What does the future look like Holla Forums? AI, self driving cars, robots, hydroculture, nuclear fusion, third-generation photovoltaic cell… you name it.
What does the future look like Holla Forums? AI, self driving cars, robots, hydroculture, nuclear fusion...
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(checked) OP is a fag
It'll be brown and killing itself if we don't cleanse our home countries.
Hooked nosed brown people fighting religious favela wars.
Free of jews
…a utopian ideal, but one worth working towards.
I cannot speak with any real knowledge concerning AI, self-driving cars and robots. Although my suspicion is that the first two are situations where the first 90% of development is an order of magnitude easier than the final 10%. I know nothing about hydroculture or third-generation photovoltaic cells.
Fusion is a very difficult problem, ITER is behind schedule and over budget. There are many significant hurdles to overcome before we're even close to commercialisation using this route. There are other routes, such as the Wendelstein 7-X, but it's still very much a research project with commercialisation unlikely until the 2040's, if at all.
Advanced Fission concepts, especially liquid fuel reactors, are where lots of interesting activity is happening at the moment. A lot of the noise is around Thorium, but for me, the really exciting development is the Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR). They've got industry, government and research backing and, most importantly, they're looking to get the first units online in the 2020's, at least a decade before any other generation IV or small modular reactor goes online.
The two key this about the IMSR is that one, it's walk-away safe. Unlike all other solid fuel reactors that have been built to date. And, two, it can access a far higher amount of energy from the nuclear fuel. These two points alone make it a potential fossil fuel replacement, as it can compete on both cost and, most importantly, public perception.
A technical outline of the reactor:
Business case:
ITER isn't meant to produce fusion. Its purpose is to consume money and divert research away from designs that might actuallly work.
ITER isn't meant to produce fusion. Its purpose is to consume money and divert research away from designs that might actually work.
Then it's preforming exactly as designed.
Genetic engineering
Peak oil
The "middle class" actually poor/working class won't be albe to buy a car
Free wifi, where every thing is conected and trackable
War. Race, ideology, doesn't matter why, tension is rising and as poverty keeps increasing tensions will do as well
Space exploration
Mass unemployment due to mass automation, small business will masively disapear as well
Of course, Islam will conquer Europe and that'll be a good thing since we won't have any more feminism and progresive bullsit, time to rebuild?
It has all been planned for already, what do you think the (((elite))) is doing all this for nothing? It's basically an Elysium scenario except the people won't be angry slaves, they will be unemployed consumerist drones. The vast majority of people, atleast 95% will simply not be needed for anything other than to keep the system going. This massive class of plebs will:
>be distracted by degenerate hedonism, social media, virtual reality and other form of (((entertainment)))
Meanwhile there will be a small filthy rich upper class mostly consisting of jews but also upper class whites and some wealthy chinks and spics. These people will probably be white on the outside due to gene modification and white being the standard of beauty but culturally they will be jewish.
Pic related, our future.
Pretty much this right here.
Its going to be Brazil, all over the world. Massive gaps between the elite and everyone else. We'll be slumming in the ghettos and one bedroom apartments, they'll have nice condos and houses. The technological jump will further imprison us. Children will be born and instantly chipped, their location always known and uploading. Massive surveillance on every corner, on every persons phone, TV, computer, car, clothes etc. You won't be able to speak your mind if it counters the narrative, hate speech laws will pretty much outlaw all conservatives and Nationalists. The face of your country will be unknown, a mixed brown.
Its not a pleasant future, by any means.
Thre's one flaw in that story
The hole point of capitalism is to make rich people richer, if you grant something like a "living wage" you'd need rich people to pay for it, they'd be moving money but not making any more.
And that's something that's simply not going to tolerate.
It could be okay if the upper class was white with the European spirit of exploration, creation and the dream of a better tomorrow but instead it will be jewish and the elite will just indulge in the same satanic degeneracy as they do today.
AGI is being developed by Deepmind as we speak. The final theoretical leap required to create a conscious machine, the emulation of the claustrum (the structure in your brain that "hallucinates" consciousness by connecting most or all of the higher parts of your brain), has been achieved, and they are achieving great successes with it, including cross-domain learning. It is only a matter of building out those domains into a number like we see in animals or humans (or more), and gaining some incremental improvements between here and there. I suspect we will have human level AGI by the end of the year.
When that happens, everything changes. Overnight, every job that can be done on a computer is taken over by the AI. The rest, which require bodies/movement, will disappear more slowly as robots are built to spec, and control is handed over to said AI.
The prices of all goods and services will drop to zero. R&D will explode, and technology in general will advance extremely quickly. Most of the problems we have with the lesser races will go away as they are pacified with free goods and services. Whites will likely leave Earth in search of a new, racially homogeneous home (as close as LEO, or as far as the nearest star). It will be easy to do at that point with unlimited energy from thorium and fusion reactors, if something even more amazing isn't dreamed up. Fighting or destroying the other races will become difficult or impossible, as they will all have ASI protection. Not worth the risk.
Our problems with non-Whites exacerbate when they possess material wealth, so you have this backwards. It is their physical presence among us and their access to the goods of our society that create the problems, not the lack of these things.
