Trump - German Idealism

Trump will complete German Idealism!

Remember that trickster god kid who trolled the media with this meme? Here is a great article on it.

To complex to sum up for you, sorry.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the video of the kid

Pretty sure article seems to complex for OP because its poorly written; Also I think the article has the intended audience of an author sorting out his thoughts.

It was decent.

He goes by @KANTBOT10K. He's going through a tankie troll phase right now.

I didn't say it was too complex for me you kike. I said it was too complex to dumb it down into a short description other than the context.

Is this what the average Holla Forums ubermensch looks like?


This, I think is the most important point made in the article:

End of our ills right there. As (((Rand))) (I know) put it: 'Any refusal to recognize reality will have disastrous consequences.' Those who recognize reality will inevitably draw to us. When a man remembers that he is a man, and likewise, a woman remembers that she is a woman, the entire Jew World Order propaganda machine will no longer have any effect on them.

I like how the author of the article thinks. We have no need for subversion or complicated strategies to attain our goals. All we have to do is point out reality, all the rest will follow.

What? Is Trump going to channel his German ancestors or something?

Just read the article.

Nah I'm not giving clicks to them. Archive or fuck off faggot.

Idealism always had a problem with reality of the human mind vs. natural motivation, and I think this is something that was caused by religion but also has been made more clear with space exploration - or the idea that outside of the globe there is a massive amount of sucking space, not a heavenly secondary world. It's hard for men of the past to wrap their head around natural reality when they looked up at the stars and couldn't really know what it all meant. Now that we know its a sort of oceanic abyss of space it has grounded the modern thinking of man.

Then don't give your opinion or ask questions. Just shut up.

Archive and screencap

Why can't you just copy and paste the article here or use archive? Did you write this piece and are now shilling it like Jay-Z's marketing staff was shilling that line about kikes and how they did it? You would get more replies that way.

tips for you newfag

Archive and screencap provided, courtesy of user. Please continue to not read, explore ideas, develop interests. Also, make sure you don't contribute to any discussion anywhere in whatever way shape or form. Don't ever take the initiative to do anything yourself. Have everything spoonfed to you by others. By no means exert effort. After all, you're (you).

When Holla Forums grows up: this is what REAL esoteric study looks like. Not creepy larping beta males numerology and talking about if Alestor Crowley or Evola was a degenerate or not.

Stop complaining all the time. I'm not your husband.

Kant in the 'Critique of Pure Reason' created Transcendental idealism to try to solve the problem between a Rationalist's belief that the pattern in our universe's logic imply implications are possible and the Empiricist's belief that only or primarily sensory experience gives us knowledge which moment-to-moment need not be coherent outside our perception that it has been. Many Germans attempted to explain a system which fundamentally entwined our ability to understand the universe to questions of faith and reason.

I believe that it is not the philosophy of nature (Science) that has advanced German Idealism, but the philosophy of mythology (Psychology). It attempts to answer the question of perceptions and intuitions as well as it in Jung's Red Book and Black Books advanced psychology by relating our perception and intuition to our faith and religion. If categorically the best psychology is and ought to be allegory-in-scripture then the system of German idealism's focus on knowledge acquisition is a much different question requiring a much different answer.

However we also live in the world where Karl Marx in 'Die Deutsche Ideologie' thought that humans distinguished themselves from animals the moment they produced their own means of subsistence. Marxism derives from that mistake, that our natural-base selves sit apart from and hinder our nurtured-intellectual selves which arise from ownership of the means of continuing our lives. Modern psychology has taught us that we intellectually are 80% genetics and 20% memetics, we must understand that we may never separate ourselves from our nature and to do so removes the majority and the heart of us. The damage Marxism has done is incalculable.

If marxists and empiricists gain objectivity from stripping the subjectivity of interpretation from life, than to be objective is to remove motivation, meaning, significance, and purpose our animal brains desire from life.

If religion and rationalists gain objectivity from stripping the subjectivity of interpretation from their thoughts, than to be objective is to remove motivation, meaning, significance, and purpose from conscious thought which damages our connection and control of our unconscious impulses.

