It's time once again for a


Ok faggots, we have once again reached that point in the great imageboard cycle of life. We are mid-happening, the h8 machine is in overdrive, we have broken containment and are, once again, entrenched in bloody gorilla guerilla warfare with the (((Old Media))) hegemony.

And we all know what that means: An enormous influx of clueless newfags shitting up the place with their naivety and incredulity. So I think it's time to refresh over some of the obvious points that a lot of people here take for granted. The most fundamental and elementary of which being:


Lets start out with a bang:

The Greatest Story Never Told.
Newfags, this is your first assignment.

If you think it's outrageous or unfair when we tell you to lurk for two years before opening your stupid fucking mouth and posting some naive bullshit, then you at least have to shut the fuck up and dedicate six hours of your life to absorbing this documentary. Yes the production value is not the best, but you are not watching this for it's sleek editing and snazzy after-effects, you are watching this for the undisputed fucking facts it's going to cram into your little noggin, all of which are properly referenced at the end of the movie for you to research and verify yourself. If you can sit through the whole thing without hanging yourself in despair, or retreating into a shell of reactionary hipster snark, congratulations! Feel free to dip your toe in the water and make your first post, try not to say anything too retarded!

And to the Oldfags. I'm asking for everyone's help to contribute, as I unfortunately am operating from a relatively new and highly disorganized HD, so I do not currently have access to many of the useful vids and infographs that normally go with these threads. I almost didn't make this thread becasue I am so ill equipped at the moment, but considering the current state of the board, I felt it was a public service that needed doing regardless. Love you fuckers.

Other urls found in this thread: The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich.pdf,159,703.PN.&OS=PN/5,159,703&RS=PN/5,159,703!IKIUVI6K!h1pej3UdlHCNV66n1IsAxwilEOEoCNVk5GuIoFVTVsg–Nehemiah-Adams.pdf

Browse the catalogue, nigger.

Stopped reading there, rice insect.

I like this thread better.

Asians have been doing meritocracy for thousands of years and they are ready to break out. Don't get cocky, Juan.

Next on the list we have another must watch:


See the embedded video for the film, the literate among you may follow the link below for the .pdf The Death of Nazi Germany 1944-1947 by Thomas Goodrich.pdf

HELLSTORM documents the atrocities perpetuated on german noncombatants and POWs during and after the war, most notably the POW camps where caputred soldiers were left to starve, the horrific rape of east Germany, and ast but not least, the firebombing of Dresden, a city that had very little strategic military value, and was arguably considered to be the artistic and cultural capital of the Reich.

I know you hipster faggots lurking here LOVE irony, so I got a real gem for you.


I am not complimenting the soulless insect people of asia. I am stating the objective anthropological fact that they are capable of building admittedly garbage indusrtial infrastructure.

At least nips have a sense of aesthetics whereas chinks are literally nothing more than a hive of insects.

Japanese aesthetics, you say?

Dumping a few redpills

Requesting graphs exposing Israel and Saudi arabia

One thin gI truly regret not having quick access to right now is my good info on the Balfour Declaration.

I think a reason a lot of normalfags are so quick to support Israel is the mythos around it. The name evokes some type of ancient spiritual homeland, and has impllications that the jewish ownership thereof is a given. But in reality Israel was forcefully carved out of the middle east after the war thanks to the Balfour Declaration, and it's the one and only actual reason for the massive destabilization that has taken place in the region ever since. The whole "War for Oil" is a red herring. I'm not arguing that the (((Oil Companies))) don't have their hand in massive amounts of shady business, but you have to realize that, to the people we are talking about, a few billion dollars means nothing compared to fufilling their old testament apocalypse LARP.

Now that's a good OP, unequivocal and absolute. Good job.

Dumping easy to swallow redpilled documentaries that you can watch with friends and family. It's meant to activate walnuts without going fill 1488 and scaring normalfags.

Spanish Lake
2014 documentary on white flight. What it's really about is how niggers end up outside of cities and in middle america. Spoiler alert: the government builds projects against the local's wishes. This Youtube version is terrible quality, it might still be on Netflix though.

A jew makes a documentary about being jewish. It exposes them for the disgusting two-faced rats they are. I don't know if this was on accident or on purpose. Goes hard on the holocaust, victim complex, Zionism, and their US government lobbying.

Documentaries on the Economy and Geopolitics
The Weight of Chains
How Yugoslavia was torn apart by dirty (((globalists, multinationals, and banks))).

Princes of the Yen
How (((bankers))) destroyed the Japanese economy. Super interesting doc.

Empire of Dust
A doc about the Chinese in Africa. Real easy redpill on how dumb Africans are. These are the people that jews want in Europe btw.

These are entry level redpilled docs. Watch a few of these and then ease your way into the super redpilled stuff. It's easier to convince someone jews are evil after they see with their own eyes Jews be evil. Or niggers be niggers. Or kike bankers kike an entire nation.

Embedded scene is from Empire of dust.

Enjoy a cool, refreshing can of Hitler Did Nothing Wrong.


Very nice, thank you.

These two look really interesting, thank you user.

Jesus fuckballs, man. Learn to make presentable paragraphs.

Good stuff!

Fine, I'll take your advice in the future, but only becasue I like your ID.

Bumping for any newfags


Industrial Designer Master Race

Can any Germanbro translate this? Thank you.

Bumping with an old archived redpill thread.

And some books


Good thread OP. This is exactly the right time for it with all the (((CNN))) shit going on recently and I think a lot of reporters have their eyes on us but have been living in the journo bubble and haven't seen a lot of the un-kosher yet historically accurate information that lets you cut through all the modern hollywood bullshit these people are drowing in.

Dumping a few related images

Who designed the Nike Air Jordans ?



The Greatest Story Never Told is riddled with patented lies and exaggerations about Hitler's ambitions, political career, and the implementation of his genocidal ambitions. If you really want a clear and objective history of Hitler and Nazism, you should read Kershaw's biography of Hitler. Kershaw occasionally (namely in his intro and his final conclusion) lets his liberalism spaghetti all over the place, but it's a solid bit of extensively referenced academic history (unlike TGSNT, which has as much academic rigour as a third grader's scribblings).

I agree. TGSNT is obvious propaganda and any normalfag with a brain can pick it apart. BUT it has some serious gems and takeaways that personally woke me up.
These are things I never learned in school and it wasn't until I watched TGSNT that I seriously started to question everything I thought I knew about WWII.

ANy examples you could give, guy?

Given that he had no genocidal ambitions at any point, either planned or carried out, I can only assume that you mean TGSNT lies and says that he HAD genocidal plans.

Kindly post the link to the section of the video (can't really call it a documentary) where it says that Hitler wanted genocide, please.

First pic: Was Jesus jewish? A proof based on the history of Galilea, the reports of the Gospels and Jesus own teachings.

