
Use filter to get only live streams: youtube.com/results?search_query=G20
Mikk Media (good one when it works): youtube.com/watch?v=fWxyWrmwOPo
RT: rt.com/on-air/395706-g20-protests-hamburg-police/
RT English YouTube: No stream at the moment.
RT #3: youtube.com/watch?v=AGCpPST7tto
RT #4: youtube.com/watch?v=xsykjlXaqCQ
Ruptly #1: youtube.com/watch?v=HQJ65VelAmQ
Ruptly #2: youtube.com/watch?v=aJQHzYcmSt4
YouTube (President Trump) #1: youtube.com/watch?v=EwW3in71f5w
YouTube (President Trump) #2: youtube.com/watch?v=1jjU8_Le-x0
Other #1: youtube.com/watch?v=u8Z4DEy6XIg

Other urls found in this thread:



All the streams are low energy at the moment tbh.

Any user subaru owner in Hamburger?

looks like they got redpilled hard and now they know their country is too far gone. they can see their early deaths in the coming war.

What are the chances of a decent happening today?

Pretty low, tbh.

Well, HoGeSa (right winged-ish hooligans) are busing their guys into Hamburg today.
That ought to be interesting

Yeah I'm watching the stream and seems pretty boring.

Pardon my ignorance and double post but what is their beef? They just hate antifa fags as much as us? Would they be /ourguys/ or just enemy of our enemy tier?

I hope I can get more cyberpunk screencaps





Checking both post double dubs and dubs in the picture. Kinda makes you wonder how much stress these German police can take.

Give me the lowdown, what's this about?


That's the long and the short of it.

Are all RT's streams down?

Are her feet taped together? She could have a broken leg or something that they're trying to keep elevated. Though, I'll admit I have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about in regards to first aid. Looks like they're trying to keep them both elevated though. Are German police as cucked as other countries, where they don't carry sidearms?

Yeah, I've just got a few ear splitting reeeeees on a few of their channels.

Same, hmmm.

RT is a fucking cocktease, when the thing starts to get good, they cut the feed

Everything seems placid though. Nothing is happening right now. or it doesn't seem like it. Any streams with action anons? Or will that start later?

I think that's just her shin-guard secured to her leg with a bit of extra duct tape. If she had a serious injury there would be 6 million medical personal airlifting her out immediately.

Ah, I see. Just fat and sweaty then. Probably swollen feet. I can't imagine that 50lbs of nylon and plastic on top of an inch or two of fat feels overly great. I've always wondered what it would be like to be a riot cop. I think I would like to be one of the guys with a rifle that stands behind all of the grunts with shields. Less chance of getting Molotov'd and if it ever hits the fan, I'd have an easier time of being effective with a rifle than a plastic shield and stick.

They're just shuffling down the street, swilling beer and shouting occasionally. Same as most of the daylight footage over the past few days. It will probably be like last night once the sun goes down. Some beer bottle throwing, rubbish/car fires and minor looting.

Then the security apparatus will hose them down with water and herd the weak faggots off the street, again. But then again, maybe some shitlords will show up later and start kicking the shit out of the commies.

Then again, I'd probably get bent over and fucked in the ass by my department for having the gall to shoot a bunch of dirty commies or shitskins even if they were tossing firebombs and swinging rebar at my coworkers' heads.

posting this again tbh. improved filename

Missed that one the first time around. A satisfying face pummeling.

No, they are pretty based.
Sorta like a SA, low brow thugs, sure, but they want to beat the right (or left lmao) guys up.
Their name stands for "Hooligans Gegen Salafisten", which translates into "Hooligans against Salafists", because that's who they originally wanted to fuck up.

The Skull and Bones thing is the "coat of arms" of a district of Hamburg and its football team, that guys just a local probably m8

Eh, I like my version better but thx for the info.

It's that part when the theatrical "petty me" fear turns to real "holy shit I'm about to get beat retarded" terror. That's the moment of satisfaction right there.

