JUDAISLAM - The Story of Kissing Cousins

Islam was manufactured by Jews who controlled Medina (Yathrib) well before Muhammad (Mahomet) was born. Muhammad's mother was a Jewess and he married a Jewess. This is a compilation of sources, Islamic, Christian and Jewish to support my premise. - AA

“The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon, vol. 5, p. 205 (speaking of his grandfather and father), although debated, also witnesses to this: ‘The glory of Abdol Motalleb was crowned with domestic happiness; his life was prolonged to the age of one hundred and ten years; and he became the father of six daughters and thirteen sons. His best beloved Abdallah was the most beautiful and modest of the Arabian youth; and in the first night, when he consummated his marriage with Amina, of the noble race of the Zahrites, two hundred virgins are said to have expired of jealousy and despair. Mahomet, or more properly Mohammed, the only son of Abdallah and Amina, was born at Mecca, four years after the death of Justinian, and two months after the defeat of the Abyssinians, whose victory would have introduced into the Caaba the religion of the Christians …’ Then, in a footnote on page 205 we read this: ‘Amina was of Jewish birth.’ Von Hammer, Geschichte der Assass. p. 10

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christcuckanity was invented to subert the egyptian/roman cult of isis

thats not the topic, but thanks.

oh really nigger you think christianity is any different?

Go make a thread about it.

I came to the same conclusion independently after researching. To take things a step further, I would encourage you to look into the sources behind the Talmud and Sanhedrin, as well as the Jewish concentration in mason lodges at high levels.

You will find it is a sect of Luciferians who manufactured both Judaism and Islam.

I wonder who is behind this post?

Reported for dnc. Enjoy your ban, faggots.

I fuckin knew that bullshit about the Catholic church starting Islam was made up. Islam has always been more Jewish than anything and the fact that Mohamet's mom was a Jew says it all.
Also checked.

Jesus Kike the quality of posters are really going down hill.

Yep, kill yourself, jew. Reported.

Reported for ban evasion.

Are you retarded? Are you a Zealot or something?

Christianity was made by jews, Jesus, Paul of Tarsus and others. It was a hippy-cult inside judaism, preached to the "gentiles" by it's former prosecutors, seeing it as a tool to weaken the Roman Empire which invaded Judea. It was eventually adopted by the Roman Elites in the 3rd century, as a way to maintain their power when they saw the inevitable fall of their empire. You can't complain about Islam being "jewish" as a Christian. You can say all Abrahamic religions are made by jews, though. All of them are filled with "satanists", or you think the "pope" belives the public religion he preaches, while surrounding himself with satanic symbolism? You think they are your friends? These churches that directly import blacks into Europe? All of them are "globalist" organizations, all Abrahamists, who did enormous harm to Europe.

These are kind of lose connections, OP. There are connections but Mohomo was converted by Catholic missionaries. He has Jesus in the Koran and was a Jew killer.

He beheaded like a thousand Jews are something. To call them kissing cousins is kind of weird because you can say the same thing about early Christians.

All major branches of Abrahamic religion have Jewish involvement. It's literally fact. Even if you make up bullshit about how Jesus isn't a kike all the apostles definitely were. All these religions were literally just Jews Jewing Jews using gentiles.

I can see why AJ says he plays a character in court. Most obvious disinfo agent ever.

Shh… You may enraged some blue-pilled templar LARPers by posting this. What you're going to say next, that Hitler and the Third Reich was not really a Catholic?


Christianity is no good to Europeans, especially if you act irrationally to defend it. Lurk more.

OP got any more links and posts to add ?

Every single fucking time, kek.

Don't have an opinion on the thread topic, but this is clearly impossible. Catholicism as a separate, theologically distinct branch of Christianity didn't exist until the Great Schism of the 11th century.

Pretty interesting case OP, especially if true about his mother being a Jew.

What the fuck this idiot is too dumb to even shill properly.

Christianity is to Islam as Judaism is to Christianity. They're all just different sides of the same shekel and the followers of all Abrahamic religions have historically been quite enthusiastic about offing each other.

Well mohammed was a pedo too so this checks out.


If you aren't a zealot of some kind then you don't belong on Holla Forums.

Response to tactic 1: Galileans weren't jews. jews didn't even properly exist at the time. They want you to think they're some sort of ancient people and religion when the talmud was fully compiled in 500ad.

Response to tactic 2: The pharisees were protojews, they had corrupted the word of God with the word of man (the talmud is literally just trying to get around what was written so they could be slimy bastards while justifying themselves).

