
How would you save the Metroid series, Holla Forums?

I'd say you'd have to separate it from Nintendo. Give it to the rare dev that actually knows what they're doing and cares about fun, and isn't bound by the idiotic demands of publishers. Someone like WayForward, only probably not WayForward.

Make endless copies of Super Metroid over and over again.

Make endless copies of Metroid Prime over and over again.

I just finished playing through that game again earlier today, and while I still love it, it doesn't really appeal to today's gaming audience. Now, mind you, most of the games to get big on the indie scene are Super Metroid ripoffs, but the indie scene is, by its very nature, niche.

I see more and more all the time, younger people who take one look at Super Metroid – perhaps play it for a short while – and dismiss it as being "old," or "unintuitive," or "clunky."

Sadly, I do see a lot of this being thrown around. People really want the Prime series back. I don't, and the reason why is because it's run its course. The games got stale over time, and sales took a hit as a result. There are literally shovelware games that made more money than Metroid Prime 3. I'm not saying the games should be dumbed down and made more accessible to a wider audience, but I feel like the Metroid series needs to go in a new direction if it's to have any hope of surviving, especially after the shitshow that has been the past six or seven years.

Make endless copies of Metroid Other M over and over again.

I'm no expert on the Metroid series at all, but the first thing I'd do is cancel Federation Farce or force that shit to the smartphone only demographic.

MP3 was shit and it came way too late. Literally the only good point it had was the controls and even that had it's share of gimmicks.
A metroid game should always be focused on exploration, platforming and the dreading sense of being alone in a weird alien world, MP3 failed at all of these

wayforward could do it, though they might not like the idea of not having the game revolve around tits n ass.
i was going to suggest retro studios because theyve been handling donkey kong country returns very well, but it turns out they developed the metroid prime games anyways. didnt know that

I've been saying this for months:

We need a heavily marketed game that's designed to ease normalfags into non-handholding

I can see them making an appealing Metroid game with that philosophy. Oh and

Well WayForward made the DuckTales remake, didn't they? Also, I suspect Retro probably COULD make a solid 2D Metroid game in the vein of DKCR, but most likely Nintendo (and fans) would be pressuring them to make more Prime.

A thousand million bajillion times, this. Holy shit, are you me? Although the game you describe is essentially Super Metroid, but apparently that game is TOO non-handholdy for normalfags these days. I just don't get those normals, man. But yeah, everything you said is exactly what needs to happen. Metroid needs marketing, it needs to draw in more players, but it needs to not go casual in doing so. It's a fine balance, but I believe it can be done.

And yes, Psychomoto needs to go.

its not so much about being eased in to something, but being told this or that is a good thing. theyll play anything if they think theyre supposed to.
i havent played dark souls, but isnt that considered a game that doesnt hold your hand, and is notorious for "bullshit game design"? and isnt that something normalfags love to death?

I think people just want some kind of non-linear game with the right tone at this point. The tone being that Samus is alone on a planet where everything wants to kill her and she has to get shit done.

Well, Metroid Prime starts with the Space Pirate Frigate sequence.

This is sort of true, but it's a matter of marketing. The more a game is marketed, the more successful it is, generally. Even complete shitshows get a lot of attention/popularity (at least for a little while) when they put themselves out there. Normals tend to not have a lot of brain cells, so the more times they see an ad for something, it somehow reinforces in their minds that it must be a quality product.

That's part of why I think the Metroid series should be taken off of Nintendo's hands. On Nintendo hardware, it'll never reach its full potential (popularity-wise), because normals usually don't even pay attention to Nintendo. Because Nintendo doesn't market their hardware, and when they do, they do so with a family-friendly image that most young adults aren't interested in.

I'd kind of like to see the Federation's presence in the story toned back as well. They kind of got more and more involved with each passing game. This most recent game is entirely about the Federation, with pretty much just a cameo from Samus herself.

Each time we have a Federation officer/computer/whatever telling us where to go, it kills that "alone on a strange planet where everything wants to kill you" feel.

Easy; Give the AM2R guys a full game budget and dev kits

alternatively; Let M2 or Wayforward take a whack at it.

