1st 4 scarlet
1st 4 scarlet
uh mm..?
3st for whatever
I've been coping. I only have Pokémon Yellow right now unfortunately. I'm thinking about getting OR again though.
You're not a loser. My day was just playing ESO and Hearthstone. Literally nothing exciting
Your shitstorm of a day?
It was a week or so ago but yeah. It did all occur in one day though.
Guess who has to use a cane again?
Well that's good, hopefully things start to go better for ya
The 3DS version of Yellow?
whats up
i just got home
i have basically slept all day
screaming at mommy to get food but shes not reply
im going to STARVE now..
It's getting better. And yeah the 3ds version
Laying here watching Netflix.
would u make me food
im hungry
Good! Can you trade/battle via WiFi on that version?
In a heartbeat
Mina M.D.~ :p
i'm bed toodles
hope things get better for you
pour up
what would u make me
I have no idea tbh. I haven't tried
-brings you ocean whitefish in a delicate thyme and butter sauce...and a dish of cream-
Rest well Elma
Tfw I'm going to med school soon
What do you want?
Seems like it does, that's neat
-is visibly terrified and falls all over himself trying to get away from the angry cat-thingie-
It's fun. I'm having a hard time really getting into it though.
What if I made you lasagna
FUCKING FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ITS NEVER GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet you be into some hcicken huh
I make a mad chicken nigga
no autistic fits in my thread pls
What if I ordered you pizza
-hides in a cupboard, one quivering hand reaching out with a plate of pork wontons for you...-
only if its GOOD pizza
i like chicken
sometimes its bad
mm chinese sounds good right now
but its not open
where is THE SOY SAUCE?~!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Why's that?
-wants mad chikin recipe- 0.0
-reaches back in and hands it out to you, is the good kind, not the store brand-
How much is pizza around there
I don't know. Might be because I've done this a million times already
Gotta do ways to spice it up yo
ok good
you did good
theres a lot of pizza i think
Get your breading
And then some egg flour
Mix it with some salt
And then your assorted herbs and Spices
I am a fan of
crushed red pepper
a bit of chile poweder
some pepper
Dip in some oil of 345* for abotu 14-16 minues and enjoy
Yeah. I don't know how to really tough. I've done like everything.
Reason i ask is because I might actually order you a pizza if the price isn't ridiculous
Online battling maybe
-edges out from the cupboard, still shaking and keeps a close eye on you as he skitters through the room-
idk what to fap to guys :/
no dont do that
nothing is even open right now anyways
i want an endless supply of yummy pork wontons right now
fap to me
Trap porn
Maybe? I've never really been one for battling other players
I have an idea
Isn't it only 11:30 there. Places here are open until at least 1
You're so gay
who tho
give me some nudes and i will
lay it on me waifu
-swallows hard and squeaks to himself as he tries to work out how to organize the delivery service to make sure the supply chain isn't broken- X_X
I feel so naghty....
is this an RTS
That's what I do, and breed stuff for battling
I'm just trying to suggest what I know know he likes man
Maybe. Or run through with garbage Pokémon
-needs additional pylons and squeaks frantically-
5 caterpie and an HM slave. Do it.
Everybdoy looking at me makes me so hot....
That's sounds pretty great tbh
usually i have the thickest skin in that chat but for some reason it didn't seem like they were joking this time.. it really didnt.. ;_;
:< -makes sure the include an order of spicy bbq chicken on a stick for you too-
I am home.
tea pls
i reported that evil illegal spam!
on the front page! >_
-brings you a cup with a couple of mint chocolate cookies.
-knocks that shit out of his hand-
so tired tho
It's reactions like this that are probably the reason you have none.
what a shitty friend u are
-pouts, made them for you-
That's a lie I am a good friend
I was at my best friends house just tonight after i got off work even though i was tired
-wanders around the quiet thread and looks under couch cushions in in drawers.-
I'll check when my internet stops being a shit
watching a 2nd war movie in a row and it's really fucking with me
Kinda mad I didn't get a pistol yesterday or the day before
Still disgusted by the sight of fat people, especially when they're only making themselves more fat.