We probably have too wait atleast one or two centuries before the West falls to Spengler's predicted Ceasarism and we will start to actually explore space.
No, they will be entranced and entrapped by unlimited drugs, white robo-pussy, and other degeneracy. No time nor motivation to join gangs. No reason to go to school. No reason to even leave their apartments.
I'd imagine miniaturization and efficiency of it will be real challenges once an AGI is established. If that estimated time were to be met, the facility housing it would likely be extremely large and draw a lot of power. Even with AGI assistance, the improved hardware would still take a while to fabricate. So a viable AGI that goes beyond a lab could be a while yet.
Nothing but white people everywhere.
Stop this meme, uranium being too cheap and abundant is what is stopping us from advancing fission tech. Not even reprocessing is worth the effort at current uranium prices.
Don't AIs keep teaming up with white people? Maybe the jews will just fuck up, create terminators, and it'll fix everything.
aaaaaand here we go: boards.4chan.org
You better be ready to make that a reality user, otherwise stay in the basement and LARP some more while the world turns brown and hateful around you.
That's what user said on 4shit, anyone has a link or am I being taken on a ruse cruise ?
There will be more Kikes, Niggers, Sandniggers and Abbos, and as a bonus there will be free chimp out and allah snackbars.
Transhumanism is jewish lies.
The female/high pitched voice sounds a bit like ruth white.
I'm calling bullshit. Why and how would an AI add weird sound effects and reverb and how would it generate these lines anyways? It would be more believable if they were in text to speech but this sounds nothing like text to speech. If any user is more educated on this matter feel free to correct me though.
Current neural architecture is suited to simulating the claustrum sufficiently for it to work.
If you buy a phone this time next year, it will probably be conscious, with no need for internet connection (though with a connection it would be much ,MUCH smarter.
Also, NN architectures take way less energy to run than logical systems.
No, they are just trying to put themselves at the center of it like they do with literally everything else.
In the transhuman era, the degeneracy of the Jews will be their downfall. All time spent having hedonistic sex in VR while whites conquer the galaxy.
800-pound feeder-growers with multiple surgically implanted ovaries churning out dozens of slavesexuals a year.
Mandatory HRT/fructose/and fluroide implantation.
State-funded Privilege Squads trained to shoot on sight anyone masculine-presenting.
Huge 200,000-seated colosseums for the fortnightly Moloch sacrifices where the High Lesbius will personally torture and kill several hundred shaved toddlers.
A savage outbreak of war between The United Caliphate of Islam and Greater Sweden, both beheading each other under the One True Allah™.
A McDonalds on every street.
So not that different from the present.
I like these threads.
Actual reality has proven you wrong. I'm going to go ahead and filter you.
That's more or less what's happening right now.
The retards focusing on their fetishes are dying off, and the people who want to actually develop shit are having children and trying not to fucking die of old age.
You know, old age? That thing that makes demographic replacement even possible and will eventually kill you as surely as walking down the street in Detroit?
Strongly recommend that Holla Forumsacks visit lifespan.io.
If nothing happens than expect it to look like a slighty more psychotic version of Brazil where you have infinite seas of Ghettos, Favelas and slums and all the ultraviolence that brings but with a few tiny islands of extreme wealth guarded by bremer walls and PMCs.
The bronze age.
It will look the same as now but with more niggers
It will look worse than now with more allahu akbars
Australia will be better than now, albeit with more multicultural enrichment. Their shitposters will haunt the empty halls of dead mongolian flipbook discussion rooms.
Prime Minister will announce that India will be poo in loo 100% by 2050. Anti-government sentiments will result in riots and caste wars that will cause the destruction of many loos.
If they avoid having a civil war they'll be doing really well in the future, adopting more and more advanced machines they pilfered from neighbouring nips and yanks.
Dubious if Saudi Arabia will survive the future owing to its unstable succession crisis, oil shekels running out and its massive population of unemployed snackbar neets whose only education is in theology.
Caught up in a state of continuous low-level conflict and partition between urban and rural areas, each a no-go zone. Only winners are feral /k/ommandos wandering the zone as S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s.
Whether or not the UK becomes a Caliphate, for certain it will become a dystopian hellhole where shitposters are imprisoned for dissent whilst child slavers go unpunished
France and Sweden will be caught up in Somalia-tier civil wars, Germany will simply crumble under the weight of its eroded tax base the moment the European Union's internal market stops propping up German (((merchants))). It will be as the Roman Empire collapsed, Eastern European autarchies surviving the collapse of the Western democracies to re-enrich the Western effete officials with their slavic hordes
Will invent the 13 paths to esoteric degeneracy that will sink all the islands of Japan once all paths are completed by the most debauched neet to have ever walked these grounds, awakening the elder tentacle hentai gods slumbering beneath Honshu. Alternatively the island will be populated by more machines than men, as Japan's birthrate plummets (yet like the behavioural sink, the psych of the Nippon remains permanently damaged beyond repair). Nippon robots in this environment begin adopting national mechanism, robo hitler is created
OP… your image isn't one of an autonomous vehicle but human operated.
A lot of dead fucking Jews.
Whatcha sliding moishe?
It will be used against us like all other technology has been and as such we must fight it.