The saga continues

Other urls found in this thread:


no one cares, go post on cuckch…oh never mind forgot this was cuckchan.

lmaoing @ his lyfe

Lighten up, user.


Wasn't he doing that artsy project living in a cabin or something like that?

The mongol horde dealt with that

Our ancient god Kek will forever be in his mind

Have a sage.

I used to live in that town. They have an open container law, meaning that you can walk around downtown with alcohol. It is a notorious den of degeneracy, drugs, & drunks. You have to act like a total asshole if you manage to get the cops to arrest you. Par for the course, Shilo, you filthy yid.

Come on user, the Gift of Beef is an irrelevant actual celeb

I say we keep this thread up just so we can point and laugh.


Deranged Jewish kike hobo

Do you even know what that word means? Anyway this is A-list Jewish celebrity getting arrested. This is news worthy




What are kids doing out and about at 4 fucking am?

Okay so, I've never been arrested because I'm not a nigger, so I don't know how the legal system works.

When he's released on bail, does that just mean he can dick around and go back to life, until his trial for this event? Does he get a trial to contest this, or does he just pay a fine? If he has to pay a fine, why did he have to bother with bail?

what else do you expect from kids raising kids?


Probably losing control of their lives.


Niggers user. The answer is niggers.

I feel bad for this jewboi. The fact is that it's clear he was raped hard as a boy by the Jewish execs in hollywoodisney as a child actor.

HWNDU really took its toll on his Jewlywood-addled brain

Abasorutery broken. This nigger kike needs to start doing real time.

Isn't resisting arrest supposed to be a felony? If he doesn't catch it I hope he catches something in the tank.


The Trump / /just/ curse strikes again

Poor womyn, hearing some nasty words.

They goy up so fast. How many centimeters of wood do you think he's going to take up his ass?

You're going in the tank too, pedo.

The curse is going to need a sequel considering what CNN has brought upon themselves. Holla Forums are now the beautiful hosts of the day.

It's not even a fucking "curse"
It's a bunch of retards making themselves angry and doing stupid things to justify said anger, and if they had an ounce of self-awareness they wouldn't be drooling idiots.

If anything it's fucking sad, because these people can vote. But on the other hand, at least they're removing themselves. I'm just baffled at the left. I really am.

We must break him all the way!

They're kikes, my dude. Never forget.

He´ll get divided again, haha!

They dindu nuffin!

What, anyone pointing out and laughing at beta cuckold mentality is a pedo now? That some Shia-level sadness! -D

Did She Le Boof self-enrich? Too bad he only got an easy lesson

Reminder these are not people but actual historic jews that have poisoned your well along with their good goy kind. The enemy is clear and must be all removed until not another tweet is made.


Diversity ≠ women and children, don´t forget.

Thread theme

Do it Shylock


Let me guess, it's the niggers again?


From the previous episode of Shia LaPoof

You've never been to Savannah then.

He's been cucked beyond recognition. He now sees anything and anyone as a racist asshole out to get him. I love it.



/hwndu/ was pure civnat cancer, but I'm not going to pretend I'm not a fan of sheer havoc it wreaked on what remained of this attention whoring fool's mind.

Maybe he is just having an episode of white fragility?

I wonder what set him off. Did a frog croak within hearing distance? Maybe he thought he heard the whine of a drone? Alas, the world may never know.

lets say that theoretically l live within driving distance of his house. Now that HINDU has died down l could score a get for 8 Holla Forums when he least expects it. Suggestions?

Are you ass blasted that the thread about the e-whore getting anchored? This is a movie/tv celeb getting his ass thrown behind bars; not just some camwhore shilling for the alt-kike.

Yeah, there's really nothing quite like watching a complete turd suddenly realize that the "basement-dwelling losers" are level 15 technomancers who put all their charisma points into intelligence.

toplol after he washed his face in piss water

Paint "DIVIDED" on his garage door.

off by one

I think it's an interesting exposition in watching one of the high-and-mighty from the ivory-tower that is Hollywood stepping down back to earth and suddenly realising that the whole world thinks him and his kind is full of shit.

How long until he kill himself ?

Draw pepe on his house.


