
Leftypol king???

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Nah that's muke and Rebel bunch of degenerated faggots in here want to fuck them both.

Really looking forward to his memoirs "al-Baghdadi: My Part in His Downfall"

The Knight of Leftypol, not the king.

That title belongs to Zizek.

top kek

honestly wanna be friends with this guy so bad




I'm calling bullshit on that second picture. My Marine cousin was in Fallujah. He killed 6 people and lost some buddies in different platoons mainly from IEDs and ambushes. He never bragged or joked about killing them either. He came back fucking empty. This faggot is just an attention whore.

pic related is how my cousin's eyes looks now.

how do i join him I've given up on life and actually want to make a difference

Pretty sure that was an unrelated joke made before he was ever even in Rojava.

Good luck, they're under embargo by both the KRG and T*rkey, and from what I hear they haven't been able to bring people across the border for quite a while now. You could always just send them some bitcoins or something.

Are you trying to say that GamerGate wasn't traumatizing? Are you denying the lived experience of harassment victims you shitbird?

We don't actually talk like that.

Call bullshit on this


Maybe your cousin shouldn't have served imperialism then.

this guy is based as hell
how have I not heard of him

He REALLY pisses off the tankies on Twitter

And for that I love him

Here, here.

Tankies are shit tier

None of you have even caught him from his good side

god i wish that were me

That's a big tank


It really just seems to be a small faction of ultra-paranoid hipster tankies. They hate Rojava for being "ethno-separatist," IE wanting concessions from the Syrian state. They ignore that the US DOD has actually covertly shared intelligence with the Syrian Army in the past ( lrb.co.uk/v38/n01/seymour-m-hersh/military-to-military ) and the US reluctance to help the YPG at all initially (only after many provocations from ISIS and it became clear that the ethnic cleansing of the Yezidis was going to be a major news topic). They also ignore that the YPG actually hasn't been fighting the Syrian Army this whole time! It's clear the Kurds and Syrian State have been agreeing to avoid confrontation outside of a few skirmishes, and they cooperate against the Salafist forces.

Most tankies I've seen on twitter seem to be basically be glad that the YPG is fighting ISIS, since ISIS is a NATO proxy. However, they do hope that Rojava can eventually come to an agreement with the Syrian state. I'm pessimistic on that point.

He made the joke after only a short while in Rojava. He hasn't been there long enough for the Kurds to put him in serious combat. They might not even do that seeing as they prefer to have foreign volunteers play a support role. It appears IFB fighters are involved in more combat than the YPG foreign fighters.

I dunno about that, the YPG site counts 17 foreign martyrs from its own ranks. They couldn't have had more than a few hundred at most, so that number of fatal casualties seems like it would be indicative of a fair bit of combat. Of course, I don't know if any of those guys had as much social media presence as PPG, so they might keep him specifically back just for PR purposes.

I'm just repeating what I've heard. I doubt they're keeping him back for some media presence. He has only been there a short while so I imagine he won't be doing much until their next major offensive.

I met the mother of a guy who died in Rojava at a pro-Kurd socialist protest. Was humbling, you know.


i managed to contact him on twitter and this is what i learned

i'm pretty sure he'll be ok with this information being shared

part 2


I had a teacher with English as first language that fooled himself into thinking he could learn Italian instantly after he started with French. Poor thing.

Anglos come up with all manner of superstitions concerning learning other languages.

I think this too. "My third'll be easier than my second I bet because I already did it once"

they should be encouraging their own forces and administrations to learn english, or organise english-language units. english is a global lingua franca and the third most widely spoken language in the world. kurdish is a very obscure language and much less useful in comparison

please no bullyyyyyyyyyyy

It generally is easier learning your third language after learning your second. Mainly because you'll have figured out good study habits. At least that's how I felt after learning Japanese.

My Spanish/English speaking friend had an easy time with French and an even easier time with Catalan after that. I imagine that has more to do with overlap than anything.

Maybe your cousin should have realized the deep irony of his situation

Yes. For example, Dutch becomes semi-comprehensible without any additional studying, if you know both German and English. And then there is Swedish-Danish-Norwegian overlap.

I honestly can't figure out why.

The way the likes of Red Kahina and Phil Greaves resent left-Twitter is genuinely scary and seem really cultish sometimes.


Fuck off dumbshit little pussy

Piss Pig a qt

Fuck that's sad.

