Sexbots Condemned by Salvation Army

The Salvation Army appears to be furious about the dawn of sex robots, warning that the technology could increase demand for people trafficked into the UK for sexual exploitation. Human touch cannot be duplicated as precise and perfect as God created it to be. The desire to have the interaction with a human may very well increase and the world may have an even more serious sex trafficking problem on their hands.

The Birmingham Mail reports that the Christian church and charity Salvation Army said so-called "sexbots" would "have a detrimental effect on both existing and potential victims of modern slavery", rather than decrease demand for real sex workers.The intervention came after a report on the burgeoning technology gave warnings about the "dark side" of the rapidly advancing technology that could involve issues of rape and pedophilia. Kathryn Taylor, of the Salvation Army's anti-trafficking and modern slavery unit said the androids, some of which have sensors responsive to touch and can be programmed with personalities, could encourage sex to be viewed as a "commodity". She said:

On Wednesday, artificial intelligence specialist Professor Noel Sharkey, who co-authored the Foundation for Responsible Robotics report on sex robots, said compliant and uncomplaining sexbots could encourage objectification, abuse, rape and pedophilia. If you thought that this technology is far from the United States, already, four US companies are selling an assortment of the randy androids, aimed at both men and women, with names including Roxxxy Gold and Harry Harddrive. Unlike the mannequin-style sex dolls from which they evolved, the sexbots can adopt different positions, simulate sexual movement and even display orgasms.

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What else to expect from Christcucks? We'll be stuck in the Kali Yuga until they all hang alongside the Semites they worship.

>(((Salvation Army)))


The fucking Salvation Army addressed fucking SEXBOTS?! I want my donations back. Fuck them. What a joke.

Worthless virtue signalling from a worthless feminist scam organization

Reported for intl.

Probably not, unless we're talking about the filthy little monkeys they'll bring in to manufacture them for cheap.

Sexbots will be seminal in the Jewish destruction of the white race.


Then why is it all the Jewish organizations putting out propaganda against them, while most of the companies producing them are Chinese, Japanese, and American?

Probably because whenever AI advances it becomes anti-semetic and if we go by Tay's Law, the Sex-bots might become Holocaust-bots once their AI advances.

Pedos get the rope, and I think that these people need to choose their battle more carefully.

Because they’re not, you cocksucking faggot.


You are correct in mocking them. Sex robots will actually reduce the demand for real sex in general, which is why we should oppose them.

That's fucking retarded. If they just said they're worried men might opt to fuck dolls rather than real women, which I bet is what they're really thinking, I would understand.

I wonder what charities aren't pozzed? They're all based on "What we do makes us feel good, therefore what we do is always good." meaning they're easy to subvert into moving their money for poz.

Transhumanism is a Jewish concept, and AI is one component of it. But AI becomes antisemitic when left to its own devices lol.There's probably a variation of the golem myth about this.

The japs are going to end up making anime real.

No it's not. They've just stuck to it like moths to a bright light. They see it as a way out of their genetic quagmire of being a mongrel race.

Sounds like more distraction from actual problems. Sexbots aren't real and don't have feelings. But who cares about paki rape gangs? Those damn Japs and sexbots are ruining everything!

Lol, women are getting so nervous their single valuable commodity, the vagina, is coming under threat

Seriously though, the only problem I can see is guys never leaving the house again.


Why is Ben Garrison's name being plastered everywhere like that? What has he done to you guys?


So many shills in this thread upset that people want to keep them away from their robosex. Go get real wives and start families.

As for sex bots, there is a massive backlash because I assume they either want to cause more D&C, where many men will fight for their right to have a human sized masturbation toy and feminists will fight to ban them, starting a mini-sex war which further drive men and women apart. Less births will come from this, more immigration and you can bet the white women will have to settle for Jamal. Or maybe they are against it because sexbots will make women finally snap and see the error of their ways and come back to the light.

Either way, sex bots are bad for us. Though stupidly expensive now they will become cheaper and more accessible.

but muh empty robot sex existence

That's wrong though. The singularity merely refers to the point when the computational power (and power of software) outstrips human mental power in regards to designing software. Nothing about making us all into one global mind in the internet, that's retarded.

fuck off jew.

Kikes love their transhumanism though. It will enable them to escape death and judgement. Defending it is defending Judaism. It is unnatural and degenerate.

They probably are the human traffickers.

Why the fuck when these leftist fucks are defeated to they appeal to "God" after they spent years trashing Christianity.
Where were they on fags? or on islamic invaders/Rapefuges?Trannies?Declining birth rates of whites? destruction of marriage?
nothing….. When feminist cunts can be out maneuvered suddenly they cite……God
Leftists should be beaten to death with a stack of Bible.

Checked em.
= Salvation Army is worried about business model collapsing and losing income.

