
Why does this double standard exist, why can't people git gud at these games without these shitty crutches?

You need to be a 1337 macro programmer.

I don't think most Dota 2 players use macros. I know that Dendi plays Invoker by playing his keyboard like a fucking piano and that's probably the most buttons you'll ever have to hit in 10 seconds in Dota 2.

Those faggots developers streamline it so that 12 year olds can do it, thanks for all the cancer assholes

I thought this was a thread on giant women in vidya

why don't we have more games with giantesses and shit like that?

they're made for your own convenience, not using them is just you being retarded
you think anyone had second thoughts in wow about using macros?
although i have to admit, the fact that a death knight could make a macro that spams any random ability he has, and get to 1800 in 2v2 was funny

Why should I have to move my mouse so that I aim towards the enemies head and not have a tool to do it for me? Because the test is to see how long it takes my reflexes just like the test is to see if your relfexes can rotate your skills and manage your cooldowns, you remove the skill based aspect of the game faggot, you're using a crutch.

Solution OP: Quit playing MMOs like a giant cockloving faggot.

Aiming =/= clicking through menus, dumbass

I'm not defending macros, I'm just saying I don't think most people in Dota 2 use them. Maybe Meepo players use them to quickly poof to the same Meepo at the same time, but I don't see much use for macros outside that.

In PvE you can utilize whatever the fuck you want.
If any competitive genre allows one shit and doesn't allow another, I guess it boils down to genre's specific features and gameplay.

Of all the shit you named only RTS and FPS are legit competitive genres, and I mc'fucking doubt Starcraft allows any macros in official tournaments.

How? It's a test of timing, it's exactly the same thing, the speed your mouse navigates a menu is the same test of navigating your aim at an enemy.

I have a script, not a macro, in TF2 that turns off my viewmodel as Pyro when I have my flamethrower out. If your viewmodel is on, it's impossible to see what you're aiming at. Turning it off for that specific weapon increases my ability to fight. However, my script is also hand-crafted. Do I have an advantage over players that don't use it? Absolutely. Is it something anyone can do? Absolutely. Are any of my actions or attacks being automated? Not in the least. Using macros that automate actions is almost ALWAYS a bad idea as well, because it locks you into a set of actions that you might not always want to execute, and people who use them are deluding themselves about how useful they are.

Then you don't know anything about shitcraft, every top tier player is spamming macro literally 100% of the time, it's a fucking joke of a game, may as well have 2 AI's competing

Are you baiting?
1 - Menu doesn't move and doesn't try to kill you and dodge your clicks on it.
2 - All menu buttons have keyboard shortucts.
It's completely different gameplay.

It's true, I don't follow SC. Is it true that macros are allowed in there? I assumed they are not.

Yeah FPS's you can't use macro's effectively, I'm talking about games where you are doing nothing but pressing macro's at a certain point.

SC2 I think so, but I stopped following it a long ass time ago once the meta shifted to macro over micro
SC1 no

Yes the gameplay is different, the test is no different, it's a competition of TIME
It takes your fingers time to press those hotkeys, it doesn't take time for a macro to press them, do you understand?

japan to the rescue

By that logic boxing and soccer are not different either. It's all about moving your arms and legs into correct positions at maximum speed and strength you can.

Guess what, everything in life is about speed, everything is the same.


mad cause bad

Why don't you complain about soccer having a ball then? Boxing doesn't have one.

Macros highlight balance issues … this is a good thing

Because your fetish is bad and you should feel bad

One day I'll make a goddamn size game, as soon as I graduate from being an idea guy

Modifying your FOV is cheating since it gives you more view over people who dont

That's real good, but I want to know one thing

When are we getteting a game where you can make your own giantesses? Something like DOA BV but for macrofags like me

You're right. I don't know where OP gets his info from but SC2 does not allow Macros. It does allow key-rebinding, but on a 1:1 action to key basis.

Not entirely. If it were, you might as well just do simple reaction time tests. RTS games are about (or at least should be about) competing strategies combined with the timing factor.

Oops, I posted another competitive game.

Blizzard go home.

When degradation and impregnation meets.
Degradation is a fetish that should remain pure.


Why DON'T we have tool-assisted tournaments? It'd be pretty cool to see teams compete to have not only the best players, but the best scripts running in the background - sort of like how Formula 1 is as much about the car as it is the driver.