Response to tactic 3: Your claim that the church is evil and corrupt right now doesn't show the claim that the faith is evil or corrupting. You conveniently forget over a thousand years of history except when complaining about persecutions. If the church being corrupt right now means the faith is corrupt, then the 'refugees welcome' signs are actually emblematic of the natives of the countries that hold them. Obviously our deceitful and evil governments are just representative of the true nature of white people rather than a corrupt institution that wishes nothing but full dissolution of the people it supposedly governs.

There aren't jews under your bed that dictate everything. jews (all of them until someone finally proves otherwise) hate you and are sitting atop a precarious house of cards, they aren't all powerful. jews took that name specifically to capitalize on a translation of a bible and ran with it, Judeans seem very distinct from the retentive, squat, semantic, and ugly creatures we all know today.

Fuck off with the misinformation, I'm so tired of seeing it all the time

I don't even care if you hate Christianity and want something completely different, you shouldn't misrepresent something just to argue a point

Seriously though, the jews opened the gates of Granada to muslims, this is great info, OP. I wish it was more of a surprise, but the fact the rapefugee influx was beckoned by jews is a reoccurring theme in European history.

Don't try and dissociate the old testament from the jews. They were up to this fuckery since before they were kicked out of egypt and made another shoah out of it.

Good post. Many Holla Forumsacks are ridiculously uneducated about European history.

Of course, the very Bible asserts that the battle between Israelites and Proto-Jews (i.e. Edomite bloodlines) is as old as creation itself.

That thing looks like it was written by some mentally ill person but godamn that whole site seems run by some cianigger.
We need more sources than that tbh.

thank you brother.. good input

weak debunk.. you have no argument


But not Christianity, right Bubba Dean…Every Abrahamic religions is a pure Jewish creation.

Be smarter.

lol there is no pic of Muhammad hahahahaha.. Who gives a fuck.. The information overrides that..

Thought we would be over this by now. Its the current year.




bumpin a good thread

It's really a shame when we can't compile on top of good information to educated our people.. Always a derail in motion.

Reported for ban evasion.

Except jews don't believe the Old Testament. They explicitly only believe the Talmud.


Reported for intl.

Interesting enough Israeli Jews have been shilling lately that everything bad is the fault of diaspora Jews who love leftist pozzing and faggotry and that only they should be gassed and Israeli Jews should be spared. I guess they're ready to throw their fellow Jews into the gas chambers to save themselves probably in more ways than one. But as Israeli Jews are offering to shoah Jews in Europe and America, I say we take this offer. The Israelis says they will murder the worst pozzers in Judaism like the ADL and Soros first.

Wouldn't that just make her an ordinary Arab? All Arabs are said to be the spawn of Ishmael. Jews are specifically descendants of Isaac.

They are all Canaanites and Edomites (mixed race)

Maybe you missed the info, she was born into a Jewish tribe, the Banu Qurazia

Maybe you missed the info while reporting everyone. Mohammad was a Catholic convert and the Koran has parts of the Gospels in it. Do Jews believe in Jesus?

He was born a Jew.. Just like Adam Weishapt was born a Racial Jew.. They are Jews before anything else.. Oh ya, I don't report.

semitic tribes

Rome was filling up with Christian SJWs..


abraham had many sons Christianity judaism islam are religions built by cuckolds.

Try harder.

You're a true scholar sir.

the biggest cuck of all time

Try harder.

look here


muhammad is one of abraham seed

Try harder.

>Oy vey, let's hold back a bit on the son of g_d and make him more of a (((prophet))) and the sanhedrin may allow us some breathing room to fleece the niggers


Kikes believe in him. They just don't accept his divinity. They saw him as a small-time kike trying to grab a bigger piece of the cheese. The whole "I give two fucks about the poor" is a game subversive kikes have known and played throughout history to ursurp more for themselves.

Kikes don't believe in him, you fucking idiot. They say he's boiling in shit in hell.

So they don't believe in the guy boiling in shit?


Are you literally retarded? Who the fuck is boiling in turds? The hebe existed. He was just another fucking kike which they rightfully claim. They do not deny the kike Jesus existed. They don't believe he was a fucking divine being from God.

First day, nigger?

Fuck off mohammad

let me break it down for you cuckchristians jesus was inbreed and his father joseph was a nigger that had the curse of ham.

Talmud is just an interpretation and commentary on the old testament. Like how Christianity has the church fathers or theologians interpreting and commenting on their scripture. All of if is completely Jewish to the core.