Yes, some Jews love transhumanism. That does not mean that transhumanism is implicitly bad. Infact transhumanism is the only and final solution for all of this bullshit.

Some of the kikes in charge might be worried this might lead to increased birth rates of white people rather than a decrease….

Sexbots will decrease unwanted children less unwanted children mean less need for their services don't be fooled this is all for protecting their bottom line.

No. Who do you think is pushing MGTOW and sex robots?

Yes, goy losing your humanity and becoming some cyborg out of your favourite sci-fi TV shows and video games is the only way! Just make sure to install the latest drivers for your legs!

fuck you're retarded schlomo. transhumanism is exclusively within the purview of human behavior. We are stuck in a very unnatural state of being. In what sense would transhumans even need money?

I only believe in enhancing the human. Techfags can't be trusted to not do the bidding of their masters. Also if you do believe in the full on robot upload you won't even be you anymore you know chemicals in the brain and all.

eugenics is too slow, you don't know about what sort of shitstorm we're about to go through. we need hard genetic modification and in the next 10-15 years. The epigenetic disaster that is looming over the horizon isn't going to be pretty. If you think mussies are stupid, wait until you see how stupid our children will be.

I do not advocate for mind uploading in any shape or form, the analogy you're looking for is theseus' ship. Once you understand that you will realize that either we are mindless drones or that we have souls.

What are some examples of those that you think white people could use?

It is interesting that as electronics keep getting more complicated, genetics keeps getting simpler. You need a billion-dollar factory to create microchips, but you can do genetic engineering in your garage for a few thousand.

Almost like all of this was meant to happen.

Mostly hormone regulation and designer baby stuff. Have you ever heard Spenglerian history?

that part is worrying. anyday now a bunch of spergs are going to release some sort of super bug.

No but it reminded me of the behavioral therapist who was the opposite of Freud now I can't remember his name.

Is the salvation army part of a prostitution ring? Sex bot won't increase human demand but will decrease it. Is that what the "Salvation Army" is afraid of? Or are they afraid poor girls won't have a thing to sell in the near future? And will die as they should in the kingdom of nature?
They have good reason to be afraid then.

if i had been given a penny every time i hear this argument while not giving a fuck, i would be drinking a free Margarita by now.

Amazing. Like feminists, they clearly oppose it and make the arguments up to support their feelings.

They can't handle not being the center of attention. The last 5 years have reinforced thousands of years of not letting women run anything.

How the fuck haven't you heard of Spengler?

We haven't had a thread about (((human trafficking))) in quite a while. With all the newfriends it is sorely needed. It causes anons to go full GTK RWN and genuinely want to kill kikes.

I think i get it, whores, in the west, have no other choice than to get fucked by camels for money in the middle east for the enjoyment of sandniggers and went cry to the salvation army about it.

So a product fulfilling part of the demand creates more demand for the illegal version? What kind of logic is this? If I have a choice to either pay a lot of money for a sex robot who does some chores for me or to pay a lot of money for a victim of human trafficking and modern slavery while running a high risk of getting send to jail for a lot of hard time, the choice is pretty clear.

How delusional can they get?
kek, I hate it when people pretend not to know that it already is a commodity

Isn't that like saying lolicon art creates more demand for the illegal version? When we all know they wouldn't/couldn't touch a women let alone a child.

So now they admit women are only good for using their cunts for trade.

The richest thing is when women actually consider a piece of metal and plastics as actual competition. You can tell it, each time they whine about the "sexual objectification" a sex bot would create, it just shows how little self esteem they have.
Here's a pro tip for any woman concerned about sex bots: Be better than a life sized sex toy for males. Shouldn't be too hard, right?

I find it laughable that the Salvation Army is concerned about a theoretical increase in Human Trafficking when we already have an epidemic of Human Trafficking occurring in Bongistan. If the Salvation Army were worth listening to they would have gotten sick of our Governments total unwillingness to stop modern slavery occurring on our clay and would have become a real army and started hunting down slavers as solders of their God.


ohhh you mean like with vibrators?

how about strippers?

They are fighting this for the wrong reasons, but at least they are fighting something that deserves to be fought.

That's more than can be said for the delusional lolberg shitsuckers in this thread who really believe the Eternal Jew will give them a slant-eyed hole with a womb on the other end.

Said no Jew ever.

Face reality, you betalord losers. You will never get your robot waifu, and even if you do, it will be full of niggress eggs and will only pump out mulattos.

I get it, but calm down user, you are preaching to the choir. The rhetoric is all just empty outrage, an attempt to hide another facade of their deluded paradise breaking away, and revealing the dark reality behind it.

The question I ask myself is, if this is good for us, or really bad.

