So in thread #1 OP posted proof of Spenther's jewish ancestry in which this guy should of been disavowed back when he said he still supports Mike Enoch. How can anyone defend this guy? Can't any of you TRSodomites and alt right faggots name one thing Spenther has done in order to save the white race or help in the fight against world jewry???
SpentherGate Thread #2 - Back from the bog
Other urls found in this thread:
He holds conferences. How many conferences have you held, you IronLARP antifa D&C purity spiraller?
What have YOU done?
Gone to any events? Protests? Even left your computer?
And here I was thinking JIDF had gotten better at their job.
Larping IRL I guess is a thing when you're unemployed and living off of neetbuks.
Remember that white genocide is just a meme according to Dickie Spenther!!
Just a matter of time before Tommy Robinson and or Pam Geller are invited to the next fagfest at NPI.
at least re-post the core information from the old thread:
Richard Spencer is a crypto-Jew!
h ttps://
h ttps://
Daniel Friberg Jewish CEO of
Why is there a CEO, and why is it a Jew named Friberg?
lets find out:
h ttps://
h ttps://
Dig into Daniel Friberg
>A guy named Daniel (((Friberg))) is apparently one of the heads of the Alt right now, he seems to be calling the shots and providing the shekels.
^This is obvious if you ever bring up these topics around a TRSodomite they panic (for example in one of their live streams).
h ttp://
also if you read the article it seems Grinder Greg is pissed off at Spencer:
h ttps://w
h ttps://
Mathias Wåg
h ttps://
Why is it always the same faggots making these anti-Spencer threads?
All Spencer does is LARP is public and give shitty interviews, but even that's more productive than shitposting online.
forgot to post
Now I'll ask you again faggot, name one thing Dickie Spnther has done in the fight against world jewry?
Because these are D&C threads, usually made by antifa
Don't change the subject, I asked first.
Why can't Richard Spencer name the Jew in his speeches? His plan is to have all the white people to run off and hide, why? Instead of standing up holding ground and why hasn't he said the 14 words yet?
Thanks, I would of posted it but facts, logic and reason don't apply to these niggers, they are as bad if not worse than the retards who would defend Alex Jones when he was first exposed as a co intel pro shill working for Stratfor.
Holla Forums is not the alt-kike
so this is now a slide thread to hide the facts, logic and reason that exposes the alt-kike. for shame
Exposing you niggers and the kosher nationalist movement you support, now you tell me one thing Dickie Spenther has done in the fight against world jewry before I hunt you down and feed you to Jim's hogs.
Why are you so obsessed with Spencer? Just ignore him and follow a more explicitly NatSoc person instead. Spencer himself actually has very little followers, he mostly just leeches off groups like IE and the TWP, which is where he gets most of his "fans" from because of his reputation as the "ebil white nationalist". The point is, he isn't important. Go kvetch somewhere else.
The first thread reached it's 751 max posts so I decided to create another one, hopefully the mods do the right thing and sticky the first thread.
Can anyone explain what h is controlled opposition for what group is he being a gatekeeper of?
No, I don't follow TRS because it's filled with Jews and faggots. I just don't kvetch about them every opportunity, just like how I don't kvetch about the KKK because it's full of feds.
Here you go fam.
I couldn't even get halfway through the first thread without shaking my head at the how retarded fellow anons have become. Either you this retarded or your gullible enough to fall for all this really shitty cointelpro going on lately. A great-great grandfather was possibly Jewish (not even matrileneal). Looks like Thernovith or JIDF hit the jackpot.
It's another schizo retard, ignore him. He wants all alt-right figures gone because they are not nazis.
I thought that dude only went on cuckchan
>ignore the documented facts because (((I))) said the guy providing them is crazy
I don't understand. He literally cannot be Jewish unless his mother is and as far as I know she isn't. Spencer is a legit faggot for other reasons though but calling him a kike when he isn't doesn't really help with anything except make us look really stupid and do the work of CIAniggers for them. Oh.
have you ever talked to him, he has problems lol
This is what I mean. Fucking idiots, the lot of you.
This guy is a shill, note how he always spams anti-Spencer threads right before a major rally. He's doing this because of the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.
Refute the hard facts, or fuck off.
8 Holla Forums should of been busting this guy's cover and finding the links from day one.
This is what would really distinguish us from cuckchan, as the detectives of chans
Those quotes.
I'm not here to
meant for this
nigger this is substantive information my comment was just in regards to the shit quality of THIS thread.
What hard facts, Himmler, I mean CIANigger? That he may have a great-grandfather (not matrileneal descent) that may have been Jewish? You need to fuck off back to Langley or Tel Aviv. Or just stay here and shit up the board with your retardation. Probably this.
Both threads are shitty you fucking idiot.
we were too busy trying to destroy Hillary during the election to focus on Spencer and they didn't really start making trouble until just before Trump was elected.
Oh sorry, I didn't realize you are TRSodomite, filtered.
They're monitoring this thread. They're very unhappy, wildly shitposting from their cellphones and scared of something. Keep digging.
He's said a bajillion times that whites need a homeland. That's his entire message.
Look, I think he's a poofy pretty boy too, but calling him a Jew is just retarded. Just because you don't advocate violent genocide doesn't make you a Jew.
Dasss rite. Bust out dem TRS memes.
He's literally a Jew, and he's probably okay with vid related.
I kek'd. Because your dumb. Your dumb for thinking cointelpro from this country would have anything to do with the anti-Atlanticist philosophy of Dugin. But, that's to be expected. People use to actually read here. Another idiot.
Yes, sure granted, but what about the Jewish CEO of Daniel Friberg? What about the Jews Mencius Moldbug & Paul Gottfried who invented the Alt-Right? I mean, are you seriously going to defend """Reactionary""" Jews?
It's literally the same schitzo VPN shilling this shit over and over.
There is no debating a schizo. Seriously. If you know a schizo, don't engage them but send them to a therapist.
I would lay down some money that Friberg isn't a Jew. Could be wrong. -Berg is often not Jewish. Gottfried is a Jew who has also written some pretty good scholarship. Have you read him? He's a paleocon, really. But influential to some people on the Right. Who cares about Moldbug.
haha no on believes you. Keep panicking though and defending Spencer. It makes us kek
all of those things seem plausible. You know what else is plausible? That you are the same schizophrenic kike with a VPN trying to shut down any digging into that Alt-Kike. Sorry kiddo sage is not a down vote and trying to push a false consensuse doesn't work.
Spencer is a legitimate intellectual.
No irony, respect for him. He's pushing the right message and the silent majority of white Holla Forums channers agree with him.
I bet you think Jordan Peterson and Sargon of Akkad are smart too.
I guess Hitler was controlled opposition too.
I love when commies try to come here to use purity spiraling to make us attack pro whites.
Not even trying.
Not even 3 digit IQ.
next thing you know you are going to use the term "counter signal". Can you even answer the question kike lover? Daniel Friberg? Mencius Moldbug & Paul Gottfried? Why do you love these Kikes kiddo?
Peterson is bright, Akkad is a charlatan
Not even trying.
It sounds an awful lot like you want to keep this idea from spreading?
why do yo have a picture of a fat fucking semite for your "reaction face"?
god you're fucking stupid on so many levels
Here is what the mental retard thinks will happen. He thinks after alt right is defeated, somehow a nationalist socialist movement forms out of thin air and we get a third reich.
Here is what is more likely to happen. The retards attempt to gather in public and get their shit kicked by antifa at every stage because the fucking retards called themselves nationalist socialists.
This is why you schizo retards just complain on the internet and never even attempt to gather. You are too fucking scared.
can you answer the question? Or are you just going to act like a typical incredulous ignorant kike?
Peterson is smart very likely magnitudes more than you. Even if you disagree with much of what he says only a fool would say he isn't an intellectual.
If Hitler was alive today I bet you'd be calling him a Jew as well.
You want to explain to me why Hitler protected Ernest Hess? Was he a kike lover who wanted to stop National Socialism?
Nice goon meme. It's all you have. You've played your cards.
Can you answer the question>>10224397
There is no definitive proof that the Arktos guy is Jewish. Do you have new information? Have you read Gottfried? Or do you just know that he is chummy with AmRen, Macdonald, Spencer? Do you have anything substantive to say about his corrosive influence? He's a paleocon. Spencer is fond of him? And? You're like a fucking woman or a faggot with the gossip and the innuendo. Stop being a faggot.
Which is more likely?
You shills make me laugh.
But Hitler wasn't Jewish Shlomo
Because Hitler was not a Genocidal maniac, he was a German Nationalist and while he had a good understanding of the JQ, he was only human and being human he was fallible. Untimely trusting Jews was a mistake.
user TRS are Goons you fucking retard. Bulbasaur had a payed account on SA.
Do you think that every college philosophy professor is an intellectual? Do you have any idea how easy it is get to that position? All you need is time and money, and then you too can become an (((intellectual))) Jordan Peterson is pseud who spends his time analyzing pop-culture and sniffing his own farts.
This. Smart NatSocs don't try to get rid of the alt-right because they are able to gather and recruit at alt-right free speech rallies, which have enough numbers to repel Antifa. TWP has been alongside Spencer on many occasions.
This tinfoil autist may screech about big tentism, but he ignores that big tent strategies actually work if done right. In the Spanish Civil War, the Nationalists won because they worked together while the commies and anarchists were busy infighting.
They're two groups, kike shills, and mongrel retards who think e-celebs like Peterson, The Amazing Atheist, and Sargon of Akkad are geniuses.
My god. The alt-kike humiliation, it never ends.
If I was Jewish I might try to con you in to thinking your friends were your enemies and that they were using you, when really I am using you to hurt your friends.
Its almost like you're Jewish or something.
They get paid to do it.
Why was Leo Skurnik given the Iron Cross? Was it because National Socialists are Jewish controlled opposition? Why did Hitler allow Senior Officers like Erich Raeder to command over aryan men?
Many Anons were Goons before they were Anons. SA and Newgrounds were where many of us congregated before chans came to the forefront.
So if one of the greatest leaders in history was only human, a small, feminine pro white like spencer isn't only human?
I'm really fucking suspicious of you people who want to constantly attack the few people who are pro white. It reeks of leftist teenagers on discord doing it "for teh llulz XD" This isn't halfchan.
The alt-kike does not want this and constantly cuck out on everything until they become indistinguishable from the commies and establishment they supposedly oppose.
They are duginist nazbols who want a "white ethnostate" where some based niggers and kikes and fags are allowed(hint: this does nothing to secure the future of the white race as niggers, kikes, and fags are our enemies)
No it was because Hitler made mistakes you stupid fuck, you don't learn from Hitler and you don't learn from gamergate. Hitler lost the war because he was too tolerant and gg faded into obscurity because they PRfagged themselves into oblivion, much like alt-kikes are doing now.
Alt-kike idiots get off my board
His Grandfather is allegedly Jewish. That makes Spencer 1/4 Jew. How do you get 1/16? Jewish Mother = 100% Jew according to the law of return. Therefore Richard Dickenhorst was 100% Jewish. Having a Jewish Granpa is very influence. I know may grandparents are important to my respect for Heritage.
>Jewish financier (((Daniel Friberg)))
>Jewish heritage (((Eckstein)))
How is it so hard to imagine he may possibly have Jewish Loyalty?
Who is "us"? What group do you associate with?
NatSoc is an ideology, not a group. TWP is also NatSoc yet they work alongside Spencer.
I see you sodomites have studied our history and our speak.Nothing changes though people like op should expose you grids faggots.
I'm not alt right. How did the National Socialists come to power? As bad as things are now days, they're not as bad as they were in Weimar. People live in extreme comfort and are not going to easily give that up. We also have the advantage/disadvantage of the internet spreading and twisting information instantaneously across the earth.
You're not going to get anywhere with the way the school systems and media are right now goosestepping and burning buildings. The only way you could possibly think that is if you can't tell peoples facial expressions.
The important thing is the 14 words. Many jews are a roadblock to that. It's your job to make others understand that, not scare them away.
I'll check back later to see if you've been successful ducking any of these questions.
If all you have is kike lovers etc etc then you have nothing. Y'all sound like fucking teenagers discussing nigger rap gossip or faggots talking about the Kardashians. You realize you sound like faggots discussing a gossip magazine, right? Men don't respect this.
he openly admits to being a zionist his words are enough for me to discount this kike entirely. Don't care if he's ethnically jewish, he's subversive.
The Native European populace, the only group worth associating with. It is in the best interests of this racial group to dissasociate from the subversive and wholly jewish alt-kike.
TWP is not natsoc, they are WN and alt-kike. Although they are one of the less-subversive groups they are still associating with subversives and should not be supported.
You're manufacturing consent, shill.
Oh yeah? Who are my friends? You? Who are you? I can hear you counting your money from here.
Great grandmother you fucking retard. Learn to read charts.
Hitler lost the war because of a great many reasons, this perhaps being one of them, but if you study those around him he was often betrayed by his own people who were fearful and weak. This had nothing to do with being too tolerant. This argument may hold water if the german commoner betrayed him because of resident Jewish rhetoric, but this did not happen.
It goes through the mother's side so even if you only go by kike law, he's a kike. Also what's with people pointing out past mistakes as proof to why you need to make the same mistakes that were allowed to happen?
This is a sign.
That's not how it works. Kike genes are not infinitely potent and don't have magical properties. After two to three generations, jewish genetics, which are already heavily diluted with European dna are totally bred out of an individual's genetic stock. A study was conducted that proved the ability to verify someone's jewish background with 100% accuracy and specificity, but it also found that anyone with a single jewish great-grandparent would be genetically indistinguishable from a fully European gentile, and would cluster with European gentiles on a genetic map.
Any problems we have with spencer make him a race-traitor and an idiot, but not a kike. Going back and finding some distant kike relative in his family tree has no relevant impact on his genetic makeup as a person today and definitely no impact on his identity as a white man. I hate spencer and the jewish "alt-right" movement he claims to be a "leader" of, but that doesn't mean I'm going to start spouting nonsensical bullshit about him being a jew, even if some small percentage of his ancestry was jewish.
It goes through matrilineal descent. His mother isn't descended matrileneally (if at all) from a jewish progenitor. His mother may have (since this is just gossip) a great-grandfather who was a kike. Thus, she isn't considered jewish but most jews.
Are you fucking high? They are much worse demographically speaking and speaking in terms of racial unity among whites. NSDAP came to power in a racially homogeneous society, stop folling for the political solutions meme.
The alt-kike does more to scare people away than anyone else. They are a boogeyman that the kikes created to maintain the illusion that whites still have power. Spencer thinks that the power in AmeriZOG still is white when in reality it's jewish. He also doesn't think that we have a "jewish problem"
Not my job to tell you. Abandon alt-kikes and find people that actually want to secure your future. Better yet secure it yourself. Stop being a fucking lemming.