Thanks, moishe. We're done here.

Let me break it down for you intl; reported.



Stoopid Nazi fags attacking Christianity for the Jews. Not enough Muslims in Europe?

joseph was a nigger lets guess why mary said jesus was the seed of god not of joseph because he had the curse of ham on this side of the inbreed bloodline.

Just because we have something in common, doesn't make you white, semite.




Say god.

joseph of the cannaan remember ham raped noah when noah was drunk so noah cursed canaan when ham had sinned


No wonder they hate pig.

Muslims and Jews are pretty close but I have to agree with this guy, I just don't see it. You'll have to bring a LOT more proof to show that Judasism and Islam is the same thing.

Now are they both shit religions? Are both people who Jews and Muslims that hate the West and every single white person? Do both Jews and Muslims need to be gassed?

The answer is yes to all questions above.

God. Say, "Jews are responsible for the ritual sacrifice of thousands of Christian children."


you can't sage the truth cuckchristian

Fair enough.
Jews are responsible for the ritual sacrifice of thousands of Christian children.
I stand corrected in that you are not a jew, just a retarded nigger.

Makes a lot more sense now, why he was such a psycho degenerate schizo pedophile.


Reported for intl.

Ok. Christianity is still entirely Greek. The Bible was still written by the Greeks. The original Bibles are all written in Koine Greek. Jesus was still put to death at the order of the Pharisees because he was spreading the truth of God to Satanists that followed them.

Its entirely possible and and believable (most importantly probable) that "Jews" are not actually who they claim to be, and that what Jesus Christ taught was and is actually good and true despite the Jews claiming to be the originators.

Do you really think Jews claiming ownership of an idea, or claiming relation to a person, specifically to demoralize the people that hate Jews is a recent invention? Perhaps the original version of this subversion technique was Jews stealing their own origin story.

Moses probably wasn't even a Jew.

Make sure you let me know what you're wearing on the day of the rope so I can look for you in the trees.


God: "Act civilized"
Moses: "Rip everyone off, genocide people, cause war and misery? Say no more, say no more!"
God: "No dumbass. You are cursed never to have a home by your hand, and to wander the earth like a beggar from door to door, forever."

God: "Behold, my only son, come to save you!"
Romans: "Kill him slow? Got it!"
God: "Your curse shall be the greatest, you will accept my son as your own and the truth of him shall shatter your people in a thousand pieces, each piece to bring my Word across the world and beyond it."

Mohamned: "Hey you guys god totally told me you should all be my slaves and givd me your children to fuck."
God: "Thou shall not bear false witness. Your curse will be to live forever in your own excrement, and to stay on this fallen earth while those who have heard my Word leave it for the stars."

No wonder it tastes like shit.

Your nose is showing.

all semitic religions are inbreed you can then abraham for fucking ever whore in the middle east and having a massive family.



No selfies, please.

What part of that is inaccurate?

Just the part I quoted. Sorry; I should've clarified. You made a great point overall.

The idiot is trying to say it was the Jews. Which yes, they chose it. Yet it was the Romans that executed the act.

Christianity is entirely Greek. You can't disprove the truth with shitposting, Rabbi.


let me ask you this one thing if everyone is the seed of abraham then will that be called inbreed.

They did kill Jews, though. Now, was that a bad thing? Well, (((Rabi Shlomo Shekelstein))) says it was.

The fuck are you on?


Christianity wasn't founded by any Jews. It was founded by Greeks. I'm not surprised a Shlomo like you didn't read what I wrote.

The truth, Rabbi. That from which you recoil.

all these inbreed semitic people need to stay in the middle east and fuck their sisters over there.

>1 This is the genealogy of (((Jesus the Messiah))) the son of (((David))), the son of (((Abraham))):

That is blatantly false. Not surprising. Always the opposite with you fucks.

Looks like a bunch of kike names to me. Directly from (((the Biblie))), New Testament, Matthew 1:1-16.


None of that has anything to do with Greeks inventing Christianity and writing the Bible. Also, it is heretical to deny God is the actual Father of Jesus Christ.

But you already knew that, didn't (((you)))?

Hey look another kike denying the Greeks invented Christianity and wrote the Bible.

It is still heresey to deny God is the actual Father.

They are probably going to try and make it about no true hebrew and actual hebes being based. kek.

That entire chapter was written to justify Jesus being the king of Jews. Nothing to do with the kikes, yes, sure.

(((le downboat!!!)))