The systems we allow in life to control our dark impulses and reward the good are the systems that must be meaningful and rational, too much of faith has been expunged in chasing objective knowledge. The telos and henosis of us and our societies no longer exist in modernity. Infertility is just one horrible loose string you pull to see far larger underlying damage. The emperor has no clothes and rationality is the weaver that lied to us.

God no, an illegal spic whose great-grandfathers were WW2 German soldiers a lot more preferable and capable.

Complex to an anglo

The real Germans went to Latin America, only those with rodent mentality came to US or cuckada

well shit. EMPIRICISM is the weaver that lied to us.

Would Merkel would be better than an Anglo?

We have need of explanations so simple and tight that the low IQs of the citizenry see clear simple goals and how they fit into life.

They all will follow once UBI or the multi-cult cannot sustain the illusion any longer that any society may be constructed or altered foundationally.

A government has only the end of maintaining the boundary between in-group and out-group to maintain the civilization from dangerous cultural elements.


Merkle is a Jew. Even the father of the illegal spics in the apartments (which I visit because of my friends) know that.

I'm surprised that's a redpill on Holla Forums. I don't talk too much to the old man, but I think he said the father was Jewish.

Wait, there are people that don't know about the meeting between Merkel and DDR Honeker. Or Merkel working for the Stasi?


The "Lenin was actually an ancap" posts have me in stitches every time. Best storyline of his in recent memory.

QUADS of germanic rodent detection

Why are burgers so fucking cringe?

I really don't like how all you Americans forgot the German language. You could have been bilingual. Your second most spoken language could have been German, not Spanish. You could have cool German newspapers that break the monopoly of the jewish-owned Anglo ones.

But no, you had to be too lazy to learn the language of your forefathers.

How fucking lazy can you get? Duh, I won't take this opportunity to learn another language FOR FREE without any effort, because you are still a child, but nope. Let's just not.

I want to slap you. Learn fucking German please.

Op is an unsalvagable faggotron as usual
That being said German Idealism is the way forward to our Reich
also Absurdism is quite underrated

I guess its better then you all wanting to be Irish again. We know the US are a very Mongrelized European people, I suspect it's quite hard to pin a oragin to just one ethnic group.

Man if only all these LARPing aryans were serious about creating an eternal kingdom of utopian glory instead of being Smiley this whole thing would be so much easier…

As opposed to the old Jewish owned German newspapers?

I am no way opposed to a common European second language (like how Latin used to be). Why so opposed to it been English, what are the pro's for it been German?

German was the most common second language, and there were German print newspaper in the US. Then WW1 happened.


You are American. English should be your first language.

I know, mate. Still no excuse.

and it's your most commonly used second right?


So you're just wanting to change the US's first language from English to German, that's it?


no, just fucking learn it, all right? let's make it the second most spoken langauge in the USA

why is someone direct linking to a literal homo's website????????????

many artists are homo or bisexual, so I don't really mind

Oh, I see. I can think of some good reasons for that. I would not like to comment on it too much you would have to ask the Americans of the board, i'm English.
In fact we had a number of threads talking about something similar, thinking on a bigger scale of a second European language. Some people wanted German, some English, some a mix of both. I remember most agreed on going back to Latin for the second language.

That is just a bit less stupid than going with Esperanto.

It should be English, French and German.

kill yourself

the problems people had with it been English is it's now a Global language. The point of a common European one was, to communicate with other Europeans without any non EU eavesdropping with total ease.

Wile French and German would be a better choice, it would suffer from the same problem relatively fast and suffer from resentment from most non Fr, Gr, speaking people.
So we ended up thinking along the lines of Latin, the language of the Roman Empire and first language of Christendom.

What even is a good resource these days? I fell for the RS demo before I visited, our guide/friend had a lot of fun with my 'knowledge'.

Half way through my B1 intensive German course and picking it up fast, believe in me user.

Ich bin stolz auf dich.

I don't really know tbh. lol

In truth we stand and in truth we shall succeed.
As Hitler said
>The National Socialists will ensure this

Fucking checked - Hitley quads tell it!

