WoW - Legion

I haven't actually seen any like hype for it. But then again I don't visit the normalfag websites.

Did Blizz just give up?

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TBC 2.0



Pretty much. Illidan's return, every player gets an Ashbringer and demon hunter class is "break glass in case of emergency" level.

Besides that, this xpac's looking pretty ogre, worse than Gaylords of Fagnor.

Why do threads about this shit keep getting made? It's shit, that's all you need to know about it.

Holy shit some salty fucks in here

videogames are kiddie shit, lets talk about memes and trump



Even transmog overhaul was half-assed, because now you have to go to a NPC to hide your helmet/cape, instead of just selecting it on settings menu.

This legitimately triggered me. Why the fuck did they think that was a good idea? I've always had my helmet hidden because most helmets look like complete fucking ass.

Go back to tumblr faggot.

I'm legitimately triggered by you homosexual. Make sure to check out my tumblr where I post some extremely degenerate shit.

I know it's a small thing to complain about, but holy shit that's retarded.

Much like every joke to pass through the sphincter known as Holla Forums, "triggered" has been beaten so thoroughly that not even atoms remain

Point is: Blizzard managed to screw even a small thing like transmog funcionality on this new xpac, so you can expect they'll manage to screw bigger things like artifacts, class gameplay, professions and class halls, A.K.A. garrison 2.0.

speaking of this they removed the option for reverse clean up bags.

if you want all your shit in the backpack then you will have to never use the cleaning button.

You forgot the lore they ruined, but I guess that's already covered.

gonna raid with friends, im not getting my hopes up a lot of the epac seems like ass

Did they somehow fuck up the lore even more with the new patches on top of the autism that I've already heard about?

Have you heard about how Illidan is the champion of the Light, the one destinated to command the Army of the Light against the Legion? Or how Azeroth is not a planet, is a Titan egg, and Sargeras dindu nuffin and only destroy planets to stop some fuckers called Void Lords to spread their infection through Old Gods?

First one yes. Second one no.

Is there a complete list of all the things throughout the years that "killed" WoW? I don't play the game but I remember that Death Knights killed it, then garrisons killed it, and now this thing with skills or whatever is definitely for real going to kill it.

Also, the Titan Pantheon is already dead, the visions we have through the game are only echoes. Sargeras killed them thousands of years before Warcraft timeline even starts.

it depends on when you joined and when you left, its probably the best mmo currently but for me blizzard keeps fucking it and making it worse but im still playing because of my friends

I bought it, but only because I'm an addict who has been with it since the beginning.

I don't play nearly as much any more, and I can't say I have much fun with it when I do. The latest patch pretty much murdered most aspects of the game and broke whatever isn't dead. Hell, even RP took a hit when they fucked cross realm stuff even harder in the pre-patch. Goldshire on fucking moonguard was even a ghost town last I looked, though apparently that was a "bug" and supposedly fixed.

I'm going down with the ship, lads.

it was fun playing with your gentlemen

Fellow addict here

Why is everyone losing their shit over pre-patch?
I play Enh Shaman and, while it's not the clusterfuck that was the WotLK rotation, it's still better than what was WoD and MoP.

Although the new Surv hunter are fucking dick.
I've had a surv hunter since TBC and it burns to know what they've done to them but I still think that WoD was the absolute rock bottom and that virtually any change would be better than WoD.

I bought the CE because I am addicted as well, I share your same story.

Only reason I play now is to shit on people on General Chat in Org, Go try and make gold (recently bought the Ethereal Soul-Trader for 40k, shit's cash and the dude is fucking awesome), or I go run for some mounts or something.

I was a wow addict, just use other games to fill the need. Fucks sake man, they added a silencing feature and you bought an expansion after garrison cancer.
Just use monster hunter for grinding loot needs and if you relapse too hard, wow private servers to get that quick fix for a while

I hope you're at least not one of those turbo homos who thought removing all the totems was a good idea. Hell turning the whole thing into a full melee with only special effects to remind you that you're a shaman burns my ass. Supposed to be a battle mage, implying both spells and melee, ranged and close range, not a fucking fury warrior but with lightning spell effects.