Second pic: Was Jesus jewish? Jesus examined racially.

Third pic: Profile picture of Jesus (14-37 after Christ). This picture of him originating when he was living, which we can regard as truthful, shows a profile of a typical Germanic-Aryan High-Longskulled Type with all the excellent features of an Aryan Nobleman.

Thread on race from a year ago.

True that. TGSNT works as propaganda from the opposite direction to counteract the ZOG propaganda. Almost like you have to take both and synthesis the truth out of them or something. It works well well in terms of giving the "other perspective" for people who are already at least mostly-redpilled and willing to hear it out. It's terrible for normalfag propaganda (being 6hrs long aside) because they'll just focus in on something like whether or not the German claims about bloody sunday are legitimate, and completely ignore the entire rest of the point based on something like that.

This is sorely needed. Over the past year Holla Forumsacks have seemed to have abandoned the doctrine of dank redpill threads designed for newfag consumption. And decent op.. Could have done with a cursory grammar check though, dummy.

Heres my contribution for the few newfags who have the mental capacity to stick around:

We have all been bombarded with lies and misinformation from birth. The things that the OP says as well as things that you will see posted throughout Holla Forums are incomprehensible to someone who hasn't been exposed to their ideas much. The fact is that the amount of people who post on Holla Forums and 'always new these things from their upbringing' are single digit in number at most. The overwhelming majority of us were bluepilled normalfags at one point. Hell I've met a couple who live near me, until a couple of years ago they were skater punks and are covered in antifa tier tattoos. So what made them change from being drug abusing, degenerate marxists to being literal nazi's?

There is no one answer for that question. Every single person will reach the redpill in a different way. I, for instance, was a club going, high school football mvp tier chad who grew up a liberal hell hole on long island.

What made me get redpilled was I had an injury that had me laid up in bed for a while. I quickly got bored of video games so I got on the internet. Somehow I remembered hearing about this evil hacker named 4chan so I checked it out. I saw some funny stuff so I would check it out once a day or so to have a laff. After a couple of months I went from being politically apathetic/pessimistic to being a lolbergtardian, because it seemed to have the right idea and didnt oppress anyone. But eventually the racist shit I was reading in other threads started to make sense… "Im not a racist but I do have to admit that I purposefully avoid the nigger areas near here because I know they are prone to violence".

And thats a very good start, from there it is only a matter of time that your brain will realize that it doesnt need to shield itself from the hateful facts any longer. But thats only the surface area of the redpill. The next step is the hardest for almost everyone to do. And that is the jewish question. It is almost unfathomable that the kikes could be that fucking evil. But after a while your brain will realize "fuck the evidence speaks for itself the kikes are pretty bad, but it cant be more than some of them" and so on.

Eventually you will wind up realizing that as far as groups of people go, the kikes are to blame for every single ailment of society, not all niggers are bad people but good niggers have a high chance of their offspring being shitty niggers so there is no room for allowing 'based niggers' to remain. All nonwhite races must either be destroyed or segregated, including asians aside from a select few subgroups.

If you have read this post, as well as the OP and most of the others in the thread, and are thinking to yourself "No, this is wrong, you guys are assholes!" Fret not, you've been here long enough. The idea has entered your brain. It will subconsciously nag at you. Over a period of time you will see more events happen throughout the world, you will see the guilty parties and the names involved, and you will be back.


Yea there are several parts which are too fucking propaganda-y for me, let alone someone who from the outset believes its just racist bullshit.

The issue is that the vast majority of us are already in the know on all of this stuff (presumably) and so it's a lot of preaching to the choir. Sure, I still learn new shit every day on Holla Forums, but you get what I mean in general.

I'd actually say it's much more important to post redpill threads on cuckchan Holla Forums, because that's where there's still tons of people who are "on the right path" and just need to be given some extra information to help solidify and clarify their own beliefs.

Nah, bro. It's just all that redtext invokes my special brand of autism.

What's this about the chinese being insects?

Similarly, the documentary called Hellstorm: The Real Genocide of Germany, has far better production values than TGSNT, but makes two fatal missteps.
Holy fucking shit, it just doesn't work.
I don't care how accurate the emotional statements are. I don't care how horrific the situation really was. You DO NOT put any emotion into the narration of a documentary. Not into the voice giving the narration and not into the words OF the narration. I can't even watch Hellstorm, it's so fucking cringey.

There should ALWAYS be a redpill thread going. Thank you for your service!

We should be doing that anyway. "Take the fight to them" with redpills.

Exactly. As far as I'm concerned, anyone that spergs out and says anything along the lines of "oy vey don't ever leave 8/pol/ and try to redpill anyone anywhere else!" is a fucking kike who is trying to make 8/pol/ a containment board to lock away actual dissent and prevent it from spreading. They comflate this with someone going around saying "hai guise lets's all go to! :DDD"

They shouldn't try to bring more people here, though. We tried that with 4chan and reddit and we're still dealing with the consequences.

I agree that it's important we spread outwards instead of trying to bring in hordes of newfags but even in the case where we are mainly preaching to the choir it's important to have these threads here too. Especially as of more recent there are many journalist eyes in here and many of them aren't aware of everything we are so it's good to have this information flowing around not just so they can see we have the data to back up our beliefs, but this data can be shared among our own as we work to spread it into normalfag territory.

Basically we need to be dumping everything here then we all try and mirror outwards into wherever else we post. It's the most effective strategy to get the most content flowing to the most places.

Exactly my point. The two things get purposefully conflated by saboteurs who are trying to curb our meme magic.

Agreed. I don't have a problem with redpill threads on 8/pol/. I'm just saying I think it's more important to have them on 4/pol/, but that doesn't mean they're mutually exclusive. I just put a lot more effort into redpill material when I'm over there.

Essential viewing:

Understanding Anti-Semitism: Why Do Some People Dislike Jews?

Several years ago, I had a run-in with a colleague who asked me why some people disliked some, if not all, Jews. Shortly thereafter, I decided to put together a video on DVD that would adequately describe the many reasons in an objective manner. My own understanding of this question–better deemed, “The Question”–was answered many years prior to this due to my inquisitive nature.

After much work, I’ve finally been able to present an answer, and I feel the answer is intellectually invigorating, and might even get people to think for themselves. I can now share this answer in an objective manner, allowing information from various sides of the debate. For it is not simply the “Radical Right” who dislike certain ideas emanating from some Jewish groups, but also the “Militant Left,” some atheists, paleo-conservatives, neo-liberals, some Christians, some moderates, and others. Moreover, there is even a small segment of Jews who are also critical of some issues with respect to essentially Jewish mainstream groups. Why do these various groups dislike certain aspects of Jews? What ideas do they have, or share in common, that put them at odds with Jews en masse? My quest for an answer is best expressed in my newest video:

“Understanding Anti-Semitism: Why Do Some People Dislike Jews?”

