
The first post of SpencerGate is available!
Many of us assumed Richard Spencer is a Jew but we lacked evidence beyond his questionable character. But now the evidence has been given. This information could shake free the many minds imprisoned by the PSYOP that is the Alt-Right. We further plan to release information regarding the Communist and Zionist angles. This plane, user, is going down without survivors! How can you help? Spread the truth. The more people we turn-off to the Alt-Right, the more we turn-on to National Socialism.

From the Article

"Richard Spencer’s ancestors come mostly from England, Germany and France, and the men in his family share an uncanny resemblance. However, the few generations of strong Aryan stock only serves to camouflage the Jewish genes poisoning his mother’s side of the Spencer family tree. Sherry Spencer’s father, being Richard Spencer’s grandfather on his mom’s side, is Richard Dickenhorst (1923-2002). And his mother, being Richard Spencer’s great-grandmother, was Birdie M E Eckstein (1893-1972) – Jewish! Her father, being Richard Spencer’s great-great-grandfather, was August S. Eckstein (1859-1929) – also Jewish!

Eckstein is a Jewish ornamental surname of German origin (ornamental: they were forced or chose to adopt a German surname and replace their original Jewish surname). Richard’s Great-great-grandfather was August S. Eckstein, also a Jew, and he married Bertha E. Holt (Bertha Eckstein-Holt).

Richard Spencer’s ancestors come mostly from England, Germany and France, and the men in his family share an uncanny resemblance.
However, the few generations of strong Aryan stock only serves to camouflage the Jewish genes poisoning his mother’s side of the Spencer family tree. Sherry Spencer’s father, being Richard Spencer’s grandfather on his mom’s side, is Richard Dickenhorst (1923-2002). And his mother, being Richard Spencer’s great-grandmother, was Birdie M E Eckstein (1893-1972) – Jewish! Her father, being Richard Spencer’s great-great-grandfather, was August S. Eckstein (1859-1929) – also Jewish!

Eckstein is a Jewish ornamental surname of German origin (ornamental: they were forced or chose to adopt a German surname and replace their original Jewish surname). Richard’s Great-great-grandfather was August S. Eckstein, also a Jew, and he married Bertha E. Holt (Bertha Eckstein-Holt).

The Eckstein family is long steeped in Occultism and religion. Frederick Eckstein, for example, was a Jewish occultist and theosophist, worked for Sigmund Freud and was connected to the Templars and Freemasons. He died under suspicious circumstances. Frederick was married to Bertha Eckstein-Diener, also known as Helen Diner and Sir Galahad (author pseudonyms). Aside from occultist and theosophist, Bertha championed the feminist movement of her time, writing books on the subject, including Mothers and Amazons: The First Feminine History of Culture.

Based on his family tree, Richard Spencer is an Ashkenazi Jew from his mother’s side, making him a Jew not only according to genetics but the Jewish religion. We may conclude:

Richard Spencer is a crypto-Jew!


Other urls found in this thread:

archive.is/DLqdE |https://archive.is/sVzaH
google.co.jp/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=x7JhWbbFNqyL8QeCvYGwBA#q=LOKTEV ISRAEL


I don't like this faggot either but he's a good lightening rod for us

Thank you user and have a bump.
Inb4 you don't punch right. Oh wait, too late

Fuck that. He needs to be exposed for the controlled opposition he is.

thanks goys!

frankly I'm disappointed.

I find it pretty funny that totally kosher controlled opposition like Trump and Tommy Robinson are considered acceptable here but the alt-right isn't, whats the deal with that? If you are already supporting kosher opposition then why all the dislike for Spencer? I don't get it.

didnt think i'd drop everything at once did you?

I'll be honest, there were points that I felt kindof sorry for TRS after we revealed that enoch was kosher. Like they were a retarded puppy trying to promote national socialism. This is an absolute for me, these people are trying to bury national socialism for another generation or two through subversion. It is no question now that these people are our enemy.

Fuck off Cernovitch. Alt-lite jews projecting as always.

We may not be Spencer fanboys but we're too smart to fall for your D&C shit.

gonna cover tommy too. my feelings towards trump at the moment are in limbo. he could go either way. until i see him promoting white genocide or sending all the Jews to Israel, i have to support him in good faith

dont worry lil trsodomite. cernovich will has his day too.

So what is he like 1/16th Jewish? Y'know even Hitler let in 1/4 Jews, right?

I view trump as a wild card. He has a large ego and that helps us achieve our goals.

If he has more than 2 grandparents/great-grandparents, he's a Jew.

agreed. i like trump and hope he does well.

Spencer is a huge faggot, but this is rather less than convincing.

this, go suicide yourself cernobitch

Who is it that's saying those things in the graphic?

seems legit

you sage but want answers? no little user. you wait for the post like everyone else

Any sorta meme that can be cultivated and used against controlled opposition figures?

Many turned on Cernokike for making an ADL-Approved "no pepes" rule for Deploraball. The backlash to that demonstrates people will choose memes over controlled opposition. This leads me to believe that memes can defeat controlled opposition figures. We can cut the puppet strings the kikes work so hard to establish.

The only thing I've seen so far is "Alt-Lite" being brandied about by people trying to push the civcucks out of the Alt-Right which is probably never gonna happen as the Alt-Right itself was started by kikes anyways. As such, it was never really intended to be uncucked, but intended to remain on a kosher leash indefinitely.

Reveal their tactics and the source of their strategy.

>>>Holla Forums
Fuck's sake


cernovich was never anyone. spencer will be more difficult to take down and might require the constant hammering of memes. the people will be reluctant to give him up without someone or something to replace him and his kosher movement. i suggest we give them National Socialism in his place.

I think he was making a point about jew tactics, but check'd either way.

The movement was never meant to be centralized anyway.

But it doesn't.

Who made that family tree, and how do I know its legitimate? There's no apparent proof provided, aside from the fact that someone put together an ancestry.com family tree for him.

Hell yes I sage and want answers, because you're coming off as grimey as fuck bro.
The evidence you're providing is not reliable.
I'm supposed to take this as legit?

I don't think even an SS Officer would go as far back as a Great Grandmother or Great Great Great Grandfather to try to out someone as a Jew.

My family is all German and Norwegian, and I have absolutely no ties to Judaism and no living or known dead relatives who are Jewish. Same with Spencer. Who knows if my family tree would survive the same autistic scrutiny that his didn't.

I know I'm going to get called a shill etc. but I think this is a waste of time. You could probably find a Jewish surname somewhere 3-7 levels up any European family tree. It's not a useful discovery and it doesn't say anything about his raising or his ideology.

Spencer is cancer, but he is neither homosexual nor a "crypto-Jew". You shouldn't need to make up shit about him to discredit him, and you not liking him doesn't mean it's okay to make shit up about him. It's lazy, and the people who actually buy into it are retarded.

the alt-right is the modern equivalent of the john birch society, they say that communism is bad but refuse to acknowledge what group created it

go to ancestry and pay to have a family tree made yourself then?

Why do we need to "take him down"?
Whites are a global minority.
This seems to be more about the national SOCIALISM than actually preserving white anything to you people. Get off your fucking pipedream. There's no reason to take anyone who has a pro-white message down while we're only 8% of the world.
This stinks of Holla Forums playing pretend.


Googled him, not jewish.


Going further…

Yet, see:

To be fair, the evidence seems to more-greatly support the fact that he's a poncing faggot with some very nasty ties, which should be sufficient to explain why he needs to be excised.

Fact is, he may not be a Jew, but he sure is friendly with kikes.

I've been telling you niggers for years that the Northwest Front is the final solution. NF threads get swarmed with shills every time with the same baseless accusations. You'll figure it out eventually though.

Yeah, they did. Hitler stated anyone with 2 or less Jewish grandparents is a mishling. Anyone with 3 or more is a Jew. Spencer's grandfather is a Jew, his grandmother is a Jew and his greatgrandmother is a Jew. Thus, hes a Jew.


because he refuses to say

your 5 seconds of googling cant destroy the sources ive provided in the post. pic related

eckstein is a jewish ornamental surname of german origin, as I said. all sources prove all claims in the post :)

richard spencer defends the claim himself by not claiming contrary and provided proof he isnt a Jew :) again, anyone can do spencer's family tree for themselves. how mad?

Conservatives in general don't make the same claims of those who present themselves as the protectors of the white people. Do they even care if they are denounced as jewish pawns when so many of them support Israel openly?

The alt-right clowns on the other hand certainly deserve to be exposed as liars so no one adopts their false white ideology. There's no ignorance worse than the one disguised as knowledge.

So where's the evidence of Frederick Eckstein practicing Judaism? What were the names of his parents?

Also on Wikipedia why is Eckstein's life coming from a book called:

Frederick Eckstein was a Jewish born occultist and freemason. I doubt he practiced the religion of Judaism beyond experimenting with Kabbalah.

Why was a "strong hard-line support of Israel" and "AIPAC benefactor" who praised Jared Taylor for his attempts to purge "anti-Semitic elements" writing for Dicky Spencer's AlternativeRight.com?


But its not JUST that, or are you claiming literally EVERYONE named Eckstein is a Jew and always has been?



But it doesn't prove anything as goes the presently provided information.

Why did you make a graphic instead of posting the urls?

I tried these three, and none of them show any indication of Jewishness.

You seem very disingenuous.

Yeah, it can be. I get that you're trying to drum up opposition for Spencer, and you may even be doing it for legitimate reasons, but trying to leverage Right wing witch hunt triggers by accusing them or being crypto-Jews or homosexuals when they aren't is just crying wolf.

I know you won't actually be swayed by this, because 9/10 this sort of campaign is personal and you treat everyone in the thread as just someone to be convinced rather than listened to, but as ever, there has to be a counterpoint to what can only be described as shilling.

Because Spencer is an Israeli shill, something that's been widely known for quite some time?
That doesn't make him a Jew, however.

I'm saying that during WW2, in Germany, ECKSTEIN was an ornamental surname used by Jewish families. Please research "ornamental surnames." You're using the same argument in support if Spencer as you do Lauren Southern:

No. Not all. But the ones we can easily trace - yes, are Jews. Just like Mr. Dickenhortst and Simonsen.

You see: they're all getting exposed, user. Every last one, as either the Jew, the Zionist or the degenerate they are.

pick one

Ok so was he apart of the main clubs promoting Zionism back then or just a larping vegan? What Richard Spencer has said at the worst of times is more damning then this. Richard was weak by birth, you can hear it in his voice.

I saw a picture of Richard Spencer with his mother. Neither of them look like Jews so I'm not buying this.

And I'm saying that, throughout history, in Germany, Eckstein is a surname of German origin, meaning "cornerstone" (eck means 'corner', and stein means 'stone').

Why? You haven't proven this is an ornamental usage of an otherwise-German surname.
That's kinda how the name-game works there m80. Jews choosing to/being forced to take on a Germanic name did not suddenly make all the Germans with that name become Jews.

That is what I'm asking you, effectively, yes.
Oh, good.
That… What? That makes no sense whatsoever.

There are plenty of Germans with the surname Eckstein who are not Jews who we can trace just fine - and you've yet to functionally demonstrate relation between these people, far as I can tell, and everything about your approach comes off as rather disingenuous…. Just sayin' man.

I find Spencer to be a complete faggot, but this shit doesn't seem legit. More evidence required - and as its your argument, your claim, its on you to provide that evidence. Which you haven't.

Never trusted him anyway,after watching some of his interviews with ppl and how much of a pussy he is.

I always thought he was placed to make the WHITE MALE look like a fucking cuck instead of the powerful apex predator he actually is.

Typical jew bullshit and if he is jewish that would most likely mean this fucking jew whore that tried to extort him mom was possibly a psyop for bad publicity (muh evil anti semites) or a jew jewing jews.

Nevertheless he is definitely no leader that is certain.


Goddamn it, Kike Enoch looks so uncanny like he's always wearing a mask.

It's called jew face

But Holla Forums always hated that guy and were calling him a lolberg faggot from Day 1…

Basically, Spencer is a Jew pretending to be white. He's Zionist and Communist, just like Lauren Southern, just like Mike Enoch. They exist to promote NazBol.

lurk moar

youre merely repeating the origin of the name eckstein, which ive already given as german – even saying "of german origin." You are, however, ignoring the fact it was used by Jews as an ornamental surname during and before WW2.

Eckstein is a Jewish ornamental surname: archive.is/DLqdE | archive.is/sVzaH

Stay defeated, little defeatist shill ;) You and I both know the People, already weary, will soak this up. And if you say, "maybe he's not really a Jew" they will do their own family tree on him and prove it themselves.

learn how to shill before you come here.

We also hated on him when we found out he was a race mixing faggot too

Because that's what matters in this context.

No I'm not; you are, however, pretending that Jews using a name ornamentally is on its own supporitve of anyone holding that name being a Jew, despite claiming otherwise yourself.

But the tree you've provided doesn't prove anything, and you're only making yourself sound more and more disingenuous.

Why are you now pretending that calling upon you not to lie about someone is equivalent to calling upon you not to insult someone?

Checked and my sides

Checked for this thread is really starting to stink.


jewishcurrents.org says it's "Yiddish for cornerstone, derived from Psalm 118:22".

noice. jews gonna try to sow seeds of doubt, but they cant when the truth spoils their ground!

Not much of a Thpencer fan, but supposing this family tree is correct, your analysis is rubbish. If Bertha "Berdie" E Holt is not a jew, then neither is her daughter a jew, nor any of her descendants. The kikes wouldn't accept them as jewish because jewish lineage is matriarchal. Doesn't make dickie any less of a faggot, but you done fucked up, son.

(((Stephen Yaxley)))

Eckstein isn't Jewish - its a German name that Jews adopted as an ornamental name. You already said as much.


Controlled-op with proven links to intelligence agencies and Israel includes: Spencer, "Tommy Robinson" and everyone associated with (((Ezra Levant))), including, especially, died-blonde, name changer (((Lauren Southern))). There is also a name "Jack Posobiec" which is associated too. Have no proof in regards to Cernokike, but I bet him too. "Stefan Molyneux" is a kike, but I don't think he is associated. There is one "Steven Crowder", which is very pro-kike, but I have nothing on him. Also heard "Red Ice" is associated and has some jews in it, as do several other sites, but I can't confirm. Does anyone have more information?


Interesting. Deserves a bump.

That makes no sense. Jews are known for trying to hide their Jewishness, not falsly attribute it to gentiles.

I saw an interview with him on Gavin McAnus' show where he talked about knowing Andrew Kikebart. He's definitely in with jewish neocons.

Exactly, that's the point of taking on a non-Jewish name.

birdie eckstein is jewish. hence her last name is "eckstein" and her father, August Eckstein, is a Jew. dafuq are you on about?

hope he falls hard

hang yourself dumb shill. at least three independant sources were given proving Eckstein is a Jewish surname, adopted from a German surname. Screech more?

have a couple flow charts but will make detailed posts about this. also regnery publishing

thanks m8.

I'm glad you're ready to admit you're wrong. ;^)

stay defeated

Berdie Eckstein's mother is Bertha E Holt, who is NOT jewish. Thus Berdie Eckstein is not jewish.

You didn't provide any sources to
A) prove relation between the people you're citing
B) prove the Jewishness of the people you're citing

You've already admitted having the surname Eckstein does NOT equate to being Jewish, merely that SOME people bearing the name are Jewish. And you haven't shown the people in question to be Jewish (B), nor have you shown relation to make it relevant if they were (A).
You are defeated. ;^)
Nice meme.

her father, august eckstein, IS Jewish.
are you saying birdie isn't jewish because of her mom? are you a Jew giving me the Jewish reason? she has JEW genes. shes a filthy kike regardless of what your religious tradition states, moshe

By that same logic, Rachel Maddow and Tim Wise are both White gentiles, since they're only jewish patrilineally.

Sure is divide and conquer in here


Lets not forget this video:

About St. Mark's School - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Mark's_School_of_Texas

Concerning Regnery's connections to the CIA - nndb.com/people/245/000108918/

And page 188 of this PDF: vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres8/Hydra.pdf

About William H. Regnery (Will Regnery of NPI's grandfather) - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_H._Regnery

William Stamps Farish Jr.'s grave, listing his spouse as Mary Wood - findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=93059263

Eckstein is Jewish surname of German origin, user. Not "German" as in the German people but German as in the German language. It derives from a Psalm – it is and always has been Jewish, just not Hebrew but German.

SOURCE: avotaynu.com/books/sourcebook.htm


eckstein is a Jewish surname used by Jews in Germany.

nice thanks will use

Steven Crowder is Ben Shapiro's pet and really unremarkable e-celeb, not alt-right. Red Ice Radio is one of the biggest alt-right channels on YT right now IIRC, and it's peak big tent, so no surprises there.


I don't make the rules.

if theres jewish blood in the veins, its a jew.
be damned what Jewish religious tradition says

Dividing us from Jews, traitors, and the useful idiots who follow them, you mean?