I got burnt out on MH. Freedom kept me away from WoW for a good long while but the newer games just couldn't hold my attention aside from Tri and 3U, especially on the 3DS. Now that they've dropped console support entirely I just can't give a shit anymore.

On the plus I've filled some of that time with working out and am not a depressed sack of shit any more. Thats not videogames so I won't bother discussing beyond recommending it and saying that if you're a progress autist like me and absolutely need to see results you'll be in a much better position to see those results and start off without getting discouraged compared to your average joe since we've been crunching numbers and getting excited over 0.5% crit chance per talent point for years now.

Fuck, that's terrible

I know Warrior class Hall is already fucked. Okay, what happens is, you come across some Random Vrkyul fighting some Legion guys, they decide to be friends with you out of fucking nowhere, you eventually die, and are brought to life in basically Valhalla.

Odyn comes up and tells you, that you are the greatest Snowflake of Azeroth and you need to help him, thats the reason you are the only non-Vrykul there.

So the whole place looks like a Stormpeaks hub, because there are no Famous Warriors hanging out in the Class Hall like all the others. And your only companies are Vrykul, Valk'kyrs and Iron Dwarves.

Oh did I mention the Class Hall is actually just one of the sections of a 5 man?


Why don't you guys go play on a private server instead of playing current WoW. Even with all the bugs , they can't possibly be worse

Why go half way when you can just stop playing WoW at all?

The best part of this is all it does is make the corrupted ashbringer that much more valuable, with all the cheap copies everywhere.

You'd think blizzard would realize it was the rarity and the significance together that made ashbringer and other weapons special. It was about status, not about the weapon itself.

I remember going to goldshire on moonguard during tbc to watch people erp. That was a weird fucking place.

I've not played since WotLK. Is the transmog thing client side, i.e can you turn off everyone's transmog with a setting? I liked being able to identify how accomplished a player was just by looking at their gear.

The totem culling and addition of bloodlust equivalents to hunters and mages were the greatest crimes of Cataclysm from my resto shaman eyes.

It is server side, but for the most part everyone leaves their levelling/dungeoneering clownsuits within a week or two of hitting max level nowadays anyways and end up looking like copycats of eachother unmogged

How does the new lore contradict what is already canon?

The whole thing is basically ripping off SC2 which has the exact same plot structure.

Everyone is going to say they hate this expansion then go and secretly play it on the side. Its going to be fun on this board when the game releases.

That…that's just stupid.

I don't want to know what they did to Hunters and Druids. :( Please tell me they're not as retarded as this.

You know what? I was actually going to try this for 2-3 months because I wanted to use a Gnome Hunter.

Then I read all of the retarded shit from past threads, remembering all of the forced sjw/corrupted bullshit Metzen added to this game and how I promised to never give Blizzard any money (I have a list of companies I boycott).

But yea, it should be interesting to see what happens when Legion comes out with day one problems (unless for some miraculous reason, Blizzard has it playable on day one). I got a feeling most of the posts will be negative.

of course it's going to be.

Number 1 problem that this next expansion reeks is that the Garrison will also be implemented to Legion

I don't play the game but I love Dranei.

na they said the garrison will be there but instead of feeding money and necessary items into players and rewarding having no fun they will instead unlock quests in the actual world that you can (I think optionally) do for bonus stuff

Fuck off goatfucker

It still sounds like a bad idea. They shouldn't havce added Garrisons, forcing them into the class quest lines.

Not in every culture. Thor's chariot is pulled by goats and they used to be the main livestock in a lot of places like cows are now.

reminder if you want to play older WoW there is a Holla Forums group doing just that

goats and goatpeople are different things user


Look at this shit and tell me it's not evil.

I own goats nigger. they're just dumbasses and weirdos. a bunch of nutty desert coons 3 thousand years ago looked at a goat's strange eyes and thought it would make a good demon in their religion-in-the-making.

Literally the only good thing about World of Warcraft.

I also owned goats nigger, I'm from AG Town, USA. Not by choice, mind you. And I can tell you that they're little fucking devils.

You ain't gonna stop me from doing shit faggot. My dick is moire powerful than you can comprehend.

I found your problem.

What the fuck?

I couldn't do it man, WoD was the last straw and I finally said fuck it and uninstalled. And they keep fucking up Warrior.

How about that Elune is super god of light? It get weirder considering that Cenarius is her son and servely under powered

Legion is first x-pac that dosen't get me even litle fired up. Wow is dead, has been long time, body is just catching up.

I think you meant

They scrapped all of the Resto Druid's MoP kit during the pruning for WoD, and they didn't have the balls to say they really dropped the ball with Symbiosis in MoP. There were other beefs I had with WoD (retarded third stat despite removing other stats, No flying mounts, stupid hurdles you needed to go through to do a dungeon, etc.), but the Druid changes were what broke my camel's back,

what hurdles? I played WoD pretty late for only a litttle time and I never had to do anything but some shitty proving grounds to do the dungeons.

not that I needed to since all the gear in dungeons are shit.

Yea, I was referring to the shitty proving grounds that still don't help people with their roles.

You need to back up your claims.

I havent played since early cata, how bad have they fucked up hunters since then? What abilities were removed with the most recent update?

Not a hunter player, but from what I saw
enjoy 3 button wack a mole rotations, also traps are now exclusive to the reworked survival spec, which is melee now.
also pretty much anything neat was changed, see stampede summoning just random who cares animals and zero interaction between buttons beyond RNG stuff

holy shit, Who thought that was a good idea? I'm both happy that I got out while the getting was good, and beyond mad that they've fucked up the game to such a degree. fuck

That's fucking retarded.


Balance druids have lost their eclipse bar, and have had it replaced with a boring build and spend bar very similar to destruction warlocks

How much do they pay blizzard shills?

I mean I like it but come on I want blue eyed blue skins on here with goatlegs and thick thighs. Also that third one is a spawn between Applejack and a human, I know because I've been around too long I even know the artist who is Fuschia I believe but I could be wrong

a 5 man?
you mean a dungeon or a giant man composed of 5 parts and you're inside his torso or something?


That said, I'm kinda annoyed at the fact that there aren't any achievements for collecting higher numbers of appearances. The current ones are absolutely trivial.

That would be a cool idea, have a giant fucked up creature walking around an area and you have to land on different parts of it to access different instances.
So Blizz would never do it.

My naga. Grizzly Hills was decent too.

did someone say legion spoilers?

I was okay with one Hunter tree going melee even though they changed Hunters to a pure-range class for a fucking reason.

Hunter was an organ class that required you to have a million macros. I don't miss that shit.

However, this is beyond stupid.

Doesn't Voljin die?

I've seen conflicting reports with no hard evidence, which is weird considering this comes out in like 2 weeks.

FFXI was a pretty nice game in spite of the criticism against it.

Blizzard always makes great OSts

their best department is their music department

even Hearthstone and Overwatch have good OSTs

I can't recall one memorable track from Diablo 3 out of RoS's ending music. That game's ost sucked dick.

I wouldn't know. I haven't played Diablo 3.

I did mingle in the beta and tried Hs for free though. They both have good tracks.

If you want to know more about the game's "deep" lore, you can buy the book at amazon.*Version*=1&*entries*=0

Grizzly Hills the best tho

When will the game get bad enough for someone to make a WoW cycle meme.

The game is a complete disaster now, but being a player who quit because of how fucking stale rogue got I can at least respect them trying with the new combat spec for rogues.

What are you talking about? Legion outlaw is just WoD combat with added in RNG slice and dice and internal bleeding only being used once you've rolled critical strike with that slice and dice.

This is it, they fucked up the lore beyond recognition.

When a new expansion advertises itself by announcing what "weapons" you can get, how you can change the appearance of items, and how you can repeat the same quests over and over, while avoiding old complaints that have been raised for years straight, and completely overlooking, even expanding upon, one of the most hated features it implemented since its inception, you know the house of cards can't stand for long.

They didn't give up, I'd say, but they are well aware that wow's best days are well behind it.

How does it ruin it?

I am having fun playing Demon Hunter. Best new class since Death Knight.

anyone wanna do some bgs alliance side?

This will end well.

Expanding on? I never heard about that.

Whats the point of a Transmog system when all the armor are borderline Burqas apart from a handful of pieces from Vanilla/TBC?

what's the point of my dick if i can only fit a handful in your mother's mouth?

i think you just answered your own question; that handful of vanilla and TBC pieces are what make WoW barely tolerable

is is there any good rpg/mmorpg where i get to experience the joy of progression by getting a piece of armour that has 2 more strenght than my last one?
that was legitimately the most fun thing about vanilla for me

i just wish i could erase my memories of wow and go back to level 1 in vanilla and just experience it all again fresh.

the fun of world of warcraft is the journey to level cap, actually being level cap is just a job you don't get paid for.

this tbh
leveling a warrior in vanilla was the best grind i ever had
fucking blacksmithing and mining were actually useful since the gear there was shit and i died to more than 2 mobs
fuck, even dungeons were fun
my first run of deadmines failed because smite kept killing us, but after a few levels i managed to do it, and damn were all the quest rewards for it satisfying
green iron set for life

Considering the player base is mostly chinks these days, I wonder how they'll react to that. If I remember correctly pay per minute MMOs are way more common than monthly subscriptions there. 1 day == 150 minutes seems like a massive ripoff to me, although I don't know how much they were paying for a minute previously.

You'd reckon they wouldn't fuck up the one actually large playerbases they have left.

Then again we're talking You think you wan't it but you don't Blizzard here so nothing is beyond them.

At least the Chinese will be used to the silence system already


Which xpac has been the worst so far?

or this one

Gameplay wise.
How Legion will compare I have no Idea.

Storywise - They're all bad with WoD and Legion sticking out the most.

WoD left a pretty sour fucking taste in millions of peoples mouths.
It was without a shadow of a doubt the worst WoW expansion.

And what have they done now with Legion?
There is demon hunters but after their tutorial they're level 100 so the only real content to do with them while leveling is Legion.
If you're a new player all you have to do is get to 70 on any character to unlock Demon Hunters and can then skip Wrath, Cata, MoP and WoD.
Death Knoob 2.0
This kills the end game.
But in actuality not really having any multiple raids at release kills the end game.

But I'ma play because my friends are going to play and I like playing games with my friends

What? Is it at least a different Dalaran or are they straight up reusing the same one? My friends said they'd play and raid in WoD, and stupid me and another friend faction changed and got ready for them. They didn't play until well after we quit and WoD proved to be a complete failure.

stolen for gw2 which was stolen from ffxiv
seriously its a disease instead of making new shit up lets make a circle of stealing shit from each other

On the upside,

Blame the obscene budgets of games nowadays. Not much room to take risks, unfortunately.

They ruin the lore in every patch and expansion pack, that's old hat.

I still want a big megapost detailing all their fuck-ups in Legion, though.

Blue space goats are the best

that's all WoW ever did though.


How is Mists better than Wrath? The last time I remember that xpac was considered garbage.

FatBoss (probably one of the few remaining raiders) has been pretty mixed with Legion. They're trying to like it, but even they think the camera changes are stupid.

How the fuck is any of that shit from Aoin armor?! There are good and bad ways to make sexy armor.

Wrath was the last expansion to have decent armor sets (except T9. Even Blizzard admitted T9 armor sucked dick).

You can thank in-game tokens that can be used to pay a subscription fee. It's not a surprise knowing this is happening (they implemented cash shops in Diablow 3).

WoD almost killed the game, and proved how horrible of a company Blizzard is. A lot of high-end guilds died thanks to WoD being a shit expansion for 2 years.

The design change would make sense if they completely changed her armor, and it didn't like sjw-pandering. I'm way more offended what they did the Ysondra, Ysera, Cenarius (Wtf, Metzen?! Fuck you!)


All the corruption bullshit?

I'd still place Wrath over it, but MoP is underrated, perhaps in part due to Pandas and also in part due to being sandwiched between Cata and WoD.

Some of Cata's were fine.

Its honestly sad.


Your first mistake

One of many reasons i will never give them money. When they did Cat they changed the world i enjoyed. Got maxed out then quick. Then they did pandas and i put up with it again until maxed out. Started WOD played for about four hours total and cancelled. WOD was complete garbage.

then why don't you do it again
thats the forums for a private wow vanilla server with x1 rates; its estimated to have open beta by the end of summer
they aren't using MaNGOS and they're going to block all VPNs(read:china) and make an extra server for the chinese if enough of them want it
also, they'll release both a PvP and PvE realm, and content will be released progressively, including the honor system(which will be introduced after release on purpose)
they aim to be better than nostalrius, and at times they stream development for the server(read: loot assignment) on twitch, which still isn't done yet as they're doing that completely manually so for example razormane wolves don't drop copper ore or peacebloom and nefarian doesn't drop 3 1h axes and nothing else in a single kill

You're lucky you stopped when you did. I got to Highmaul and on top of it being pretty basic people STILL couldn't clear it reliably.

will the talents and movesets actually change as though they did in vanilla or are we going to be stuck with 1.12 bullshit? I want my healing aura.

what did they do to the camera?

changing talents to the way they were in previous patches would require a client change(the softeare on your computer), rather than a server change(the software on their computers)
so unless they modify wow.exe, which they won't, it isn't gonna happen

It's in the first few minutes.

tl;dr - They won't let you customize the camera beyond the game's shitty ui via mods and shit. This pissed off some raiders because some bosses required you to change the camera view to know what the fuck is going on. Blizzard doesn't want to admit their shit is outdated and garbage.

It's in the youtube description, you lazy cunt.

I was actually considering coming back for the expansion but I actually forgot that I'd have to pay 60 burger coupons *and* give blizzard 15 more a month. Just to try and party like it's 2004 again.

What other games are out there where I can play as a healbot?

Playing as a holy paladin was comfy as fuck.

They also removed something called 'action cam' because there was a bug that sometimes activated it automatically. This sucked because it could only be turned on or off through a console command, not a menu option. But instead of just fixing the bug, Blizz removed the feature entirely.

Plus I think WoW is the only MMO with a comprehensive matchmaking system.


Is there a long detailed meme post or review on why this xpac is bad?

From what I understand, it wasn't intended to be used by players in its current state, and is still a work in progress.

meaning it will NEVER EVER be released, for all we know

by healbot do you mean a healer in heavy gear?
Because in that case the only one that comes to mind is TOR bully me if you want I never gave them money and the 3d space battles scratch an itch that few games get , but for all I know they changed that.
but there was a time when the commando class was basically a walking tank that never had to stop healing.

Nah just a healer in any general sense of the word.

Molten Core healing was the best but I feel like I'll never get to experience anything like it again.

Wildstar Mechari Medic

I thought wildstar died off?

It's now free to play and with 1 server. Considering the 1 server deal, its more of an MMO than WoW.

Everything in cash shop is attainable in game or purchasable using alternate currency thats available via gameplay as well.

Its a good game if you like the typical questing/dungeon/raid formula and action combat. I don't play any MMOS right now though.

I actually agree with this. MoP had breddy good world building and the zones were pretty comfy, but the linearity that blizz seems to love did kill the zone questing experience somewhat. At least you had some choice with that storyline you wanted to advance, but it was still pretty annoying if you broke a chain and came back to it later to find you have to hunt down the quest giver if you forgot where you were at.
The raids were also interesting. I enjoyed HoF - the bosses and atmosphere was great. Throne, the island and raid, was fun. I played a warlock then so getting to do a class quest was great. I really miss the class quests from pre-cata and the warlock green fire quest was just one of those on steroids. Good fun.
Siege was also pretty enjoyable. Garrosh did nothing wrong, but raiding a city was great. Wish they expanded upon ogrimmar citizens rebelling or forming a militia. IIRC the warlocks in the shadow cleft decided to summon demons and shit, but a militia of orgrimmar citizens attacking the trash just before shamans would've been nice.

WoD questing was just linear as fuck. 1 thing to do in the zone and forcing yrel into every fucking thing was annoying as fuck. It feels like they thought they were being clever using vignettes as filler, but it was just cheap. Raids were a bore tbh. Everything about WoD just made me regret keeping up that sub.

I've checked out Legion and honestly nothing strikes me as impressive. I was briefly excited for spriests, having played a priest for years, but that wore off.
If it were b2p I would consider picking up legion when it's at least 1/2 price, but paying a sub is just a deal breaker. I don't think it's worth a monthly financial commitment, especially when I'll probably just be playing alone doing randoms. I get more of a 'community' feel from playing dark souls and ds3, which is sad (especially considering I pirated ds3).