Got to fly in a F14 yesterday though so that was cool. landing in that thing triggered my ptsd harder than anything else has come close to
I think I wanna be a pilot
Welcome home~ ♥
enjoy vegas?
I didn't go to Vegas, I went all over the coast instead and spent way too much for the rooms
-sees scary kitty thingie is gone and sneakily takes one of the wontons to nibble- :3
rip money
was it at least comfy?
Why are you crying over war movies?
You were never in the military and just spend your weekends playing soldier at a gun range or in ARMA.
I still got some and managed to win back the money my parents lost at the casino yesterday(then I stopped because that casino was slowly stealing my soul)
VERY/ I'll upload some pics and send em to you if they're good
>playing soldier at a gun range ON A WEEKENDI only go to the range on week days, usually sign up for a run on the dynamic range the feds/swat use here. FUN
I originally wrote this, saw your post then deleted it but fuck you.
watching this movies is all good fun until i have a flashback tbh. i feel like i'm surrounded and going to die.
landing in that jet really fuck with my head, made me feel sick for hours too. in the air was a blast though, i have literally never gone that fast in my life before and i REALLY want to do it again.
oh I love these guys
ily kanra
upload pics!
an oldie
-yawns and curls up with his wonton under the blue blanket. Is too tired to nibble it tonight but saves it for breakfast-
I like this song
but i've heard it so many times i don't like it
I was making fun of you to cope with my own loneliness.
aw 'laboosh :33
whats that D mean
im about to go to bed so lets hurry up and progress relationship levels here
you were? ._.
you know what the D means.
I was.
How are you doing tday mr Kanra
goodnight babe
I'm watching an absurdist comedy horror movie thing on Netflix at almost 1 AM
Where did it all go wrong
wow. your grammar, spacing and punctuation...
don't talk to me.
oh btw if you know anything about this movie you'd know i was joking because it's kinda shit and only barely decent because of 2 actors in it
a lot of them are shit. and i didn't take many at the hotel lol sooo
It's about a sentient tire that rolls around blowing things up
dont do angry things
walrus semen
GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dun da da da dun da da da da da dun dun da da da dunna dunna nanna naaa nanna na na da nanna na nanna na na nananan na na na na nana nanana
I'm in the weird part of Netflix
If I don't make it out, tell my family I love them
spoiler contains anger :)
don't look if you don't want
dude i was in portland yesterday and almost fell off a building
Yes hello
why the fart did you almost fall off of a building
because i was drinking with random hipsters and having fun
is everything okay?
of course. what wouldn't be okay?
This movie has everything
i watched that movie
don't become evil
Watch a movie called Dogtooth.
It's on there.
Seriously? I feel like I'm one of like 20 people in the world that has seen this bizarre shit
Looks super weird
It's a great movie.
im serious.
that funky movie was funny.
them just up on the hill with their binoculars.
How was your day?
I'll take your word for it
Well I'll be damned, you realty have seen it
What compelled you to watch it?
just making sure!you seem different or maybe that's just me
i wish i had more..
Not too shabby. Power went out at my work for like 30 minutes so we had to check people out by hand with paper and shit
nah. i get this way when i'm bored enough.
everything is a little sarcastic with ironic straightforwardness.
primitive times
I am just drink and listening to music
Wanna slleep but I'm not sleep
I wish more people were around tonight
It feels kinda loneley about here
artsy film stuff on dvd at the store.
and it seemed interesting from the box cover.
and it just stayed interesting and funny tthe whole way through.
... a tire
vibrates soo much, them boom! its prolly been a feew years since ive watched it tho >_
i like it
i think
idk im drinking
Right? Shit was super weird
I like the loneliness, goes well with the tone of the movie I'm watching
what else u got?
wbat are you watching?
of course!
years ago.
the dvd case was nice.
This movie called Rubber
It's absurdist comedy/horror/something about a sentient tire that makes things explode
a few pics of planes and HUGE hangar doors
how do you not know you're thinking?
wow. misread.
Mind = blown
rubber is so fucking the room tier
what now that you're home?
wow... it's been 5 years since i've seen it?!
lmao yeah the name was Rubber
shutup. nevermind.
