Lugenpresse Attack on Donald Trump Jr


>In the past hour the (((Council on Foreign Relations))) Neocons have unleashed their (((Trotskyite NeoCon))) mouthpieces to claim a new Russia breakthrough to dominate the (((Mainsteam Media))) on Monday Morning.


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Go back to reddit.

The Russia narrative is dead and buried. They are fucking idiots to try and parade its corpse around ala Weekend At Bernie's. The Lugenpresse never fucking learns.

Sage negated, faggot.

Shouldn't you be sucking Little Boy Penis in Tel Aviv now, Benjamin?

Funnily he's also the only child of Trump who isn't married to a jew aside of underaged Barron.

If he wants our help he can come here and ask.

They think the Putin Meeting has given them a chance to strike. They're all running with unsourced "White House Insiders familiar with the meeting with the Russian Lawyer" as their "source" lol.

Go back to reddit.

I don't think Donald Jr. needs our help. The whole Trump-Russia story has been thoroughly decredited by Project Veritas.

Donald Trump Jr. met with Russian lawyer on promise of information about Clinton, newspaper reports

President Trump's eldest son said Sunday that he met with a Kremlin-linked lawyer shortly after his father clinched the Republican nomination, hoping to get information helpful to the campaign.

A New York Times report citing advisors to the White House briefed on the encounter said Donald Trump Jr. agreed to the meeting after being promised information damaging to Hillary Clinton.

The June meeting at Trump Tower with attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya involved the younger Trump, his brother-in-law Jared Kushner, and Paul Manafort, who was then the campaign chairman.

The existence of the meeting was disclosed only recently to government officials and confirmed Saturday by representatives of Trump and Kushner following a separate Times report.

In a statement Sunday, Trump did not confirm that the information he was promised would be damaging to Clinton.

But he said he was asked by an acquaintance he knew from the 2013 Miss Universe pageant to have a meeting with someone who he was told might have information that would be helpful to the campaign.

Trump said that during the meeting, the attorney claimed to have information that "individuals connected to Russia were funding the Democratic National Committee" and supporting Clinton.

"No details or supporting information was provided or even offered," Trump said. "It quickly became clear that she had no meaningful information."

He said no details or supporting information was ever offered and that his father was unaware of the meeting.

On Saturday, the younger Trump described the same gathering as a "short introductory meeting" during which a disbanded program that had allowed U.S. citizens to adopt Russian children was discussed. Russia ended the adoptions in response to American sanctions brought against the nation following the 2009 death of an imprisoned lawyer who spoke about a corruption scandal.

Trump said Sunday that the attorney turned the conversation to the adoption of Russian children, and that he believed that this was the "true agenda" of the meeting and that claims about damaging information had been a pretext for the encounter.

"I interrupted and advised her that my father was not an elected official, but rather a private citizen, and that her comments and concerns were better addressed if and when he held public office," Trump said in the statement.

Mark Corallo, a spokesman for the president’s legal team, said only, "The president was not aware of and did not attend the meeting."

Manafort also recently disclosed the meeting to congressional investigators, the newspaper said.

The newspaper said Veselnitskaya is known for her attempts to undercut the sanctions against Russian human rights abusers. The Times also said her clients include state-owned businesses and the son of a senior Russian government official whose company was under investigation in the United States at the time of the meeting.

bump for Trump

Why would Don Jr. bite at some theory that Russia was funding the DNC and Hillary's campaign, if the Russians were behind Trump?

It's not that Don Jr "needs" our help, it's that the Lugenpresse has overreacted again and set itself up to get smacked down hard once again.

not true, everyone forgets about tiffany

Go back to reddit. If you actually cared about why they’re attacking DTJ, you’d post this.

Comey Bombshell: FBI Director’s Leaked Trump Memos Contained Classified Information

>Still pushing their russia wet-dreams
We are far past the point of doubling down at this point.


We're going to need extra tall gallows to hang Comey.

If we nab Comey for this, we nab him for what he cleared Clinton of doing (when she obviously did it). If we nab Comey for this, he might cut a deal in which he testifies, under his own protection, AGAINST CLINTON.


normal will suffice

Wow, look at the anger that boy already has for (((THE LUGENPRESSE)))
Don Jr. raisin' them right!

