China has successfully extracted natural gas hydrates (NGH) for 60 consecutive days in the South China Sea
The Guangzhou Marine Geological Bureau says daily production reached around 7,000 cubic meters. It took China two decades to come up with the technology to extract NGH offshore.
China has successfully extracted natural gas hydrates (NGH) for 60 consecutive days in the South China Sea
Actually format your OP please.
This could have been a good thread if you had added more to the OP
This is now a spider thread.
A wizard always sage's his posts.
how long have you been posting here?
i remember an user who used to post cute spider pictures all the time. Not sure if on Holla Forums or Holla Forums.
It's a good idea for them if they can get real serious production going. They won't be so dependent on outside energy sources.
Haha, no.
Longfeng wetland nature reserve in Daqing, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province. #SeeChina
China on Sunday completed the trial exploration of flammable ice from the South China Sea. More than 300,000 cubic meters of the gas hydrate has been extracted after a 60-day non-stop mining operation.
I've been here since the dawn of time itself.
Interesting how liberals aren't whining about the potential for massive global warming when dealing with methane clathrate.
Are you literally shilling for China here? What does the nature reserve have to do with anything?
The Party is listeningā¦
Kek what in the fuck? I never would have expected actual shills for fucking China here. You pre-viral life forms really got fucked on hard at the G20 summit, huh?
That rig is gonna be beautiful when a tomahawk slams into it.
Guess PLA intelligence heard about h8chan taking the presidency.
I think it will look best with a rising sun flying overhead.
They're so dense. They should just pay some NEETs who get kicked off food stamps to do the shilling. At least there wouldn't be an obvious culture barrier that totally blows them out of the water like just now.
I wonder if Kim Jung Un shitposts here or on 4cuck. Seems like the sort, is the right age to potentially have grown up as a digital native.
Pretty sure he's on Fark.
They have the prisoners they use to gold mine in World of Warcraft but they're probably too retarded to know English.
It's probably gas poising from all the shitsmell, being NE of Poo-in-Loo 'n all.
My sides have been concentrated.
moths are superior
They only care when white people release carbon.
I just jerked a big cum out of my nut sack. Dumb chinks are gonna burn when we kill every last 1.6 billion of them.
I want PRC cyber shills to leave.
Ticking time bomb. But unfortunately an accident is likely a problem for the entire world and not just a few ships of gooks
Not continuous production. If they're not doing it continuously then they have recognised a major problem which China is obviously ignoring.
we no care, OP
go love yourself long time
fug forgot to sage
Chunks ate like kikes, parasites they can only steal.
A single experimental operation vs full US capacity is a poor comparison. I think it's more telling to pay attention to the Japanese attempt
methane frozen in ice that can last for 1000 years of supply.
I don't know about superior, but they sure are cuter
This will almost certainly cause war. It means the Saudis are going bankrupt and will need to sell off their assets, their oil is pretty much worthless if this stuff is worth drilling for at all. Id be interested to know the price for how much it costs to obtain it, compared to fracking, and normal oil drilling.
Didn't those crazy dutch with their company Shell create this technology? I'm certain they created and refined the oil drillships themselves whether they created the Gasdrillships as well i'm uncertain.
You piece of shit user. Take this, not for your sake but for the boards sake.
Nork gooks shilled here for a long while. About time another subhuman asian shows up.
Destroy the pajama princes
Is there a name of the company that's doing all this? Or is it all just a government project right now?
Nothing you insect people do will ever impress us, Chang. A thousand years from now, even if we have failed and you have continued on, no matter what you invent or build, you will still know that you are inferior and hear our mocking laughter echoing from the beyond as you look upon the greatness of our works.
China advances itself while the West an heros on diversity.
Ivy League geologist here,
I'm very tired so I'll make this brief. Methane clathrates (hydrates) were discovered decades ago. This isn't a new scientific breakthrough by any means.
The narrow temperature and pressure range required to maintain a crystal lattice around the methane causes the whole area to be very unstable. A destabilization of the shelf can cause a catastrophic world-wide disaster.
The natural gas we obtain from hydraulic fracturing is MUCH cheaper to dig for than methane hydrates, and we have 200 yrs of natural gas correctly stored.
This is another one of those Chinese "car eating busses". Total fake science.
Almost like some (((International))) party is setting up the West to fail and the Chinese race to succeed the White race.
Within a century most of China will have converted to Christianity. Chinese Jews will take control of the loaning and banking system. Does that mean the cycle starts again?
Everything in China is a Lie.
The cycle of ephesians 1 only starts again if the third temple isn't completed if your using Christian or jew teachings. Not sure what kikes have to say about revelation in the babylonian talmud.
Also hello non taiwanese/china shills. If everything is a lie than why do they overwork their populace to produce mainly cow dung quality goods for everyone but themselves? You really should get some younglings here they would be much more effective at shilling.
Nobody cares about the chinese paper tiger. Go shill elsewhere.
Oh did a strike a nerve there Fake China(TM)? Real China(TM) is much more taiwanise than you Fake Chinese(TM). Something like this would not affect your youngins who wouldn't give a shit about Real China(TM). Or is this hatred something your True Communismist(TM) leader instills in every youngin in your schools?
So whomever came up with the idea and all. How much of this NGH dose china have accsess to? Is it just going to be a subsidy to their energy needs or are they going to be able to sell and export this.
