♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above Edition
♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
Let's Make Love and Listen to Death From Above Edition
Soto you ought to post more hispanic music because... make people made
legit idea right here
I don't know if I can accept a proposal like that..
Post some, it's nice!
Also whoever said I couldn't do diamond pushups?! They're just harder
musica por favor
thank me later
this is a classic
I am in love with you though
I am full of em
i know dis one
This isnt generic at all
Oh so that's where that J-Lo song got it from
I-I know, you tell me a lot
I'm here for cummies.
wow you faggots need some more deep cumbias in your life
wop wop wop its eurodance done cheap
Youre going to make my youtube ads be in spanish again
this girl's a keeper
Hey NinReaper
no dutch
Good morning
This was like a Guatemalan NSYNC tbh
talk shit get pegauo
Im so tired
thats me rite now
Time fo r bed
I was just about to say I could see Scoot doing this.
Y'all know me too well. Its my jam face yo. gotta get my dance on giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl
u kno
no i don
You better stop that gobbildy gook motherfucker. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
i kid. its not like there are the dutch only hours anymore. thank fuck
I will soon
wat zeggie?
This cover
kerel doe nou es normaal.
please, stop kanker
You always say that
That cover is good sabrina.
Sorry it doesnt have acoustic guitars and cowbells
kanker is een serieuze ziekte, ik verzoek u hiermee niet te spotten.
It's pretty good, but I find it pretty odd that they decided to make a cover of that song in particular.
Yeah. Compared to the style of music that they normally make, it's pretty out there. Beautiful cover, imo.
But sleep is boring....
it does have acoustic guitars though
True, but still pretty odd choice.
Being awake is boring, because nothing to do ever.
Ja godverpielekes man, had dat dan meteen gezegd.
I was being facetious you twit.
yeahh that tooo
Dont worry, you hardly remember it
So by conclusion it is better to be in a state where you can't acknowledge the boredom.
le nedermeme
Bad company also had a great cover
orig: youtube.com
What if you dream of being bored and just sit around
I know! it sucks
weede wadde gij benne?
een waal, da ben u
How sad.
What was your last dream about?
It was just 'what if'!
That's a good one too.
But sometimes it goes the different way around, like Nine Inch Nails - Hurt compared to Johnny Cash's cover of it.
That would be something brand new.
I don't remember my dreams as much as I used to. So iunno. I usually have movie dreams.
He better not. He knows what would happen.
Dream journal :3
There must be someone out there who does that a lot
so scarlet and tokai can beat off
That wouldn't be bad though, considering that all dreams I can remember just usually end up in death.
yer a wizard hitler
make beautiful hitler memes
why isn't there an MHO for the west yet .-.
One's about an old man's regrets, the other one is about a heroin addict.. makes me uneasy
Paal plaatjes die je laten gniffelen
Sorry, I shouldn't be negative.
Hope everyone's having a good day so far.
You're entitled to your opinion sabby.
You too~
dont you be apologizing for shit.
you are entitled to your opinion.
having a good day so far.
you darlin?
I should probably start that again..
Just do something mindless?
Watanegui consup
Where the fuck is soto with that beaner music?
Yush. Helped my sis with her Exams by being a model for her.
How're you?
Oh god I so hated this soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong every radio station used to play it
Sis graduated by cutting my hair~
All she needs to do now is an internship.
...My younger sis graduated TWICE before me graduating once.
get yo shit together fam, show hair
Gimme a bit. Ingame. And I've not shaved in so long...
I'd shave. But then I would look legit 15 y.o.
getting carded for shit is so embarassing.
"Oh.... you arent 16...."
you should respond annoyed at that stuff.
Oi fock ye mean?! does I look focking sixteen mate?! Tryna banter me mate?!!
Really? Dayum.
I just shrig and laugh... "well, g-gotta take it as a c-compliment..." then I tank those cans I just bought infront of the checkout lady and fuck her brains out.
Just normal hair tho
Meant to spoiler that.
🐸 ree 🐸
fokken DADDY call me BIG BEN mate
that's a good haircut to complement your face
Hi again. I have tacos, bitches
strictly platonic
taco flavoured bitches
post before pic
seems like memes are happening
Lol beast boy is crazy
Appropriate. But what of van dyke?
terrible choice
This. Is. Suffering.
