why are these buffed crypto kikes trying to hijack any right wing movement, promoting kosher cucked alt-kike civic nationalism instead of actually taking the redpill, how do we end these parasitic jews from entering the anti-kosher spectrum?
Modern day "right wing" parasites
I'm /fit/ as fuck, and yet I fully believe that you can't call yourself a true natsoc without understanding that the fuhrer is, and will always be, the greatest man to live.
Because muh shekels. Polite sage. Take it to QTDDTOT next time.
In time, Hitler will be viewed, rightfully, in the same manner as Socrates is. A noble and wise man too pure not to be destroyed by the wretchedness of this earth.
That legit made me tear up. We miss you Hitler!
We just have to keep calling them out, as well as the people who enable them and talk about "BASED nationalist jews".
If Kike Enoch's jew wife and nigger brother weren't enough to turn people away from his kikery then I doubt this would be off putting.
Leo Strauss en.wikipedia.org
was the Karl Popper of the Right
The entire philosophical synthesis of the Right was birthed by a Jew.
That nigga tried to fight the world and lost.
What did he think would happen?
Only the jewry embedded into the british political system brought him down. And that's a 500 year + long con the kikes have been pulling. English people are Aryan, but their (((leaders))) are crypto to the core.
Also hilariously the British Empire, a landmass enveloping a 1/4 of the world, was effectively dissolved to beat a country the size of New York State. The jews were THAT mad at Uncle Adolf.
Cernokike is a fag, but you reek of DYEL OP
Didn't he used to be Hotwheels lawyer?>
You're a fucking retard.
You know damn well how they work. They're like cockroaches and always have a need to infest everywhere they go. They can't be allowed in, period. There are no good Jews.
I really need to get a gym membership again, the rec center I go to only has dumbbells. They only go to 52.5 lbs and I'm already at 50.
Some shills will get mad at you, remember Hitler considered Mexicans to be racially superior to the burger.
As much of a giveaway as any nose.
Say what you want about Cernovich, but Gorilla Mindset is the best book I've ever listened to.
Changed my life completely.
Its funny how most of the alt light, are white or (((white))) but all have non-white significant others.
Best interest goy who ever lived, cashed out properly and got in no ones way really. Profitable as fuck. Morons.
speak for yourself Cernovich
Molyneux agrees 100% with the Gorilla Mindset.
He even links to it in the video description.
Gas it all.
The answer is there user.
This user here gets it.
Kill yourself.
Sage for reasons
Molyneux makes some good points, but Holla Forums doesn't bow to any e-celeb. If you think waving Molyneux at us as a reason to like something, you need to lurk for 2 years.
Holy shit Cernovich is such a fucking loser
Fuck off Kike Cernobitch.
Didn't waste my life watching. Kike Cernobitch copied most of his book from Tony Robbins and Earl Nightingale and added a little of his own words and theories to make it his.
Funny because that's like how kikes copied European martial arts like boxing, catch wrestling and kickboxing added testicle strikes to it then marketed it as Krav Maga the most deadly style in the world!!1!1
make my big mac nappy
Oy gevalt I wundah who would be behind dis post?
Amazing how Jews think they can claim ideas that are older than they are. They made up the Roman salute too I bet.
>beginners dose (((for tolerance)))
Oy vey! build that tolerance up goy so you can bu…err take the same dose as me goy!
Really gets that noggin joggin
So dose his pills come with a copy of Mandrill Mindfuck?
When you put it like that, that's pretty fucking legendary. No one else has put up a fight of that magnitude, not even close.
Jew Jitsu
Serious question: what is wrong with this man's face?
Cro Magnon genetics mixed with jewish genetics.
And Molyneux is another kike parasite. I seriously hope no on Holla Forums actually listens to him.
Reported. Thanks for outing yourself.
You already made this dumbass thread two hours back. Please fuck off.
Yep. You can always tell the kikes that way, user.
A thread a day keeps the normies away from ever becoming redpilled.
top kek my man
You mean save the world. Look at it now. This is exactly what he said would happen.
people should sage you all the way to the gas chamber, you fucking e-celeb kike worshipper.
Only 6% of White men race mix, and they all HAPPEN to be part of the alt-kike.
