Things furries Ruined in gaming
Things furries Ruined in gaming
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If you seriously live your life unable to enjoy things because autists like them too, you're gonna find yourself being really unhappy.
I'l find you. And kill you for stealing those quads for protecting degenerate furry shit.
Implying I didn't learn to live with being unhappy.
Furries are an insignificant demographic. They no longer have the power to ruin anything but individual fandoms and threads through shitposting.
Answered your own question there, OP.
This doesn't apply to Holla Forums, we don't like being happy here
Than how are furries able to ruined lives?
Every beast race in every fantasy game ever made.
Furries swarm over every franchise that lets them play something with fur or scales to the point where you can't look these games up on the internet without running into some sick fuck's bestiality blog or porn stash.
The worst part is when furry-bait lore starts creeping into the franchise. Khajiit penis prongs, really Todd?
But those are bronies, faggot.
Implying Bronies and furries ain't the same thing
If a community surrounding a thing is one of the defining parts of said thing, it's likely that the community will have a sizable, or certainly noticeable effect on the experience as a whole.
As you notice a part of the culture accommodate furfags, you may find yourself considering the influence this might have on projects or games still in progress, or yet to be made. Thanks to the power of projection, ambiguities default to being resolved into less favorable outcomes. Consider knowing the ending of a movie affecting your time watching it. As it affects us, it brings a touch of normalcy to the tism, and any pandering will now also accommodate a little more than usual, or at least not be actively repelled from obliging.
Human beings aren't wired to take in experiences in a vacuum or complete isolation, and once the seal is broken, you cannot expect to have an identical experience as one might have 'going in blind'.
They both belong in the gas chamber, that's for sure.
They're insignificant now, but you give them an inch, they take a mile. It's best to stay vigilant.
Furry Autism can be harnessed for good.
How so?
The younger newfags and the summerfags weren't there during the dark ages.
They don't know what furries are really like.
I pity them since they will eventually have to learn this important lesson again once we go into the great beyond.
I got a furry to make me tf2 maps.
All I said was yes it can be your fetish, but be subtle.
Got a minigolf course with full art pass custom capture points and respawn lockers.
Also ported the treehouse map from small brawl
And a bedroom with the final control point being Putting the payload into a dragon girls mouth where she chokes it up and fires into the cuckoo clock where red spawns from
It took it 2 weeks
It's fetish was micro.
What community you run/in?
Uncle Sparky Hut of Fuck.
Server's dead now.
do you still play on a server
can't talk about this game without someone bringing up undertale or furries in general
They will make any given character or what you that happens to be an animal, sexualized. Then again, so will Holla Forums.
If people think the shit they pull in terms of video games is bad, then they are woefully ignorant of what it means to be a fa/tg/uy who has to deal with furries in the world of pen and paper rpg's.
Mostly playing casual until WAR is over.
Heavy isn't going to inexplicably aquire a new weapon on his own.
I don't mean this as an insult but I haven't met a single person over the age of eleven as of yet who voted for heavy.
Now you have.
daily reminder this is all pyro mains
every pyro main
but user I'm a healslut
go away fag
Aren't there jaoanese furries? What are the called again Kemosabi?
Nothing at all.
butthurt furfag
yiff in hell scum
ITT: Booty blasted closet furfags
This, sadly.
I miss Morrowind-tier proper beastlike shit. Especially the lovely python style faced argonians. Absolutely adorable. Not this literally-human-footed titlizard.
Furfags started becoming irrelevant ever since Nintendo fucked up Star Fox beyond all repair.
These days it's other obvious things ruining gaming.
He isn't wrong.
Still, I am rather upset at them for killing off most animal-related shit.
After all, if your game subjects animals at all, you'll immediately be filled with fetishists which'll drive away other consumers, meaning companies will say "nah that a bad idea"
Stay perpetually asshurt.
Credit where credit's due, at least you are posting gook furshit.
Still, I hate how they add hair to fucking everything. Why dog chick gotta have fucking hair?
Because she's like that in the official art.
Yeah but why not leave the dog chick without gay-arse human hair?
She is a rato.
It don't look like no rodent, but aight.
Same issues.
Remove hair
Joke's on you, ratto. I'm already balding prematurely.
Fuck you, Rato, I hope you get cancer.
My hair is lush and thick and it isn't going anywhere ever.
thats some beyond James Bond shit
You're all right.
Nice knowing that you will eventually die of AIDS, keep eating trash and stay butthurt. ;^)
You new here or something?
I don't play much gook shit. I also tend to be about two or three years behind, on account of being a raging cheapskate, and refusing to buy games the regular price.
EDF is pretty much the single exception to both, but that was also on sale for some reason.
Final Fantasy IX came out on July 7, 2000.