Jewish mother = jew
Therefore if Birdie M E Eckstein is a Jew then that means Richard Dickenhors is also a Jew. Which means Spencer is 1/4 Jew
I hate it when people say "this." But, this.
Are you the faggot aut-rightist that spent 100+ posts last thread "totally not defending" dickie spicky?
Your mistake was inviting the TRSodomites to speak.
Oh fucking hell. Y'all are fucking idiots. Or liars. Or both. Or don't know the difference.
Just like a whiny gossip magazine reading faggot would. Be my guest.
fuck off with that.
And no. I'm not that whoever that was from the last thread and no, I'm not aut-right. I've been on 8/pol/ since the first exodus. How about you actually address the argument and evidence I provided instead of being an insufferable cunt.
Fucking bullshit (fairly recent) jewish legalism. Jews are a race, user. Stop playing their games, this is how they squirm:
"We are a religion"
"We are a race"
"Must have a jewish mother"
It is all bullshit and you are a fucking dope, or more likely a kike yourself, for spreading it.
The European populace are currently leftist faggots who vote for people like Merkel and Macron. Focus on that before you sperg about how the alt-right is Jewish.
How so? They seem to follow the model of GLR and openly name the Jew. Is this not kosher for you, shill?
do you honestly think the JQ is about biology? Its about Loyalty. Jews have no loyalty to a nation. They are only Loyal to Jewry. Jews are one of the most miscegenated mixed up breeds of rat that ever existed. Jews betrayed their own God and murdered him for their own profit, do you honestly think they give a flying fuck about biological heritage?
Now that's a name straight out of the Tel Aviv phone book.
Fuck right off kike
I don't give a fuck about his genes lad, anything that hurts the aut-right is fine by me. Spencer is a fucking kike in his actions first and foremost so it's only secondary if he's a kike by blood as well.
Either way he should not
Stop listening to memes spread by jewish media and urbanites. Most of Europe will not tolerate this invasion and we've already seen pushback in the more remote areas they've tried it in. Sweden does not count since socialism fried their amygdalas.
Wew how fashy! Was that filmed at the Pulse nightclub before the shooting?
Exactly. I'm talking about gaining a larger number of normies to our side. That's not something that causes discomfort to normies. It's certainly not spending a million Deutschmarks for a loaf of bread.
Unless you intend to march on washington with 10,000 kekistanis. The key is infiltrating the institutions and affecting their cultures.
This is the main reason I'm not alt right. But having public figures attacked for publicly speaking about white issues, whether in a manner you or I approve of or not, deters others from doing the same thing. We need more men to speak publicly. Ones not as feminine as specer. Otherwise we're just anons and faggots like Gavin can continue to call us virgin teenager hypocrites.
We need symbols like pic related.
Obvious slide thread is obvious. Try harder Shlomo.
Were many Anons Talmud apologists posing as White nationalists before they were Anons?
Anyone who doesn't have a problem with sodomites, jews, niggers and who hate traditional values.
Well it's a lot more nuanced than that, actually. The Jew is both memetic AND genetic. They have a well-defined and insular in-group with a set of cultural values and behaviours that have been derived from the unique genetics of the jew, which have the ability to corrupt even gentiles if that gentile were to view himself as a member of the tribe. What I mean is that the JQ is most definitely one of genetics, but the question of loyalty to the jewish "nation" - the memetic aspect of judaism - is also an vital aspect to consider. Take a gentile white man with the purest aryan genetics and raise him as a member of the tribe - he will be just as jewy and filthy as any fully genetic kike rat since the culture, environment, and behaviour of the jew will have poisoned the otherwise fully aryan individual.
You cannot ignore the aspect of loyalty, but neither can you ignore the aspect of genetics. Genetics forms one of the foundations of racial nationalism. Race is not fluid or based on ideological, but based on hard genetic evidence. You should give a shit about their biological heritage, since it impacts their behaviour as a group.
Well this is a shit-for-brains mentality. If you're making the claim that he is a kike, then your "evidence" has to actually support that claim. Showing a single great grand-parent who was a kike doesn't do this, since as I already proved, kike genes are bred out of a person when the ancestry is that far back anyway.
I don't give a shit about the alt-kike and the kosher bullshit they promote. I'm merely trying to maintain truth.
race is not fluid. This is a leftist meme. You are either a kike by genetics, a kike by religion, or both. There is no "kike by actions".
The entire point of my original post is proving that EVEN IF HE HAD A KIKE GREAT GRAND-PARENT, HE WOULD NOT BE A KIKE BY BLOOD ANYWAY. You have since been unable to prove otherwise and are trying to obfuscate the discussion with crap about being "jewish by actions". Someone is not "jewish by actions", they are a race-traitor.
Yea keep waiting for those German SS ubermensch to appear in the US. Totally possible goy. Keep attacking anyone who is pro-white outside imageboards and keep waiting until another Hitler turns up lol. What a sad bunch of losers you all are.
Just curious. How old are you?
Have you even read anything I've said? Because I'm not saying something different than you.
lol greg johnson has already been removed from white nationalism. You must do better D&C shlomo. You are not very good at this at all.
Try to explain this one away altkikes/trsodomites
Nah lad. You can squirm away.
wew. Who argues like a kike lawyer, in this instance. Or should I "fuck right off kike?"
How is that a meme? People like Merkel and Macron campaign on letting in more immigrants and those retards still vote for them in droves.
I'm younger than Bulbasaur, but the same year he wrote that article, I made this OC.
Yea we must simply stick to imageboards all the time. Lets be all user. That will create the white ethnostate. Anyone who does real world activism is a Jew or a Fed shill. You are a fucking loser and that's all you will ever be.
lol what a retard that guy is. It's been hilarious to see that moron sperging out on twitter.
Nice false equivalence. Spencer being a fucking kike and his entire phony movement being jewish to the core doesn't = "I hate IRL action"
Go fuck right off with this shit, you do it every thread.
We are such losers you need to switch ips and band with your fellow sodomites to waste time with us here.
Well then this we can agree on. I'm no fan if dickie or the alt-kike myself.
I'm not trying to defend dickie, I'm trying to prove that even if he had a kike great grand-parent, that wouldn't make him a kike. Call him a race-traitor, a subversive, or anything else. That's fine, but don't call him a kike since you're objectively incorrect by doing so.
I prefer to use the term "race-traitor" for whites who go down the path of the jew.
Anyone who acts in a way harmful to their own people, either knowingly or unknowingly, is a traitor on my eyes.
I actually like Tommy, he's risked his life multiple times to fight the Islamization of Europe and was staunchly against Islam years before it was even remotely okay to critizice it; that being said he's the goodest of goys and is being taken for a fucking ride by (((Ezra Levant))), who is currently the worst fucking thing to have happened to the right in recent years.
Of course when you ask them what has ol' Dickie Spenther done for the movement they'll ignore you and resort to typical jew tactics.
No they don't - most Euros full on don't vote and the elections are rigged.
I prefer not to get hyper-autismal about terminology, I will call him a KIKE if he acts like one. I will also call him one if he is one racially speaking.
Imo being a traitor requires intent, slavs are a good example of this tbh.
You need the alt-right to do IRL activism though. Try having a "National Socialist Rally (No Alt-Kikes Allowed!!)" and I will laugh as you and 5 other LARPers get beat up.
How so?
At least you admit that the Aut-Kike welcomes jews.
percision of language is important. Definitions also exist for a reason. How can we speak with specificity if our words lose their meaning through misuse? Call me autistic, but I think preserving the word "kike" for people who are actually kikes is kind of important to the potency and meaning of the word.
Stay brainwashed kike.
And the alt-kike wishes to continue this, they even attack people promoting racial separatism and genuine pro-white beliefs at their rallies.
The majority of people on this board are from halfchan. They just came at different times. I havent been there for 3 years.
What's your word/definition of normie? I was using it to define whites who are unaware of race.
What means do you intend to achieve the 14 words? I'm talking about subverting institutions like (((they))) did. If you're implying all out war, that's not possible at the moment and would be a detriment.
This thread is full of schizo's, drunks and teenagers.
Last time that happened Europe was conquered kike
Wew JIDF are no longer hiding the fact they are astroturfing on Holla Forums to push their Zionist kike shills
Oh, I understand what you mean. I misread your post and assumed you were saying slavs were examples of race-traitors. Thanks for clearing that up.
Cheers mate.
Tommy is a fucking kike
When did I say they welcome Jews? I said you can't have successful IRL activism without the help of the alt-right (or 'alt-kike' as you autisticly call them).
I'm talking about subverting institutions like (((they))) did.
Which people like dicky have no intent to do, he just wants more shekels in his bank account.
I'm implying you need to stop listening to subversive faggots who learned everything they know from kikes.
No not at all, they are often painted as race-traitors by shills and anti-whites though.
Fuck right off kike, the alt-kike is jewish to its core and will do nothing to benefit whites. Your free speech rallies and skirmishes with antifa just promote kikes like Kyle Chapman who want their mongrel children hunting down whites for sport. That's the future you get with aut-rights.
Here is all the proof you need that Alt kike goons are promoting zionist kike shills.
Tommy Robinson admits he's a jew.
K-Mac defending jews? Gee what a surprise! Bwahahahahaha!!!!!
If the context isn't relevant then you're being disingenuous and weaselly. If the context is metapolitical in the hopes of normalizing discussion of White European ethnostates then that isn't important to you? I agree that we don't need to appeal to Israel, but it's a specter and I assume it was just a strategy. This is why all this smells funny. If you don't care about context then you don't care about winning. Strategy matters.
Funny how non of these Altkike shills ever name the jew pedos in Hollywood or mention that 9/11 was done by the Mossad, they've just refind the shilling tactics that Alex Jones has been famous for.
So berating mudslimes = defending yids.
you shills are really taking this overboard.
Also commonfilth is in this thread
Example? If you're referring to the Oathkeepers, the entire alt-right hates them and Richard Spencer has called them out multiple times for their bullshit.
No, defending the jew (or at best, shabbos goy) Tommy Robinson = defending yids.
Wtf? I love jews now!
And the alt kikes defend this disgusting yid.
So i should like mudslimes now that tommy robinson = shabbos goy
He admitted to being a jew, moron.
It's high time the mods lock this thread
Reminder that people such as yourself and Tommy Robinson will be killed on the night of the long knives.
i'm talking about that mudslime and kevin mcdonald.
why do i have a sense you are some mudslime.
Reported for defending jews.
There's a homosexual meme if I've ever heard one. The Alt(NaziBol)Right isn't guilty of that, you can rest assure.
Reminder after kikes are taken out you shitskin mudslimes will have your dicks chopped and pig blood thrown in your mouths.
Remember that Kike Enoch was recruiting Proud Boys into his AIDS bog.
reported you for mudslime and accusing others as kike.
There's a lot of people who are only pro white because it's contrarian. Anything that's remotely popular is spoken down to. I've known these people irl, and they speak in memes in person. They're the ones unwilling to have conversations.
It's entirely possible to support the removal of mudslimes from western countries AND disagree with jewish meddling outside of Israel. Don't let them fool you.
Whatever you say TRSodomite.
It's funny how (((they))) try to D&C.
This shit is too obvious.
I can just see some jew conference on how to fight us, and some bearded psychologist saying:
"Yes, these disenfranchised white males seek camaraderie, so we play on insecurities towards accusations of homosexuality. Target any real or imagined hint of such and instill fear and hesitation, specifically against anyone influential. We can not allow in real life interactions from these goys".
Sage isn't a downvote nigger
I'm not downvoting. I'm just not bumping. And i'm filling up your shit thread at the same time.
Speaking of the Aut-Right
Fash the Nation Episode 1
Save it before they shut it down. At one point, McFaggot breaks character and implies that Iran is a major threat.
You must be referring to the Amren conference where Rabbi Mayer Shiller was invited as a guest speaker.
I only warned everyone back in the TRSemite stuff, the only people who support him are now, I'm sure, are TRSemties.
That isn't surprising that they're now pushing the official Neo-cohen agenda/talking points.
It's also possible to support killing all non-whites too, I do it all the time.
spitefully bumping a thread is not an upvote either, because this isn't reddit
Sage time.
TRS needs to leave, you insects crawl right back on this site after we got you to leave the first time, like the fucking cockroaches you are.
I'm now going to have nightmares after looking at that hideous jew bitch. :(
Lead another march on Skokie?
never forget
This is perhaps the most retarded shit I've ever seen on 8pol at least.
Judaism is matrilineal, so his great grandmother (Birdie Eckstein) isn't even Jewish as her mother wasn't Jewish, only the father was. Simply having the Jewish surname doesn't even carry the religion.
Finally, this is his great grandparent, not a parent or even a grandparent. Even Hitler wouldn't have given two shits about his great-great grandfather being Jewish. Furthermore, not everyone with the Eckstein surname is related so your example about occultism fails.
I hate Richard Spencer as much as the next faggot here, but your retardation only seeks to reduce the quality of debate on this board.
Accusing figureheads of being what their supporters hate, is exactly what an intelligence or LE agency would do if they were trying to destroy a group that got in their crosshairs.
If someone wanted to discredit say a Vegan figurehead, you'd manufacture a claim that he's secretly a meat eater.
If someone wanted to discredit an electric car figurehead, you'd manufacture a claim that he's secretly a combustion car driver.
If someone wanted discredit a right wing or anti immigrant figurehead, you'd manufacture a claim that he's a Crypto-Jew or has nigger admixture.
This is exactly how Fed D&C works. You disparage one or more leaders and hope that their followers will either turn on them or destroy them or both.
Doesn't mean that TRS are good guys (they aren't) but it is what it is and people familiar with these tactics will recognize them immediately.
This meme needs to die. You don't get to just choose how lineage works, and furthermore everybody knows that the lie of maternal heritage was adopted by the kikes to justify their endurance and eventual fetishization of being the single most enslaved, raped and cuckolded race in the history of the ancient world.
There is a Jewish saying in Panama that translates to "In a family, I know the child's mother but not about the father"… Meaning, when a mother gives birth, you know that's her child. But what about the father, how do you know it's his.
Genetics is matrilineal because that's the sure way of knowing I mean just look at the 50s, most men were cucks.
hey i just got here but how do you know about old Jewish sayings in Panama?
fresh OC, had to fix it.
That was more than 70 years ago you larper faggot. When was the last time you got out of your basement you fucking failure?
t.commonfilth subhuman
So we should go light torches for the media and dress in white polos with a Jewish CIA homosexual?
Thanks, no thanks. Why not just join Antifa.
Just a reminder that Rainbow Nationalists will be put to death for defending jews, mongrels and sodomites.