There is literally zero way you don't know about The ROom
where is the local drunk history cutie who will drunk talk to me about war all night
pls talk to me
pls give me a kanra wisdom paragraph
This feels like one of Neru's dreams
I do, I was talking about Rubber
God exists.
Think about it.
you just found out about rubbbr lmao
for real??
protect us?
lol something as random as a tire. i understand what you mean.
Yeah I was just looking through Netflix and it popped up
i've messed up my sleeping schedule
I can only assume copious drug use led to this movie
mommy got me food tbh
tfw no kanra
guess i'll just sleep
I do my best to every day
How would you describe him?
tfw no tire gf
i don't believe in that.
*hugs warm and welcomingly*
In My mind and in my life experiences The Lord is like a succesful and stern father
He will beat you and take away any privelage you have
confine you to your room
Deny you the ability to have friends
And anything you enjoy
To make sure that in the long run you have the experience and ability to Adapt
He will help you when you absoluteley need it and though he cares for you he won't cater to you
The Lord is to be respected and feared
for we are to make our own way in this world
and shouldn't be catered too
how's blissful ignorance?
Catholicism is the most badass version of Christianity.
wtf are u talking about man
I'd a tirefu tbh
What do you believe?
ah. you're in character.
I've been very biased until recently
but my eyes have been opened due to unexpected circumstances
and I'd just like to say I appreciate you alot
I enjoy reading your thoughts and insights and it gives me an intersting new world view
so um
Thank you for being you
g-gosh. ty bard.
im not in character
i dont know what ur talking about
theres no context
ur just being aggro man
My sides are in orbit
OMG.. my YouTube seekbar turns into a Rainbow!?! when i type "awesome" while in full screen
that creative art students or something came up with the ideas and made them meticulously.
how the fuck did you even find that out
someone pls let me say something heartfelt to them pls
watching this guy right here:
subtly drop it mid video, and once i tried it i was amazed!
it actually flashed all rainbows!
tbh I tried it too
it does work lol
I thought you were rusing me
i thought it was ruse at first too...
wow... so many secret youtube functions.
sweet dreaks
why is this train so full, it's 10am, we are officially off peak 😒
and why is this guy opposite me using an android tablet
Jesus Christ
mind you, I just pulled up me sleeve to use my smart watch, I think that's worse than an android tablet
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii erin
heya bardness, how you?
I am drink
what arey ou up to today?
This is Stewarton. This train is for Glasgow Central. The next stop is Dunlop.
on the train to Glasgow to see the psychiatrist
what you drinkin?
tfw you almost beat a filthy Mega Kangaskhan user with Cofagrigus and Nidoking
Southern Comfort (:
You always have fun train rides to listen to
Are you lookign foreard to it or not quite?Seems a bt inconvenient but II suppose you gotta go huh
primal kyogre beat all
no pucci
Not my Meganium :3
I wish drinking made me feel like opiates
I want to be reincarnated as a human.
Fucking same
it sucks, but gotta be done.
sweet c:
And as easy to get
Any fun plans when you getback?
The day is young you know
What do you mean?
Don't make me bust out Chansey
primal kyogre and primal groudon are OP as fuck
not so much as that giratina dude, but almost
I might dance
This was meant for you
Nick thought he had an roc strategy with a chansey and a shuckle. rekd em both, took no damage.
I am a little afraid of you
but you are a really interesting person And its been glad to cross paths with you
ouu, I alight at the next stop. the train also terminates.
They took a fat dump all over the meta
What set on the Chansey? Also tiers exist for a reason lmao
can you smell what an roc is cookin
why afraid?
idk I'm not super fucking nerd like he is
I will respawn there as a ghost if I die
idunno im irrational and paranoid and you are a spirit too free to understand for me
anyway imma go before I'm in la statzione
have a nice day : )
yoyoyo i'm lookin for some weebs who smoke weed with their dank 2hus
it me
it y brrrrrd
am drank what up with you painties : )
I'm gonna buy some Kratom at a store irl today
I wish I could rest my headuppon someone's chest and hear it softly rise and fall with there soft breathing as the sun rises, peeking into the windows through the shutters on summer morning tbh
she looks cute
wtf is a kratom lmao
drunk af what's up
dancin in the club likes its my own place
fuck that bitch
same LMAO
what you drank
I don't even remember, everything tasted good. probably jameson, vodka, rum
just got home fam
can't see still
i have ever had jameson
it is whiskey right?