Wait, people actually still care about that shit series?
Last I heard it went full MMORPG or some shit.
I wouldn't touch that series with a rotting dick stolen from the devil himself.
That's not the point. The point is people gave a shit sixteen years ago. That's a bit longer than three years.
No, hence why I said last good entry. Everyone knows it's shit now but only some kind of contrarian retard would try to say it was always shit.
i'm a furry, ama :3
Wanna yiff?
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Because then I wouldn't be able to jack off to my gay furry scat erp
Fair enough, I guess. I never gave a shit on account of finding them rather dull and grindy games.
Frankly, I'm skeptical of the claim 'most popular video game series of all time'. But I guess that's if you count gooks, mostly.
Why is all of fucking 80% your shit gay crap?
Why is the remaining 20% mostly horrible fetish junk?
Why do all of your critters look the same?
Why do you gotta add human shit like hair to your reptile ladies and that sort of jazz?
Why are most all your furshit basically just humans, as far as culture, clothing, society, architecture, and so on?
Also, what asked.
something to do with the early community being covered in gay mags or something.
Fetish overlap.
Why not?
I said "possibly the most popular". Not gonna bother looking up numbers but it's certainly in the top 5 for most sales and most well known.
You have shit taste.
And you have autism.
Fuck off.
Jap furshit is a lot better. It doesn't reek of autism like western furshit.
You too ;)
That's true, but it is all ruined for me by the constant every fucking time hair.
It kills me.
They get so damn close, and then they screw it up.
Are you that guy who always bitches about furshit being close to humans and then always posts guoh stuff?
I don't understand your beef with it. It's fur the point of furshit? Why not go for scaleshit instead?
He means the stupid emo/neon/whateverthefuckelse hairstyles they put on them
Then stop jerking it to fursonas.
Pretty sure what he's getting at is when an anthro character is drawn with human hair when it makes no logical sense for it to exist on something that's already covered in fur.
Come to think of it, what do humans have hair like we do anyway? I know body hair was lost as a way of venting heat, but why did we keep the hair on our heads and why did it get so long?
I can barely get it up anymore
send help
You can style a mane and it works quite well.
Fuck I'm tired.
Alright then. Not all of it is like that. Besides, look at horses. Isn't a mane similar in a way? If I don't like something I just ignore it, and the fact that scaleshit still exists. It's often entirely without hair.
It's important to keep your head warm.
Fuck, I meant to also link to you.
Blame the Japs.
hā¦hello rato
A Jap dude drew it. Blame them.
Quads of Enlightenment
He's a qt.
hello rato
You need to be happy to live. I don't.
You can't have any cute animal characters without attracting countless perverts. Anything that is aimed at young kids like my little pony or pokemon is now a nightmare. Furries will invade previously innocent communities and destroy them.
I accept that some furries are just autistic and not out to cause harm but there are others who are pedophiles and do use it all as a front to groom children.
I don't know if anyone else would agree with me on this but the pokemon furries often seem to be the worst offenders. I am not saying they are all terrible people (of course their are exceptions) just that a lot of them are child predators.
Bronies conisder themselves to be separate from furries.
As a matter of fact, bronies make every effort to get a free pass for their faggotry.
Pic related.
hello ratto
Hair protects from UV radiation and is a thermal isolator, both when it's too cold and too hot. Human brain is weak to overheating. Ever heard of heat stroke?
hallo rato
MLP didn't had a community until the Holla Forums epic trolle and nintendo was always attracting manchildren
This pretty much. The fandom is garbage, but the closet-communists that get offended by them are worse.
That shits been canon since Daggerfall.
Weak bait. Are there no Christian and other "spiritually gifted" bronies?
nice try rato, but your out of the election
I fucking hate furries, but wields the quads of truth.
There are. In fact, most of the stuff in that pic relates to the furry/brony crossfans. Most bronies are apolitical autists, although, if you filter the normalfags, you'll find a lot of them are almost Holla Forums-tier.
What year am i in? Did you miss all the shitfests about how they switched to minecraft or some other "popular nowadays" games?
Gas yourself, faggot.
Being happy is pointless. Embrace hatred.
Buck Riley, please kill yourself
What a waste of quads. Hatred is your ally! Use it, it gives you strength.
Minecraft isn't a game so it's off topic for this board.
The only good brownies are those who don't identify as such and keep the pony nonsense to themselves.
The public disgrace tier faggots have a special kind of autism though.
Personally, I'm a Christian.
I sometimes post pony porn here.
I can't quit.
too late fuckface
i'm 19 and i can already see the bald spot on my head
nobody can embrace hatred anymore because everyone has been indoctrinated 24/7 to know nothing about hatred except "it's a bad thing"
the reason things got so bad is that hatred, the burning desire to make the world a better place, was mass-suppressed for a long time, and only began to revive after hordes of sandniggers started raping and pillaging their way through europe
Top answer
hello rato
Furries only play games that were already awful, that's why you'll always find them swarming things like smash or TF2.