It's pretty dark now and they're not doing much. Haven't seen any hooligans yet.

Seems like they lost the will to riot after they brought out the space tanks, smoke and lasers, and radical cyberpunk aesthetics last night.


Getting a bit more intense now.

That ain't live.

I haven't followed the news for a few days. Did anything interesting happen or was this just the standard "few people throwing a hissy-fit"-affair?

You can say that with confidence based on what?

A few more pummelings.

That it has a total play time of 4:06:12


Mind pasting the link to that one and checking it with the first one you posted?


What I'm seeing from that link

What browser are you using?
Maybe google is doing some region fuckery, what country are you in?

They changed the url



In for the Cyberpunk goodness.

In case it happens again, I just went back to the Ruptly tv youtube homepage and opened the stream in another tab.

here's the RT Deutsch stream

seriously though what browser is that?

I propose doxxing any Antifa sighted not wearing their masks. Start with this faggot who thinks he'll destroy capitalism by buying jewgle.

PaleMoon with a theme I modified a bit. It's FT DeepDark 9.4.1 by steva (aka sr21)

Needs the Friends Forever edit with Dubya.

u shitting me?

thanks do I find steva on the forums or what?
Really doesn't look like much is going to be happening tonight…. op spoke too soon

NVM found it

what stream are you watching? all I'm seeing is hippies doing sit ins and chanting

this one it heated up for about 6 seconds then the cops started marching towards them and they quieted right up.

No point in doxing them in Germany. They are state-funded and state-protected.

Apparently they took buses heading the wrong way.

Got blue balls again. Fuck this G20.

crowd getting rekt on reuters feed

link bls

has a few cams it switches between


So basically (((reuters))) will now cover such protests unlike the last 8 years.

those water cannons don't fuck around

Yeah pretty much.

Link it faggot.




Best streams at the moment from what I can tell (All low energy).



Where the fuck is my black block I wanted to see f e d s c r a c k i n h e a d s, Germany fails to live up to expectations yet again.

As most of you have noticed the G20 is setting Hamburg on fire.

I propose we capitalise on that.

threre is a recent and increadibly quickly increasing public awareness of this left wing scum setting the city on fire.

This is a great oppertunity for the public is becoming aware and starting to discuss a previously unknown problem and with that comes a desire for information.

are there any good memes about the anarcho left wing scum ?

This is the best stream going. It has 4 simultaneously going.

that website is cancer, too much shit going on.

just press h and all that shit goes away

use a media player that can playback the extracted video stream from that URL
like mpv for example

Huh??? Do they really think the goals of Internationalism and Globalism are not similar in any way?

International solidarity =/= the entire planet adopting a capitalist means of production you unbearable baboon

>>>Holla Forums

the objectives of globalist communism and globalist capitalism are identical, the only difference is the economics. Now commit seppuku.

And nationalists can't have international solidarity with each other while staying in their own countries? You are being obtuse and I'm sure you understand I meant promoting the free movement of all people across the world and dissolving borders like both globalists and Internationalists want.

That's just what they want the average citizen to believe.

"The only difference" as if the difference is that small and negligible as if its a minor aside or some shit. Get the fuck out of here dumb ass. At the very least read the manifesto so you can AT THE VERY LEAST understand the logic.

No I'm not, you don't understand a single thing about the left or understand what the word nuance means.
They also support sustainable lives, living wages, integrated communities and so on. People wouldn't want to move away from their countries homes if their homes weren't ruined shitholes and the dumping grounds of capitalist production. Dissolving borders doesn't mean shit if you have a home you like and want to stay in.

Listen, you left leaning parasite, many Holla Forumsacks used to be left wing at some point in time due to it being to default state-imposed stance. We understand the left perfectly, it's you who doesn't understand. You regurgitate this garbage drivel that you've had injected into your anus since birth. It's all lies.
All of these shit nigger countries were shit before capitalism.

The manifesto is literally propaganda you retarded faggot, nothing in the manifesto correlates to real life application.