Gavin Mcinnes is an alt-lite (literal) faggot. Why is he even being associated with the alt-right?
when will you kikes realize that Holla Forums isn't alt-kike and get off our fucking board you TRSemite trash
Well if you don't want a real life right wing movement (which can only be achieved through activism), what are your plans? What do you think will bring about the establishment of a white ethnostate?
Come on larper faggot, throw some ideas at me.
its TRSemite shilling 2.0 except nothing changed
Oh you are so edgy and special to not be associated with anything. Stay larping from your basement you filthy subhuman. Even after a white ethnostate is establishment, subhumans like you will just be larping on this imageboard. People like you have no agency and no courage. Kill yourself you human trash.
how is a white ethnostate going to be established exactly?
Because you're the exact same thing. And we're going to kill you, Nazibol.
Lol the same larper faggots keep making the same threads taking quotes and tweets out of context. I get why white nationalism has always failed in the US. It is because it attracts the paranoid and quite simply the most subhuman whites. Stay in your trailer hick. Subhumans like you will be subhumans no matter what the system of governement is.
Spencer got him his job at Taki.
Hopefully all of eastern europe become explicit white ethnostates open to all white European immigration to save us from the brown hoardes. That or a state like Tennessee or alabama secede and kick their niggers out. Either outcome would be acceptable to me
Eastern European nations are already pretty much ethnostates by default. Believe me, they won't take any of you retards in their country. I mean what elese can you do besides post trash on imageboards? lol
Ok. But neither of those scenarios seems realistic in the slightest. Immigration in Europe is rapidly increasing. It seems this strategy hinges on hope alone..
This board has been swarmed by hordes of retards and jewish shills. This is pretty much a dead board now.
Richard Spenther banned Matthew Heimbach from speaking at the NPI conference back in 2016 for being against sodomites such as your fellow travelers.
There is no context for some of these quotes, sorry. Also please fuck off, this is a national socialist board
Haha of course you do you pathetic larperfag.
Thanks a lot Alt-kikes, now the SPLC associates you sodomites with white nationalism.
Awww you don't like it when your circlejerking natsoc larper board gets someone with a different opinion, do you? Pathetic people like you are going to be left behind.
hi. what do you have against natsoc?
same. fucking. lines
Still waiting for Dickie Spenther to allow those with anti-lgbt views to speak at the next NPI conference.
Why are so many Holla Forumsacks marrying non-whites? Just because she's white and non-virgin doesn't mean you don't have the obligation to marry her
I'm racemixing though
First thread:
Second thread:
Third thread:
Fourth thread:
Fifth thread:
Sixth thread:
Seventh thread:
Eighth thread:
Ninth thread:
Tenth thread:
Eleventh thread:
Twelfth thread:
Thirteenth thread:
Fourteenth thread:
Fifteenth thread:
Sixteenth thread:
Seventeenth thread:
Eighteenth thread:
Bulbasaur dox threads:
Seventh Son dox threads:
Victory thread
Mike Enoch dox threads:
After dox thread:
TRS blames Holla Forums for initial Ghoul dox
BPS cucks for Israel thread
Mike dox 1:
Mike dox 2:
Mike dox 3:
Mike dox 4:
Mike dox 5:
Mike dox 6:
Mike dox 7:
Mike dox 8:
Mike dox 9:
Mike dox 10:
Mike dox 11:
Mike dox 12:
Mike dox 13:
Mike dox 13:
Mike dox 14:
MIke dox 15:
TRS defending jew mike 1:
TRS defending jew mike 2:
you think you can just come back like we forgot, we aren't goldfish, we don't work like that faggots.
Anyone who supports homosexuality supports cultural marxism and supports jewish pop culture.
White nationalism isn't your movement Dickie Spenther and Alt kike sodomites, you will be put to death on the night of long knives.
I am very sympathetic to natsoc ideology. I just hate the larper faggots on this board who would have been the first to be gassed by hitler. All these people do is larp hard against anyone trying to achieve something for a pro-white movement outside the internet. All these paranoid subhuman larpers do is call everyone jews. They are trash and have absolutely nothing to contribute.
and thats where you take your leave, enjoy the ban
What about when the "larpers" are right, like during the first jimpact?
You're bad at this ChaimBot.
jesus christ, we need another purge
think i understand your point of view. to question it, tho…cant we say that the majority of these leaders are actually jews? and if they are criticized isnt it because of their terrible positions and strategies?
You really don't get it, do you kike?
Pfff, you have no idea who I am. And that's a common Leftist insult.
Let's count Spencer/Alt-Kike's accomplishments vs. Holla Forums's accomplishments
1. Spencer BTFO by niggers on TV
2. Rallies no one goes to.
3. Battle of Berkley ( not bad)
4. False flagged Trump during critical election period with Spencer, Tila Tequila, and Jews giving "hale victory" Roman solutes.
5. Gradually pushing homosexual agenda and traps
6. Spencer tells us to vote for Democrat and shitskin Tulsi Gabbard, because fuck Trump now.
7. Pushed the "Let's kill Ivanka to save Russia" meme.
Holla Forums
1. Provided 100% of the creative meme power to Trump's campaign, forcefully shifting the narrative of not only major media corporations but even people like Alex Jones.
2.Scared the shit of out the CIA so that they created the Alt-Kike meme, created endless shell groups, created E-celebs.
3. Scared the shit out of Hillary until she named Pepe on fucking Naitional TV, putting us in the political history books essentially
4. Exposed Pedogate (thanks to base FBI, wikileaks, and other high level fucking spies)
5. Exposed Pizzagate (thanks to base FBI, wikileaks, and other high level fucking spies)
6. Exposed Seth Rich (thanks to base FBI, wikileaks, and other high level fucking spies)
7. Exposed literal mass White Genocide (tm), and put it in the National — nay – the Western dialog thanks to base Trump's mad tweets.
8. Exposed Holohoax to millions up countless millions to the point that people are openly talking about how genocide happens in war and not worshiping the Jew's victim meme
9. Pushed the fact that Communist Jews actually committed mass genocides - something no one ever talked about before.
10. turn the internet youth culture into a bunch of edgy kids screaming "kike" and "Hitler did nothing wrong!".
11. Resurrected the chaos god of ancient egypt (ie, invented our own cult that spread through-out the world - Shiladay motherfucker)
12. Is slowly changing the conversation of right wing high-philosophy based on lost philosophies that were simply ignored or shilled by Leftist academics.
13. Destroyed the 20yrs of CIA building a false narrative of Bavarian Illuminati Nazi wizards taking over the world. Not most people know it's the fucking Jews.
14. Completely replaced the pathetic "white nationalist" celebrities of the 1980s with a fresh new version of an Aryan faith that is:
A. completely chaotic
B. highly creative and adaptable (we even created a musical genre just for keks - future fash/ fashwave
C. highly intelligent (that's why intel communities fear us)
D. virtuous, promoting real-world self improvement in white anons – while the globalists continue to demoralize the normies (see 4chan).
F. totally uncontrollable – and that's why the Alt-Kike is being so heavily funded.
I could go on but…
We literally did this in 28-mnth period of time thanks to collectivizing on Holla Forums after gamer-gate or the celeb nude leaks and cuck chan banning the word "nigger". Imagine what we could do with a few more years and less people like you shitting up threads.
Agreed. All the trogoldytes (and D&C jews/commies) like you after 1st exodus need to leave.
Holla Forums is right when it criticizes Spencer for not naming the jew often enough. But he does invite Kevin Macdonald to speak at his conference so it's retarded to say he is pro-jew.
His approach to the JQ is bit more subtle. He points out the hypocrisy of jews supporting an apartheid ethnostate like Israel but condemning anyone who wants a white ethnostate (video related)
One cannot simply go "Gas the Jews. Race War now! 1488!" without being seen as a total joke. We need a different approach to the JQ.
What are the chances that this sparks another full-fledged war with the TRSodomites and another jimpact?
do you believe the JQ can be answered by embracing Zionism?
it might
Seems like they are trying to slide the thread. Quick last bump before bed, I'll be back to pick this up tomorrow, and I think we should start into TRS2.0 and deal with this problem now.
Spenther also banned Matthew Heimbach for supporting traditional white values from speaking at NPI, this fact needs to be reiterated again and again.
Alt kike sodomites need to be stomped out wherever they're found, they're actively trying to subvert White Nationalism with their jewish/cultural marxist social values.
Alt kike's support for Zionism is just one of the many reasons why they're the antithesis to white nationalism, sodomites and deviants only serve to prevent whites from having white families, you cannot have white children if you're married to 3rd wave feminists or if you're a sodomite.
very well said. i agree with you.
Why did Spenther ban Matthew Heimbach from speaking at the NPI conference because of his views on traditional marriage and his stance against faggots such as yourself and Jack Donovan?
isnt he the the trad. worker fella who partnered with enoch?
Thank you fam. We need to stomp out these deviants and support actual organizations who speak out against this jewish poison.
I fucked up 13 so bad I'm going to post edit.
I know it's autistic and egotistical but it was driving me nuts!
lol nah was hoping youd re-edit. thanks and saved
true. i think if we first destroy the old order, we can then have room to create a new one. exposing spencer, southern and the others as jews and/or zionists is top priority right now. so long as we all agree: national socialism is the replacement for the altkike
He is but I just wanted to point out how Spenther's NPI organization would choose a faggot such as Jack Donovan over Matthew Heimbach to speak at the 2016 NPI conference.
oh right. spencer's nonsense is out of hand. what i dont understand tho is why heimbach would associate with him or enoch after knowing they're the antithesis of the real WN movement
National socialism is the antithesis to Alt-kike's jewish poison and furthermore you have some even in the old order who are out there calling out these Rainbow Nationalists, as inept as the old order might be, they need support if they're against the Alt kikes IMHO.
I suppose your right. Until we formulate a National Socialist movement, and before that - an ideology for our own time and circumstance - we can't expect the Spencers and Southerns to go away. We can silence them, sure. But that creates a vacuum, and if we fail to offer an alternative, the Jew will fill that vacuum instead.
Good thread. Here's a bump before bed.
I don't get it either, maybe someone could ask Heimbach to clarify this? Anyways, signing off for now fam, time to get some shut eye.
Jesus Christ, thank god people see through this shit. These shills are so fucking neurotic and nonsensical. Wonder who it could be???
so he's pro-Israel. so what
Both Natsoc and the Alt-Right (at least Spencer) agree on the goal of a homogenous white state, what is the substantial disagreement between them (apart from over the means to that end)?
It's all fun and games until the reaper comes.
How does that disprove what I said about Spencer?
First two tweets are anti-libertarian. Next two argue that whites should conquer and dominate inferior races. Last one says that the Holodomor wasn't an intentional genocide but a famine (obviously wrong imo, but not relevant to my point)
How does any of that show that he doesn't want white people to have their own country governed according to white interests?
one gaze to his twatter feed shows me he's more than capable of destroying himself
reluctantly checked
worst OP ever, terrible formatting, no information, no link to previous thread, no archive of previous thread. You're a fucking gook.
TRSodomites, get the fuck out
Their movement needs a spring clean. I've even seen these retards pledging allegiance to that Counter Fund thing ran by a kike. Many of them are too inexperienced with kikes to even understand the danger of a "based" nationalist kike having access to your financial information.
Nigger, are you retarded?
So you don't have an argument?
checked, solid post friendo
doesn't know he's a house nigger
kek retard
Nigger, are you retarded?
I don't know any anons that want to recruit nationalist kikes from one of dicky spencers rallies
what a fucking faggot
Thread #3 will be a lot better I promise. :o)
Nothing homogeneous about sexual deviancy and allowing sodomites such as Jack Donovan to speak at your organization you dumb kike. Alt Right is not welcomed in the white nationalist/NS movement, you have to go back to your AIDS-bog.
Asking the jews for our own white ethnostate is no different than being a prairie nigger on an injun reservation, maybe the jews will allow us to open up gambling casinos as a way to generate jobs for our people because there won't be any.
That's Andre "I want the white race bred out" Anglin's MO and his part of the jewish theatre playing out in the recent Kushner controlled co-opting of the resistance movement.
Isn't it strange how every nationalist group worldwide 10 years ago was warning against this acceptance of the jewish zio counter-jihad, now almost every Anglo-American group related to waking up whites to the jewish menace are now controlled by these neocon jews, telling us supporting based neocon kikes sending us to fight WWIII for the jews sole gain is precisely what we 'goys' want.
Just a cohencidence, nothing to see here. It's pretty bad when even Dr. Jim Fetzer's show is more redpilled on the JQ than all of these Rainbow Nationalist e-celeb faggots.
Wait is that twink on the far left the same is that screeching sperg >pic related
The full context of the quote has him criticizing the buttplug stunt but saying that Gavin is better than other Alt-Lite fags b/c he had on racists and actually has ideas.
Why clog these threads with fake attacks when there is so much real stuff to criticize him for?
Nose, lips, ear, chin, eyebrows, and hair all seem to match. Good eye user. Do you have any backstory on who the faggot twink is?
why do you always post the cropped version of that pic?
Spencer is a Russian plant, married to Dugins translator, who also runs RussiaInsider - an anti-Western shill website, similar to RT, also funded by the Kremlin.
I've been listening to Spencers podcasts for almost 5 years now, he infrequently goes into anti-NATO rants and states he's against the independence of Eastern European countries.
I believe these "Spencer is a kike/CIA" threads are just to distract from this simple truth.
What's the ribbon?
The ribbon represents the soviet victory over the National Socialists in WW2
It's all so obvious now, this explains why he's constantly talking about Dugin. One of my friends always claimed that he was a Duginist, I'll have to show him this image. Thanks user.
Much more memetic then genetic. The genetic is not really as relevant as they would have you believe. It is more about programing that there linage is entitled to being considered "Chosen" and being able to anoint a King (Messiah) in a legalistic sense otherwise they don't care about race. Liberal values are inherently Jewish values.
There is no such thing a racial nationalism. All nationalism is racial, civic nationalism is nonsensical but their is far more to a nation then race alone. To say to the French and to say to the English or to the Northern Italian that they are "one nation" would be a formula for conflict. Customs and Religion are an expression of the peoples ethos and the ethos is born from their ethnicity and ethnicity is inherently racial because its born from family. Jews on the other hand are from the Tribe of Judah (CI will debate the particulars but that is semantics for the time being). The Tribe of Judah bread with the caninaties and the Babylonians and adopted their Pagan cultures. This is why the Jew is of the synagogue of Satan, because they reject God and reject Logos and are in rebellion against the natrual order. They are Gnosticism incarnate and place materialism before the transcendental. They attempt to subvert the higher order by placing materialism above God and abandoning the need for Metaphysics. But without a metaphysical foundation all reason and order is bound to entropy. They are literally bother spiritual and material cancer. The latter issue is deliberately overlooked by TRS and often mocked. Genuine Thinking is abandon in favor of populism and low brow bully tactics, they don't care about truth they just care and proclame ends justify the means. In this regard many on the Alt-kike are spiritual Jewish already and in that sense they are not true opposition at all to the entropy that is leading to the decline.
