It's that time of the day again

The "might is right. RWDS, GTKRWN, ubermensch, masculine, strongman, war loving" right-wing was born out of military failure.
You don't have to believe in meme magic, esotericism and other right-wing spooks to know that the right was born to be a weak ass failure.

Everywhere right-tards go they get blown the fuck out.

Is the Right a paper tiger?

Anarchists not only savaged Golden Dawn TWICE but now they feed and shelter the refugees that the nazi fuccbois would have deported and turned away. I dare you to find a more emberrasing failure. Right-wing organizations don't exist because they get bombed to hell where they belong, right-wing speakers and activists can't do anything without getting shut down, beat up and chased out.

All the bullshit about the big scary right-wing is hold over from myths and legends of gay European kangs conquering land and opportunistic leftist lies about the dangers of fascism. The only reason the modern millennial right-tard has the gall to call himself "alpha" and "masculine" is because of the validation you have gotten out of seeing little 12 year old girls on tumblr post silly things about "safe spaces". That's why "triggered" became such a popular meme. It's the most desperate validation of your non-existant courage.

Right now as you chortle at your MS paint memes our comrades march on and burn down your "civilization" against the g20 globalists like the barbarian ubermensch you wish you were

Other urls found in this thread: supporters get beat up

And yet we're the only thing people are talking about right now.

You faggots WISH you had an ounce of our notoriety and influence.

Get rekt

ok goon we know where you are from. Now fuck off back there and don't come back

Also, your 'our comrades' talk is really cringey.

Clearly you don't believe your own rhetoric, or you'd feel no need to prove it to us here. Note how desperately you come on pol and try to convince us. You're so obsessed with our opinion, because you know we are the ones who matter. The future is ours, your sperg out in Germany has literally redpilled tons more people.

Got it, buddy. Now you can go back to pozz your bunghole, I think Tyrone can help you improve your viral load.

Right-tards want a popularity contest. That's why you supported Milo so much. Pageant queen niggas



Whatever instruction book they handed you was apparently written by an idiot.

Umayyad? Yeah u mad for Umayyad's dick to re-poz your pozhole.

dob jej

Right-tards just can't stop fantasizing about brown men, why is that?

top kek

Funny how wannabe tough guy leftist only post pictures of old people being attacked and unsuspecting people being punched from the back with a wrench like it was nothing.

But everytime you cucks get into a real fight, you get rekt like the little sissies you are, just like in Berkeley and pretty much everywhere else, having to resort to bitch about "muh right-wing brutality" while making repeated shit threads like this think you're trolling anyone.

Face it - killing commies is an american tradition, we killed millions of you in the last century that is why your bitchy "not true socialism™" Soviet Union and it's slave monkey-tier ideology doesn't exist anymore into anywhere relevant.

If you're so "tough" why don't you move to Venezuela and join the Bolivarian Army. You may get killed once they find out about your dildos though… Kill yourself.

It's no one else's fault that most right-tards are either girls, boomers or socially retarded girls and boomers. There is no "war rules" we have to live by, support fascism, you die. It's that simple. I bet you had to remember not to post the video of your manlet proud boi punching that one girl though.

lmao you can count the times the power-rangers-cosplay-right has "one" with one hand. Right-tards get beat up, shut down, and chased out of everywhere they go every single day. No right-tard activist in Europe can speak publicly without getting the beating and chasing he deserves.
everywhere else that you can't name
The white American military complex brainwashed and drafted children to kill communists in capital motivated ventures. You are not the military and you never will be now that it is below 50% white. What is also true is the fact that the left has a real track record of revolutions and coup d'etats.

There are plenty of antifas and anarchists fighting ISIS and aiding Kurds and so on. That's way more than what can be said about right-tards who have not lifted a finger to help their beloved Assad.
lmao all that impotence


The time of the day when you try to make yourself feel better and fail again?

Oh must be embarassing for you to be getting beaten by girls and boomers. But I tought you said genders were "social constructs", which is why half of your people are trannies, uglies, hairy woman and skinny AIDS faggots who crawl at the mere sight of a skinhead. I could post thousands of videos of you faggots getting beaten, just like you did, but, unlike you, I'm not an insecure 12 year old and I can only embed one.

If your "trolling" is going to resort on denying facts and making "no, you" false statements, why even take the effort you faggot?

Sure, we can agree here. Join the *US Army* and fight for Israel. But are you saying commies didn't draft thousands of young children, sometimes on threat of death, just to get killed by dem whitey, just like the Soviet Union sometimes threw thousands of their, white Russian slaves, sometimes more soldiers than the enemy ammunition, to get killed by the "nazis".

Your track-record of revolution has many more failures than victories, and even the shitholes you managed to turn socialist, were overcomed by global capitalism. And the right has a much bigger record of counter-coups and killing you faggots - in Brasil, Chile with Pinochet, Argentina and all across america where commie faggots were hunted down to the last man and tortured like you deserve. Lefties in south america still bitch about "muh reparations" from all the butthurt they got during the 1960's. French Revolution was PUT down, even after Napoleon manned things up. The 1830 revolution, rekt, so was 1848 jacobins. Paris commune, massacred. You got rekt even in African countries (but thanks for causing civil wars there that killed millions of niggers, though). Commies are professional trash-bin kickers, but keep being delusional about your "commie grandeur" when it has been proven to be a failed system, run by the same (((people))) behind global capitalism.

