We Need to Dox the Mods

We've done some great work with exposing the evils of the Altkike and TRSodomites, but I think we need to cover all bases.
The Mods may well be kikes.
I mean, think about it, have any of the mods ever revealed their 23andMe profiles, or names or places of business? We know very little about the moderators. How do we know they aren't Kikes too?
So I have a small proposal; dox the mods.
The mods must be exposed so as purity of the board is secured. Too many threads that are super kikey are left up for too long, and we need to fix that immediately. If they have nothing to fear from us, they will happily reveal their ancestry like all true members of the movement. If they don't, they need to be investigated. And if they delete my thread, this will PROVE that Kikes have infiltrated the board and we need deep investigation.

Kike rats are exceptionally crafty and can hide in plain sight for years. Luckily Holla Forums is an Eagle's Nest from Kikery, and we need to overturn all potential stones to unturn. For the record though, I am still awaiting my own DNA kit so I can't give you my identity, but rest assured come next month when it arrives I will an hero on camera if even 1% of Jew is within my veins. That's a promise.

So, who's with me? The Mods must expose themselves immediately and prove they are not cryptokikes to ensure the purity of the board. Do we really want another Kike Enoch situation on the site?

Other urls found in this thread:


Jim is protecting them. Nothing we do short of killing them would work.



Well gosh, I don't know what you're expecting to happen …

No, we need to leave and start a new chan site with non-pozzed mods. Doxing will do nothing, even if we depose them a new set of kikes will be put in their place.


hi imkampfy

D&C bullshit. Mods have done nothing yet to act like cunts. If they do, we will either move or cause an uproar ourselves. You can't force it, kike.



I thought of that.

changed ips in less than a minute. wow nice! now go spam your anime on >>>/polmeta/ you sack of shit

muh book
muh book book book muh muh muh books
book muh book book books muh books book book
book book muh books book muh book muh book book book

oy vey the goy is getting educated! shut it down


Kike mods leave already

i posted once you stupid cunt
the only reason i even saw your reply was because i left the thread open by accident

Before this thread is deleted, I have been wondering. Whatever happened to the original board owner? That guy interacted with us a lot, and was a hyper NatSoc spastic, I enjoyed some of his antics.
I constantly see this picture spammed everywhere, accusing it of being a moderator. Is there any actual proof that's the supposed mod other than lazily composed info-graphics?

I would hope that mods on any iteration of Holla Forums are European. You can't expect that to happen though, with an "anonymous" image board.

im jew and also kampfy

Nope, he's a random turkroach living in Germany or something, he posts in cuckchan's /int/.


How much do they pay you an hour? I'm actually looking for a summer job.

So wondering what happened to a previous board owner is now being a hired shill? That's some pretty absurd Judaic mental gymnastics there, faggot.

Now that I think about it, a long time ago when the mods fucked up the the board owner of /pdfs/ offered to take over Holla Forums, and posted his dick with time stamp when it was requested. This is probably why book threads trigger the mods now

Read up on the subject, anons. Everyone who was any kind of longtime Holla Forumslack got fucked up. They picked up right after the election and tried to dumb down the userbase, which is why quality is shit now.

inb4 thread gets shoahed

Still waiting for definitive indisputable proof that Imkampfy is who you faggots always claim he is. Funny how whenever I ask for actual evidence that he's a shitskin or he's Learningcode or he's a kike nobody is able to provide anything conclusive. Really gets my noggin joggin.

Again I have protected this thread against such dangers… the mods dare not interfere with investigation, truth does not fear it!

You jews aren't even trying today. Have you given up?

Isn't it weird that all of these alt kike threads are cropping up while Holla Forums is attacking CNN?
Really maek u thinK

Whatchu doing, rabbi?

23andme finds a way to make everyone a bit jewish, this is a known fact

OwO notices my autism
Unsage. My bad I thought this was about TRS mods.
I fully endorse this thread

JIDF is in full force today.

Bump and global report. I will never stop making jim's job harder, imkikey.

nope lol

They've accused imkampfy of being three separate shitskins at various points in time. Unsurprisingly, they can never prove anything.

Jim replaced the original BO (against his will, I think) when Hotwheels died.



You are not white and never will be, imkikey. Thanks for proving you're him by typing his name correctly.

Reporting you for aggressive de-lousing, jew

8ch has been over since the April Fool's Day Exodus.

Now you know why (((OP))) suggests using it

Hmmmm… Who could be behind this post, goy? BASED Learningchode. MAGA! The syrup will always prevail

How many shekels are you getting, Moishe?

You're not white and you never will be, my hebrew friend. You'll also never convince anyone on the face of the Earth that imkampfy is nonwhite, owing to your total lack of proof. Stay frustrated :^)

Wew lad.

Pure cohencidences, fuckin goy.

Referencing just images isn't credible evidence. Most of the anti-Kampfy faggots post like spastic retards. Granted, there's a lot of suspicious posting behavior on all sides of the issue. Classic D&C astroturfing etc.

This. OP is a faggot, I posted because I was curious about previous BO, but this thread rightfully deserves purge for the sole reason that it wants to turn mods into e-celebs, a culture crack towards classic "alt-right" twitter/reddit culture, from which the likes of which TRS spawned from. Chan culture is cancer to control and moderate, as well as coopt. It's natural and fluid, and if you try to control it too much, it slips through your fingers and fucks off to elsewhere.

lmao why do you shill for a turk?

Show me conclusive, undeniable proof. Everything there amounts to dog shit.

You nigger. I wasn't saying that I like the Holla Forums mods, they are all kiked turkroaches who can kill themselves. Nobody would miss them.

I am saying this OP is a fucking kike, it's obvious that he's trying to make fun of people critical of imkikey and his
illiterate trash.