Where comrade?


Phil Greaves is a lunatic and I think Molly Klein is a paid operative of some sort.

REALLY makes you go hmmmm…

Why are Tankies always the last to go into battle to define why they're the ones who get shit done.

Has not been that way for a while now.

Rojava is a national liberation movement for Kurds. Don't be so nauseatingly Eurocentric.

It's unfortunate because that "crowd" on twitter really is constantly uncovering creepy bourgeois conspiracies. It's just that they hit a lot of false positives as well imo.

yeah, no. i suggested english specifically because it is a "globalised language" and not centric to any one country or group. it's simply a matter of practicality. if you'd prefer kurds focus on ethnic identity over breaking language barriers and improved communication, go ahead. just know that i and most others won't be learning kurdish anytime soon

At least he's out there doing something counter to national Turkish and reactionary interests you LARPer

I guess for some reason national liberation seems to be OK here as long as brown people do it.

The reason is that the YPG have an actual culture and not a McDonalds across the street every mile.

what do you mean? I support the ira, farc, naxalites etc. too

Kurds be like

Whites be like

The bias is strong fellow anfem


who do europeans need to be liberated from? Brown people?


The thunders coming piss babies step aside or the left will ass blast your gamergays asses like no tomorrow

Everyone needs liberation from that. Probably the Middle East more than most.

Why are you posting Brianna Wu here

If it's an anticapialist european movement I have no problem with it.

I hope Russian Space Forces will drop a bomb on his CIA-backed ass.

But they have to fulfill all the PC-internationalist standards not to be disregards as NazBols, right? I remember the CPRF was being dumped on on Holla Forums because they dared to say something about Russian culture in their program. With Kurds everybody just talks about their great culture and heritage while screaming "spooks" at everyrhing else. This is biased af

Why are you hoping Capitalists kill Communists

but the cprf is shit though

Lets break it down,



Forgot your flag


Meant for

Hmm, I'm actually an army medic from Finnish conscription. CI could be useful if I learnt Kurdish I guess

If anything the United States backing them temporarily means they're fucked in the long term.

Anyways, besides the point that doesn't make Russia any less Capitalist.

america wants isis gone, they don't care who does it for them. Seems they haven't learned from afghanistan

Nahhhhhhhh they still support a fuckload of radical groups. But they do it for a reason. They used to give news about how they never want to stop being at war with the Middle East.

They stopped for a reason.


USA has shown it has no problems to back up communists movements to further their interests. They don't care about left of right. Remember the Khmer Rouge? Hell, even tankies think their are retarded.

The fate of the Kurds stands and falls with the behaviour of Erdogan - if they get him back into the NATO fold the US will dump YPG like a used prostitute and fully support Turley. If Erdogan continues to cozy up with Putin they might not do that.

Anyway, a revolutionary movement that's based on being an USA proxy is doomed to be shit eventually.

support from us =/= us proxy

Yes, it means "Useful idiots"

And Lenin was a German spy…

You are comparing modern USA to late-WWI Germany?

Massive empires being pushed to extremes by military and economic downturns.
Eh, sounds about right.

Yeah, sure, totally the same thing.

United States backs all kinds of shit that winds up biting them in the ass later on.
See Qaddafi.

It's not the point. Point is, every time Murrica backs rebels in some country, it ends up becoming a failed state (and falls into the hand of Islamic terrorists lol, tautology if it's in the Middle East). If you accept American help, then you hate your country, your culture and your people.

It ends up becoming a failed state most of the time because the U.S. crushes them.
That's probably what will happen this time too, after they are no longer useful.

You tankies are dumb as shit. The US literally finances the same islamic terrorists that wants to burn them alive, and you think that receiving money from them is a sign of ideological complicity?

Don't forget, they've been caught slipping money to AL-queda again

Alright, I won't forget. You don't have to tell me twice, Jesus.

The only response worth a damn in this entire thread…

What the fuck is this person fighting for? Northern iraqi regional "kurds" as they were used as freedom fighters during the second iraq war/invasion? 'Kurdish' resistance against the Turkish (Erdogan specially) government? Most of Turkey does not support Erdogan… plenty of alliances to be made… massive revolutionary potential in Turkey right now, as both regular wage slaves and petit-borgy are being supressed massively, but I guess you'd have to actually know turkish people for that not just some strange abstract "da muslim peoplaz"….

