Might not be the place but, Charities

Is there a decent, non corrupt charity I could donate to? Sorry if this is not the place for this. Any Charities Conspiracy theories or stories welcome. Thank you

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Donate to your fellow broke ass Anons on this shit you bleeding heart faggot.

giving money away doesn't absolve your sins, you twisted fuck

This, I broke the arm of a spic trying to hump one of our women in plain daylight. He got deported but due to being "held" for two days, I lost my job.

I got another job, but I'm getting paid $11/h, though there is hope to climb (young tech company, run by whites).

You can always make friends with /ppl/ and share your provisions with a brother-in-arms instead of resorting to (((charity))) but man, those tax breaks, I get it. Still cucked tho

Wow Holla Forums not /ppl/ stupid autokike

IN THEORY, an organization like Red Cross or some humanitarian effort is supposed to improve the lives of disaster victims.

In reality, dollar for dollar, you will get MUCH better results by helping your local community. For every hoop, hurdle, and person your dollar passes through, the end person sees less and less. Buy some fucking mittens or spend 2 hours at a soup kitchen, and you've made a homeless guy in your area happy.

Not that I'm saying that's the best way to spend your time/money, but it's the most tangible way to see results

Begone ye!

Yeah, it's called the charity of having another kid. If your wife is too old, adopt a white kid. If you don't have a wife or any kids, what the fuck are you doing giving money away to strangers?


Also, you could look for promising local politicians and donate to their campaign.

Or run for office yourself.

Email me, [email protected]/* */

Charities are typically a massive waste of money. Most charities spend exorbitant amounts of funds to pay for their staff, ads, "expenses" etc and likely nothing you ever give even gets around to being dispersed to their said cause.

The best thing you can do is put the money into a place, project, or persons that is going to push an ideal or belief that you share and highly value. Charities for the most part are like foreign aid. The money inevitably gets funneled with small portions making splashes with virtue-signaling type events.

charity redpills pls

No, you're going to have to do the work yourself in identifying Whites in need.

Your own two hands. ALL charities, without exception, are scams, especially (((churches))), and any decent white person will refuse money they do not feel they've earned, but they will let you do things for them for free. The only way to actually help your folk is by lending them your labor.

You know you can write your address on the mail field right?

How many Holla Forumsacks watch Rick and Morty?

charitynavigator.org OP. But you aren't going to find anything pro White there which is what YOU SHOULD be donating too.

"They're just…they're just two brothers."

With the current system I consider all charities as scams. Just either keep your money, or give it to someone in your "group"(whatever you may consider that to be) that's not fuck up and kinda down on his luck.If he is a decent man, he will return the favor one day.

The Rothschilds are the monopolists of the charity industrial complex, now fuck outta here with your /r/ thread. Also, why not donate to us anons?

It had potential, but it's trash.

The vast majority of "charities" in the west today are actually agenda-driven NGOs that spend their time doing nothing but fund-raising and engaging in political activism.

Like Greenpeace, for example, which has somehow managed to secure charity status (and all the associated tax breaks) in Australia. Or the refugee "charities" in Europe that spend the money people give them shipping rapefugees into Europe. Or the "anti-racist" charities that spend all their time shitting on white people. Or George Soros' many "charities" that pass the money people give them onto groups like Femen and the antifa.

Do what I do. If you can afford to be charitable, engage in private charity. Help out someone in your local community who is doing it tough yourself.

Help the Whites in South Africa immediately, They need it.



Start your own charity. Registering a 501c(3) corporation is relatively easy and the tax benefits will more than pay off the initial cost.
For added goybux, create a LLC to sell all your profitable assets to for $1 and then use that LLC to donate for full cash value, not acquisition prices, and write-off the difference.
Repeat every few years and you're on the level the niggers in my city are with their nonprofit felon houses of rehabilitation and school of hard knocks and their basketball hoops, etc.
Whites can play the system, too.
(((Just be careful you don't become the villain)))

Yes, its called a white future, with a white wife, 10 white kids, and a healthy supply of food and ammunition.

Being charitable is meant to be kind to your neighbours, the ones you know next door, not donate to Jewish schemes, which are all the "charities" you are thinking of.

All charities are scams. Even the ones that try to be honest do stupid shit like give money to niggers, thinking it will do some sort of good.

Don't give to charity. That's like giving a man a fish. Better to invest your money in something like a local small business so they can expand. This is akin to teaching a man to fish so he can start feeding himself. Or buy that plot of land and establish your white separatist colony and declare war on the federal government. That's an even better idea.

What about the reality where Hitler cured cancer?


OP, donate your money to anons fighting for the cause. There are anons starting militias, an user myself prototyping bodyarmor and shields for the legions ;_; selling my truck now for the cause. and others far more worthy, as well as political parties and action groups who actually need the funds, while the (((charities))) exist to syphon off money into their own pockets.



Also OP could just commission great things from local craftsmen he respects.

Mormon charities are 100% safe.
They dont fuck around, take zero, and use it all for the cause.

Face it, you all should join to get a nice white women and have 8 kids

Nobody looks at that.

No Mormon charities are how you get ni double gers, do you want niggers, cuz that's how you get them Sheryl.

Mormon charities are 100% safe.
They dont fuck around, take zero, and use it all for the cause.

Face it, you all should join to get a nice white women and have 8 kids

Donate to your local church, only after having spent sufficient time to discern that their doctrine is correct and free from modern heresies.