I am sipping on a liter of soco
yeah whiskey, I took like 6 shots of that, bunch of gummy bear gdrops, rum and coke, and then more whiskey
I ate food
I shoudl probably sleep
for my 21rst I will drink Hennesy
my old nigga had some gummi bear vodka
they were tasty
where was you parting at?
Don't panic it's organic
It's like an opiate but a FUCKING leaf and it's legal somehow still
Doesn't actually ruin ur like like opiates too
Cheap af too
You are an accident of evolutrion.
Get the fuck over yourself.
Learn to deal with it.
I unno I'd rather have like 16 oxycodoes 10mg than some strange leaf
still now that you mention it I think I have heard of this befor
what does it feel like
mff turn this owl laughing into a webm pls
I have never heard about the room or well I have heard about it but idk what it is about
Me neeither
it is starring some guy who looks like
The guy from pul fiction that is nootblack
that is al i know
Who are you talking to revy
That's a lot of oxy man
Idk what it feels like
I have only done opiates a few times so I don't think I have a tolerance which is good
I'm gonna get some tomorrow and see what it does
I'm hoping I can nod on it, is apparently common
I will k...keep you posted
le about to vomit face
To all you marricons!
wanna make a car bomb?
Going for a jog, bbl
moar of her pls
Please do
I'm interestd
You should try oxymorphone
ypu would love it
i feel stupid af
maccaroni and cheese
Cheese is murder.
mmm swiss cheese~
full of holes and white
No, this is not true.
Trust me, i know my way around cheese
Cheedar/Red leichester or edam better tho
get me summa dat stilton A.K.A killton, in a fucking masonry jar
conspiracyiey as fuck ain't it?
hey luka
i'm white and full of holes too
i dunno wat those are ._.
Wow a rare slutty Ioco
be still my beating heart
bueberry cigarette
Warm blueberry redbull
Feels pretty WT i'll be honest, but it's not euroshopper energy drink
its the best worst movie you'd ever watch
I need a sixth for my replaythrough of White.
youre not cheese.
stick your dick in me anyway
It's about the same experience
i clicked and all that came up was bulbasuar
i don't have that.
Samurott, Swoobat, Scolipede, Krookodile, Chandelure. Need a sixth from the Unova dex and I was thinking Haxorus or Beartic...
Haxxorz is that kewl looking dragon thingy right?
Yes, but Beartic is also a god damn Bear and offers a wider amount of coverage.
I'll probably get Haxorus tho.
Enemies will call Hax on how OP you are~
That pun was criminal
killton bad man
what else does yan do for fun!?
i hardly see you around!
What is 'fun'?
Even if you tongue Bebops prostate you won't get mod
pokemon and video gamez and other stuff!
They are?
you like playing them? thats why you play them?
Who is Andrew?
moar non lewd ones then pls
get what? ._.
I have about 500imgs of her but they're on another computer... I want to finish capping the entire series before I start using her full time
Satan's get
how long until that happens? ;~;
That's a very good question... I so busy with school and the series is so boring to watch... I'll try my best to finish it as soon as I can
at least the weekend is soon? ^ ^
Ep ~22 is really good, far above the rest
Not sure if it was exactly 22 though, something around there
Oh yeah you're right... but my friends always want to hangout or my mom wants to go food shopping.. blah
I really enjoyed the first half of the series but gah... I'm up to episode 16 and it's a nightmare
does all that always happen?
when will you ever have time for yourself?
Just a little more and you'll see what I mean ^^
Then after that, the final couple of episode are watched really easily
During the summer I usually disappear and leave my phone off
I graduate this year and I might leave all my friends completely. I'll have enough time for whatever I want until I find a job... I don't want a job >.>
It's such a draaaag
I have the series on my laptop, I'll probably watch it in school today
we are apivorous
we am legend
my mom drives a minivan
redact that
Freedom seems so far away... I don't know what do.. then my family bugs me like crazy... help
Didn't your mom die?
what do they bug you about?