No matter who makes it, Ninty will force [CURRENT GIMMICK] into the game. A Metroid game today would be third person view on the TV with FPS view on the gamepad, and you'd have to waggle-aim to shoot anything. There'd be no analog movement, either, so you'd have to tilt the thing to have her run backwards or forwards like one of those oldschool marble arcade games.
Half of the time you'd have to stand up and face away from the screen just to aim at your target, but you'd only know where you're going if you break your neck looking over your shoulder.

Nintendo would call this "innovation".


Market the livid hell out of it, assemble old teams to do it while also hiring on young staffers who can keep the torch going.

Keep Sakamoto but do not let him anywhere near creative lead. Remember that the man had high roles in Super and Fusion, but he didn't have total creative control until Other M.

That's another reason why I feel the series needs to be completely removed from Nintendo. As in, they would have no connection to the game whatsoever. Not developing, not publishing, the game wouldn't even be on their hardware, it'd be on PC, XBone, and PS4.

That's a rather drastic solution, and to certain people, it'd be rather upsetting to see one of their favourite Nintendo franchises leaving Nintendo, but it's part of what I feel is necessary to make the series shine. Nintendo is fucking radioactive these days.

He was the director on those games. He may not have actually done everything himself, but he had a lot of input on everything that everyone else did, and ultimately everything went through him. But it's not like he was always crazy, either. Read things he said about the series and the character 22 years ago, or even 12 years ago, and it's night and day from his attitude toward the series and the character six years ago.


Retcon Other M into oblivion. Say it was Samus having a hallucination or something. Parallel universe. Anything.

And then a few things would be in order:

Oh, and:

>Not have the player character be Samus


Just say it never happened.

The only possible redeeming thing Federation Force may have (from a video of Mission 17) is that you have to infiltrate a Space Pirate base with Metroid's in it and cause it to self destruct. You can also steal Metroid eggs and bring them back to your Galactic Federation vessel possibly setting up the answer for how the GF got access to Metroid's in Fusion.

You may in fact be the "bad guy" in Federation Force because of that decision.

MP3 may have been a bit more linear than it's previous games. But wasn't that bad.

And you were alone most of the time, with the brief one way radio calls from the GF/Aurora units (who can't exactly appear at a moments notice to provide combat assistance or anything).

The start of the game was onboard a GF ship/planet but it would have been weird if you were the only one around. Where it was kinda nice seeing how Samus (and other bounty hunters) can function with/around GF troops when fighting in a combat situation. Or the GF invasion of the Pirate Homeworld and the explosive trooper escort mission. But an entire game involving GF at your side at all times would probably get annoying.

Hmm… Interesting. I mean, if you're not just shitposting, and you actually mean that. For me, you couldn't really separate Samus and Metroid, which is part of why I (and may other people) refuse to consider Federation Force an actual Metroid game. But I'd be interested to hear what your logic is.

As for making it longer than three hours… Eh, that's kind of a series tradition. The games are built in such a way where they take several hours for new players to complete, but you can speedrun them in under one or two hours usually.

And as for retconning Other M… Well yeah, that's kind of a given.

Everything else you said, I suppose I could get behind. Perhaps even being sprite-based. I mean, we all know it would be if WayForward were working on it.

Metroid is not in trouble, it does not need saving, the IP will not dwindle out of existence. Nintendo should aim to release titles more frequently, this is not an issue exclusive to Metroid, Nintendo have always done a poor job at maintaining enough staff to maintain their IPs, until Nintendo execs understand that gamers can enjoy more than 1 major release annually all that free money will pass right under Nintendo's nose and into the pockets of lesser developers.

Metroid has always been a relatively small series, Super Metroid sold less than Metroid Prime 3 and it released at the height of the Snes right along with Donkey Kong Country, one of the highest selling Super Nintendo titles.

My apologies, I never realized this was a bait thread.

You can meme arrow all you like but both of those statements are true

I think it would just be a better option overall to not play as Samus. For example, it would bypass the whole "your suit short-circuited, all your items are gone!" thing, which was always lame every time they did it. It would also give them an excuse to give you new, original items this time, or familiar items at unconventional points during the game.