Getting "redpilled" when you were 13 by Sargon doesn't mean shit, retard.
Is this really your point? Is this your entire reasoning? Europe was "shit" before capitalism too, unless you think gay pagans rolling around in mud and raiding Roman cities was real cool or some shit.

Who are you trying to fool? Yourself?

thanks I needed that.

Says after reading Mein Kampf and jacking his little dick off to "literal propaganda" images of the third reich.

ooh you got 'em

You're a regular conservative-facebook-group-tier soccer mom aren't you. What else are you going to say, "if liberals were smart they wouldn't be liberals"? lmao

Top kek. Sure, if you aren't white they do. But desiring an all white community is "housing discrimination", "segregation" and Y Supremacy. That how it works, right?
Right. And it just so magically happens all of these shitholes are non white countries and the countries they want to move into are in the Anglosphere/ Europe which both have relatively free markets.

And those gay pagans rolling around in the mud became civilized. Meanwhile in Africa, nature spent millions of years creating a race that hasn't moved on from worshiping snakes, chucking spears, and showering in cow piss.

Inadvertently imblyink capitalism turns countries un-shit. Kek. Stupid nigger.
the left can't meme

Wow, good one there, friendo. You really hit the nail on the head! Your deduction and assumption skills are top-notch! We should give you an extra scoop of gruel when you go to cafeteria today.
I know you're desperate, probably have this as your only paying job in years. Come on, man. What are you doing with yourself, would your mother be proud of what youve done with your life? I doubt she raised you to be so hateful, but i could be mistaken. Is all you do in life is spew out bigoted hate that you are possibly, very probably programmed to say? When your life flashes before your eyes during the final moments, is THIS what you want to remember? Go outside, read a book written a thousand or more years ago, walk your dog. Something that isnt you wasting your life being a NPC

Look up what integrated means tardo.
First its the welfare that they want to move to Europe for, now it's the "free markets".
Your WE WUZ ROMANZ N SHIET wiggery aside, you are a mongrel with zero understanding of history.

They also created a race that actually satisfies white women.

new stream

"Integration" is a lie you spastic cunt. Race naturally balkanize, that's why we have China town, kike district, various niggerslums, paki areas, mudslime areas. Races self-segregate.
You've really gobbled this global worker solidarty bullshit right up, haven't you?

Well golly gee it's just that simple isn't it? Capitalism also triggered 2 world wars that destroyed a major portion of the European population. Capitalism also erased and is continuing to erase the local traditions of the indigenous populations of Europe with pop culture and consumerism. To a right-tard it's all worth it because capitalism gives him a chance at a mortgage and an unhappy marriage.
Memes are the compensation right-tards have to make for being socially retarded and thus having zero real world organizational skills. Those memes sure helped Le Pen win right, bro?

Did you not get the memo from your higher ups that this trolling tactic hasnt worked for at least a year on this board? The only ones who spam it are folks like you and whomever pays folks like you. But if you are this deluded, and can only stick to the script Pajeet poo'd out for you, be my guest.

So you're argument is
yet you want people to waste time reading your shitty manifesto.

good stream, thanks

I'm always bewildered by those types. What do they think they're accomplishing when they give away who they are about 1 post into their rampage of sticking out as hard as possible? Maybe they get paid no matter what they post and they secretly like us so they act as ineffectively as possible on purpose.

You're posting on a national socialist board, you utter faggot. I don't even like capitalism, it's jewish trickery, as is communism. I was merely making the point that capitalism didn't fuck those countries up, they were atrocious before capitalist kikes pillaged them and they would be total dogshit if capitalism didn't pillage them. There are countries in Africa in which people still haven't invented the wheel, irrigation or farming, naturally they would be creating colonies on Mars if it were not for the nasty (((capitalists))), right?
You're a fucking dumb nigger.

They probably get a flat amount no matter the content, so they can half ass it and play thier hand first turn with no regrets. Why try to damage control, when youre already getting paid?
Sounds like something a lazy nigger or jew would do tbh

Yes, either that or /ourguys/. Waste cuck resources on nothing. If it wasn't them it would be someone who actually tries and does more damage.

