think whitey descends from wolves and runs in a pack with them. That and doggos can smell evil.
I'm bloody serious, google "White People are wolves" You'll see they're fucking serious.
Cat haters aren't any better than dog haters. You're still projecting human malice onto an animal.
you're a pussy
Corgis are an abomination.
corgis are badass
my grandparents have a golden retriever corgi mix and it fought off a damn chow
Top fucking kek.
cuh black ppl need 2 be stopped
Sounds good to me. Salty nigger just mad he a weremonkey.
It's a phenomenon Holla Forums has known for years. Nigger, Brown, Yellow, or white, cops seem to do this shit regularly.
nah, only niggers would get a pitbull as a pet.
Pitbulls used to be a white man's family dog. Then there was a few niggertune music videos with putbulls as a status symbol for being tough. Money see monkey do kicked in and a bunch of niggers got their own, mistreated them, white people adopted them when they abandoned them and we've had problems with them nonstop over the last two decades.
You're the nigger of the actual world, faggot. The reason abortion is still legal in the west is because after looking at you nobody can figure out a good enough reason to not be allowed to murder children in utero.
No good science is ever done looking at a single metric. What percentage of those 1/3 of all attacks are committed by pit bulls owned by white people? It's like when Eurocucks say the US has a gun violence problem, because they're not looking at which demographic is causing all the gun violence.