Twitter has a White Men problem now
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A decade ago I wouldn't be able to believe this could happen. Now I know its my future if I allow them to gain control over me.
Almost all computers work on 0 and 1's what about other digits.
All odd repeating base 10 numbers of the same value converted to binary both begin and end with a 1.
in case you haven't noticed blacks are obsessed by whites. and with good reasons.
I find this hard to believe. Most Twitter posters seem to be bots.
Maybe if they made computers a bit less racist…
complete version?
Kek, that nigger is a fucking mess.
Didn't that same nog get busted for either child porn or rape?
Isn't he a literal cross dressing faggot now? This is what happens when you don't tell your children they're being shit filled faggots.
Pretty sure him and his daddy have so weird sexual thing going on. Will Smith is a typical Hollywood homo.
how many different ways can you say "I'm black"?
Interesting. When PewdiePie said that Youtube was trying to oust him from his number 1 spot because he was a white male, he was lambasted. Now twitter has the same problem.
Reality: Talent ceiling.
abduction, rape and sodomy, iirc.
that's his brother/sister/whatever
Results of "open raising" with no borders and being able to access millions in wealth to do what they want. I mean the kid literally wanted to be a movie star and daddy already paid for two movies for him to lead star in.
Uncle Phil is needed.
Holy shit he became John podesta overnight.
Someone had a caption which showed the criminal records of this dude, but don't have it saved.
He really looks like a jigger
Are there any didnus with anything to say worth listening to? i don't mean for redpilled anons but for normies
Chuck Berry, Michael Jackson and Muhameth Ali are dead
Snoop dog says everything he need in his raps
Samuel Jackson only says Motherfucker and there's no point in reading tweet from Morgan Freman as normies just wanna hear him talk
the only dindu left is the science black dude who rplaced Sagan in Cosmos, but he ain't even a real scientist who researches anything
I don't know if there is anyone left still caring for Michael Jordan
Those are all the didnus i know are popular with normies
Oh an there's Kayne West too but everyone hates him
Is there any other famous dindu i'm not aware of?
All I did was search "computers are racist". You're all lazy kikes.
A teenage millionaire nigger wearing a dress. I've seen it all now. The Hollyweird kikes must be laughing their asses off.
It must be they had stolen all the followers from the descent black users. We must establish a government agency to redistribute the Twitter followers.
Am I getting memed on?
Nope. Binary is a base two system. Even = 0 and odd = 1 as the last digit. A binary number to four places looks like this:
[(0 or 1) * 2^3] [(0 or 1) * 2^2] [(0 or 1) * 2^1] [(0 or 1) * 2^0]
White men are typically the most popular users on Twitter as in they have the most followers. Not that theyre the largest demographic on Twitter. But yea, twitter has a serious fucking bot problem.
Yes I know, you retard. I was pointing out that all odd base10 numbers must end in 1 because all the preceding digits are even so you have to add an odd at the end to get an odd number. This should be fairly obvious and should preclude some sort of "repeating odd digits" bullshit. Which is why I questioned whether you were meming or just retarded.
Twitter is such a shitshow anyway
Computers can be designed with more than binary. Charles Babbage's Analytical Engine (designed, never built) was a base-10 computer. Our own cells, themselves von Neumann Machines, use a sort-of base-4 coding system (I say sort-of, because each pair of nucleotides which bind together must alternate with the other pair down the chain, so it may seem like a hybrid of base-2 and base-4). Amazingly (you might say), genes form an underlying language to what I would call a base-16 number system in the form of triplets, since ribosomes read triplets of RNA to determine which amino acid to attach next in a chain.
Pre-coffee mistype *base-pairs form an underlying…
Samefagging You have got to play this song while staring into the gif in the linked post.
See in their minds that means that twitters userbase is overwhelmingly white and male. But it isn't, not even close. The truth is, and it's a truth that these resentful mudskins and progs hate, is that even non-whites prefer white people.
Maybe if niggers had something to say other than ooga booga muh dick more people would follow them.
How do you people find this place?
You are a gigatech form of hundreds of billions (if not trillions) of little tiny self-replicating, intercommunicating, cooperative, chemical machines. The saturated fat you're mostly composed of is like a natural form of what plastics are. These machines have characteristics of any other kind of system. While your DNA is quite important, it utterly depends on the right machine to house and execute it (the cell). Even though today we can archive your DNA and clone you, we cannot clone the brain which is in the skull. You are a two-part system, and where genes are the "firmware" which guides the hardware's construction and function, we have yet to be able to backup the software which accumulates in and presents itself from the brain.