I have to tell yall something guys. I am in Savannah and was downtown friday night. I left for home around 11 o clock. He was arrested a few hours later. Shia is now being represented at a lawyers office that a family member works at. I want to fuck with him but im not sure how to do it.
small world..

Not since hes older and the Jews of the industry dont wona fug him anymore.

Suffer little Laboof

I can't wait until he straightens up and becomes a full on GTK self-hating jew. I mean, don't let him lead anything and let him suicide after murdering his little jew grandma, but it would be fucking hilarious.


deep, user. user sees all.

Here's another.


How was it cancer exactly? They took the trolling live and ripping the fake Shia and Turner art project apart with hollyqueers libtard hypocrisy.

Wew. Honeyboy was MAD.




Pepe cop.

All the dumb mudskins in the comments saying it's white privilege.

Checkin them trips



cop bodycam vid at this link

tm z.com/2017/07/11/shia-labeouf-arrest-bodycam-footage-savannah/


We completely broke him.

needs some Holla Forumsish tattoos imo fam





Fucking WEW

God damn, that uppity jew sounds like a spic with those retarded drown out "biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch"es.

I don't see any potato faces or noodle limbs or any of that trash in it.

Watching the guy from Transformers swear at them, obviously!


>(((White))) man telling black man how oppressed he is

I'm sure every cop loves Shia now.

How long before he hangs himself in his cell?



Good lord, how can one man survive with all of that concentrated smug coursing through his body?

Wow, he threatened to shoot a nigger cop twice. What we have learned from this is that he has guns at home and he carries when he is in California. Guns for me, but not for thee

Shia's brain - in the face of something he disagrees with - shuts down and he is only able to repeat one phrase over and over, I hope he screamed when his butt cheeks got divided

TGSET continues



That seems to be a common problem with SJW/nu-male types…

Let's send this loser Pepes to show "support".
HWNDU Season 6?

Rules of operation:
1. Get SLB adress.
2. Prep ammunition.
3. Send mass amount of letters.
4. Enjoy the furhter meltdown.

Operation codename?

Bail is offered so a person can continue going to work and has an easier time being able to contact and meet with a lawyer and such. The bail amount is basically a deposit that you get back as long as you stay out of trouble; if you leave the area, fail to show up for your court date, or violate other terms of bail (avoid children, stay away from booze, no organized protesting, etc.), then your bail is revoked and you lose the money.

Also, I would suspect that if he was arrested again while out on bail, it would result in his bail being revoked for his existing charges and likely being denied for the new charges that would be added from this.

millionaire kike can't even buy its own cigarettes. fuck this kike. im glad hes breaking down.

First a black food worker gets into a fight with him and he runs out screaming "racist". Now he's trying to virtue signal out of an arrest with a black cop.

This is so salty. He's the poster boy for hipster delusion.

Point and laugh


Looks like a new chapter.

Shia turns into a living meme, best timeline ever, they're ripping him apart left and right after that delusional psychotic racist rant


Why isn't Shia wojack? He's making the face and everything

This bothers me more than almost anything else. Can't walk three feet in a major city without this shit, whether you smoke cigs or not.

Anyone remember that He will not divide us stream where somebody ordered chicken tendies and Shia received them and was like "oh I didn't order those, those were racists, racists did that" and the delivery guy was like whateverman here you can have them for free and shia didn't even tip the dude? Now he's bumming cigarettes on the street? Are there any other rich jews that act like such beggars?

All of them. It's in their nature to extract wealth from whomever is a goyim.

Seriously, it's not like he even has a career to go back to after all of this. What studio would pick him up after he does all of this?


His Mexican drug dealer sold him some heroin laced weed to get him hooked and he's been soeedballing ever since, many such cases. Poor little Even Stevens has Holes in his brain now, he's completely Transformed.

Brings back a flood of happy memories.
Jackie 4chan, Blart The something boys from old Astoria, the monk we doxxed the next day after his stoic appearance and found faggotry etc.

Who can forget aids bjorn and paper mmm yea and the fabulous jesus and the peaceful weed smoking session where both sides got along.

I have actually been trying to forget that stupid fucking nigger ever since I saw him.
Now I will have to try all over again user.

We're getting closer to the prophecy's fullfillment!

