Keiji Okayasu, director of the first Shenmue, is working on it now.
Is it stupid to have hopes for this considering the Kikestarter bullshit?
Keiji Okayasu, director of the first Shenmue, is working on it now.
Is it stupid to have hopes for this considering the Kikestarter bullshit?
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japshit walking simulator
dont worry user, its ok when the nips do it, and its going to be amazing
C'mon nig, I think it's gonna be okay. Yooka-Laylee looks amazing and I think it's going to turn out great, too.
I'm into Sega quite a bit but, sadly and embarrassingly enough, I've never played Shenmue. I think I'm going to pick up a Dreamcast and play a pirated copy on it, though, someday. I adore Sega so I'd like to do something like that.
or you can just emulate it now on makaronEX
Please, he's a gook lover, a traitor of his own nation. He would sell entire Japan if gooks asked him to.
It's still Kickstarter shit.
Well consider this, is the alternative any better? People have been releasing real horrible games through kickstarter, but even with traditional publishing game devs have been horrible for a while now.
Does that mean there will be sailors in it?
The main problem with switstarter is the nwahs make money as par of the process. Creating an atamosphere of social submission to it instead of direct focus on the games.
Outlanders could make themselves deserving of some skooma by turning the money they are handed for projects into assets. Farms and such on countries that perpetually close govenment buildings down, with rpgs.
The money becomes real, such countries have currency without government, people don't starve because they're not used to telling themselves what to do or doing what is needed.
Devs can move to these friendly countries, be treated like the wizzards they are, people around them building what is in their game worlds. Cool kindergardens. Devs paid by a wage instead of big hit, unless they cash in after releasing a completed game and leave paradise to spend it on white women tm, and stuff. Lessen the occurence of this by providing free tragel and luxury stay options also free for white women tm, including other supermodels. A conversion centre, militant, to turn loving women into trophy wives as well. No marriage, couples required to live seperate so they sneak around fuck the police by choice not chains. No cops either or security, let the warlords demonstrate a no tollerance policy on submission and how being polite is their choice and if they don't choose to do the right thing some inventive demonstration the offender should survive as to complain to the world about how nollyworld doesn't put up with their shit.
Nollyland gets more attention from movie studios etc due to free land and nescessities also assistance woth production, materials and more free extras than they can add on an operating system. Leave sets and worlds made going and make a movie later, a sequel where the main chara come back to mich fanfare, the locals rapt and eager to make it glorious for their own glory.
Samuel L Jackson basically expected to be himself instead of some format an interviewer can consider himself equal to.
And waterslides on beaches and bikinis so a vacation seems a question why to rather than where to. Plenty of trinkets from all over the world specialised so they can't compete unless their location is secret with some main store quite awesome and it's own little world withon. Other countries can consider such massive shops as their capital city.
Warlords vacation at will, and blend in so nobody does anything that may not be considered awesome as to avoid themselves considered bad juju. Warlords test fun things that may be lethal, destroy them if they don't like them, force everyone to enjoy them if they do despite lethality. People get more of a buzz out of life, living not guaranteed unless awesome, land built for awesome.
One of the reasons Shenmue was impressive was because a lot of money was put into it's engine.
The quackstarter page could advertise wages for programmers to help get ideas happening. Areas made so showcase some idea/some sentiment.
Also people contributing various photos of their favorite places, places that mean something to them, and why.
After approval or as standard the person could take as many pictures as possible in several spheres. Engine auto forming a composite voxel world to be simplified into a mesh. Then possibly, like and with concept art replacing elements with simple representative ones. Trying to keep the magic of places. Whatever hardware can pull off.
As always low res so more material can be kept and added. Low res with high quality TAA, 60fps. Make game world seem alive with all things having animations and movement tied to frame. Strictly no slowdown at any time, nor clipping or any other kind of bug.
Also no killing. No dying things just get better the more you try to keep going.
Every NPC good natured underneath the rest of it.
No character customisation. Stuck with those jeans and that coat. Clean because Sega.
Ah, that's how photo captures need to be made Sega. Clean. Bright colours, as few colours as possible but nothing standing out deficient, things can be excessively impressive.
To reflect massive GFX jump use Later Sega games in arcades. Manx TT Superbike, Sega Rally at least.
Anyone who does not seem good natured has more to do with them. When they do is when they can help you or you realise their help as part of solutions.