If that's your rule, then congratulations, son. Considering the hundreds of generations that came before you, by your own rules you're probably jewish.

Ok. If you say so buddy.

I don't like this stupid alt-right retard, but this mentality is fucking retartded. Just because you have some distant kike relative doesn't mean you're a kike.

Hes pushing Nazbol and rewteeted this thing the other day about some idea being proven right from a few hundred years ago, about persuasion. It says if you give in to a small part of what they disagree about, and tell them they are right "but…" you then make them feel like they aren't wrong, and they tend to agree with you. Lauren Southern also memed about Nazbol and Stalin the other day. Effectively, they say "Yea, the Jews, but we need whites united globally with poo in loos and muslims etc, its more inclusive and doesnt alienate some whites"
This has the effect of breaking away part of the real National Socialists. Its designed to create the same conflict between us, as communists have over the idea of "communism in one country" - stalinism IIRC, and then the idea that all communist nations must unite, which I think is either trotskyism or leninism, I mix them up. Anyways, they seek to make us have the same infighting. Thats one of the reasons these guys like Spencer exist. It also goes along with the whole "purity spiraling" propaganda they used to D&C whites. Its actually kinda ironic, they are dividing and conquering by complaining that we are dividing and conquering.

Checked A rat is a rat no matter what side of the family it comes from.

neither do jews despite what they think.


more than 2 jewish grandparents = jew

OP is a lazy shill, probably a leftist.

truth isnt slander. cry harder fgt.

well said.


OP is a faggot, as usual.

You're a liar, and a bad one.

Parents are obviously 50/50
Grandparents 25/25/25/25
Great grandparents 12.5 etc

2 great grandparents makes them more than 1/8th Jew. It makes them 1/4 Jew, which is a Mischling. 1 grandparent means Jude.

What evidence is there that Thpencer has more than two kike grandparents? That family tree shows ONE potentially jewish grandparent, Birdie Eckstien (who would not even be considered jewish by jews themselves).

Jesus Christ OP, proofread before you post next time you lazy nigger. What did you do, copy and past twice? Here, I've partially fixed it for you, though it's still a mess:
>"Richard Spencer’s ancestors come mostly from England, Germany and France, and the men in his family share an uncanny resemblance. However, the few generations of strong Aryan stock only serves to camouflage the Jewish genes poisoning his mother’s side of the Spencer family tree. Sherry Spencer’s father, being Richard Spencer’s grandfather on his mom’s side, is Richard Dickenhorst (1923-2002). And his mother, being Richard Spencer’s great-grandmother, was Birdie M E Eckstein (1893-1972) – Jewish! Her father, being Richard Spencer’s great-great-grandfather, was August S. Eckstein (1859-1929) – also Jewish!

>Eckstein is a Jewish ornamental surname of German origin (ornamental: they were forced or chose to adopt a German surname and replace their original Jewish surname). Richard’s Great-great-grandfather was August S. Eckstein, also a Jew, and he married Bertha E. Holt (Bertha Eckstein-Holt).

>The Eckstein family is long steeped in Occultism and religion. Frederick Eckstein, for example, was a Jewish occultist and theosophist, worked for Sigmund Freud and was connected to the Templars and Freemasons. He died under suspicious circumstances. Frederick was married to Bertha Eckstein-Diener, also known as Helen Diner and Sir Galahad (author pseudonyms). Aside from occultist and theosophist, Bertha championed the feminist movement of her time, writing books on the subject, including Mothers and Amazons: The First Feminine History of Culture.

>Based on his family tree, Richard Spencer is an Ashkenazi Jew from his mother’s side, making him a Jew not only according to genetics but the Jewish religion. We may conclude:
>Richard Spencer is a crypto-Jew!

Our enemies are the jews, who Spencer frequently defends, like when he says the Holocaust happened.


Not while he's subverting white interests. He has no endgame, every step he takes is self-aggrandizing, just like all your eceleb "leader/entertainers/depends-on-the-day-and-stress-theyre-under"

This is why e-celebs are shit.

Sources and Further Reading

Mother: archive.is/Xj4s8

Father: archive.is/egckf

Grandmother/Emma Clerget: archive.is/yHDBn

Grandfather/Richard Dickenhorst (Jew): archive.is/uPICX

Great-grandmother/Berdie M E Eckstein (Jew): us-census.mooseroots.com/l/566196610/Birdie-M-E-Eckstein

Great-grandfather/Richard H. Dickenhorst: jstor.org/stable/pdf/967978.pdf?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Great-great-grandmother (Jew): archive.is/ak7Hj

Great-greatgrandfather (Jew): archive.is/ztIiu

Frederick Eckstein (Jew): archive.is/mBaBL

Bertha Eckstein (Jew): archive.is/cayuP

Eckstein is a Jewish ornamental surname: archive.is/DLqdE |https://archive.is/sVzaH

What the alt-kike do is take everything people are accusing them of being guilty of and then redirect all that energy towards the Alt-lite then try and gaslight the real detractors on the right. The whole "Alt-kike vs Alt-lite" drama started when people started to question the Alt-kike as being controlled opposition. They then often accuse people whom question that Alt-kike as being alt-lite. Its really sad because the whole thing is very cult like and anyone outside of the TRS Radix circle can easily see what is going on. They are pretending to be the "one true Holla Forums" while serving up luke warm toast opposition to jewry.


Spencer has a long line of Jewish ancestry.

His grandfather, Richard Dickenhorst, was a Jew because his mom, Birdie M E Eckstein, was a Jew. And her dad, August S. Eckstein, was a Jew.

Which makes Spencer a Jew, not a mischling.

see above. if berdie is a Jew, so is at least one of her parents, in this case: her father.

yeah yeah thanks. was excited :3

Reported & Filtered

are you saying truth is D&C? if so..someone is obviously lying and opposed to the truth. stop cucking.


Checked for its totally not true though… Or at least, OP has not provided sufficient evidence to prove it true.

Then why was he buried here?

are you saying truth can't be used to D&C?

stop lying.

Well no shit. But that is a great-grandparent, not a grandparent, ya moron. The claim made was >2 grandparents makes jew, and there is only one jew grandparent.

If true, big. As I said, IF TRUE. nb4 Nuremberg Laws, 1/8th is 8/8ths afaic and 1/8th will get you into Israel.

It ain't punching right if you hit a kike. He certainly behaves like one in a lot of ways. See

Trump doesn't pretend to be WN. Spencer does.

I'm glad pEiNOviCH was exposed and all the traitors in TRS with them. I was on the 504um before the YidWife Crisis and if I had known he was a jewfucker then I'd never have joined, and if I'd have found out before the dox, I'd have doxed him myself.

Wait, did I say "nb4 Nuremberg Laws"? Here's one of those stupid cocksuckers now. Here's another one of those stupid fuckers. Listen you screwheads, Hitler and the NSDAP got a lot of things right, but one thing they got wrong was those laws. Even 1/16th is too much jew.

Yes, it is much better off under an Animal Liberation Front without the other bullshit they did style of organization, small groups of people who know each other and may or may not network with other groups, who all work under a common cause and statement of principles, with disavowal of those who deviate from the principles.

My favorite bit of writing by Ben Klassen was the letter where he demanded his money back from the JBS because they refused to name the jew.

UCC wouldn't have any problem burying jews in their cemetery, they've always been POZ, it's not like it's a Catholic cemetery. That stone doesn't have a cross on it. Doesn't have a star of david on it either, though. I don't think OP has completely proven his case, but you have certainly not disproven it. I've checked every other Eckstein in that cemetary and none have crosses, none have stars. I haven't looked for jewish cemeteries near the same location, if you find one within a few miles of it, that would be strong circumstantial evidence that this Eckstein branch wasn't jewish. Eckstein is an incredibly jewish name but not everyone named Eckstein is jewish, there's a small chance of Gentile blood based on the derivation. I don't consider his case proven 100% but I also don't consider this burial to disprove it.

Search here. avotaynu.com/csi/csi-home.htm Eckstein appears in pretty much every single jewish database. Doesn't prove it 100%, see comments above, but it's strong evidence without conclusive disproof, see comments above.

Who cares about practicing? Does a jew stop being a racial jew if he converts to another religion?

Can this retarded "from the mother" meme. Jew genes are jew genes, and throughout most of history only male parentage was recorded in jewish genealogy that's why Jesus' genealogy in the Gospels was so scandalous as it tracked through several women, this "mom" shit is a recent invention and a meme that has to die. The point of what I just said is that the "mom" thing is NOT a longstanding religious tradition, but even that is moot because genetics.


Here is a concise summary of each direct claim, without the unnecessary repetition and completely extraneous information:

This kind of thread is why nobody takes 8 pol seriously anymore.

this.I doesn't really matter even if he isn't a jew he is utter dog shit and anons know this.So all this nit pick bitching back and forth is irrelevant.


>Search here. avotaynu.com/csi/csi-home.htm Eckstein appears in pretty much every single jewish database.
What's to see? I already acknowledged Eckstein is a Jewish ornamental surname - which derives from a German name that emerged in the 1200s in Germany.

Doesn't prove it even 1%, because there are myriad Germans who aren't Jewish who bear that name, and even more when you go back in time.

That's why they keep making them user.

get a load of this bluepilled normie faggot…


the only ones who dislike the truth are liars, user. why should I care about keeping liars in the ranks?

richard's grandfather is a Jew. his greatgrandmother was a jew and his great-greatgrandfather was a jew. this is not "mischling" but Jew.


Prove it.

eckstein is a jewish surname. see sources here:

Stop lying.

This chart highlights which members of Spencer's family carry jewish genetics, according to the claims in OP.

You type like a nigger and your shits all retarded. Filtered.

We've been over this.

See sources here:

I'm not claiming it, and I'm not claiming otherwise. I'm attempting to decipher exactly what OP is claiming because he did a terrible job at presenting his claims clearly.


Ah, I get you. Makes sense - but not worth the effort, as OP isn't making any sense at this point.
He's just repeating the same debunked circular logic again and again.

If it wasn't for this chan I would never hear about this fucktard. Why do you people pay attention to this obvious plant?

What dont you understand about

Its crazy that there are people out there who act like someone being Jewish is no big deal. There are people out there who actually believe 8chn attacked TRS without provocation.

further, how do you not understand my claims and yet you can point out exactly who is a jew and who isnt according to my claims?

Because people come here to shill for/against him.

Here is OP's claims:

Point: What value is an ornamental surname to Jews if its a Jewish name?
Answer: None.

Point: The name in question is a German surname, emergent in the 1200's in Germany, which Jews in the 18th and 19th century adopted as an ornamental surname, to conceal their Jewishness.

Point: Several of the people cited as Jews are on record as being laid to rest in Christian cemeteries, as demonstrated by OP's sources.

Point: OP has failed to demonstrate relation between the individuals he is citing, utilizing a shoddy online family tree creator that can be easily manipulated to produce false results.

So, basically, we don't have proof these people are Jewish… But it wouldn't matter if we DID, because we don't have proof these people are related.
And OP just keeps lying while calling anyone who points out his bunk a shill or a Jew or any of the standard Jew-shill responses when they've been found out.

Richard Spencer is a closeted homosexual who argues in favor of European Ethno-/Racial-Nationalists allying with Zionist Jews and claims the Holohoax happened… But OP has yet to prove in any meaningful way that he is related to these people that OP has cited, that these people are Jews, and thus, has yet to prove that Spencer is himself a Jew.

And he just keeps repeating it.

I'd disagree with that.

Given the claims in OP this chart shows the members of Spencer's family that are jewish according to jewish law, not genetics.

My rational for this assertion:
>OP's post contains no claim that Bertha "Berdie" E Holt is jewish

never change trs.


Ive shown Spencer is a Jew by genetics, not jewish law. I dont care about jewish law because im not a Jew. if he has more than 3 jewish grandparents, he's a kike. thats Hitler's law, and ive shown he indeed is a kike.

I understand your claims. Your OP post was poorly written which made your claims unnecessarily difficult to decipher, which is why I cleaned it up before addressing it.

And where did the TRSodomite shit come from, OP, you faggot?

OP's claim is that August S. Eckstein is Jewish.

There is nothing to support this claim, except his name, which many non-Jews espouse, and he was buried in a Christian cemetery.

Thus, the root claims are not supported as accurate given the data on offer.

at this point, knowing Spencer has verbally supported Zionism, and now that he is of Jewish lineage, anyone defending this kike is TRS.

Unfortunate for you and your autistic fits, genetics are a thing and determine what you are, not some stupid and arbitrary sense of "purity". Someone with a distant kike relative ceases to be a kike based on pure dilution of the kike genetics.

see here

You reek of kike.

where have i lied or promoted lies?

I agree, assuming you're right about August S Eckstein being jewish, then Spencer has jewish genetics.

However your OP also claims that Richard Spencer is jewish according to jewish religion, but according to your root claims that's not true. In order to prove that Richard Spencer is jewish according to jewish law you'd need to show that Julina Artillery Wood is jewish. If she's not jewish, then there is simply no way for Richard Spencer to be jewish according to jewish law.

But you haven't shown that at all. You've shown that he has at most one genetically jewish grandparent: Richard Dickenhorst. Even by Hitler's rules, Spencer is NOT a jew.

That post doesn't effect my claim.

You say: "This guy is Jewish, because of his name!"
I say: "That name doesn't indicate he is necessarily Jewish."

You seem to believe my response invalid.

I say: "He was buried in a Christian cemetery."
You say: "Some Jews were buried in Christian cemeteries."

You seem to believe your response is valid.

Either you're stupid or a willing liar.


I'm curious as to what would bring you to accept that assumption.

did you watch this video?

Do you realize that shady people are shady?
Do you realize that Holla Forums has been around sense 2006?
Do you realize that no one new who Spencer was before 2015. The faggot magically appears as the "leader of the alt right" being promoted by TRS, RamzPaul and Paul Gottfried. Do you realize that Grinder Greg and Ryan Faulk has more credibility then Richard Spencer? The only thing Spencer did was by up a domain name 2011 which anyone could have done. Moreover it was RamzPaul, Sargon of Akkad and Hillary Clinton the popularized the term Alt-Right. A very Shady and all a huge """coincidence""".


You've shown that Richard Spencer has one grandparent who is genetically jewish. Your OP post contains no claims about his other three grandparents, Emma Jean Clerget, Jane Proctor, or Ross Bertrand Spencer.

If you're just realizing Spencer is shady as fuck, I dunno where you've been, but it wasn't here.

Richard Spencer's mother is Sherry Dickenhorst.
Her dad, was Richard Dickenhorst, his mother was a Jew. Her grandmother was a Jew. Is she not a Jew or have I misunderstood kike religion?

ive given multiple sources proving eckstein is a Jewish ornamental name of Jewish origin. post sources for your claim.

I never said that I accept that assumption. Neither do I deny it. Frankly, I haven't researched the man so I can't say one way or the other.

In this thread I am assuming arguendo that August S Eckstein is jewish and analyzing OP's claims in that context.

It's time for you to leave TRSodomite

and Hitler as good man with a good heart but he was lost WW2. Maybe trusting Jews was a mistake.
Just look at how the Haavara Agreement fucked over Germany.

What are you talking about? I've been skeptical of Spencer ever sense Natt found out about his pyramid Scheme P.H.A.L.A.N.X.


didn't mean to sage

According to jewish law, the only way to be a jew is to have a jew mother. According to your OP post, Sherry Dickenhorst has a jew father (Richard Dickenhorst) but not a jew mother (Emma Jean Clerget).

Sherry J Dickenhorst isn't a jew according to jew law unless Emma Jean Clerget is a jew.

I already did, and directed you to them.

I know you haven't said, which is what makes me curious.

Do you accept that assumption put forth? You say you don't, nor do you dismiss it - but why?
There is ZERO evidence, besides possession of a Germanic name employed by Jews as an ornamental surname, to support the claim that August S. Eckstein is Jewish.

I get what you're doing, mind you, I'm asking you for elaboration in this context.

I never said that I agree with Hitler's standard. And for that matter, I never said I disagree with it. I'm addressing OP's claims, OP brought up Hitler's standard so I pointed out that he failed to prove Spencer's jewishness to that standard.

I haven't researched the man. Therefore my position is I don't know.

Thanks for the info OP. Whether he is 1/16 kike or 1/2 doesn't matter. His bloodline has been poisoned and there is no way that Spencer doesn't know about it.

The alt-kike and Trump are cancer designed to lull dumb people back to sleep. And it's working. The kike is a crafty demon. Trying to nail down the jew is like trying to nail jello to a wall.


To clarify further: This all stems from August S. Spencer.

If he is not Jewish, the whole thing falls apart… And at present, the only evidence to support such, is his name… Which, as established, DOES NOT require him to be Jewish.

Taken in concert with a Christian cemetery burial, there is no strong logic to such assumption.

noted. ill correct this, thank you.

eckstein isn't a germanic surname, kike. why would native, non-jewish Germans create a name based on a Psalm? Eckstein is and was always a Jewish surname of German (as in the language) origin.