The fact is, technically, Jesus isn't descended from David, because Joseph was cucked. So, Christianity is either a kike religion, or a cuck religion. Pick your poison.

Greek JEWS.

Reported for obvious spam.

Greek Jews.

Also, that lineage you Jews keep posting to _prove_ Jesus was a Jew ends with this:

And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.


So, he isn't descended from David, which makes all the prophecies about him being the Messiah, which makes the (((kikes))) right. If that's what you want to believe, ok, I guess.

Eventually, it makes the Bible wrong as well, and according to Chirstian doctrine, that can't be right.


Like I said, either a kike religion, or a cuck religion. I'd rather have none of that, thank you very much.


What does any of this have to do with revealing Mohammad was a Jew?

That's what you get when intl comes to Holla Forums.

>19 Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, *he had in mind to divorce her quietly.*
>But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. >21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,] because he will save *his people* from their sins.


Nothing, but aren't they all fruits from the same rotten tree?

Just pointing out they are all jew religions.

Exactly.. I took the time to get all the sauce material and they are kike-derailing at Talmud levels never seen..

Thats your opinion, start a fucking thread on it, slugger

We already know they are kikes, faggot.

It's not an opinion, m8, it's a fact.

Tell that to the kikecucks.

So if we already know about kikes, why even log onto Holla Forums ??

Jesus wasnt a Jew faggot… John 8:44

So why log onto Holla Forums if all you want is a pat on the back because of MUH SAUCE?

you seem emotional and personally invested in this exchange.. you win the internet for today, Mr. Blitzer

It is my duty to the white race to warn them about the Jew in all its forms. White men are like that.


Cut to the summerfag's core with truth then twist their own absurdity.


joseph was from canaan and the people of canaan where niggers the offspring of ham.

being from 'somewhere' doesn't make you of that race who also dwell there


You mean like the (((GREEKS))) that created Christianity?

Romans did the Jews bidding.

It wasn't the first time the Greeks wrote about their enemies to destroy them by unification, going back to Theseus the king Minotaur was then leader of the Semities moving into Hellenic lands never to return after being slain. Also during the time of Perseus, Zeus does die while throwing father time back into his domain and then a new family does take his place as practically all the gods have since died off by then.

The Gnostics never would have had a "new" Testament or "old" one of Jewish tribal law but they were killed slain by fellow Greeks who had been betrayed at Troy. For the truth it would have an infliction into the heart of the Semitic pantheon. Which due to Jesus was so terrible that the Semites entire pantheon had to collapse onto one to lead this new conglomerate. Of course the Jews kept to theirs they found at Mount Sinai.

Perhaps there is little power in how things happened. Trinitarians won out instead of the more pure Arianists due to a few keen moves by Jews such is what happens when Hellenites fight with their power of methodology against the untruth of Semitism. Deus however still lives but just as during the summoning of the titans killed his predecessor he will also have to fight great enemies to reign from Olympus. He has overcome before.

In the Jew Book (i.e. the Bible/Old Testament) there's Ishmael, Esau and Jacob.

For the Jews, Jacob means Israel, Esau means Christendom or Europeans and Ishmael means Muslims (or Arabs, it also sounds a little bit similar to Islam).

Esau is to serve and be a soldier for his brother Jacob.
It could be argued probably that Esau is also viewed as a threat to Jacob, cause he's angry at Jacob for he has stole his birthright. According to following by some extremist Chabad Lubavitch type Esau is to be exploited by Jacob:


"Either way you look at it, the bottom line is that Esau hates Jacob. No matter what Jacob does, Esau hates him."

"Why does Esau hate Jacob? But first we should ask: Why does Esau exist at all? Why is there evil in our world? Why is there hatred and darkness?"

"Evil exists to be exploited by goodness."

(And evil = hating jews, goodness = jews.)

"The soul of Esau knows this – that he exists solely to serve his younger brother."

Ishmael is the first-born son of Abraham and thus according to Islam they have the covenant or something like that.

But it shows it's all related and there's some jewish "prophecy" or something that the jews must be the priest class of mankind so that would put them of the top of all this.

There's also the noahide laws from later to which Islam is more compatible and christians are considered idol worshipers or something like that.

There's also a verse in the book which says that Ishmael the wild man "shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren" and "his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him". Does someone working on memeing and turning this into reality?

Joseph got cucked though.

The Semitic desert cult of Cuckstianity was spread by the sword and forced not only on the Saxons, but the Western Romans themselves. Very interesting.