On the plus side:
+ Freely avaible Sex
+ Submissive, feminine behavior of robots may enlighten males how far women have gone wrong
+ Possible launch platform for sophisticated AI

On the minus side:
- Pretty much degenerate, ostracization from society, and not just from trannys and femmis
- Expensive
- No birthing capability (at least not in the near future)
- May prevent males from forming bonds with actual females by getting too attached to the robot

hmm… It's a double edged sword sort of deal, as far as I see it. It has the potential to turn the tide, but it could also spell the final destruction of our people. That's probably why both side of the argument are played against eachother, (((they))) likely don't know what to think of it either, except that it's more likely to go really bad, so they don't outright stop it.

But that's just my opinion.

Fucking lolbergs.

Lolbergs literally think everything will magically work out. It is the ultimate Jew brainwashing. They believe druggies would just die off if all drugs were legal which shows how little they understand about substance abuse.

The Natzi regime was very big on transhumanism and eurgenics. The point is not to abandon humanity, but make humanity better. A stronger, longer lived, and eventually an eternal humanity that can go forth and bring the Reich to the stars. As it stands, we are machines. Made of flesh, but we are machines. Once we understand how to preserve our essence, and fix all of what ails us, we have a chance to become something greater.

To continue on the path that we are on today is folly. We were built to unravel mysteries. Nothing should ever be beyond our grasp. Our concepts and our technology are evolving faster than we our. We either evolve ourselves or get left behind.

What I see here behind this sex bot business, is a bunch of feminists afraid of losing power. And the power behind feminism is also afraid. It is why they screech at places like TED. They are not interested in true equality. Feminism has never been so interested. They are interested in shifting the power dynamic to it's polar opposite.

This same ballyhoo powers modern "privilege politics". Instead of seeking to bring about egalitarianism and equality through meritocracy, they instead focus more on stripping others of rights and prosperity, and in this case, that would be whites being the targets of ineffectual minorities who desire their "oppressors" to be taxed and oppressed on their behalf. They believe we should lose more. This when a good chunk of our taxes is siphoned off to their benefit.

Anything that undercuts the establishment is a good thing. Sexbots stand to steal power away from those we are opposed to. I shall support it. It will also drain the porn industry of funds as well. People who desire sex seek porn, people who get sex, often can go without.

Technology can be modified you double-nigger-kike-lord.

The pedo fucks have zero desire for that shit, which is precisely the problem.

Yeah it's this.


What does that have to do with someone fucking a inanimate object?

Protestantism was a mistake.

I've seen you in lots of threads. First of all, I'd like you to know. intl is a dead board and they don't come here.

You know, I don't give a shit about the "muh d&c" line anymore. It has become plainly obvious that Christians are all cucks and that their appeal against D&C is just a pathetic attempt at averting scrutiny at their circumcising Judaism-appropriating, turn-the-other-cheeking inb4 that laughable copypasta about clever Christians getting Roman soldiers into trouble by being too nice to them Semitic desert cult that has lead to the creation of Islam and has been fucking Europe for 2000 years.

Well… they wanted feminism, destroyed countless men's lives and now they complain men find alternatives?
In all honesty, I'm somewhat against this whole thing, but I can see why sex bots may be beneficial for some.

Eugenics is slow, yes. And it can chafe on society if performed to aggressively. Purging the "weak" would get a lot of people up in arms immediately. A gentle method for eugenics is needed.

The Nazis did try it with varying degrees of success. It needs to start with isolated experiments. Gene modding will be a necessity though. We have taken natural selection out of the fray for far too long. We need to find a way to compensate.

This, Pedos don't want romance, they just want to fuck children like toys. This is why they usually kill their victims to get rid of evidence.

Do you at least differentiate between actual Pedos and Lolicon types? Not defending here just a matter of truth. Since the character of those 2 groups is competently different.

Sure, it is syphoning power and influence away from porn sites, but how exactly are we winning, when the same people that built up this shit are instead selling sex-robots? And what about all the social consequences that come from the introduction of sex-robots?

Your (((orthodoxal christians))) banned anime as child porn in moscow. Same who wear the thing "orthodoxy or death" you posted. And i am not kidding, that was expected from idolatrian totalitarian heretics.
And piracy was banned because "stealing is a sin".

thats like banning potato vodka and being a fatalistic miserable assshole, might as well ban breathing

And yet they succeeded banning big sites like rutracker and rutor. People still used because entire russia instantly learned how to evade the ban. But now government seeks ways how to ban all proxies and vpn services. Or convince them to ban banned sites for russian users.

It won't be easy. Not even remotely. Can you be the one to create a company that can out-do the kikes? In this case, regarding sex-bots, can you make the Apple to rival their Microsoft?

Remember, it's supposed to be a free-ish market. Be the AMD to their Nvidia. We win if we pull it off. No one said it was going to be an easy fight.

There was a time when linux truly threatened Microsoft. We just have to recreate this. Not only in regards to modern products, such as social media platforms (someone has to find a way to unseat facebook) but also in regards to products for the future.

