The Firm Handshake


To me, the most memorable moment of the G-20 Summit was the handshake between President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. There’s no reason for Russia and United States to be engaged in a new cold war. Or a hot war arranged by globalists and central bankers. President Trump showed that he’s quite capable of marshaling a foreign policy and protecting America’s interests. He made it clear that he placed America first by wearing an American flag pin on his lapel, rather than the G-20 pin. You can bet the constantly bowing Obama would have worn the latter pin.

German Chancellor Merkel, Hillary’s favorite world leader, represented the globalist interests which include endless immigration, socialism, and ‘climate change,’ which is being used to help bring about worldwide communism. Both Putin and Trump are resisting such immigration and global elite control as well as the climate change malarky. This makes them both ‘bad guys’ in the eyes of the fake news legacy media. A left wing reporter from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation smeared President Trump by stating he had ‘no capacity to lead the free world.’ Wrong. He’s just not going along with the globalist agenda–and that’s refreshing. Trump rejects bad deals and presidents from the past few decades have made way too many of them.

Meanwhile, German leftist antifa types rioted in the streets during the summit. What did they want? Completely open borders and free stuff, of course. Don’t agree with them? If you were on the streets there and disagreed, you could have expected assault and battery to come your way. There wouldn’t have been much help from the Polizei, either. This kind of violence is gaining traction here in America, too. Young people are getting socialism drummed into their brains at colleges everywhere. They’re encouraged by professors, the mainstream media, and by extreme political correctness to engage in violent behavior. They don’t want debate. They don’t want to agree to disagree with a handshake. They want socialism by means of force, even though the lessons of history have repeatedly proven that state sponsored ‘free stuff’ and forced equality always leads to poverty, suffering and mass murder.

Other urls found in this thread:

Epic cartoon my friend!

Anyone found the original?

For all you crafty memebois out there.


There's the original.

Thank you Zyklon Ben.

Why does Holla Forums suck putins cock? hes just as globalist as the rest of them.


>Removes kebab as well as (((oligarchs))) and (((journalists)))

I think what we keep forgetting is that it's nigh-impossible to be involved in politics these days without having to pay tribute to (((them))). Yes, it should be a major factor when evaluating individuals, but a proper understanding of this will help us have proper discussions that won't devolve to shitflinging and shill accusations.
not that the kike mods or (((Jim))) will allow it. We need a better chan, not that there are any good candidates yet.

The delusion of this post

For a pro-white he sure loves killing slavs :^)

Yeah, this shithole quickly devolved into reddit 3.0.

Why would he make Angela's boobs so big?

because it would be difficult to ascertain "her" sex otherwise.

Zyklon Benny always delivers.

Nah. It's not that bad, but it's pretty bad. We're too public now, and I don't just mean in regards to handling newfag influxes. Now anybody with a chip on their shoulder knows where to go to disrupt us – college professors giving assignments to their shill armies to head over to h8chan, the TUMOR that is leftypol meekly picking at us (which I assume is the source of those shitty slide threads in the catalog), 'and then we have the real boogeymen of the web like JIDF, ShareBlue, etc. We can brush past one of them, handle a few of them, but when everybody dogpiles… It's not breaking us, but we definitely need more breathing room.

Forgive the blackpill, but we can't fulfill the 14 words if we're just a second-rate news commentary board that occasionally does low-effort operations. It's not that the fire in our hearts is going out; it's just not being focused enough, plus it's being smothered. Off the top of my head, I can think of three (3) ways to get us back on track:
1 - Migrate, overwhelm, and takeover a smaller imageboard, much like the last exodus, though I don't know if it will work or if we'll even find somewhere non-corrupted.
2 - Lessen our focus on specific actors like Trump, Putin, etc. If they do something cool, then that's cool, but by attaching ourselves to them too closely, we stand to suffer from infighting as well as create prime targets for (((them))) to target. Forget whether Trump or whoever is /ourguy/ or not. We are our own people with our own goals that most likely aren't in line with any major character of the 21st century political landscape, and we need to start acting that way. Always remember:
3 - Pray that those memes about KEK taking a nap for the summer and coming back in September are true.

