>Comey admitted that he handed those memo's over to a (((professor friend))) to leak to the media

http: //

https ://

So how soon until this story gets buried?

Other urls found in this thread:

This looks like its being slid. Bump for visability.


Jesus fucking Christ, this thing is being slid to hell and back. This may be the thing the kikes are panicked about.

I'd be fucking scared right now if I was Comey.

Cap it faggot

The fire rises, anons. This faggot is a disgrace to our race. Bump.

Fine faggot.

Bump to piss off shills

This is going to get good.

Thanks, faggot.

These next seven and a half years are gonna be a fucking ride.

You're welcome faggot.


This aggervates me. If you can't trust the people we cant trust you. Secrects cause problems

Literally who are you shilling for?

Every time I look at Trump's Twitter and look at the responses I just wanna line these people up and cut them down with a fucking minigun. What makes it worse is when they state Trump's been giving Russia classified info with ZERO proof. Fuck DOTR, I wanna dunk these tickets feet first into boiling acid.

Getting real sick of your shit, auto correct.

If it makes you feel better 90% of those replies are not from real people. They dogpile on his tweets way too fast to authentic.

This. Most of them are just bots set up to instantly reply to his tweets like crazy. It's basic psyops, it's like these retards don't even know about the websites where you can check account authenticity.

No one just want to know why secrect gotta be kept. Im happy this came out so it futher prove to the people that hillary needs a nylon neckless. The government and the people should have a trust but thay a far fetch realilty. Government= control user, remeber that

Yeah, honestly I don't even care about politics at this point aside from wanting to kill shitlibs. If I can kill massive quantities of shitlibs in my life, I will be able to die satisfied.

Dam, my spelling is vile.

Fix your fucking spelling before trying to convince me of anything. Please.

There you go user

ah…. simply.. epic..


Thanks for translating your nigger speak.

This isn't CNN nigger. You choose yourself what's you consider important.

Jr. thing was already exposed as bullshit. A nothing burger. A pathetic attempt to counter the good press Trump has been receiving in the last 72 hours.


He's talking about what the MSM is pushing on social media dummy.

Why so ass blasted user?

And what is he going to do? Nothing. He bitched about Hillary, and Maddow, and now Comey. If he doesn't start charging somebody, he is going to fall under


Typical sharenigger blowing it's load on the first post. Filtered faggot.

Trump is playing you people like a fiddle. Goddamn.

Looks like ole Frankenstein is proper fucked





Stickied. The shills must be in tears now.



If anything it just makes them flock to the thread more since they can't slide it now.

90 times of 5th amendment incoming

At this point in our politics these principles do not matter. Our enemies don't play by these rules. As long as they don't Trump shouldn't either.

Hope he leverages Comey to testify against the entire Democrat machine, since he's been up it's ass for the last 8 years. I can't wait to see them crawl over each other to sell each other out. It's going to be one hell of a show



checked. comey behind bars by 2018.

Holy shit….



Since its very conception, I still can't understand the point of this pic. The constitution dictated, before the (illegitimately ratified) 14th amendment, that only Whites were citizens of the US. Niggers were still in slavery, injuns were BTFO, etc. If the constitution had been more rigidly enforced, the scenario in pic related would never exist.

Proof for the unconstitutionality (is that even a word :–DDDD) of the 14th amendment:

dubs confirmed for bump


The underlying irony is that it was the constitution's uselessness that resulted in that situation.

I take it as lampooning the mindset that constantly heaps constitutional rights upon non-whites, while never failing to enforce any control against whites. I suppose at a deeper level it's a statement that English common law can't effectively function in a low-median-IQ society, and that's a consideration that precedes introducing apes and muds to the picture. Once society is crammed tight with monkeys, then the notion of running things according to constitutional checks and protections reaches a point of absurdity.

Can Comey be used to fry bigger fish? As in Lynch or King Nog?

BUMP for Comey in handcuffs & made some niggers bitch during lock up….

It is more like focusing on details while losing the bigger picture, rigidly imposing the law on regular citizens while the others live in parallel societies.
Fuck that shit.
That is how you get the legions the military imagined.


Considering he tried to blackmail trump with the Russian piss story that trump probably made up and "leaked" himself to troll everyone I'd say he was probably in the business of knowing dirty secrets long before this election

So it's not just me noticing that Comey is a giant pussy? I have a feeling for these things and this faggot is gonna spill the beans quickly. Minimum pressure needed.

More like your whole society is a bunch of dumbed down mongoloids are 10feet above ground fags. Not really worth keeping it to yourself.

Thats ok, English is hard.

Probably as hard as your dick when looking at 10year old.