(by the way, huge amounts of Turkey, are 'kurdish', did you know that?)

What is this idiot doing? Walsing into a huge network of especially MI6, CIA and Turkish 'wolves', to 'make a stance' for 'socialism' of a grouping of fighters that support a peripheral economy that are previously tied to the northern kurds of Iraq during the western invasion of Iraq, to support western imperialism….


So very… uh, revolutionary.
so now he's sitting there in guts and glory, killing flesh, killing life, for the empire's interests and probably half the people he talked to to get there were affiliated with the fucking CIA.



Maybe you should look into the patterns at play rather than the agents themselves? He's saying that the Bolsheviks accepted German money while not directly working for the german government or sharing its ideology. In foreign policy you finance whoever fights your enemy for you, not people you necessarily agree with on a level of political philosophy.

And forget Germany. The Soviet Union accepted american money decades later when fighting the Nazis. Does that mean they were capitalists at the service of western imperialism too?


These intersectional gamer people really think they're 21st century Huey Newtons or something

Posts like this make me consider joining the fash just so I can take a lifetime of alienation out on some contrarian autist.

Do you remember literally anything from the past 50 years in american foreign policy on that region?

Money to Iran? Saddam? Arms and training to islamic fundamentalists? They accepted supported too, so where is their unshakable bond with the CIA now?

Confirmed for never following pisspig

What do the words LEND and LEASE mean to you, fucking retard? Also they refused money from Marshall plan after the war.

A good way to get me to read your post with the word shill in it is to post an anime reaction webm with the file name word up

That's all I got from that.


He says, peddling the myth that the CIA are all knowing and in control of everything that ever happens.

Defending freedom, spreading socialism, killing islamofascists and shitposting on Twitter.

That… that should have been me.

Yo, weren't you tankies given support during ww2 by the Americans? Yeah, fuck off.


Tankies, everybody

Do it, user. This is the beginning of the movie of your life, where you're the protagonist suffering with ennui and in search of a purpose, until he decided to say fuck it and do something radical.

more like leftypol fuckboi :DDD

I heard the exact opposite. But who cares, some of the volunteers in Rojava love shitting on each other because they supposedly fight less.
It seems like its mostly the unpolitical americans who shit on the political europeans.

YPG-I seems to bring in people just fine atm. Things can change ofc but currently they are accepting people.

That's my reasoning too, but sadly I need meds for my broken brain. It's entirely possible that being on the ground fighting for a good cause would cure my depression and eliminate the need for drugs, but that's a risk I can't take.

I'd fight him. Where's the little faggot at?


I found french difficult after knowing italian since I would just mix shit up all the time

This American YPG soldier in RT looks awfull alot like that guy.

RT is fucking using PissPig"The Irony King" Granddad as evidence of the US backing the YPG with American army troops?!?
This is garbage, they are literally taking everything out of its ideological context to shill out their narrative of USA backing rebels against the Syrian government, instead of the leftist movement that is legitimately gaining followers that support the socialist cause. I mean it is true that the US is backing rebels obviously, but its just infuriating that they are using an example of something that is not US gov backed to put forward their argument.

Anyways, at least Twitter Irony is getting air-time.

That's PPG, alright. Funny how RT is trying to pass him and other American foreign volunteers off as US military personnel.

RT is a Russian propaganda outlet, in the same sense that all American news outlets are American propaganda.

The comments are cancer too, people are eating it up.

What a misguided and deluded person. Does he even understand what he is supposedly fighting for?

Since you seem so much better acquainted with the facts, why don't you inform us of what that is?

isn't russia supporting the YPG ?

Are you angry because i insulted your bitch boy?

Are you angry because you don't have an argument?

Arguments are irrelevant when debating retards, ask Alinsky ;)

No, I want to hear what he's fighting for. You should be able to tell me that much, given how you're not misguided and deluded and all.

Perpetration of the petrodollar. Prove me wrong.

Stop posting.

Rojava is a project to institute a pluralist directly democratic confederalist system of government in its territories based on Abdullah Ocalan's libertarian socialist philosophy.

Frankly, it's on you to prove that this movement has anything to do with petrodollars. Can you substantiate this assertion in any way whatsoever? How would Rojava continuing to exist as an autonomous territory support this institution?