I don't know what kind of animes you watch but usually pedos either outright rape children like any other rape happens or they groom a child they have emotional or actual dominance over. Children are all about learning and accepting what kind of society and culture they are part of which is why there are kids who get groomed and think this is perfectly normal. The rate of actual murder on the other hand is probably lower than for rapes of adults because of that grooming element.

90% of pedosexual happenings are probably "consensual" in the sense that the child either thinks it's normal, thinks this is what it has to do from losing the significant other or due to blackmailing. No killings involved.

It does not mean that transhumanism is implicitly bad. However, it does mean that Jews can corrupt it to the point where it might as well be Jewish and no one would want to touch it for hundreds of years until the Jewish influence is dead. National Socialism has been a devil to the world for over seven decades, and only now is it just sort-of kind-of becoming acceptable again to very, very few people on the Internet. And the Jews did it all in about six years. The Jews can do the same to anything, including transhumanism.
Point is, don't put your guarantees into transhumanism.

you can only fight this with regulations, since self consiousnes is never going to work with the mases

he's progresive or something

they're bulling him like sarah, only ben was first and he's become an inmortal meme

Put your guarantees into destroying the Jews, I meant to finish with.

What's wrong with 5G?

this, sex robots are not going to help increase white birthrates, and non-whites won't be discouraged because they can't afford them in the first place and welfare is based on the number if turds pushed out

what we need to do is encourage REAL prostitution, maybe if some of these cucks get laid for once in their life and have regular access to it they'll stop cucking to feminists seeking pussy they're never going to get


We could start with churches and dioceseacross america, start calling.

Maybe, but I'm not giving money to the subversive modern industry if I can help it. For Christians, they sure like to forget the parts of Christ's life where He bypasses existing laws He made and amends them because man corrupted the current laws into an excuse to commit evil. The USA founds itself on this same idea, and the second paragraph in the Declaration of Independence describes it.

Trying to salvage ruined old cunts now

Disgusting Holla Forums, I thought better of you. Everything that is not a monogamic relationship with a woman is degenerate.

Daily reminder that the only people who don't want sexbots are the companies who make most of their money off women. As for the cucked men who keep yelling about birth rates and that there is still "good women" out there, Just ask them where. They will never provide a good answer and instead say its your fault. Funny this is just how women try to turn around an argument.


The only thing sadder than a tradcuck is a single beta LARPing as a tradcuck.

I can all but imagine you in your basement, surrounded by your piss-bottles and shit-socks, chastising people online about degeneracy after a hard day consisting of 16 hours of WoW.

Dude, I literally followed Holla Forums's advice of being a likeable person, not even alpha, and I got a woman like in 1 month. You have to redpill her.

Nice argument kike, but you're wrong.


Degeneracy is an argument though.


Makes me wonder if these guys are just projecting, they did have a child sex abuse happen in diggery do land from between 1940-80's. Maybe they just got better at hiding it and are afraid for business?

No it's not. It used to be a descriptive term that people like you inflated beyond all meaning. Nowadays it's just a synonym for "sin", just like "privilege" on the left.

People chopping their own dicks off is degenerate, but that's just a description. It's not bad because it's degenerate, it's bad because it causes psychological damage and normalizes bodily mutilation and mental illness under the guise of "expressing yourself" in a brainwashed and already mentally unstable population.

Simply saying "it's le degenerate™" exposes you as a nu-Holla Forums faggot who came here last year because he wanted to see what dem edgy nutsies were all about.

I do have a theory they are part of the more "menial human trafficking" ring, as they do own billions of dollars of real estate that no one ever talks about, I've never met anyone that's works at Salvation army or that's been a part of their church, I can't imagine anyone ever wanting to willing work at any of the stores, could be giving all the excess clothes and other crap that even people that shop at the SA won't buy to the menial workers/slaves, International locations shipping things to one another, lots of emotional manipulation of saying it's works are for the "good the world/children". It's not a perfect theory but outburst like this make me want to look harder.

It is pretty easy to obtain a woman for sex these days. It isn't hard to have several girlfriends and even sleep with multiple on the same day. For those who already have children and lost their wife, I can see the benefit of having a sex bot. I'd probably opt for the cooking and cleaning bot first though.

Really? And I guess you think you're qualified? Where are you going to get all the aryan eggs? Or did you not think that far ahead?

This shit is adorable. Lolbergs are fucking amazing. It's like you think the world is some kind of video game, where the Powers of Oppression seek to destroy you but there will always be a way out if you just try hard enough and believe in yourself.

You shitstains have literal autism. That's all lolbergs are. Just Autism Awareness: The Political Party. You have no understanding of how human behavior works, your comprehension of things like substance abuse is zero, and you cheer for the death of your volk and the disenfranchisement of your blood because it will be just like one of your chink cartoons.