It revealed that 4/pol/ is loaded with halfbreeds and mystery meats. It's pretty easy to look at that negatively, but the silver lining is that whatever white DNA is in them is fighting to get out and take revenge for having the opportunity to be pure stolen from them via the Jewish promotion of race mixing. The golem turns on its master.

The other answer is that it was at risk of becoming the new Chanology had it gone on any longer, which is why pic related.


How hard had cuck/pol/ broken him?

Shit man, even junkies buy their own cigarettes from time to time. They don't even have a word for this kind of fuckup.

It's perfect.

I hated him too. It's sad he couldn't have been taken down considering the mass amount of "pizza" shit in his music, but there are indeed bigger fish to fry.
(trips of truth)
A white silver lining is best silver lining no doubt

Reminder that this song was created as insurance to muddy search results in case evidence of shia lebouf’s initiation into the highest echelons of jewish society was ever leaked. Reminder that its release is roughly the time he ate his first Christian child.

Shia's profile, loner doesn't have friends, gets drunk alone in public, too cheap to buy cigarettes, loses shit when he can't bum cig off someone. The bowling alley meltdown, he was out alone again getting drunk like a loser. Shouldn't this idiot have a few friends he can go out with to get drunk? I bet he's too cheap to hang out with people thinking he'll have to pay for his entourage or whatever, doesn't want the hassle. Shia is a cheap fuck loner drunk loser.


Idk, these hollyjews stick together. Shia is a jew, thus will always have a jews helping hand to bring him back up. Mil Gibson, whilst not a jew, his career didn't completely tank after his drunkin anti-Semitic rant.
t. LA fag It's honestly shocking how many jews walk around hollywood unafraid

can i git two symmetry flip clonez of the first pic, cut at pixel 318 or w/e the middle of shia lecuckz face iz. u know how it'z done flipz n clone for two facez left/right? i don't have photopoz app atm. thx fam.

GTFO nigger. I mean jesus h. christ.

All it needs is 1488 as the tattoo.

lazy app attempt

Okay but why Shia specifically? Did he always have a problem with hiding his powerlevel?

sounds like you nigger.

kike with no friends, what a pathetic existence

Well, as has been seen in the years since, he’s prone to… outbursts.

Holy fuck Finns really are mongolians. Look at that chink fucking face

Just. Do. It.

Probably because it's all Jews from the top down, so they don't have to fear being called out. But that's what the Internet is for.

I wonder what his first thought was after the jail cell slam shut. Could it have been pol is always right?

So this is what it feels like when Holla Forums divides you.

He said he was sorry guys, I think we took HWNDU a little bit too far and broke him

Fix yourself.


Someone has the full arrest video. Can't embed because some nigger made a duplicate thread.

That shit is brilliant praise Holla Forums


Is his mother or father Jewish?

Or: Is he actually Jewish?

Is there anybody in that crowd that DON'T suck dick and rape babies?

Shia LaBeouf's father is a pedophile.

>Shia LaBeouf's father, Jeffrey, was absent from his son's Las Vegas, Nevada, wedding on October 10

Despite his father's criminal past, Shia has always held a deep bond with Jeffrey, regularly inviting him on to film sets

Full story at link.

This is your get out of jail soon card. We want to teach you how to swim :)

Sorry Lebouf I forgot your card.


He got off easy….to easy if you ask me.



He reminds me of an un-ironic Andy Kaufman

The problem is he doesn't live in a multicultural society. Hollywood needs more refugees.

post of wisdom

Based Donald is giving him one final warning before the Curse washes over him and drowns him.

At :15 "Listen, I'm not going to arrest you." He was going to get the celebrity treatment and get off if he wasn't such a spaz.

Looks like Shia is attempting some lame damage control.
How long will he be in the doghouse? I'm guessing not as long as Mel

So… have the news ever covered all his bullshit? do they just…not talk about him?

Well said.


We should meme this message to the mistery meats, especially the young ones.

"You could have been white, but the jews stole that from you. Now you look like a Brazilian. It's Pic related's fault.

What a wigger wannabe faggot.

its a celebrity, not an internet celebrity, you fucking imbecile, this guy works in hollywood, he's not a youtuber, go fuck off and die you worthless newfag.