You're posting porn, retard. If anyone is a wigger it's you.
By shitting in streets? Through trying to prove that white women are degenerate you also proven that niggers are degenerate too. Thanks CF.

The left has done more to fight globalism in one day than the right has in 5. Godspeed to those brave comrades.

Is the right-wing a paper tiger Holla Forums?

*in 5 years*

Point out these rioters are being paid with tax money and aren't attacking buisnesses that pay a protection fee by buying a certain sign. They're government goons. Someone make a Merkel with antifa and riot cop handpuppets in punch and judy style.
Anyone have that doodle of Antifa throwing bricks at cops only to cry for their aid while being chased by nationalists?

I literally get tears in my eyes and fire in my heart seeing those brave comrades fuck this fascist world up. Give them hell, lads.

Remove yourself, and fuck off to the nearest corner store poste haste. Thanks for blindly ignoring my arguments against you, you filthy. BIGOT. SPADE.
If there is anything to take away from this, just carve into your arm that you are a bigot, through and through. Make sure to pick at the scabs often, so it forms scar tissue, btw!

okay now youre baiting to no end. globally reported

He was triggered into an existential spergout because I insinuated that his beliefs will have similar bad outcomes as the beliefs of people he has dedicated his life and formed his entire belief structure around to opposing. Him posting the blacked photo is pic related.

Yeah lets fight with globalism with whining and degeneracy. That'll work.

Return whence you came, Moishe.
>>>Holla Forums

Is this perhaps the most convoluted right-tard conspiracy ever? One the one had you are complaining about some mythical anarchist and state collusion while on the other you are rooting for the police and military and reporting antifas to the FBI and other authorities. Right-tards are the only agents of the state that cry like little girls and call the cops when a trash can gets tipped over or some shit.

As if it wasn't obvious from his fist reply. Look at it again. He suggested they can be logical in their thought process. kek.

What is it with this insesent belief right-wingers have about PHYSICAL ACTUAL REAL WORLD ACTION being nothing more than "whining" and "chimpouts"? If we're honest it's really just a cover for how embarrassed you are of the left being more realpolitik and "might is right" than you.
Like what?
Better than making memes.

Whatcha gonna do to me, commie? Gonna make me fuck your woman for you cause you can't get it up?
All you have are insults and bad ones too at that.

Those types are about as subtle as a brick through a window. They can hide for a post or two but the urge to virtuesignal is way too fucking strong and their will is too weak to resist. If they were strongwilled they wouldn't be commies in the first place so the trope is universal.

This is our day of the rope. Our left-wing death squads will smash these government pigs and burn down the halls of power.

Filtered and reported for being intellectually dysfunctional.
If dubs your mother gets savagely raped and murdered by wild niggers.

Holla Forums's BO is a tranny. That is all.

You got luck, faggot.

It's almost like the elite don't care about useful idiots. Not like you would understand something that has happened during and after every communist revolution since you stupid bastards don't allow yourself to question any transgression a Communist state has committed.




None of that changes the fact that you support the police, literally the state, the enforcers of the rules and principles that the state and situation rests on. I saw a "National Socialist" on here amicably conserve with a "conservative cop". This board and American National Socialism is probably an FBI operation to be honest.

Pajeet Tryone McGibesmedat, please share with us how much you get paid to post here, and the secret to your laziness!
I patiently await to see you respond to ANY of my posts aside the initial one I made. I dare you faggot. ;^)))))))

They look like a bunch of repulsive faggots smashing things in a tantrum. The average person would rather "globalism" than to deal with those horrible queers. A bunch of trannies and junkies making a lifestyle out of protesting and looting is also not very "might is right" since they always get shut down by the state and then laughed at. Besides the main enemy of the right is cultural subversion, prancing about in the streets begging billionaires to give you money does nothing to fix it.