I'm twice that and all I have is an inch higher forehead. Too late for worrying about looks anyway.
I bet most of you newfags don't even know why the furry shit exploded like this.
The point why everyone hated furfags was that they shoved their autistic fetish down your throat, not that they had one.
Right now weeb faggots are more cancerous on Holla Forums then any furfag, since I personally only see smug anime faces and other weeb shit posted on a fucking video game related imageboard.
Faggots that just hate furries because it is practically a meme, don't understand the actual reason behind it and probably don't get the actual point of why "tits or gtfo" became a thing. Nobody cares about your gender, your personality, what you fap to, if you own 20 anime dolls and bodypillows or if you want to dress up in your carpet to look like a dog. But one thing is for sure, if you feel the need to point any of that shit out, you are no longer anonymous and deserve to be laughed at and being called out as the attentionwhoring faggot you are.
I get hating /jp/ autists but you are aware how 4chan started right?
At least weeb/anime shit represent actual human beings. Furfaggotry often depicts sexualised anthropomorphic animals, and that shit in itself is just fucking cancerous and disgusting to behold.
Nobody but them wants to see that shit, but it is shoved down everyone's throats.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
i don't mean this as an insult but i haven't met a single person over the age of eleven as of yet who voted for pyro
Things humans Ruined in gaming
Hint, you're the reason 4chan is the way it is now. I highly doubt you even realize that 4chan's early community was made up of SA rejects.
Ain't nothing wrong with a well made ceramic floor ;)
Nice. Did you read about imageboards on reddit?
Strong words for someone who spaces their posts like a retard.
How many foreskins did you sacrifice to your volcano demon lord?
Just because it started as US weeb containment site doesn't mean it shall forever remain such. Also, animefags are objectively the worst cancer there is - judging from anime boards, across time and chans.
Adding to that, just to remind people - most people loathed weeb fags since chans' inception, it's just their unspeakable faggotry was superseded by furries, and then even furfags were superseded by horsefuckers.
Just to clarify, what do you count as a weeb/animefag exactly?
Hello ratto.
hello rato
trying to shake the heat Holla Forums? you ARE the new furries
Crawl back under your rock so I can smash your skull with it you fucking furfag
Just a reminder that goons / SJWs hate anime. Always remember that when you see someone complaining or "trolling" about weebs or whatever slur they decide to use.
moot only made 4chan because he didn't know enough Japanese to shitpost on Futaba. Holla Forums was originally just Anime, then Anime/Random, then Random. The quality of the site declined as the number of non-weeb boards increased.
reminder that Holla Forums hates anime and video games as well
There are very fewer things that are more stupid than that.
You're raising the "red flag of i got triggered by furries, so if you want to laugh at my expense, post more and act as obnoxious as possible".
Calm down nigga, nobody is actually gonna assault you so put the fucking phone down and stop pissing yourself.
It's called *Euthanasia* and I'd be probably be doing furry's a favour.
That's so cute, user. I love it when newfags pretend to be Holla Forums. I saw one guy talk about "furfags trying to pull cultural marxism on /monster/".
Sure I know how it started but what has this to do with anything? This is still Holla Forums if you want more weeb shit then go to /a/ or whatever.
As if the majority of the animu girls aren't completely sexualized itself, doesn't matter if it is about humans or not.
I am on an anonymous video game related imageboard
Please smug anime girl tell me more about the history and forget how it makes it any more relevant.
Just because 4chan was created and based upon an anonymous japanese anime imageboard, doesn't mean jack all when you're currently posting on Holla Forums. The only thing it explains is why there are so many weebs and why everyone seems lenient with those fags posting their trash in here compared to literally everyone else.
No actually on ED :^)
Where do Bernie Bros fit in to this 'spectrum' ?
That's it.. I-I am so triggered right now!
m8 pls. Animefags was the #1 cancer before furfags and horsefuckers came along, many of them are obnoxious namefags and/or avatarfags, post their crap persistently and leaking in every thread, and even have their own general threads running where they circlejerk and chat about their shitty lives like some normalfags, paradoxically. This crap is exactly like furfags and bronies, sans gay animals and technicolor ponies.
I ain't saying all furries are bronies, but all bronies are furries.
Either way, it's all cancer.
Are you going to lynch me, user-kun?
What fucking quality? Was Holla Forums suddenly not your sekrit no girls allowed club anymore? Go back to /a/ you weebfag
Guild Wars 2
Nice Bait though..
Go back to reddit.
Well, i'm just talking about personal experience here.