Ah, but that's it - you don't HAVE to have researched the man.

We're talking about the evidence OP has provided.
What evidence is there?
None. A name, used by both Jews and non-Jews - probably more non-Jews than Jews, frankly.

And if that man isn't Jewish - which his Christian burial would support he was not, or at least, in as much as his name would support that he was - then none of the others are.

OP's entire argument relies upon August S. Spencer being Jewish, and his evidence for that is a surname used by both Germans and German Jews…. Except the person in question received a Christian burial.

So, basically, there is no evidence whatsoever to support the foundational claim of OP's argument, or at least, none which is not offset by OTHER evidence presented by OP.

That's where you fucked up
pics related

who the fuck cares about Jewish Law? Do you live by Jewish Law? Dose Jewish Law have any authority over God's Law, Natural Law or Fascist Law or National Socialist law? For fuck sake fuck off with your kike bullshit.

Yes or No, does Spencer have ethnic Jewish blood? We are using biological standards here, Not Hitlers standards, not Jewish standards. Jews are a race. And being that Spencer has Jewish heritage he may have Jewish loyalty.

OP is a kike shill

Yes, it is. It was created in the 1200's, in Germany. It was only adopted by Jews in the 18th and 19th century.


by Jews.


The name Eckstein appears nowhere on that page.

Ecke means corner
Stein means stone

Two German words. Not a Germanic surname. Whatever man.

But look at the picture or the Eckstein's. Unless that is not his ancestors. That picture is of two Jews undoubtedly.

you implied "eckstein" wasnt created by Jews because it was created in Germany, during the 1200s. The page I gave shows the Jews were active and thriving in Germany during the 1200's. And therefore, your argument that Eckstein cant be Jewish because
is fraudulent and weak.

ECKSTEIN, my friends, is a Jewish surname of German (the language, not the people) origin. It derives from Yiddish and speaks of a Jewish Psalm. Eckstein is Jewish.

But according to the Jewish tradition, you're only really a Jew if your mother was. It's the Jewish women domineering the other races.

Mike "Electroshock your lust for cock" Pence

He's claiming it was a Jewish ornamental (ie camouflage) surname… But that shit didn't really start until much later than the origin of that name.

And, I mean, what kind of German would have a name based on Psalms?
I dunno… A Christian one? Kek.

Aesthetic judgement is amongst the worst mechanism of identifying Jews.
Pic related.

Guys, pointing out that a supporter of israel is a supporter of israel is somehow a jewish thing.

Jewish tradition doesn't trump biology.

People in this thread may already know this, but I think it's worth mentioning specifically:
Jews in Europe did not have last names.
There were no "jewish names" because jews didn't have last names at all. In the late 18th century Austria and Prussia both passed laws forcing jews to adopt German names. In the early 19th century, Napoleon did the same.

Therefore every "jewish name" you find will either be a name used by Germans originally, or a name composed of German words that the jews adopted as a name.

yes because of plastic surgery which didn't exist in the 1930's.

That Jews existed in Germany in the 1200s does not equate to that name being of solely Jewish origin.
You didn't even get my argument right, which was that you did not provide evidence of it being of Jewish origin, and I've cited sources which demonstrate it was not.

Eckstein is a German name which Jews adopted as an ornamental surname.
Prove me wrong.
You can't, or you would have already.

Getting called "kike" for anti-semitism is the latest TRSIDF tactic.


To be fair he'd still have passed the Nuremberg laws.

Fucking newfags. Read Mein Kamph, and lurk a hell of a lot moar. Genetics are real, and the kikes don't even follow their own rule

OP made claims about jewish law, therefore I addressed those claims. I never said I care about jewish law. On the contrary, what I actually said was:

>The truth (assuming the root claims are accurate) is damning enough, there is no need to embellish.

what evidence do you have Eckstein is not of Jewish origin, seeing as it originates in 1200s Germany, during a time in which Jews thrived in Germany? what are your sources when I've given multiple supporting the claims I make?

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes at you."

He's saying Greggy's right. It's also the same TRSodomite who put Benjamin Netanyahu's book on the TRS reading list because he's "one of the most successful right-wing nationalist politicians in history".

Who the fuck was talking about Grindr Greg?
We're talking about Spencer.

Someone claims Spencer is a kike, with VERY weak evidence.
Pointing that out is not equivalent to defending Spencer - its pursuit of the truth.

If you want pleasant lies that aid your interests instead of truth, you reek of kike, yes.

No, not because of plastic surgery lad, because there are plenty of ugly gentiles that imbeciles will leap to call Jews if it suits their narrative.

The question is, which of these 'Eckstein' is.

jesus christ..

Disregard. I thought you were talking about the TRSodomite who wrote the article.

The only reason this board isn't being flooded with posts claiming that Hitler or Rockwell are jews, is because they are dead.

this board since forever

Found the TRSKike
What's TRS do again?
Oh right. Spencer couldn't get 30 ppl together to protest with Kike Pienovich outside the WH and had glitter thrown on him and ran.

The damage control is real

Haha, I always suspected that Dick was either a Jew or homosexual. Really, seems like all the leaders of the "Alt-right" are either Jewish or gay.

They sound Germanic, while still denoting Jews as Jews, setting them apart, something historically important to anti-assimilationist Jews. That's why they've been expelled over 300+ times in the last 3000 years, because they have a fetish for non-assimilation, and weaseling out of laws forcing them to do so.
Chaim, pls

Your sources say nothing of its origin, merely that its a 'Jewish surname'.
The sources I cited have presented that it was of Germanic origin, not of Jewish origin.

What evidence do you have the Eckstein is a SOLELY Jewish name, of Jewish origin, which was not utilized by Germans prior to adoption by Jews?
I've yet to see any.

Nobody has claimed that, chaim…

maybe I missed that, where in the thread did OP make that claim Moshie?

(daily reminder webm related)

See pic related here:

that's cool, np

I was just talking about the fact that the TRSodomite was quoting 'Grindr' Greg

I must have worded it poorly. My bad

I would describe that evidence as "disappointingly slim". However I can't rule out the possibility simply because OP failed to prove it. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, and all that…

Probably worth mentioning again… Jews in 1200 did not have last names. They didn't have jewish names, and they didn't have German names. They didn't have last names at all.

Are there any known ethnic Germans with that name? That's not a rhetorical question, it's a name I don't know much of anything about and haven't researched.

Right here:
>Based on his family tree, Richard Spencer is an Ashkenazi Jew from his mother’s side, making him a Jew not only according to genetics but the Jewish religion.

Seems legit!

Certainly seems so.

Oh, also
Its clearly not Yiddish, so what the fuck kind of source is that?

The answer is that Jews want to have Jewish-sounding names, so they adopt Germanic-sounding JEWISH names to conform to assimilationist laws, just like they falsely convert to Christianity as Marranos…
< that's what fucking value ornamental names serve to kikes, Moishe

pic related

source: jewishhistory.org.il/history.php?startyear=1210&endyear=1219


Yiddish isn't even a real language, it's just a horrific bastardization of German. The sort of linguistic perversion that could only come from jews.

wew, you honestly think people cant spot a crypto-Jew?

yes "Based on his family tree" not based on Jewish Law. Dingus.

Cohen, as I understand it, is something of an exception. It's basically a tribe name, the name equivalent of "WE WUZ PRIEST CASTE". Before the late 18th century jews in Germany were using the "son of" system of naming.

Oh shit I forgot about that.

Okay, well, I don't think that rationale stands… Why would you take a name that 'sounds German but it clearly Jewish', as you say, 'setting them apart'?
What does that accomplish?

How does that work, exactly?
I mean, hah, how long do you think it takes for gentiles to realize the pattern?
Seems rather dubious. In my experience with the name game, Jews want names that shield them, which are NOT Jewish, and BECOME Jewish over time due to pattern recognition as the kikes use the same name to achieve the end you speak of - that is, to have a name that camouflages them, yet sets them apart… Which may be no issue at first, but as soon as the pattern is recognized, well…

That's the source you provided to meet my claim. And it was faulty.

Informative, but irrelevant, because its not a Yiddish name, its a German name.

Yiddish may be a bastardized version of German, but this is not applicable in this instance.

OH its an exception is it? The ONE Jewish last name is point out to prove how Jews did indeed have last names… THAT is the one magical exception?

Eckstein is Jewish.
Spencer is a Jew.

What will you learn in the next post?..

I know for a fact, most cannot.

OP's claim:
>Based on his family tree, Richard Spencer is an Ashkenazi Jew from his mother’s side, making him a Jew not only according to genetics but the Jewish religion.
OP's version of Spencer's family tree shows that he's jewish genetically but not according to jewish religion.

You've yet to prove as much, yet you keep repeating it as fact.
Makes you seem very disingenuous.




Indeed. I'll fix the claim to religious Jewry when able.


tfw vindicated

Lol, if he was controlled opposition, do you think the controllers would let him help make lefties turn to righties with the amount of right wing propaganda that comes out of him?

Something doesn't add up with these alt-right character assassinations, they help the right by bringing normies to our side no matter how faggy they are and they're always priority targets for character assassination. Of course most fools on Holla Forums would hop on the bandwagon to destroy this guy because muh jew grandparent because they hate anyone popular.
Odd, almost like a psyop in of itself.

You faggots need to learn some new tricks.

First post will always be a (1) you dumb alt-kike cancer

You can dismiss the truth as 'shilling' all you want, it isn't. Spencer is anti-white to his core. He is a CIA asset working for NPI and pushing Duginism.


Wow this is not desperate or try-hard at all.

You seem really upset.

Look up the name Cohen. It has nothing to do with the German language at all. It's not like "Goldstein" or any of that nonsense which is all rooted in German.

Look up the Austrian Emperor's edict Das Patent über die Judennamen. That's what made jews in Europe start using last names. Before then, they used patronymic names, which were typically in a "son of" format. Cohen is a name that says "we come from the tribe of Aaron". Kohen was a hebrew word for priest; priests which came from the tribe of Aaron.


I am upset that alt-kikes are still coming here to defend their subversive thought-leaders.

Yes, because his purpose is to promote Nazbol.

Spencer rose to power by promoting Trump.
Once Spencer gained power, he began distancing himself from Trump. And now, he begins distancing himself from National Socialism - despite the early Roman salute and "hail our People!" charade. Now, he's promoting Marx and Communism. And the same pattern is true of Lauren Southern.

The entire Alt-Right is a PSYOP to turn would-be Nationalists into National Bolsheviks.

look up the name Eckstein. It has nothing to do with the German people at all, despite its language being German.


Why is no one saging this shit, its hurting us.

Lol, whatever happened to PHALANX?
Did Richard change the name to SPHINCTER to more accurately reflect the mission?


oy vey da truth hurts us

But I don't see anyone actually defending Spencer. I'm certainly not - he's a faggot. Both literal and figurative.

Its not about Dicky, its about the truth. And OP's claims do not have evidence behind them to be called truth, and when questioned, he - like you - got defensive and started accusing everyone who opposed him of being a Jew, shill or alt-right.

Stinks. Like Jewry.

ive posted sources for my claims and called you a jew for dismissing them ;)

The language Eckstein comes from is certainly German, the "stein" gives it away. Jews started using German names and names derived from German during the late 18th century, when they were compelled to by law (by Emperor Joseph II, the Prussians, and Napoleon).
Are there any examples of people being named Eckstein before the late 18th century?

Because your sources were shit like a Slate article claiming Eckstein was a Yiddish name, which it clearly is not.

Thanks for the info user

Yes, that's what I just told you.



Is that guy Jewish?

Indeed, I was just providing some evidentiary backing to your claim.

What truth, you mean the one you pulled out of your paranoid asses?

is fake news too? get out.

Because I haven't defended Spencer once, I've argued that the evidence OP has presented for him being a Jew is faulty - and he's failed to prove me wrong.

Eckstein is not necessarily a Jewish name. It did not originate with Jews. It is certainly not YIDDISH, as OP has claimed via his sources cited.

Argument in favor of truth is not equivalent to acting in defense of those about whom falsehoods are being spread.

According to Google Ngrams, "Eckstein" did not appear in print before 1795. Jews in Austria began adopting German and German-ish names in 1787.

This doesn't prove that Eckstein was only used by jews, but it does show an absence of proof that non-jews were using the name.

post your source then? :)

sorry, I've gotta know.

Yes, Germans, Austrians and Swiss.


Here we have a Heinrich Eckstein in 1235

And here's an example of a jew who adopted the name in 1828: Abraham Mannes -> Abraham Eckstein


Well that settles it as far as I'm concerned. Eckstein definitely wasn't invented by jews. It was an existing German name that some jews evidently chose to adopt.

Goddamnit… I knew you niggers were leftists. There is nothing conservative about socialism. Where can I find a board of right-wing radicals, please?

That source says nothing of the origin of the name.


You are claiming Eckstein is a solely Jewish name, of Jewish derivation, and only Jews hold it - which is especially funny because you denied you were doing that earlier in the thread, when you thought you had the wiggle room to manage that narrative.
You've since abandoned that, and now claim its a name that was entirely the creation of Jews, on the basis that Jews existed in Germany at that time.

Your Slate article, shitty a source though it is by virtue, is FURTHER discredited by the claim of it being a Yiddish name, which it is not.
This other source says nothing of its origin as being solely of Jewish creation.

Stay defeated.


good info will add that to the post

That is verifiably wrong.


user, i..

See also:

im not denying eckstein goes back to the at least the 1400s. but i am claiming it has always been a Jewish surname. it's Yiddish, praises a psalm verse.

It can, actually. I won't go into specifics, but I personally helped take down a controlled-op shill in gamergate through one single meme image. There were many things I did to help tarnish his image and reputation, but that was the one thing that finally destroyed him. Nobody took him seriously after that, it got to the point where he became a living meme. He was subsequently mocked out of the community and ended up shutting down his accounts, and has been MIA ever since (last i checked). It was what proved to me that memes CAN take down controlled-op figureheads. Make the e-celeb HIMSELF into a meme, and he may very well be done for.

That's not an argument faggot.

You cited a Slate article, of all things, claiming it was a Yiddish name. That source is worthless now, because the name has no bearing in Yiddish.

Your other source cited says nothing of the origin of the name, merely that its a Jewish surname, which we all acknowledge.

You have any others?
Because thus far your narrative of "Eckstein is a solely Jewish name, made by German Jews, and thus anyone holding it is Jewish" - were that narrative not already destroyed by your acknowledgement earlier in the thread that such isn't the case - is floundering.

And, as that's your ONLY point of evidence to show August was a Jew, who (un)conveniently (4U) got a Christian burial (which you'd dismiss out of hand while latching onto this name narrative), your whole argument is teetering.

it seems Utz was a Jew who converted to Catholicism. See his religion as "reformed catholic."


That's numberwang

Are there any real right-wing boards? Hitler was leftist ffs, you ignorant fucking heathen.

I just fucking explained it 3 times, not that it wasn't obvious to anyone with even basic knowledge of the Mercurians, are you even trying?

ive also cited books on jewish surnames and other sources which you magically wont address :3

But its NOT Yiddish, and you have yet to prove it is in any way, shape or form, beyond a fucking Slate article claiming it so.

Are you OP on a fucking proxy?
I just explained to YOU why that shit makes little sense, and your images don't provide you an argument.

Post them. Now. Let's see what you've got m80.

Absolutely not, nothing indicates him to be a jew convert. In German reformiert means protestant.



Filtered for being leftypol raid.

There is nothing therein that demonstrates anything as regards an origin of the name Eckstein, let alone one that denotes purely Jewish origin.
It merely demonstrates there are Jewish people with that name in Argentina.

>Jewish (Ashkenazic): ornamental name from German Eckstein ‘cornerstone’ (see 1).


did you read your source? this reformation began around 1522.

Fucking Christ this thread is filled with autists; can anyone who doesn't stack trains for a living give the rest of us a lowdown of what happened here?

Well one thing I know for certain, no jews were working as bricklayers. That's hard work.

It's the mtDNA that you need, if that helps you understand the rule. If you can't follow mothers in a chain, then you don't have the jewish mtDNA.
IIRC that is one of the things Israel checks for when doing genetic testing to see if the person should be given citizenship, if I'm wrong on that part someone correct me.

E-celeb is a kike.
As always


I know, right!

Here's the scoop:

One of Richard Spencer's great grandmothers had a last name of Eckstein. Whether or not that means she was jewish is what's being debated now.

user… Eckstein is a Jewish name deriving from the German language, and used by Jews to fit into German society. Not just one, but multiple sources given prove this. Every source shows Eckstein is a German language name Ashkenazim Jews adopted.

youre right Richard isn't a Jew according to Jewish law.
he's a jew by genetics and a Zionist by his own words.

user… You destroyed you own argument.
Its over.

Stay defeated.

He's kinda a fag anyway.
He didn't even chase the guy who hit him.