I cant wait for you middle-class ideologues to smell reality knocking

Who even knows who is supporting who over there any more? I don't even care. The Middle East will be a charnel house for the forseeable future.

You act as if both can't be simultaneously true: that the US is using them for geopolitical ends (I'm less certain about the petrodollar motive specifically) and that the Kurds are legitimately fighting for socialism.

What the kurds are legitimately fighting for is completely irrelevant, it will be toppled ina week if they were ever allowed to succeed.

But thanks for proving that like your hero sissyboy you have no understanding of actual geopolitcs and the american-russian conflict.

So let me get this straight - supporting a movement for proles' self-determination is bad because it prolongs a war (nevermind that they're mostly fighting Daesh and have only had limited engagements with government forces) whose prolongation somehow bolsters the petrodollar system by uh … Jewish tricks? And if he really knew what was up he'd be doing what, exactly, according to your view?

Becoming a lawyer to sue the fuck out of the system, but then again, being le ebin commie larper is more fun, right?

A thousand lawyers at home are worth a million revolutionaries, we dont live in the 20's anymore, sorry to burst your bubble.

t. 20 year old redditor turning 30 year old yuppie

Is this what liberalism looks like?

I also think Turkey would try to invade the new state (while the US stands by and does nothing to help their former allies), although that doesn't mean it isn't worth fighting for as a cause.

When have you ever proved your understanding of either? You've only been insulting people so far. I'm skeptical of the petrodollar motive specifically because Syria has only marginal oil reserves. The only conceivable way to attribute a petrodollar motive to the war would be to point to the planned oil pipeline project Assad rejected, something which did likely play some role in the US's support. I'm less certain it was as definitive as those who point to the story like to believe but one of a number of factors (e.g. depriving Russia of its only ally in the Middle East and their port in Tartous).

You know you're still working within that system, don't you? And that you won't be able to sue randomly? Court cases are expensive, length procedures, and there's no guarantee you'll win. Also, the legal system exists to support property rights, to support capitalism. You won't take down capitalism ever in such a fashion.

I doubt it, since they support Assad's Syria

So a pisspig is a larper except he's actually in with the Kurds and trained with guns

Ok right

Is everyone else around the Kurds larders

Are the Kurds larpers

top kek my sides

the one way the left can actually win is by becoming radicalized, ripping itself off the left-wing ideology that has been raided by liberals and "the alt-right"

just image what 1/10 of the men fighting in kurdistan could accomplished if they actually wanted to abolish capitalism, we could have hundreds of terror attacks in banks, senates and goverment offices all over the world and so on

hell young people wouldn't need to sacrifice, you can send the elder ones, so if they get sentence to jail it wouldn't matter

You sound like a Trump voter


does he post here?

I don't think so, but there is some cultural overlap between weird-left twitter and imageboards. I think a lot of them used to browse SA.


So I e-mailed the YPG international and got a response. They have a bunch of questions for me and I'm working through them now, I'll probably send my reply tomorrow.

Any comr8s in Ontario, Quebec or northeastern U.S. interested in linking up and tagging along with me?

A sticker woud had been better than scratching the wood

Scratching looks better imo.

Nah, I'm the fellow BC gunbro. Godspeed, man. I really need to be less lazy and get fit before I go do it. I'd be leaving University behind too, I'm kind of conflicted.

What sort of shit do they ask?

Most of it is kind of personal character questions. They ask about your education, military experience, profession, hobbies, why you want to go, political views, etc. They also ask a bunch of personality questions like your mental state, your ability to work in teams, your ability to adapt to a new environment etc.

Sounds like they are just trying to filter out any wannabe Rambos and adrenaline junkies or retards who just want to shoot brown people.

They all used to post on LF or FYAD in 2009

Can you ask him how is the food?, by that i mean how many meals you eat a day.

I don't have any problem with dying, but i want to eat well.

According to that one comic artist who went to Rojava (this guy: europecomics.com/album/kobane-calling-the-first-trip/ ), there's a lot of olives and not much spices.

I see. Shit, let us know if you do make it over. Maybe if I resolve to do this shit within 6 months of then I'll hook up with you on the other side.

If you can, ask them what's the deal with this whole mess of foreign organizations. Lions of Rojava, Rojava Plan, IBF and god only knows what else.

He's got more balls than I do. Though if I weren't quite literally legally trapped in Texas I'd gladly do non-military stuff over there.