OP is a nigger. If he paid attention he would know we already have clear information about the (((mods))) here.

you dipshits are hilarious Richard Spencer's 23&me is 0% check the spencergate thread.
put up or shut up

yet you allow schizos like Morphaeus to make threads even when he is proven wrong.

Lots of evidence was already posted, sperg.

2nd pic

lol. you aren't fooling anyone kike.

hah isn't that fat jew Mark from Holla Forums

Everything that has been posted is hearsay or conjecture. Everything that has ever been posted about Kampfy has been hearsay or conjecture. Holla Forums values hard, conclusive evidence in most everything it approaches, why is hearsay and conjecture okay when it comes to Kampfy? Show me the rock solid proof. Until then, it all just may as well be astroturf.


You've got the wrong kike, dude.

check the ban logs you fucking sperg.

imkikey is a turk who clearly wants to dumb down Holla Forums.

No, but he's a kike too. Albeit a funny one. He's the one on the left, but the 2 others look like kikes too.

Look at this fucking board, it's shit for a reason. Notice how you can't call out any bullshit. Look up the Knight's Templar. I'm not here to spoonfeed you.

this. any "white" who doesn't read books and considers himself NatSoc is lying to himself. 8/pol/ isn't a place for discussion anymore, it's just the next generation cuckchan

Oh yeah, Imkikefy bans book and self-improvement threads. CRUCIAL elements for NatSoc. He's a kike by himself for that.

I guess fat jews share an uncanny resemblance hah

>I'm counting on nobody reading it and the stupid goyim just taking me at my (((word)))

I bet your schemes would work better if you weren't an inbred semite

Not good enough. Doesn't prove who Kampfy is. Doesn't prove he's a shitskin. Doesn't prove he's Learningcode. Doesn't prove shit.

Where is your undeniable evidence of the claims you make?

Did I ask to be spoonfed nigger? I asked for solid evidence that Kampfy is any of the things he is regularly accused of. So far nobody has been able to provide anything but some tired old pictures and a couple /sudo/ threads.

I want the smoking gun that proves that Kampfy is either a shitskin, a kike, or Learningcode. Until I see a smoking gun, it's all just horseshit.

You don't have rock solid proof that gravity exists but you're not going to go jumping off any buildings, are you?

As long as they do not sell out our personal data, or deanonymise us, well kikes gonna kike.

if you were actually willing to look around you'd hear a few names tossed around. considering you defend imkikey, there's no doubt that you're either a newfag or don't pay attention

He used to ban that image posted in the thread instantly, now he doesn't because he realized how much of a cuck it made him look. It's not our fault you came here during the election and have missed two years of mod bullshit.

Tell that to the Holla Forumsack who was sold out by Jim. Sunshine ring any bells?

in case you didn't already know Jim is a freemason as well, lol.

You semitic retards can't even get your own lies straight. See what I mean about claiming imkampfy is multiple shitskins? Never change

lol, Freudian slip imkikey? did you just admit that you're both Heil and imkikey?

It doesn't matter which nigger you are. All that matters is you ban book and self-improvement threads and then get cranked up on cough syrup and spam bunkers/alternative boards with nigger cuck porn, which you no doubt beat off to in your spare time.

Whatchu doing, rabbi? Also, it doesn't matter who he is, it matters that the general level of discourse is being lowered, informative threads are being removed, and the board is slowly dying.

Freech and Jamal the nigger are at it again I see.

Reported for spam.


I don't really involve myself too much into the intrapolitics of the board. That said, I don't know why Jim keeps imkunty. That dude is going to cost Jim down the line pretty hard eventually.

webms related


Well the Nazis banhammered Oswald Spengler so where does that leave us?

None of you can provide any evidence, as always. All you faggots always do when confronted is resort to insults and weasel tactics. Frankly, I don't give a shit who Kampfy is. What I am doing is demanding a higher standard of you niggers than "listen and believe" because I do give a shit about not taking anons word about anything without some honest to God solid fucking evidence behind it. Since you cannot provide anything new on that front, I'll assume you are full of shit. I await the day an user sets me straight with actual proof about who Kampfy is. You'd think it would be easy since so many of you out there are 100% sure of your positions.

What I want to know is why can't we criticize Ivanka? I've made 2 threads about her over the course the last 6 months and both times they were autosaged. I've seen others make threads about her and get autosaged/deleted. This place feels like it's run by T_D mods or someone close to the White House.

It's funny how it causes you 10x as much trouble to sperg out about it as it does to just ignore those threads if you don't like them. You must be acting on orders, because there's simply no reason for you to care so much about people discussing books and fitness in ONE thread in the entire catalog. I'll bet there's 15 garbage threads in the catalog right now but you'd rather act like a complete jackass here.

What's wrong with having threads about books to redpill yourself to understand why we need to gas the kikes? What's wrong with having threads about self-improvement for the coming race war?

It doesn't matter who imkikefy is, it matters what the kike mods are doing to this board.


Na the name sunshine doesnt ring any bells, give me a short summary.

Freemasonary is like MMR in dota or starcraft 2 just in an ancient form. Doesnt really correlate to selling out users, specifically deanonymising them, for example for the feds and other agcencies.

And i dont care if the mods are niggers.

it's depressing you think it was us who doxed those trs kikes, it was some obscure kebab lovers on IM stop taking credit for that shit you sad puke

And what exactly are they doing to this board? Be specific.

Once again, the burden of proof that he is irreparably fucking the board up is on you to provide. Don't just point me to ban logs either.


have you ever noticed any good discussion on this board?
more importantly, if you're not a newfag who just came here last week, do you remember when we were able to talk about a variety of things?

really makes you think user, why oh (((WHY))) would (((imkampfy))) want to dumb down the board and ban self-improvement/book threads? it's not like that would make them easier to control or anything GOY