Generally people that does threats of violence over the internet are underage, use several crude methods to inflate their ego like having suggestive nicks like GOGETRUNCELLTAN_SSJ8GOD and well, just can't cope with the fact they can't control what other people like.
but its about the jews in the end. fact is nearly everything Holla Forums stands for is shunned on Holla Forums. that you had to use a canned response archive is pretty telling
Just because you're a retarded shill doesn't mean you're Holla Forums.
I'm afraid to say you cannot always generalise like that and end up being correct.. Personally I think telling people who probably don't have much to live for anyway to kill themselves is worse, but hey
Oh boy, please stop with all the salt, my kidneys might shut down.
If lel funneh maymays is all you can do to respond then please look at the time, you should be at school right about now oh wait I forgot, it's summer
Triggered goon detected.
If the quality has remained the same, what are you doing here?
It wouldn't be about the jews every time if it wasn't that there were jews behind it every time. And I'm not even shitting you, doing basic research into the connections reveals plentiful amounts of jews.
Yes, indeed i can't.
But the logical inconsistency of thinking that threatening someone anonymous over the internet will accomplish anything other than becoming a laughingstock do point to some sort of immaturity.
you cant just blame everything stupid Holla Forums says on false flags. you arent as clever as you think
I'm not the one that mentioned false flag, chaim.
I was referring to the obvious fact that there was no quality to begin with, so retards whining about how more normalfags ruined their secret club, is just pathetic.
What are you stil posting here? Isn't the new episode of Dragon Ball Super out right about now you should watch?
i know its the jews, thats the only thing Holla Forums and Holla Forums have in common, is a disdain for smelly jews.
thats not an invitation to explode their autism all over every thread though
It would be fine just like that, but sadly Western Devs often listen to the community too much and change their game because of that, and the most autistic part of the community has the loudest voice, i.e. SJWs and Furries.
Once the game is shit, you can't enjoy it anymore, this has nothing to do with what other people like or dislike, this has to do with autists and stupid devs fucking shit up. This is especially sad in online games, because you can't just play an older patch.
well then what you were saying made absolutely no sense and youre just acting retarded
This is how autistic you look.
The main problem of Holla Forums is not being wrong on the jews, but failing to recognize that several nations and individuals play the jew game.
Anyone with enough cash and influence WILL play the jew game.
The question isā¦ "things furries ruined in gaming,".
*rests snout on hoof, thinking REALLY hard*
*turns red with mental strain but obscured but pure white aryan horse hair*
*hoof tapping, impatiently waiting for answer to come to him*
*can't think of anything*
um, *raises hoof* I can't think of a single exampleā¦
*cocoons himself in hay* *transforms into a beautiful horseterfly* *flies away from thread*
Nice try Schlomo, but clearly you're no match for me!
Wew lad, are you okay? You don't need to engage half your mental energy to deduce this shit.
Or do you simply wanna flex your guns online in front of a completely anonymous userbase? And you call me immature..
Ouch, calm down man it wasn't *that* bad.
What the fuck is it trying to say?
Holla Forums was always shit, but I though everyone acknowledged that it got a lot shittier as time when on. I wasn't talking about Holla Forums exclusively, just using it as an example.
Accuse me?
I have yet to see that they accuse me about anything, all I am seeing is salty and butthurt replies with smug anime girls while trying disregard my points with memearrows.
If you have a sound foundation to accuse me of anything, then please do so, right now it's just
Both statements just sit there without any proof nor relevancy to me saying weeb fags spam way more offtopic shit and shove down their shit in other people throats compared to furries on their non-related boards.
Tell me how many furfags you saw as of late posting their shit fetish around on Holla Forums or other non-furry imageboards and then tell me how many weebs posted their shit around on Holla Forums or other non-weeb imageboards.
Only if by "everyone" you mean the original autists that populated it. By virtue of internet archive site, you can visit those "good ol" days any time and see for yourself just how much shit and cancer it was. I say, good riddance.
anime isnt a fetish though
It was at first only a meme, that it was getting shittier, but the fact is, it was shit, continued to be shit and ultimately got too shitty.
This has nothing to do with more boards but all to do with newfags taking the memespewing shitfest as literal and just ruin everything, amplifying literally everything that was already terrible to begin with.
Holla Forums became neo/b/ and Holla Forums trancended into something that one could only describe as a 24/7 fetished memeorgy
So, enjoying our GMO seeds?
i wonder why that kind of thing isnt more of a hot topic for discussion. its one of the more horrific aspects of reality and it often goes ignored
No in fact we're banned GMO food in our country.
Looks loli to me.
This is purely by definition. Not all furry shit is entrinsicly fetishy, nor is all anime related stuff always non-fetishy.
