Shia Can not win
Shia Can not win
He'll be released without punishment.
He looks like shit. I guess he's not Jewish enough for the goyim blood transfusions to keep himself looking healthy through the constant depravity.
we really defeated this man.
I haven't been keeping up, when did he leave his cuck shed? Is this the precursor to Season 5? Or is he going Jojo's and we have to use a drone to find his prison cell?
He'll get a token fine at most. He needs to serve hard time in a real prison before any good will come of him.
Given his proclivity towards getting drunk and losing control of himself, I hope one of these days he decides to go for a drive and runs over a nigger. DUI with manslaughter might be enough to slow him down a bit… not enough but a good start.
It's a jew. It's not defeated until it's dead.
He should've studied Industrial Design, then he wouldn't have become such a faggot.
Someone send him a package with a picture of Pepe and a MAGA hat.
Oh look, he's spamming the catalog now: >>10220184
Report this faggot jew.
Shia is /ourguy/.
NEETS have nothing on (((him))).
He's TOP KEK of RealNewz.
I miss the /hwndu/ days.
sage for celeb bullshit
You already fucked it up, nigger.
This is the third time he has been arrested for being drunk in public since HWNDU, that little art project of his really drove him fucking insane.
It was fun while it lasted
The kikes just can't help themselves, they really are just like niggers.
When he finally kills himself, I hope he is courteous enough to livestream it for us.
shia lepoof mirite?
We're not fucking joking, kike.
He looks jewish as hell in this pic
Showa leboof looks like he's lost his marbles
Maybe that attention whore just wanted to remind us that he exists.
Eh, somewhat right, but not quite.
Holla Forums was a battleground of ideology. Communism was BTFOd almost immediately, lolbergs hung on and lead the pack for a long time. Then came the Nazis who BTFO everyone. Lolbergs still have the "moral" superiority but have largely agreed the Nazi logic is impeccable, and quite frankly not very different from lolbergs ideals.
You can pretend it was subversion all you like I understand it's the only thing you kikes know, but you got beat by the Truth.
The fuck are you on? He looks like he just ate a ton of baby foreskins.
he's all over the (((news)))
https:// www.
This video, omg this video:
Sorry don't have a tool to grab this video
I would never normally post TMZ, but this is hilarious (and it is summer).
< We broke him.