I had a dream about a month ago that I can't stop thinking about. I was sitting on a bench and a guy came up to me. He interviewed me, and I interviewed him. We vetted each other and then he gave me a slip of paper with instructions on how to connect to The Promised Chan - hidden, invite-only, and above all else: focused. We were protected from outside intrusion. Everyone was still user, but we were all 'cleared' as loyal and dedicated to the cause. We ran generals on priority countries, we managed real-life operations with full details and boots on the ground. We had the perfect system by which to liberate the world and destroy our enemies. I want to have that dream again.

8ch is unindexed from Google, we're safe from normalfags for a good while.

Yes, it's likely that curious normies will just go to (though it does have links to here), but you're missing my point: Each arm of the enemy, whether competent or otherwise, knows where to go now - HERE. They're here right now. They're here every day. They're probably in this thread.


Ya ok

Cool Soviet thread.

Zyklon Ben isn't even pretending anymore.

These are the people that killed 40-50 million Russians

None of that is true.

Yes it is. Do some research, famalam.

The only leader who looks remotely like who Garrison is trying to portray is Putin, I dunno who the fuck he was looking at when he drew Merkel and Trump

Some of it is partially true. NGO's are defacto banned in Russia, They did bankroll some right leaning parties in Western Europe if I recall and banned fags from spreading pro-fag shit. It isn't as glorious as that fellow is trying to put it.

They can't get your average handgun. Instead of stating they're skeeting with that shotgun of theirs they can list that they'd like to shoot the dumb fucking gopnik who eats all the dudes mayo whenever they break in.

Anyone remember this literal limp wrist moment from obummer?

Why would you trust the media to give you an accurate representation of what Vladimir Putin does or doesn't do?

I'm willing to set aside my dislike for Putin, and Russia in general for some of that sweet, frozen dystopian wasteland. 3 people per km2 sounds perfect


They allowed Front national to take loans from Russian banks for a bit because Le Pen said she would work with Putin thats all the funding they have done.
Who give me names? The communist party in Russia gets about 20-30 percent of the vote every election. Meanwhile all nationalists are killed in jail or exiled.
>Removes kebab as well as (((oligarchs))) and (((journalists)))
Russia has the worst wealth distribution in the world about 150 kebab and jews are the wealthiest most influential men in Russia and all of them are close friends of Putin. Hell Ramzan cut Russian soldiers heads off and rules Checneya as a warlord. Most of the worlds sex slaves are Russian women taken by the muzzies.
Individuals are not allowed to carry guns acquired for self-defense; a license only serves as a carrying permit for hunting and sport firearms when these guns need to be transported. Russian citizens may not own guns that shoot in bursts or have magazines with more than a ten-cartridge capacity.
Russia is the aids capital of the world and most Russian men will die before 50 due to alcohol related issues.
Russia has 3 state religions Islam, christianity and judiasim

Holla Forums was wrong again.

Kill yourself.

The truth is Russia and Germany no longer share a land border which creates a whole new dynamic with the two nations. Look into the gas pipeline from Russia to Germany in the baltic. The war in the Ukraine was about the US trying to cut Russia off from Germany.

and that is why crimea was annex from Ukraine.

Crimea controls the azov sea and is basically a giant aircraft carrier. Which is why it was annexed.

Hitler dubs confirm this is the truth behind Bolsheviks who murdered countless Russians on their own homeland..

Is this a quad barrel shotgun pistol?

let me extend on this crimea was annex because in the black sea off of crimea there is natural gas fields.


Its a trauma pistol.

Oh… that's too bad

Its not the first time someone has used electronic ignitions in firearms. Voere rifles did with caseless ammo.

Yes but the shells shoot a half cup of capsaicin (pepper spray mix) at 950fps.