Fact is, that many people here have a full blown fetish for 2D anime girls and if that would be such an outlandish thing, then surely you didn't visited other boards.
Honestly I am just disappointed at your shitposting now, this isn't even entertaining. If memearrows with smug anime faces is all you can do, then I feel sorry for your parents.
To understand a culture, you have to look into their history. Why are you so upset about someone posting anime to begin with?
Some more questions. Are lol and 4am threads allowed because they're culture or is it because there's actual video game related topics discussion going on? Shouldn't the handful of generals here go on /vg/ because that's the point of /vg/? Why should GG threads be allowed on Holla Forums even though there's several boards on the topic?
But they aren't banned in palestine, are they?
You know what will happen if, by accident you grow one of our seeds without the due licensing, right?
daily reminder that monsanto is looking forward to their poison killing off all the bees so that they can patent and monopolize a mechanical method of pollination
I don't get why anyone bothers with posting these pics.
I agree that the bullshit full blown memeposting shouldn't be here as well. Sure a few memes here and there to spice things up are always nice. But entire dedicated threads? Fuck off with that.
Generals should be on /vg/ and we even have gamergate related boards, though I understand why it is still prominent here, since it practically caused the main exodus in the first place.
I never once stated that I was in favor of memethreads, or other shit that was completely non-topic.
Also like I also stated, I know very well why everyone and their mother posts anime shit here, it however doesn't change the fact that it is as cancerously off-topic as furfags posting their off-topic shit.
You can disagree all you fucking want, but I hardly see how they are any different.
If someone uses anime as a reaction image, how is it off topic?
its only as off topic or not as any other reaction image. and i do mean any
hello rato
So convening a reaction to something is off topic? Even if the image is pulled directly from a video game? What if it's a character from a video game done in anime style?
Am I saying it is offtopic? I am saying it is the same as if someone would post a furry pic as a reaction image. So to point at this person would be just hypocritical.
I am not going on about smug anime reaction images, I am going on about how often full blown hentai or other full blown anime shit is being posted here on Holla Forums. The only thing I would have against anime reaction faces is that they are way too oversaturated, and some special retards feel the need to go full on avatarfagging with it.
quads confirm i guess and thread/
So MMD videos would be off topic, even if they were using characters from a game in the thread?
sounds cool but the purpose behind them is nefarious and you can be sure if theyre capable of producing honey it will be something bad for you with none of the nutritional benefits.
i certainly dont think a reaction image is inherently off topic. there is a blurry line when a reaction image is guarunteed to provoke a lot of responses but even then i think its more of an issue with autismos than it is with the image.
you may be replying to me thinking im the another user?
Certainly not, if it is at least video game related anime I couldn't care less. But I do care when it is unspoilered NSFW shit or full blown off-topic shit.
And this goes for all cancerous posting, just weeb shit is the most common one and hardly anyone cares because it just became so utterly normal.
Yes i know monsanto is everything bad.
well, unspoilered nsfw shit is against the rules last time i checked. some people just dont care or feel they can get away with it
It came off more negative than what you were probably thinking.
Then you're going to really hate 4am threads.
It's because enough people on the site dabble in it enough for it to be common. If enough of the userbase liked western shows more, you'd see them all over the place rather than Mongolian cave paintings
Tiles and Ohio and robotic arms are among the best fetishes.
Enough people on the site also dabble into furfaggotry, just look at /furry/. But people still call out heresy on it.
I already do.
since we are in the subject, any games that have kemono?
Yeah, that's because /furry/ is shit.
A bunch of old JRPGs have kemono characters. Shining Force, FEDA, some Final Fantasy games, Legend of Mana and a bunch of other games.
Well appearently not for a shitload of people that go to /furry/ and Holla Forums
Besides this is your opinion and my opinion is both weeb shit and furry shit are shit. I don't care if you jack off to 2D anime drawings or 2D dogperson drawings, it's both shit and not video game related in most cases
Seeing this how far Something Awful brought and destroy sociality. Thank you, for continue their legacy Holla Forums and /lolcow/, the SJW will love you sure as a ally.
Hello rato!
It's probably just people who are looking to call up arms against something they don't like. After a while they either learn to not care or leave looking for another community that will accept them
hello rato
zdrasti rato
That's where you are wrong. Most /furry/ posters scoff at the idea of using other boards on this site. You have a handful of faggots who bait on Holla Forums, that's why you always see that one faggot in Pokemon threads posting about bugchasing.
he seems to be a kemono
the quads have spoken
personally i would love to see more "western" reaction images. the only thing that comes to mind are those the good the bad and the ugly showdown edits.
whats the difference between kemono and god forsaken yiff?
We may never know.
hello rato
I can actually agree with this. I mean I try to hang out with you guys and hold conversation about shared interests but y'all and fucking insufferable irl
I'm also trying to figure it out.