Ryan reynolds
the other one
Reynolds for VD
to be fair
Trump supporters tend to look more "American"
Kanra spouting horsecrap again. WOO WOO
trips of truth
Guess who forgot to turn off their encoder channel on Azure?
Haha, fuck I need to get stoned as soon as I get home and pretend this isn't real.
try and call them, maybe you can work something out
I give up who?
I'm trying to work it out with them right now over email. It's taking all my energy just to stay calm at the moment.
That picture though.
I find it easier and faster to get results via phone call vs email
good luck man
Looks like you ain't buying that engagement ring for Pritty
But seriously, thats why PAYG is a terrible idea with services like that. What is azure?
im glad im not freeman right now
This chick makes me feel funny gahhhhhhhhhhh
i have issues
You have major case of the "crush"
I remember having a crush.
its nice.
you should "smother" them.
I've disproven this myth
The body cannot survive without the brain.
US is a bottom bitch
I'm digging for phone numbers but they make them impossible to find.
Wow not in the mood for that fuck off user
It would have been simple and cheap if I just kept it for my ASP.NET website I was going to use to host my portfolio and resume. Ya know, to get a job and make money. Instead Azure is doing the opposite.
it's time to stop
good shit 👌
if you don't pay they'll take away your internet and sue you
don't even fight them just pay them
I knew dat
But oh hot damn, this is my jam.
also Canada rocks.
Not france canada.
Damn man.
you're poor too so i don't know where you're going to find the money. good luck in jail
bc calm down
It's so weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird
im always calm
But so awesome.
I'd like to see Microsoft take me to court over this, to be honest. I'd like to see what documentation they can provide that justifies this bill.
I'll be researching bankruptcy and keeping close contact with the Azure support team in the mean time. At this point I might just withdraw all my money from my bank and close my account until things settle down.
What you in for?
I wanted to stream anime but failed.
I wouldn't do well in jail but I guess it beats my NEET lifestyle and constant anxiety.
canada is alright
i stayed in New Brunswick
it had mostly liberal anglos
bunch of acadian french
all white
cute girls who want trap dick
p nice ngl
ive never been to Quebec id like to go
i saw this a week ago
i could not stop laughing
Aslong as that is viable chance thing to do.
I would go for the poutine though
you cant buy cheese curds here.
makes me wanna die.
They're going to sue you and take your house :/
They're Microsoft they have the BEST layers. You should probably consider suicide
I mean, if worst comes to worst, yeah, I'll do it to wipe away the debt. Just means I can't get a car, house, apartment, credit card, or even a cell phone for the next 12 years.
highly underrated.
I'll just hide at Soto's place for the next eon or two. Nbd.
when the socialist revolution led by birdie occurs it wont matter
if there is one thing i am somber about in regards to my legal status in Canada, its that ill probably never be able to have legit poutine again
god is DEAD
Get your canadian friends to smuggle some vocer.
When I vote for Bernie Sanders he will make streaming anime free, like college, or something like that.
General Election: Trump vs. Clinton Rasmussen Reports Clinton 37, Trump 42 Trump +5
it wont be as good as the places i went to irl
I lost my favourite hair tie
tokai, drink with me.
i'm really sick and had to call out of work
this suckssssssssss
someone pick me up
Making my way downtown
walken fast
Under my umbrella
ay ay ay ella ella
dude its thursday, Ill do so tomorrow
I'm making my way downtown too
why are black girls so hot
Hey boo, maybe i can be your black girl
Walken fast?
Does this do things for you?
Nothing black is hot
No mommy is driving me
It's funny that the only none cuck in dutch labour is a north african muzzie.
yo I aint a cracker
idk scoots
do you think you can pin me down and forcefully mate with me like an amazon
no that's a dumb nigger why would I like that
Idk :c
Big third date confirmed, lads.
you better enjoy that choking, because its the only comfort you'll get once ive slammed you... in various manners
who's going to be the bottom?
is it a guy or a girl?
who cares
I don't know yet ^~^
Hurrr I am ban and I am a huge fucktard.
i thought u were talking about the andro thing cocoa is posting tbh
hehe xd
who is ban?