Right now science pushes forward in the field of biology, but I fear one day abrahamists in the West may interfere with development, and thus handing advantage to the East.
May all H'WITES reading this post make it to the BrainCopy(tm) machine in time before hitting their personal entropic walls. While our effects will last eternity, I fear the Universe has no backup/recovery mechanism for minds (until proven otherwise).
Tyson is a real astrophysicist I believe who has published. He's just still not worth listening to. Just because someone is a scientist, doesn't mean he is an expert on everything. I can't stand this modern idea of their infallibility, and I'm trying to become one myself!
Yup. In grad school I met people from many different countries. No matter how much your stupid libshit friends try to convince you that everyone else hates America or thinks we're a laughingstock, the truth it that they all still idolize it. They want American clothes, music, movies, and friends. They want our education. They learn English early on in life because they want good careers, preferably at an American company. We're still the shining castle on the hill, or whatever that saying was.
You should go have a look at what he "published" and what his contribution to it was.
The answer if to kick off almost all of the white males except the jews that pass as white.
I just agreed with you that in binary, even base 10 numbers end in 0 and odd base 10 numbers end in 1. I'm not . He might be retarded. I didn't know you were being facetious.
I'm aware of one. He goes by Hopsin and is as red-pilled as a hip-hop nigger can get.
I. e., actor detected.
But user,
…and you beat me to it.
Please cut your balls off so a load
of billionaires and niggers will be happy
Commies actually used ternary computers for some time. Ternary has some advantages over binary but the hardware is more costly so it was dropped it may make a comeback though.
Anyone else notice how much he resembles Jizz?
reminder to fucking sage shit propaganda threads like these intended to depict white males having any say in Twitter verse
>listening to a redpilled hip hop nigger
I might as well take counsel from the world's smartest termite.
Only listen to the music you find in Holla Forums webm threads.
This study is a nigh-on mystical level of reaching.
Purely random self-sorting results in disproportionately high followers for white men. Clearly this is evidence for discrimination - and they're correct. It is evidence for discrimination in the correct sense of the word - "the recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another". If enough black men were tweeting things worth following they would have more followers - it would follow as a direct consequence of the perceived value of their posts to a larger audience.
this is what bullys are for
If we are to be able to transfer or replicate our minds in any real capacity the first step would be the ability to simulate neurons, the supporting glial cells and their interconnectivity, with the signal from each neuron being modulated by possibly thousands of neurons, and the signal itself in turn modulating thousands of other neurons. This in itself might be achievable on a superficial level, and some people foolishly posit that this is all that is needed to replicate our consciousness, but to fully capture the human mind one would also have to simulate the endless amount of hormonal signals and their effects, many of them not even originating in the brain itself. The simulation also has to encompass all the underlying genetic material and the myriad of ways that the transcription and translation of it into proteins is regulated, not to mention the interactions of the proteins themselves, as the functionality and levels of those products are absolutely essential to neural activity. To obtain the raw computational power is the easy part, but uncovering the vast and almost unfathomably complex information required to set up the parameters is a whole other story entirely.
My point being that, while I have great faith in our scientific and technological potential, it’s safe to say that a BrainCopy machine is not realistically possible within our expected lifetime. When it comes to longevity for our generation, my bet is on mastery of cell rejuvenation, stem cells, and genetic manipulation combined with artificial components. Just my two cents.
It checks out. The more you are fucked by podesta the more you become podesta.
Holla Forums has a white man problem too.
No. We can do better.
This is fucking amazing, do you have a throwaway email I can talk to you about. What's the advantage in using a non-binary computer, faster computations?
That is awesome.
I hate to be that insufferable faggot, but…
I sincerely hope that my humble memesmithing has contributed in some small way to making his life worse over the years.
just more proof that most real humans dont like nor care about non-whites
Very dark skin. Very pale blue eyes. I think colored contacts are likely, but if not, he has white genes, or he's a mutant.
Oh god, you dumb motherfucker.
Even AI hates niggers so what hope do they have with actual human beings?
The major advantage of ternary (at least today) is it's more power-efficient. The more power you put in the more heat you need to get out, and if you can't get it out you have to slow down. It also simplifies some operations compared to binary.
The downside is you to detect three states instead of only two.
I won't check every day, but here you go: [email protected]/* */
This is an assertion without an empirical basis though - we don't know the minimum level at which the simulation must be accurate to functionally replicate the brain. I'd be pretty surprised if the entire electron transport chain and all the possible permutations of interactivity with cellular metabolism was necessary - but again that's an assertion without evidence to back it up. It's an unknown, is my point. From a functional standpoint for consciousness a lot of the basal cellular processes may be largely invisible or at least subject to approximations with negligible impact.