Is that projection I hear in your voice Chaim? I know growing kikes need their foreskins, or they get cranky

I can see Comey trying to save his own ass but I'm not expecting this to come to a head until Comey's supporters left in the FBI are tossed out. Either ways, either Comey will go into hiding, or commit suicide by Clintons.

There is a difference in projection and crawling into your mind and the express what the kibbuz friends are up to. You know the the projection argument is a little playbook trick out of your little arsenal of dog barking, isnt it. Like meming something that is innate to most goyim and take it to that level, in a way you are the kibbuz of ideas. Or if we have to kibbuz friends you shovel shit from one side to another.

I'm not the one that started talking about pedos, faggot. That'd be you. Brush up on your english skills before you come back, you'll be more convincing that way.

Loretta Lynch was already trying to bargain for a testimony for immunity, I want to see the rats race to try to get an immunity first by selling the rest down the river. It'd be a glorious mess, watching them sling shit at each other

That niggress is really really stupid.
I would bet on Comey instead or whomever else is implicated.

Absolutely, she has zero foresight for the things she says, webm related. I can't wait for all the shit to come out of the woodworks. It's only been 6 months and they're already starting to crumble

It's making fun of civnats like the oathcucks and 3%'rs who go out of their way to not be racist, and say they're only fighting for liberty and American values, when those ideals won't fucking exist when we're replaced by nonwhites.

She knows exactly what she's doing. She's bamboozling the libshit whites into advancing the interests of nonwhites.

It's what the high-IQ blacks and mestizos always say. They know damn well "the founding fathers" would want them all exterminated if they'd understood what the situation would become.

may not belong here but the president of crowdstrike (Shaun Henery) was fbi and worked for mueller

sage for maybe off topic

If this ends with Comey in jail, it will probably be too much for some leftists. They may throw *themselves* out of helicopters.

But you are replaced by nonwhites because that is all that little intrigue is all about, it is playing the political game to bring their soldiers into their respective places. And in a way the enivironment will make them do that, the more refugees and minorities you have the more they would have to like the piece of the cake, not of your moralistic shit. Because none of that matters, that is riding the tiger. And in a way all that do play their game are like sweden, some disgraced cunts. So if you want to get into politics that is what you face, and i will have none of that because i do not give a shit.
It is all about the money, and some people will pick up on that shit and others will follow. That is the point of no return.

My forefathers?

I hope they give this piece of shit a public execution

Getting Trump in was a sign that your average white voter does not want muslims and beaners coming in like they have been in the past. It's not a fix to the problem yet, but it is a step in the right direction. Lynch is pouring gas on a fire that is only making it harder for these fucking communists to see that they're losing, hard.

The forefathers bit is hilarious, they used blacks as farm equipment. Anyone with any knowledge of American history should call bullshit on that line whenever it is used

And learn to spell kibbutz correctly. You definitely are not from Israel or you would know how to spell it. You must be fresh off the boat.

What I'm reading is that they said LATER that the docs were classified.
As in, they weren't, but now they detirmed they are, so it's retroactive, and therefore isn't against the law.

That's what they say though. And I think they are just scared

It would shovel the somalis into your nigger isreali country you cunt. And if i would be the mossad i would cut off your ears and your nose you fucking dog.

Largest federal government corruption scandal about to start dropping this year or next. Dems have questions to answer that only incriminate themselves and others, with zero help coming on the horizon


And the very same people like do call bullshit on it all the time. They HATE the founding fathers. If I had a dollar for every time Lynch has said in private, or to some in-group of libshits that the founding fathers were all racist white men, I'd be able to buy a round for everyone in the pub on a Saturday night.

They'll tell you all about how we need to honor the founders when there's something they want out of you. Then when they get it they laugh and spit on their graves.

I believe you Uncle Adolf

Comey will shoot himself in the back of the head four times while driving off the side of a cliff before that can ever happen.

what a comfy ride

What OS does James use?

looks like a Windows fag


Nice English you spastic retard, too bad the mods aren't smart enough to ban you.

Shovel some shit jew, i assume your jewish wifes with their arm hair would whipe their asses with that and then wash it because it reminds them of their duty fucking jewish males.

Jesus Christ you're a retard.

I assume that jesus christ was the first time the jews nailed someone.

Ahh too bad it was the romans, maybe their cuckfetish translated somehow, maybe the thora is a homage to thor because he had an hammer.


Or at least ask us to, and we will!

Dont kill the busty boobanimals though.

There's more creative ways to dispose of them.
These could work on them, right?

Well at least we can all agree with that statement. Unfortunately, it doesn't change the fact, for you, that you are clearly an inbred doublenigg, and must still get into the oven with the rest of (((them))).