I wonder how many people realized the Alt-kike was controlled opposition when the Daily Shoah wanted to used the Omar Mateen story to recruit Gay liberals to unite against Islam.
good stuff
That might be a bit of a stretch.The color and stripes seem a bit off but it's not out of the realm of possibility.
You retards don't accomplish shit, ever. You useless retards simply post the accomplishments of other groups and proclaim, "Look what we did guys!"
Meanwhile cuckchan accomplishes more than you impotent faggots. You guys are bottom of the barrel nationalists. Every right wing accomplishment comes from literally somewhere else besides this shithole chan.
How does it feel to be the most useless band of nobodies who have the largest ego of anybody? Kind of reminds of how niggers have the highest reported self-esteem while having the least amount of accomplishments. That's what you guys are, the fucking niggers of the right wing.
Sperg out in 3…2…
the only people honestly saying this are CIA plants (as in not just jokes on the internet). To act as tho Holla Forums's position on the JQ is "Gas the Jews. Race War now! 1488!" is a lowbrow straw man and this is precisely why we tell people whom are genuenly interested to lurk for at least 2 years. You TRSodomites don't even respect board culture, how are you to be trusted to respect a Nations culture with your blatant disregard for customs? This is also how we know you are not genuine.
Really, then why are you people here?
This place is decent for news, tbh. It's a strength I'll acknowledge. As far as activism and actually doing anything, it's laughable that anybody here believes they're anything but the hall monitors of the Right.
Have you seen his wifes twitter feed?
< he tries to bait us and fails miserably
We're trying to help you out here. Your movement is full of faggots, kikes and plants, you need us to help clear it out, you're obviously incapable. We're always right, TRS-kun, search in your heart for you know it to be true.
You don't have to be explicitly pro-Jewish to still help the Jews and hurt the side you claim to support.
“The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” - (((Saul Alinsky))), Rules for Radicals
Sure he attacks the Jews. But where is the constructive alternative that stops the Jews from just immediately regaining power once they're ousted? The only constructive alternative that satisfies this is nationalism. The proper kind of nationalism based on race. But what does the Alt Right and TRS do to people who promote nationalism? They attack them, and stop nationalist ideas as hard as they can. Why? Because they're subversives who know they can get away with attacking the Jews and helping the Jews at the same time by stopping the construction of an environment that actively keeps the Jews out of power.
This is coming from the TRSodomite who recently took a few redpills and thinks that Holla Forums has done nothing simply due to ignorance. You come to Holla Forums bringing a sizable ego, and a lot of projection about which group has done what. All the alt-kike has accomplished is subverting actual National Socialists into following their big tent ideology, then breeding an enemy to legitimize itself, the alt-like. While newfags such as yourself will completely ignore that every alt-lite Eceleb was shown as an example of either a good fag or a good jew by the alt-kike leaders. All TRS does is do a podcast where they bring in no new people other than those further to the right than themselves, then say they need to stop purity spiraling, counter signaling, and punching right. They don't redpill normalfags, all they do is beg for skekels while talking shit for a few hours. The alt-kike has never even mathec any of the smaller things Holla Forums has done, for example starting, and ending a riot in a liberal city by claiming an armed Trump supporter fired off a few rounds and was heading towards the liberal commie group. TRS bans those who are anti fag from NPI then gets 2 kikes and a chink to give a roman salute in front of a kike reporter that spencer invited in order to try and stop Trump, then when that didn't work, and spencer got all the fame he could from Trump he then turns on Trump saying that Trump is not doing enough even before Trump's inauguration. Now the alt-kike is shilling for a shitskin commie because somehow in their minds letting more shitskins and women run things is somehow going to help. All you TRSodomites do is fuck things up, so lurk moar, and stop posting in these threads before you start a bigger issue than anons shitposting about how once again Ecelebs are trash
Goddamnit this is a shitty OP but a brilliant series of threads. This will never not get raided by shills because of the nature of controlled-op: it is to lead astray those on the fence who could be led against them. Trendous asshurt generation, keep this up Holla Forums, it is I believe more important than pizzagate because at the moment it has the more realistic chance of success.
Holy shit, m8. You triggered?
My jimmies remain smooth, Sodomite. Can you say the same?
Yes without a doubt Spencer and his wife are Duganist or in the vain of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi with there Eurasian fetishism. Their is a reason why Pill Eater and his ideas of Aryan-Asianism was accepted and taken seriously among the Alt-Kike.
People need to read the Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing by E Michael Jones. This Pan-European "White" Identity is just meant to subvert our true Traditional ethnic roots. The "White race" collectively has no coherent culture, substance or form which makes it weaker against globalism. Yes genetics are integral to a Nation but genetic alone do not forge the bonds that unite a people and tie them to the land.
From this video, which I can't find at the moment.
Go back to bed shlomo.
The white race consists of a plethora of unique cultures but there seems to be shared values that can be divided among the quandrants of Europe: West / East / North / South.
I guess the USA is different as the white culture there has been homogenized, although, IIRC, most white Americans are of Germanic descent, 60% or so? I forget.
Jesus Christ, I thought it was just going to be about white men dating asian females. But then:
The depravity was more than I expected. On the flip side, videos like this convince me that people still supporting the Alt Right are too dumb to be useful to anyone, and so I have no problems with burning down the Alt Right and everyone still in it.
You know, I'm getting the impression that people here are not actually white nationalists and are just autists who compulsively countersignal those who are.
To give Dicky the tiniest bit of credit, that specific tweet was in the context of "this is what the left believes".
the majority of the tweets people post as evidence of spencer being a faggot or a plant or whatever are taken out of context.
there was an image floating around that implied he was some sort of Zionist, but the context for all of those quotes was him saying that white people should have an ethno-state, just like the jews do.
There's a rising tide of Neo-National-Socialism. I hear from people I know in IE that most of the membership is NatSoc and is sick and tired of IE's smug bourgie leaders trying to suppress that.
Care to correct the context of all of those tweets, then?
Tommy Robinson's real name is Stephen Yaxley and he's a jew
You know what, sure, post the image and I'll get on that. I've got some time on my hands.
You know what, sure, post the image and I'll get on that. I've got some time on my hands.
No need to sperg out, what I'm asking for is the image itself, I assume someone in this anti-spencer circlejerk thread has it on them.
The corrections. Do you have them, or not?
For you
Can you read you autist? The corrections don't currently exist because nobody has bothered to correct the image I'm talking about. In my post here, I was asking for the image so that I could go and find the context for all the quotes:
Do you not understand what I'm saying?
I thought so. Thank for admitting you're just talking out of your ass.
No it just means that you have no argument for what you're saying
holy shit you people are fucking retarded. I have looked at the interviews that the image cited and saw the context there, I just didn't post them in an image. I never said that the corrections exited in a compiled form.
Is there a problem, officer? Sage negated. :^)
some more "Truth about Daniel Friberg"
Yes we are all Brothers, but to ignore out heritage and our traditions we are weakened. There is no true loyalty for "Europe qua Europe" its far to decentralized and abstract. Their needs to be a familial tie and a moral ethos (provided by a shared religion), Blood and soil.
I am getting the impression you are a TRSodomite, maybe you out to lurk more.
let's review what happened here- I claimed that there existed an image that had a bunch of misleading quotes. you asked me to provide context for those quotes. I offered to to so, I just needed the image. You somehow turned me asking for the image into a gotcha question, when I didn't ask you to take my word for it because I was willing to do the leg work to look up the quotes, given the context. you somehow tried to create a gotcha question from me not having the image that I'm complaining about.
you are literally a retarded person, no wonder this board is dying.
The daily stormer has a guide for writing articles, part of which is that you don't attack people pushing white nationalism- you can't excommunicate anyone from a movement decentralized like this one, and all you end up doing is wasting time with pointless bickering when you could be using that energy for more constructive things. If you find that a kike is pushing white nationalism, you don't attack that kike- you use that energy to attack another kike who is pusing white genocide. It's not a difficult calculation to make.
< he ignores the argument in:
As previously stated: retarded nigger.
Depends on the location; USA whites need to be united regardless of heritage.
Pan-Europeanism will never work due to the strength and diversity of individual white cultures; people need to learn to love and embrace their unique national culture. Even nations as closely related as Portugal and Spain are hugely different culturally and historically. That being said, if some sort of global white solidarity isn't achieved, we might as well hammer the nails into our coffins ourselves.
Religion is a difficult question, Europe has been a christian nation for 1500 years (? I forget the date), but these christian values are inherently globalist, preaching the "global christian nation" as the true nation, rather than the nation of blood and race.
Back to the bog, Sodoomite.
You people never learn.
Nah. Let's really review what happened here. You're a limp dicked, cum guzzling, TRSodomite who has zero fucking evidence of his claims and thinks Holla Forums is dumb enough for fall for the good 'ol "zero evidence" trick like your pool party buddies.
Sage negated. :^)
not an argument
your smiley faces reveal how angry you are
Still waiting for the evidence, chum. That's how you planned to convince Holla Forums that Spencer isn't a homosexual plant, right?
I would try explaining myself again, but I am at peace with what a retarded autist you are, so I'm not even worried. You will be gassed for you low IQ when the ethnostate arrives, and I find solace in that
So you're fine with Holla Forums believing Spencer is a homosexual plant. I'm fine with that too.
The alt right will never be apart of white nationalism, accepting sexual deviants, sodomites and jews is antithetical to white nationalism you dumb nigger.
I'm fine with believing that anyone who has any reading comprehension beyond a kindergarten level will understand what happened here today
He said that it's contrary to the Aryan Spirit to just stay confined in your own homeland instead of going out to conquer the world. Do you disagree with that?
I'm glad we agree on something.
you're correct, it will never be separate from white nationalism. I'm glad that people here are so reasonable!
anti-fa chan - hard at work performing its main function: attacking any white nationalist group that doesn't cower in the shadows like them
the jews really couldn't ask for better servants
The alt right is the antithesis of what white nationalism and national socialism stands for, go back to your AIDS bog faggot.
Oh look it's this thread again.
Just a reminder that the alt right sodomites will be killed on the night of the long knives, they are literally the SA reincarnated!
Fuck off with this low effort shit. You don't belong here
if by AIDS bog you mean outside where we actively initiate pro-white demonstrations and raise white consciousness, then yes! Boy, people here really are woke, huh?
I'm glad, that poster does need to be reminded of all the things that 8pol does for white people, y'know, like, um…
i don't know, what are some of those things? is there a list of rallies this site has held? what about producing propaganda and spreading it in the real world? what about any sort of self-improvement? surely this board is actively looking to improve the lot of white people in the world and not just masturbating to how pure their opinions are while not having white children.
Dunning-Kruger in overdrive.
We're reaching levels of TRS that shouldn't even be possible.
Filtered & reported.
Get the fuck off my board.
Stare at until you learn to fucking read, quadnigger.
No u
assuming you live that long, you will die alone at a nursing home surrounded by niggers.
I'm more interested in what the Alt Right does for the Presidency. The Trump Administration is the one making the real change with policy, after all.
Richard Spenther banned Matthew Heimbach from speaking at NPI back in 2016 because he didn't want to offend his fellow sodomite guest speakers such as Jack Donovan. Your entire lot reject traditional white western christian values and the law calls for you to be killed, now shoo shoo alt kike sodomite before I hunt you down and feed you to Jim's hogs.
Filtered for being a time wasting imbecile.
On topic:
Does anyone have additional evidence of Spencer being a Duginist plant, rather than a kike? The former seems more likely going by what I've seen so far.
That's a good point! The alt-right organized a great deal of propoganda to be spread and likely helped put the man in the office! Now deportations are up higher than ever, and his speech in Poland confirmed his commitment to helping keep Eastern Europe ethnically pure. While the Syrian strikes were a setback, I think that Richard Spencer's protests against them helped put Trump back on track.
Oh, I thought Heimbach was a jew kike cia plant faggot secret nigger controlled opposition too, I mean, I read that on this website too.
What kind of propaganda? Can you give examples?
It's good President Trump is helping to keep Eastern Europe ethically pure. I want President Trump to do the same to the USA. How do you think the President could do this?
Would need to hear the rest of that quote in context, but as it is, it's hilariously laughable
The image on the other hand; he is empirically correct in his criticism of capitalism, but utterly retarded in absolving the USSR of any crimes. Smells pretty Duginist to me.
He also denies the holodomor but yet accepts the official holohoax narrative.
How is Spencer wrong with that second image? (((Neo-Liberals))) are using capitalism as a way to promote immigration- a lot of anti-racist stuff is promoted on the basis that the great masses of consumers need to get along to serve their corporate overlords.
Postering campaigns, rallies, podcasts, red-pilling interviews with media.
Currently ICE has far more power than it did under Obama, a number of hatewatch type things are being defunded. Trump by himself won't make the US a white nationalist country, but he's a step in the right direction
Holla Forums has done more for helping in the fight against world jewry than Dickie Spenther and the Alt kike sodomites ever have, now move along before I find where you live and feed you to Jim's hogs
Interesting propaganda. But I also see a lot of still-picture propaganda on the Internet in addition to all you listed, especially edited pictures. Who made those?
Why do you think Trump by himself won't make a white nationalist country? What do you think he is missing?
White Zionism is the stupidest idea to ever leave a Jew's mouth
Let's count up Holla Forums's accomplishments vs the Alt kike's
priority: attack white nationalist organisations - especially ones that successfully argue our cause on national television multiple times
absolutely vital is to protect our e-peen ego with desperate jealousy - any white person who doesn't post here is controlled op - no need to identify different groups: (autism is vital to wholesome community/family values) they're all secretly working together against us (even if spencer relentlessly attacks ghoul for being a faggot)
the most important is to avoid politically organising ordinary white folk in their own interests. this must be avoided at all cost.
this can lead to mobilisation, and activism; thus furthering our cause in real life - which is disastrous for our e-peen: as we won't be able to play leader once there's an actual movement to our cause.
make sure to call other whites gay while posting chinese queer cartoons
Very telling, you don't happen to have any evidence of him espousing the official lolocaust narrative, do you?
Right here nigger.