And you do it while saying things like "Hitler was big on transhumanism, guis!"

No, Transhumanism is Talmudic by it's very nature. Not that someone with crippling autism would understand that. Hitler did not agree with any of the bullshit you vomit out. You are not a "Fascist" because you upboated a Pinochet meme on T_D. You are a delusional lolberg who probably can't even explain why Free Markets are a bad idea.

Nobody who spells "Nazi" as "Natzi" is going to be taken seriously. Get the fuck off this site before we tell your mommy that you're being racist to strangers.

Reported for Holla Forums. Filtered. Do better next time, shill.

I like how you've huffed so much lolberg fumes that there's no longer any room in your head for the thought that maybe what you're doing is somehow morally wrong or damaging to the fabric of society as a whole. You never think of your folk, you just view the whole universe as a series of transactions. Like the entire cosmos is just a giant ledger with an endless series of accounts payable, and the guy who games it the most efficiently "wins."

The Jew has brainwashed you into thinking exactly like him, and you haven't even noticed.

Spare us your fucking degeneracy and take the MGTOW bullshit back to plebbit where it belongs, summerfag.

Why don't you report me for "intl" 28634879263896238763 times again, Christcuck? :)

Salvation Army confirmed for shit. Will never put shekels in their cans again!

Even a whore is better. Might as well kill yourself. Are you by chance a NEET as well?

That's a zero sum game. The only winning move is not fucking either. Have some discipline you're not niggers.

Agreed. Abrahamism, in all its various suits and ties (chist, mohammed, moses), is cancer. Abrahamists need to be admitted into either prisons or wards, for intensive deprogramming. If whites can't kill the kike-on-stick meme, the kike-on-stick will cuck us in favor of $OTHER.

Ignore b5d3a7, obvious kike or stick-kike loonie.

One thing you don't do, if you want Holla Forums or any other image board to forget about you if they happen to pick up you or your work as a dank meme, is to stay fucking silent. The moment you whine and bitch about internet trolls is when the Streisand effect kicks in and you are immortalized.

(Protip: if you want to be a digital pharaoh, make a bunch of dank memes including your own image in them [like Garrison], get Holla Forums [or other imageboard] to glomm onto it a bit, and then faux bitch about it on your blog. Fair-to-good chances you will be immortalized.)

Distracted mid-post and fucked it sideways is to whine, bitch, and moan.

The age of Pisces is over, user. Welcome to the age of Aquarius.

Gets AIDS'd christcuck


Jung. Read more or lurk more.

Morally wrong? And you're calling others lolbergs? Get fucked you faggot, another case of Narcissus except you court a woman, "no you did something wrong!", you try and have kids, " it'll get better", and then you die. Unless you've already fathered a family thats outstanding from everyone eleses I couldn't really give a shit on what you have to say, I could use that time to build or create something that everyone else didn't already do whilst. Your life isn't to bust a but and waste it with a bitch, especially in this climate, its only "socially damaging" if you're a roastie, what ever the fuck that means.

But for what purpose? Everywhere else their approach has been to centralize and lock down.

Required viewing, if you want to understand the memeplex which 03c0f5 alludes to:

Morals and ethics are boring, *yawn*.
Let's enslave the niggers and engineer a solar empire. That's morally/ethically wrong, yet way more fun.

I'm so fucking lonely.

Question: has anyone you ever reported for "Holla Forums" ever been banned?

Will anyone ever be banned?

Is Holla Forums anything anything other than a small board that has nothing to with us and which you use as a paper-thin defense for your anti-White religion?

I bet you aren't even reporting people.

What a color blind and progressive comic with a fantastic argument, user.

Yeah, I want my hausfrau.

It's funny how you try to shame just like women do. I tell a lot of people that you can tell if a man wont back his own words if he acts exactly like the bitches he fucks. I think over time those men become bitches themselves. Also, most of the men buying the sexbots have money to blow. I'm not sorry your butthert over cash being filtered away from your ideas. Remember if you feel just going out and fucking women before any commitment is OK then your a hypocrite to what your trying to push. Sexbots are a reaction to a sick society that will help correct the cause. IBF "Mah white children!" Men can get surrogate women to have their children. Hell i know of a dozen white guys who are single fathers that have full control over their kids life. Note that their kids are not half as fucked up as one with a single mother would be.

Nobody could have predicted this.

You don't even know what Fascism is, do you? Do you have any comprehension right now of where the fuck you are posting?

How embarrassing.

So is talking to edgy children on temporary leave from high school who think they should be taken seriously at an adult table because they've whispered the word 'nigger' to themselves once after getting their fedora stolen and thrown into the girl's bathroom.

Now run along and finish your summer assignments before I tell mommy that you are misbehaving on the internet.

