Holla Forums does a Phineas and Ferb remix


Skip intro: youtube.com/watch?v=4Qbff7ELVTA&t=37s

inb4 he gets "shutdown" like PewDiePie

Webm or shill fucker.

webm cuz OP is gay
gud vid

Gee good on you but as long as you are on Google services and taking their money that means you gotta play by their rules and they could shut down all that hard work you've done to build a channel and get 190k subs.

that editing just gave me aids.

Strangest timeline.

Might work with the trendies, then it might not. Did you make it OP?

I lold.

First half of that video was cancer and gave aids like CNNiggers. Second half I couldn't stop laughing. That editing was cancer.

I fucking hate this guy. His entire youtube channel is just him attempting to gain oldfag cred with the youtube audience while he constantly shows that he's a newfag.

Not gonna lie. I liked that Candace Antifa bit.


No one cares about your faggy youtube video

I lost my shit with the bikelock bit

Just came back to 8/pol/ after a 6+ month break. This place has really gone down the shitter. When did all the Facebook-tier redditers get here?

the election really did this place in.


Please let this and other youtube celebs take the next generation to red-pill levels that shouldn't even exist.

The election and apparently reddit started to get harsh with T_D, so a bunch of the redditfags came here. Doesn't help that imkikey is actively supporting the reddit cancer and bans anyone who complains about it.
Watch me get banned for this post.

Wew lad the future is so bright /we/ wont need eyes to see it

Dubs of truth. We need to spread out more, not just to other places but IRL specifically. Go to a gym, you won't regret it.

Original screenshot for legibility

A while back, an user here claimed claimed that he had a 200k YouTube channel, and that he would someday reveal his power level. Looks like he wasn't a faggot after all.

Okayyyyyy, I'm a fasces without the ax, but for future reference, what tool would you recommend?

"Authentic" aids & cancer are with CD-i sources nowadays, unless if you're a YTP-normie, then you're 100% correct.

I wish I had such skills, but it would take a lot of time to learn them.

It takes many, many hours to learn such skills, spread over countless weeks of hard labor having to sift through images in folders to be able to produce such content.

t. 150K subs on jewtube

This. Its trying to be edgy too hard

Alot of ytp start off like that so copyright people just ignore it

I somewhat disagree. He built the majority of his base by giving the audience what they wanted. Now he shifted over to producing content that's more fun and enjoyable for himself.

He's probably fine that many people dislike or unsubscribe from him.

As long as he shills for Uncle Adolf I don't care

This guy is a massive faggot. He made a video a few months ago autistically screeching about "le normies stealing our epic ifunny dank memes xDDDD" and it reeked of r/4chan and pretending to be an oldfag. Daily reminder if anyone uses "normie" like he does, even if they say it's ironic, they are a normalfag and need to be laughed off of the internet and have gore spammed in their threads to send them back. I don't think he's even redpilled, most likely doing pics related and trying to be edgy to get the upboats from fifteen year old The_Donald browsers.

Evalion shilled for Uncle Adolf. Are you fine with her?

Even if he was autistically screeching and being a normie, he was right about "Behind The Meme" being more normie.

He's probably familiar with the redpill, but he's no 1488'er. Anyhow, I still get a chuckle from many of his videos.

You are one big fuckin' retard.


When did people start saying "this", "/ourguy/" and called everyone a shill like a broken record liberal kvetching about muh fascists? Holla Forums really really went down the shitter after the election, it use to be brotherhood, now its reddit faggotry.

Shut the fuck up kike

I think they were alluding to Moldylocks.
Yeah when I saw that, I lost it too.

Fuck off, people like him are why we're being raided by r/The_Donald and 4cuck to begin with. Why are you shilling for ecelebs so hard, anyway? I'd suggest you go back to whatever shithole you came from and tell your normalfag friends there to stop shilling on Holla Forums.


anyone know what happened to moldylocks? is she still retarded or did the hit in the head bring her to her senses?

Get the fuck out of here faggot.

Chief Save-A-Hoe? That you nigga?

I despise Phineas and Ferb but that was pretty good. Do we really need a whole fucking thread for it though?

Remember the "Holla Forums buys a video game" thread about one and a half years ago?

Video: Cyanide & Happiness

Shit was pretty good.

Anybody who has a youtube channel covering 4chan is cancer. Anybody who doesn't follow rules 1&2 or un-ironically uses the word meme is cancer. Anybody who watches these youtube videos for any purpose other than to call them faggots is cancer.

Most of them just wander in like a drunken slav.

Just used Google and I don't see any ruckus with EmpLemon, just like PewDiePie and his recent Janusz Korwin-Mikke commentary video.