To be fair he almost won
The most recent alt-kike foray into disrupting that garbage liberal Trump assassination play is straight out of the liberal commie playbook. They constantly try to be like us and act as our leaders but their true colors always end up shining through.
Even if Molyneux wasn't a Jew, I still wouldn't trust him from his facial expressions alone. They all look forced and creepy, especially his smile. Like he's some kind of meat robot who doesn't really understand human emotion and is doing a poor job at imitation. It reminds me of pictures with SJW's when they smile with their mouth all the way open and stare right into the camera.
This, the whole strauss thing is just a failed leftypol meme.
Molyneux is a freak. Anyone who listens to his cult like psychobabble is an idiot.
B-but Holla Forums told me you're a cucks if you marry a non-white over a whore.
This, I hate the French race as well
Dubs of laugh
Stefan pls go, we know you're a kike dude
look, I like the lispy voiced kike, but his book is fucking garbage. He otherwise used to give decent advice about juicing, testosterone and whatnot.
here's your (((you)))
oh wow, there is an exact same post like this on Holla Forums right now, Hilarious.
Go to 40:17 and get a giggle related to your post.
The fact that this guy's still got a following is hugely disappointing.
Most of them are urbanites where a lot of the white woman are railed out whores too fucked up on prescription drugs and too engrossed in their meaningless jobs to ever be wife material. I don't agree with marriage outside of ones race but, being an urbanite myself, I understand the appeal of marrying a woman who doesn't want to be choked and pissed on after your first date.
It's a reminder that Holla Forums was right as always about the Aut-Kike. They don't want to stop these kikes, they're hobbyists who want to be edgy online and use podcasts to make up for their lack of social interaction.
I didn't ask for this feel user.
have a filter, alex
it's terrible
read the rational male instead
Must not be a native English speaker.
Another one.
Why doesn't it mean that Memeneux is jewish?
Wesenlust. That feeling of loss when you are longing for someone you have never even met
Every. Time.
Because he was raised as a Protestant Christian, and while he's an atheist, he openly supports Christians and makes a point about mentioning how much respect he has for Christianity in just about every podcast these days, and has called out Jewish trickery often.
If you're expecting full 1488 from an e-celeb you're delusional. And if you are one of the "muh molyjew" shills you are either totally ignorant of Molynuex's latest content (which must be terrifying to actual kikes due to his platform and the sheer magnitude of red pills being dropped) or you're genuinely JIDF.
It's gotten to the point where I genuinely believe Soros is paying someone to be on Holla Forums 24/7 specifically to spread the "molyjew" meme every time he is mentioned. Because some retard will post that webm without fail.
Think you got it wrong there, chaim. It took the entire world to stop one man that rebuilt his nation from impoverished ruin. And even then his legacy lives on, so powerful that it needs to be washed over by a never ending sea of lies to be resisted. That's power.
Holla Forums plz
people are smart enough to use stefbot as a resource to harvest statistics and memes and not invest their entire life in believing his defoo bullshit.
t. tommoishe robinstein
It could mean that his family was involved with Jews to some degree but not necessarily through direct marriage or blood relations. Just like Trump family used to be.
I wonder what linguistic subtlety is referring to.
Anyway Hebreneux should explain his "mother's Jewish clan" himself.
Europe's empires were a mistake. Teach a shitskin your language and he thinks he's as good as you.
The amount of alt-kike clowns shilling in here lmao
Did not know that occupied Prussia was the world.
1660s was when Cromwell let the kikes back in IIRC.
That kike has the exact same body type I do and I haven't even lift once.
You mean the jewish danger.
No, it's a good reminder and deserves some exposure. At this point, nationalist movements are full of subverters and shills (including more than a few jews for fuck's sake) and that's definitely not how things should be.
What are you hoping for? Some woman to be having had the life you have had? What is found is the ones that are from family life and with work in their spirit. It's all around you faggots. My woman says it all the time.
Fuck off
I hear this all the time but I never seen any proof of it.
I'd add that people like Cernokike also expressly want to make money. First they try to be become famous by being edgy online as you said and in order to then peddle their books, ebooks or whatever.
gross pajeet wife
Meh. In the US she passes as h'wite.