Kemono comes from the Japanese art, has slimmer lines and looks more cleaner
While furry has more cartoon anatomy and the art is rough, I think.
it's furry and moderate furry, in other words, furries too afraid to embrace their furriness and believing they have any sort of acceptance because of that
somehow i doubt thats the case
Furries are generally about OCs and escapism, while kemono is more about trying to reach the perfection of cute/fuzzy/lewd.
right, but why is there that distinction when it seems defined by an art style?
What about octopus lady?
hello rato
hello rato
Because furry is generally a western thing, while kemono as the weeb name implies its a japan thing.
Reminder that pyro will always be a deathmatch class with no team role whatsoever
What is it with you faggots and sparkledog eyes
That's really only applies to games that promote being social, an example of that is what happened with Undertale, the community is full of autists leftovers derivated from various backgrounds.
But why the fuck people needs to care about that? Oh, of course, because 8ch was flooded with threads. Like almost any game at launch that is somewhat interesting.
The game is single player only, and I've never actually talked about the game with more than 3 of 4 select people (and posted in some tof the earliest threads and I had fun.
But you should be really careful with how you say shit.
It kinda looked like you were defending furries and furries are a fucking mistake, like any other fucking person with some kind of ""body dysphoria"" they are people who are mentally ill, but instead of helping them normal people just let them because "they are creepy, but not dangerous". But that's not really true because letting them exist outside a basement, that only makes more people susceptible to become one.
Most furries don't think they're actually animals, you know. It's just an avatar used to represent themselves on the web and to other people who share their interests.
Because most of us remember the torrent of furfags posting their shit porn and derailing threads on cuckchan to the point where you couldn't get a decent conversation going for shit. Same thing happened with the horsefuckers. They'd need zero provocation to dump their porn folders and as soon as one of them entered a thread it was as good as dead.
I've even seen it on here a few times, though it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be, so it appears our furfags have at least gained some level of self control which I'm somewhat grateful for.
honestly, most millenials are so fucking degenerate these days that the worst aspects of the furry fandom are now mainstream among them.
the first furry cons were advertised in California twink mags, it was just a place for the poz to collect in peace. You hardly need that since everything's pozzed now. You used to just see "muh gay polyamory" shit among the most outcast, now it's all over normalfag sites.
That's mostly why furries aren't as annoying as they used to be ā everything bad about them is everywhere.
hello rato
gud taste tbh famalam
this post is beautiful because of how many special snowflake bandwagoners are still trying to use 'furries like it so its bad' as an actual argument and got TRIGGERED just reading it
enlighten onwards, user
and before 'nu-uh strawman newfag wow fuck you >>>defending furries' posters crop up, name me one thing untainted by "cancer fans" in vidya or music, things that have 0 fans not withstanding
quads of truth
Remember those people who say that the most zealous redpilled moralfags are just as much SJWs as the worst of tumblrites?
Checked and rekt.
Though, everyone's favorite meme is going to pop up soon now trying to show you how wrong you are with an image macro.
As if it invalidates the statement.
autism should be fine as long as its not on a large scale. we have waifu threads and some people are bothered by it but for the most part it goes ignored because we dont have 6 million threads being derailed over it.
here have the ebin strawman that is going to totally btfo you xDDDDDDDDDDD
hello rato
hello rato
Everyone that tries to dictate how others should live is an asshole, no matter what they push for.
As you should not be shamed for being a furfag between four walls, you should not be shamed for wanting to for example have a wife from your own race.
hello rato
All I see is a normal human female
MWF no octomom games
Bronies are the branching divide that leads into furfaggotry and/or pedophilia later in life.
Weebs are autistic faggots too, but they're only annoying because they're socially inept retards who have the sense to stay indoors because
We still have to deal with manbaby bronies, furfags and pedos in public until mandated, systemic execution becomes the norm.
No, it's autists who don't know their place who are worse than SJWs
Fursecution, muh oppression my ass, those faggots deserve being bullied to death for being obnoxious delusional retards.
Interesting. What is the higher power that defines these places?
I haven't heard anyone mention fursecution or other bullshit in years. Not on imageboards at least. People like that are ridiculed even by their own. Do you live under a rock?
ITT: Butthurt furries, shitposting, and shitposting accessories
Hardly. Your poorly animated and poorly written tripe doesn't represent humanity in the slightest.
same shit
Make one then
You are so deep into it, you aren't even self aware anymore
I just want a wife that is also a dog. Because if my wife is dog I can pet her. That would be nice.
get a Cambodian wife, they are like pets
But at what cost?
Most women are if they're trained correctly
I still say we should harness their autism.
Furfags will literally drown things in money if it has furries in it.