Goddamnit why did this make me laugh. I have been here too fucking long.

1. Have prisoners dig a trench
2. Build a movable gallows over said trench
3. Hangemall with piano wire to ensure they get decapitated
If the hangee gets decapitated, the executioners don't have to remove them from the gallows.
4. When trench gets sufficiently full of bodies, move gallows and have prisoners fill in behind
5. Go to step 1

That just makes it easier to report and filter. There is nothing they can do that will actually help them.


>That is like totally illegal!

Holy shit, it's so easy…

why didn't we do this years ago? oh wait.. muahahahaah….

Jefferson was against slavery, however.

It means your race is more important than a piece of paper which can do nothing to protect you.

Temple OS, he made his own so that he could watch elephants dance in hiding from the glow in the dark CIA niggers.


I feel sorry for those two little girls. If they had as many dicks sticking out of them as they have had stuck in them they would look like pin cushions. No telling what all they made those girls do when they were much older than babies.

nice id

Fuck you.

Checked! Comey's going to get blacked soon.

he was not the altruist most people think, but
people tend to universally respect jfk

Please lurk moar.


It's funny because literally nothing Trump has done has been illegal.
Libs get shitfaced whenever I point this out, and say "It's not in the spirit of the position"
and I reply: "But it's still legal :)"

Not if they consent to it.
Not even close. In fact it's one of the president's specifically enumerated powers in the Constitution.
Once again the president has carte blanche power to classify or declassify anything he pleases. Whether this is a good idea or now varies from situation to situation but it's not illegal.
It might not look good politically but I'm pretty sure it's not actually illegal. Besides that would be on Don jr not on President Trump.

always makes me laugh

They have no loyalty lol

It's not that they have no loyalty, it's that they have the memory of goldfish. They've transitioned almost completely into useful idiots.

When you've been raised by day care, fed GMOs since day one (real womyn don't need to breast feed shithetcislord), and you've been so coddled you don't have the skills to form your own opinions and views, memory issues are part of the package.

Not that they don't deserve it of course.

Everyone hates tickets user.

Everyone does.
Beating them is great lawfag practice though.

Breastfeeding wouldn't really help if the mother is on GMO's too and a meth head.

Didn't they film Comey after he got fired driving around on the highway like fucking OJ? We live in the best timeline. Anyone who says otherwise should fucking kill themselves. If you don't like some shit, work to change it and stop whining like a faggot.

If anyone wants some nice entertainment watching comey squirm from back in the day here you go


also you can use these as ammo against shitlibs, even comey himself being the snake he is can call out the press for the bullshit artists they are

You know, a lot of linguistics experts say when people don't use contractions in their speech, i.e. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman," instead of "I didn't have sexual relations with that woman," or generally talk overly formal, your are lying. Fuck Comey. Day of the rope will happen.

(checked -even if aged)

Excellent instructions to block the spam bots. I did it and suddenly I see organic responses to Trumps tweets (except for all marxists- which just add to the salt repository). Dunno how dated the csv file is but works. Amazing how many verified accounts go poof when you do it too

As someone who works in IT.

so fucking surreal hearing about combetta in this official investigation. that was Holla Forumss legwork that found out about stonetear


The never specified that only whites were going to be citizens. In that time it was a given.

They did, explicitly so in the naturalization acts.

his eyes? didn't know he had that defect either

Goons = pedos.

Dayum. Muh cuz locked up in da pen doin a quart ta lyfe fa robbin a Popeye's Chicken, but dis nigga Comey still walkin?Fuck dis Comey muhfukka, mayn. He a bytch, B.

Tausendjähriges Reich

Hitler relaxed the gun laws for Germans.


Some fresh-ish OY VEY's from NBC news

Like Comey is going to put classified markings on his memos

Checked, yea no shit. I swear the media gets dumber by the day.

This makes my week and not since I was playing with LEGOs a president has done this for me, harder now that everything gets. Be with you, Mr. President. Donald. J. Trump.

wow thanks for stickying this important thread Based Mods


Careful user, I received a 3-day ban for calling out the mods the other day. They deleted the shitposter's first post in a thread but didn't ban the faggot, cuz he contined to spam niggerporn throughout the thread. I received a ban with the reason ">>>/polmeta/". Mods here are fucking pathetic.


These fucking people. Obama being president at all was illegal because he's Nigerian. I can't even count the number of things his administration did which were actually illegal. We can't let these people take power again.

You're a special kind of retard

And you're autistic, seeing as you can't grasp sarcasm.




I thought Trump said Comey DID leak classified information?

I thought the name of this thread was

I thought that was really funny. Okay back to my Holla Forums


Lead us to the Reich, mein Fuhrer.