Good thread OP. I highly reccommend we haze these newbies with horrifying imagery of degeneracy in order to harden them against the Jew.
I reccomend D/R user's work: the threads in particular in addition to the Tumblr horrors and the tranny webms, you know the ones; in addition to Nobody-tm's You. We'll pull them down into the abyss of human depravity and then up into the light of our truth and our vision of a better future obtained with blood.
Kek mit uns!

That one's a classic.

Why do my eyes hurt?

So is lending money with interest actually a bad thing? What constitutes a "high" interest rate?

To me, it seems that the problem is people just lack education and fall for Jewish tricks. Lending money in and of itself doesn't seem inherently bad (since it says economic improvements actually do happen).

I mean, if you have a business idea and need funding, you go to a bank, and take out a loan, great. That seems like moneylending done right (with local credit unions apparently being superior to big banks). Moneylending done wrong is those cancer payday loan places that keep you on a debt treadmill.

Yea. Though, every single one of us could always use 2012 tier redpill threads because 1) you likely dont remember all of the details, or they are not fresh enough in your mind. 2) We've gotten better at our digging and general intelligence operations so there is a chance that.. maybe we missed something. The problem with old 'already known' redpill threads is they tend to get deleted before they hit 50 replies.

To be honest I dont think I ever watched hellstorm. Hell I didnt watch tgsnt until I was well beyond redpilled but needed some easily digestible viewing to finish my wifes redpilling, I had her red pilled but its hard to get a woman to actually understand the implications rather than merely imitate her husbands beliefs. Protip for those with girls that need to be redpilled: Babbies (circumcision, schooling), Food, Vaccines, Big Pharma, followed by niggers are the easiest starting points. Racemixing is much harder. I got to the point where I was about to give up on her but in a stroke of genius I put her on the spot, went out to eat with her and some white woman came in with a half niglet, I stated loudly "You mean to tell me that thing over there is cute? Do you honestly think if you had a baby with any single white man it would look as hideous as that creature? And ya know what else? Lets say that thing gets hurt and needs an organ or blood transplant unless doctors manage to find some halfbreed with the same exact mix as well as blood type of that thing it will likely not accept the transplant and die painfully. And look at HER! It a beautiful sunday afternoon! Where is the father? And don't you dare tell me 'at work' you know damned well he's either in prison or doing some dope. Would you ever be 'just fine' with one of our daughters growing up and turning into that trainwreck?" Kek.. It worked like a charm.

But anyway, I digress, while watching tgsnt with her overall it thought it was ok, it structured facts well enough, but its presentation really relies on the viewer already knowing a large portion of it already. Had I still been blue pilled I would have turned it off almost immediately. And another thing that bothered the fuck out of me was it too presented some emotional arguments. I forget what it was about or what timestamp it was but theres one part where there is a wall of text about 5 paragraphs long and it is wholly an emotional argument with zero citations.

The biggest problem with both documentaries is they were made by stormer tier groups that are maybe 2 steps above neo nazi punker trash. Actually thats another point that needs to be driven home with newfaggots.

Yes, newfag, Holla Forums tends to agree with you they are shitheads. They are nothing but drug using edgelords who have absolutely zero knowledge of what national socialism, fascism, the jewish question, or esoteric hitlerism are. In the 80s-90s there was a huge neonazi movement growing in America. They made the same mistakes as the alt-lite.. Someone presented themselves as a leader and they blindly followed. The bulk of the movement became rooted in the 'neo-nazi music industry' which was woefully subverted to be nothing but nigger tier degeneracy. Dr. Pierce bought out the label to try to course correct but it was an extremely foolish, impulsive move which was likely because of his advanced age and worry that he would die soon and nothing was accomplished because in purchasing that label and bringing 'these younger ruffians' into the more legitimate WN movement that was growing, he gave these dumbasses and their infiltrated subverters the ability to join and have a say in the direction of WN. They voted for their shitheads to get into leadership positions and by the late 90's the movement completely fell apart.

One figure who you might like to research is David Lane. I dont have any real good links handy at the moment but for a bit of cursory research his wikipedia page will suffice:

He coined both the 14 words and the 88 precepts. The kikes like to spread the lie that when someone writes 1488 the 88 means heil hitler. While 88 can be used in the context of HH, in the context of 1488 that does not make sense. In 1488, 14 means 'the fourteen words': "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children" and 88 means 'the 88 precepts' i.e. the 88 rules for a society in which white children have a future.

The beauty of both of those is that..
Anyone who tells you that that is inherently an evil statement is a filthy kike, what the hell is wrong with wanting your people to continue to exist and your children to have a future long after you are gone? Its a biologically natural sentiment to have.
There is nothing inherently evil or even mean contained in that list. There is nothing stating "all niggers need to be killed" or anything remotely violent. It merely lays out the best way for an economy and community to be structured and the fact that there is no way a mixed race society will stand for very long at all. And to anyone who says that last part is incorrect, take a look at europe its doing real splendid isnt it? And its only been a 'mixed society' for a short couple of years. Same with America, yea we've had niggers for a long time but until the 50's and 60's they were segregated. And even after segregation ended the only places that werent segregated were very select areas of southern states and the areas of liberal states that were extremely impoverished. I lived on long Island in NY in a solidly middle class city and unless you went to a store near one of their segregated cities like brentwood or wyandanch you wouldnt see a nigger for fucking weeks. You would see children as young as 4 walking by themselves down mainstreet to Mr. Grillos candy store because there wasnt any fucking threat of danger whatsoever. Then came 2001 and that all changed, we had about 20 niggers just randomly appear in school. And within a couple of months it went from 20 niggers to a nigger in every class. All of a sudden, there are gang wars going on in the hallways.. huge chimpout brawls with 30 of them beating the shit out of someone. By 2003 the amount of niggers had atleast tripled, and with them came the heroin. Almost every friend I had in high school died of that shit since then, the only ones who didnt moved far away from the cancer the area was becoming. But still overall life hadnt changed at that point.

When it did start changing was 2007. More niggers moved in, and now kikes were funding huge section 8 developments. Now the city I lived in that was crime free in 2000 was having garages get burglarized, armed b&e's and even murder. By 2012, 2013 the area had significantly more niggers and spics, violent street gangs were a serious danger, stores were shuttered, homes fell into disrepair and potholed roads remained potholed roads, and property taxes increased to pay for all the new cute little thirdworlders. And life in the area became a race, either to get the fuck out, or become a cuck. Most people chose get the fuck out, but the cost of living is so fucking high there now that most people found it too difficult and instead of saving started spending their liquid income on a serious drinking habit.

Now? I went back there to visit some people last year. God almighty the place looks like a nightmare. Section 8 housing replaced the wooded areas, the only trees dense enough to be considered 'woodlands' are state parks. The only reason it hasnt completely fallen apart yet is because all the rich kikes and most of hollywood live on that island so the police force is well funded and semi-serious about crime. I've traveled this entire country spending time in each state and the story is the same everywhere. Niggers and spics were around but they were few in number outside of their ghettos, that all changed in or directly after 2001.