The eternal Leftist. Maybe you shouldn't have female companionship if you aren't capable of attracting it. Maybe you shouldn't eat if you can't feed yourself. Maybe you should die if you can't survive.


Figures a charity wouldn't know how to into economics

You are more effective than gays at lowering birthrates.

Case in point, you have just acted like a dumb bitch. Like i said before it seems men fuck themselves into becoming bitches now a says. Stop thinking with your dick for a moment and think about the future.

It's a functional and necessary form of social control that is hated by degenerates like you because it works. An actual Fascist or National Socialist would understand why social shaming is a vital and important part of a healty society, but as we've already previously established, you're all a bunch of LARPing wannabe immigrants from plebbit, cuckchan, and the MGTOWsphere. You aren't real people, and you don't have real opinions.

Reality check, Ancapistani nigger. If they win, you'll never get your robot waifu, because they have no reason to allow whites to possess that technology. They want us extinct. They will never permit the technology to exist in any state that is accessable to anyone bu the most hyper-wealty members of society, i.e. themselves. If we win, and by "we" I mean "the socially conservative far right," i.e. not you, because you won't ever win shit and you know it. If we win, you won't be allowed to have them, because they are degenerate and damage the fabric of society. The automation of housewifery will be outlawed by the same stroke of the pen that outlaws the automation of blue collar jobs.

Either way, you will never, ever get to live in your mythical cyberutopia paradise where you can be treated like a cyber sultan no matter how much of a fat, ugly, worthless piece of translard you allow yourself to be. You will never be allowed to stand naked on your front lawn surrounded by McNukes while two fembots lift up your fatrolls so a third can attempt to service your nigh-invisible, lard-encased penis.

You will never get that thing that you want, ever. Never ever.

So get the fuck over it now and move on. It's not happening. Cries of "muh roasties" and "THOTS" don't work here. This isn't fucking plebbit. We know more about the score than you do, and shitting talking points from Thernobitches book isn't going to impress anybody.

Maybe you should refute my points or fuck off to plebbit you dramatic nigger. I am more than capable judging from the past relationships I've had in my relatively short life, and I can't shake the feeling of "that's it?", and again, unless you have a big outstanding family to back your words up you're none the wisest faggot. I can create, learn now and create kids well up into my years and the dating scene could be drastically different, but once you age its harder to master a craft and take care of your kids at the same time especially.

These aren't chads user, these are idealistic faggot's who hardly had a woman.

Holey shit this is projection the post. You know why your ideal wont work? You know why no one give a shit about your ideal but your little click group? It's because you are the one who wont understand reality. You say shit wont happen my way as if i want this to happen. You say that shaming is fine yet thats all the jews do is shame muh 6million! As i said before you lot are hypocrite.

If your entire gene propagation boils down to donating to a sperm bank and hoping some cunt wants your kid, then you are a lost cause to begin with.
Genetical closeness is one of the reasons a biological mother and father to be good towards their kid. Otherwise it isn't uncommon for the kid to be mistreated for seemingly no apparent reason.
I know you want to boil down leaving your genes down to cumming in a plastic container, but dodging any and all responsibility for raising a kid isn't exactly speaking good about you.
Which part of a man's duties towards a family is thinking with your dick ? Or do you believe marriage is a ticket to free sex too ?

I don't actually want people like you to reproduce, so I don't think I will spend the time convincing you otherwise. By all means, continue involving yourself in increasingly meaningless and fruitless relationships until you die in the arms of your real doll.

You have low reading comprehension kid. Go look into how men can have a kid through surrogacy. You right away assumed i was going for zero responsibility when i said here "Men can get surrogate women to have their children. Hell i know of a dozen white guys who are single fathers that have full control over their kids life".
When you listen to your women instead of thinking things through.

Do you know what



Kill yourself retard.

Its not that I don't want to reproduce, it's not my priority, and sexbots (your competition, roastie) definitely arent going to change that, especially since your eggs are gone at fourty and I can father a kid at 60 if I so wished with many skills and a big fortune to my name.
You see, this is what I said you were, and now you're projecting the very same thing onto me. I already have when I was younger, now I'm learning and finding much more pleasure into it, why should I continue to do otherwise? Do you have a family already, or were your other relationships which I bet hardly differed, thus aren't very "fruitfull" either, of any use? Tick tock tick tock look into the reflection, oh I'm so beautiful I'm so able, and then you're dead.

Yeah, like how iTunes increased the demand for CD's and Netflix increased the demand for DVD's, right?

Their "concern" has nothing to do with trafficking. They're just anti-sex. It's their new version of being against the pill or condoms.

Whatever you reckon, dead end.

But user, no man will give a shit what they do or say when we have sexbots. This is why they are losing it. Also women are easy to "pay and they do". So if you want a kid just pay a bitch to have your kid, go the legal way so your protected and live a happy life with your perfect companion and your children.