Sure kiddo. I hope you look into national socialism and start to understand the existential threat these international jews pose to our volk. Only then will you understand the motives behind people who post on this board. Until then you just dont get it, and should fucking leave
but that is where you are wrong. Read Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing by E Michael Jones. America lost its heritage when it adopted the this ideal that we are all just "white". Yes it will never be ideal because our culture has largely been destroyed and diluted. You don't get civilization through some nebulous abstractions and despite the generalize "mystery meat" status of Burgers there are still far to many people devoted to their family's Heritage to unite under a secular banner. Italians and Irish in America are still devoted to Catholicism and many Germans and English are still some brand of Protestantism. Just look hat how the Neoconservative right managed to water down Christianity by trying to bring together a coalition of Catholicism & Protestantism (while shilling Judeo-Christian). It the same formula now but instead of religion being muddied and perverted its ethnic nationalism. If you are German or French or English ect. non of that matters as long at you accept Judeo-Pan-European Richard Spencerism. America needs to be divided up (back into states), not united together into a swamp of consumerism.
TRS is not pushing white nationalism you retard. They are pushing Pan-European Jewry.
The thing is NPI isn't a white nationalist organization, faggot.
Anime smugs always triggers the goons.
Nice larp bro. You should complete it with a juicy suicide like, uncle ady did.
They aren't even pan-Europeanists, they're just LARPing lolbergs.
The kike shows his snout and yep anime smugs always triggers the goons. Dr Mengele would like to see you for a minute by the way.
Kek, Apparently I have this meme saved already. I'm retarded. Thanks user.
See . Do you want your movement to be co-opted by shills or do you want Holla Forums to help you oust them? You Sodomites are so ungrateful. People try to show you the faggots and kikes in your movement and all you do is ignore us and insult us. It's like you want to have your movement crashed into the iceberg.
Can't disagree with that. I'm not a Burger so
i'm not overly familiar with the history, but thinking back, I've always noticed that the unique attributes of the white culture in each state. I guess I've been ZOGGED by the "white ethnostate" mantra of the alt kike. The USA would be better off as individual nations imo.
This. I used to infiltrate alt kike kikebook groups with sock accounts to try and sway them toward national socialism but they're all under the spell of autistic lolbertarianism.
The funiest thing is lolbertism realy isnt that different from natsoc. Its just capitalism but it has a nat prefix so its based because reasons
So neetsoc push trannies now? Fuckin based
and lols want open borders
YW fam, here have a bump.
Should be right up your alley then Alt-right sodomite.
Of course we do, Holla Forums is doing the lord's work fam.
I know a few people who would fight and die for Spenther and Eunuch.
Is that an unironic lefty drag queen? Is that parody meant to mock the Alt Right? I've never seen something like this before, so I don't know. The comments trying to explain it are just as confusing. And the Alt Right wants to recruit sexual deviants into their psy op? How does the Alt Right expect to do that with gems like this video floating around? I just don't see how the Alt Right expects to be anything more than a donation scam when there is already seems to be division between them and the deviants they want to recruit.
How someone fucks up so badly?
Daily reminder that all the anti-Spencer and "muh TRSodomites" posts come from a delusional LARPer schizo with a VPN.
Richard Spencer and company have a new crowdfunding platform for the Alt-Right. It's called Rootbocks. Whois shows the site was created in 2015 but the registrant is hidden. Does anyone know about this group? Who is the CEO, who is the tech guy and etc.?
Seems like another shady LLC no additional info though.
thanks user thats enough to get started
Okay, let's assume that's the SpencerGate guy. I see nothing on his twitter that makes me think he's a "schizo".
1 -
2 -
Who cares about this retarded faggot?
Imblying we should stop investigating Spencers links to Duginism and the fact that he's probably almost definitely a plant?
That part was addressed to the TRSodomite, just directing them to the SPencer img
checked. There's another alt kike platform called Counter Fund, the COO (or CEO, or something) of which is a kike who explicitly tried to bait "vile" (verbatim) people like national socialists into using his service.
I wonder if this is any relation or part of a wider (((shilling))) and (((honeypotting))) attempt?
They support a homogenous white nation; in what way are they not white nationalist?
Friberg is a Swedish name you stupid nigger.
Means free mountain
Anybody who doesn't support the Aut-Kike is a schizo according to TRSodomites.
They're pro-jew. You can't be pro-jew and pro-White.
Look at all the verifiably anti-White shit that Spencer does
This is all aside from the rumored/evidenced but unproven
While in essence I agree with the "he's irrelevent b/c no followers himself" line of thought, he does get an awful lot of press for someone with so few people reading his work, which does point to controlled opposition. Ergo he needs to be exposed.
the name of the website suggests it's linked to Identity Vanguard
The only thing ' homo' genous that they support are their fellow sodomites Millenial Wews and Jack Donovan.
(just to rub it in)
LOL @ pic
i dont care if youre serious or not thats fucking funny
Your link says exactly the opposite. You're a dirty shill.
Nina looks like a friggin tranny.
good eyes, I didn't even bother to read the link because I already wrote the poster off for their pedantry.
One must remember the one-drop rule. Spencer is 100% jewish.
This is pathetic guys - not even close to being evidence of Jewish ancestry.
Eckstein is not a fundamentally Jewish name. It's a common German name. It means exactly the same thing in German as Yiddish because Yiddish is bastardized German. There are far more Germans named Eckstein than Jews.
As one example, American baseball player David Eckstein is a goy of German descent
Spencer's alleged Jewish ancestor, August Eckstein, was buried in some "United Church of Christ" cemetery in Moscow Mills, Missouri (pop 2,509). This information is readily available, but obviously whoever put these allegations together found that inconvenient. (No that doesn't prove he wasn't a Jew, but the assumption ought to be that he was a typical German Midwesterner absent any actual evidence of Jewishness, which the surname Eckstein is not.)
Richard also posted his 23andme results which showed 0% Ashkenazi ancestry
There are a million better ways to bash Spencer that don't consist of calling him a secret Jew based on non-evidence thereby making yourselves look like moronic disinfo agents
tbf, getting more than 20 white nationalists to support one brand is the pinnacle of the movement.
That fucking cunt needs to die
Of course Spencer would love that considering he's a homosexual in a fake marriage
Numerberg laws tbh
this one works
My link doesn't say "the exact opposite" at all. It proves that beyond a single grandparent, which is the last degree a person can be distinguished as identifiably different from regular gentiles, a person with some Jewish ancestry no longer clusters separately from other whites. The distribution graph literally visualizes this for you. Your screenshot talks about a single jewish GRAND-PARENT while I said GREAT GRAND-PARENT. Maybe if you weren't an illiterate retard you would have realised that. Also, your screenshot says STATISTICALLY subjects with a SINGLE GRAND-PARENT could be identified. This means that SOME of those with a single grand-parent were already indistinguishable from gentiles (again, which the graph visualizes)
Shut your nasty whore mouth before you start accusing others of being shills, you dumb nigger.
No thanks.
you're doing God's work
DNA can be traced for up to 11 generations, whether it is statistically visible or not is completely unimportant.
might be worth including some of his Israeli, faggot and Duginist shilling on that website.
Paul Gottfried didn't invent the alt right you autistic schizoid. He wrote an article refering to an "alternative right" forming in opposition to neo cons
Actually, whether it's statistically visible or not is completely important. In fact it's far more important than trace dna detection. Where someone falls on a genetic map has far more bearing on which tribe/race/group he/she belongs to than some small amount of non-European dna. If someone has some small trace elements of non-European genetic background (which many Europeans do, I might add), this doesn't have any bearing A. who they cluster with on a genetic map, B. who they identify with on a deeper racial level, and C. physically resemble. If someone is physically indistinguishable from normal Europeans, identifies as European, and clusters with Europeans genetically, then small non-European trace dna is entirely irrelevant. That person is no less white than anyone else.
The Term 'Alt-Right' Was Started by a )ew Named Paul Gottfried HD
Yes goys spend all your time on this board discussing Richard Spencer possibly being a Jew. Don't think of doing something constructive with your time that would be ludicrous.
Pointing out the wolves in the sheepfold is doing God's work.. They are the most dangerous and love to poison the well..
This. Exposing the subversives for what they are is worthwhile in my opinion.
My grandfather played a huge role in shaping my values as a Man. My great grandfather had a huge influence over my Fathers values. Richard Spencer's Grandfather was a Jew. Just let that sink in.
Came in here to complain and saw this. Had no idea he was molymeme tier, fuck that guy.
how can we make spencergate go viral? what are some ideas for spreading the truth to the naive altright followers? im thinking about creating videos but have to learn that first
Spencer's "wife" really hates America and white people and loves Stalinism. Weird.
(((OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH VEY!))) Not only is he a crypto Jew but his family are occultists?
"Embrace esoterics Holla Forums! It's our Aryan religion! Fuck your real history and research"
That explains his connections to the Bush cartel
What a surprise. All of the leading "Alt-Right Thought Leaders" are Jewish. Color me fucking shocked.
Yet still, TRSodomites will defend this in their usual sycophantic rage. "Muh cummies, muh podcasts!" They'll shout. "Muh pool parties, muh fashy haircut!"
Tricky Dicky and Kike Eunuch deserve a fate worse than death.
Enoch's 23andMe results are out.
He's 0.0% Jewish.
I'm SURE it's just a fake though.
I really, really believe you faggots when you make these claims. You're very trustworthy and not retarded goons at all.
I'm sure it's a fake. The Jewish CEO of 23andme probably fabricated the results for good ol' Richard since I'm sure they're such great pals.
Only a purity-spiraling 1488er could doubt them, just like "1/4 jewish on her dad's side" and "Greg Johnson isn't gay".
German…Dutch…and Jewish
Rock fucking solid detective work, user.
Good job. You get a gold star.
and grindr greg is persona non grata at TRS, not like you give a good goddamn. I'm sure you think that's just a smokescreen too.
You're so smart. How could I ever even hope to prove you wrong?
As of when, two weeks ago? Before that, attacks on Greggy were considered attacks on TRS and Jesse was denying his faggotry despite it being an open secret.
But let's just say that Kike Eunuch's 23andMe is valid and he's 0% jewish, what does that mean? That he's a lolberg race-traitor who brought his B'nai B'rith BioQueen wife onto his fake WN podcast multiple times. You sure showed us. Antifachan eternally BTFO.
for quite some time now, lmao
lmfao fam, you act as if redpilling is something that doesn't have to happen…that we can be full natsocs from birth
i'm sure you're not a goon or a jew…hell no. there's no reason either of those groups would want to fracture the shit out of WN
It also bugs me because that last picture is clearly not enoch. The complexion is off, the lips are the wrong shape, and the bridge of the nose is far too wide.
I actually got so annoyed by this that I ran it through a very good facial recognition neural net that I have access to. The highest probability that this is him was less than 30%. Reasonably positive recognition doesn't happen anywhere south of 70%.
Fuck, there was higher probability that enoch's WIFE was this guy due to the similarity of Ashkenazi facial structures.
Where's the proof that the saliva he sent in was his?
Then when did he finally get redpilled on the jewish problem? January of this year when everybody found out he was married to a kike? Is that when all the other TRSodomites who were covering for him got redpilled too?
Even if he produced a video of himself spitting in a vial, sealing the mail, and sending it off, you'd still claim it was a bait-and-switch. There's literally no standard of evidence which is good enough for you screamers.
There's only 4 scenarios here: 1) you're 14, 2) you're a goon, 3) you're a kike, or 4) you're severely autistic. You people don't produce any legitimate arguments…the best you have is whataboutism.
He was married to the kike for the better part of a decade before he got redpilled. This has been explained you many times.
It's time to start creating OC for a counter-strike across the internet to expose NaziBol for what it is = (((the Alt-Right.)))
Peinovich is a Croat name. This has been established repeatedly.
Right after the dox, Azzmador and a group from the Stormers dug deep into it.
is appended to JEWISH surnames of Croatian origin. Just like the spirit cooking kike Marina AbramOVICH
let me tell you dumb kike shills a little something:
It doesn't matter of Enoch is a Jew or a Zionist.
He's married to a kike and tried to hide this fact because he KNEW. He knew we'd abandon him because he KNEW he was wrong. His bitch wife has done work for the NSA and is heavily involved in a Jewish supremacy group. Why the fuck would a white nationalist marry a Jewish supremacist spy? And then pretend to divorce her once the Internet found out? You dumb motherfuckers! In your stupidity you found arrogance. You think you're all so smart - much smarter than us dumb goyim. But the goyim know, and its too late for you to shut it down.
The Richard Spencer. The Lauren Southern. Then Mike Enoch. Your days leading the white resistance are numbered.
Is Jewish because of the
as in
not the
Also, your OWN FUCKING SOURCE kicks you right in your ass.
Typology of Surnames
Table 2.
Percentage of Jewish Surnames by Type
Type Percentage of
Jewish Surnames
Toponymic 33
Artificial 18
Patronymic 13
Yeah, that's right fuckin bulletproof m8
You should seriously consider sterilizing yourself.
He was not a white nationalist at the time. You really need to spend more time reading and less time spewing shit.
And I'll really drive this fucking home.
god damn you're an idiot. you really serve no function in this reality but to deceive others, or at least attempt too.
read, nigger, read
got any damn evidence that he faked the divorce? or is this just some more top-tier speculation from a genius?
got any evidence he actually divorced her? or is this just more top-tier jewry?
But he didn't, and after the doxing all he did was lie, but we should believe him now because?
There's a 5th: I unironically hate kikes, and am not just an autistic lolberg trying to be edgy.
Yet he stayed with her, brought her onto his supposedly redpilled podcast, and all the other sodomites covered for him.
Seriously, I quoted that EXACT block in my post.
Patronymic is relatively uncommon amongst Russian Jews, at around 13%.
AND Mikhailovich, Nikolaevich, etc. are NOT jewish names.
read, nigger, read
Enoch could be a fucking Norwegian for all I or anyone else care. He is married to a kike..with connects to the NSA…and she's a Jewish supremacist. Oh but im sure Mike is totally a white nationalists and NOT a Jew or a Zionist. Totally. Which is why he pretended to divorced his nickel-nose wife when the Internet found out. Does that seem like something a non-guilty man would do? Just divorce his wife because the Internet doesnt like her? Let me tell you something else, TRS:
You're done, and you fucking know it.
With Richard Spencer outsted as a filthy kike, you're talking head is quickly losing his credibility. With Jimpact, Enoch and TRS has already lost its credibility to everyone who isn't a first time fucking voter. The entire house of cards is being blown over and now you're scrambling.
LOL too late!
Sheesh. Anglin was right. You guys can't even form one coherent argument.
You just dump images that mean exactly jack-shit.
I listened to that show. You have any evidence of any serious and substantial lies?
Nah, not an option. TDS is antisemitic. I think you're probably just 14.
They're divorced right now, no idea what you're talking about
Gas me ousside how bow da
Again, got a shred of evidence? Or is this some more brilliant speculation by autismo?
read, nigger, read
There's not a single shred of evidence that Spencer is a kike. It's all hearsay and speculation based on common German Surnames in his ancestry.