Also seeing Samus from a second-person perspective is always cool. Maybe they could do A reversal of Fusion, where you chase Samus around instead of being pursued by the SA-X

They could have you play as a G-Fed soldier sent to track down and eliminate/apprehend Samus Aran after the events of Fusion. It would be a setup for some really interesting and cool encounters, and maybe a boss fight or two, you dig?

Well, sorry about the failed spoilers both times I tried to respond to you, if you're simply updating the thread instead of refreshing.

Anyway, I'm not personally onboard with your idea of playing as someone else, but it could perhaps work if there was a shifting viewpoint dual-protagonism.

I'm not someone who sees the constant loss/recollection of items as a problem – rather, I see it as more of a running gag in the series. That, and story being of lesser importance than gameplay. It's less interesting to be overpowered from the beginning to the end than to have to start from scratch in each game. From what I understand, this is your reasoning for wanting a new character, so that the plot doesn't HAVE to be stupid in order to accommodate the gameplay, but like I said, I find it amusing the way it is. The Metroid franchise is not without a sense of humour, it's just often very subtle, and not always in the foreground.

Make an actual fucking follow-up to Super Metroid for once. One that isn't a dumbed down piece of shit. One that actually gives fans what they have wanted for 20+ years now.

I'd like to see a prequel to the entire series. Explain Samus's origin.

Make endless copies of Metroid II over and over again.

Don't post questions.

That's what Other M was supposed to be, but they had a creepy old misogynist in charge of it, who had apparently forgotten everything about the Metroid series by then. Pic related.

That's what Other M LOOKED like when it was first shown off. After all, we saw Adam, who we knew was Samus' CO in the Federation before she went independent as a bounty hunter, and we saw what looked like a younger Samus, with short hair, wearing military fatigues.

A game exploring her Federation days probably would have gone against the isolationist tone of the Metroid series pretty hard, but it could have been done well, and even could have been story-heavy without being awful. But we didn't actually get a prequel, we got Other M. And it was awful.

Just so we are clear, Im not the only who who was bothered by Samus having the power suit while being in the federation right? It gets lost in all the other shit of Other M but we all agree that was retarded right?

Not even remotely. It was 3D from the beginning, and it was taking cues from Fusion from the beginning. Other M had absolutely no aspirations of building on Super Metroid.

I would be ready to excuse that, since she probably got the suit from the chozo at a young age, before joining the Federation, and both Fusion and concept art for Prime showed the suit to be part of her body. I WOULD be ready to excuse that, were it not for all the times we've seen her with neither the power suit nor the zero suit in game endings, as well as the in-story cutscenes in Other M, where she's seen not wearing the zero suit. If it's really a part of her body, then she shouldn't be able to just take it off and change clothes whenever.

I meant story-wise. It continued on directly from the ending of Super Metroid. They even remade the ending of Super Metroid for the beginning of Other M.

This is just an idea but I'd like to have a game where Samus is literally fighting both the Galactic Federation and Space Pirates in some cruel twist of fate.

And depending on whether you favor one side, the other, or neither then you can get exclusive power-ups for that route which alters how soon or late you can explore certain sections of the map.

One thing I did appreciate Metroid Fusion for is how the environments change with the passage of time. The game should not be linear obviously. Instead the planet's environment should reflect itself based on the sequences of events players trigger. And having two factions to side with or betray as invading forces is one of the possibilities.

Finish Metroid Dread and get on with one of the most interesting ideas for the franchise and plot.

I get the impression they have no fucking clue what they're doing, and just kind of change the way the suit works from game to game to suit their needs. It's as if Bethesda were in charge of Metroid's lore and consistency.