The nose knows

Well I can tell you right now that Lions of Rojava is the recruitment effort of foreign fighters run by the YPG itself, although I think they've been disbanded and replaced by YPG International. IFB is the international brigade attached to the MLKP. Suposedly the IFB is a little better because they are composed entirely of foreigners, so you don't have to learn Kurdish really. I don't know how to get into contact with them though, but I figure I'd be able to transfer from the YPG to the IFB once I'm there.

Don't worry, I'm pretty sure I'd be the first leftypol guy there, so I'd be sure to dump pics.

Are you me? Good food makes life worth living.

How have I not heard of this before? Where do I sign up?

So the foreign volunteers aren't unified then? I figured the YPG would put all the foreigners under the same regimen. Do you know if there are any more organizations other than YPGI and IFB?

Also I miss the Lions' site, it had some really nice stuff. I recall a particularly touching piece about a fallen volunteer, A personal account of Aryel Pusagurian. F

Well comrades I've been accepted. Currently shitting my pants out of fear and excitement, just need to save up for the flight. Hopefully I'll be able to convince some of my friends at my local anti-capitalist group to come with me because I don't think I have the balls to go alone.

Marx speed, noble warrior

He looks like a reactionary trying hard to trick us into thinking he's one of us.



I'm planing on going to rojava too in 2 years if the conflict is still going

I might see you in rojava too, comrade.

If WWIII happens, I might just join you.

just wondering, is an ancap welcomed in rojava?

Godspeed, comrade.

I dunno, they're pretty strapped for resources over there. I don't know if they'd be able to spare a full-time caregiver for an ancap.

I thought YPG was aligned with Russia in Syria and with US in Mosul?

They explicitly welcome people of all political beliefs so long as they are willing to support the YPG, however they will educate you on their ideology, which is a form of libertarian socialism. So if you go you will be fighting for socialism, not just against ISIS.

I would greatly appreciate anybody coming with me. I'm fine with meeting up in country, it's just that the journey into Syria will involve being smuggled across the border through a network of safehouses and if I'm the only English speaking white person it will be pretty nerve racking. Especially since I may end up having to take a solo bus ride from Erbil to Sulemanya.

This is an open invitation to any comrades who want to put their money where their mouths are and stare death in the face. This is Spain 2.0: The Fascists Will Lose This Time Edition

Putting my life on the line is pretty serious buisness m8.

I'll see what comes along. And if what I see looks bleak, I'll see you when I see you.

Well here's a little packing list scrounged from the Lions' dead site: archive.is/DFPnc

Also do any of you have medical conditions? Because you don't want it flaring up in the middle of a firefight.

be safe friend

no its not man… its a lot shittier and complicated than that

trust me. ypg just want their own ethno state that was never there before, they arent communists. they just wanna ethnically cleanse arabs and push to be america; because sectarianism. they don't understand real theory, and the kurds who do (PKK) are hated among the other kurds. you are living a lie and you like piss pig wont fire a single shot at anyone

Yes let's not back the actual communist revolutionaries and go support the people who actually have Capitalist states like Syria, Turkey, and Russia

Don't die, fucker, we only have like 500 regular posters.

Also post pics sometimes and write Holla Forums on a couple of walls.

oh fuckoff. you don't know shit about this.

and this coming from the femshit poster who shat on the ira. i bet you hate north korea too you fucking reactionary dick




Voter Fraud in Philly Confirmed!!!


Let's stop this shit NOW!!!


If you'd have waited a bit I'd have gladly flown up to ON to join you. (Assuming they'd take me.) As it stands, I'm still trying to bring myself up to PT standards. I don't want to be a burden once I'm over there.

>not knowing that Rojava is being supported by the fucking MLKP
Are Baathists the stupidest people in the world?

Wrong thread


Well I'm not going yet. I have to get everything sorted out here first to prepare for my departure, and I need to save up money for the flight. We could co-ordinate that stuff if you're interested. I have no problem waiting a bit either.

What sort of things do you need to get sorted, aside from personal stuff? I'm far from physically capable I'm just curious what someone would need to worry about for this.

I would need to find a way to leave without leaving my gf stuck with rent she can't afford, I would need to find a way to get out of in I without my parents getting saddled with extra bills, those are the two big ones.