So even in the case of America, western civilization has only been dealing with a 'mixed society' for the past 17 years. And look how fucking splendid it is turning out.

Anybody have anything on the Nanking hoax

Usury always leads to slavery.

amazing ass but terrible spinal posture

First and most important redpill


“’Socialist’ I define from the word ‘social’ meaning in the main ‘social equity’. A Socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality or the product of his personal efficiency.
Our adopted term ‘Socialist has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism. ((((Marxism))) is anti-property; true socialism is not. ((((Marxism))) places no value on the individual, or individual effort, of efficiency; true Socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiency, at the same time holding that his interests as an individual must be in consonance with those of the community. All great inventions, discoveries, achievements were first the product of an individual brain. It is charged against me that I am against property, that I am an atheist. Both charges are false.”

–Adolf Hitler










Thank you.


The Cargo Cult of Africa is arguably the archetype of Negro psychology in it's purest, most undiluted form: Ignorance, atavism, superstition, greed, entitlement, resentment, and an insatiable lust for gibs.




Mosley speaks out against Globalism

Just a little something to remind you that purity and beauty do still exist in the world. Because on the off chance any of you newfags actually have the free time, curiosity, mental flexibility and emotional stability to actually sit down and absorb the material ITT, chances are you're feeling a little bleak right now. Sorry about that, I'm afraid it does not pass with time.

a whitepill in return








This. It's the swayback from hell.

Those are Papuans mate, not Negroes. That's in New Guinea.



Understanding Blood Libel Jewish Ritual Murder/PIZZAGATE

Jews are cannibals and vampires who eat and drink from humans"goyim". They are the most vile, bloodthirsty, inbred creatures to ever walk this world.

vid didnt link



Specific substrain of shitskin notwithstanding, I think my point still stands.

Jesus Christ, I'm serious, these kikes have a sordid history.

Learning about and keeping vigilant of Jewish ritual murder is the one reason I would never show leniency towards this degenerate death cult. What people didn't realize about Pizzagate, is that it was a clash of two phenomenon, one is Judaism, the other is pedophilia. They not only rape gentile children, they mutilate, torture and eat them. They act as demons, and play out their fantasies. Pizzagate was proof that ritual murder still occurs regularly, and that it has been industrialized.

Requesting PDFs of NATSOC literature, effects of NATSOC in Germany, and other WWII and WWI works.

THIS is a fucking great documentary that makes me kek every time. The smugness of the Chinese talking shit to nogs about how they fucked everything up and how all they had to do was maintain the systems they were given and were too stupid to do it… It's a beautiful thing. IRL smugposting.

I second this, and would also appreciate some docus/pdfs/etc about national socialism, how and why it was so good for the economy. I think the fact that Hitler really did turn the country around is probably the most interesting red pill for normies. If Nazism works, why not give it another go?

This was Fucking eye opening. Had to look for myself. Notice how when you search Holocaust you will automatically get results for (((The Holocaust))) rather than the actual meaning of the word.

Gas the lot of them I say…

Hi. Welcome home. We've missed you so. You're here forever
The Alternative Hypothesis is a great resource for all things related to Human Biodiversity.
One from me


Great thread. This ought to be stickied

Are you implying that jesus wasn't a jew?

He wasn't. Read:

If only I could get some conclusive sign from heaven, I'd be more….. oh wait.

That just talks about his skull shape.
The important bit is his penis.

He wasn't a jewish slave. He was a carpenter, a jewish carpenter.
Because he was circumcised, and only jews are circumcised.

Ergo, Jesus was a jew.

The original Jews were white. Modern day Jews are Khazar converts. Skull shape is very important.

Try to think outside of the term Jew as you know it today. 2000 years ago it meant something else and was applied to a different group of people.


Which one? The circumcised ones?
The one that still are circumcised today?
And all have the same kinda name?
And the same overlap in OT/torah and whatnot?

That's a lot of mental gymnastics just to worship a jew today, you know?
But I get it, you need to get into heaven, because you think it's the only way to live forever.

Which it is not.
Remembrance is.
Without remembrance, without memory and passing them on, you wouldn't even know about Jesus.
You wouldn't know about Jesus or "God".
And you wouldn't be able to establish a personal connection to either through your heart/soul.

You know? Establish a connection?
Even though both are supposed to be in heaven, a place completely different from earth?
And by sheer remembrance and stories you rip either of them out of there and pull them into your heart and soul?
Despite them being somewhere else inaccessible otherwise?
And you might even emulate their actions.

As if you're trying to be them? While also feeling their spirits inside you?

You know, as if pagans are right about reincarnation via "honor" (remembrance/notoriety) and "becoming" your ancestor by naming your child after them and sending them off to burial sites and whatnot, something christians today call "pilgrimage" and whatnot?

Even if jews were white, they still brought a false ideology to the west.
It is falsehood.

Greatest Story Never Told always gets me. I always break down and cry like a bitch.

Everything is sourced in the video. Provide examples of supposed 'genocidal plans' that were mentioned. The entire documentary refutes the holocaust claim.

Prove he lied. TGSNT is a masterful piece of propaganda. It's great because it's true.

Copypasted from another thread:

Response to tactic 1: Galileans weren't jews. jews didn't even properly exist at the time. They want you to think they're some sort of ancient people and religion when the talmud was fully compiled in 500ad.
Response to tactic 2: The pharisees were protojews, they had corrupted the word of God with the word of man (the talmud is literally just trying to get around what was written so they could be slimy bastards while justifying themselves).
Response to tactic 3: Your claim that the church is evil and corrupt right now doesn't show the claim that the faith is evil or corrupting. You conveniently forget over a thousand years of history except when complaining about persecutions. If the church being corrupt right now means the faith is corrupt, then the 'refugees welcome' signs are actually emblematic of the natives of the countries that hold them. Obviously our deceitful and evil governments are just representative of the true nature of white people rather than a corrupt institution that wishes nothing but full dissolution of the people it supposedly governs.

Well I mean he lost the war… Just saying he probably could of done a bit better there.

Remember, all things said in red are truths.

Oh, and:

New-ish fag here (been lurking for a few months), I have some questions.
1) What do you do irl about any of this, have you red pilled your friends and family? Generally, how's it changed your life.
2) Is it safe to post here without TOR, what would consequences be if not?
3) Does anyone know of any art, music, or literature that supports your ideology?
Thanks in advance to anyone who has time to answer.

What kind of tactic?
Christianity remains jewish, whether its "real jews" or "nomadic europeans" or whatever.
And then came back to Europe, tried to convert people, and didn't really succeed, got splintered into 6 gorillion denominations and have been losing more and more ground.