Got gonna happen user. As soon as these double digit IQ faggots get BTFO once they wriggle around like eels, shitting everywhere and never engaging in any rational discussion. How else could they continue to live in their insane dreamworld? They're terrified of engaging us on an intellectual level because they know they'll lose.

What, you mean the molotov that burned down that campaign headquarters and basically cost the election in that state and swung a lot of voters to the Republicans because of it? Good job. Way to also implicate your BO in that federal crime, too. You fags literally only have that one even with the Golden Dawn over seven years ago, back when nobody opposed you, to talk up, and it's hilarious that you cling to it so hard.

NatSoc and Fascism doesn't have a problem with the State as an entity, retard. In fact it relies on it. One can support the State as a concept and espouse an ideal form of it, while opposing the current form of it, or even opposing certain elements of it while supporting others.

Got gonna happen user. As soon as these double digit IQ faggots get BTFO once they wriggle around like eels, shitting everywhere and never engaging in any rational discussion. How else could they continue to live in their insane dreamworld? They're terrified of engaging us on an intellectual level because they know they'll lose.>>10223143
Would be a shame if someone reported them to the FBI :^)


wtf, cancerous browser bugs

leftshits sure have brain problems

The 3gig folder you have of "degenerate" leftists doesn't change the fact that every single one of those people has shut down and chased out a right-wing speaker at least twice in their life. Surface level crap about muscles, masculinity and whatever else doesn't mean shit when you don't the courage to prove it.

There's a difference between courage and acting like a retard.

Sure thing cupcake.

Cease your faggotry at once, infidel!
Seriously, you are a programmed NPC. You know what that means? Non-Player Character. You have no will, no self, no true ego. Only what your handlers installed into you during programming. When you die, no one mourns. Quite the opposite, everyone will forget your existance once you die.

requesting the clip of the 5 dudes at the Berkley riot that out fought the 20+ leftist mob in the dumpster scrum. Or any clip of Stickman single handedly fending off the horde on multiple occasions. Or the fag with the anarchy flag that pepper sprayed the dude like a bitch while running away like a frightened animal, which the dude promptly shrugged off and drop kicked him for. And those were just the weekend warrior garden variety right wingers that aren't even that extreme about it.


wrong img


I mean ffs, all we had to do was push back one time with any sort of effort, and you degenerates got blown the fuck out so hard that the sperging that followed was and will remain legendary.

You're recognized as a terror organization in one of the most pozzed states in the Union, which is saying something, embarrassed yourselves to the nth degree with your "shooting practice", "self defense" classes in the middle of a park, and accidentally hiring a stolen valor cuck to teach you "tactics", and shit your pants so hard at being doxxed and seeing the nation hate you that you fell apart and had to rebrand, which you're still struggling with. Even your Reddit branch fell apart because they couldn't keep up with the double think of being communists while trying to become effective and organized. You're a joke. The world laughs at you every time you attempt something, because you're so hilariously inept and childlike.

user from Hamburg here.
This is a great chance for us, the radical left wing instrument of power is exposed.
The media is already in damage control by trying to direct the publics anger at the politician responsible for holding G20 here.
Beyong that they meme that violence is just violence and not motivated by subhuman ideology.
The public is pissed and will demand discussion.
this is a great oppertunity to redpill ordinary germans on violent left wing scum, the intellectual decontructivist semantics who harbour them and how both groups are motivated by hatred for western civilization.

In order to be a commie you have to be a weakling with zero motivation and zero prospects with a massive amount of parental coddling. They want a parental state that will give them more of their same, and they never bled without someone kissing it better. These faggots never have suffered as suffering is like rain for it enables growth and prosperous health. No suffering, no growth, no tolerance for pain like a fist in the gob.
Easy meat for hungry wolves!

Has anyone doxed the faggot German Antifa journalist Sören Kohlhuber yet? This faggot needs to be taught a lesson. I've found various writings of his on Antifa websites. He claims to not be apart of them. I came up short on a couchserfing account. Anyone want to lend a hand?

This is relevant to my interests, will search for info in morning.

