PRAISE KEK MY FELLOW WHITE AND 1/8th NATIVE AMERICAN BROTHERS! *posts dumb nazi anime girl indicating large neckbeard and overweight frame* FIGHT AGAINST DEGENERACY MY BROTHERS! *masturbates to loli foot porn*
PRAISE KEK MY FELLOW WHITE AND 1/8th NATIVE AMERICAN BROTHERS! *posts dumb nazi anime girl indicating large neckbeard...
Other urls found in this thread:
Well said brother.
I have some bad news for you, but that is exactly what the average Holla Forumsack is like. It's been proven time and time again at Holla Forums meetups that there are way more Mexicans here than there ever were White people.
Welcome to LARPtown.
I think you mean cuckchan, that we abandoned.
*gets crushed by starving race*
No, not cuckchan. Here. Literally here. It's what happens when you let smiley bring his fucking /fring/-tier frog worship ideology in and take over. 8/pol/ is Little Mexico.
What's wrong with loli foot porn?
Bro, desalt ur vag.
Is that the faggot behind this shit?
MISCEGENATION IS WRONG! *blatant yellow fever, literally moves to japan and marries a Japanese chick* WE MUST STOP THE JEWISH EROSION OF WESTERN VALUES! *goes back to reading Yuri doujin like a total moron*
*gets crushed by farmers*
Waaaah normies are stealing our memes waaaah. This has been happening ever since caturday, rage comics and polandball.
*blows up*
I love how people project so much on this site
Can confirm, I am 1/4 kike.
"The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind." -Arthur "Krispy Kraut" Harris, 1942
hi leftypol, why so mad?
What you don't realize is that autists actually spread these memes
Wonder how pepe became a normie black people twitter meme? Spergs posted it on their twitters and it got picked up. Now we have kek memes and the same tists are spreading it.
You only have yourselves to blame for this mess, for turning the movement into a fucking joke, for turning the ideology into a grab ass set of beliefs in which any and all are invited
Remember to report slide threads!
That's the point of it. Do you think this is some super secret VIP zone here?
I don't because it hasn't.
That's just Sargon of Cuckad.
Oy vey normies are getting pushed further to the right thanks to ironic nazi memes. Whatever will we do?
Yea Lend Lease Agreement after Germany already beat Russia once really fucked Germany. Not to mention Field Marshal Paulus surrendering 335,000 troops.
Arthur "Holocaust Mk2, Lancaster boogaloo" Harris Arthur "Airmobile Auschwitz" Harris Arthur "Like the Holocaust, LOL gonna cost you" Harris Arthur "Fire up the Lancasters" Harris Arthur "Bankrupting Fire Insurance since 1945" Harris Arthur "Anne Frank gets the gas? Frankfurt gets the blast" Harris Arthur "Great British Bake Off" Harris
This dude is retarded
What caused your anus to be so ravaged today?
This is the dumbest raid yet. Are you sodomites really this assblasted
if random digits then yes they are booty blasted something fierce
Nope, a german bomber missed a military target and hit some civilians in london and britain used this as an excuse to carpet bomb every single german city and kill millions of civilians.
No wonder we're getting raided,
Comey is getting btfo since the memos he leaked contain classified information.
Russia narrative is dead since the DNC files were copied locally instead of remotely.
CNN's award winning documentary on Syria was directed by a member of Alqaeda.
Shills couldn't be more obvious.
Why is it always shitskins buying stupid shit like that and posting it on social media?
Lets say hypothetically Holla Forums was all about the gay "Praise Kek" shirt, does he seriously think we won't toss him in the chamber on the happening because he's wearing it?
Starting to think this place is:
75% Whites who keep this board to themselves.
2% Whites who broadcast it for the world to see and link to Holla Forums often.
23% Non-whites who think they'll be safe on DotR.
"G-guys p-put the rope away! I-I'm one of you, I've been on Holla Forums forever. L-l-let me go grab my USB filled with (you)'s and I'll show you how BASED I am." - Shitskin, (? - DotR)
Wew something unequivocally good for humanity must have happened for these cucks to be this enraged.