Israeli lawmaker pushing 'Soros Law' to block funding to leftists groups

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H-has it happened? Is the jew second guessing itself?

newfaggot detected. Zionism has always opposed the Socialist Jew, albeit perhaps not this outwardly.

Name me one other the time the jew has 180'd this hard.

George Soros is far, far from the most powerful Jew despite his undeniable status as the elite. He got to where he is by being so Jewish that he Jewed fellow Jews. Perhaps he is trying to do the same once again because his constant failures in the USA are causing him to lose relevance. Too bad for ol' Georgie trying to Jew a Jew in international politics is a whole different game than concentration camps.

Are you serious?

So he's jew'd himself into a corner and fucked up? Sounds good to me.

You are retarded. Fuck off back to cuckchan.

Yes, give me a list. It's good ammunition.

Sounds to me like you belong there more than me since you have absolutely nothing constructive to say.

Occasionaly, having inhabited and interbred in European lands for so long, a Jew is born with the capacity to, as some might say, be "moral". Fewer still are those that do not get Talmud tolchecked into the rest of the cabal. Thus, on rare occasion, news like this arrives where we would usually feel sympathy to any other group on Earth.
Alternately, much like the ultra orthodox Jews, there are "conservatives" in Israel that can tell when someone is a danger in every way. It's rare to see one of these super rich assholes give a hoot for their own clan if it means furthering their pet agenda, and so the smart ones in Israel may be attempting to distance their tribe from collateral. No Israel means no profit.

Trump's wall
Germany responsability of the holohoax

(((They))) are just brassing hair, do not believe a single word.

Are the jews doing damage control?

I wonder who is behind this post. Back to reddit CADREnigger.

KEK! Weren't they just kvetching about Serbia wanting to do the same exact thing?

They're pretty pissed after all the recent news.

The two groups of jews oppose each other because jews inherently will always try to fuck everyone else over, goy or jew. The ones that work together only do so out of greed driven nepotism, not out of some higher sense of some kike honor.

BUT, them going against each other this publicly is a sign that they are fucking terrified.

More like they realized they must make a stunt to distance israel from soros in the eyes of the goyim

Reported. Jews do not oppose one another.

I don't know what to make of it.

The short answer is (((they))) are fucking terrified.


Sounds like they are throwing him under the buss.
Are they smelling gas and desperatly try to appease the goim with this "sacrifice"?

Reminder that kikes are more than happy to sacrifice their own kin for their messianic delusions.
The organizations don't give a fuck about the lesser kikes they supposedly represent.

What's happening is they can see a backlash coming and they're trying to pin as much as possible on Soros so the rest of them can get away. Don't get fooled into thinking he's the final boss.

Looks like BLM and Femen protests in Israel had some effect - kek. Maybe BLM should also call for violence against cops in Germany. I want to see German leftists freak out when their own government call out Soros (I know, it's wishful thinking).

This is all just bullshit. They'll keep defending Soros whenever it's convenient. Same with the EU.

I never once thought he was the final boss.


If Nuttyahoo sends the mossad to assassinate Soros and his whole family and ends the pozz then maybe just maybe I could tolerate Israel's existence.

Different side of the same shekel started realizing how threatening for their survival was having to drink from the well they poisoned.

Not at all Jews haves always been total hypocrites


No, user. Israel must become a crater of glass in the desert, just after every single Jew is rounded up and sent there first.

All it took was a gaggle of North American niggers to make the kikes see the light.


The origin of the term "scapegoat" comes from ancient desert kikes pushing a literal goat into the desert with the sins of the village mysteriously imbued within it. Don't fall for it.

Death to all jews.

/OUR JEW/???
No, no such thing as a good jew.

Israel to Soros: They expect one of us in the wreckage brother.

Is the angle they are playing.

We can only hope. But we can't let them seperate too much from Soros as they all need the gas.

This and they are angling for a database of leftwing groups, so they are pushing for more control over their golems which have been raging out of control. Also, they are hoping to use such a law to push for control over extremist right wing groups and thus over any memes they create since rigging is something they are surprisingly bad at.

It's really way to late for all that.
To ban memes is to ban all speech, for virality in language has been discovered.
You can not unring a bell

I don't know who's jewing who anymore


Us. They are attempting to kike us.

It's a law to prevent Soros or others from subverting Israel, you moron. It's just typical kike bullshit where Israel gets to be an ethno-nationalist apartheid state, while Europe needs to get "enriched"

Where you was when some jew became so fucking cancerous even the israel jew feared it?

btw we should turn this against them, let them eat each other

jewish power struggle to determine which kike parasite sitson top of the pile of skulls that is the west and or the world.

If Israel and all the kikes like Ben Shapiro hate Soros, maybe Soros isn't so bad. Maybe he just wants to destroy the world so a new Reich can form from the ashes.

Soros is a Rothschild/Israel scapegoat. They're going to put all the blame on him when the time comes.

This is a genius move by Israel. They're unfortunately real chess players and I feel like this was their plan all along to take heat off them as National Socialism has been rising across the globe.

-US has "free speech zones"
- jew controlled US Lügenpresse/leftists pushing for "hate speech laws".
Europe supposedly has "free speech" but they jail you for saying anything that is not suicidal/leftist (truth is irrelevant).
They are also pushing for internet censorship and have "hate speech laws".
Freedom of speech will be something they will definitely go after even more until opposition is not possible.

Every jew is an evil twisted pos as shown throughout history….
As stated this is an internal power struggle to determine who is in charge or a powerful player in their little cabal.

Yes, I think they consider his recent failures as reason enough to burn him. blm/fags/ other destabilization groups in US are starting to exclude jews and to attack them for "being white".

Otto Weininger was a very rare exception

This makes you wonder why Soros is doing what he's doing. He once said his time with the NatSoc was the best time of his life.

It was the best time of his like because the Germans fed and clothed him without having to do any actual work and he informed on what would have been his competition after the war. No doubt he probably blackmailed a lot of other jews to build up his own wealth as well.

It's not so much failure.
He was always going to be purged/burnt. It was his role.
A life of wealth, comfort and power. In exchange for your inevitable downfall and ultimately serving the goals of others.

Yes, this very well could've been why he said this. Just had a random thought and wanted to test drive it a bit.

I presume this would be a similar thought process for the Jew that intends to milk whites for generations to come. As one whites are gone there will not be anyone for Jews to leech off of, because no one will be working at all. So the Jew will finally be shown to be the actual slave-driver of all of history.

So perhaps some of the craziest Jews have joined together to restore white society in the midst of other Jews trying to force the abolishment of the white race.

Are we seeing the separation of Jews, both of which want to destroy whites. One wants to torture white society for the next 10,000 years. The other who wishes to destroy white race in 100 years.

Not really.
Jewish groups aren't really united in any meaningful way. They're disorganised and seperate groups of jews pursuing the same survival strategy to varying degrees of effectiveness.

They support mass migration because a homogeneous society naturally rejects them as outsiders. But in a multicultural society the dominant ethnic group stops regarding them as outsiders allowing the Jew to survive and thrive.

they was over confident with their BS and pushed thing just a bit too fast and now they getting scared that it might just not work out as was expected

We could all learn from Israel's example, especially since ALL leftists organizations have leaders who have (((dual citizenship))).

Possibly also in a situation these powerful jews are in there will always be other jewish rivals (same goals just power hungry) whom will try to topple the old guard to install themselves as leader. Soros is old and therefore vulnerable, his son is a huge faggot that is probably incapable of running the Soros destabilization empire.

I doubt they can get over their hate and envy of Europeans especially the Germanic peoples. At best they might slow down a bit but Europe will become increasingly black as will Canada the US and anyplace that was a white country.

They thought they won and that they could with that nigger obama in the white house…. nigger riots were becoming routine, as was terrorism. His homosexual weak personality infected the world….. This is why a strong leader of good character is needed to rule a nation too many people emulate the morons in charge.

Kikes play both sides what's new.png.bitmap.oldtimeymap

the hypocrisy of these kikes

This was 100% the plan all along.

Get liberal jews to flood europe with muslims to the point where enough of europe now hates muslims.
Israel: "oh, you goyim have a muslim problem just like us. Please help us with our greater israel project.. i mean, it IS a common struggle we share!"

Are they abandoning the left in favor of the alt-kike?

After this Kike goes down we need to push HARD to group the Rothschilds in

a whole nother kettle of deep-ones, those


Is….is that real, user?

it's more complicated than that.
if anything because you can have people, and a lot of them, like barbara specter or chuck schumer who, while they are fervent zionists, are also staunch supporters of multiculti shit for the goyim.

No just (((business))) as usual



Yeah, it's real.


i've been attacking them on the angle that they're not inclusive to "women" without breasts, its fun watching them squirm

This is what it sounds like. Essentially, once Soros goes down, they are hoping that they've cut ties enough that people won't go after more jews in Israel.
Hopefully, we maintain the momentum instead of being bogged down by normalfags who fall for tricks like that.

they are literally saying "you aren't allowed to Jew us, but feel free to Jew everyone else" while deflecting blame off themselves. this is a classic jew move

Some (((people))) here are pushing the "based nationalist Israeli" and "is Israel /ourguy/ now after this 180 turn?" angle a little bit too hard for this unsurprising and in fact typical Jewish policy.



It is the first thing.

>Some (((people))) here are pushing the "based nationalist Israeli" and "is Israel /ourguy/ now after this 180 turn?" angle a little bit too hard
REMINDER, FAGGOTS, there are no good jews. nationalist kikes still want you to be fucking eradicated at worst, and their eternal slaves at best. based israeli is a JIDF cuckchan meme. These people are the unrelenting enemy of the goy and the white race. they will never be our allies

Spoiler that ugly shit

"Good jews" is basically the "not all muslims/spics/niggers" argument leftist use.
Stop falling for Leftist talking points
Also its demonstrably false as history has shown.

It's called prepping for nationalism, the kikes are hedging their bets now and making sure that kosher nationalism will be the predominant ideology in the near future. If Israel survives they can restart the critical theory process again down the line as people forget past history. What better way than to scapegoat a globalist pawn, this will do nothing to unseat the Rothschilds from power.

What about the jewish chick who made the Lamb Chop kids show and did nothing for most of her life? Can you present some proof of her ever having done something evil?


wkileaks nigger. They also talk about pizza, cheese and hotdogs in grammatically incorrect ways so as to heavily implicate code-words. Hillary also talks about sacrificing (a chicken I think) to Moloch.

Lamb chop (all the puppets esepically the males ones) was gay and enabled such behavior in children. It also exposed children to jewish traditions as I seem to recall a show where the dog one was celebrating some sand nigger jewish "holiday".
Probably created more "stand with israel" cuckservatives.

Wait, is that true? Can you please post some proof so I can use it?

You just answered your own question.

Lamb Chop was the name of the sheep puppet. I just added kids show to the end there. I just want a serious answer with proof so I can use it for future reference.

What if Israel is turning Jews away from internationalist fuckery?

I hope Hungary does not fall for this. Obviously Israel is preventing leftist groups in Israel from gaining power. Soros knows that Israel can say whatever it wants in public, but the two would never betray eachother. Besides, there are more jews besides Soros that are subverting shit.

Israel also says its against ISIS, do you believe that too? What they say and what they do is completely opposite. I expect Israel to merely cover any involvment it has with Soros and continue to push the same agenda it always has.

Second gassing would be better.

Oy vey goyim, hes not Jewish! Soros is (((Hungarian))) a he helped da Nazis! We ah victims of Soros too! Stop feeding these anti semitic conspiracy theories!

Now crucify him.


What is a kibbutz?

But this will hurt the economy. Israel needs more subsidized shitskins to take the jobs jews don't want like cashier, waiter, truck driver, cook, mechanic, construction worker, plumber, security guard, taxi driver, drug dealer, assassin, rapist, etc.


Soros defeated outed gommunist regimes to make way for supranational communist regimes, goy, trust us, he's one of the good guys!

they are going to get a warning from the (((State Department))) like Hungary for doing this, right?



correction first spoiler out-dated

It's probably a stunt to make Israel look good to alt-right. This way, international jewry is beloved by the left, and Israel is beloved by the (((right))) – they are trying to create a win-win situation for themselves.

Hegelian dialectic. Thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Problem-reaction-solution. They attempt to control every step to achieve the desired outcome.

Checked, kek'd and #REKT

Finally a sound post.

read the story retard. Israel accused Hungary of antisemitsm but suddenly did a 360 a started critisizing Soros. An unusual move.

So here we have:

Jews jewing a jew who jews jews.

Say that ten times fast.

How many of you have actually talked to Israelis? They have a completely different perspective from American/European jews. They grew up in a tiny country that cannot afford any big mistakes, so they are pragmatic in outlook. They all served in the military. They tried importing muds a while back and it didn't work out.

Israel forces them to take responsibility.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


We need more people like you.

Like coming here as art students and mining our buildings with thermite?
Like force-selling "dead sea" bullshit to vulnerable segments of society?
wir mussen die juden ausrotten.

Is that your OC user? 10/10.

More proof that carnism is a Jewish invention.

Checked. Rekt.

This is a glorious numeral response to a glorious numeral post.

I don't have any proof, but I know where to find some if there is any. Here's a YouTube playlist of Lamp Chop clips, so someone can start digging if they feel like it.

Oh god, not a far right vegan. Let me guess what your gonna say next, You're gonna point out Hitler was vegetarian right? As if he was vegetarian out of ideological reasons and not because of the problems he had with his digestive system that didn't allow him to digest meat properly. Next you're going to post pic related like the predictable vegan fag you are.

Nobody is going to check these 1933 dubs predicting Israel's demise?

Not him, but Hitler's love of animals also contributed to his vegetarianism.

You don't have to be cruel to animals to eat them.


Veganism and vegetarianism are so blue-pilled in nature that no one in their damn right mind would even look at it in a positive light. And yes, I know this is a huge split in this board and leads to derailing threads, but there are legit retards around here that think that their diet equals animal compassion. No, snowflake, it doesn't. The lions, hyeanas and coyotes will still bring suffering and pain to their prey, because its their instinct. Meanwhile, the hunter who just put a .223 in that deer's head just hunted his dinner with a tiny fraction of pain and suffering any other predator would.

Humans are so evolved compared to the rest of nature that even a dulled blade slitting a chicken's throat in industrial scale is more humane than leaving it to be tore to pieces in the wild.

Killing for their flesh is pretty cruel.

I hate vegans and think 'far right' vegans are oxymoronic too, it's just I've listened to plenty of mentally ill far right vegans who think eating meat is the cruelest thing ever but kill everyone who isn't white is A OK

That's cute. The jew has simply realized that their plan has backfired, and is now backpedaling at the speed of light to avoid getting shoahed. If (((they))) have to throw the jews who screwed up under the bus, so be it.

Those are some awfully nice dubs user. I don't think they will get away with it this time.

only when applied to israel.

israel will of course do nothing to curb the efforts of goyim wrecking jews within and outside of israel.