FUCK literally not half an hour out the door of the the psych's office and we're talking about my mom again
They always want to hangout with me....
I mean I'm a loner, I'm shy and I'm an introvert. I don't want to interact with other people
We'll do that then.
Why would you talk about your mom if she's already dead?
yo momma
here is her obituary
I'm going to post this on Holla Forums
have fun bc ❤️
I'm only kidding, I'm banned from Holla Forums
evade you fat homo
Phone won't let me post pics
I don't know hoooow
and i'm not fat!
your thighs clap even when you don't walk
you love eating like Kanye loves Kanye
I jog every morning for a half hour lol please
Wait, was I insensivite there? I didnt know about any momma stuff ;~;
I tab swirtched and wanted to meme
you get 14 feet from your house in that time and that 14 foot stretch of concrete has sunk 3 inches since you started
Don't worry Erin doesn't have feelings when she's doped up on crack
no, I don't think so
or yes, but I didn't care enough to notice
you decide hunni
when you go outside
to get your mail
it measures on
the richter scale
I don't live in a house :p
Shows how much you know!
you wouldn't fit in one
tell them you dont want to?
Weird Al!
oh shit loco I didn't know that was weird jew radiogimp 😒
how can you not like weird al
he's weird...
For real I kind of thought Poland had hired Weird Al to sing in the Eurovision, but in the end it was just a ballad guy that looked like him.
Kind of disappoint.
he doesn't deserve his remarkably successful career as an entertainer.
he is remarkably unremarkable.
I can't remember who won, or the song of my own country.
I can just hear Russia's one.
A lot of these are pure gold erin
he's also a really nice guy
come on
I'll come on nothing
he's terrible
who are you?
Well... Hi...
Is it bad if when you pour yourself a shot after like a whole day of not drinking and your mouth starts to water before you take it and get the lemon and salt ready?
Kinda feel like my alcoholism is reemerging
Is weird al a jew?
if he isnt then he is mediocre.
obviously he is a Jew
he is the most enormously Jewish Jew
how can you be asking this
Sounds like alcoholism re-emerging...
might get some beers man
what up?
nearly home ^^ you?
Double checking. Sometimes non-jews try to get our shilling talent by misappropriation of culture and shit.
They get all emotional on me "Y-you don't like me is that it? You're ashamed to go outside with me"
I can't wait to out
I found this picture and thought you might like it
Did it stop?
I just only heard the Polish one, but I heard it was another ballad fest.
Might go buy some booze-ahol and become a mess. Plans?
the pics pretty neat :)
they haven't learned from you that you need your space from them?
eat veggie sausages and watch TV I guess c:
Probably. It was alright tho
For like about a month and a half
Pls no
What kind?
Nice, nice.
Completely no drinking, or what?
They're very needy... Also my mom and dad have one foot in the grave so... I don't really have a choice
D-do you like it?
Anything planned to watch?
Time to die.
Beer. Probably.
what do you mean by one foot in the grave?
More satanism?
They're going to die very soon...
I didn't really bother, kind of too busy playing vidya at the time.
No drop of alcohol lol
It wasn't even that hard tbh just as long as my family was there and I had my computer
Oh and coffee
Same here, but chess isn't THAT intensive.
Nice. Gonna keep it up?
My dad has stage four lung cancer and my mom walks too hard and faints a lot... it's just a matter of time
I can't even remember what I was playing.
Why though?
I just know because that's all I did that weekend.
posting without 8k got me like
i'm think im tired, imma try an nap now~
*snuggles comfortingly*
Never used it.
Time for school bye bye
Tell MGD to add me I'm not adding him
It's a long... long story.
Goodbye Luka I love you and sweet dreams
Around friends the weekend again?
Lastweekend, yes.
This weekend, dunno yet.
Get some jezza on!
woo woo time to get sinning~
I just went and bought stella and corona.
MGD is a fucking halfwit cunt
Alright, well I hope you can plan something fun if you're going to.
Like cosplay? ^^
I'm cutting my drinking back by a lot but I don't plan to stop drinking completely
I usually stay sober now until its a special occasion and then I go ham
Stella's are so oishii
Holy shit my dick
Oh yeah did I tell you I'm looking online and irl to find a tracksuit that looks like subarus
Good morning threaders~!