Checked for greatest truth in this thread.

Did YOU read it? Utz Eckstein was a colleague of Ulrich Zwingli.


I can promise you one thing: the People aren't as foolish as you Jews hope.

post the english and stop pretending you arent reading it with google translate too.

His post-election "Hail Trump" speech was cringeworthy and gave optics and ammo to the leftists that they're still trotting out to this day. I had always been wary of him, but at that point, I knew for certain that he was controlled opposition.

Checked and true.

Fun fact: Pretty sure I'm related to that guy.

If you've got more sources, wheel them out.
Otherwise, stay defeated OP, ya faggot.

Ich bin Deutscher du Flachpfeife!

I was just making the rule unambiguous.
According to it, Ivanka's children aren't jews either even though they claim to be religious orthodox jews. That should be enough to ban them from that religion, in fact. Obviously we consider those kids as jews so it's not end all be all, but it is worth noting.
Nobody did.

He could have just stopped at hail victory.
That would have been nice and appropriate enough.
But no he had to go the full Monty.

Why do they desperately want him to be jewish? Thats the more interesting question.

Pro Tip: It was Peinovich who started the Roman salute during that shit.

OP is too stupid to realize Spencer doesn't have to BE a Jew to be tainted by his association with Jews like Peinovich to the point of being worthless. A Jew coddler is as bad as a Jew, worse even for their willing treachery, even if they aren't themselves Jewish.

I realized it Shlomo.

When will you gay niggers figure out that Hitler was leftist, and the only thing admirable about him was killing Jews

ive posted several. defeat them all and ill post more.

true. checked

anons is too stupid to realize ousting spencer as a crypto-kike is the push over the end the altright needs

Where the hell are these boomer-cons coming from?

TRSodomites simply cannot learn how to type the way anons do, because their egos refuse to let them lurk for 2 years

going to start working on the next article.. seeya goys

Here's the rub m8: OP is a faggot, but I'll honestly say, he's a noble faggot in some sense.

He's trying to pull a Jew, and he's already admitted it. Ctrl + F: "People" (case sensitive)

He's basically already admitted he doesn't care if this is TRUE, he thinks he can meme it hard enough that enough dim-witted aut-right faggots buy into it and ditch Spencer. Clever, in a sense… But false. Disingenuous. A lie.

And we can't be like the kikes in that capacity. Truth is where we live, or its where we die.

Jesus Christ dude could you come up with a more hollow fucking attempt?
Seems legit.

I don't think anybody on Holla Forums likes Richard Spencer. He's a lispy faggot who preys on young boys and lets himself get beat up in public. If Richard Spencer is jewish, then that's more ammunition to use against him.

You can call me names if you rant, but you haven't addressed my point.
I want genocide, minus the national socialism. Do you think we can we do that?

Jo, Trump isn dufter Kerl, wissen die meisten hier. Was willste mir jetzt damit sagen?

That's my read on it as well.

(you) really activated my almonds with that bait.

ive given sources backing my claims.
if you disagree, post your own sources discrediting them. but you wont, because you cannot.

next article exposes TRS. until then.

Hasn't that already been done thoroughly?

SAGE you rats are not a movement unless you mean a bowel movement or anything relevant to the cause.Sure at times you are useful idiots yet always fail by your jew infiltration and e celeb money grubbing jew bullshit.Your so called movement is absolutely unnecessary other than your own personal gain as obviously 95 % of you bitches have been outed by either being a jew or as materialist shekkel grubbing back peddling rats.Basking in your virtue signaling attention seeking.

Also worth noting why you shills even make a post here to try and stifle criticism of your so called movement ?

You bitches are getting the gas and anons especially NATSOC don't fall for your shit.

Now go back to trs/DS/redice/AltKike/circle jerking for shekkels bullshit..When you conduct yourselves like a kikes wetdream.


You didn't make a point, you just called Hitler a leftist. Hitler was not a leftist. I'm not a NatSoc, but they are unambiguously my allies. It helps to read the things they read so you can communicate more effectively with them.

I personally don't see the point. When some antifa inevitably assassinates him, we'll want to meme him into martyrdom. Other than that, do whatever.



I wish they'd get a move on it. Once Spencer is dead, it won't matter what he was in life. We'll be free to shape the memosphere to make him whatever we want, and thus make him useful to us.

Richard Spencer is to the left of Holla Forums.

Dude, every source you've provided, I've destroyed.

Your slate article? Trash.
Your Jew book? Trash as well.
Then you cited another worthless site that said nothing of what was being discussed, about Argentina or some shit.
Then you cited Ancestry.com. Which destroyed your argument. And you continue to deny it.
What a faggot.

Stop. Lying. That's what Jews do.

Spencer is promoting the same values a Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, that is about as Left wing as you can get.

Yeah, op is as much of a sodomite as spencer.


If you weren't a sperg, youd have notice I said "a few dozen Jews." If you like socialism, that's fine, but at least call a spade a spade.

hurting him does no benefit us
y'all are merely salty faggots who only get joy in destruction.
you have to be a special kind of retarded to think this is helpful to our cause

The sources cited didn't prove the point, in fact, the explicitly proved the claimed point on behalf of the one making the claim to be fraudulent and faulty.

And I have dissected every source provided, proving them all false/faulty.
I've asked you for more, and you have none.

You lost bro, and calling people TRS is just funny given I've been posting anti-TRS shit this whole thread.
Stay defeated. ;^)

isn't ban evasion against the rules? Or are you TRSodomites now hopping IP's to push a false consensus?

Yeah it does. He doesn't bring in any new blood. All he does is lead people astray.

Was is KingOfPol?

Filtered and reported for ban evasion.

I guess OP was right. I had doubts, but the kind of opposition he's receiving has convinced me.

Seems legit. ;^)

This is now a transgoy thread.

I hate E-celebs and e-celeb faggotry so goddamn much.

Why won't this shit just go away?


Isn't it obvious?
How are the kikes supposed to subvert your shit if your shit doesn't have a clear hierarchy/organization that can be subverted?

That's why.

They like using Holla Forums as a playground

You've tried to base your argument on striving for intellectual honesty, and now you make an attack based on post count.

And you're shitposting.


You cucks are too much. All I did was switch to mobile. Anyway, maybe I'm being ignorant. I'm going to read more about fascism and decide this for myself, since none of you seem willing (or able) to fill me in.

An attack based on post count is legitimate in this context - you cried like a bitch because I used OP's own rhetoric against him, and your response to that was "Hmmm, I am convinced! OP was right!".
Seems legit alright.

Hahahah, what the fuck was your first post then faggot? Shit son, what is this whole fucking thread?

That's why I don't see it as being worth the effort right now to try and denounce him, or even defend him either.

Yeah, I don't like the pan europeanism. Mass migration of not my people is still going to dilute my people's bloodlines even if they are all white.

We do need to start operating more like that, but the concern here is that he could be controlled opposition since neoconism clearly isn't cutting it anymore.
I think there is a bit of a difference between what you would do IRL and online, though.

This concept is what you need to learn. You're coming off as trying to convert or attack people because they're not exactly what you want them to be, and that's just not gonna happen anymore.


lets ask a different question out of curiosity Do you support Spencer or affiliated with a group that supports him? I don't give a rats ass if he is a jew or not He is not good for my kind which is white/aryans or good for Natsoc of any race.As far as I am concerned and sure many more agree than disagree he might as well be a jew being C/0. You argue about jew names and family tree when its simply not relevant as evidence he is a shit fuck is confirmed without him needed to be a jew.

And just like that, all of your credibility scatters on the wind.

I won't even bother to tell you to stop spamming the thread with off topic material since the mods won't do anything about it. Sure does seem like you are trying to bury something you dislike though.

Nothing wrong with that, if you hate animals or art kill yourself now
Because he was gassed himself in the war, he was a war hero that developed bowel problems
Because it was a good PR strategy, national socialism is naturalism, ruled by natural law.

Why do they think that they can use their superiors as a playground? Didn't they learn their lesson when we destroyed TRS? Trying to use your father when you're still an infant always end badly.

I just want them to leave us alone.


Shit no son, are you insane?

A shared sentiment.

I honestly don't know what C/0 means. But there is a difference between being a Jew and being an honorary Jew - namely, the difference between being the enemy and being the traitor.

Muddying the water between the two, implying one is the same as the other, doesn't serve a benefit - people need to be able to see and name a traitor, without having to resort to calling them a literal Jew.


OP's evidence doesn't support him being a Jew… BUT HE DOESN'T NEED TO BE A JEW TO BE SHIT!
He's a Jew-coddling, closeted-homosexual who serves Zionists - being a Jew would actually make some of what he's done LESS awful, because it would just be the enemy being the enemy, would be a Jew Jewing, instead of the treachery that it ACTUALLY is.

If you've one bullet, a traitor and an enemy, put the bullet in the traitor.

It true, even Holla Forums makes better meme then TRS and Holla Forums makes the shittiest memes. Everything "funny" from TRS was stolen from us. If you don't belive me just start making some good OC and watch how fast those kikes will try pretend its their own material. The only reason TDS got popular was because Jim (mister metokur) promoted Murdoch Murdoch and Tyrant Fashister. However the only reason they where linked by Jim was because they both promoted Holla Forums during GG. Its funny how quickly they chose to shit on Holla Forums once people found out that Mike was a Jew.

fuck off kike

I find it very weird that the best and least subversive E-celeb is the most famous and powerful one in the world.

Maybe that's the difference between an actual long time user who respects the culture that he came from and parasites who latch on to our coattails and try to use us.

thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for. Was that so hard?

Wasn't JIm the only e-celeb during GamerGate that called out PRfaggotry directly and fucked off when the PRfaggotry reached critical mass?

Holy shit WHAT!?
You think ANYONE here has fucking CREDIBILITY!?

Nigger, you showed up late in the thread and cried because you saw OP's shit-tier bantz being thrown back in his face when he self-cucked his own argument while whining about 'sources'.

Nigger, this whole thread has been shown to have been based upon a foundation of bullshit. And you're crying about 'spamming'?
Well, you're right about that, at least.
Protip: Thanks to Tor/VPN, it wouldn't matter if they did.

Sure does seem like you are trying to attack someone who revealed the foundation of bullshit beneath OP's argument.

I made fun of your (1) and your commentary because it stinks of either a low-cog faggot wandering in and trying to signal, or a compatriot shill trying to push this poorly-crafted narrative by attacking the primary source of its dissection.
Cry about it more, faggot.

Your supervisor really needs to go over the fundamentals of blending in again.

I do wonder just how much he believes in what we say here. I watched a session with him and JackSepticEye playing some garbage fidget spinner game, on the latter's video of it. In that video, pewdiepie makes a huwhite joke.

ok cool thanks for clarifying a bit lot of back and forth like who's shilling who spencer is fucking cancer jew or not however why argue non evidence on his behalf when it's pointless because regardless he is getting the rope.

Then again if your entertaining yourself go right ahead user.


Oh god damn you are one salty nigger. Keep it coming faggot.

Felix indefinably lurks and browse Holla Forums

Yes and he is essentially the guy who's video went viral getting GG started. Jim, is not a Holla Forumsack but he lurks and is a race realist paleoconservative. Not a great guy, but not a bad guy ether.

those delicious salty tears

It probably helps that he pretends he isn't one of us. Which is the opposite of every other e-celeb.

politics and kike/sodomite infiltration aside, this is what pisses me off the most about the alt-right. Everything they do comes from Holla Forums. Holla Forums makes all the memes, uncovers all the shit happening in ZOG, does all the raids and operations, dominates online spaces and pushes white nationalist views, does all the redpilling, etc. Holla Forums does everything. And then these faggots try to take credit by taking credit for everything Holla Forums does, while simultaneously shitting on and dismissing Holla Forums by saying things like "like omg what have any of u ever done for The Movement?? Holla Forums doesn't do anything!" It's the most frustrating shit ever. Just because we purposefully keep ourselves anonymous, I guess that means all the things we do don't count, because they can't be directly attributed to a namefag for e-credit.

And yes, they've made a handful of memes, with the echoes being the only one really of note. But hell, even that was first memed back when morrakiu was a Holla Forumsack first and foremost who just so happened to make songs and quick news compilations, before the namefaggotry really got to him. And the farther away from just being "Holla Forumsacks making a podcast" the worse their humor/memes get. Look and see how they think that attaching "-posting" to any term is a meme that means "posting about X".

You're not from around here, are you faggot.

From what I can tell 100% of the good e-celebs are long time oldfags but every single other e-celeb is absolute and complete cancer. I think the difference is that everyone new who pops up are nothing more than Trendy's who ride our coattails and leech off our accomplishments while oldfags actually give a fuck about imageboards and don't want to shit where they eat.

I mean look at GamerGate Jim(10+ oldfag) pretty much starting the whole things with his 5 guys videos and then a bunch of trendy's showed up and fagged it up to a point where Jim fucked off. It's almost like there's a eternal cycle with us and normalfags. It's the same cycle that we're trapped in with Reddit.

lol reverse psychology is a motherfucker


Because I give a shit about what's true…. When did you stop caring?

Spencer is a faggot, literal and figurative, and no leader of mine, nor of any movement I would support… But there is not evidence in this thread for the claim that he is a Jew.

If OP and others wanted to dig deeper, put forth more effort, and incontrovertibly prove that he were a Jew? I'd support that, and acknowledge it if true.

How to do so?
First, you have to prove Jewry.
A name employed by Jews is not sufficient to this end, especially not on behalf of someone buried in a Christian cemetery.
I'm not even Christian, but I know well enough that, while some Jews were no doubt buried in such, that someone was acts more in support of them NOT being Jewish than of them BEING Jewish, and is about as valid in terms of evidence to support/disprove a claim of Jewry as, say, a German name which Jews adopted as an ornamental surname to blend in.
So, you've gotta PROVE Jewry. Often easier said than done - believe me, after years of sperging out on big graphics and breakdowns of shit (like those 'lists' that came out against Trump during the campaign, usually full of like 1-2 celebs and then a fucking army of degenerate freaks and nobodies), I know how hard it can be to PROVE Jewry.
But if you want to claim someone a Jew, that's what's needed.

Second, you have to prove relation - you have to prove, preferably via official sources (census, birth record, death record, etc), that these people are ACTUALLY related to each other and are the people under discussion.

Once you've done that, bam, you're done - you're dis/proven Jewry…. Though, granted, sometimes that simply is not possible.
But sometimes it is. And OP's work here, based on my experience researching my own genealogy, suggests lack-luster effort and dishonest claim.

Checked for nobody cries when they've won, user, and unlike the defeated OP, I stand victorious.
Feels good. ;^)

Yes you do need to start operating like that - and this is another psychotic episode from 8ch where you do the exact opposite.
The kikes couldn't ask for more helpful behavior: beyond mere bickering and gossip; actually attacking those in our cause.

He's not a fucking neocon - he is one of the only people openly, actively advocating for white racial interest.
But because he has chosen a strategy that is even slightly palatable with your average normie ("hey - why can't whies have their own interests/state?" vs "ree gtkrwn"), the autists here have to go try and destroy him.
Fucking ridiculous.

pic related for some of the austimoids here who have a hard time identifying between differences on the right.

He hasn't even tried to be subtle about it.

pewdiepie is good because he does his own thing and doesn't try to insert himself into other's shit. I'm fine with "less redpilled" people doing stuff, so long as they don't try to poke the hornet's nest, so to speak.

pewdiepie has definitely been posting on at least Holla Forums and /a/ for a long time, with plenty of circumstantial evidence to back that up. He might've gotten redpilled at some point during his browsing (possibly during gamergate), and hid it and kept deep cover for years after that. And so he slowly amassed a user base in the tens of millions of impressionable young kids, and now uses that ability to slowly leak in redpills and normalize our "edgy" views. So the theory goes, anyway.

pewdiepie has by far done the most good for white nationalism online by normalizing our views with millions of the youth. That can't be overemphasized. Pretty hilarious considering he was originally seen as a total faggot play-acting like a retard while playing horror games in order to get children to give him views and money. Totally played the long con on that one.

He's a race-mixer who was doing videos with "good jew" Milo.

Never said he's perfect, just that he's been around for a long time.

Jim is not a white nationalist. But the thing is he never claimed to be. He never presented himself as representing Holla Forums or "the alt right" or white nationalism. The issue with people like Spencer and Enoch is they're degenerates who weasel their way into power and then claim to speak for people they have absolutely nothing to do with.

this is what this whole thing comes down to -you're all too prideful to let anyone IRL actually try and further our cause
you would rather try and destroy them, than see success out of pure spiteful jealously

These are all posts by OP:

You can't even recognize mockery when its laid bare before you.
I bet you get laughed at a lot and don't realize the people you're with are laughing at you, and not with you.


why should jews and zionists be the ones speaking for white people?

Eckstein means cornerstone in german you retarded faggot

How is a zionist faggot who claims the Holohoax happened "furthering the cause"?

Only the worthy may pass.