They also require a bunch of apologetic bullshit while also citing the bible as the only true word of god.
And in the bible, it states that only jews circumcise and so forth.
I don't care if fake jews slipped into the shoes of "real european jews", what they peddled is still wrong and backwards and couldn't completely conquer europe beyond "ah well we've paganized it enough now".

Also, it's very likely that you're a Burger, and Burgers live in a country without any significance to Christianity in the first place.
Zero holy sites.
Zero artefacts.
Zero history beyond mormonism.

Most circumcisions.
Least allowed/observed European folklore/customs which protect againsdt golemization.
Most godly niggers and Mc MegaChurches.
Most denominations that feel more like corporate offshoots/branches than actual denomination.
Most bullshitting televangelists.
Most aid to the "fake jews"
Most empowerment to the "fake jews".
Et cetera.


Don't forget Illuminati CFR by Myron C Fagan.

Beck - Loser

Here's the plan for WWIII, so


Defending something means it loses merit? Guess Europe should get pozzed. This also means your standpoint loses the battle because you have to defend it, did you learn rhetoric from Justin Trudeau?

Okay, if you think that, what's your problem? You are lashing out at something that you claim lost anyways. Christianity won in Europe because arguments like the ones you are presenting simply don't hold any water. If I am American, what difference does that make? Yeah, there are a lot of problems in the USA but they aren't any different from the rest of the white world.

Bummer, looks like everything that has been brought up is pointless because you continue to make claims without even considering the points that were raised and instead just repeating yourself. It's just true because you, user, say it is. No need to argue anything when you're right just because.

shame on you faggots.

Trying to rid people of jewish influence is not D&C.

Unless you're, of course, part of the golem club.
Fresh off the presses.

The files in question, etc.


Due to the nature of this thread, please do so in infograph/webm format, as opposed to shitting up the thread with argumentation. Thanks.

Hitler isn't coming back to save the U.S. dipshits

Yeah, no shit. Thanks for the reminder, kike.

Try converting the link to
Just replace youtube with hooktube
it's 100% legit, made by a polack


What did hitler mean by this?

On all levels except physical, I am an Aryan god *loses war*

soon fellow anons


I really like how you went to the trouble of posting sourced refutations of the material in this thread instead of shitposting like a buttblasted kike :^)


More on this image:


Newfag back with more questions! Hope you don't mind, I wouldn't want to make a new thread- and I'm pretty sure other noobs will be wondering the same thing.
Is it legal to research into natsoc? (UK btw). I understand in Germany it can get you put on a spooky government list. When does our law draw the line?
Also how do you meet others irl who share the same views? >>>/meadhall/ is really quiet.

This tech was reportedly used in the persian gulf war by the us.

Called SSSS (Silent Sound Spread Spectrum) waves.

Here's another patent if you're interested,,159,703.PN.&OS=PN/5,159,703&RS=PN/5,159,703

Don't post your doubt publically.

Correction, you're fine, go be a nazi or whatever.


Go ahead and check your kitchen. Chances are you unknowingly have handed over your hard earned money to rabbis.


I always suspected shit like this was real.

My friends and I are all of very common circumstances. We met in college and we were all in the same major, and we all work similar jobs Naturally this means that we share a lot of political interest. Some in the circle came around slower than others but eventually everyone came around. FYI, we work in tech, so immigration and visas are a huge concern for us personally. As far as family goes, my father grew up in the ghetto and clawed his way to six figures. Any man with that kind of experience is racist by necessity. I've been able to chip away at his belief in the Holocaust, he's pretty skeptical about the amount of people that died. However he maintains that every nation that expelled Jews throughout history did so because they were a convenient scape goat during tough economic times, not because they are genetic misers. My mother, like many, is largely indifferent. In a way I am fine with this because she understands that maintaining a connection with family is more important than politics.

Don't flatter yourself. Just use a browser that doesn't track all your info and send it to a third party (Chrome, probably Edge – but if you're using Win10 everything you do is monitored anyway).

Apocalypse Now is a wonderful screenplay with classical aesthetic and structure that tells a tale of subversion and ends leaving you wondering if the story was really about what you thought it was about at the start of the film. It adapts the novel "Heart of Darkness" into a more politically relevant context (Vietnam) for the modern era and communicates values that I believe every American should take to heart. It's a little over 3 hours long, but highly entertaining with wonderful cinematography. It's a film deserving of the title "screenplay" rather than just "movie."


Three K's a day keeps the niggers away.

If you're 100% European descent aka white and you hate filthy niggers, dirty spics, kikes, arabs, furfags, gayfags, commiefags and all other scum on the earth as much as we do, you should join the Moon Central Discord Server. Introduce yourself in #introductions and answer our questions to get unkiked! - invite/ - YvZen6k (Remove the - )

1, 2, 3, 4 I declare a race war!

Sieg Heil……

Don't post often. But just finished organizing all my files and want to celebrate by dumping into a good thread. Everything isn't named though and not categorized, just my redpill folder.

You guys changed my life, maybe not for the best because i'm blackpilled as fuck now, but most importantly my life has a direction and purpose. If there's any takeaway from these threads it's that there has never been a better time to change the world than now.

Chaos is all around us. People are looking for answers, don't just share between us but provide pills for your family and close friends.

The intelligence agencies may have broken brick and mortar movements but they can't stop us here. Use REAL connections IRL to build the foundation of the next reich.

Learn another language and help redpill cultures who are drowning in degeneracy. The anglosphere will be fine but I worry about France, Germany, Sweden etc…

Christ sake this site is rickitty as fuck. Took a good 10 captchas before i saw my post appear.














That disgusting picture of turds is Indias beaches…

really ought to label some of these…

That about ties up that one folder. Really think I need to organize these into highly effective redpills versus ones that are just hateful in nature.

Propaganda needs to be effective to be absorbed.

For newfags: If the only thing you save is the beaver posts that should do it. Whoever wrote those is a genius.

Holy shit, I am mad.
Who the fuck looks at the droopy eyed pavement ape to the right and thinks "Yes, it is perfectly fine for me to leave my vulnerable infant in the care of this creature"? Goddamnit.

Hurray, one more redpill! That buys you more race realism images!

Our ancestors wouldn't trust their children with a stranger and certainly not with a stranger of another race. Nor should we.

End the daycare abuse of our children!

Strangers have no genetic connection with children from another family, and less so with children from another race. ERGO; they have no natural incentive to treat that child as their own beyond that of social conditioning.

Social conditioning is liable to fail 100% of the time if it runs counter to the subjects emotions. NEVER trust your children to a person whom you share no genetics with.

You're right, apologies everyone.

Bump for visibility.

