How are you going to explain away the fact that you are basically ideologically communist embryos?
There are unironic atheists on Holla Forums right now
sage for bait
I'm beginning to see a pattern here
His other threads where he is busy switching ips and samefagging.
Stop making these gay fucking threads I don't care about hte dopamine rush you get from replies.
>Christianity banned usury for Catholics with kike (((convert))) advice, effectifely giving the jews and later allied Templars complete monopoly on banking
I could go on, and on..
Drink bleach nigger.
Don't Christians pour tens of millions towards the migrants every year (if not more)?
Kill yourself, Chirstcuck.
Elaborate how this is th e fault of christianity and not rather the result of the heavy strain the war with islam put on the local rulers, making them unable to properly protect their subjects.
Tell us more.
>Christianity banned usury for Catholics with kike (((convert))) advice, effectifely giving the jews and later allied Templars complete monopoly on banking
Are you trying to say that usury is something good and shouldn't be banned?
The vatican hasn't been christian for a while now. They have sent many quite over messages that decleare their allegiance to the devil.
Atheism is a cancer that must be purged clean from Holla Forums and i hardly care what replaces it as long as it is gone.
So who is raiding us? Endchan? Something Awful? Normies?
Stalin was extremely desperate and had multiple emotional breakdowns threatening to quit his position during the early years of the war.
Atheists are a vast majority in the modern west. Church attendance is pathetically low and most people have probably never even seen a bible let alone read it.
Now you're just screeching slogans without any substance.
The churches are cucked and infiltrated as i pointed out before, christianity is all but gone in the modern world.
But I guess i made a mistake trying to defend christianity in the first place. It is the local fedora's favourite scapegoat, and whenever their crypto communism is pointed out they always lash out against christians, trying to force their opponent to take a positiong against which they have pre-cooked arguments.
Anyone would have to be desperate to turn to religion.
Gee I wonder how Christianity because so pozzed. Almost like it isn't a defense against kikery.
Tell me how a kike religion pushed on whites and trained them to cuck for kikes is going to save the west.
Church attendance numbers. The more religious a country is, the less cucked it is. The less religious it is, the more prevalent is the SJW religion. Pretty much the entire mainsteam media is railing against christianity.
Who are you quoting? Again you are just screeching slogans.
Yes, the ones who followed judaism. The truth is, if the jews fully converted to christianity, there would't be any jews today. Their religion is what kept them jewish. Also
You're a pretty bad strategist.
There's no reason to assume a god exists in the first place. It's a perversion of the unknown, wishful thinking at best.
gas atheists tbh
So, in other words what you are trying to say is, supernatural events that many people throughout history have observed are just misconceptions and (((coincidences)))? You know I would think Holla Forums would be smarter than to believe that (((coincidences))) exist, since if you believe that you might as well believe the official story that is full of such explanations.
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