Does it make you a bad older brother if you explain what Masochism and Sadism is to your younger brother?
Morning bae
Heya, Soto. What's up?
delish my man
I'm drinking
Did ya just wake up?
What do you wear as PJs anyways?
There's a huge yellow jacket in my bathroom wtf
Yeah, I just woke up^^
Just a big t-shirt and undies. I should get legit pjs tho.
Hey, as long as it stays buzzing up on the skylight, I'm cool with that.
But mostly cause I'm too big of a pussy to try and rekt it lol
How's Scoots today?
Post pjs
noope~ That's for somebody else^^
Yeah I hate their buzzing, its traumatizing.
nothing much, finished work and drinking, you?
Just got up, mang. You know shit's going good when you wake up smiley .//.
Gonna make a call for a potential rescue mission and then gotta stop at the bank on my way in to work for rent.
You got a couple days off again?
Just tomorrow off, but thats today and tomorrow free. Woo.
Rescue mission?
Smiles wake up best wake up
where'd your stutter go?
Woop woop! That's not too shabby.
Yeah, I gotta call to see if they found my girlie's ring from the other night. Hopefully I can get it back :3
I saw. I just dont care.
This is how we wee woo wee woo
also binging OITNB because wee woo wee woo
Girlie's ring? oh i dont think I know this story.
Oh, I've been seeing a girl and she forgot her ring at a restaurant.
What's OITNB??
I can't find it
this looks photoshopped
lol no
Ooooooooooooooooooooooh dish dish dish!
I'm not MGD
I miss when you used to draw me stuff
how so
who are you
i drew you stuff like 12 hours ago
also look at the face vs the body
almost definitely shopped
omg we're just 2 peas in a pod.
it feels like I'm in a movie n' shit.
the pic just looks full of jpg artifacts
That makes me pleased. Happy welma and happy people happy happy!
orange is the new black
mdblood chan
N-Nothing~ Where is Blood-chan?
MGD is dead. This is just BC trolling.
the face just looks way too bright to me
especially on the edges
Where is the trip? Where is the stutter? Why the need for validation on inane shit?
The typing/post stylization is BC all voer.
Yeah, heres another, def ps'd
I like how chiseled your made your face
the eyes look esp good
in my pocket
P-pet~ ^~^
B-bring her out, please~
She's busy.
W-With? ^^
Working on some especially hard wood.
Well when y-you see her please tell her to add m-me on Steam~ ^^;
she probably won't.
grim share tapes
Realtalk grim, you guys been on off for the past 2 years. You dog you.
it's on tv now?
fucking hell.
I have to censor BC's face, though.
during breakfast of all times
Grim am I a bad older brother for explaining what a Masochist and a sadist is after we watched Konosuba together?
How old is your lilbro
Day time drinking is sugoi
i'm ok with that
it's the underage teenage body i'm interested in
I bang underage chicks all the time
Being a sex predator isnt cool, soto.
no you dont
in what
I just saw a review of it, looks pretty goofy
Its consensuial everytime
Still illegal but sometimes ya gotta thug life ya know?
Also you should check it out
Its pretty much a dude who teams up with a useless goddess, a age who can only ult once and is immobilized afterwards, and a tank who is a huge masochist
shits so lulzy
Pretty sure its that kinda shit that got you collared by the po po
Sounds like something I'd be better off watching with someone else than alone.
Yeah, it's fine to explain that shit to him.
Wild ocelots not afraid of anything.
ocelots are adorable as fuck, nearly as adorable as tigers or jaguars.
das how we do
thatb aint spanish btw
well only 30% of it is
Watanegui consup
What the fuck is this? this that cartel musiuc?
Lol its fucking hilarious
I wanna rip coke and jump in a swimming pool now
Wuli Wani Wanaga :D
Greedo shot first
lets get married
Holding hands is pretty fucking square.
He never shot at all! He was murdered!
hop to it then
That's not how you ask ._.
But also no thank you
Greedo was a criminal, Han Solo is a good boy he dindu nuffin wrong
Subtle these past 3 months have been amazing, let's get married
Men who casually wear riding boots get what they deserve.
Her necklace is cute.