Well they won't be able to sell to america or russia because of their large production already. As india's economy becomes more global they might be able to sell to rich globalists there. Or they might siphon it off into africa as they conquer/get destroyed by the continent.
because it's been centuries since china has known that the boss/king/owner can make higher profit margins by selling huge amounts of overpriced bullcrap that costs only processed waste and peasants to make, instead of quality goods needing quality materials, time and skilled workmen
it's because of the deplorable quality of the crappy iron they sold to japan in medieval times that sword-making had to develop as a supremely refined art to allow a few nobles to have non-utterly-shitty blades, thus cementing the social structure of imperial japan and preventing them from developing a metallurgy comparable to european renaissance before the modern era
it's mostly the "skilled workmen" that the chinese elites fear to have
they would have to pay them, and they hate that
expect massive explosive clathrates releases in the next few years, it's china
My first thoughts, too.
Normally, when the U.S. looks into something and finds it won't turn a dime, they give up on it (like the Supersonic Transport back in the 70's).
Other countries will, occasionally, keep researching it, either for possible future use or just to be "first" to do it.
You can see this as long-sighted, or see it as economic tomfoolery, it all depends on your point of view.
I dont think US or Russia wpuld want to by if they can help. I do see this been used to sell to india and help with their Africa resource grab.
Also i think Australia would be more then happy to buy.
Eh although australia doesn't produce much as much natural gas as north america or russia most of it's energy production comes from coal and hydro/wind farms near kike cities there. So unless the kikes go super anal on global warming to kill the coal industry there they will just wait it out and put up more wind and solar farms as they have been already.
I know it's a late reply, but one of my engineering professors helped design the tomahawk. Very interesting man.
Can you elaborate why for us non-science fags
Clathrates (methane hydrates) are methane molecule packed together in a water ice matrix, made stable beyond a precise range of pressure and temperature. Gas and liquid become a solid in just the right conditions.
They happen in any body of water deep enough to allow their formation (and on land too), and are often accumulated in layers covered by sediments, trapping them in somewhat large and marginally more stable deposits.
Drilling in them or plugging pipes in the deposits unavoidably causes local pressure changes (when the drill bit crushes the ice and leaves a cavity behind the teeths, or when the pipe creates a local depression in front of the hole to suck the gas in)
If the local sea depth and/or sediment thickness is not sufficient to maintain the clathrate structure in the immediate proximity of the drill hole, the newly liberated gasses bubble up outside of the pipe that was supposed to be the only escape way. This can cause a cascade collapse of the ice structure, because a bubble climbing up along cracks in the material creates local pressure changes that liberate new bubbles in the material, that tend to liberate others, etc, which could result in the liberation and explosion at the surface of some amount of methane limited by the size of the deposit (thousands to millions of tons). Newly released methane may or may not combust when reaching the atmosphere, causing either an explosion china-industrial grade or a stinky greenhouse gas release china-smog-grade on the whole planet.
A succesful drilling in a deposit can also damage the surrounding layers, if pressure variations cause sufficient methane release hence pressure drop nearby, and destabilize the seafloor region where the deposits extend, potentially triggering submarine landslides if there is a slope, that may cause mega-tsunamis (earthquakes can cause puny little tsunamis like the 2004 indian ocean one that reached 4 or 8 meters high in diverse locations, but submarine landslides can cause mega-tsunamis, the real deal, cubic-kilometer-size displacement of water that can make 100's of meters high waves in a whole ocean)
The problem with such unstable and dangerous stuff is that it's being drilled by the chinese, who have a culture of not giving a fuck about anyone else, of doing everything never to have to admit a mistake, of saving face by shifting blame and responsibilities around and of cutting corners on everything not contractually obligated so as to make a profit on everything they can (while not being responsible for the failures their corner-cutting has generated)
shit will go boom, chink mode
obligatory posts for a china thread
lol china
He mirrored that JewTube video here. I can't find any CGTN (China Global Television Network) article that includes the video.
So is this good news or bad news? What does it mean for the US petrodollar?
Kikes, its aways the kikes man
now that shit is funny. user acts like he was born yesterday and there have never been scammers in the world, ever before. user are you 12 or 13?
This is bad for Russia, doesn't affect the US a lot and good for China.
Gooks are covering up the production costs, which might affect large-scale extraction. Russia produces a shitton of gas, and will now have to bargain with China if this increases too much.
The best thing about this discovery is how much it destroys the (((enviromentalists))) argument of finite carbon resources. There's a huge reservoir of these types of hydrates, and the extraction process is presumably very clean. The whole "we need to stop using petrol" narrative collapses on its own, and initiatives like Macron's ban on manufacturing gas-based cars by 2030 (was it 2030?) will be ill-conceived by the population as a whole ("why is this retard banning gas cars when we have so much gas around? why not convert instead?").
Let us all pray the gooks sell the tech to the US and the rest of the world for cheap.
Beijing rent-a-capsules provide haven for daytime power nappers or in-need masturbatorsā°
A hotel in Beijing has introduced sleeping capsules which office workers can rent for a much-needed afternoon power nap or private fapping session.
The capsules, located in high-tech hub Zhongguancun in the city's Haidian district, cost one yuan (0.14 US dollars) for three minutes during peak hours from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
hehe don't mind if we lock the door and turn off the oxygen to send you to sleep quicker goy hehehe
No it's a bridge and causeway built through a wetland. It's a completed project which employed thousands of people who are now working elsewhere building similar projects. The Macau to Hong Kong bridge is nearly complete/complete. Everywhere a person with eyes and intelligence looks they will see development that is lacking in western countries.
Example: First phase of Thai-Chinese high speed rail project approved by Thai cabinet.
It pisses me off that while so many people debate CNN and Seth Rich million of Chinese, and other Asians are advancing economically all over the world. Call me a chink when I'm actually a concerned white American who look at Chicago crime figures everyday instead .
The US is basically a dumb nigger country squatting on resources at this point. It will be treated as such by the rest of the world.
I mean god damn that is impressive.
THAT'S what we call efficiency! Amazing video shows 200 diggers working together to demolish a flyover in just eight hours in China
I'm still waiting for Trump to get started on building "The Wall"
That seems dangerous.