Wrong, read John 8, 48. The jews clearly knew that he wasn't one of them racially, they hated his acts and called him a demon (pure butthurt and slander) on top of that. The whole "Jesus was a Jew" narrative is 100% fabricated by Judeo-Catholicism, (((they))) had 1200 years to completely rewrite the original image and doctrine of Iesus the Essene, it all started massively/(((officially))) with the first Zionist pope, Paschal I in 820 A.C. which shilled for the image of a crucified (false) and jewish (false) Jesus (Iesus), when in truth he was Essene (which aren't jews like they want you to believe). The Essene people descended from northern Aryans.

Cato-lycos and aposto-lycos. Usually the Catholic does not even know what it means. Catolicus means destroying the wolf or the wolf. In Latin it is lupus, in Greek it is lycos. Then it destroys the wolf. Apostolicus, I renounce the wolf, because apostle is a badly played word, principally inside the church, because apostle is actually "renouncer", hence apostate. Who is the apostate? The one who renounces a religion. Hence apostolicus means renouncing the wolf, destroying the wolf. What is the wolf? Rome and all the values of Rome.

Catos = destruction; Lycos = Wolf; Aposto = Betrayal or Quit.

Forgot to say that the last explanation is for the (((Catholic Apostolic Church))), even if it's pretty obvious.

Well, you go rewrite the bible, the only holy book that matters to christians, and I'll reconsider it.

No need for it, (((they))) already did it, especially the Genesis and the story of Iesus, but keep in mind that there's more removal and adding than modifications. The only thing i can do is get the original, unadulterated texts (very hard to do but some Temples still have some copies) and pdf them for your joy and use.


Day of rope when?

Bumping, this video should be required viewing. On par with Protocols. This nugget of information will keep you eternally vigilant.

Where did you get your faith from, then?

Did you stumble upon some old mausoleum of some secret true knight templars, or something?
Why do you believe? Why are you a Christian?

Because Jesus died for your sins?
But that's from the false bible.

Because heaven? But that's from the false bible.

Because of the ten commandments?
Those are from the false bible, though.

What compels you to be christian?

checked trips for beck

And why only edit those few things?
And then still go back to "judaism", etc, this is silly.

Why am I even asking.

What is the true bible, then?

Welcome home lad.

bump for the newfriends


Why make us look smarter but also them? it just adds to the sketchines.


Redpill your family. Your friends. Go slowly, you know how hard it is. Little by little make them want DotR as much as you do now. It will come when everybody wants it to come.

bump and reminder for newfags to lurk more

Bump because (((people))) are still starting threads to ask obvious questions that have already been answered here.

Can someone post some redpills pre ww1.

Unknown and suspected deaths from Poland.
Part no.1

Part no.2

How France looks like.

Are two grammatically valid ways of saying that next time.
t. Autist

It's legal, but it's not - pardon the expression - 'kosher' to express interest in such matters outside the narrow confines of academia. Even within the ivory towers too much interest in turning over what happened mid-20th century raises a few eyebrows. It's all very genteel, more
rather than
but the constraint is there, and its understood to be there by everyone who matters. Gentlemen's agreements, unspoken understandings, etc.
Although Britain doesn't have an _explicit_ holohoax exposure law, don't forget that the country is Rothschild central and thus one of the pillars of ZOG. Pic related came in as British law at the start of 2017. You can technically still question the holocaust as a historian or private person, but remember what they did to David Irving? Multiply that by the post-McPherson evidence-free 'hate crime' horseshit and you'll see that the free-range sheep called Britons are still permitted to roam, but only within the constraints of their narrow intellectual paddock.

Fuck that shit, time to Yuripost

keeping this thread alive


Got any /x/pol stuff as well?

You can have babby's first green pill.


Only 1.8% of any Americans owned any slaves. The RICH 1.8%. And this was when slavery was at its peak.

3000 free RICH black men owned black slaves in 1860

The FIRST owner of a black slave in the colonies was a black man who brought his slave with him. The slave thought he'd be free on American soil but his owner challenged it in court. And won, setting legal precedent.

Slavery was how many African nations got wealthy. But they got greedy and started kidnapping and enslaving white Europeans. Several million white Europeans were enslaved in North Africa between 1300-1850. So Europe made slavery illegal so that they could force Africa to stop enslaving white people. Africa told them to fuck off. So Europe went to war with them, and to free the white slaves (First Barbary war). Africa was soon at it again, so boom, the 2nd Barbary war had to happen, only this time, Europe stayed put in Africa to keep slavery from happening again. France took control of the Algerian coast (start of French Foreign Legion) and this started colonialism.


Jews financed the Dutch who traded the slave trade triangle>slaves>sugar>rum. Jews owned most of the slave ships. Africans captured other Africans, then sold them to the traders who showed up in the Gulf of Benin. This is how so many rich African kings and princes got so rich.

Can we stop using that documentary that is full of DNC of slavs and germans in it? If it has worthy things in it, surely they can be cut into parts that are much better referenced.
It has good points, unfortunately it has bad points and they are about as well referenced as jewish sources for the holocaust.
I'm sure the creator of said "documentary" is a regular and highly invested poster on Holla Forums but he most certainly hates slavs. He makes allowances for questionable things done in the name of germans to be explained away as jewish tricks but when questionable things done in the name of slavs are explained also by jewish tricks these are rejected and it must be the eternal slav just beating on the noble german.
Is that not DNC? Is that really healthy for Holla Forums?


I'm Polish and I didn't get that impression from any of his works (TGSNT, CBTB and the new video series he is doing right now). Dennis Wise is quite an open book (aside from his identity), you could send him an email about this or post a comment whenever he releases a new video on youtube and you could get a good answer or explanation from him.

So believing poles indiscriminately slaughtered germans, in the manner that jews have done throughout history, and in the same jewish manner that soviets did in the service of jews, is something you believe, as a "polish" nationalist?
Is this correct?

Could've happened and definitely did happen across other, different points in history. Ever heard of the Teutonic order? Poles and Germans have been fighting for ages.


Normal sounding voice, not the one with the robotic moonman or 'ebbil nazi villain' version.!IKIUVI6K!h1pej3UdlHCNV66n1IsAxwilEOEoCNVk5GuIoFVTVsg

Why? Because not everyone has the time to actually sit and read a thick book. I listen to this when driving.

Read Hitler's War by David Irving and read The Hoax of Twentieth Century by Arthur Butz.

David Ivring did nothing wrong, his books debunk every piece of bullshit people will throw at you. His books debunk every lie about Adolf Hitler and his men so I can recommend them all.

On this website you will find everything you need about the holohoax: Every documentary and book on there is free to download. This includes David Irving and read The Hoax of Twentieth Century

Thanks user, I've looking for something like this for awhile now.

Nice, take this.

Anyone know about the validity of Hitler's second book, or "Zweite Buche"? Apparently it's a book written by him that was never published until after the war.

It is his yes. David Irving also confirmed it to be real.