Kurds who will get rekt by Assad, Erdogan and everyone else pretty soon, to your full butthurt. Plenty of people volunteered to help Assad, whole Iranian militias flew there aided by right-wing MUSLIMS. And need I remember you that halfpol Syria General managed to direct 3 airstrikes against Jihadists in Syria.

Kill yourself, you're a PROVEN bitchy impotent guy trying to feel better about some "ideology" you adhere to, because you are a loser in life, by claiming it is a "tough" thing. Yeah, sure…

Unfortunately, that's pretty much all White men did with their time running the country and making up the military. If you actually follow real opinion polls, you'd understand that non-Whites are overwhelmingly driving the rise in anti-Israel sentiment and will very likely be behind the final abandonment of that state.

Wew lad.

Then why has Antifa lost every single fight that they've in in the USA and Slavic Europe?

Where are they? Every single week a new right-tard gathering gets savaged by antifa and every single time you get losers complaining about how antifas only beat up women, old people or a guy that was on his own. It's nobody else's fault.
You can post search results supporters get beat up
It's an absolutely undeniable fact that we own the streets. It's an absolutely undeniable fact that right-wing speakers get shut down on a weekly basis.
Most of those South American counter-coups were USA/CIA funded for profit motives not for political reasons.

Translation: No actual white western right-wingers had the balls to go help Assad.

Communists - 1
Pussy rightists - 0

Just take the L and move on.

This is literally what rightists do everyday. Rightists are the kings of talk but no action. Rightists are the ones that talk about days of the rope and right-wing death squads and when it comes time for it they end up bleeding in the streets. I think being "right-wing" is literally all ABOUT being a wannabe tough guy.

Probably too busy consolidating their total takeover of every major developed economic power in Western Europe.

This is one of the many reason why I can't take you retards seriously.

I'm no supporter of Capitalism. We "nazis" and Fascists are, in fact, Socialists. We care for the people and that they don't end up being exploited, wageslaves of (((international elements))), without adhering to some made-up ideology of a Jewish Cabalist backed up by bankers. We are a third alternative, not taking part in corrupted, right vs. left shows, owned by the same people and who always end up taking GLOBALIST positions.

But it seems that being a loser in life is a requirement to being a leftist. You're all losers who can't make do in life that is why you turn to such ideologies, in the hopes that if you bitch enough you may get it easier - but, when in fact, all this ideology ever leads you to is to even more enslavement in the hands of a small cabal of mostly jewish comissars, when you don't get slayed by the millions by right-wingers that put down your pleb-tier revolutions full of inferior untermensch like you. Kek.

Except all of the military might of the western world is concentrated in the USA and the Slavic World.

hey Holla Forums, guess who's president? ;)

I haven't seen a keyboard warrior this bad in a while. Sad!

The USA isn't a White country and outside of Russia the rest of Slavic Europe doesn't have any force projection at all. What military power they do have, they largely use to counter Russia alongside the negrified United States.

I'll also say it isn't clear at all how powerful the United States really is, considering it hasn't tackled a peer or near-peer opponent in ~7 decades and hasn't had great success against the tin pot countries it has targeted.

Yet even having a whole group of masked wannabe-thug weakling subhumans harassing everything you don't agree with, you still can't even properly train and do a freikorps-tier thing, getting constantly beaten up by right-wingers who are simply physically stronger than you are, and smarter. Leftists are always inferior, that is why you always lose and your ideology fails. Nobody gives a shit about sperging in Hamburg - because everyone knows you're a bunch of retards who don't do anything besides spreading AIDS and filth, that is why no one bothers with your trash-kicking subhuman gatherings, and because you support the same globalist policies than the people you pretend to protest over.

So do muslims and streetshiters own several streets in the areas you influence.

Haha nice excuse for your endless defeats. Lots of right-wing men voluntarily helped the military in the Americas, killing and torturing you weak university-campus tier leftists, putting poles up your assholes (which you probably liked) and eletrocuting you sissy asses. Your "Che Guevara" was killed by former-SS Klaus Barbie. But keep crying, that is all you niggers do anyway. That is why you're jokes that no one takes seriously.

Yet the "capitalism" system is still there, while your "action" consists of kicking trash and harassing old woman you disagree with. We could give you some more beatings to make you remember your proper place, but you're such jokes you're not even worth the time and the risk of AIDS-contamination.

USA is still 60-70% white and do you honestly think that Britain, France, and Germany can compare to the USA and Russia in terms of military power?

And Niggers are the same percentage of the population as they were 100 and 200 years ago you fucking idiot.

When you factor in elderly invalids.
I'm not sure what that matters considering the USA isn't anywhere close to thinking like you do and Russia is hard at work trying to get an exclusive pipeline to Germany built. I'm trying to stress to you that it isn't "your" military.

Except you lost every single fight in America and antifa is non-existent in Slavic lands.

Except we have a Nationalist president and we just allied with Eastern Europe in an attempt to fuck up Germany/the EU.