Hey man do you have the rest of the set? Here's one. Who's the artist?
Early, and often
The artist is Paul Robertson, you could probably find a set of those gifs on his tumblr.
Jesus man, that tumblr is vertigo causing.
The mods are doing everything in their power to slowly kill off this board, honestly.
MAGA! Mods actually are awesome, Holla Forums back in its fag days (before Trump) used to be 50% with illegal spics. We're living in the golden days of Holla Forums, shitskins cannot be redpilled and they were dragging us down! Now we're in a white Nationalist board, if that's not great, idk what is. I don't miss those illegal spics, I love our pureblood brothers that the mods replaced them with!
This is a shittier bait that maddowposting tbh, imkikefy.
sorry is this a normal thing for ID's to do here???
or is this some fucking epic shit?
It is.
I'm pretty sure they're contacts, but there are forms of partial albinism that only affect the eyes.
TOR was a mistake and so were you
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Dude that's unique! Thank you for finding that gem, I cannot believe I missed it.
Thank you based user.
Hey man I can't blame you. It feels good to find people sharing something you discovered and made public to be shared with the masses.
'Why doesn't the universe conform to my notions of what it should be like? Until it does, it's sexist!'
That's no different from crying that the world is unequal until everyone gets the same amount of free cash.
This. 'Discrimination' is just the sign that the group in question has been doing something right, from the evolutionary point of view. (I'm not speaking here exclusively of biological evolution.) If white male comments are most popular, it means they have or recently had won the evolutionary contest (through whichever way was most fitting: through relevance, truthfulness, entertainment…).
A leftist tactic appears to be poisoning science by subjectifying it: gradually damaging it by inserting more and more 'shoulds' in it ('the society "should" be equal in this or that respect!'). Rather than stressing the importance of the is/ought distinction, in accordance to which only historical causes of certain balances (for instance, why whites dominate over blacks or men over women – nature vs nurture) can be meaningfully discussed.
You are talking out your butt. You cannot clone the mind because consciousness is not localized. The human brain is an antenna.
Try to read more about history of computers.
Tzuze, german, created the first schematics for a real computer. ENIAC copied it after WWII.
ENIAC was a 10-base computer. Because of electrical reasons, it is simpler to use base-2.
Von Neuman, a genius polymath, improved ENIAC with this type of system; he also created the "Von Neumann architecture" which is one of the most used architectures now.
Worth a listen.
'Cause you in the streets acting like a neanderthal
Fuck me missing a >. These lyrics are pretty spicy for a ooga. Rope him last. Polite sage.
jizz is supposed to be white user, pls see a doctor
Well who wants to listen to niggers anyway? Muh shoes, muh jewelry, muh clothes, muh whining, muh bitching, muh lack of personal responsibility. It's like listening to women.
Their mother is Jada Pinkett Smith, she is a jew, they have jewish ancestry, they are jews. Degeneracy and perversity, every fucking time.
Categories: American people of Portuguese-Jewish descent
There used to be more on her jewish ancestry, but it is kikepedia after all and you know how they scrub things.
I'm still mentally parsing the "nigger jew" part. How does that even work without the jew side self-immolating out of hatred?
The very act of race-mixing has always seem like a self hatred thing to me in the first place.
Please no.
It still is about half nonwhites. Which is why so many people on this board denounce every white nationalist who is not on this board. If the movement were ever to step into the light of day they know they'd be out of it.
The problem with this thought is that even minor physical damages inside the brain can do hellish damage to the 'person' that resided inside the head before the damage. While functionally the brain can often reroute, repair or in general ignore many issues, it seems in many cases if done to the higher functioning portions of the brain the person is irrevocably changed even if still 'the same' human in body and most brain functions.
The oddity of the brain is often noted. Two individuals with nearly the same trauma or physical damage to the brain can have two totally different outcomes, some people have been shot in the head and had virtually no discernible mental changes, while others with the exact same types of injuries can become an utterly different person in mind. Some people have even reported that they retain their prior person's memories, but it is like looking thru a movie at someone elses life and they hold no connection or familiarity with that person in any way. Their minds, even the way they process information on the conscious level is often reported to change drastically becoming vastly different people.
Small differences can sometimes make drastic and irrevocable chances down the line it seems when it comes to the brain. Even when other poofs show truly traumatic changes can sometimes do virtually nothing from any testable viewpoint when it comes to the 'mind'.
Come to a country started by white people, complain that the culture is focused on white people. I used to think this shit was funny until I realized it was white genocide.