So PewDiePie beat the Jew by pretending to be retarded?

the alt-right cries out in pain as he strikes you. Stop fucking with Holla Forums, claiming to speak for Holla Forums, and claiming that all of Holla Forums's accomplishments are yours. Do that, along with ending the shilling that still occurs on Holla Forums, and then you'd maybe have a fucking point.

Checked for wondering now just how Jewish that film was…

We're only willing to work with/tolerate actual anons.

I'm sick you faggots thinking that we're just some "alt-right" recruiting pool rather than an established web 1.0 culture that's been around for 14 years.

Yep, I agree. I wouldn't mind them if they didn't go out of their way to shit on us. As long as you are not punching right (as in not attacking people more radical then you are), then I don't honestly care. In fact I often don't mind moderate people like Jared Taylor or Ramzpaul. Its just TRS LARPing as the "true blue" redpilled "hard core" that ticks me off. They esentaly pretend to be us. BTW this (pic related) wasn't your post by any chance?

Essentially yes. And I think it's probably the best strategy to have, whether you're trying to become a successful entertainer or celebrity or even politician.

It's best to do whatever it takes to get lots of (you)s first. This might require you to look like you're cucking, or doing LCD shit, or making yourself look retarded, etc. Whatever it takes.
Then, after you've amassed an audience or gotten into a political position and gained power, then you start slowly delivering redpills. Once you're already in and already well-known, it becomes a lot harder for the kikes to shut you down.

I never stopped caring yet attacking a lie I guess helps us more than being a jew and using lies to destroy enemies because they can't stand up to the truth.White men don't need to use a lie trying to prove something either it can be validated or it is discarded as rubbish.

I don't give a shit what spencer and his circle jerk e celebs are they might as well all be jews to me as they operate under their control willingly or unbeknown to them.

why cant the people just share redpills among themselves?
why does anyone need some egofag to do it for them?
how did Holla Forums get along before the eceleb kikery?

So he is like 1/16 Jewish? Doesn't seem like a big deal. I'm not a fan of Richard Spencer, but this is weak.

I'll point out that that video was shot by a guy named Eli Mosley who is involved with TRS and on maybe the War Room.

I can't fully get that because I've only been here for about three years. I had known what 4chan way before that, but had only seen Holla Forums and /a/ and didn't stick around. I was never really anywhere else either as part of any sort of community, so I don't know what I would be classified as at this point.

You don't have to convince me, that's why it's not worth my effort to do anything about people like Spencer.
I actually sent my dad the Auburn speech as a way of seeing where he was on that sort of thing, because it's not like normalfags are going to know there is any sort of nuance to any of this or know there are disagreements within. Using that chart everything outside of Trump is going to look the same to them.
Black Pidgeon is a Southern Nationalist?
Is the five lights thing a reference to that scene with Picard?

Precisely. I actually think "don't punch right" is useful advice, and it's the metric I use to judge whether someone more moderate is my enemy or not. If someone is out there advocating for civic nationalism or anti-SJWism or "nice guy white nationalism" like Jared Taylor, or any of that shit, I don't care so long as they only go after the left, and don't attack the right.

The problem is that the phrase "don't punch right" has lost this meaning because it's been co-opted by TRS and the rest of the alt-right faggots to mean "we're allowed to do whatever we want and if you ever criticize us, you need to stop punching right for the good of the movement! stop """countersignaling""" bro!". But the actual meaning of the term as it originally was is still solid.

Also RamZPaul is a piece of shit who spends just as much of his time going after "muh 1488ers" and being a PRcuck. Which is precisely the shit I can't stand. If he were just shilling his "muh nationalism for all peoples! :^)" stuff and kept it at that, I wouldn't mind him.


I haven't looked into this spencer shit myself to confirm, but I just want to point out that this is exactly the same shit they pulled during the kike enoch wifegate. "bro, shes only 1/8th jewish! bro, she's only 1/4th jewish! I mean, she's only like 1/2 jewish! Come on man, muh bobby fisher! Muh based anti-semitic jews tho!"

It's clear-cut bargaining bullshit.

I wish more here shared that attitude

more autistic jealously.
nobody is taking your credit away from you.
he is not the one fucking with Holla Forums, or claiming to speak for Holla Forums.

that's part of the problem.
please see:

you cannot achieve victory without eventually making gains IRL.
you're gonna disavow anyone who dares to stand up and not be user? you're gonna attack anyone who isn't from user culture? guess what - most of your race isn't - especially the decent bluecollar types.
this is my point: you're more proud this than anything. you'd side with that over the advancement of our cause.
of course you can be the leaders / catalyst of it all: but you have to accept working with others if victory is to be attained.

Ah, but you should. Because those who are not Jews who serves Jews are, arguably, worse than Jews.
I mean, Christ man… Which is worse: The enemy who attacks you, or the brother who stabs you in the back to serve that enemy?

I have no love for my enemies, but I would not lie about them in so base a fashion merely to serve my ends, especially where I do not believe such is necessary to achieve victory.
Richard Spencer is a closeted homosexual Jew-coddling Ziocuck - there is ZERO need for him to be Jewish to delegitimize him. He does it all by himself, all we need to do is point it out, not make shit up like fucking media kikes.
Though I don't think anyone here can be said to have much credibility, due to the anonymous nature of the board, it certainly doesn't help people to trust things they read on Holla Forums if Holla Forums is making up shit to try to fuck with the Alt-Right, when they have no need to make shit up to have infinite ammo against them.

Cringe: The Post

lel yeah. what they dont understand is the catch 22 angle:

you prove he's a Zioinst by his own words
you still prove he's a Zionist by his own words

its a win win either way for us.

Oh, my bad. I must've imagined all that self-admitted shilling that was going on here on Holla Forums, and claiming all Holla Forums achievements as achievements of the "alt-right", and all the vitriol that was spewed by the alt-right toward Holla Forums after we told them once and for all to fuck off and that we didn't want them here. Of course, that didn't stop them from continuing to try to shill and force their faggots down our throats.

The seed

OP response


What discord are you faggots sitting in right now?


checked for bringing back some memories LMAO!!! yea some jew shit in it but still I was a kid then.Yea it is amazing tho if you look back on movies in the 70s/80s and seen the subtle hint of jew fuckery to now every fucking film is pushing their racemixing degeneracy ..oh how they are getting bold …There are old pilots and bold pilots but their are no old and bold pilots ..Alaska bush pilot

they are digging their own grave trying to push their degeneracy.

part of the problem with autistm, is the inability to differential between various groups.
spencer is not trs, you mong.

Do you agree Richard Spencer, by his own words, is a Zionist? If no, why not?? If yes, then him also being Jewish is but icing on the cake.



Hollyweird kikes are definitely getting arrogant. They generally do.


So if its not true, there's no reason to push it as though it were… And you are doing exactly that.

Do I need to make a post explicitly pointing out how your narrative, OP, is completely hollow at this point? I have a feeling it won't make a difference, because you'll just keep repeating lies that you've already admitted are unnecessary for… Some reason… And as I said: Its very Jewish.

Evalion did the same exact thing Lel.


No, fuck you. They're all the same group. This is the same shit kikes do when they pose false dichotomies like communist jews vs capitalist jews, or liberal post-modernist jews vs neoconservative wars-for-israel jews. I'm not going to atomize every individual and mistake the forest for the trees. Spencer and TRS are intertwined and one entity. Just as they are with countercurrents, or any of the other alt-right groups. They're all heavily interconnected by a small tight-knit "inner circle"

again: part of autism is having problems in social comprehension.
please see this chart to gain a clearer understanding:


According to Hitler's standard, Dicky is a Jew.
You listen to National Vanguard tho.
Imma stick with Hitler..

There are many kinds of Jews, user.

What you need to remember is:
There are no GOOD Jews.


alt-right isn't an ideology. It's an social/political organization. It's like saying conservatism and the republican party are the same thing.

implicit dick and kike enoch and all the rest are all heavily connected. They all knew, for example, that kike enoch was a jew with a degenerate marxist jew wife the entire time, and said nothing

Then you, knowing the truth, should go tell it in whatever ways you can.
Agreed. And, as of yet, I have no reason to think its not true. On the contrary, all the sources validate my claims. Let Spencer give his family tree himself then, and let Spencer correct any mistakes made. And, if he debunks this angle, I will stop pushing it. Isnt this fair?

You've already said you think him being Jewish is icing on the cake, so I really don't understand why you keep acting like such a kike for the sake of this fucking icing made of lies.

They're probably over at the altright.com discord chat.

What's wrong with that?
Did you forget this post, faggot?

Another sign of autism is considering yourself part of the Alt-Right.

Even if Op's claims of Dickies jewish ancestry is 100% bs, cancer is cancer and the fact anyone would defend this faggot is beyond me.

What's worse than being a Jew? Being a Zionist.
A Jew, user, is one not by his choice but birth.
But a non-Jewish Zionist must be made - he is a traitor.
However, do you know what's even worse than a Jew or a non-Jewish Zionist?
A Jewish Zionist.

So… if Spencer is but a Zionist, he is even worse than a Jew!
But, if Spencer is also a Jew, he is even worse than the Zionist!
And if Spencer is a Zionist Jew, he is thrice worse-off than the former two!

icing..on..the caek.


Cue WLP lemmings post.

Yeah, that's one of the things that pisses me off so much about the oath cucks. The enemy literally sees them attacking us as "infighting among racist nazis", so their cucking isn't doing anything for them except make it clear they can't be worked with.

Hitler said that anyone with full jew ancestry or half jew ancestry but practicing is a jew, that anyone with 1/4 - 1/2 jew ancestry is a mischling and any less is a full German. The genetic test I provided (which is only referenced by National Vanguard and wasn't conducted by them, obviously) supports this system with hard genetic evidence. Obviously the graph and distribution show that people with 1/4 jewish ancestry cluster almost directly with full gentile Europeans, leading me to the conclusion that a person with any less kike ancestry would be genetically indistinguishable from a fully European gentile. People who make a fuss about some irrelevant distant Jewish ancestry that has no bearing on the person alive today are idiots because they're making an issue out of something that has no relevance and doesn't apply.

meant to reply to

no - they're different groups. they work together despite this - which is two things that autists here cannot grasp (see: that chart)

why did spener attack countercurrents when the gay shit was revealed then?

the chart doesn't claim them as an idealogy - its shows where them as a group stand on the ideaological chart.

yes; naturally.
no; they are separate groups entirely, as much as y'all here try and paint literally any group or e-celeb in some sort of conspiratorial cabal


I see what you did there.

Which I have been! Find one fucking point in this thread wherein I didn't say Spencer was a Zionist (and also a Jew-coddling closeted-homosexual).

Yes, you do. I even told you what you'd have to do to prove this in a manner that was legit, but you sit here spreading this ideological feces around instead of doing the work.
And I've disproven all of them, except the one that EXPLICITLY CONFLICTED WITH YOUR CLAIM.
Why are you lying to me now dude, for fucks sake?

If you think he's a Zionist, or even a Jew, why the fuck would you trust him to do the work himself? Are you gonna trust a 23andMe from Peinovich too?

No, because I already did debunk this angle you faggot! Seriously, are you fucking Jewish?
Because this is some downright Jewish bullshit you're slinging here.

Just getting this out of the way:
Your sources DO NOT validate your claim, and in AT LEAST one case, EXPLICITLY invalidate your claim.
Any claim to the contrary is, quite simply, a lie. And what is a Jew, I might ask, if not a father or mother of lies?

Always kill a traitor before an enemy.

They didn't do the study, dumbass, they just referenced it. I can link you to the original one if you want. I just picked the first link I found that referenced the study in question.

I've shown Spencer's Jewish roots using his own family tree. I have traced the name Eckstein to use by Jews in Germany using more than one source. Eckstein is a Jewish surname and many Jews with this surname left Germany during WW2 and game to America and Europe :) I have no reason to believe Spencer isnt a kike.

I'm with you there, arguably.


Well obviously.
Yes, but Spencer hasn't been shown to be a Jew.

That's a very kosher cake you're making there m80. I don't think I want any, nor do I like the notion of you passing it about.
I mean, fucks sake, it looks like that last layer - of the 3-5 thick layers of icing on that cake - is made out of foreskins and dead chickens in garbage bags.


Wikipedia says that it's a German name.

All dissected and disproven as valid sources in context.
That bit is accurate.
Might wanna tell your shill buddy to stop pointing this shit out if you're gonna keep doing it.
You're acting like a kike.

"Eckstein" is of the German language, created by Jews in Germany. This is called an "ornamental surname."

If I, as a white person, go to Mexico and adopt the surname "Lopez"….am I a spic or am I just a white guy with a spic name?

You realize there is no such thing as Half-Jewish. One Drop rule.

good hunting tbh although verification is needed other than easily denied accusations user I am 100% against that fucking rat however solidify claims to rock solid status otherwise make anons look like conspiracy kooks and always be aware of the fals flag mis info.

You realise that you're a stupdi faggot who rejects hard genetic science in favour of your own cheap, autistic, and entirely arbitrary concept of "purity" (that simply doesn't exist in the first place)?

there is more evidence supporting the claim Eckstein is a Jewish ornamental surname than not. and until evidence is given debunking this claim and the sources used to justify making it, no one..and I mean no one…is going to believe Spencer isn't a kike. No matter how you twist it, no matter how much damage control is done.

user, pls.

Dude, we've been over this already.
I even caught him trying to cite a source that explicitly said as much, and he still denies it. All his other sources had nothing to do with the matter at hand.

And he just keeps saying it.




Even if Dickie's great great grandparent was a kike, he wouldn't be a kike at this point anyway. Whatever kike genetics might have existed in his ancestry would have been bred out long ago. See

That isn't to say that he isn't a traitorous, zionist, alt-kike rat, but he simply isn't Jewish.


Hah, nigger, who do you think you're talking to, and where do you think we are?

if his jewish genes were bred out long ago, why does he still promote zionism? ;)

I am not dmg control I seriously hope that cuck to jews faggot is outed as one I just want it set in stone .So if he had any ancestors that where jew grand fathers mothers whatever he is blown not by jewish standards either because their standards mean nothing to white men.

I WANT TO BELIEVE !! LOL maybe an interview to see if he caves in like he has to racemixing and zio rats.

This board is hilarious.
Anonymously Calling anybody who does anything for White Nationalism a Jew while simultaneously doing nothing for White Nationalism.

What kind of retarded, shit-for-brains logic is that? Many dumb gentiles support zionism. Zionism is an ideology for the Jewish state. One doesn't have to be a jew to support it. My assumption is that dickie bought into the "you have to support nationalism for all people to be a white nationalist" meme, which is cucked on multiple levels, but not out of the question.

you gonna go try and destroy jared taylor because he focuses on the 14 and leaves the 88 to others?
or what about identitarian groups that essentially do the same thing?
or destroy them because they're not part of the precious "user culture" that some here seem to value above victory for our race?

'our cause'' is foremost: racial survival - spencer concentrates his efforts on exclusively that.
his strategy is pitched to achieving racial consciousness in normies - thus he is trying to be the opposite of edgy to break through kike conditioning, which would otherwise shutdown normies' ability to see the clear logic in advocating for their own group interests.

of course jews are relevant to understanding why the 14 are necessary - but for your average normie, this is kind of pill is too advanced to immediately swallow. once they understand in-group preference, though: they will inevitably come to understand this further down the line.

i don't disagree: of course whites should lead whites.
but would you, for example, try and destroy Martin Sellner and disavow all his hard earned work, if it was revealed he had kikeblood, if it unbeknownst to himself?

Hell, let's throw the song out, while we're doing TRSodomites.

Someone feel free to lay the groundwork as to who this cunt is, and just how fucking incriminating this shit is after the fact:

Mike Enoch: She wrote this and read it herself. I was really proud of it.

Mike Enoch's Wife:
Twas a TRS Christmas, and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even my spouse.
The cucks were all prepped for the ovens with care,
just waiting for morning to pop em in there.
A nation of teachers were tucked in their beds,
while visions of vibrancy danced in their heads.
I with my reason and my mom with her cats,
had just settled in for our usual spats.
When out on the street there arose such a clatter,
I rose to the bait to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a fash,
resolved with an iron will to go full fash.
The moon shone so bright on the newfallen snow,
like the glare of the media on objects below.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but 8 Episcopal priests, and all of them queer!
I'm a seasoned old troller so lively and quick,
I knew in a flash I could rally my hicks.
More rapid than eagles my edgelords they came,
to drive out interlopers and call them by name:
Out Communists, out socialists, out left-libertarians!
Out betas, out allies, SJW-contrarians!
Out beaners and dindus and Muslim jihadists,
spare us your Syrian refugee problems.
Just fash away, fash away, fash away all!

Like the dry heaves we feel with SJWs nearby,
when faced with well-reasoned arguments they cry:
Ad hominem attacks have no attacks on us trolls,
we obey the TOS because that's how we rolls.
And then in a twinkling I heard on the roof,
the prancing and preening of each little poof.