Is he with the Jewish gf/wife?
Not that I care, I knew people that had Jewish friends when I was a kid.

what would comey cry about if he was waterboarded? honest question

Not surprising. The POTUS going public about having a tremendous meeting with a Russian President is already enough to trigger this sort of reaction. The ceasefire was already inevitable with/without US involvement, but to have it announced like this at the G20 and seeing Trump take credit for it is triggering the likes of CRF and the Atlantic Council. He's also using it as an example to show collaboration with Russia is possible and positive for the US: "it is time to move forward in working constructively with Russia".

Now if you add the following comments from Peskov and also add what Tillerson said, all the anti-Russia kikes in DC and elsewhere are in panic mode. Also the US energy sector wants less or no sanctions at all.
Dmitry Peskov (Kremlin Spokesman. The title is misleading, the guy is operating on a level far above any current or previous WH press secretary. He's been with Putin since 2000.)



Heavenly Trips
Don Jr is full on Holla Forumsack lads. The Great White Hope.

There’s zero evidence that he actually believes what Holla Forums knows and only circumstantial evidence that he has personally visited either here or cuckchan.

Nope, he's like 11 feet tall.


You’re not even trying.

I unironically think the possibility exists of a jew hating jews, similar to a man raised as southern baptist growing to hate it, or at least what it's become. Just look at Stephen Miller.

Don Jr is going to step up to the plate and help America gas the kikes once and for all.

If you say so, Rabbi. In that case I guess we should all do what you say so as not to interfere with the Jewish Media. After all they're just doing your job.

Nice try kike.


He is 6'2" at best. He doesn't get to stand on a stool is all. He gets necked from the ground floor to -4

Anytime they're open about it like that, it almost strikes me as someone like my mother; a Christian who fell for the meme, desperately wants to be one of the Tribe, and decides to become a mimic.

They were long planning to double down when the inevitable handshake came at the G20, and they're still working according to that script in lieu of anything else. Nobody expected CNN would spontaneously combust and ruin everything a week beforehand.

What CNN did and Veritas exposed fundamentally changed things; even though the average Trump supporter knew it was a load of shit, they still had a hesitancy about them stopping them from putting their own names to it as it were (after all, they had no proof the allegations were false). Those Veritas tapes followed by CNN's public meltdown have given express permission to every Trump supporter to publicly dismiss the 'muh Russia' thing, it really is dead, there's no getting it back now.

pls help thx
t. Don Jr.

I can't wait to see their fucking heads explode when Trump and Putin announce we're allies.

He's a lot taller than 6'2".

Is he the one that said David Duke should be shot?

That was Eric.


Stopped reading right there

Fuck off veganfag.


Ok, thanks.

hunting endangered species for fun is chinks slowly killing dogs to improve taste tier

The weak should fear the strong
t. Hitler

Dubs confirm 351460 is BTFO.

Regulated trophy hunting of old male elephants does not endanger the species, brainlet. And to go on that hunt he gave more money to elephant conservation than you ever will.


Hunting big game is nigger tier, they are already in trouble thanks to the chinese and local niggers killing them en masse. It's not some kind of dealbreaker that would make me instantly dislike somebody and I can see why it might be appealing to some but it doesn't seem very Aryan to me. You should only be hunting pest animals and things that you are actually going to eat and or put the corpse to use.

disgusting, jew minded freaks

yes, rich guys trophy hunting in Africa is only for the benefit for the wildlife, there are absolutely no negative side effects like nouveau rich fucks going there and paying a hunting guide to help them kill a bunch of female lions or elephant cows


What did I just tell you, illiterate nigger. Killing old male elephants does not endanger the elephant species. The size of the species depends on the number of elephant wombs that exist, and there are more than enough younger male elephants to fuck those elephant wombs.

Big game hunting is a white activity, we invented it. Weakling kikes like you have no stomach for it.

You kikes should be banned on sight.

Wait, were they specifically only going after males? Well then who even gives a flying fuck, that's not going to wreck their population.

Can anyone make out what that belt buckle is?

They kill old alpha males that are less fertile than the younger males, but still physically stronger. Those males compete with younger more fertile males for access to the breeding females, slowing the reproduction rate of the herd.

Killing them, if anything, helps herd growth. The money spent on those hunts is one of the few sources of funding conservation groups get. Fuck all of the money our government sends to Africa goes to the elephants, all that money goes to niggers. Big game hunters like Don Jr are the only thing keeping those elephants alive. If it weren't for big game hunters, all the niggers would slaughter every last elephant tomorrow and gorge themselves on elephant steaks for a week.

he's 6'8" apparently

That's one tall glass of seditious faggotry right there.

You didn't tell me anything, that was my first post to you in the thread. It's not even a real hunt, it's just simulated trash that rich faggots like to partake in. Hunting a deer is more challenging, takes much more skill and isn't helping to further destroy the population of a animal that is being rapidly wiped out by chinks and niggers. Whether you like it or not it's a higher tier activity. Also they weren't in their current danger when we first started hunting them.

If modern whites weren't such a bunch of cucks they wouldn't have to worry about what niggers do. The fact of the matter is that you are paying niggers so that you can shoot at an animal that is soon to be in serious trouble, that is not Aryan in any way, shape or form. Also the conservation money clearly isn't doing much seeing as niggers and chinks are still killing them in record numbers.

I think he's probably an old bio-engineering experiment. The product of a failed super-soldier program decades ago. They were able to produce massive men, mentally pliable, but fundamentally cucks no good for the battle.

They're worse than us with theories. Seriously, we're far more accurate with complete bullshit threads than they are with this far-fetched conspiracy.
MSM is doomed.

Our stories are much more entertaining too.


If the media want Russian connections, look at the mafia, not the government connections.
… though some would question whether they're mutually exclusive.

Also, look at the Russian oil/gas companies.

I don't mind killing a dog to prove that the white race is superior to animals (including shitskins)


I'm waiting for then to latch on to the idea that Trump is a time traveler and add their spin on it.

Go back to Africa you fucking ape. There's nothing wrong with hunting but killing animals for sport is decadence which is degenerate.

Adolf Hitler and his top officials took a variety of measures to ensure animals were protected
Many Nazi leaders, including Hitler and Hermann Göring, were supporters of animal rights and conservation.
Several Nazis were environmentalists, and species protection and animal welfare were significant issues in the Nazi regime.
Heinrich Himmler made an effort to ban the hunting of animals.[4] Göring was a professed animal lover and conservationist, who, on instructions from Hitler, committed Germans who violated Nazi animal welfare laws to concentration camps.

You'd go to the camps first for promoting this faggotry. Even kikepedia can't hide the NSDAP's love for animals and the environment.

My browser is being a shit right now. A news site named Circa or something along those lines wrote a good article on this and completely blows this attack the fuck out.

The company that arranged this meeting was Fusion GPS, the same company that was hired by the dnc to gather dirt on Trump.. I.e. the same company that came up with the pissing on obamas bed dossier.

The meeting was arranged after they promised that the people they were meeting had very important information on Hillary Clinton and they were not identified as Russian Nationals.

And also.. There is the point that… Who the fuck cares there is nothing inherently illegal with them having a talk with a russian.

So what you're saying is that Don Jr should go nigger hunting the next time he's in Africa? I can accept that.

what a fucking kike you are, faggot

She's currently dating a jew.

Trophy hunting funds animal conservation you fucking nitwit.

you go back to reddit too, OP is cuckchan cancer for using /outguy/

guess it all evens out in the end then. I just get all butthurt when people hunt endangered species - Europeans should not go extinct and neither should they.

I just assumed she was being swept under the rug becasue she was into the typical rich girl degenerate lifestyle and it kind of embarrasses everyone else. Or maybe she's just shy about public appearances and I'm a huge cynical fuckbag idk.

Absolutely embarrassing. One can not pretend to be fighting for a better world while defending immoral actions. You are nothing more than cuckservative. Take your basic bitch opinions back to Facebook.


And cease your PETA tier bitching.

did you mean to link my post nigger?

Hitler was an animal lover. If one doesn't have empathy for animals, they aren't Aryan, hell, you probably aren't even really white. I would guess that if you're not clearly non-white, your ancestors mixed with semites at some point. You probably have brown eyes.

leftypol vegan raid confirmed.

I see you got spammed by a bunch of faggots. You are correct.

Trophy hunting funds African niggers. You have no idea what you're talking about. Elephants are not coyotes, they should never be hunted.

Leftypol, like all communists, are anti-animal rights, you worthless degenerate.

How does everyone ITT feel about Richard Spencer and the Alt-right?

He's a Jewish controlled OP faggot.

I have no doubts that guy is 100% "white race"

Himmler? Hess? Goebbels?

Could we some how meme this label to make it mainstream and regular Vocab?

Not all brown-eyed people are bad, but I've noticed that a massive amount of animal abusers are brown-eyed semites.