*get out of uni

dude the PCOF too

Well shit, with the election going as it did I'm starting to have serious second thoughts. I have few doubts that Trump would be willing to throw the Kurds under the bus and without external support I'm kind of hesitant about their chances. I don't really want to be gangbanged to death by Putin and Erdogan.

Americans never supported democratic confederalism or an autonomous Rojava man. They support the SDF because they're the only credible opposition to ISIS. As long as they're fighting ISIS they will have the US' support one way or another. Trump won't change that, he's even said he's a big fan of Kurdish forces.

ISIS are not long left for this earth though and it is when they are removed from Raqqa that Russia's tacit support for the SDF needs to become concrete

I've read that Putin is already pressuring Assad to accept an autonomous Rojava so we'll see.

I still don't know who this fag is or why he was relevant before joining the ypg.

yeh. Only it was Al Quaeda before.

Get ready for ISUL

or AL ISA or some shit.

RT is trying to make the SDF look like proxy forces of US imperialism, though. If anything, I think that supports the idea that Putin might want them out.

Where the fuck does T*rkey fit into all of this right now, anyway? Erdogan sure isn't getting along peachy with NATO but I don't think he'd go into Russia's fold.

There's more than enough jihadists in Syria that aren't affiliated with ISIS to fill the gap. But the circumstances in which ISIS took large swathes of territory and created a state of sorts are unique and will not happen again. Which will satisfy the US. Jund Al Aqsa believe the same shit as ISIS but they aren't facing an international coalition for this reason

Yeah, I think Russia understands Assad's regime will be untenable if he doesn't. Russia doesn't want to help Assad fight yet more war. Particularly one that could justify NATO waging open war on the regime.



The SDF are a huge, well trained and sporadically well equipped fighting force. If Assad decided to turn his guns on them this war would go on for another half decade at least. Russia understands this. Russia has no interest in being in Syria for another half decade. Russia also understands that the SDF are one of the only reasonable players in this conflict actively interest in getting round the negotiating table and talking. They will strong arm Assad into accepting Rojava's autonomy in some capacity. How broad will it be? We'll have to see.

What complicated this is Russia seems to have some sort of deal with Turkey. Turkey launched its Euphrates Shield operation with Russian approval, despite it being potentially very harmful to regime interests. Turkish backed Rebels constantly gloat about how after they destroy the YPG, they will march down to Aleppo and save their rebel brethren from Russia and Assad. Aleppo is clearly the goal for a lot of these Rebel groups, given tacit approval by Russia, yet it is completely opposite their interests. It's weird. But the saving grace is the Euphrates Shield rebels are absolutely horrendous fighters and have been BTFO continually by the SDF. Only gains they've got are from ISIS deserting shithole villages.

US: pro Kurd as long as they're fighting ISIS.

Turkey: pretty much wants to annihilate every Kurd on this earth, except Iraqi Kurds who are their cucks.

Russia: recognises the validity of SDF and is willing the negotiate with them and on their behalf. Still supports Turkey in some capacity.

Turkey and Erdogan keeps talking about "red lines" and boundaries but the reality is they see a successful Kurdish semi autonomous state on their border as an existential threat to their nation and will do everything in their power to kill it.

The Syrian Civil War is one which throws ideology up in the air and introduces the most retarded friendships (Al Nusra and Israel, ahem).

Sorry, I understand you aren't a shitposter but the massive power vaccum and instability that created ISIS will be exactly what is left over after the war in Syria

Huh, interesting, thanks.

Man, geopolitics is a total shitshow.

Iraqi's military regaining competence and a backbone since Abadi came into power (+ PMU's) and Assad winning against the rebels and being able to free up thousands upon thousands of troops will change the landscape of Syria and Iraq and restrict ISIS and ISIS like groups from being able to takeover such vast swathes of territory again. The material conditions that created ISIS might still be there, but the abject military displays that allowed them to flourish won't be. I'm sure Iraq and Syria will be plagued with jihadist terrorism for the rest of their forseeable history though.

It's just things like the fall of Mosul, where like 1,000 ISIS fighters had 30,000 Iraqi military fleeing into the desert out of fear and incompetence… I don't see such gains happening again, call me an optimist.

Anyway, regardless of what happens, you got somewhere I can contact you?

I've got a throwaway at
gee mail.



Get inspired comrades

I sent that video to my one commie buddy after I asked him to come to Syria and he said "It's not our war". In his defence he knows almost nothing about the Kurds.