As I drew in my head and was turning around,
like a Standard Pool Party they came with a bound.
On the left came a standard bearer on foot,
and his foot were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
As though he had been to the ovens and back,
and he looked like a merchant, just opening his pack.

His eyes, how euphoric, his fedora, how merry,
his cheeks were all pockmarked, his nose like a cherry.
His virginal mouth was drawn up like a bow,
and the beard on his neck unruly as slow.
The stem of a pipe he held in his teeth,
a signal that he really was cool underneath.
He had a round face and a littel round belly,
that shook as he raged like a bowl full of jelly.
There by the chimney he sat with a scotch,
certain it would raise his status a notch.
He was chubby and plumb, a right surly old elf,
and I laughed when I saw him in spite of myself.
The dull look in his eye and the crap in his head,
made me see just how easily this guy could be led.
Then laying a finger inside of his nose and digging for gold,
up the chimney he rose.
He sprang to his Prius, 'I'll dox you!' he begs,
yet away he still fled with his tail tween his legs.
But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
"i'll see you online bitches where we'll fight the good fight!".
So what have we learned at the end of this Yule?
To be right is right, its a simple enough rule.
To all of our goys, who hold TRS tight,
a White Christmas to all, and to all, a White night.

user we're the only reason why white nationalist is even alive today.

It's literally entirely because of us, you had nothing to do with it.

No he fucking doesn't.

its bloody ridiculous

You've said Spencer's jewish genes were bred out by now.
So this statement doesn't apply, does it? As Spencer is not a gentile, is he?

He's a Zionist Ashkenazim Jew.

You see? Catch 22. Icing on the caek.

well.. first… what good work has he actually done?

You've offered no legitimate proof of such, you liar.

yeah he does?
he focuses on advocating for white interests

promoted racial consciousness, furthered the arguments of white in-group preference on national television

spencer is not white nationalism he is a head piece for jews to make look stupid on their cnn and jew broadcast literal patsy pinata for jews to feast on as obviously has no back bone in interviews or getting his pic taking with zio rats or bedding what looks like some kinda turk roach. How is WN race mixing? don't answer just kys

No, he doesn't.

Acknowledging the Holohoax?
Denying the Holodomor?
Embracing faggots?
Standing arm-in-arm with Jews?
Calling for alliance with Zionists?
None of that is advocating for White interests, you fucking scum.

By posting shit on a board that nobody but people who got bored with 4chan look at?

Are you actually mentally retarded, illiterate, or being deliberately dishonest? Fuck off with this shitty jewish argumentation. Dickie is a gentile who supports zionism, which makes him a traitor, not a kike. Supporting zionism does not make him ashkenazi. Even if he has distant jewish ancestry, he is still absolutely and overwhelmingly a gentile as GENETIC TESTS PROVE. Political opinions do not change genetics. Quit falling for leftist/kike memes that try to sell the idea that race is a fluid concept. Race is biological and entirely separate from ideology.


youre going in circles, user..

then it doesnt seem Sellner has done anything a white person cannot do on his own. so, if Sellner is a Jew, he should step out of the leading role and into one of support.

Aryans lead Aryans.
Africans lead Africans.
Jews lead Jews.

Nigger where have you been!?


my sources say otherwise :) where are your sources?

your argument is the "eckstein" is german. and I agree. the language is german, the origin, however, is Jewish. circles, user. all circles.

None of your sources say as much, and at least one explicitly says you are wrong. You already know it. Thus you are a liar.

Your argument literally has no legs to stand on. Even if dickie did have a jew in his family tree, HE IS NO LONGER GENETICALLY JEWISH AND THUS CANNOT BE CLASSIFIED AS SUCH. Even people with a single great grandparent and even a few with a single grandparent no longer genetically cluster with kikes. This is all hard science.

right here. Try to disprove genetic testing, cocksucker. All you have is "muh eckstein great great grandparent" shitspewing, whcih has been BTFOd more times to count.


what about this one

We hate everyone who's not from our culture because history shows that they're useless at best and subversive at worst. From us you've taken literally everything that you are. Your memes, arguments, and rhetorical style were all made by and perfected by us. PewDiePie has done 10 times more for white nationalism than the entire "alt-right" combined and that's just a single user.

I don't think that you understand that in terms of both ability and influence you people are nothing but ants to us.

Don't worry. Put Spencer in the bin. Hitler will be back soon enough when he get's out of South America. All of the American public will see how adorable he is and vote for the National Socialist German Workers party.

According to Hitler, you're wrong.

Its a Slate article, and its been shown to be a lie.

You already know it. Thus you are a liar.

"user culture" includes Cuckchan retard.

TRSodomites once again proving that they are the newest of newfags


this ./thread has run its life distracting from our attention that should be fucking up CNN.One big bait and switch pos fuck this Im out of this thread I don't give a shit if that nigger spencer is a jew or eats shit out of a trash can.

That is, in fact, more likely than Richard Spencer being of any worth whatsoever.



the claim is: its not jewish because its german!

and we've gone over that, right here:

why the circles user?

actually, no, you're wrong. The nuremberg laws state that anyone with a single jewish great grandparent or less is to be considered fully German. Anything else, nigger?

Yes, that's exactly what I said you stupid faggot. It's called genetic dilution and has been proven multiple times ITT. It's all explained in this study right here


Jew genes are not infinitely potent or defining. This is retarded logic that has no basis in material reality. If someone is 1/16 jew (ashkenazi are already heavily admixed with euro dna, I might add), then they are 15/16 white. Jew genes are not potent like nigger or asian dna and don't last in the bloodline as long.

except he does - specifically advocate for white interests.
i've addressed him not attacking jews here:

which, no matter how you feel - doesn't detract from his work promoting the cause of the whiteman.

my point is with the stellner example: the autists on this board would definitely spend all their focus on destroy him and his organisation is such a scenario where to unfold.
in fact i'm surprised that hasn't happened already, given the toxic attitude of this board, and the fact that he doesn't address the JQ - guess he's controlled op, guise!!

Somebody who openly asks in public, why is nationalism good for Jews in Israel but not for whites in America, is not of any worth?
Fair enough if you believe that.

The Irony is the National Socialists were Zionists

no, goy - you need to stay sadistic and keep attacking anyone who dares step out of the shadows and isn't wearing an SS uniform!

>lets focus on destroy the leader of the largest white nationalist movement in modern times

pure psychosis

spencer has three grand/great-grandparents who are Jewish. According to Hitler, Spencer is a Jew.


Anything else, nigger?

dont you agree if he's a Jew, he should remove himself from a leading role and move to one of support? dont you agree whites should lead whites ANYONE who is of Jewish lineage should be regulated in positions of support alone. And for the reason you gave:
There are so many Jewish controlled op infiltrators you simple cannot know if this Jew is your ally or foe – most of the time theyre foe. And therefore, they do not lead, but if anything, support.

just mean everyone knows CNN is fake news.
now, everyone will know spencer is also lugenpress.

I fucking told you faggots. You should've just sat in your basements and waited for Hitler like we warned. Now you're knee-deep in KIKE. This is what happens when you idiots try to take your shit into real life.

Just stop doing things for fucks sake.

Maybe more like pure Cohencidence


Where is the proof they were Jews other than the names?

Well my entire argument was operating under the assumption that he had one great great grand parent who was jewish. If what you say is correct then I would agree with you. Hitler knows best.

I know these right-celeb faggots expose some good ideas to normies, but the speed of this thread for Chrissake!

Which is correct.
See your source here:

The rest of your sources here:

You are a liar.

No, he doesn't.
He does not advocate for White interests, he uses White interests to mask advocating for himself.
I'm not reading your fucking effort post you alt-kike faggot, Spencer is a Ziodrone twat who coddles kikes and faggots.
He is not 'advocating' for our interests by standing arm-in-arm with some swarthy Jew who pretends he's White while spewing low-energy talking points and bad arguments.

Its true.
You're citing vid related - and in a sense, that's helpful… Extremely shallow, as narratives go… BUT WHY IS HE ASKING IT?

You think its because it serves our cause? Huh… Sure would serve the Israeli cause if they could justify their little experiment in theft by association with nationalism, wouldn't it?
And, huh, it'd sure serve such ends if you had a handsome-ish White guy to go around making half-assed arguments that, in actuality, do more to support the argument for Israel as a Jewish state than for any service to the White men, wouldn't it?
Yeah, it sure would.

If you're serving the Jews, you aren't serving White interests - you have to pick one or the other.
Israel has no right to exist, period, and so long as it does, it will only draw White men into conflict in that region - to no benefit whatsoever for that White man.
Spencer will never say that.

why are you ignoring the proof of their Jewry in their names?

A Jew can take any name. As you well know Schlomo.

Because there is none, you liar.

The linguistics of Eckstein is German; it is from the German language, or more accurately, the Yiddish form of German – as my previous source verifies.


thought this was mocking the self-destructive autism of this board, and jokingly advocating we never further our cause irl and remain forever cowering in the shadows
then i remembered what level of autism one deals with here….

Yes, you keep repeating the same argument, despite it having been proven false and faulty.
Like a Jew.


Seems legit OP, you liar.

youre really working that 95 I, rabbi.

The Israelis didn't need to use white nationalism as a justification for the past 60 years .
Why do you think they set up a Rabbi to make a fool of himself in front of Richard Spencer after all this time?

FTFY chaim ;^)

You're a dim one.

we have threads about ideas all over the place, check the catalogue

nothing in debunks my claim tho? user is saying "its german!" and I agree - the language is a German Jewish ornamental surname deriving from the Yiddish :) what now?


yet you and I are here… Some serious Bernays shit going on

Well from your bar graphs Richard Spencer isn't really helping the Israelis much is he?

In point of fact, this thread is actually about an idea.
Namely: Is it right to lie about our enemies to try and urge others away from them?

I would suggest that this idea is not only faulty, it is foolish, and OP's Jewish argumentation in support of the idea only further supports my view in this matter.

nothing in (You) debunks my claim tho?
Yes it does.
I cite your source for you again, Jew. ;^)

Your claim is that the language is German, deriving from the Yiddish - but your source suggests otherwise.
So does Jewgle translate, also cited in that post.
The only source you have cited which suggests a Jewish/Yiddish origin is a Slate article you presented. That's all you've got.


Well from my bar graphs it'd make sense where this whole 'alt-right' thing trying to appeal to the youth came from, doesn't it?

Richard Spencer hasn't been relevant for more than like 2 years, TOPS.

More of Mike's wife >>>/trs/2884

First, this source proves "Eckstein" is a Jewish ornamental surname from the German - Eckstein. So you accept that ECKSTEIN is Jewish. Second, another source I gave proves Eckstein is German by way of Yiddish (a Jewish version of bastardized German), and refers to a Psalm. While the name did originate in Germany, it originated with German Jews.

My sources substantiate all these things.


Except he doesn't. He attacks and sabotages those who identify the architects of our genocide, while claiming they "look h'White" to him.

Taylor is no better than a kike.

After Heil Trump did anyone believe he's not controlled opposition? C'mon Tila Tequila and friends. David Duke for Millenials, just this time the man watches all your social media posts from when your wearing braces so if you ever become somebody your stuck on the hook

What now? ;^)

Its a Slate article user, it proves nothing.

>Jewish (Ashkenazic): ornamental name from German Eckstein ‘cornerstone’ (see 1).

Once again: You're a liar. Next?

So the Jews support white nationalism, going against everything Judaism believes in, to get young people in America, e.g. Jamal, Tyrone, Latrine, etc to support it?

This is from


Be sure to check em.

give evidence the Slate article is wrong?

So the Jews support white nationalism, going against everything Judaism believes in, to get young people in America, e.g. Jamal, Tyrone, Latrine, etc to support it?


I'm just going to assume you're being serious here.

Are you a bot?

Nah, it was much much later. Again, not going to go into specifics. I'd rather not rekindle that old flamefest.

I notice you (((anons))) who push Pewdiepie on us always use the same image. This exact same one, often times pointing out how he is "blue eyes blonde haired" aka an "Aryan", as if that actually means anything to us. I know why you're doing it, because you think that Holla Forums will be much more inclined to support your e-celeb if he or she has the perfect "Aryan" features.

You know, unless you count condemning and distancing himself from us, you're right that he hasn't done anything subversive. However, just like the ceaseless pushing for other e-celebs who are KNOWN to be controlled-op, the fact that you try so hard to make us blindly support Felix is what actually makes me think he's controlled op.


They support kosher nationalism to fill the void instead of legitimate White resistance.

annnnnnd you're done.

What do you call legitimate white resistance?

Should have expected as much, ya fag.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you've run out of steam, ya lying faggot.

The not-kosher-as-fuck kind.


Alright, now that OP has conceeded his total defeat, its time for dinner.

OP, you remain a hugely disingenuous faggot and a liar.

Someone else can enjoy wandering your circular kosher logic if they like, but I've had enough - Hitler was right, and I hate you kikes.

Tits to draw attention to your BTFOing.

So if Richard Spencer didn't exist, who is the man who will step up and say the same things as him but at the same time successfully convince all the good goys in America that Israel should be wiped off the map?


yeah i know. its from yiddish and used by german jews

today's German jews still use Eckstein :)

Actually to jewish you have to be born from a jewish mother. So Spencer isn't jewish. Also his great grand mother on his mom's side isn't jewish for the same reason since only her father was jewish. Sorry goys but he and most of his so called jewish ancestors wouldn't be accepted as jews at most synagogues. His ancestry is what like 3% jewish? That's not very much at all. I bet a lot of you are 3% nigger and don't even know it.

He never needed to back then, because GamerGate hadn't nearly reached the redpills on race. In hindsight, he an edgy liberal at best. I personally found it suspicious how quickly and easily he abandoned the hashtag. The whole shitshow regarding his leave felt awfully artificial having thought about it later on. He was simply "attacked" by a handful of retards in GG over his finger-banging stream (which was obviously him just joking with that chink whore) by the tone-police crowd, and instead of putting up even the slightest resistance, he uncharacteristaclly sperged out and ragequit. Back then I thought it was just indicative of him having thinskin, but by now I believe it was all (((planned))). For what purpose, I'm not sure. I figure he was bought off at some point and paid to leave. Some folks liked to point to his final video where he claims that he knew of things going on behind the curtains involving certain influencial figures in the hashtag purposefully subverting it for their own gain, but he refused to name names (even to this day) and even coming back, did nothing to help bring this people down back when there was still a chance. Namely, Sargon, Mundanematt, etc. Instead, he went on a stream with Sargon and Milo (when the latter two were in the same room together drunk), and laughed it up with them when he came back. This was during the point of GGrevolt where Sargon and friends had openly become divide and conquerers.

wow you must be retarded.Every source says it's from a German origin meaning cornerstone, the only time it is said to be jewish is by jewish sources.

That's Jewish Law you filthy kike. And even then, people like Spencer and Southern are still considered "part of the tribe." In fact, these are the ones the other kikes use as "Shabbos Goys."

According to genetics, and Hitler, Spencer is a Jew.

incorrect. its from Yiddish which is a Jewish perversion of the German language. It originates with Jews living in Germany back in the 1200s.

oh come on. This is like saying goldstein is a german name too.

Probably something that didn't involve:

Shilling for Zionism
Shilling on our board
Shilling for Zionism (better sources that the other post
Having a literal jew as a mentor who has explicitly denounced White Nationalism archive.is/M8oKe

Paul Gottfried, Dicky Spencer's mentor from the link I placed above:

And to address your other point:

See the quote and the link above. Why would a man with a Jewish mentor ever lead anyone to throw Jews into gas chambers?

Even if we on this site are "doing nothing," a common (and ridiculous) argument, literally doing nothing would be better than aiding Jews and people who lie to other people about Jew wives. The argument that we are doing nothing is ridiculous, by the way, because if we were doing nothing and were useless, TRSodomites wouldn't keep coming here to shill time and again, month after month and ceaselessly defend ecelebs from our criticism/autism.

If Holla Forums didn't matter to them why should they give a shit if we don't like them? The issue has been pointed out elsewhere. Holla Forums, even cuckchan Holla Forums, is better at making memes than TRS and they want to subvert us so that they can seize control of our ability to meme. TRS came up with one really good meme, the (((echo))) meme, and that's about it. The best OC comes from us. Hell, the hub of internet culture comes from imageboards in general.

Whether or not Spencer is a jew is a red herring since he still promotes jewry (someone else can post the pic). Even if he wasn't a yid, he's still a yid supporter


good post


This idea is working for me, user

thank you


It's totally possible that someone made up the "spencer's ancestors are confirmed jews" thing in order to demonstrably prove it wrong later on in order to create a narrative of "see! Holla Forums keeps unfairly going after me based on faulty intelligence!" I still need to dig into these claims and verify them myself later on, personally. I'm not just going to go based on an OP with no proof of family tree.