Looking around maybe staying the same because Sega or with different things to see by time of day so go a different way every time to see somethin different.
Sumo gamegear game for reference on how to make fighting fun. Button mashing no idea how to win but winning by trying. The more someone tries the more they win. Can't use a method, have to try.
And don't draw attention to t&a definately more of it than anyone can handle, or confine to Majior NPCs/Bosses, but Ryu moves camera to look up legs with chars none the wiser, no suggestion there is anything wrong with women's bodies or looking at them. Even brush off a bug that you find by looking them over. Or removing peanuts that have fallen on them, from the sky, so monkeys don't accost them whatever that means.
Toys and such for prizes, if people really want beard Ryu, Ponytail Ryu etc they have to grind jobs and win prizes/tickets. As said, nothing dirty. Especially not money, because Sega. Everything you have you earn and appreciate because of that. Also everyone wants to talk about something and is polite or aggressive but as an option. The less you hound them the more helpful things could come from them. Characters connected so helping one raises how another talks to you. Some chain reaction could introduce new characters who expect or appreciate your attitude.
Try not to have an ending as well, if game is good could go on with a sequel. Nice sentimet would be for father's death revenged not to matter anymore. More interested in who he was with more information in that direction after resolution. Then becomes more about who Ryu is. Or what reaponsabilities he had. How needy people are and what they need to hold onto some dream. Ryu could effectively bring him back in everything except physical presence. His mother can cuddle her pillow contented with the rest.
Until I see gameplay of this any and all news of this game will amount to bullshit
Find sculptors and painters who knew him to make statues of him for his mother. Place them around his home and where he worked. She can make believe he is still there and Ryu can put the statues in position eg at the table at breakfast. Ryu can then get the final piece as she shows some last bit of information that says who the killer is, or his wish for his son. A jealous lover perhaps. Ryu confronts her and they fall for eachother. Worth the rest.
What makes you think you deserve a good thing?
Something shouldn't be good so as not to reward you/your doubt. Helping it to be what it should negates need for doubt, things are simply missing what you have to add.
If it fails it is your fault.
I gotta be honest user that is the least of that wall of texts problems.
Honestly I couldn't stand to read it from the formatting alone.
Yes, it's not going to be good but at least you get an ending, Shenmue was never good anyway, it was just new and different.
Shenmue was mind bending for it's time. How can you niggers seriously not like a Kung Fu RPG?
Honey, that's how true journalists write.
with that said, i hope it's wonderful and amazing and everything you fans want it to be
but kickstarter is god damn cancer
Hey guys, have you seen the movie made based on Shenmue 2?
The most important thing. They made Shenmue III too.
It's a walking sim done right. A lot of interactivity that affects the gameplay.
That is magical.
Calling it a walking simulator by any description is retarded. The game has a core of gameplay based around a fighting engine. It was originally designed as a Virtual Fighter RPG and that is what is remains in it's final incarnation even with the Virtua Fighter license removed. You do walk around and investigate, but it all leads to martial arts fights played out in real time with the Virtua Fighter engine. This is like callling Yakuza a walking simulator: it's just fucking wrong and is what someone with very little experience with the series would say.
Honestly, even if the game turns out to be fucking garbage, I just would be glad to know what the script is and how the damn story ends.
next you're going to say Yakuza is just japanese GTA
It actually is.
It's also better
you mean demul you little shit
Don't respond to the 16 year old summerfags. You know better.
Sleeping Dogs is Asian GTA though. Coincidentally it's the best GTA/Saint's Row/carjacking simulator
One question:
I've never played the original Shenmue, but I love the Yakuza series, and everyone says that Yakuza's gameplay is a Shenmue ripoff.
Will this game be available outside of Kikestarter, like Mediocre No 5.6 ?
They're day 1 DLC.
Why is it that the first response of every single fucking thread on Holla Forums is a fucking shitpost?
The shills are coming over from Holla Forums.
It takes a couple seconds to shitposts, actual posts take minutes
Yakuza is more like a River City Ransom 3D.
It's also not comparable to Shenmue, which is an adventure game at its core. The VF battles are more like a side dish to gathering clues, solving puzzles, talking with people, etc.
For 1999, Shenmue was more impressive technically than Yakuza, a 2006 game, so Shenmue is superior.