Take the normie pill dude, 90% of people who are involved with this movement don't give a good goddamn. You same fags have tried to take down Anglin too. But look where DS and TRS are, look at their audience populations, then look at yourself, crying bitter tears on a backwater norwegian macaroon art forum about people you'd never even say a word too in real life.
You have no plan, no movement, no numbers. You're not even toast. You're a carcass that's been dead and rotting for years. a shred of evidence Mike Enoch divorced his wife?
Best this argument can get you is a concession that we don't know.
So sure, I don't know for sure.
Neither do you.
So don't pretend to speak with any sort of authority.
yeah. you got nothing. you are nothing. i cant wait to fucking see what spencergate brings next. you subversive kikes and zionist stooges are done. have a nice night tho
But he hasn't been.
lmao, dude
i hope you never have kids
but guessing by your demeanor and room temperature iq, i doubt i have to worry much about that
at best, you'll make great cannon fodder in the race war
He was also right when he said nobody could possibly support TRS after what happened – until he needed Spencer's shekels to save DS.
After the dox, it "wasn't what it seemed", then she was "only 1/4 jewish on her dad's side", then half…
Anti-Semites wouldn't have covered for someone who's at best a kike-fucking race-traitor.
Any proof of that, or do we just have to take the word of known liars? And, even if it's true, it doesn't matter since he only did it after he got exposed.
This is the article he released right after the dox dropped. How about you be a good boy and actually find me that fucking quote?
Or are you just blowing shit out your ass again?
Either a) show me the clips or b) you're lying. I do not remember this.
There are plenty of reasonable explanations for that. I suspect it's because she would take half his shit. You've also got the fact that marriage is an oath and oaths actually matter to some people.
It was on the show he did with Azzmador a couple days later, after it was revealed that everybody was covering for him.
First two were on the forum, third was from the short show Jesse did before the "fashy struggle session".
And the most reasonable is that it was a
last-ditch effort to save his shekel-farm/honeypot and his wife's non-existent writing career
This doesn't even make a shred of sense.
Like, it's actually fucking insane.
Mike had a six figure lead development job at a large tech firm in New York City.
If he just wanted to make shekels, he would never have started TRS and worked.
I can guaran-fucking-tee you that he'd make orders of magnitudes more shekels that way than he does with TRS.
Nobody cares. At worst he's a useful idiot and has no real effect on anything we do, at best his incomplete ideology leaves people who discover him looking for other bits of truth elsewhere, truths that he isn't willing to discuss. For example he admits minorities are a problem, but he's not willing to do anything but shut the immigration floodgates. Anyone can see that if you have skin cancer, it's already too late to stay out of the sun. You have to remove the disease at it's (((root))). People like Spencer are leaving an incomplete breadcrumb trail - redpilling is a gradual process, you don't just wake up one day and want to gas kikes. and like it or not he's a useful step along the way, and as long as he isn't punching right, why the fuck should we care? Saged for stupid kike OP trying to sow more infighting when we have better things to do and real enemies to plow.
That's because you have autism.
He was already doxed, and wasn't going to keep his job or get another one like. TRS was his only source of income, and he had to at least create the illusion of being divorced to keep that going.
Hal Turner was an FBI informant and never serious about his radio show, but now that he's out of prison he's back on the radio, is that because he got redpilled or he was so dedicated to the cause? No, it's because he can't do anything else.
Ah, alright!
So he initially created TRS as a…um…
In order to….
shekel farm?
I'm not the one with the autism fam.
Let me make this nice and clear for you: Why would he create TRS to begin with? Shekels can't be the motivation because of the job…and you obviously don't think he really believes it…so shits and giggles?
It's "nazbol" you fucking idiot. "nazibol" implies national socialist bolshevik.
implying Holla Forums is united with spencer
A LARP, a way to revive his dying jewish ideology by attaching it to what was growing out of 4/pol/ at the time… typical jewish subversion?
He could always have more. We know the reason he got doxed was because he carelessly used his real email on his donation button. Shekels were obviously a factor.
They've also always talked about trying to get on Anthony Cumia's network, which launched the same month they decided to start doing a podcast, a coincidence I'm sure.
Which ideology might that be?
ich ending is only used by jews
Are you sure about that?
That last guy pogromed Jews.
Kill yourself.
pick one
No user claimed that that last image was of enoch. That is his kike wife with a rabbi stripper from one of the concerts they went to about a month before the jimpact
This is just like when people try to argue that Lauren Southern is Jewish, based solely on her very Scandinavian surname, Simonsen. Look, there are plenty of things to call out Enoch for, but when you grasp at straws like this, you're really damaging your credibility. Not everybody who falls out of line is a Jew.
As much as I like outing the controlled opposition, if it wasn't obvious as fuck before to someone, this sure as shit won't matter.
fuck if I know, these proportions mean it can probably go either way. but 'By their fruits ye shall know them'
Close up
So you're saying, if I get this correctly, that the image doesn't prove Mike's Jewish?
Then why is it always posted with the claim "Mike is Jewish?" It certainly seems like a dishonest attempt to link the two.
I take it you didn't watch a single stream of the event, because that guy was made fun of and insulted by pretty much every speaker there.
That is mikes kike wife, the images of mikes hooked nose mother proves he is a kike
You are making a dishonest attempt to clear the name of a kike by making a claim that not a single user has made in the 100+ TRS threads, then arguing against your own claim and acting like that is proof. A month before the jimpact supposedly redpilled mike and his kikess wife went to a show with kike trannies and strippers. That was one of the strippers. No user has made the claim that very specific image was of mike. Mike himself looks more jewish than the stripper dressed as a rabbi
why wont these kikes post their family tree which cannot be faked?
I've seen anons make the argument. But whatever, not a hill worth dying on.
Mike is clearly Serbian. You should have your Jewdar checked.
You could tape Mike spitting in a vial and shipping it off and some fags would still claim it was a bait-and-switch.
Spencer's followers are completely brainwashed by him. The evidence is all right in front of their faces and yet they think nothing's wrong with it. \
How is a .png evidence? I've seen similar results for Richard Spencer (pic related) with just the name "Richard" printed at the top. Lets have a link. Something a bit more substantive then a Photoshoped image with the exifdata stripped off it.
Family trees are hardly conclusive unless they have an ancestor with a last name like Cohen or Israel.
It'd be just like the stupid argument in this thread: that Spencer is Jewish because some of his ancestors have common German names which have been appropriated by some Jews as crypsis. Or like the argument that Mike is Jewish because his Croat surname ends in the patronymic suffix -ovich.
Did he fake this too?
every altright/white nationalist/natsoc leader and spokesperson should release their DNA test along with access to their family tree. the only reason they wouldnt is if they have something to hide…like an Eckstein? Or maybe like a Leo Falk Simonsen?
Eckstein is a common German surname meaning "cornerstone." Like most -stein and -berg names it was appropriated by Ashkenazi Jews as part of crypsis. But sure, it's rock fucking solid evidence.
Simonsen is the same shit. It's a common Swedish surname.
There are plenty of points to criticize these people on, but making these ad hoc accusations based on common surnames that can be used by cryptos doesn't do your credibility any good.
"Linda Avey, Paul Cusenza and Anne Wojcicki,"
Of the owners of 23andme, the only owner backgrounds it mentions are jewish.
from what ive read ITT its yiddish. but this is beside the point. post family trees or gtfo
Might actually be a Jew fam. tbh
That is a much better source. Maybe Mike isn't a kike, just a kike lover both figuratively and literally sleeping with the enemy. Although one could always fake the test, just like someone may fake a drug test by having a close friend provide the sample. Maybe if Mike didn't act like such a fat kike I wouldn't have this lack of faith. I'd still would like to fucking Kill the fat nigger, just for being an ugly fowl mouthed clown. The atheist in my eyes is spiritually Jewish and has alot of work to do if he is going to be redeemed. First thing him and his TRSodomites needs to do is stop fucking with Holla Forums.
Okay, so now the theory is that the Jewish CEO personally fixed Mike's results because they're such great buds?
The simplest explanation here is that those are in fact his results.
Yeah, sure, people in this thread claim it's Yiddish.
If you seriously evaluate truth only by hearsay on a Swedish fried noodle decoration crafting website, then I've got some magical pubes to sell you for $10.
tbh i dont really care if any of these cucks are jewish.
theyre either married to jews, work with jews or theyre simply zionists
every…single… one.
theyre irredeemable not because of their blood but because of their ideas.
Okay, so now we'e down to abstract moralizing. That's nice.
I operate under one primary practical ethical principle: good things further the 14 words, bad things work against them, and neutral things don't have any effect on them.
So I'll ask you: What, exactly, in concrete terms, has Mike or the TDS crew done to harm the 14 words in their activism?
I don't give one flying shit about your quibbles over their personal lives or some cosmic wrong they've done. I care about results.
not at all. hasnt the problem always been infiltration? they spread zionism. they push marxism. they say "nazis" are bad .."were not nazis!" its all nonsense, whether Jew or white Zionist. nonsense. Again.. I personally care about ideas and how a person lives, not their blood. and these people are all spreading the same jewish lies. if they arent jews already, theyre honorary jews in my opinion.
also you cant have 14 with 88.
No, I think its just to suggest that the company itself is potentially not reliable at all (no matter who is getting tested).
You do realize if TRS and NRx where not Jewing everything up and being huge cocksuckers sending their shills here to fuck with Holla Forums and constantly shit talking people on the right making enemies with everyone there would have never been any of this drama. Fuck fuck sake, likely people here at Holla Forums would have defended them just as their are people who defend Trump. Its the fact that they lacked and ethos in the first place. That they where amoral opertunits shitting all over everything that got them in hot water to begin with. So yes its all about morals and ethics.
^this too
If Mike's not Jewish, then where exactly is the infiltration?
And, again, what, CONCRETELY, has Mike done to damage the movement?
I'm assuming you meant "without."
Which is patently bullshit, tbh. You can be a fairly effective WN without ever mentioning Hitler. Do you think there's some sort of esoteric reason that this isn't possible? Because there's certainly no practical problem.
Also. they don't have an issue with 88. The notion that the epithet 1488er is from TRS/TDS is wrong. To my knowledge, nobody has even used the term on TDS. It's from a Ramzpaul fedpost.
This doesn't make sense. At all. What possible incentive could they have for faking everyone's DNA tests? Haplogroup testing is well-established, easy, and pretty cheap. Plus they can datamine it. No reason to falsify it.
K. Still no concrete way they've harmed the 14 words.
Nina looks like a friggin tranny.
But yet she participated in that xmas jingle that TRS did last Dec, you dumb nigger.
Married to an NSA connected, Jewish supremacist while claiming to be a white nationalist. And then, when the internet found out, he claimed to divorce her without proving any evidence. Doesn't make any sense, and thats enough right there to not want Mike in any type of leadership role.
Mike also tone-downed TRS by promoting the idea that "not all jews are bad!" which pollutes the truth of the matter: all jews are bad. Which furthers the notion Mike should not be in any type of leadership role.
Mike himself has said he should step down, still furthering the notion he should not be in any type of leadership role.
And beyond all of this, Mike has said he's a Jew. It's on Youtube for crying out loud.
Just re-read this.
You replied to that other guy, pointing out that, out of like 7 famous ethnic Russians with -ovich names, one *might* have been Jewish.
I hope you don't actually think that's a counter argument. Those are just the first few results on Google when you search those last names.
Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich of Russia had many sons, named:
All named with the patronymic…after their father Alexander…
white nationalism seems to lead to zionism. national socialism is the only system designed to free white people from the clutches of the Jew. so why would whites promote anything other than natsoc?
Why would a sincere White Nationalist bring his jewish wife onto his podcast to say things that she obviously doesn't believe? Since Enoch did that, why should we think he believes any of what he says?
National Socialism and Nazi anime seems to really trigger these alt right sodomites, no wonder they always larp about muh Pinocet and muh anarcho capitalism.
the most conspiratorial thing I would find remotely reasonable, and not important compared to their treason, is for kikes in the public eye to have a shabbos goy do the swab for them. At some point, it will happen for an eceleb, it's too easy not too. But trusting these businesses that not only datamine and advertise heavily for a relatively minor service, but are all owned by jews or mormons? Only a fucking moron would say they are reliable.
So of course the TRSodomite defends thems.
I see no particular evidence that WN leads inevitably to Zionism.
I mean, I could easily make the argument that National Socialism leads to Zionism because the regime supported relocation of Jews to Israel.
I take it you've never looked at the TRS forum. There's plenty of Nazi animoo
If we say:
we must then say:
but this is Zionism!
Haavara Agreement was designed to send the Jews to the island of Madagascar where they would live out their lives under a strict SS police state. If this is your idea of "Zionism" I'm all for it! Why should we send the Jews to Israel like they want tho?
this is plausible
are you just talking out of your asshole? Do you think people just hate Spencer and Mike because they are "Jews"? In fact their behavior would make more sense if they where in fact Kikes.
You should pay more attention, instead of acting incongruous. Its fucking infuriating. We have a whole thread dedicated to the stupid shit Spencer has done and a whole backlog of the "CONCRETELY" stupid shit Mike has said and done and the infighting they both started. Yet you act like they are helpless victims of circumstance never responsible for anything. The unwillingness to take responsibility and admit when you are wrong seems very JEWISH and its a majority of the reason why people fucking hat you.
Only a retard could read what I wrote and think I was defending them
There's literally no good reason to believe they would falsify everyone's results. Not good for profit or data mining. It's silly
I would never submit my DNA to 23andMe. I don't trust them with my privacy and I don't really want anyone having access to my genetic code…but I think it's pretty silly to think that they would return falsified results without any incentive
Care to comment on the audio clip alt right sodomites??
No, all you have is >>>/trs/
Which is full of ad hoc accusations and long screenshots that prove less than nothing
Anglin…hell, everybody who's anybody in the real world…dismissed you guys for a reason
Didn't he claim to be Croatian along with a few other things before they decided on the Serbian narrative? Also you were the user that confused a random yid with mike. Also it is funny how the fake DNA test mike released, after saying he would not do one, says that he is not Serbian. Also after the jimpact mike himself admitted on a few podcasts that he is jewish himself, but feels he has earned a spot as a White Nationalist.
Again, not sure what the concrete harm here is.
Do I think Mike is a good person? No, probably not. But he's done plenty good for the 14 words.
please address this
In marrying a B'nai B'rith jewess? ==Wew==
Keep telling yourself that.
You're wrong about Haavara. Read about it. It was for sending Jews to Palestine. Madagascar was later.
The whole white genocide copypasta is a gateway redpill designed to play to egalitarian ideology. It is not the apotheosis of WN and I think you know this.