Please stop cuckchan

Please stop cuckchan

>If Holla Forums didn't matter to them why should they give a shit if we don't like them? The issue has been pointed out elsewhere. Holla Forums, even cuckchan Holla Forums, is better at making memes than TRS and they want to subvert us so that they can seize control of our ability to meme. TRS came up with one really good meme, the (((echo))) meme, and that's about it. The best OC comes from us. Hell, the hub of internet culture comes from imageboards in general.
6,000,000 % this

spend $20 on ancestry.com and do his family tree for yourself then? post results too.

Ok, let's assume OP is a liar the fact is you're still defending a cuck faggot who supports Kike Enoch and therefore you'll get the rope as well.

Sure is silly in here

exactly, it's a red herring. It might be true, it might not be. idk, and idgaf since he's still pro-jew

Oh look the OP (D&C Kike) is try to D&C 8ch

Today is the day an autistic sperg, without payment or personal gain, outwitted and began the destruction of the Alt-Right movement. Your struggle now is but death throes! Your screeching, the death rattle.

It's over, Spencer and TRS, by your own doing. But youre not at the acceptance stage yet. Soon you'll come around.

Is that Roger Stone's son standing next to Dickie in that pic?

user, One of the facts of per-modern traditional life was knowing who someones Family was. Peoples Stock was important to any role as a leader. Anyone who wants to be the "leader" needs to be property vetted. Vetting someone to see if they are fit to lead is not "D&C". More importantly Holla Forums is not the Alt-kike, so you can't divide what is not united.

I fucking despise these TRSodomites so damn much.

You can't d/c what was never united. Holla Forums is not alt-kike

Okay fine if we on Holla Forums have no influence why don't you just kindly fuck off and stop being obnoxious on our board?

Hey alt kike faggots, can you name at least one thing Dickie Spenther has done to help the white race or in the fight against world jewry?

Yep, they are the SA of modern times, the night of long knives can't get here soon enough.

very """peculiar""" post

man you are one dedicated jew

Btw, let me post the shilling saga since there are probably newfags from TRS in this thread: (source: ghostbin.com/paste/8ezdq )

Pre-Shilling Saga Thread
Thread #0: archive.is/bDVY4 (10/02/2016)

THE BEGINNING, TRS caught shilling #1
Thread #1: archive.is/7EBAp (10/03/2016)
Thread #2: archive.is/JiOvS (10/04/2016)
Thread #3: archive.is/9F4Rz (10/04/2016)
Thread #4: archive.fo/3FOUm (10/05/2016)

/polmeta/ TRS thread (must read)
Thread #5: archive.is/Gs42Z (10/03/2016)

/trs/ meta mega thread
Thread #6: archive.is/IS2Sf (10/25/2016)

Misc. Holla Forums v. TRS skirmishes (complete threads)
Thread #7: archive.is/K2sKR (10/15/2016)
Thread #8: archive.is/vWROt (10/15/2016)
Thread #9: archive.is/8X09d (10/21/2016)
Thread #10: archive.is/nMJTg (11/10/2016)

You kikes have been shitting up our board since October and there is more evidence in the ghostbin.

Our one demand is for you guys to just fuck off and you still have to come here and shit on our board. You vermin act so tough and then when you get caught being a bunch of subversive weasels you wind up acting like a bunch of victims. You're only big and tough when people don't fight back and when they do, you act like you dindu nuffin

Holla Forums was right again


Hey , look here at

that's why they probably can't

Here's the new version of that chart. Update your files.


And here's the expanded view of that chart, which pretty much encompasses the entire WN movement.

doing god's work. hope you dont mind i use these later

the only thing that sucks about archive threads is you cant see the HD versions of the images posted and 90% of the important information is in those images.

fortunately there is this:

I have others. You want the full set?

yes please, if theyre newer. have the old ones

You already have the David Duke, Jared Taylor, and William Johnson charts?


i do not. please dump

OP is that autistic moron Moarpheus


Nah m8 you're just a moron. How is the retail job treating you? Do you still consider niggers a vital part of the usa because of their contributions to rap music? Are you still a common spic fan?


Can someone give me an explaination as to why exactly Spencer is so bad? Without resorting to "OMG HES A SEKRIT JEW!!!!" or "TRS SHILLS!!" please.


It's still a good picture, but consider redpilling yourself on (((Frankia))) and what it, and Christianity, did during the middle-ages.

You know me, don't you?
You know my name without me actually namefagging, don't you?
Haven't I left hints through the manner of my typing and even my filenames? Isn't it true you know my name because you followed the trail I gave you to follow?

I have become the meme.

But soon, like all good memes, Moarpheus will have expired and I'll create the next in line. A weapon of mass education far surpassing the first. Do you tremble at what I can do in light of knowing what I, alone, have already done? You should.

He's a false Nationalist. He is a Zionist and a Communist who spreads these evil ideologies under the guise of "Nationalism" and even worse, "White Nationalism."

thanks user imma use these real good

ur prbly right but is just a meme

You goddamn idiot. All these charts are made by the CIA themselves to debunk WN. DD is as legit as it gets unless you're going to magically tell me he was apart of the fucking CIA as a teenager.

I think you're confusing Charles Martel with Charlemagne.

white nationalism is a psyop, user.

David Duke is 2nd generation CIA. He was recruited into the CIA when he was in college (LSU ROTC), as almost all CIA agents are.

In fact, almost all of them are 2nd generation CIA.

Alex Jones is 2nd generation CIA
Jeff Rense is 2nd generation CIA.
Jared Taylor is 2nd generation CIA.
William Regnery II is 2nd generation CIA.

And yet he protests against kikes. In HIGH SCHOOL.

Then adding fucking Kevin MacDonald? The guy that wrote The Culture of Critique and countless other books we use? It's very obvious what's going on here. CIAniggers are trying to get you to punch right.

I'm not against the entire "alt-right", just the crypto-Jews and fag enablers (TRS, Dicky Spencer, Grindr Greg, ect.). Some of the other people and groups they associate with (League of the South, Trad Workers Party, Occ Dissent, Identity Evropa) seem pretty cool though.


((( WEW )))

I find D&C kikes quite humorous

Please give me some more material for my entertainment

sage for the record

The guy who says "not at all jews", called for an alliance with "right-wing" Israelis, and praises Tommy Robinson on social media.

user… stalin could have made the meme and id still share it. its a good meme. as for ghoul, i dont follow insignificant eceleb drama. im here to instead cut the head from the main serpents.

This is the ONLY way to bring Peace to the Middle-East.

Jewish Women having the babies of Arab men :)

He serves as propaganda against white interests, I mean the guy goes on NPR as a guest and failed at trying to debunk all of the host's typical liberal talking points, Spenther also goes on that larping nigger's show (OAN is the name of the network I believe?) and yet again which should of been an easy win for Spenther, he allows the larping nigger to pwn him in the debate, even people like Cucker Carlson and Steven Crowder do a better job at debunking leftist talking points but faggots such as yourself probably think Spenther is ok and don't have a problem with him defending jews or supporting zionism.

This video is for D&C Kike OP

Another video for OP

You don't even know how to sage.
here is some more Ghoul meme's

Probably worth Europe's freedom from Islam, Mahmud.



He's not confusing them. He does it in purpose and it's not the first time (*(*(*he*)*)*) does that.

So Spencer is 1/16 Jewish? How is that any more real than 1/16 Native Americans? I understand Spencer's a faggot but this isn't really significant.

Funny how TRSodomites such as >>>10223451
will just ignore the facts when they are presented, now that I have presented good enough reasons to not support Spenther, please name one thing Spenther has done in the fight against world jewry or the white race. I don't know why I'm even bothering asking you this knowing you will only ignore the question.

The fact Spenther supports Kike Enoch should be enough for pro whites to not support this clown.

Good question anybody ever find out who else is in the pic?

It's a book that woke up so many normalfags. It's exactly what they did and it does its job and I don't see you writing anything better, CIAnigger. Spencer is a faggot but don't you dare talk bad about Professor MacDonald. He's done more than you ever will.

Not really. It's just what Aut-Righters always bring up (even though they've never read it) so they can claim to be experts on the jewish problem.

Looks just like him lol.

you could have fooled me, here have some more Ghoul memes. You know that guy who sold you TRSodomotes out to the MSM and to Antifa.

MacDonalds book is just a secular watered down version of the truth. Its not terrible but its also not really that great. You can't really understand the JQ from a purely secular perspective. You must understand the religious, occult and esoteric angle to fully understand Jewry. I'd prefer it if people where just encouraged to read the Protocols of the elders of Zion and Mein Kampf to learn about the JQ. Reading Mein Kampf is a much bigger Redpill because its reasonable.

seems like TRS may be trying to DDOS 8chn, fucking sodomites



Agreed, there are much stronger arguments against him than that one of his great great grandfathers was a jew.

Even though David Duke is a conman he is right about one thing, if you want to redpill people on the JQ, it's best to use quotes from actual jews and from Israeli/jew news sources.

This. At this point it can only be concluded that TRSodomites have no problem with supporting or defending jews and therefore will be put up against the wall along with other traitors during the night of the long knives.

Charles "the great" genocided the Saxons, triggering the "viking age" which nearly destroyed his kingdom, together with Hungarians. He just advanced what Charles Martel did, attacked Basques and turned back from invading muslim-held Spain when it was vulnerable, leading to 600 more years of Muslim presence there.

Both are shit and did much more harm to Europe than good. What is your point?

1. Jack Posobiec is Jewish.

2. Lana Lokteff is Jewish.

not an argument.

read the thread.

109 poss attacking spencer, not petty insignificant nobodies.

>TRS came up with one really good meme, the (((echo))) meme, and that's about it.
You know when you think about it, that Echo meme getting really popular was mainly because Jews started kvetching about it and where conveniently "stupid" enough to start using it themselves. Even the MSM was happy to advertise the Echo "meme" and promote the application. That web browser application could have very easily been a tool to collect data on potential white nationalist. It was all very convenient and unnatural how that meme got traction. I wouldn't be supersized if its popularity was manufactured.

jews play both sides it seems

Looking at Loius CK, Shawn King and other drop of blood kikes it actually is signifigant



ah, didn't bother to property check your post history. You posting a TRS (ghoul) meme threw me off.

they always play both sides. When Barbara Lerner Specter said what she said, she did not just mean being at the center of Multiculturalism, but also being at the center of the resurgence of "anti semitism". Jews want a race war, read the Turner Diaries. Why do you think TRS mocks William Luther Pierce? Because Pierce would have called these faggot Jews out.

Which groups/people are kosher to you people? Which one isn't a "CIA crypto-Jew controlled opposition fed" to you?

whoever says:

is legitimate.

Doesn't red ice do this? I've only watched like two of their videos.

no idea man havent watched any of their videos but should

They also say BASED nationalist jews like Nadav Salomon are our allies.


thanks for the bump

well he always seemed creepy.

Hold up, I have some new information
So, was curious as to what was pointing out and looking into Lana Lokteff and I found an article called Lipstick Fascism on a website called the """Jacobin""" which is strange because Jacobin where created by Marranos during the Spanish Inquisition.

Oh here is the important part.

Who the fuck is Daniel Friberg? Didn't Richard Spencer allegedly create altright.com? Why is there a CEO, and why is it a Jew named Friberg?


Dig into Daniel Friberg

how did you even find this website?


good find. will dig! if you guys find anything interesting, send it to me via the Contact form on spencergate if you want. will verify, compile and release.

user you think i have low character because your own is trash. you naturally expect others to be just as shitty of a person as you. i however need not lie nor deceive.

0.02 Shekels have een added to your account.

And I still chuckle.

this thread is retarded
enjoy your severe and low-functioning aspergers

This is getting ridiculous. I have witnessed the glory days of Holla Forums wax and wane for a long time but this might be the end. The conversation here has been completely poisoned by foreign agents out to destroy the white race.

You're reaching levels of autism thought not medically possible

I can't prove I'm not a space alien either. Your argument is a weak, flaccid attempt to divert attention away from the actual purpose of the thread: to expose dicky spencer as Zionist, Jewish, Communist trash.


yes very wrong some of that was this user and hope the fucker is a jew then maybe ppl will listen to how shit that fucker is jew or not asshat

looks like an old arrived Holla Forums thread on Holla. People where already looking into him at one point.

>A guy named Daniel (((Friberg))) is apparently one of the heads of the Alt right now, he seems to be calling the shots and providing the shekels.

^This is obvious if you ever bring up these topics around a TRSodomite they panic (for example in one of their live streams).

also if you read the article it seems Grinder Greg is pissed off at Spencer:

slide all you want CNN DIES NIGGER.

thanks user am capping all this

Not saying it's wrong, but you can't convict anyone on this evidence.

More digging is needed.

Also Fuck RedIce. Those cunts tried to shoah my jewtube accnt for posting an uncensored video showing Nadav Soloman's face. "Reactionary Jew" who's face they originally censored in their interview as per it's request.

I think Spencer is one of the only ones I don't want to pistol whip, but that could very easily change…


HOLY SHIT, from the article on Counter-currents is a picture of Daniel Friberg hanging out with Swedish ANTIFA founder.

Looking at this thread, there's definitely a lot of shit here, but it's buried under a bunch of completely justified sperging that means that I can't just link this thread to someone on the fence about TRS and expect them to get anything out of it. Are there any compilations of this shit yet?

gunna need a source user. i believe you, but yunno

over the months i hope to build SpencerGate up exposing not just Dicky but Enoch, Nina, Southern and the rest. if you guys want to submit info use the contact form. eventually, and soon, it will be a great redpill on the altright

The OP of this thread is a schizo that goes by name Morpheus. The best thing to do when you encounter a schizo is to not entertain them and to inform others of his disorder.



For those who thinks OP is a shill who is trying to divide and conquer. Believe me, he is not. He is just legitimately retarded. He actually believes in the shit that he says. He does not have a job, he is not getting paid to do this and he does this literally all day as he has no other hobbies.

nvm read the full filename sorry


Right… Half quotes, adhering to the letter rather than the spirit. How very Talmudic of you.

So many skulls, too few pistols…

hi finnshill ^.~

Good keep doing it,we have to stop these GRIDS faggots.

You whiteknights never stop,tell us how much money you wasted on that kikess.

Would be nice to have something real solid with which to cause trouble at Unite The Right.

I've looked into it more and have concluded that the people making anti-Spencer threads are kikes.
Yes, but now he openly names the Jew on Twitter and speaks alongside people like Matthew Heimbach and Chris Cantwell, who both also publicly call out the Jew.
Not anymore it seams. He called out Grindr Greg earlier on Twitter for his faggotry.
Using a shitty family tree that can be edited. Even if he's 1/16 Jew, that's about as relevant as being 1/16 Native American.
How exactly? He triggers liberals and actually has public rallies instead of staying in his basement.



Southern isn't even alt-right, she's one of those kosher civic nationalists.

Cantwell is admittedly still an AnCap/lolberg

Only because Greggy said something mean about Daniel Friberg.

We're at war with the jews, not the liberals.

when is unite the right? can just print out fliers with his jewish genealogy?

thanks user! the wag connection is going to be a great nail in the foot of the altright

everyone else calls her altright why shouldnt i?

He hates Heimbach's guts tho, and is only latching onto him to take credit for all the shit that TWP and NSM are getting done.


August 12th, Cville 2.0. Basically, TWP and IE are organizing a big event, and the alt-kike is latching onto it. I realize IE is technically alt-kike, but most of their members are NatSoc

I'm actually attending tbh, so I'll be happy to hand out those fliers for you.

Wonder who could be behind this post

have you even been reading the thread? (((Daniel Friberg))) is the CEO of Alt-right.com. How do you defend the fact that the website that is Richards claim to the title of Leader of the Alt-Right, is run by a wealthy Jewish financier?




handing out fliers would be a great way of waking the people. we have a month to prepare redpills. alright. over the next 3 weeks ill post as much info as possible on SpencerGate. photoshopfags can create memes or posters if you want. im one person - can do so much right now.

I don't think there's anything definitively proving that Friberg is a kike, but he doesn't ever name the jew or even publish anything that does. He is a big supporter of Guillaume Faye though.

Good God, Spencer is way worse than I thought he was.


fuck liberals they are a symptom we know who the real disease/enemy is JUDEN.

His wife is a Russian whore and he's clearly not working in the interest of white Americans. Or are you one those idiots who thinks that Putin is pro-white?

i will pay50 Btc, at a much much really long time from now later date for ole spencer boy to go the way of the dodo.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. -Mein Kampf Chapter 2

D&C shilling, report.

Checked. Cernobitch confirmed. -)

He doesn't look Jew at all so that coupled with the fact that the last name isn't nessesarily Jewish makes this retarded.

Spencer says plenty of dumb shit but come on not everyone you disagree with is a Jew.