Holy shit you fucking commies, stop being mentally handicapped for just one minute and think. You really believe the average joe is on your side after this shit? I live in Germany faggot, and the average Hamburger who isn't part of your little gay pride parade, sorry I meant "demonstrations", is royally pissed at you retards. You know, the "poor" and "exploited" worker you homos always harp on about, who is too busy having a job to riot unlike you worthless mongoloids, who cry and complain about the state but happily collect welfare? But please, continue disrupting the public peace and making the life of the average citizen even harder. I'm sure you will make a lot of allies and not shift the overton window further and further at all.

Basically what this user said. This could be good for this country in the long run, if we play our cards right.


Here you go. It seems they're already onto him.

Soros's RefuseFascism group gloats over ransacking Hamburg

you are correct.
we should try to connect the violent scum and the intellectual apologetics, mainly the rhetoric they use.
Here is a video of a spokesman (intelectual representation as mentioned earlier) who "has sympathy for such actions" i will translate.

his mug
he's a low energy boyman who needs to fight "Nazis" to have a reason for his existance


Are these vermin even cognitive?

Just so you know I've just come across information that his name is really Christopher Frölich.

I don't even understand what the point of these are. Happens every summit and it never accomplishes anything but the opposite because they double down on statism and capitalism and all the like. It seems these riots only give them excuses to do so. Might explain why the elites fund their organisations and the state lets them get away with so much. Useful idiots.

I think a good aim is increased pubilc awareness of left wing anarcho/totalitarian scum union and their intellectual apologetics memeing that violence has nothing to do with left wing ideology.
There is a just recently developed knowledge of the danger, but the people dont know that Organisations who fund some of their activity by taxes (Roter Aufbau,Inaternationale Linke, Interventionischtische Linke)exist to defend that scum politcally.

they definitely don't seem to be.

Why do we not go to these global finance meetings ?

It's like all of our worst enemies all gathered in one place, the global finance kikes and the global communist kikes all in the same place at once.

The happening opportunities are fucking limitless.

Did anyone remind them Obama did as well? Like how stupid can you be?

When your enemies are battling each other, why involve yourself? These commie ignoramuses merely make the argument in favor of fascism more convincing. Why do we need to go and smash things up arbitrarily?

the worst enemy is the ideological representation, that is what gives justification.
Pols ability lays in weakening intruments of power by the use of memes, to invite chaos and ridicule.

Because it would accomplish nothing. Nothing of anyone being at these summits ever means anything. Learn from Hitler about how to grab power, you don't brown shirt. You go to the beer halls and the polls and point at leftist idiots burning down the property and businesses of the working class and common man.

What does it mean? I really hope for "all zionists are bastards".

Any recommended "best of riot" videos?

Remind me what are they protesting again?

Leftism and self-awareness are mutually exclusive things

In their eyes, the g-20 is capitalism manifest.
they are literally communists, though the media only wants to portray them as "anti-capitalists/capitalism critics"

Most people here come from neoconservatisvism, don't expect those retards to get the message

Damn what is that


Exactly, these riots are all ordered and payed by the G20. Only violent(not sperging and burning shops and random cars) nationalistic riots would actually do something.

it's unfortunate that 40%+ of police forces in the western world are 5' 2" meatballs with leaky vaginas. weak links in the fence…

I started thinking antifa had appropriated St. Pauli shirts as some sort of uniform.

The man

What is it about lefty genetics that make them all have weak chins?

Do they really think this will ever happen? Are there true believers that think going to this rally on July 15 will directly lead to Trump and Pence "going"? What a naive and silly thing to rally about. Completely pointless waste of time.


So one of the guys taking pictures to document among others Laura Southern when they are being attacked for being "nazi" by antifags has now been identified as swedish antifa researcher/journalist Mathias Wåg.

This guy helped track internet "trolls" for jewish newspaper Expressen a couple years back.

Feel free to tell him how you feel about his actions: twitter.com/guldfiske?lang=sv

Cars need sprinkler systems now.
It's an antifa world.