Is Mike contractually obligated to hate George Lucas by Disney?




Stop shilling for these fuckers, we have already 10 threads about them.

no, unless disney started paying him way back before they released the plinkett stuff.He just doesn't like George Lucas, remember this is the guy that liked Jurassic world!


Bought & Paid


Even their videos seem edited by Disney™


They will save the movie, isolating the flaws to 1. specific parts of the movie and 2. the director. It's a form of doublethink: this thing is good despite having bad parts, because the bad parts aren't REALLY part of the thing.


shill letter media


what a waste of a thread this board is really really reddit tier shit


The only reason Mike does anything is because he is obligated to do that thing due to one of the contracts he has with Disney and its subsidiaries.

Mike may only inhale oxygen because it is stipulated in a contract and he may only exhale carbon dioxide because it is stipulated in a different contract.


Hi, Mike.

>obsessed with (((kike cucklasa)))'s penis

This cuck is fake news.

The more important question is "is Jay a vampire, sapping Mike's good looks?". The answer, of course, is yes.

>>>Holla Forums