You could make a mech fighting sim, have the pilots all be furries that you only see in speaking portraits, and get that shit funded in like a day if you market it as a furry game.
I agree, we need more games about excessively large pregnancies
not only the cost of a unique and beneficial creature, but our freedom to choose
Japs know that their furry shit is just another fetish, and leave it at that. In contrast, Westerners insist on injecting identity politics into everything, so they turn their furry shit into a goddamn lifestyle.
hello rato
Nigga please
chess was made in japan?
hello rato
Both Holla Forumss are cancer
You're thinking /tg/.
I was referring more to how 2/3 of the consoles each gen came from Japan, as well as the sheer number of significant contributions from there, like pulling vidya out of the first great crash, pretty much every fightan on the market, and 2hus.
Furrries did nothing wrong
i miss 2hu funposting
Remember fursecution?
It might as well be an accurate example of Holla Forums. Weebs smugging anti-weebs, furry bait, apologists, Holla Forums, salty faggots pretending they aren't salty, "it was better before" oldfags, clueless newfags and most importantly: No vidya.
Holla Forums butthurt is best butthurt its its even better after the massive influx of redditors they had.
You're goin' places, kid.
I fap to all of these
Don't forget the smug "I won't take sides" faggots.
quads well spent. no point in getting angry at something you have no control of
I wouldn't mind furries so much if they weren't all 100% gay.
hello rato
thats kind of funny
A vidya pic doesn't say shit mate
Fair enough
I'm just gonna hide my affiliations and just say straight out that Furries are obnoxious as all hell in general and that while there may be one or two of them that AREN'T complete assmunches their community as a whole needs to reflect on their behavior if they want to be taken seriously/not be hated.
They would hate them anyway. But it would be better if they were more reserved and less pushy with their fetish. There are forums and a dedicated board for them spamming furry shit, they should limit their fetish to that place.
anyone who is pushy is obnoxious as hell, i think
It says plenty when you aren't autistic.
You said you were hiding your affiliations so I'm going to assume you're a furfag. Hiding your affiliations is what you should be doing 100% if the time. Unless it will somehow get you further in life you should never consider yourself a part of the group.
Does this mean I'm talking vidya now?
Gonna be honest with you, I'm also massively biased against furries because they shit up one of my fetishes with their damnable snouts.
True, but furries are one of, if not THE pushiest internet subculture I have ever seen. It might have lessened considerably but it's still ridiculous.
As a autist, I expect people to try to control themselves despite that flaw. But I guess I'm way too much of a optimist. Okay, I'll correct myself also, I'm hiding my Affiliations but I will NOT accept being called a furfag.
I means you're incapable of inferences.
i gotta wonder why, were they pushed in to this behavior or did finding a community with positive reinforcement for themselves online give them a swollen head? even so, what the hell?
hey, why would a /monster/man feel the need to hide his affiliations anyways? i was under the impression it was well liked
Sure thing fam
It's the same deal as anime, there will always be people who hate it and they're not above shitposting about it. But from my experience, people don't really have any beef with /monster/
Because they tend to get super autistic on other boards. They are quite similar to furries in that way, but they love denying that. Recently a bunch of their drama spilled over onto /k/ and /sudo/.
Sup furfag.
Maybe if you knew anything about VIDEO GAMES you'd know that my image was 100% related to OP. Doesn't matter, because you just came here to be a faggot.
It is, but it'd still devolve into furry shit. OP's thread was nothing more than a thickly veiled furry hate thread
Probably closeted themselves from real life at the dawn of the internet since their shenanigans were 'Childish' and the current generation is just carrying the torch of being obnoxious simply because they learnt it from eachother, no clue outside of that theory.
I was thinking something similar, that maybe we could use them as a defense of sorts when shills are posting threads here. If we'd have just let the furries dump their porn folders in the overwatch threads when they started appearing, they'd given up and fucked off fairly sharpish, same with the tumblrtale threads.
Only problem is, that kind of autism can't be controlled by just a few anons.
That was some raging furfaggot with a grudge wasn't it?
If I remember right he tried to get other boards to raid /monster/ and when that failed he resorted to spamming nigger dicks there instead.
im thinking maybe some of them saw similarities between and wanted to mimic the success of "da gays" who are often portrayed as having the the tendency to be extremely in your face and obnoxious about it.
It was veiled at all. He just doesn't outright say "furry hate thread". Not video games, but it does make for a good read.
It's just a side-effect of shit like FA. Then again I wouldn't really know. I was never involved with western furshit communities outside of imageboards.
Nope, he was one of you.
Why would one of us spam nigger cocks on his own board though?
I'm having trouble understanding that.