Its actually fast enough to cause edema if it hits, at close range feels like a world class punch even if it misses the face.

If it gets in your eye the pepper spray mix travels ALL THE WAY AROUND the eyeball, its enough to paralyze people.

>They're probably in this thread.
They probably run the board site.

Because they are big.

Come on, man. Spoiler that shit.

its a traumatic gun it shoots rubber bullets

They do have 5 shot handheld 12 gauge shotguns though. Its the most efficient way to make shotguns, but banned in cucked west due to "muh sawn off".

what a filthy disgusting whore

I'd prefer buckshot.

Somebody post gore, I need a something more pleasant to look at.

Communism has that effect on women

Its 10000 years old, fat, and gross and it thinks it can put itself on display like that? Doesn't give a shit about how she is supposed to represent Germany and how this reflects on the country as a whole nope…….

This is why women politicians are cancer.

Putin is fighting a war against Israels proxies.

IDk who's jewing who in the whole russia enemy/ Friend thing. I doubt the russians are less jew controlled than any other place given that they exist as they are due to the jews that created the soviet union.

P-please tell me this is photoshoped…


Repurposing old WWII propaganda with the U.S., Russia, and England against Germany could have some meme potential. Needs some alterations though. For instance, something like the first pic but with Putin, Trump, and Nigel.

I'm glad this board doesn't do that.
That would be gay.

you have to go back kike.

The only way Putin removes kebab is by removing them from their home countries and relocating them to Russia. He removes journalists sometimes, but only of they say bad stuff about him. He doesn't really remove oligarchs and ethnic Russians are a minority among "Russian millionaires". You can own guns in several EU countries, even hand guns. I don't know what you mean by "unlike any other country in the EU", since Russia isn't even in the EU.

Given how openly Jew controlled the West is Russia technically does not even check out as ZOG.

The biggest pile of left wing brain cancers stems from murica though, so their military things it will level other nations with their refugee shit and their retarded goyim that will chant in the respective nations to take in the dick. A really noble cultural export, land of the free.

If dubs Russia is 88% zog free


Well the rustards are somehow rednecks in the current year but they have a nice hand in the long run even though they are cyka davais. Unlike the course the current western nations are onto, it is like cocaine with their refugee shit.

What does russia have from that shit? They have no real infrastructure to export valuable goods, and those miniscule advantages they can take in "protecting" the sisterlands is no real gain for them other than grasping for for a little more landmass to play the ultralong game while their idi naxhui )/( rune men die at the age of 50 like a religion that somehow will materialize in a far distant dead future.

They do have Oblast which is 100% jewish.

It was set up that way, but I'm not sure how many jews are actually still living there.

Autonomous jewish state which btw predates israel as the first jewish state.
Interesting their flag looks like the fag flag.

I would stuff all the american jews into that country and then fill it with somali refugees, so they can shovel their semen in their faces and pick up the shit from their non existant streets, you fucking rats.
American jews are like berlin hipsters, they should be thrown into the black hole they shovel with their kibutz shovels.

Why give up land that's probably nice ( jews have a thing about stealing nice land from people)?
Dump them into some Ecuadorian shit hole island or country with boiling swamps and temps on average above 37 C and then anthrax bombard the whole place.

Why anthrax bomb it, let the american jews have taste of their common fellows, their whole essence is that of a rat fill it with some bigger rats like somalis. And then watch the whole show.

Nice Kolovrat, fam.

90-some percent of the Oblast today is Orthodox Christian Russians.

Sorry- shitty statistic- I look dit up and Russian Orthodox are only 22.6%, Other Orthodox 6%, "Spiritual but not religious" 35%, Fedorafaggots 22%…

And 0.2% Jewish!

because jews tell the truth at census time.

Still too many of both.

I'm willing to bet 90% of the Fedorafaggots are jewish. Fuck atheism up the ass- all of them in russia are soviet apologists.

A quick gassing ought to fix the issue.

Thanks Ben.


Also, is it just me or has Ben's art been greatly improving?

The fedorafaggots are the same animals that you would find in any other religion, atheism+. With the little extra of being a feminism cult the new spring of a certain religion of coincidence and the subconsicousness in conjunction. It serves the same mechanisms.

The image of merkel sitting the middle is a really good one because it fits.

When will Merkel be removed and replaced by an actual native German man that's not a communist or in bed with jews?

This looks shooped,
I can tell by the pixels and having seen a couple shoops in my time

Stop looking at that.

When Germany decides it wants to enter into a nuclear war with the United States?

You'll hang on the day of the rope, you fucking subhuman. None shall know suffering like the jews and the communists when that day comes.

Hopefully metalfags will be lined up too..


That bad?
I would say the American people would resist but …just turn on any TV program and its German bashing all day. Hitler this, "nazis" that ,Germans are werid and creepy…etc.

I think they could ate least get someone really smart in there that can play both sides but do it for German interests…. no Hitler but far better than that sack of shit whore they currently have.

It is already fucked up. All you see from now on is just mitigation.

Nice try, kike.

Grow up.
you sound like a leftist.

It is all a game, and we are really good at mastering said game, sadly.

found the metalcuck

Watch as the cuck recoils in terror, going as far to even samefag. He projects his own insecurities and lack of maturity on others, thinking that anyone who doesn't care for the opinion of anti-white cucks like himself. He denies the only music genre that still harbours an explicitly white identity, an Aryan spirit and Wagnerian aesthetics and turns back to listen to kike-marketed and kike-produced nigger music. "A-at least I'll never be a metalcuck…" he whispers to himself while jacking off to fantasies of Kanye West fucking his wife.

I would say that exclusively goes to Swiss Yodeling and extreme edgy power electronics, but that's getting cucked pretty hard with legit faggots
Metal is full of satanic Jews.

7/10 if OC
2/10 if copypasta tho

nice touch, and nice try. Next time look at the IDs.

If you realize you don't know what you're talking about it's a good sign it's time to stop talking.


You will see the real scope of the situation really soon, once we are gone.
You have all of my contempt, go dig for them and follow the rules and throw in a hail marry through through, in sales you are the biggest pawns.
That is how they shaped our future and now they want us to take the responsibility they never phantomed.
And i know some things about me, i got some real power and your american jew handlers can go fuck themselves and all the culture blocks, you are nothing but some let me find a good word, a genetic failure thriving in a dead environment.
Good luck.

Big guys.

We can't see if we're gone, faggot.

I said the things that are happening today 10 years ago, so your "actions have consequence" friends can go fuck themselves.

I give you a little example, there is a 6 feet tall mulatto girl at my work, with green eyes and DDs on her slender elegant slim frame . 30% of her upper body is covered in titmeat like the earth is covered in landmass.
And one time she came to me, stopping in her movement with her hands behind her back to pronounce her chest, and the boobs made wooooblewooobwob. Then she bowed to her knees and then looked me in the eyes while i was sitting and asked me if she can somehow help me, so i had to nudge me chair a little bit under the desk to hide my errection, and then i self reflected: She asked me to somehow help me with a program with a fat disgusting nerd made for a greedy jew so i can make shekels faster for a disgracefull jew and the question she asks if she can help me with a program made by a fat nerd to make money for a jew faster.

So if i think about that there are only two options rape the whole earth or get money and titcows. And this shit is neither.

I have been collecting records and that includes heavy metal records since you were probably a little sperm in your faggot dad's ballsack.
I had Mayem first tape, First Burzum LP with lighter. Bathory 1st press with pentagram matrix etc etc. Of course you are an mp3 pleb casual and have no idea what I am talking about. Of course I sold all that shit in the 00's at the start of eBay and make tons of cash from pimple face dorks like you.
That new NSBM genre with Absurd all that other shit. Once you mature and realize that 18th and 19th century classical music speaks for white people. We perfected it hundreds of years ago. You don't need edgelord music whining like punks or commie folk music. Metalfags and skinheads are the cancer to the WN movement.

To quote Richard Nixon
stay away from the arts man, it's all jews and leftists.

never will happen

You're killing me user

pic related

see you pathetic fucking autist

Have a nice time "developing" your music taste far up your own ass and wallowing in your cultural involution, faggot. Why don't you take a hint from the good ol' Horst Wessel and fucking kill yourself you cultural-reactionary cuck.

you have seen nothing yet

Are you disagreeing that 18th and 19th classical music speaks more to, and for, white people than #edgy fucking black metal?
Listen to nothing but classical music for a month, and come back. I'm sure you will at least calm the fuck down. Listen to what you want, but don't incorporate such a nigger tier sub genre to WN, it's embarrassing. Growing up in the UK in the late 80's I saw skinheads,and I thought there could be nothing more strictly white and degenerate until I saw fags like you painting themselves and screaming like wild Negros. Might as well be juggalos for all it's worth.

Eat a dick, you fucking kike.

I would mix classical music with a new era spin along with some visceral skilled rap shit and gospel in the background, now that would be almost like an orgasm.
It would be like skill on a the zeitgeist conveyor belt with the impetuus of a dozend suns.

2/10 for making me reply
What's with all these butthurt metalfags?



There has to be some kind of music that is so perfect and so tight that you get a real boner from just listening to that, like 70s rock and classical music, something for eternity even though our times are not made for said music because the music always grows on a certain seed.

It does exist
It's called Whitehouse

18th and 19th century classical speaks for no white people of today, and it will never speak for the white people of tomorrow. No matter how much your cultural-reactionary cuck mind wants to go back in time. There will be a new state, there will be a new culture and there will be new art, all while honoring the achievements of our ancestors and the white race. Clinging to the past and rejecting any modern developments is cancerous cuck behavior, and is directly conflicting with the national socialist ideology. We live in the Kali Yuga. Hateful times will grow hateful music, and we shall hate until the world is set right through the flames of war. NSBM is one of the only organized and thriving music scenes in the world right now, and it has exposed and attracted many to the right path. Only an autist like you would deny its obvious benefits.

You're so out of touch it's not even funny. Lurk more, and fuck off with your halfcuck and reddit memes.

I bet you look like a hipster cuck

Ebin smug bait rating meme bruh it totally helps hide the fact that you should lurk more

Just noise. That is somehow the musical equivialant for shit, like a fucking soup, or more like the male version of street ovualting female because they have tech.
The boobanimals have to be put into warm stables so they can fucked and fed.

your taste in music fucking sucks

But user, this is how hipsters talk. About the music scene and people being out of touch
Go to any club, and the crowd will act exactly the same and a leftist skinhead show, and a NSBM show. Actually, a lot of the crowd goes to both concerts. Take NEO-FOLK for example. This genre oddly draws a lot of leftist submissive types and edgelord pagan Varg worshippers. But at all these concerts you will find the same things. Drinking, drugging, sexual promiscuity. "Ironically" worshiping Satan. Organizers make a lot of money from these events, and clubs will take whatever sells, and what crowd drinks the most.
I don't think that's the right path friendo.

Daily reminder that you are all being played.

That is all.

Like bands that call themselves feinesahnefischfilet, in a way their are humble because that names seems random and so they will be, just a little up in a clockwork of hype, just made for a few years and designed for nothing more, just like some gamer nicks, that use their nick that should be for all eternity as something causual.

As i said it is about mmr, and people that call themselves feinesahnefischfilet and other casual shit do belong in the mediocre brackets.

thank you & enjoy the (((show)))

Not an argument.

Obviously you haven't been to many actual NSBM shows then.

Neofolk is an inherently feminine cancer. I shit on neofolk, friend.

Nothing odd about it when it's glorified shitty post-punk with vaguely European lyrics and shitty acoustic guitar strumming thrown in among the drum machines, the bass and the synths.

I have to refer you to Goebbel's speech on moralising again. Drinking is part of European culture. There's nothing wrong with drinking as long as you're in control. Evola himself, when referring to the path of the Vira in "The Yoga Of Power", quoted a monk who said: "To achieve liberation one must drink, fall down and rise to drink again." When it comes to drugs, they should be confined to ritualistic environments. If used correctly certain types of drugs can lead to deprogramming, an inner change for the better or an exploration of the subconsciousness (which is our most direct connection with our ancestors).

Not at all. Neither neofolk or NSBM are popular enough to attract large crowds anywhere and NSBM bands usually only play at NSBM / skinhead / right-wing venues. Again, you don't know what you're talking about.

You're entitled to your opinion, even though it is wrong. Many people act like you describe, but not in the current NSBM scene, and the ones that do are simply curious or scene hoppers and shouldn't be representative of the scene in itself. They're no majority by any means.

It's ironic you praise power electronics while complaining about "nigger tier screaming" by the way. Surely William Bennett screaming about raping children and lightning striking his cock is way less embarassing than black metal.

I'm going to sleep now, so don't expect a reply from me. I leave recommending you to listen to embed related and do some research on the band, the label, the people behind it and what they do. I also call you a fucking faggot but I hope you grow out of this edgy moralising reactionary phase of yours and become a better person.

The only time we're being played is when we're not going after the banks and banking system.

Also that picture is from a goddamn visit to the country America lost a war to.


Better version

Keep up the good work postfags, you're winning the war.

I wonder why there is always the image of god making man, in a way i wonder if i apply some selfreflection to it, it is more like the people that wrote that knew that without adam to so create es god has to make so create him.

Fuck Russia to death for all I care. I was merely surmising and abridging the formal Holla Forums handshake formulae. Don't be a queer when you shake hands or ever

Na the image of merkel being squeezed tightly is really excellent.

If i want to fuck russians to death, i would invite them into certain areas of berlin which would be so contrary to their own worldview that they would drink a bottle of german ethanol at the next gas station. So they would throw up.

Russia has a higher rate of migration then germany

Their landscape is about 50x of germany.
Fifty times, and besides that they arent fucking cucks, they would make immigrants play to the tune really fast, unlike the swedish newmales or the germanic boyim.
And besides i do not really give a fuck, enjoy your diversity in berlin, while some berliners are good people i really hate a lot of them.

Russia has a huge problem with gastarbeiters and muslims in general, stop being a Putinoid.

Russians are gigantic cucks and their landscape doesnt mean jack shit they all live in like 5 major cities mscow alone has like 36 million

A big prestige object.
And i m not a putinoid, but unlike merkel he has some clear words, cyka davai land is not refugee welcome land unlike "refugees are germany now".

Moscow has 15 million goyim.

It's not refugee welcome because it's a corrupt, post soviet shithole that can barely pay out a livable pension to old people and has its western, actually livable cities flooded with asians and southern shitskins looking for work. Their dirt cheap labor has destroyed plenty of Russian businesses that would refuse to hire non Russians.

Yeah i know that so? Is that an excuse to flood western nations like germany with a lot of useless immigrants to make shit worse? Or what is your guideline here? You can always change an economic situation with some simple switches but you cannot change a nation that is inherently fucked up by multiple groups that do not really like each other.


War is proven by actions.

Russia did more in 2 weeks bombing CIA/mossadniggers ISISrael mercs than king nigger did in 1 year.
They have helped Syria so much since 2015 or so, against the wishes of ISISrael.

So to say they're pro ISISrael is utterly ignorant really.
ISISrael is at war with Syria ffs.
It's their battlefield.

If you look at germany at ww2, they nearly made the whole world bow. So if you look at the principle, you have a certain order, you have a few alphas a lot of betas and a lot of omegas, combined with with a harmonic ladder of intelligence.
You can apply that principle to anything and everytime you get something that is so incrediblily powerfull, like a self manifesting picture.

I wish putin would take me out of my shithole 3 third world country and relocate me to siberia with my own land, anything is better than here.

user always delivers


Mate, you have no idea how small 2.5 acres is. If it was 1,000 acres, I'd be interested.

You left out the part where he's an israel defender, as anti-gun as the Eurocucks are, outlawed holohoax denial, etc etc etc.

Russian gun laws are cuckold tier. Handguns are illegal pretty much universally, the pathetic "carry guns" you mentioned he let people carry aren't real firearms and are weird rubber bullet firing things that don't penetrate skin and are worthless, and you need licenses upon approvals to buy so much as a bolt action rifle. You know nothing about what you're talking about in that regard. t. /k/

He's better than, say, Merkel or the faggots that run the United Cuckdom or the strayacucks but that's about it.

Pareto was ahead of his time.

you all couldnt be any more lost…

search up the relations between putin and chabad lubavich.

the entirety of russias money lies in jewish hands.

as for trump… you all fell for it.
he is utterly surrounded by jews and will only enrich judeas strength.

NEVER trust jews.

there is no 1488D chess, pol is honeypot psyop controlled by national bolshevik DUGIN



I like this one

The original features a masonic handshake

Thank you, based Ben

Not sure if this is true or not but at this point it doesn't really matter. Many goyim already know and many more are starting to know.
Trump delivers us The Cunt. Placates us a little bit. If Trump starts kiking us to an excess, he'll have an armed rebellion of his own that he'll have to defend against. The Left already want his head, he can't really afford to lose the Right.
Just keep letting people know about (((them))). This is agenda #1.

these threads are sadder than ass cancer

Nice attempt at predictive programming, kikes. Nextchan was killed in its crib and it's another pedo-filled deadchan. How many honeypots can you keep funding before you run out of time?

lel, n1 ben

Sophia Pill. Her album is in Spanish but she's a white Argentinian. She's also the daughter of the creator of Pepe. The album version of the song in the video is even better as it has different backing music and it's a great album overall in general.

Praise Kek.

Why do I have to login and use a google captcha to view shitify?



You can just download the Spotify app. Although you still have to sign in to it, but only once. Or at least until you clean your PC.

Russia is already fucked up it literally has several muslium nations in it

The entirety of all money lies in jewish hands moshi, of course you already know that. It's why you're so afraid of putin and friends creating a new standard to compete with yours.

Wew lad here comes the broken record faggot, fuck off.

Heh, accurate.

vid-related is when I remembered that shitty band and "genre" existed. now wouldn't you say that them being called whitehouse is a strange coincidence?

Stop being sexist, guys. Mama Merkel's titties are natural and beautiful. How else are millions of third world niggers and muslims supposed to be sustained?

With tax money, duh.

Precisely. Hence, her moneybags.

Eyyy, we got comedians over here!


Are these any good? My wife is afraid of guns but I might be able to convince her to carry one of these

all that matters for us goyim to know right now is of the treachery of judea.
this whole alt kike movement judea named in order to destroy only exists to divide us and conquer us.
we must stay strong and never forget the biggest threat to freedom of earth are the (((elders of zion))), (((judea))), and its the fingers of its hidden hand that manipulate us all: the (((secret societies))) that serve them, intertwine, and corrupt our leaders through extortion and blackmail.

they are programming and engineering our very reality.


because there are many factions of judea and the situations dynamics and history go beyond your simplistic black vs white thinking.
you dont even know who dugin is you kukold.
bolshevik communazi luciferian shabbos kuk who corrupts the elite with the evil occult doctrines of the hidden hand.
do you even know of the outrageous chuptzah of the
…and their connection to the jewish run russian mafia that pegs putin into submission every night.

we cant eternally be kept here sucking off politicians and waiting for them to be our saviors. there is much more to know and do.

thread got slid hard after chabad lubavich was mentioned