Oh I wouldn't care if that thing was a guy or a girl tbh.
Next level banter
keep posting cuties
any single guys here?
Advanced bants
how can i refuse
All the single ladies hmu
pffffgh aAHAHAAHA looooser
time to kill myself
but you have so much to live for
Why are you changing names blood-chan
All the single ladies HMU RIGHT NOW
that face when I see beyonce next month
kidnap her and sell her to me
Yeah, but peoples' music means a lot to them and I shouldn't dump on it.
And my day's not great, but could be worse.
You're a good brother. I'm soaked 'cause it's been raining here all day and I stepped in a puddle.
Maybe... want sdome lemonade too?
Hey its fine, you can dump on me anytime.
Whats up? wanna chat about it?
Totally legit healthy dawg.
I get bored easily
do you like this avatar?
The duck is good, stick with it
take that, carrot muncher
She only has like 20 imgs though :c
Do you like my name?
i can go with being beat on with a baseball bat, yeah
It's just been a rough day, but it could have been worse, John. A lot worse.
My favorite abridged series is back after being unfairly yanked from PooTube.
Hush mode, muffucka. Hush mode.
Thats what I call my dick
Lets get our whiskey on sabby babby doll,
quite frankly my dear i dun give a damn
or a dam
stupid beavers
wanna go pound beavers?
fuckers be goin after all the good stuff, we gotta team up honey and defeat them form together like voltron
come out of my tv pls though without the waterworks i cant be arsed to pay for that kind of damage
I think I saw it in Painkiller before which means its satanic stuff
Plenty of edge I guess, it will pass
Fuckin' shame
is that so
Pump yo' brakes, Buddy Dwyer.
Is that a doobly on'tonn?
Sadly, YT is the gold standard of media copyright practices now. Our company updates its media usage policy daily to keep up. Sad, sad times.
this is a scary world, im scared now pls honey
the water allows me to slip through pain free :c
I like your vampire girl ava... why don't you post her?
Knocking them homoruns all day
it is I we are speaking of
........ fuck thats too adorable, fine ill pay for the damages!
I wish I had a cool voice like that
will they make me a pretty girl?
I don't like her I'm going back to ema
practice can get you there, voice training.... also equally adorable but not as sure what is from
Im female i cant into voices like that
I feel ya. If one of our contributors makes even the tiniest mistake and uses any image not specifically approved by a Digital Team in Connecticut, the company makes that person pay if there's a lawsuit.
True story.
My dog woke me up to go outside and when I went outside alll I could see was helll
First thing I did today was fall down the stairs
gash smash
Clam Blam
Goin Cootin shootin
Poor Bard. :)
well you could try, though id imagine your voice is quite fine the way it is at least during the important naughty stuff
*hugs* did not expect legit huggotry i am impressed, comrade! that sounds stressful for them then
Gash makes me cringe so hard... like... just no... i'd sooner take the express to poundtown from penetration station
cunt punting
how ya doin today sabrino
Karin? Well look at all the plebs here posing as kawaii animu gurls
Shit's repulsive
I got two tickets to the
Meat Wallet Ballet
Aww. That sucks.
Do you like rain?
Heh, gross. :3
I kinda feel your pain. I got rained on while walking to work and I haven't quite dried off completely. That was hours ago. I wanna go home and bury myself in bed.
It's a minefield. Makes me glad I'm not in that department.
I don't get offended too easily, and gross euphemisms are fun.
I do. A lot, actually. But I was dumb and didn't check to see if it was going to rain and didn't dress appropriately or carry an umbrella. Fun fun.
some warm rain is great but it always sucks getting soaked to the bonne
Especially if your shoes or if ya got a jacket on don't dry out by the next time you need them
come work in my department bae, the department lewd
i have the perfect voice for voice acting but i have a bad stutter.. so much for me being famous
it's cute so it's okay
post her, post her!
Well. I have class so. there is that
:P kidding, I just have way too much politeness in me
Asmodeus post boobs.