Can't argue with that
Because he got asshurt about your volunteers and your discord group. I mean I like parts of /monster/ and I love how this stuff is segregated, but every time one of you goes out of line you just call him a furfag and pretend nothing has happened.
Despite your ridiculous typing style giving you away as cancer, I will accept your challenge.
Dragon Quest community generally just wants to play vidya, and what little fan content it has is tasteful.
JJBA is technically vidya content because of it's games, and if not that, because of it's large gamer fanbase, both of which have been around for a very long time. No annoying kids make jokes about it, and 90% of it's community content is tasteful and funny.
Terraria was an iffy pick for me, but the fanbase is generally bro-tier and loves a good co-op. There is little to no fan content for the game that isn't just straight-up art. I can't speak for the console version, but I can speak for your utter incompetence when blitzing into this argument.
Who the fuck types like this except for bleeding heart teenagers? You can fuck right off.
Because furries totally aren't special snowflake bandwagons. Uh-huh.
Using this word in a poorly constructed run-on sentence like you just shit out makes me feel like you're not using it ironically.
fucking lmao
Please learn to argue on the internet, thanks.
hes saying that he believes it was a false flag
terraria with Holla Forums is a headache
Oh yeah I vaguely remember a thread about the discord group, I think he was saying it was run by SJWs. I didn't really pay too much attention to it as I don't use discord and drama pisses me off.
I played a game with them and it was perfect. Even so, it's just Holla Forums. The argument doesn't really apply because you're choosing which community you play with. In this thread, we argue about unavoidable basic bitches that have so vicariously seeped into every nook and cranny that they've given what they love a bad name.
Borderlands and Pokemon are two I can name right off the bat.
I would say furries have started creating their own echo chamber environments in games generally avoided shouting it off the rooftops. I like to believe that the obnoxious part of the furfags moved over to MLP when it became available because it was the new hip thing to be in an autistic hugbox over.
user you posted jojo
I've never played Terraria with others due to the fact that I have it on the Vita what's it like?
You could say Sanic as well, but if we're going to point fingers at who's to blame for fucking that particular franchise up I think we'd have to take a good long look at Sega
we could spend all day listing things whos image is unfortunately bogged down by cancerous fans.
Indeed. I should clarify at this point that furries were allowed on cuck/b/ because they actually posted porn people liked.
I haven't seen a basic JJBA fan for ages. I might be ignorant on the subject, but it's only natural you'll find cringe if you go looking for it, user. That being said, I've recently described their fanbase as "A smaller, less cancerous Undertale community"
Dude, get it for PC. I'll play with you if I have to teach you to love the game.
How has Sega managed to stay afloat for so long despite having management more braindead than Capcom? Are they getting fucking government bailouts?
We're sixteen different flavors of lucky we got to kiss Gawker goodbye so soon.
Because Sega has other ways of making money that aren't Sonic. Stop being a retard. You're just looking for easy scapegoats and autist furfags probably aren't at fault here.
i agree overall, and i dont hold any particular emotions towards jojos fanbase, but i would not agree that its image is untainted by its fans.
there may not be a great reason for it, but it happened.
If you're going to address me, try bothering to read my posts. I agree with
And where in the flying fuck did I say that I believed furries were at fault for ruining sonic? No reasonably sapient being would ever come to that conclusion on their own. I can understand how you'd infer that's what I was saying, but fuck, man.
I assumed those other money sources weren't enough because of all these self-proclaimed economy experts crying about how Nintendo being unusually generous is going to doom them
hello rato
I have issue with human hair shit thrown on top.
Manes are only acceptable when placed on things that have fucking manes.
Horses with realistic manes, what match the sort of shit actual fucking horses have and not some shit-tier human crap are fine. Shit like dogs with completely different colored hair is shit.
Hell, I'll even be generous and say properly stylized manes are okay, so long as they don't look like a shitty human wig plastered on.
Gnolls can be a good example of this.
Mostly, I put it to that kemono looks much more beastlike, typically, where as furshit is always human-style bodybits.
Still got the damned hair, though. Every timeā¦
I am complaining that said weebs that populate most of the site don't keep their weeb shit in their weeb boards like furries are supposed to keep their furry shit in their furry boards. I don't fucking care about the demographic of this board, literally 100% of the users here could be weebs, but that doesn't justify posting cancerous off-topic weeb shit.
Though like I said before, if it is videogame related weeb shit, then it's whatever, it's about the full blown off-topic and NSFW bullshit, which is far more prominent then furfags posting around their shit and hardly anyone is pointing it out.
Why are there weeb boards when I still get a shitload of weeb shit on boards clearly not meant for weeb shit?
Personally, I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't all shit-tier slice-of-life moe crap.
But that's just me, not knowing who shitty characters who all look the same are.
You've never had to draw mirrored letters to communicate with someone on the other side?