Also hilarious when niggers drop their "slave name" for a mudslime one. Only 5% of the African slave trade's goods ever went to the America's most went to the Saracens in the Levant where they were promptly castrated or had their nigglets' heads beat open on the ground like trout at birth. And of than 5% of that 5% went to America proper, most went to spic controlled regions or the Caribbean. And of that almost half the niggers were used for labor in ports(by kikes). So only 0.125% of nigger slaves made it into the hands of whites. Who then treated them better than any serfs outside of Europe had ever been treated.–Nehemiah-Adams.pdf

This account was written by a northern abolitionist, a unitarian minister(the libest libfags of the day) and even he found that the rumors of harsh treatment of slaves by the southern whites were dirty lies spread by roundheads and kikes in the north.

Even whites who held slaves treated them more humanly than than the rest of humans in history had treated free men.

Slavery was a mistake because it brought in niggers and enriched kike merchants, but the institution itself did nothing deserving of shame.

this. Many whites are raised Christians as children; they later grow out of it, but you don't break conditioning like that very easily. The old testament depicts a warlike, heroic tribe, with a violent god winning against all odds. Kids love that shit, and when rejecting the pussy new testament as teens, they'll likely hang on to the "heroic" image communicated in the old testament, and therefore subconsciously the legitimacy of Israel, etc.
I'm very tolerant of Christians, but don't get buttmad because I'm pointing out the obvious; your religion is at least a third jewish in origin, and promotes tolerance of jews in many who would never have dreamed of it otherwise.


kek confirms required reading

There is a certain problem with this line of reasoning, it equates the extant kikes with a dead race. Current Talmudist kikes are a combination of the Pharisees(the kikes of the old Hebrew race), Turkish traders(mudkikes), Roman expats(kikes of Rome), and the daughters of European nobility who were so desperate for cash they sold their daughters to non-christians(so white kikes who aren't good with money). So you outbreed an already shitty portion of a population with other shitty populations, then let it stew and inbreed in urban areas for centuries and is it any surprise you get shit?

The old Hebrew where just one more nation of herders and mercenaries little different from the Hittites or Babylonians. There is little merit or fault to be found in them as a whole, they behaved like nearly every bronze/iron age population, including the Celts if you’ve read the Ulster Cycle.

The Jews failed, they were broken and destroyed for all time, the last remnant of their race is a blood-taint which barely resembles the Pharisee rats who jumped ship when the Romans scattered them. They deserved their fate because they were unworthy of a covenant with God, they existed as an object lesson.

We have kikey shit in our own race as well; or more accurately we have pussies who are vulnerable to kikery. Roundheads are certainly the kikes of England. So it is difficult to indict a dead race over having kikey faggots among them when we have some of our own. If liberal whites didn’t exist eh kikes would never have gotten their claws in us and “white guilt” wouldn’t exist.

Violence isn't a problem if anything the problem is pussies. If we had killed all the injuns, street shitters, niggers, mestizos, kikes, saracens, ect like the left claims we did we might not be in this mess now. Next time we should be the monsters they make us out to be. The solution is the total expropriation covertly or overtly of all these scum. They need to be wiped out forever. The holohoax didn't happen, but hit should have.

Culture of Critique, an ethnographic study by Dr Kevin MacDonald, includes data of haplogroup studies which define the ethnic origins of the Sheppardim and Ashkenazim, ie the modern kikes. And details their corrosive influence on societies as an outgroup.

Are you a time traveler or an archaeologist?

I have the link open right now. Try it if you don't believe me.

Bless. I am so glad more and more people are starting to wake up. I'm showing TGSNT to my girlfriend this evening

I don't fully trust this

I'm just taking the piss lad. Promise I won't make fun of your @aol email :^)

Quality has precedence at times

look I'm atheist, but if I was christian I would justify it by saying jesus was a mischling who called out the jewish leaders (pharisees) on all their shit and attempted to reform the jews so they weren't such total assholes anymore, but the jews rejected him

random killing of civilians, of your neighbors and friends?

can you be honest and, if you so firmly believe such things were done by non jews, just admit you believe jewish lies more than truth?

Good call Satan
Phony gas chambers, this checks out. Goddammit I heard another Beck line a few days ago that was obviously a hidden redpill like this one…I can't remember which song it was at all though. But it struck me as quite obvious at the time. Beck=redpilled?

The Greatest Story Never Told, my first time watching it and oh gosh guys my round eyes can't open any wider. I've only made it to the second video, around the 7 minute mark when it shows how Hitler revitalized the economy. I had to stop to soak it all in because this segment alone shows how backwards society today is.
He abolished interests on loans because its immoral, can't have that goy its the Jew's primary source of income.
He focused healthcare on the youth which is the complete opposite of the focus today.(My GF works part-time so can't get med insurance from her company, to get it from the government costs a whopping $4000 a year just to go to the fucking dentist for checkups. why? Because Obummer wanted young people to help pay for the old.)
Hitler implemented government policy to protect the environment, pretty simple concept right? But even Trump is guilty of not doing this, he sold out EPA regulations for his big business buddies in coal….coal really? talk about going backwards.

Going to finish up the series now and like OP said focus on not retreating into despair and trying to move forward in this degenerating world.
As the saying goes now that I'm here,I'm here forever Anons.

Asians are more conservative than the libcucks in the West LOL.


When you're truly serious, study Nietzsche and Wagner. It contains all the redpills you'll ever really need.
















Nope, at least not according to Christianity. He was born of the VIRGIN Mary and in the opening pages of the Gospel of Matthew we are treated to a lengthy genealogy to assure the reader that he is in fact 100% Jewish.

From a glance, the "Did Nothing Wrong" looks like a shotgun.

He fulfiled a pact you menorah, daily reminder that we are being raided by intl, fedoras and jidf.

The Parable of the Tenants
12 Jesus then began to speak to them in parables: “A man planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it, dug a pit for the winepress and built a watchtower. Then he rented the vineyard to some farmers and moved to another place. 2 At harvest time he sent a servant to the tenants to collect from them some of the fruit of the vineyard. 3 But they seized him, beat him and sent him away empty-handed. 4 Then he sent another servant to them; they struck this man on the head and treated him shamefully. 5 He sent still another, and that one they killed. He sent many others; some of them they beat, others they killed.

6 “He had one left to send, a son, whom he loved. He sent him last of all, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’

7 “But the tenants said to one another, ‘This is the heir. Come, let’s kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.’ 8 So they took him and killed him, and threw him out of the vineyard.

9 “What then will the owner of the vineyard do? He will come and kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others. 10 Haven’t you read this passage of Scripture:

“‘The stone the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
11 the Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?”
12 Then the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders looked for a way to arrest him because they knew he had spoken the parable against them. But they were afraid of the crowd; so they left him and went away.

Hillaire Belloc wrote a fairly good piece on what usury actually is. It's from a Catholic standpoint but it's largely in line with the national socialist standpoint.