At least you post somebody legit
Here, have despair instead
stutters can work to your advantage you know, some roles need it id assume having it naturally might help? i dont know
l...like this..?
You wiould post as that lil fuckboy fucktoy
That's not Despair, this is
Having a stutter is fucking stupid. I would not like to know any stutterer IRL
No lol I can't even say my own name irl
tT-t-T-t-TT-t-t-t-today Junior
Wow you can't even do that right.
Yeah, luckily I'm just wearing crappy old running shoes. If I'd worn the cute flats I planned to, I'd be a little sadder.
Am I y-your squishy? .///////.
s-sorry i dont have any lewds of her..
dont grouplink m-me
is your name something insane like sollazanzimolachielponeshaysam? cause i might understand why then, seriously though you could do fine just try you nerd i bet you can do it
you are just adorable honey, take care alright!
im off now have yourselves a chill day, all of you
Scoot pls no grouplink
my name is pretty big and pretty russian.. i have no control over my st-stutter
I reckon you'd make a respectable squish, sure.
Take care!
Oh I do have t-tits
I somehow figured you'd like rain.
A respectable one? what do you base this on?
anyone frome a remotely hot place LOVES rain.
I like rain to be honest.
helps with the gay sex
It's usually so rare here. We've just been having an unusually cool and rainy Spring/Early Summer, which I adore. Just having a bad day, I guess. I'm about to sneak out of work early and go home to dry off.
My gut. And my gut's never wrong because it weighs 300 lbs, so it has a lot of processing power.
that really upsets me, ukno..
i like rain
but this country's rain is very poor quality
You should feel ashamed, scoots.
I haven't seen my toes in over a decade, but I have amazing intuitive powers when it comes to potential squishes.
Wait, what's wrong with your rain?
Oh baby, making me wanna take a rack of ribs, a cooler of coolaid and my dick... kinda wanna go to town
I feel no shame, why else would I be daddy to so many posters
You seem to have a lot of bad days lately.
it's always drizzly. and cold.
I love it cold.
means I can enjoy my emo mood swings.
summer is jsut too much bother
so thats why I am wanting to visit cali texas yto
Vote Trump
oh snap^
Trump? more like.... DUMP
Vote Burned Sand man
vote sand :D
Vote the burned man
Vote for Barney
Is that Legate Graham?
I am fucking cracking up
Who else would it be?
I swear to god that song is playing every time in the gym.
Wtf! Mine just play pop stuff
livemo liben la libe damin dai
Probably one of the few characters in whole game with a great story to them.
It's usually stuff like AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Metallica and sometimes Megadeth there.
Also some old classics every now and then.
Not bad, but sometimes gets a bit repetitive.
Scoots, I don't even.
Needs more iron maiden
I think I've heard The Trooper and Aces High there a few times at least.
Who's that cutie
not got the sexctape? jeez ur behind
pone poster
Married another pone poster
Indigo. Her and Doc got married
Holy shit is that actually indigo
what a fucking body for a ponyfag
The LoL launcher doesn't work for me. Anyone else with the same problem ?
HAs no one else seen the tape
Stories like that warm my fucking heart so much
Good ono them I hope they are happy 2 gether
theres the problem right there
Last I checked. I have indy on FB. I also have Brae too.
What about it doesn't work.
It won't launch at all from desktop or what?
Maybe someday I can get on that list
I have a few Holla Forums migos
Kuro and Kai
Ghost from Alice days
I think I have Man of Feel from ks/b/ and Squash Too
Who else do you have? : )
"I am not a number!, I am a free man!"
Won't launche at all, though the "League of Legends" logo appears briefly sometimes on the screen, then nothing. I also got an Avast notification saying that it blocked something dangerous.
atm its;
Maybe colbs
and Indy.
Who knows. you would have to be subject to my IRL memes
Theres your problem.
Avast has been known to cause issues with the league launcher.
Whitelist the entire league folder in avast or get a different a/v.
I had the same problem. Switched to bitdefender.
I keep dicking around and killing stuff so I never reached him...
I'm the worst gamer ever
Cheers the old couple
What a love story
ja ja jajaja
Thats the best part
I am
a bit of a memer too tbh
Are you at all interested in F/O4 ?