This is Jewish subversion to make our VOLK weak, just like Christianity :^)

Stupid waste of a thread. This is just one tiny incident in a huge circus tent and means nothing. Its just more drama for the consumption of the goyim. Just one more little drop in the bucket of the whole fake ass Russian shit. Not an emergency and not important. New twist different day.

Vanessa Haydon is part-jewish.

Says the guy that's never hunted. The only challenge is finding a good spot for your tree stand beforehand and then trying not to fall asleep in it while you freeze you balls off waiting for one to walk by.

The problem is that most people have no clue who Trotsky was or all the crazy things he came up with and how badly he fucked over the Russians. I guess we need to meme up some basic education. We really need a curriculum so that people can self educate. Is there a Holla Forums basic literacy list floating around somewhere?

Why are Hasbara Torposters always retarded? It's like a Jewish genetic disease panel coming back positive.

They had to come up with something (anything) on Monday following the success he had at the G20 and in Poland. There's two ways of looking at it.
1) They had months to prepare something. They knew when the G20 was and how he would meet Putin there and this pathetic story is all they got. Just laugh about it.
2) Expose their lies once more. (Seems Jr. and various media already did).

Also the Comey story making the news again is getting more attention. That's a good thing because they have to go full damage control and respond to it.

Why would they when the media-approved "fringe right" [i.e. Coulter, etc.] never shut the fuck up about Stalin?

I don't know if it's any better in Europe, but public education in USA has been completely fucked since the 1960's. Really hard to be a smart kid in a US public school and learn anything at all. Have to learn everything yourself from books or online and they make the books hard to come by.

Nope, it's also fucked in Europe.

One of the few decent teachers I remeber swore by using only old textbooks. The quality of them compared to "modern" textbooks was astounding.

You are trash dude.

A subversive Jew that knows how to play the goyim, as evidenced b your trash-ass commentary.


Say it with me folks:
There are no good Jews.





You'd think growing up with a billionaire father you'd have some sort of treatment that would give you a chin when you grew up.

Fuck off Jonathan, we know it's you,


only good post in thread

It's hilarious really.

This thread has been

Remember the old saying "You don't believe you don't get", the same one parents tell their kids at Christmas? Well, the same philosophy applies to memes.

You don't meme you don't get, which is why Kek denied you double dubs.

I don't care. nothing actionable will come from it, like the gorillion other "muh Russia" fables and (((Drudge))) should gas himself for plastering this bullshit narrative on his site, time and time again


This kind of richfag hunting is what financially supports the nature preserves that keep the elephant population alive and maintained.

I've hunted deer for years, and met elephant hunters, and without a shadow of a doubt I can tell you elephants are harder to hunt.

I met a man who was saved by a tree when the elephant charging him got caught in it and he put a round in it's skull. I've also seen the video and shot the gun.

The only unmanly thing about hunting elephants is that all the meat goes to the African apes that run at the first sign of trouble. If white people didn't care, nigs would kill off all the elephants in a week. Some places already did this, killing thousands by simply driving by and pumping .308 into their guts and letting them die slowly. Veganfags can fuck off.

reported for being a dirty kike, (((user)))

look at this fat degenerate. pays $50,000 to go and shoot a fucking elephant to pretend that he's physically fit and a highspeed low drag operator.
drumpfcucks are ruining the board :^) unironically though

One of the things I admire about Israel is how they put their (((feeble-minded retards))) into Hasbara online shilling operations.

You know what would protect the variegated fauna of Africa? Stopping supply to the continent to let the niggers starve. Bringing tourism and money into the continent will always act against the interest of the animals there except for the apes imho

What did Kek mean by this?


them to investigate Jewish meddling in the elections too.
(((I heard he also met with a Jewish lawyer, isn't that a bigger concern? I think the Jews might have tried to influence our politicians!)))


4/chan has been such a public point of discussion lately surrounding the election, there's no way at least one of them hasn't checked in to see what it's about

yea, this is a normalfag raid

say Israel, it will fly better because Mossad actually has a record of this shit

I can't tell if you're a pro-Trump shill underestimating the intelligence of this board, or an anti-Trump shill trying to annoy and turn Holla Forumsacks away from him. Either way, fuck off to cuckchan or reddit.


lol @ neocons calling anyone else traitors. Fucking pinkos.


It's not just that. CNN is now filtering out comments to keep the regular reader from seeing what is going on.
Don't really care if names are named. I just found this interesting.

She doesn't look fully human though.



Is a proudboy meme from leddit, please return there ASAP you pede faggot fuck.

They're going to do it to (((themselves))) again!