Kershaw is used in UK school curriculum today…

hey you fucking (1) take a look at the last part of the TGSNT, it is not just the credits you moron. Cry more about how this docu looks to you but don't come up with bullcrap like "muh patented lies" when every-fucking-thing is sourced at the end! Faggot!

consider the following, only who really watched tgsnt knows this, so whenever a fucktard (1) comes up and tells bullshit storys, immiditley fucks himself.

kek, nice ID i got.




Bald flattern Hitlerfahnen über allen Straßen.

Remember that they claimed that the number of people killed on the holocaust was 11 million. 6 million jews, and 5 million cripples, homosexuals, gypsies and poles.

I have consulted with Holla Forums's top anthropologists to discover the effect of redpill digestion on the common negroid.


How much longer must we redpill before we can kill the kikes?

Transgenderism is a jewish concept

Underrated toast. They don't even have their religion anymore. Modern day kikes and ancient kikes bear no relation to eachother beyond a love for shekels and jewish tricks.

Modern day jews are basically larping.

Hopefully not much longer.

Very very underrated.

I've been thinking about this.

I remember back when I read about it, Britain was surprisingly lenient on Germany after the war. It's as if British intelligence knew something. WE didn't take the Germans into camps like the (((Americans))) and the USSR and actively sought refugees from the American/Russian occupied territories.

And apparently the USA/USSR were happy to remove Britain (the Egypt thing in the late 40s and early 50s + state of Israel, which Britain vetoed) from world power status.

EVERY Brit thread gets slid on here. RELENTLESSLY.

/r/unitedkingdom is pozzed to fuck and every single time Britain tries to get up, it gets knocked down again.

It reminds me of something else. South Africa. The country which created its own nuclear weapons and went totally paranoid.

After the Second World War the Empire fell apart - but that has an implication.

What if Britain was targeted from both sides - both the USA and USSR conspired to take the British Empire down.

Churchill's comments on the USSR, Mosley, Enoch Powell - right down to Dunblane and the gun control. And these laws, surveillance and otherwise.

Why it there such a focus on Britain? And why is Britain ground fucking zero for this shit (we had niggers rioting back through decades) and why is it doubling down, now?

Jumping again.

Here in the UK, papers openly state shit about Poles and Romanians.

It's insane. I've been to Crewe many times and it's nicer to walk through the entire city than past a single Muslim.


Churchill was controlled by Jews because England is controlled by Rothschild since they took over the bond market after they caused a false panic at Waterloo.




Here is the magnet if you want to torrent it


The Poisonous Mushroom
Just as it is often hard to tell a toadstool from an edible mushroom, so too it is often very hard to recognise the
Jew as a swindler and criminal.
A mother and her young boy are gathering mushrooms in the German forest. The boy finds some poisonous
ones. The mother explains that there are good mushrooms and poisonous ones, and, as they go home, says:
Look, Franz, human beings in this world are like the mushrooms in the forest. There are good mushrooms and
there are good people. There are poisonous, bad mushrooms and there are bad people. And we have to be on our
guard against bad people just as we have against poisonous mushrooms. Do you understand that?
Yes, mother, Franz replies. I understand that in dealing with bad people trouble may arise, just as when one eats
a poisonous mushroom. One may even die!
And do you know, too, who these bad men are, these poisonous mushrooms of mankind? the mother continued.
Franz slaps his chest in pride: Of course I know, mother! They are the Jews! Our teacher has often told us about
The mother praises her boy for his intelligence, and goes on to explain the different kinds of poisonous Jews:
the Jewish pedlar, the Jewish cattle dealer, the Kosher butcher, the Jewish doctor, the baptised Jew, and so on.
However they disguise themselves, or however friendly they try to be, affirming a thousand times their good
intentions to us, one must not believe them. Jews they are and Jews they remain. For our folk they are poison.
Like the poisonous mushroom! says Franz.
Yes, my child! Just as a single poisonous mushrooms can kill a whole family, so a solitary Jew can destroy a
whole village, a whole city, even an entire folk.
Franz has understood.
Tell me, mother, do all non Jews know that the Jew is as dangerous as a poisonous mushroom?
Mother shakes her head.
Unfortunately not, my child. There are millions of non Jews who do not yet know the Jews. So we have to
enlighten people and warn them against the Jews. Our young people, too, must be warned. Our boys and girls
must learn to know the Jew. They must learn that the Jew is the most dangerous poison mushroom in existence.
Just as poisonous mushrooms spring up everywhere, so the Jew is found in every country in the world. Just as
poisonous mushrooms often lead to the most dreadful calamity, so the Jew is the cause of misery and distress,
illness and death.

One note about this translation: It uses the word 'racialist' as a localization for the word 'folkish'.

Can someone post Mein Kampf in english?
I want to translate it into spanish.


sorry to be the fag that asks for sauce but i've seen this like 20 times and never found sauce so pls help

no prob, it's a really fun song

It's dead.
Can you repost the file here?

Show examples of what's wrong in TGSNT

Does anybody know where I can watch Last Appeal to reason? (((YouTube))) immediately took it down

Anyone got the pic showing and explaining different frontal lobe differences between whites and niggers?


Waaait just a goddamn minute…

you ever listen to anything other than your 2 warcraft soundtracks?
ever watch any movies or read any books?
world is full of artists communicating through art.

Yeah, I missed a vague, needle-in-a-haystack hint of meaning in a song with mumbly lyrics from an artist I don't listen to from a 90s genre primarily known for it's apathy and nihilistic cuckoldry, so clearly I have only ever listened to chiptunes and kpop.
You massive, massive faggot.

you typing out things and wishing them to be true does NOT make them true.
enjoy your chiptunes.

can someone send me the image or archive of trumps secret ama on chan?

Ive been lurking Holla Forums on and off for a year or two now. Redpilled on most things. Havent seen too much on porn and masterbation. Can someone help me out?

Requesting some stuff on racemixing, preferably with sources in them.
Sorry if it's already been posted.




Anyone have redpills regarding jewish promotion of miscegenation in Germany during the weimar era?

tl;dr - porn is literally Pavlovian reconditioning of your sexuality, literally hijacks your dopamine/opioid receptors like a junkie and opens entirely new vistas into the science of addiction due to the watcher's ability to edge endlessly without having to worry about overdose or going broke. Oh also, due to the nature of the videos, which are unadulterated behavioral conditioning (the fuck do you think it's all free, numbnuts?), you get the added bonus of having your default sexuality altered. Oops. Enjoy your nascent tranny fetish.

Nofap is ok if approached from the right "greenpill" perspective (please know where to send all of that sexual energy before you decide to stop shooting it out of your dick). What most people really need though is NO FUCKING PORN. Eight weeks, If I recall correctly, is the bare minimum needed to see any significant positive changes.

This is just about porn and not even about jacking off:

Read Libido Dominandi.