Regardless, I don't see any reason to extend Jews any sort of evenhandedness. They don't and never have. My behavior toward the other is conditional on the other's behavior…and this is a pretty common right wing moral framework.
But TRS has said many times that Zionism is the answer to the jewish question, and that we should oppose the Palestinians for some reason.
Yeah. Did the marriage…uh…taint his soul? Rape the cosmic consciousness of white people? Rend a spiritual hole in the world?
He put a ring on something he shouldn't have and banged it. That doesn't a practical crime make. I feel like you're imposing a weird sexual morality on the situation without telling me.
Evidence or gtfo
Hitler himself said that upon learning the true nature behind Zionism he rejected sending the Jews to Palestine, which is exactly why the Haavara Agreement was created in the first place: send the Jews to Madagascar, under a police state, and NOT to Palestine.
so if hitler opposed Zionism, why shouldnt we?
At around TDS 75 Jesse explicitly said that he had saw no reason to support nationalism for the Jews as it wouldn't be reciprocal.
They have never advocated Zionism as a solution to anything at any point since. I wouldn't know about before, but you're treating them as if they're not people who can change their ideas over time.
Race traitors and those who support race traitors such as yourself will be killed on the night of the long knives so now shoo shoo before I hunt you down and feed you to Jim's hogs.
what about pic related here
You've got that backward. The first Haavara agreement was intended to send Jews to Palestine. Hitler's opinion shifted over time, leading to an attempt to send them to Madagascar.
Again, the point is that it sure as hell doesn't look like National Socialism and Zionism are as incompatible as you would like to believe.
That quote is basically a case why Zionism shouldn't be supported due to non-reciprocity. There's no reason this reasoning is exclusive to NatSocs. At all.
then why hasnt your own shifted? Hitler, upon learning the real purpose behind Zionism, rejected Zionism. So please tell us all why you refuse to do the same
that was literally not what was said. Hitler was right about how you argue
The fat fuck looks like he's going to drop dead of a heart attack any moment LOL!!!!
You're in the middle of the Kali Yuga and you think that there will be few enough people that aren't "race traitors" or "supporters of race traitors" that you'll still have a white race left?
Wew lad.
It sounds like you'd kill a white chad for drunkenly fucking darkies in college. In which case, you're gonna have to kill all the chads.
You are claiming they are across-the-board unreliable.
If this isn't because of result falsification, then what's it a result of, exactly?
You need to be specific here. You're just vaguely claiming they're not reliable. How? In what ways?
The shabbos goyim part is not an unreliability on the part of 23andMe either, unless you're phrasing your argument very poorly.
please address this
Not just Mike Enoch will be killed but him and his family too during the great tribulation, there will be more than enough woodchippers to deal with all the Chads if needed.
I do reject Zionism you blithering moron.
At no point in this thread have I supported it.
You have constructed a nice little straw man though. Wew
Alright, assuming you can even gather a power base of any sort (and you clearly can't lmao), have fun with the sub-bottleneck population of whites you have left.
if you dont support zionism…and yet TRS and Richard Spencer do support Zionism (even if under the guise of it being the answer to the JQ)… why support TRS or Richard Spencer?
If you KNOW Jews WANT to be sent back to Israel because it fulfills their dumb prophesies, why on the earth would you support anyone promoting Zionism?
Please address this.
Again, where the fuck did I ever even kind of support Zionism?
Place a really hot iron on your nuts please.
If they supported Zionism, I would stop listening and supporting them.
They do not support Zionism. At all. Even a teensy bit. You're arguing on the basis of audio clips from early 2014 when they were still basically lolbergs who hated niggers.
see all of my responses
L2Read nigger
can you explain pic related here then?
That's an article by Lawrence Murray. Plenty of people write on the TRS blog and they all have different opinions. He explicitly says that he's talking about White Nationalism as he currently understands it.
This is called "White Nationalism FAQ." It's an intro meant for normies. Do you think the best way to start advocating for WN amongst normies is "gas the kikes?"
And even then, this doesn't prove that the TDS guys *or* Richard Spencer support this interpretation.
so you're saying TRS is a rootless, international cabal without anyone single policy or instruction? Then where does their authority come from? Why should anyone listen to TRS when, according to you, it's comprised of people with random and conflicting opinions?
He claimed Zionism is the answer to the JQ.
And Richard Spencer seems to agree.
Do you agree?
I wonder how many medicines he take to control his high blood pressure, glucose and cholesterol levels.
No more a rootless, international cabal than Holla Forums. Where does Holla Forums's authority come from? Why should anyone listen to Holla Forums when it's comprised of people with random and conflicting opinions?
By he you mean Greg Johnson and Lawrence Murray, the latter in an article for normies.
None of those quotes agree with the "Zionism solves JQ" idea. They are broad support for generic ethnonationalism, which i don't find especially problematic when he's a public face who draws normies in. How much success have you had screaming gas the likes at normies?
You argue like a kike. I am anti-Zionist. I'm not going to repeat myself again.
Holla Forumss ideologies stem from debate. Holla Forums is a natsoc board because no other ideology can defeat natsoc's in open, fair debate. TRS doesnt want to debate their various claims. they in fact refuse to do so.
pic related seems to suggest otherwise.
but you support a Jewish ethnostate if it means whites can have one?
so do many of your fellow tribesmen
you know how I know you are a cuckold?
as I said, you don't accept any evidence at all. You are religiously committed to defending your bad behavior. Its fucking very Jewish behavior Mike.
bump for answers
Not sure what you think is happening right now; but it might shock you.
Says he "understands the impulse towards Zionism." Understanding and claiming that it's a solution to the JQ are not even kind of isomorphic. You really seem to have difficulty recognizing similarity. This is common in those with low IQs.
Christ almighty you are thick. For the last time, no.
Lol dude, you were defending his point. What does it matter whether I made a distinction between him and you? Still waiting for you to explain what the alternative to falsification is for result unreliability.
You don't have one, do you?
You don't present any evidence at all. Anglin came to this conclusion, Azzmador too. You faggots just keep screaming though.
Wow, I'm flattered that you think I'm Mike. Either that or I'm sickened by your narcissism. Actually a little of both
You are a really fucking impatient nigger. Do you not have anything better to do today?
so a TRS writer promotes Zionism as the answer to the JQ and Spencer says he understands the impulse towards Zionism…but trs and Spencer dont support zionism..
then why arent they condemning Zionism? :0)
Daily reminder to sage D&C threads and move along
I'm done repeating myself to you.
Mike and the Death Panel consistently condemn Zionism.
Spencer is a gateway drug and I don't really understand why it matters whether he's as woke as you are.
He doesn't criticize those who are anti-Zionist or antisemetic and I know for a fact that he is far further down the rabbit hole than his public persona might lead you to believe.
Again, what matters is results. They help further the 14 words. Your piss poor understanding of propaganda hurts us.
So you just keep denying the evidence even exist? Anglin at leas addresses the accusations against him. I think Anglin is shady, but being shady is not the end of the world. Why do you deny everything. You act like there is nothing worth addressing and that you are infallible. Its honestly very Jewish behavior Mike.
why..arent they…condemning Zionism? :)
Nobody like Spencer, he is not a "gateway drug". They guy is not charismatic or smart enough to win any one over. In fact Spencer often puts people off from White nationalism by acting like a clown.
did trs run from debate despite their claim to not do such a thing? please address this or stay defeated
You're a weak faggot without an argument.
You are asking him to repeat himself…he already said that the Death Panel condemns Zionism.
Your position is as absurd as claiming Andrew Anglin supports Zionism.
I don't think you understand normies. Spencer is actually optically good for us. Just because you don't like him doesn't mean anything.
The SPLC and ADL call him an evil neo-nazi, then young whites hear him make reasonable arguments about loving who you are and loving your own people…and see him sing Depeche Mode. This demolishes any trust in the SPLC and ADL that they may have had. Many such cases.
I'm guessing you don't get out much. I know dozens of people IRL that have followed this exact path down the rabbit hole.
You are clearly not arguing in good faith. Just because he decided to go do some other shit and not repeat himself ad nauseam to appease your autism doesn't mean he lost.
Spencer speaks favorably of Zionism by saying he understands it and even respects Netahyahu. TRS says Zionism is the answer to the JQ. So all Im asking is..
if Spencer isnt a Zionist, why doesnt he condemn Zionism instead of "understanding" its impulse?
if TRS isnt Zionist, why dont they delete that pro-Zionist article?
They use textbook Jew tactics to D&C
Just disengage
Why is this thread still here? It's all fueled by competing e-celebs that give more of a shit about their precious e-turf. We established this guy is a kike enabling faggot already just like the rest of them.
Why can't you quote Pinochet or Milton Friedman like a real fashy goy?
JESUS TITTYFUCKING CHRIST. Multiple people have explained to you in this thread that TRS is not a monolith AND that the Death Panel opposes Zionism AND that the article you were referencing was a FAQ for normies that was intentionally avoiding "gas the kikes" for propaganda purposes.
You don't seem to care about truth. Typical fucking kike.
Okay, so say I'm a vegan but I don't vocally publicly condemn meat eaters. Does that mean I'm not a vegan?
Your syllogism is shit. You're shit.
It's an FAQ for normies deep in their archives, numbnuts. I doubt anybody even remembers it anymore.
Yeah, I'm done at this point. Going to go to the damn gym.
It seems to me that intentionally confusing "Zionism" as in "I support Israel if all the Jews go there and stay the fuck out of our societies" with "Zionism as in "I support the diaspora coinciding with Israel as we send tens of billions toward Israel and fight wars on its behalf," is not the attitude of a person who is genuinely concerned with the future of the White race, but a shitdick who is trying to perpetuate drama with people who smartly ignore him. There is no shortage of legitimate angles from which to disagree with Peinovich or Spencer, and about .00001% of the criticisms leveled here are of that nature, being the result of simultaneous stupidity, jealousy, and Judaism.
youre avoiding the question.
TRS does.
I'm done repeating myself.
I have directly answered this question about 5 times already.
Blow your fucking brains out.
Why dose TRS dismiss the Protocols of Zion as a conspiracy theory? Why does TRS dismiss holocaust revisionist?
yeah. youre done ;)
Why does TRS insist on attacking the Palestinians and featuring them on the top of their list of "hate facts" instead of using them to expose the nature of the jew?
Not aware of them doing this, but the reason you would is because it's easy as fuck to prove disproportionate Jewish influence without it.
I personally think that the Jew is inherently subversive and that the Protocols are completely unnecessary. Regardless of whether they are real, Jews will subvert and act nepotistically as parasites.
They don't. The Daily Shoah is a tongue in cheek name making fun of the holohoax…
Because regardless of how bad Israel is, the Palestinians are still semitic niggers.
jews are liars which is why the West is in the mess it finds itself in the first place. jews lie and subvert the system to bring their degeneracy and suicidal ideology into the main stream. Allowing them into any group will only ensure the take over of that group by jews and their agenda.
TRS is run by jews they can say whatever they want they were exposed as jews & fag enablers! No one with any understanding of history or intelligence should trust TRS or support them anymore than supporting cuckservatives like John Mccaine and other "israel" first-ers.
So Palestinians who want to stay in Palestine are a bigger problem them kikes? Ok.
Richard Spencer is a literal and figurative faggot and this thread is cancer on all sides.
Especially this.
TRS is trash.
nigger you just reposed an image that I posted originally in this thread in regards to the behavior of (you) TRSodomites.
When you use the term "us". I assume you mean You and your Jewish friends. Because Spencer is not optically good for the White race. You don't have to explain the optics too my kiddo. I am not johnny come lately and well aware of what is going on. If Spencer was what you say'd he was this thread would never have existed in the first place.
once again you resort to incredulity. You don't seem to be aware of anything, which is obviously not true because you are ether Mike or someone very close to the TRS establishment otherwise you wound not have dedicated so much energy to this thread. But assuming you are truly ignorant of what TRS promotes I find it odd that you would defend them so ferociously. Maybe you ought to actually lurk more.
essentially preaching to the preaching to the choir. They are at least spiritual Jewish based on their behavior. I will grant the 23 and Me, but there behavior needs to straighten out big time if they are going to win over any faith in their disreputable organization.
Then we need to cut out the cause of the Cancer, which just so happens to be Spencer and TRS.
is there a Jewtube version of this so I can share it with the normalfags who want to defend Kike Eunoch?
I guess you don't have the self-awareness to understand how autistic and counter-productive you're behaving then
They're done, dude.
Peinovich is the beating heart of TRS, and he's been revealed for what he is: a fraud, a fat childless Jew married to a frigid faghag Jewess.
Only useful idiots still buy into them to any degree.
Fuck off, kike.
The only thing I like about Pinochet is that he killed communists however he was an Indian from South America and in bed with jews so not a good role model.
It's retarded that one has to explain why jews should never be trusted or allowed into groups or organizations as if the current society we live in was not a result of allowing them into countries, groups and organizations ie whites/Europeans being too inclusive.
What to these TRS fags think would change if a TRS lead group were to take over (doubtful as they have no ideology)?
Nothing would change (perhaps different jews with the same goals would set on top) and the group would become more and more inclusive and would resemble the leftists before long hence their fag enabling.
If you read the short 50 page book you would know why it is such a bad idea to cuck out to TRS kikes, and what the true purpose of TRS is. Also yes spencer has explicitly said the holocaust is real, while the Holodomor is not. He and TRS are clearly controlled opposition
fuck off, TRSgoon
Checked for the entire alt-right is controlled opposition. That's its purpose.
Zionist kikes realized that a pendulum swing was inbound, and took efforts to ensure they had agents in position to control and direct that momentum down the paths they desired. Its not accident that Dicky Spencer has been ushered forth as the representative of this faux-movement, and it has nothing to do with his 'accomplishments' (pathetic as they are).
I'm sick of these faggots and their shilling.
TRS and the entirety of the alt-right - literally ever single mother fucker who would call themselves by such title - belong in an oven with the kikes they serve. No amount of half-hearted shilling in favor of Whites overrides the fraudulence and general kike faggotry espoused by these people.
Fuck off, kike.
I don't know why you are trying to lecture to me. You are saying things I essentially already believe.
Yes and Mike is spiritual a Kike.