I want to go there.

Join up with me and the other maplefag.

Contact info is here

Might join next year, but I'm more afraid of upsetting my parents than actually dying so I will have to see if I can actually overcome that.

I'm honestly scared to die still, and I have family and friends I care about here.
I applaud you if you are actually going though.
I'm not that brave.

Bruh, I'm sure everyone going over there is afraid of death and have people they care about. If it's too much then don't bother. Would be waste to fly to Iraq and sneak into Syria only to get cold feet once you're there. Plus once you've formally joined you can't leave for 6 months.

Well they refuse to smuggle you back across the border into Iraq for at least 6 months, so you're basically stuck there unless you want to take your chances with the KRG border patrol.

Give them a bullshit story. I'm going to tell mine that I'm going to do aid work in refugee camps in Turkey or Iraq or something.

That way they won't be concerned with you dying.

Eh, I don't know. Lying about it would only make me feel worse. Plus they know I'm a commie and would probably guess the real reason. Gonna have to justify it to myself and power through. Need to save money so I've got time.

I feel like every day I'm not there is a day wasted. But I'm worried I'd be too much of a fragile fucker to even make it through training. And even then I'm probably too much of a pussy to actually fight with them.

Can you imagine what it's going to be like if and when they win? A whole generation of leftists across the globe are going to look up to the YPG veterans like the heroes of our time. Like gods amongst men. And I'm going to have to live with the fact that I sat on my ass and did absolutely nothing while these legends were putting their lives on the line, fighting and dying for the cause.

Why can't I be like him

Again, we should co-ordinate together. We'll put our own leftypol squad together. Fuck maybe I'll make a thread dedicated to recruitment. We could call ourselves "Zizek's Destroyers" or "The De-Spookers" or "The Bunker Men".

I like the sound of the bunker men

First we should check and see if this is actually legal because if its not and we organize it on the board we are going to get stopped in the airport by the FBI.

Depends which country. For the Americans it is legal to fight abroad so long as they aren't enemies of the US.

You know, an anonymous imageboard might not be the best place to talk openly about this shit. Especially since the Kurds do seem to go to some trouble to smuggle people in and out surreptitiously.

That said it would be funny if we form an ironic Hoxhaist brigade and run into the actual Hoxhaists fighting over there. And kind of awkward.

My sides


You mean that they believe that homosexuality is antithetical with Russian culture?

Plus Russians aren't a stateless minority that have a history of being genocided by everyone who finds them within their borders. A little nationalism makes a lot of sense in that situation, but the Russian culture isn't in any real danger.

Good luck, comrade.

I'm seriously considering it myself. But it's not an easy choice. I do value my life, after all. At the same time, there's a real sense that this is a historical moment that should not be missed.

If the Kurds put out the kind of propaganda that appealed to that sensibility, I'm sure their ranks would swell.



Full interview with PissPig.

I see PissPig's decision to join the YPG has been met with derision from the idpol left.

that kind of shit directed at him. it burns my soul to see the same acid that's destroying the left be used to slander a man who dropped everything and went to fight for revolutionary socialism.

Pretty sure it's legal in most Western countries, I know it is for sure in Canada and the U.S.


Anybody thinking of joining up please refer to the official Bunker Men thread.


but I don't know how much I have to save in order to get there?tbh I'm scared of even thinking about it but it is a wonderful opportunity to take part in such historic event.

Join the Bunker Men comrade. We will plan together and pool our resources, I already have a YPG contact that I can refer you all too. If we work together it will be easier on all of us.

Even though war is not my style, good luck, my friend. Kill some fascists for us

That's a good Idea, I will keep lurking, hopefully I will be able to finish my Electrician and welding courses.
But It would be neat to have a list of things, that I have to buy to get there and save as much as I can.

I'm sure that would be very helpful too if you go to Rojava. They need more than just soldiers.

Set up a throwaway email and hmu at kurtz1914 gmail

It would be good to get a list of contacts going so we can all keep in touch with each other.

Holla Forums e-celeb worship culture is the cancer killing this board


Based Comrade PissPig

He looks exactly like every caricature of a young cigarette-smoking American communist pseudo-intellectual leader, except in digital camo and holding a gun and a puppy. This is a good change, I support it.

Wean yourself off that shit. It isn't doing you any good. I was on it for a long time. Fucking pointless shit. You can't medicate capitalism.