>ignore 98% of other M as 2% was Anthony

>Enlist Anthony Higgs

>can "win" the game quickly by getting to the right planet first and getting the black box
>this isn't the real ending

>to get true ending, you have to get 100%
>there are hidden mcguffins on these three planets
>they tell the location of a pirate outpost
>after getting all the mcguffins AND the black box, you open a fourth place

>fourth place has battle hardened pirates
>turns out they have the other half of the black box, the one that recorded the biological traits of the specimens, not just crew logs and camera feed
> they know of the X and are salvaging parts of the nuked planet pieces for traces of DNA
>they already found Ridley and he's mostly fully re-grown in a tank hidden deep in the facility

>he hits a button
>alarm goes off
>think it's an evac signal
>nope, he's waking up Ridley
>have to fight a fucking angry Ridley
>yes, he remembers you when cinematic you backflips away from him and he's pissed
>boss fight where he will take damn near everything you can throw at him because, despite your weapons, you're not bird magitec

>seems like he goes down
>call your ship in and go to evac
>Ridley ain't dead and now he's chasing your ass

>90-99% showcases the same but Anthony tosses two cents in about "How he always knew he could trust her" and "He's lucky to be alive"

>100% is All the above, but Admiral Dane flips on the direct feed from Anthony's helmet and shows Ridley grabbing his shuttle in low orbit
>Anthony can't shake him
>Suddenly a barrage of munitions that would make Micheal Bay blush hits Ridley and he tumbles on fire back to the planet

>final shot is Anthony looking and zooming in on a purple ship, catching a glimpse of Samus as her arm cannon shuts before she gets back in her ship and warps away


Make another prime. or I actually don't mind Samus not being playable. Playing as the fucking soldiers doesn't sound like a bad idea until you look at federation force and it looks like a fucking phone game.

She got the suit from the Chozo, before she went to the Federation.

The suit goes off when she loses concentration or is in a weak state of mind (when Adam shoots her, for example) or she decides to "turn it off". So it is part of her in a way, it even affects her physical body, making her taller (pic related).

For the next game the best they could do is a classical Metroid: 2D, no story, just Samus in a planet shooting things and jumping on platforms, without stupid gimmicks (or "innovation" as Nintendo likes to called it).

I don't really care when she got it.

First of all I liked the idea that the Federation didn't know who she was when they first hired her in Metroid 1 (refering to her as a man in the instruction manual).

I'm not overly attached to that idea so wouldn't really mind it if Other M played out like the Manga where the federation were like space cops and she just worked with some random alien as an agent. But in Other M the Federation was a military organisation and she was part of a squad. The rest of the squad were just normal army guys in armour with rifles while she was in her high tech alien one man army power suit. Even if the military didn't want to disect her to figure out how to mass produce the suits why would they put her with a bunch of normal grunts who would hold her back? Its like if a modern army attached a fighter jet to some squad of troops and made it hide in trenches and travel around in a jeep with them.

DM64 is one guy, that's why it's taken 8 goddamn years

SM and MP3 both sold >1 million units. SM was overshadowed by DKC because people were so hard for the graphics, but it was by no means the flop that people try to push it as.

The sales took a hit because the marketing got progressively worse/they were released on gimped systems. Look at this ballin' ass trailer for Prime 1, this shit would get anyone from 2002 harder than a granite cliff. Fusion had a similar trailer that showed live-action Samus fighting off a horde of ayys. Both ZM and Prime 2 had slightly worse trailers, not nearly has hyped. They also had the misfortune of releasing the same month as Halo 2 and Half-Life 2, two Sci-Fi FPS games that ended up being breaking sales records. Prime 3 was released on the Wii a year after it had launched, and just 2 months before Halo 3 was released. The Wii had already been dismissed as a gimmick at that point. I guarantee you that had Prime 3 made the launch window it not only would have been a best seller, but it would have helped the Wii in a big way.

Dark Souls being popular is proof challenge and not holding your hand is still a legitimately good design decision. Indie Devs don't have the budget for the level of shilling producers for AAA games can pull. Marketing is very important for initial exposure and interes, and any indie dev who shies away from it despite hatred for Advertisers and Marketers won't actually sell their game because there won't be any groundwork for Word of Mouth to spread. It's a catch 22. Oh and the division of different audiences for different genres ensures that despite their age there is a demand for Metroid style games and some genres are always niche. Then you have shit like Mn9 and that giant 4,000,000 kikestarter scam to prove there is demand for other games and genres.

So to in final words, user your a faggot. Go and look up things like Steam Spy and know that demographics is very, very important for vidya.