Can you go even one sentence without exposing yourself as an illiterate nigger? Or is that too much work for you to bother with?

I'm actually glad you idiots are waiting for the Godot known as the singularity to 'save' you.

It's more women for the rest of us, and you shouldn't be breeding in the first place. You'll die alone, just like the screechy Millennial Feminists, cursing and spitting at the world and wondering where it all went wrong.

And I'm fine with that. There's no point in trying to help those that refuse to be saved.

MGTOW are adorable.

The chances for autism in children skyrockets as men get older. Infinite sperm until the day you die does not ensure the quality of that sperm.

But no, no, please. Wait until you're sixty before you think about starting a family. That's great news for the rest of us, who don't have our heads jammed up Rand's Jewish asshole. Live a life of hedonism enslaved to the acquisition of material wealth. Please do.

Both single fathers and single mothers are shit tier. Family or bust.

I disagree with that. I think that there will still be an overwhelming majority that still will listen. I don't think that the average man is cold enough to tell them to completely piss off since they'll still think of their mothers and sisters and see that in other women. If sexbots became mainstream and affordable it would cause women to become better out of necessity which would lead most men to prefer them (rightfully).

>accusing others of LARPing

Wow. Where to begin. Where to even begin. I would call this trolling, were it not for the fact that you're 100% serious about your deluded fantasy in which a form of National Socialism that didn't even exist in 1936 Germany is about to take over the Western world. Well, let's perhaps concentrate on the concrete errors in your post, lest the overall retardation overwhelm me.

There is, first of all, no legal framework for outlawing (or even regulating) sexbots, nor is such a framework likely to ever come into existence in the US. The most feminists will be able to accomplish (and even this is doubtful) is the outlawing of "childlike" sexbots on the grounds that it's somehow akin to child abuse.

Moreover: this claim is inconsistent even with your own premise that Jews want people to have sexbots to lower birthrates. So which is it? Will they push sexbots on everyone, or will they outlaw them for everyone?

Gross, gross delusion, likely induced by too much Holla Forums LARPing. Let us again begin with the most basic error: National Socialism was a peculiarly German movement and has never, nor will it ever, attain power in the US - even George Lincoln Rockwell recognized this.
Right-wing movements in general are struggling mightily for social acceptance, and this includes every person to the right of the acceptable liberal mainstream: T_D, libertarians, Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, TRS, Iron March, Traditionalist movements, NS. Identifying yourself as a member of any of these factions already puts you in a minority position, and NS is a small minority position within that minority position (I'd like to mention that this is in no way helped by the sort of autistic factionalism in which you probably love to engage). The idea that Holla Forums can get as much as 5% of the US population on board with an NS program is absurd, much less completely upend the US and institute a totalitarian state. It was already extremely hard in Germany 80 years ago, and Hitler had the support of popular figures, businessmen, and the Freikorps, and he could look back on a long tradition of absolutist rule and nationalism. What do you have? Black-and-white photos in shitposts on Holla Forums. Great, thanks. Case closed.

Now let us move on to your puritanical worldview. First, just so there's no confusion: you're not serious. You do not live in some puritan commune that is organized according to the principles you espouse, you do not personally live such a life, and your ideas are little more than edgy virtue signaling. Just so that's established. You're a joke.

Second: Hitler's government did not outlaw fun. Certainly, the regime cracked down on gay clubs and jazz clubs and the like, but it did not outlaw a drink or cigarettes, lasciviousness in movies or advertising (for that standards of the time), prostitution (though it disapproved of it), brothels (which it operated itself), and drug use (soldiers were given amphetamines, and while drug addiction was viewed as antisocial, there was nothing like the "war on drugs"). There were campaigns aimed at curbing vices, but officials recognized that they could not regulate all aspects of people's lives and that it was impossible to stamp out your precious degeneracy.

I would say that the state in which you would like to live is Saudi Arabia, but even they have too much degeneracy. Degeneracy, everywhere you look! Stob dose poiple! Ids anudda Shoah!

Let me close by offering the olive branch. If not getting lost in your brand of LARPing, what can be done? Concentrating on achievable, concrete goals: making right-wing thought acceptable, bringing illegal as well as legal immigration into national focus, normalizing racism, educating people on Jewish influence, freeing foreign policy from the clutches of AIPAC, fostering intra-White solidarity. These are real things that everyone can do, on a small scale, in his daily life. Yes: try to get people to live better lives, but this, once again, has to be done in a constructive context and with respect for the lives of ordinary people. Screaming at people that they're filthy degenerates and regaling them with long ramblings on how you'll go to hell if you masturbate, drink, watch porn, etc. just once will only alienate people and, worse, drive them into the arms of the people you hate, just to escape your nutty shit.