I'm smart enough to recognize Alinsky tactics when I see them. You attack people, tear them down, and offer nothing in place of them. You offer no solutions other than burning down the best chance we have to save the white race from the Jew because someone involved might be 1/32 Jew or some stupid shit. Under the Nuremburg laws Spencer wouldn't have been looked at twice. Look at how many pro white orgs have sprung up thanks to the redpilling done by the Alt Right. Old style Klan rallies are never coming back. Grow up and learn that coalitions are how politics gets done.


you dumb trsodomite this thread has been up for hours. im sure mods are lurking here right nao. go hang yourself for being impotent.

pic related. lurk moar.

I'll check your numbers and say you're wrong. I do offer something much better in place of not only them, but their ideologies as well. I replace their doomed strategies with my own, and their pitiful Zionist system with National Socialism. My intentions are plain to everybody.

How can he be both a Russian puppet and a Jewish one? You know the Jews hate Russia right? Why do you think all the liberals and (((conservatives))) want to war with them?

I wonder if these retards will ever understand why Spencer got all those TV gigs or not. That "watered down" Jew blood goes a long way.


How is Dicky Spencer going to save the White race from kikes?


Still waiting for you just to name one thing Spenther has done in the fight against world jewry.

true, it does. they cannot out-run Holla Forums reach however, so not long enough friend

By larping IRL basement dweller! :^)

There's thousands of pictures of Putin with Jews, and plenty of quotes from him about how ebil Hitler was and how he hates anti-semites. I remember a thread proving Putin was a Jew at one point too. I hate how short0sighted so many on Holla Forums are.

all support is controlled support, all opposition controlled opposition

Those organizations were already there. The only difference is that now dicky spencer is taking credit for all of them so he can start to push for a career in politics
Have you even read Mein Kamph

It is a huge mistake to believe that the strength of a movement can be increased by uniting with another similar movement. Growth by merger means an immediate increase in numbers which appears to outside observers that the organization has increased in power and resources. In truth, the organization has simply absorbed germs which will be a source of inner weakness and this will cause suffering later on. No matter what anyone says about the similarity of two movements, such closeness never really exists. If they were truly so similar, there would be only one movement and not two. It doesn’t matter where the differences are. Even if the difference is in the inconsistent abilities of the leadership alone, then we have found the difference.

The natural law of all development never accepts the joining of two unequal beings. True joining only occurs when the stronger gains victory over the weaker. When this natural selection happens, the strength and energy of the victor is increased by the struggle itself.

Uniting two similar political party structures may produce momentary advantages, but in the long run, any success gained in this way will cause inner weaknesses to appear later. The greatness of a movement is only guaranteed by the unhampered development of its inner strength, the protection of that strength, and the constant increase of that strength until it achieves final victory over all rivals. More than that, we may say that a movement’s strength and its right to exist increases only when it recognizes that adherence to the principle that struggle is necessary for growth and that it will only reach the peak of its strength when complete victory is finally achieved. The movement can never attempt to accomplish this victory through instant or short term gains, but only through perseverance and absolute intolerance of any opposition. Only in this way will the movement enjoy a long stretch of growth.

Movements which have expanded from the union of similar organizations, where each made compromises to achieve the joining, are like plants grown in a hot-house. They shoot up quickly, but they lack internal strength and are not substantial enough to stand the test of time or to resist violent storms. The greatness of any powerful organization, which embodies an idea in this world, depends on the absolutely religious fanaticism with which it establishes itself when compared to others. It must be fanatically convinced that it is right and just, and it must be absolutely intolerant of any idea or organization that is counter to its own teaching. If an idea is right and it takes up the sword of battle with this mind-set, it is invincible and any persecution only strengthens it.

>Why do you think all the liberals and (((conservatives))) want to war with them?

Because the Russian jew mafia that controls Russia is gaining on their home turf, throughout the past few thousand years or so most wars/conflicts have been just among a few jew elite families all fighting for world domination. You really should read a book sometime, nigger.

There's a lot who shill for him. It's mainly the aut-right moderates who like him.

No, but a great deal of it is. Keep in mind that the Jews won WW2, they won the world, so yes, their tendrels are everywhere. We are living in a cyber punk dystopia with Schlomo at the top, make no mistake.

This place was pretty mild on russian and putin koolaid until anglin fanboys started running the show here.Hell you can make an anti-trump thread but anything critical of Putin is instantly deleted and will get you banned or thread deleted.

who is (((Daniel Friberg)))???

Who the fuck is Daniel Friberg? Didn't Richard Spencer allegedly create altright.com? Why is there a CEO, and why is it a Jew named Friberg?




Dig into Daniel Friberg

>A guy named Daniel (((Friberg))) is apparently one of the heads of the Alt right now, he seems to be calling the shots and providing the shekels.

^This is obvious if you ever bring up these topics around a TRSodomite they panic (for example in one of their live streams).


also if you read the article it seems Grinder Greg is pissed off at Spencer:



Mathias Wåg

stoled dubs shit sprung up because of voting season Alt right has been and is now a jew C/O op so either your shilling invested in it still can't take the wool from over your eyes or you are retarded …Example I loved daily stormer until they continue to back/support cernobitch obvious jew/trs race mixing jew fucking enoch obvious kikery/red ice with a piece about jews helping whites SAFE YOU FUCKING BULLSHIT NIGGERS!! sure I get ahhh getting the message out but when you corrupt it with jews to do it you lose absolutely all credibility yet keep pumping this he/she is our gal or guy when further inspections they turn out to be a race mixing civ nat pos just like you spouting alt right (muh shekkels)

Because the kosher nationalist movement was created by jews in order to prevent a genuine grass roots movement against ZOG.

Yes, you're right. But let us neither forget the vulnerability of the Jew. He has won the world solely because of the lie of Holocaust. He maintains the world solely by the lie of ally: he tells everyone HE is their alley, despite enslaving the blacks, genociding the whites and so forth. Even the Jew's motto is

And there is one weapon capable of destroying all of his International support:

The Truth.


im ok with that. get to work. you do you, imma do me

Not necessarily :^)

Add the alt right to that list as well.

It's not just TWP and IE, League of the South, Vanguard America, Cantwell, and a bunch of other right-wing groups/figures will be there. The (((alt-lite))) was even invited to come, but they predictably refused because of "racism" and "anti-semitism". The point is to UNITE THE RIGHT, and as usual shills are trying to start infighting so they won't be able to fight Antifa as a single cohesive group. Spare your petty "SPENCER IS 1/16 JEWISH!!!" shit for some other time.



More like a combination of JIDF larping as internet nazis and 15yr old teenbros.

Damn, hitler dubs and I screw up the word "off".

As long as they are based brown people who are christian and hate the real enemies of America, the liberals that is! :o)

Wait fuck, I guess I haven't been keeping up with things lately. Does this mean Mike Enoch is a full blooded jew?

Dude all those e-celebrity group combined are about 50 people (100 tops). On top of that they actively alienate the moderates by being dickheads. Most people are Lemmings. The whole "alt-kike vs alt-lite" drama is just a publicity stunt. You can't honestly be that stupid.

Uniting National Socialists and big tent liberals is retarded.

Anglin fanboys + JIDF larping as internet nazis and 15yr old teenbros + genuine russian shills posting from from their FSB offices.

One of the main speakers at the event is the jew Mike Enoch. What's the point of "uniting the right" if we're uniting with jews and their enablers? It's never been about left vs right, always jews vs gentiles.

So where does WLP fit into this? Compared to him, all of these organizations and individuals are milquetoast. Can you imagine someone like Jared Taylor or Kevin MacDonald writing something like the Turner Diaries or Hunter, even under an assumed name, much less somewhere like Radix or RIR or whoever being associated with it? The entire (((alt-right))) would fucking implode.

No shit Einstein. The point of these rallies is to get media attention.
Moderates get turned away at the very mention of race or Jews. You're not going to attract them with "14/88 GAS THE KIKES" either.

Because of Christianity? The same reason that Europeans have all sorts of Hebrew surnames and given names?

And Eckstein isn't an exclusively Jewish surname. It's also German. In fact it was German before it was Jewish.


That would still be far better than being a virgin, fat, no life, basement-dwelling shill. -)

Shit, a kike shill lecturing us about impotence! -D

He has actually organized rallies. -)

White Sharia is the way forward! After all, the sandniggers stole the concept from Aryans. If I can't get pussy or control a white woman then they all must be whores who need to be put in burlap sacks. ;^)

Goddamn I am so glad I stopped visiting that piece of shit site. Literally all of their news and content is aped from here anyway. Also, he writes like a nigger and has employed countless fucking kikes on his writing staff. Plus he is a racemixing fuck with a history (very short time ago) of wishing the white race was mixed out because we are evil. He is literally the definition of a shill. Plus he now publishes nearly the entire remaining catalogue of TRS podcasts.

Sorry if this rant is off topic, but it really seems they are all in this charade together. Hate to say it, but I cannot think of a single public WN that I trust or seems on the level and clean. Well, I take that back, the Radio Aryan guys seem pretty great actually. Yet, they were excommunicated from everyone else.

Cantwell is a fair weather faggot. Just wait until he gets another Puerto Rican cryptokike slut girlfriend to destroy his comment sections and incinerate his (very small amount of) credibility again. He is a degenerate with fucking nudes online of him doing lewd shit and radio shows of him fucking geeked out.

Spencer would have you believe the answer to the JQ is sending the Jews back to Israel. Pic related shows, in a nutshell, why this is a doomed strategy, and I assume, purposely so. Most "National Socialists" are such only by title. They haven't read the Party Programme, Mein Kampf, Nazi-Sozi or any other work. So how do they express their National Socialism if by educated statements? Usually by anti-Semitic statements fitting the uneducated or an Internet troll. And so NatSoc is not taken seriously. I cannot tell any of you the true full answer to the JQ, because as you know, the Jew would only co-opt and subvert it, turning the answer into his most deadly weapon. But I can prove the answer exists by exposing you to it gradually. For example, the first stage is education. We must educate the public..not just the shitposters but the average man and woman. Not just whites either, but all people of all races and religions. Why? Because before you can win a war you must first win the hearts and minds of the People. Do you agree with this? If so, you agree with the first part in my answer to the JQ, which is education. By spreading NatSoc to only 10% of the population, you will allow it to become the majority opinion as it spreads to the rest of the group. Then, when the People have become receptive to NatSoc… when they no longer instinctively hate it for no reason other than their conditioning, we can talk about step two.

This is why I have created Spencergate and attack the enemies of the Aryan race.

what you and jews seem to not understand is the right is already united and not because of your shekkel grubbing attention seeking e whores or sites that entertain a jew that claims to be your friend GOY i am on your side GOY follow me GOY nah instead its the working white men sick of the left and all their jew bullshit …you talk about fash let go back to the 50s when niggers and white women would get lynched because it was clear before jew bullshit we are not the same they came brought by jews as slaves and to this very day are still nothing but a slave that should be removed ….yet this alt right seems very liberal who it takes on including racemixing whores that should be executed or the civ nat fucks crying yea let em stay because they aren't shiting up where you live ..you fuckers are a joke and discredit white men that want to live in a white country void of non white parasites so realy enjoy the shekkels from dumb whites and FUCK OFF you will get the rope.


Is Mike Enoch jewish? Let's find out!


When did he say that?


One sec, fetching source. It was when he was on a show with his nigger friend. He even tried to buy the rights to the episode when he "switched sides". It is fucking cringe. I'll get the convo and the audio if I can find it. Standby


I can name at least two kikes that wrote articles for the Daily $tormer.

Daniel Goldberg (infamous jewish troll larping as a nazi and a member of isis)


not that kind of publicity stunt you moron. The kind of Publicity stunt to pretend that the kosher "atl-right" are the real alternative to the kosher "alt-lite" when they both are working for the same Jewish interest and they are both controlled opposition.
nice strawman you dumb kike. Holla Forums is not for the lemmings. The Lemmings need a leader. But for them to fallow the leader that leader needs an Ethos and a Pathos which is guided by Logos. In laymen terms need Ethics, Passion and guiding principles to that there path is logical. Spencer and Enoch are nothing more then modern incarnations of foul mouthed Skin heads. They have no substance, no character. They are buffoons. Hitler wasn't popular because he screamed "Gas the Kikes" (in fact if you have been paying attention there was never a Holocaust). Wanting someone to be more 1488 is not a bad thing if you knew anything about real National Socialism or Fascism.

Richard Spencer already had his DNA tested at the beginning of 2017. His test results show that he is mostly potato nigger (surprise), and has no Jewish ancestry.


Yes. And note that Andrew Anglin is also an Irish potato nigger, like Richard Spencer.

Here's the screencap of Anglin begging to buy the rights of that interview from his nigger friend.

you mean Joshua Goldberg from GNAA

Audio: media.christogenea.org/videos/evalion/anglin-iconoclast-radio-promoting-race-mixing

Trying to hide it with money:

Lauren Southern isn't genetically Jewish. "Simonsen" is a Hebrew based surname though, just like hundreds of other European surnames and given names. Christianity is responsible for Europeans having such a Jewish culture.

Now Lana Lokteff, that's a full blooded Russian Jewess.

lauren southern's grandfather was a spy who fought nazis in ww2.

sauce me pls

Thanks, user. It just goes on and on too. Fucking pathetic end to end. Many people move right, and then farther right, only liars and shills deceive about their awakening and pre-awakening in my opinion.

I am at this point NATSOC OR STFU unless its gas action.Use to be able to come here and read for hours some really awesome shit now its geneology of a fucking jew pozzed e celeb SMFH where did they all go so I can also

If that's true then Lauren Southern could have some U.S. Govt. intelligence agency connections. She might even be 2nd or 3rd generation CIA.

You believe in fantasies. Do you honestly believe if you got rid of the alt-right all of its followers would suddenly become NatSoc? Do you believe that the white working class would suddenly become NatSoc? The white working class are Israel-supporting conservatives.

If the alt-right is controlled by Jews then why does it have no political power? Why is it censored on social media? If the kikes were behind it, surely they would help it grow to become a liable alternative to mainstream conservatism.

she has Canadian Intelligence connects

1. 'Lokteff/Loktev' is a Russian-Jewish surname. Do a Google search for "Israel Loktev" for proof.

2. She has a Jewish physiognomy.

3. Her blonde hair color is fake.

Lauren Simonsen is Canadian so she is an asset of the RCMP or whatever the fuck they call their intel agency up in Canukistan.

Reading about these scumbags is getting depressing the longer I lurk in this thread.Post link if you find hope this thread stays up.



Bu…but nothing comes up as a jewish surname when I type in Lokteff, are you suggesting jews would change a few letters of their surname in order to deceive the goy? :^)

wrong they need the cred of oppressed to push their shit through alt right as a buffer zone to absolute FUCK ALL JEWS KILL THEM NOW!!

Isn't it true the nigger blames whitey for slavery because the Jew has deflected blame from himself and onto us? Do you think the blacks would reject the Jew if they learned the truth? I do. Why wouldn't they? And isn't it true the Jew turns the Nations against whites because the Jew claims we are the racist problem, when they themselves are the racist problem? You see user, the Jew wins allies through deception, because the Jew confuses the willingness to lie with "intelligence." Even their intelligence agency, the MOSSAD, has for their motto

You want to turn the entire world NatSoc and against the Jew?
Just give the entire world the truth.

thanks will look into that

Indeed, nothing will come up in a Google search for 'Lokteff,' which appears to be an extremely rare variant of 'Loktev' used only by Laura Lokteff's family.

This was very confusing to me when I was researching the name. But then it dawned on me to change the spelling to 'Loktev' and I hit the jackpot.

google.co.jp/?gfe_rd=cr&ei=x7JhWbbFNqyL8QeCvYGwBA#q=LOKTEV ISRAEL

Thanks .

holly shit this is the most Jewish bullshit answer I have heard today.

also reposing the Daniel Friberg information because people are definitely trying to bury it in the thread.

Who the fuck is Daniel Friberg? Didn't Richard Spencer allegedly create altright.com? Why is there a CEO, and why is it a Jew named Friberg?




Dig into Daniel Friberg

>A guy named Daniel (((Friberg))) is apparently one of the heads of the Alt right now, he seems to be calling the shots and providing the shekels.

^This is obvious if you ever bring up these topics around a TRSodomite they panic (for example in one of their live streams).


also if you read the article it seems Grinder Greg is pissed off at Spencer:



Mathias Wåg




why was spencergate thread #2 deleted lmao

fuck, my bad, it wasn't the OP is just really, really shit


You're right, but they were also controlled opposition.

Says (129).

I don't know who's psyopping who any more.

So this is Holla Forums now huh? Leftypol runs this place, thats cool.
Nice place faggots

Oh look this thread again, what does this remind me of…hmm…

You're right, it's true. We forgot David Duke's treaty. We forgot to only punch left.

Why the fuck is thread 1 being bumped again?

Just filling the old thread so people post in the new one because otherwise stupid people will post in this one and bump it again.


Previous post wasn't supposed to link to my other one.

Don't post in the old one and bump it just because some faggot got banned for being a faggot and his posts deleted.

And finally, to ensure no more negrobumps when thread 2 exists: