The Shills Are Out In Force

I'm assuming it's to do with the ceasefire in Syria thanks to God Emperor, but there's a lot of slide threads and shills here at the moment.
The worst thing is, there are anons replying to obvious bait threads.


The site is also running slow as fuck for me for some reason.


Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot >>10220331


Mods are paid shills. There's no point in not replying. Replying allows us to bumplock them.

Don't thinks so user. Everyone turns into a cunt over summer because of all the summerfags. So the threads tend to be shit, and the old guard (and oversealous summerfags) tend to accentuate their behaviour. This place gets pretty shit over summer, nobody has a sense of humour, and everyone runs around calling everyone a shill.

actually I take it back.
Trap thread and animal porn thread… maybe you have a point

Let me guess, what's the next assumption. "Holla Forums is compromised"?
Even after shitposting those poor threads you really think that people don't know your tactics and intentions to manipulate and fool people? Please, even a retard has better imagination than yours. Kill yourself, trash.

Yeah it's a concerted effort. I think they're losing it over the Syria deal kek

theres some pretty obvious JIDF / shill slide threads

We've proven it, you cocksucking faggot shill.

Smells like jew sweat on this board…………………bah, oh well!

t. D&C kike.
Mods have to monitor 150 threads.
It's up to anons to report and they'll clean the board.
Fuck off.

Either paid shills or blind trump supporters that get butthurt over anyone supporting Iran

Proven of what? Of being such autistic snob who believes that his clever intellectual tactics are full-proof?

Kikes please fuck off and recognise nothing you can do will kill Holla Forums. There's a dozen (at least) boards out there known to us, and any attempt to slide simply makes us aware that you're trying to shill.

Your tactics do not, and never have worked. Why do you waste your time?

How does it feel to know that the goyim are slowly accepting our ideas as normal? That one day you're literally gonna be herded into ovens? You think we won't? It's happened before according to you remember? This time though we'll be much more ruthless, thanks to all the Hollywood sadism you've fed this generation.


Well when you put it like that………………………….it makes no actual fucking contextual sense at all.
leftypol is over by the cummed up pile of rubbers, sissy

It's a good sign. Everytime things start to go our way, or whenever the kikes run out of fracture points to attack us, they panic and go full porn-thread slide mode. It reeks of fear and desperation, and frankly, it launches my predatory instincts into hyperdrive.

There's definite proof of multiple pro-Syria/Iran threads getting deleted for no valid reason and posting screencaps results in banning

Try harder, faggot.

Except, you know, getting paid shills in charge of the entire site and of the moderation of the board.

Now then, what's next? The advertisement? C'mon

Haven't seen this before, this board is truly fucked

checked, this

You haven't seen it because you get banned for linking to it, even if you post the link to it and the two previous threads. I'll be banned very soon and the post will be wiped. I'm actually surprised that imkikey hasn't done it yet.

You can always tell when he is posting by the fact that he refuses to call himself anything but his real name. "Imkamphy" is the proper terminology; imkikey is what Holla Forumsacks will call him. It's just like how kikes refuse to use certain words entirely or to type the word 'god'. That alone makes it extremely telling what he actually is, even if we didn't have the HARD PROOF.

Or is it imkamfy? It has been so long since I've called the piece of shit by his real name that I don't remember if it's f or ph. Oh, well. Here are the earlier threads, too. Jim (Codemonkey, the site owner) refuses to answer our questions about this shit, so he's complicit in this. He got rid of the original Holla Forums BO and placed Heil in charge, who put up imkikey and moonman in the first place. The board has gone to total shit since then. We've had unchallenged intl raids ("christcuck" and all pro-nigger threads) and been totally powerless.

Am I the only one who remembers the quality of discussions here in 2014? I miss those days.

Imkampfy hasn't been a mod for months


another kike jew shilling for the king kike and his zionist agenda of israel first in america

you also must have missed the literal cuck thread where OP kept posting interracial porn
unless thats what you meant with the animal porn thread

I wonder how long this will last, perhaps some goreposting will scare the weaker shills off

This on so many levels and the catch 22 for the Kikes is they have to keep doing it because if they stopped and let up for even a second we would be 6 million times more effective and dangerous then we already are. So instead they are forced to continue signaling we are winning hard and if they did it to try and lure us into false confidence we would just assume it was some small victory and it would become real confidence.

I've noticed multiple slide threads stating as much.
