Lesftists get trolled into cheering Hitler quotes

Dumb as hell leftists in chicago once again proving they know jack shit about much of anything. A man posing as an antifa supporter reads Hitler quotes and gets cheers.


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Haha, this is funnier than getting people to retweet Hitler quotes but the left is full of idiots. Literally some of these quotes are famous as hell how the hell can anyone be uneducated enough to not recognise them?

Just go back to T_D already you faggot.

But we cheer Hitler's quotes too.


It seemed like most people were cringing throughout. Sure they didn't realize it was a Hitler quote, nor did they fully get to comprehend the quote, because the dude was an awful public speaker and reader. Stumbling on his words, getting lost midway thought, jumping from one quote to the next without break, or without the quotes relating to each-other.

They cheered and clapped because they supported the autistic dude going outside this week and overcoming his social anxiety.

Low energy shit memes that go through a Holla Forums filter.

well they certainly did not try to kill him for reading words from THE LITERAL HITLER. just thought it was so retardedly absurd that they lack the basic knowledge of the man who's ideas they claim, is their sworn enemy

I always tought this was a great idea. Especially some of Hitler quotes expressing the importance of caring for your people, not it be exploited by (((international elements))). You could copy his speech and say it's from "Rosa Luxembourg" or something and leftists wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Hitler and the Third Reich were socialists. Once the golem finds out about the third alternative, they will realize their "commie ideology" is nothing but another way to globalism.

He should have told the protestors about the quotes for extra lulz

Did you forget to sage, faggot?

they were clapping because he was done

checked and yes he should have.. it would have looked like embed related

It's fitting seeing as how they'll not entirely indifferent to each other.. :'^)

Shad Daley

Intentionally, these people are simply brainless drones.

Humanity is literally going to meme Hitler back in the Modern Day.

It's a great fuckin idea though, that guy just didn't have the social skills for it.

I wish someone would invent a self-awareness gun. Then the cops wouldn't need pepper spray or bean bag shells. They'd just turn on the S.A.G. and watch as the protestors looks embarrassed and walk away.

Roll on that happy day.


It's scary how relevant his words are. He was right all along.

It's funny, to be sure.

But I think there's real promise in getting high quality recordings of Hitler's speeches and translating them into other languages, and then posting them on youtube et. al.

At best, all 99% of people will ever see of Hitler is some 10 second clip of him shouting in German, with some scary voice over by a narrator. It's almost as if someone doesn't want people to know what he was saying.

Maybe it's time for a history lesson

good idea. We have done this before with memes. This guy sucked at it though. Just made it seem like he was reading. Fail in my book.



Chances are this guy did it to prove that "Libruls r da real fashists".

This proves that if the jews grasp on "public opinion" was ever broken Nationalism hell full NSDAP would be easily accepted.

Yeah, if this is going to be done, the lines need to be memorized fully so the person can speak with passions and use body language and not just be staring at a smartphone screen.

Probably a better way to do this is make big signs with Hitler quotes on them and attribute them to some person that liberals splooge over, like Ghandi or the Dalai Lama or JFK. Or hilariously, Hillary Clinton.

Then if you ever get into a discussion or public speaking situation while you're posing as an ANTIFA, harp VERY aggressively on how important it is to see blacks having babies with blacks and spics having babies with spics, so you can start to getting these leftists to understand and agree with cultural preservation. By saying it this way, you are, by deductive reasoning, also telling them whites should only reproduce with whites, you just can't go out there and mention white people. Let them know that race mixing erases "proud" African and Hispanic cultures and shit like that and then you can call the detractors the "real racists" because they obviously want to see blacks bred out of the gene pool.

If this is the tip of the spear into converting ANTIFA members, it can easily snowball into getting them to support literally deporting non-whites from America under the guise of "giving them their own land and nation where they can live free of oppressive white rule". In short time, they'll all literally be supporting the idea of kicking blacks out of America and back to Africa, lol.

His intentions are irrelevant. His actions normalize Hitler, whether he intends it or not.

well, partially agree on that, pic related

Nice little propaganda piece there. Might I remind you that the british/french went to war against germany because they wanted their old territory back? If they truly went to war on poland's behalf, then why did they allow poland to fall into communist hands?

Exactly this. The harder they try to bury his memory and try to erase what he did, the sooner they bring about one who will carry on his goals.

If not for Hitler, the jews would have found somebody else to slander and make an example out of. And if there was nobody else for them to do that too, all that means is that nobody else would resist them.

All I care is that if he'll finish the job or not.

Hitler wasn't a fascist faggot


You can do better than that now user.

Report to the nearest oven, commonspic.

nah, it would be a waste.

There is no way in hell this is actually his name. This is his callout to us.

Don't you feel embarassed doing this kind of stuff user?

You're bad at your job. Tell your handlers to fire you.

Unless you think the SS slaughtering it's way across commie Ukraine was for fun, instead of to kill commies

Gee, it's almost as if you know you're objectively wrong and don't want to show it. Here nigger, let me rephrase it in a way that your jewish mind can read;
If Britain/France had a defensive alliance with Poland, why did they not declare war on the Soviet Union when they invaded?



got him

better version

fuck, I'm retarded

What history had the disadvantage of from back then was that the jews were able to retreat to other countries where they weren't as well known for their cruel acts and were able to squirrel away with lies. Now with the age of the internet, when time to remove yid comes, the information will be there for all to see, preserved in all its triteness. The yid won't be able to escape like the hundreds of previous times. Every country will know, in one manner or another. And to the common populace, they will see the memes, and come across the information. Then they will see those that cry out being outraged, and how many of them just so coincidentally happen to be jews themselves. The internet and the autistic golem they tried to create to be willing slaves will ultimately be their downfall. 24/7 hyper-autism fueled with the desire to know more of the truth and spread it around means their shit they pull won't go so easily undetected; on top of them just being lazy and arrogant.


They cheered on the quotes because Hitler was a saint who did nothing wrong. There's nothing funny about this, it's just sad that people have become so brainwashed to think that good things are bad because "duh devil hitler" said them. Republicans need to be killed on a massive level.

They cheered because its anti-capitalist rhetoric, and they are commies. I bet the only one in the group who knows what National Socialism is would be the woman leader, who still didnt know it was Hitler quotes.

If they were educated on these quotes they would like hitler.