Lets take for example this video
The red pill was always about seeking truth regardless of if it was popular or comfortable. Holla Forums was always about the Red pill (even before the stupid meme version that mean nothing). The truth about Hitler's Germany is important. In fact the whole Tradition vs Modernity, Right vs Left divide boils down to God's Hierarchy vs Mans Law. Saying the ends justify the means is a statement of intent that say's truth has no value. This is fundamentally a left wing, Jewish premise. The Spirit of the Jew is in rebellion against Gods law and the power the Jew holds in the modern world is tied to their modern Myths. The reason we where winning, was not because we abandoned our values, but because we had Truth on our side (and a damn good sense of humor). Then TRS comes along and tries to co-opt this momentum and then claim it as their own and subvert the truth in promotion of what is politically expedient. Another term for doing something politically expedient is what Jewish Bolsheviks called Politically Correct. The Jew does not care about truth they don't care about being correct, they only care about winning. Therefore TRS is fighting Politically Correctness with Politically Correctness and Jewish Morality with their own brand of Jewish Morality. This is why they are fundamentally controlled opposition because at the end of the day they are spiritually Jewish (atheistic).
right sorry about that.
repeating yourself wont't make the alt-kike pro-white.
user I hate Mike, but I am not going to argue if he is or is not Jewish now that he published his DNA test. I suspect its not really his DNA, but that is speculation.
Also 23 and me as well as many other DNA tests are jewish owned I doubt their testing that they share with their customers has any legitimacy….Also yeah I'm sure the jew used someone else's blood on top of that.
Maybe I'm one of those "ZOG people", who sees jewish conspiracies where there aren't any, like with those dancing Israelis who dindu nuffin on 9/11, but what if Mike admitted to being jewish during that "interrogation" to create a strawman that he could eventually knockdown by releasing his 23andMe? Before that show, the jew-wife was enough for everybody to disavow TRS, and we all assumed he was a goy.
Way to try to shift the argument, TRS is full of kikes.
Pics related
Why would someone willingly do this? This isn't some accusation someone made
multiple times on his radio program there are also pictures that support his celebration of jewish rituals & he married a kike whom hangs out with rabbis and puts on tranny shows at Christmas time (clearly a fuck you goyum).He admitted his jewish decent on what is supposedly a white nationalist radio….
This was intended as a way to get people to accept him as an openly jewish leader ( the gall of this jew).
I refuse to believe people are that stupid it has to be 1 or 2 paid shills and maybe a few more friendless losers.
I don't know why the TRS fags think that any of their e-celeb hobbyists are leadership material. I don't believe anyone right now is worth following or really listening to let alone warrant the cult like devotion they receive. None of them have concrete beliefs, they all change when the winds blow(or they are caught not following them), none of them live their beliefs, and none of them are willing to die for their beliefs.
I came in really believing in the 14 words, and I thought people like trs did to, but I quickly realized that it was the battle cry for cowards and alt-larpers.
The Alt right sodomites are OK with this.
It's almost as they're reading from the same script…..
look at my other 38 post in this thread. I am no friend of TRS or 23 and me. I just don't see it as a hill worth dying on for the sake of argument. Their are plenty of other reasons to not like the Alt-Kike. Fore example Spencer is actually not in favor of ethnic Nationalism. He also supports the (Far left wing and frankly Marxist) Ideas of Alexander Dugin. Dugin is an advocate for lying and rewriting history if its politically correct. For people like Spencer and Dugin the ends justify the means. You cannot build any sense of trust when the leader of a movement advocates values that that's only foundation is born from materialistic principles and a shallow interpretation of might makes right.
I don't think they actually do that tbh m8. I know kike enoch doesn't believe kikes did 9/11 potentially due to his hatred of kebabs, potentially due to the fact that he's a fat jew, potentially a bit of both but I haven't heard any alt kike people, aside from fucking Implicit Duginite Dick of course, espousing official lolocaust narrative.
If there's any alt kike figurehead who is undeniably controlled opposition, it's flaming faggot Spencer
He is quite literally the punching bag the left wing like to drag out there whenever they want to make 'an example' out of 'white nationalists'. Even though David Duke is a conman at least he can put these leftists in their place when he is being interviewed by them, on the contrary when Dickie was being interviewed by that nigger Roland Martin which should of been a slam dunk case, Dickie just sits there like a fucking bitch not even trying to refute his points that could of been easily debunked, a civ nat like Tucker Carlson could of easily handled this nigger. Sad!
You're an idiot. He didn't say it's "just a meme". You don't even understand English, you're clearly not equipped to criticize anyone or anything. Idiotic.
There is also a screencap out there of grinder greggy saying that arabs did 9/11, and that mossad doing 9/11 is just a conspiracy theory that supposedly discredits White Nationalists
Wrong. My Templar Orientis Feudal system is superior. Best described as Dune meets Archeofuturism meets Warhammer40k… but natsocs' not a bad compromise.
keep telling yourself that
crowley ate feces xD
i keked too hard
If the Alt right wasn't wall to wall with faggots, we wouldn't have any of this drama right now.
not here to defend this faggot, BUT :
this jew thing is ridiculous. he's not a jew under jewish law neither under national-socialist law. prove me wrong or fuck off
This thread is horrible. I didn't know we had so many "alt right" redditors on here. How can anyone defend this faggot?
What a cancerous faggot.
It's almost as if Spencer is on the payroll of someone to turn American white nationalism into a laughing stock.
To play devil's advocate, I believe he's saying that the TERM "white genocide" is basically normalfag repellent. Why did he say meme though? What did he mean by this?
Seems like an unnecessary distraction from his Duginist subversion and faggotory. He already does enough shit to subvert nationalism
Do I need to point out that you didn't actually address his argument?
Got a counteragument to that part, or are you just pissed that maybe somebody at TRS doesn't think the Protocols are real in favor of some other understanding of the subversive nation of Jewry?
spencer might not agree with everything Holla Forums says but it's not a reason to go around making threads intended to discredit him
We don't, the shills are doing an opposite shilling technique to create noise and astroturf controversy among us. You can see right through it because the ones who pretend to be us are strawmanning our own positions to then be "btfo" by flawed reddit-tier contradictions. Steel yourself against their faggotry.
Spencer has became Jared Taylor 2.0 except several degrees less intelligent and faggier. His shilling for Israel should be unacceptable for anyone who's an actual national socialist, some user summed it up well a couple weeks ago, the goal of these plants is to fuse WN with Zionism. They should be rejected completely and that stands true even if he had 0% jew ancestry.
He can't even keep his own business interests free of the non-White. There's a pajeet on his Patreon knockoff and his website's senior editor is a mud persian. He invited a faggot to speak at NPI and invited both the slope whore and that bitch jewess reporter to the last NPI. Obviously he's not committed to WN in any real way.
Did you know that under Israeli law, Mike Peinovich qualifies for acquisition of Israeli citizenship under their Right of Return laws?
Having a wife that was the head of her high school b'nai b'rith chapter would qualify him.
Fuck trs but also fuck all the shitskin pro pisslam Common Spic shills sliding this board with their e-celeb crap
Common Spic is a larping Calvinist Baptist that shares the same universalist views on race that rabbi Anderson does. Just because we don't want sodomites involved in the movement doesn't mean we're common spic shills.
I'm kind of lost… where did he ever do that?
Yeah and the whole kike wife + years of lying about it are why we don't trust and respect him
Yeah… not wanting to associate ourselves with people that persistently lie to us for years is probably just "purity spiraling" or some other such buzzword.
If he was making so much money then why did he ever once at any point ever ask for donations from people?
samefagging because of wifi bugs
Apparently he's not actually a kike, he just married one.
She literally said she was Jewish in a tweet though.
I'm incredibly surprised tbh
Made mp4 versions
You didn't even skim over the rest of that anons response before shilling did you. That user was making a point about mikes b'nai b'rith kikess wife
Two different ID's used the same exact screed of "Even if he produced a video of himself spitting in a vial, sealing the mail, and sending it off, you'd still claim it was a bait-and-switch."
Either this is a samefag or these unoriginal TRSodomites are reading off a script
Pathetic, either way
user, it's not samefagging when people can see fucking the ID you little niglet but yes I obviously missed the last part and should go to sleep.
samefag probably. I've been getting browser bugs with Holla Forums enforcing unwanted samefagging.
So his great great grandfather had a Jewish surname?
That doesn't make him Jewish. You can have a Jewish surname that is passed down several generations but the person is like 1% genetically Jewish.
He needs to do a 23 and Me to settle this.
that ethnonationalism video is damning
How so? He's a white nationalist.
it doesn't matter if Spencer is jewish or not, he could be zero percent jew and still destroying nationalism.
Claiming that it's new is fucking laughaglbe. Mosley coined white pan europeanism fucking years ago. it's a shame the kikes got there first with Kalergi''s Pan-European Union
kikery of the finest order
complete fabrication, everyone except Europe recognises ethno-nationalism.
Did you listen to the video?
"how so?"
Look how to Jew plays damage control! I just redpilled my gf on how the Jews manipulate public opinion by causing unjustified doubt regarding obviously true and relevant claims they don't want you accepted. This is how the Jew, 24/7, promotes the brand of Richard Spencer among the naive first time voters who are in this because of Trump. The People are largely asleep and they take advantage like a stalker in the night. And they now they begin moving away from Trump and even condemning him. Why? Because they don't need him any more. Truly pathetic. These inhuman demonic specters manifested by projections of Hell will one day soon find themselves exorcised and in Abaddon receive their just deserts.
They're not Alt-Right kids. They're paid Duginists and Zionists
That shouldn't happen now. Sage for off topic.
So is he like what? 1/8 jewish?
spencer is obviously controlled opposition and if you don't understand that then you need to do your homework on COINTELPRO and stop being such a faggot
Late to the party, but I did find this gem.
Have you seen this? A literal zionist jew exposed that cunt as a kike. Ultra-zionism wins
Good find user, saved. Dicky has held that position on fascism for quite a while now
I wonder how much dicky paid anglin to become this much of their cuck servant. Did dicky just pay off the entirety of anglins legal fees or some shit
I know he didn't. How do I know? I and other people have paid to do searches of court documents from New York, which are public record. There are no divorce proceedings with either Michael Peinovich or Ames Friendman or Ames Peinovich's names on them. Anywhere.
Except Ames Friedman-Peinovich, apparently.
He plans to have his own radio show sometime this year.
I don't understand why every team these concepts come up, it descends into some nigger-tier rhetoric.
This is what the fascism looks like?
Comrade Stalin was right, fascism stems form homosexuality.
Richard Spencer's goons are now shilling heavily for MACRON lately.
Nigger-tier polarized rhetoric is literally the point in Duginism. Confusion, loosely defined terms, polarisation, disarray. Basically everything that Spencer does is laid out in writing by Dugin.
So after all this all you have is "dude, his great great grandmother might of been a jew"
And his 23&Me proves that he has 0 Jew
twitter .com/RichardBSpencer/status/816721891331375104
But please keep digging.
If it was a real 23&Me result it would have a last name instead of just saying richard. Also
If TRSodomites are this bad at math and spotting shoops this would explain why they, and their Eceleb leaders still believe the holohoax happened
Uhh … all those quotes on the left make perfect sense.
Supporting Israel as an ethnostate is a smart angle to take during discourse and debate.
We want an ethnostate too.
I have a feeling that 8bd17f is a glowing CIA nigger.
Israel has no right to exist, fuck off kikelover. We deserve a fucking ethnostate, those kikes don't.
All your leaders are jewish or gay, nice reddit spacing.
>>>/trs/ gtfo
I have only ever heard Odinists talk about Spencer's CIA handler connection and how those people he is networked with are specifically trying to prevent restoration of White belief systems, to include Odinism itself. Practically every fucking shill or shady fucker messing up what should be happening is networked in with them. You have been warned.
Israel is NOT an ethnostate. It's a centralized hub for world jewry.
Bumping with some Duginistick Sodomitepencer merchants. Fire at will, niggers
Good shit.
on twitter and on his blog
that user who posted it is an autist
its making fun of liberals for giving /us/ a platform, and academics for not being able to effectively engage us
this image is just stupid
part of why the sperging of these threads is retarded is that it conflates any other group than anons as all the same thing. criticism is important - but lashing out indiscriminately is just idiotic.
milo and cernovich are trs now apparantly, according to autists with impaired identification
I don't follow Dicky Spencer on his twitter or his blog. Source?
You know, I was wondering why Anglin seemed so iffy about denouncing Enoch back when Enoch got doxed.
Anglin is not only intentionally lying via a strawman to protect a kike lover, but he openly has labelled anyone who dares criticize Enoch as a "subversive." Basically, it's the standard TRSodomite tactic of, "if you don't support this race mixer who lied to all of you and created a fake internet persona, you are the bad guy.'"
And he's flat out wrong, the issue of Enoch being a Jew has only ever been a red herring for the whole "married to a kike" thing. Apparently, he doesn't want to exterminate Mike's wife, according to the last sentence.
The TRSodomites like to scream "Morpheus" on twitter and cuckchan too, every time Spencer/Kike Enoch are criticized. Never realized it was an actual person. Accusing everyone who criticizes your gay husbando milkynips of being
< a single person with a VPN
Is some kind of cuckchan/leddit tier Pede bullshit.
Go back to the 504um or cuckchan or w/e the fuck TRSodomites earn shekels. No one here will ever care, or agree, or sympathize with your gay cancer fanboy pyramid scheme.
What are the chances of another Jimpact? TRS doubled down and defended a faggot who used a position of influence to groom and have sex with a vulnerable young man. The Jimpacting will continue until morality improves.
alt-rightist spotted
Sounds like they need another one.
I'd love to hear another JIMPACT. They need it, we need it and with the way they've continued to deny any sense of moral queasiness at their actions means that they're completely subverted and cannot be redeemed.
I gave them their chance. I expected them to deny the shit. But bringing Cooper "Stick it in a boy's pooper" Ward back on, and once again bringing him into a place where he'll have access to vulnerable young boys, that was way too far. That crossed a threshold, a moral event horizon. That sort of shit cannot be forgiven.
Fuck the TRSodomites but where was the evidence for this? shitweasel namefags merely smeared Holla Forums with a cancerous fake jimpact that was essentially just a gay, unsubstantiated namefag bitching session caused by podcast radio beef which also included a bunch of faggots saving and inspecting dick pictures for no apparent reason. seems like you and TRS have a lot in common
Now you come here asking Holla Forumsacks to wipe your ass for you?
You know how I know you're a TRSodomite? Because the standard response line on the 504um was "LOL WHAT KIND OF GAY SAVES A PICTURE OF A DICK EVEN IF THEY'RE USING IT AS PROOF WE'RE SCUMBAGS. BUT IT WAS DIFFERENT WITH ANTHONY WEINER."
You know how I know you're not from here? Because you'd know that the tweets, messages, and posts from Brendan Kissam are legitimate proof of at least some of his claims since his dox have been circulating around 8pol for months after it got revealed he was the one behind the alt-right fundraiser for the TN fire victims. I'm not posting this for you. I'm posting it for the benefit of any person who might be uninformed enough to believe your tired bullshit.
Seems faggotry is in just about every social movement, right hand left.
So grow your own family and see you fellow at church.