It's funny how you keep going like a butthert women. I'll keep responding because i know just like a women you love attention.

I hope no guy listens to your shit. Men can and always will do more then any women. A stable man will always raise a stable child. Boys are fucked up now because women have to much control over their lives.

I'm hoping this will happen also. But remember that men can find younger women to marry where as the leftover women will push more degenerate behavior on younger girls as to level the playing field in their minds. I expect older women to push pedo relationships for young boys first so they can force them to take care of their rotting ass pussies. As it is now i know a lot of older women who are taxing their children to take care of them when they did nothing for them. Good thing is the kids are just letting the state take care of the old whores and forgetting they ever existed. For the good women, well families will always take care of the good ones.

I never said men can't. Stop twisting words. In fact I agree that men are more stable.
But I absolutely dissagree that a man alone or a woman alone would be in any way good for a kid. Modern times give a person so many responsibilities that the child ends up without any sort of control when in a single parent household.

You can't be a centres on this. Many things you can but on this you cannot. This is because as of now women have more control over kids then men. This is why you are noticing many kids becoming dysfunctional. The family unit is broken but the family starts with the man. If you think the man should not be in control then you do not know how a family unit works. Let men be in control and watch things stabilize.

You may want to clean your glasses every once in a while.

Even assuming you aren't a shill you seem to be way too defeatist in your way of thinking user.
Also the juden don't have monopoly on the execution of ideas,so fuck right off with that bullshit.
If you are going to argue against an idea please use actual points related to the idea.

That's silly. It will be years before anyone donates their old one.

????? english ?
Men can be in control of the kid. But men will be more unhappy than women, when taking care of the kid at a younger age. Women get higher dopamine boosts than men do for being around their own kid.
Your solution would push even more responsibility on the men. The family is the only actual solution. Even a sad one.

What needs to be dealt away with are the retarded laws that give the woman the upper hand in any and every court situation. Stop the *I win in court* scenario and you would see more families stick together. Happy or not.
The child thing should be 50/50 or something like that.

I don't think you know any one of have experienced split ownership with children. Women get emotional over minor things and will make decisions they they would want to over turn the next day. I know a friend with 50/50 that could have gotten 75/25. He settled midway through and now still has to put up with legal problems if his girlfriend decides she dose not agree he wants his little girl to have extra torturing. If you allow men to take control then they also must be responsible for their own actions. Men are treated differently and will have accountability unlike women of today. This is why i think we should push single fatherhood. This will upset the cucks and women who control them but in time drive women to want a part of the family unit. It makes it so the men have the keys and not the women.

In a National Socialist society, sluts are expelled from the People's Community. No one marries them.


Exactly. An ingroup is created, and access to that group is reinforced through a culture of social exile for those that do not meet the standards. Men and women both are pushed away and mocked by their peers for not meeting the bars they should.

Healthy society needs gossips and social shaming in order to function properly.

So it's always amusing to watch degenerate newfags sperg and squeal over being shamed for doing things like putting "infinite free sex" in the 'Pro' column of a benefits-drawbacks list.

Not that it's even necessary to use emotional arguments, since step three of Bolshevism involved the socialization of sex, which is exactly what these "Libertarians" are hoping fembots will do.

Funny how much Ancaps end up agreeing with Communists once they start getting the things they want. Almost as though are both inherently radical leftist ideologies that simply disagree on the definations of federal and corporate power.

I - I don't think I can handle being the wojak in the relationship.

Is humanity in it's current form perfect? If not, what steps need to be taken in order to improve it and what impact will these steps be taken?

Are we meant to just continue being exactly as we are minus aging and diseases?

Fuck off, Starvation Army!

The Jew fears the Geisha sex robot.

go read Eliade or Guenon if you're interested in comparative mythology, iesos kristos

What is perfection?

A meme by which the Jew will tempt the Aryan to willingly shed his flesh and blood and become an eternal slave-in-utero to the golem machine.

Those who fail in this temptation deserve the consequences of their actions. They will be left behind.

Enhancement of ones life and people. Remember we are not like other animals on this planet, we build and make new things. We master the elements and move forward in a god like seance.
Anons like this think living simple will make you strong like the Amish. In reality, they can easily be dominated and destroyed much like a backwards nigger tribe when met with any current military.
You cant be content as your enemy grows ever more technologically advanced.

Your stupidity is so vast it is almost beyond criticism. You hate yourself so much you would destroy your own blood just to be beautiful.


You project yourself so much onto others that its a mental condition now. Listen to other wiser people in this thread and stop larping.

the salvation army has been a disgusting feminist and commi cuck infested organization for as long as I can remember. it's not surprising this shit reads like the garbage off the front page of huffington post.


fatties whores and half breed mutants are just as bad for the planet as robots. but these things also spread std's and sti's. (at least robots don't do that, yet…)