I'm not hype, I just don't know what other MMO to waste my life on.

lol no, 3x beastmaster 3s just roll over everyone.

Well that explains why I didn't know that.

i liked the mage set in cata
everything else looked weird though

Beta tester here:
Vol'jin dies, Varian dies, Tirion Fordring maybe dies. Sylvanas becomes the leader of the horde. This all happens in the first hour of Legion

Nigger, are you mad? Overall, I liked MoP a lot more than Cataclysm, but, apart from the dailies, everything MoP did wrong gameplay-wise was just an extension of shit that Cataclysm did slightly less wrong.

The best thing Blizz could do at this point is offer legacy progression servers similar to how Everquest did theirs. Once all raid bosses have been successfully cleared a countdown starts. At the end of the countdown the server votes on whether or not to progress to the next expansion and the process is repeated.

Until then I, and many others, have to settle for private servers that constantly get hunted down and hounded by Blizzards legal teams.

All the class halls are fucked as far as I can tell. The monk hub in Pandaria gets set on fire and all of the monks crash in the pandaren starting zone for instance.

Jay Wilson quit Blizzard a few months ago. And if even the worst fucker leaves your company, this means this plane will crash with no survivors.

i see shitposters and shills from cuckchan are in full effect

at least you can unlock alt skins.
What they should have done is have a quest line going thought he whole expansion where you create your own legendary weapon not get some existing one. You can decide if you want an axe or sword and shit, the hilt, blade, color, and visual affects. When you hit the cap you get a quest to use your weapon to kill some god or some shit and your weapon is then written down in the same manner as doomhammer and ashbringer becoming legendary. The quest would be a bit like ffxiv's artifact weapon but part of the main story and a lot less grindy. Just giving you the weapon at the beginning is just really stupid.

Glad to see blizz left in all the really cool mounts and didn't just put them in the all in the store

fucking christ.

eh they look shit anyways

What's the fucking point?

Wait till they bring him back from the dead corrupted

he and Tyrion will probably be bosses. it's funny because I jokingly posted this same theory on mmochampion back in like 09.

Varian was literally human version of Thrall, all the edgy human players liked him because he is shallow and stupid.

Tirion Fordring was supposed to be raised as 4th horsemen but paladin faggots cried their eyes out on beta forums so they changed the quest in last minute so instead of rezzing Tirion a the last second you get hit by flash of light and Darion Mograine sacrifices himself so you can escape from Light through portal.

Then some retarded monologue from Lich King and he tells you to raise Darion as leader of Horsemen.

TL;DR Paladin players are still bunch of whining faggots.

I doubt that change was really made at the last minute considering all the quest chains in Northrend that involve him. unless someone else was supposed to be there in his place at first.

involve who?

Tyrion. there's at least 4 or 5 heavily scripted quest chains that involve him in Northrend.

My theory is that Sylvanas will bring him back from the dead as her minion to finally complete her transformation into some sort of evil Lich Queen. Anduin's butthurt at her actions will be used as the scapegoat for the continued war between the Alliance and the Horde, as otherwise having the war going on would make no sense considering what a peace loving hippie he is.

Unfortunately it's too interesting to actually happen, although Anduin turning into a warmongering edgelord might happen because of Blizzard's tendency towards sudden 180 degrees character personality flips. See Garrosh between Cataclysm and Mists, and Jaina suddenly turning from Lady Gandhi into Lady Hitler.

in Legion ? Because when you assault the Broken Shores he gets captured and tortured and dies, 0 quests after that.

was all the stuff you were talking about pertaining to Legion and not Wrath? I figured you were saying he was supposed to get raised in Wrath as the 4th horseman.

Isnt blizzard trying to push sylvanas as the stronk woman leading the horde?

If Sylvanas is the leader of the Horde, whos managing Undercity?

why would he get raised in Wrath as 4th horsemen when all four horsemen were alive?

Added in patch 7.0.1

the 4th horseman was changed in Wrath. that's what I thought you were referring to.

redemption arcs are worse or at least when Blizzard does it.

He's talking about one of the dk quests in legion you retard. Tyrion was going to raised as one of the newly formed four horsemen, but the Pally kids cried a lake of tears and Darion gets killed and reraised as a slave of the new lich king.