When I think down these lines I have a vision of a future skald / priest / psychologist hybrid that will personify the rebirth of deep religious feeling, I cannot shake it. It seems the total solution to the question German Idealism asks. If truth is learned by the forethought of doing than the combination of recording, advising, and understanding must be at the center of any great society.

I am more and more convinced if the key to understanding reality is in understanding how consciousnesses were shaped among families and races by geographically-different natural selections then there must become a marriage between the spiritual search for meaning and the psychological search for understanding the mind, That is to say that the study of moral knowledge must come from the mythology that our mind finds meaningful, that implicit allegorical stories serve best to convey explicit moral systems.

Schelling's unity between Telos, or purpose-as-meaning, unifying ourselves with Henosis, or a mystical 'oneness', or 'union', unifying our understanding of our reality seems true.
Modern science reveals the chief unity Schelling makes between Telos and Henosis with the fact of evolutionary forces which optimally shaped our brains to survive and replicate in the universe. That we are built to find ultimate meaning in this purpose in what we are wired to carry out, at least when wired morally correctly, suggests Telos is both true and the psychologically leading 'meaning' within our brain. Henosis is more difficult except as a set of observations, as a subcategory of God. I think that the concept of God begins to convince me that current religion is wrong in detail but the connection is "morally true" in that it is meaningful by structure.

God which becomes the ultimate thing but is only the personification which has a subset of our understood reality (by metaphor) and separately religion which becomes only whatever form is the best conveyer of moral truths who gives optimal standing, reputation, and recognition from others and our own sense of self.

I see something therein which I deeply wish I could prove: memetic impulses and genetic impulses exist and they are the 'why' every action we take. Knowledge alone shapes completely 'how' the act goes, but mere knowledge is helplessly enslaved to the impulse's dictates. Within this system there is both moral knowledge and scientific knowledge, moral knowledge is abstract and meaningful across time within a culture and scientific knowledge is literal and observable across time and within a universe. Within this system all impulses form as a Hegelian dialectic antithesis to observation, and serve to implicitly and quickly react to the world. Genetic impulses thereby are both Immanent and materialistic but Memetic impulses are Transcendent and deeply religious. The very best memes thereby must thereby contain thesis, antithesis, and synthesis but in that complex vision as well memes must confer moral knowledge. Thus a moral knowledge by cultural transmission becomes a memetic impulse within culture which binds us to that culture and limits our assimilation to another culture.


Well I the read the article and have an interest here. I think its all relevant. This was a slow start here and I guess it was people reading?

Hegel is a confusing vehicle here. People are often tempted to use his method in a nontechnical manner and doing so separates one from Hegel. The jump from the general topic of German idealism to Hegel is a big one. He is apart of of the conversation but German Idealism is more of a historical era than a specific ideology. We don't need to affirm Hegel's concept of absolute to talk about how information is cultivated. This is about memetics, we already have good intuition here. Moreover Hegel's concept of the 'end of history' probably uses a poor definition of humanity. It will need work to be a serious framework.. I feel like philosophy has abandoned that specific project - most because the thrust of German Idealism is doing battle in the arena of post-modernism.

Time in Matter vs. Time in Memes

I think the next step when we talk about God, the step from a Spinoza like god, comes from an appreciation of old languages. Old PIA languages had many many Gods. From a Western point of view it looks like competing monotheisms but I think the answer is in language. Some languages have POVs that aren't as subjective as English.

This gene vs. meme impulse is probably a good topic. I would say memes groom genes and a well groomed hill will always show a slope


> quads confirm

Half of Holla Forums


Want to add that this discussion is out of context when if we stop at Hegel without following the evolution of his thought.. this leads to Heidegger and Nietzsche and Jung.

The conclusion is something like a Descartes like dualism is more of a POV, a construction whose details coordinate an opinion of time. Since Hegel there's so much more in this field, quantum mechanics has advice for memetics.. there's no virtue of purity in updating Hegel.. his dialectical method is a great approach. But we aint looking for a skeleton key.. is that not the point of his triad? To cap consciousness at freedom is maybe just a expression from the 1800s, freedom is a place holder for more literal actions


Shills, please step up your game. This isn't halfchan and you lot pretending it is is ruining my shitposting experience

Hey jackass, alot of us still speak German. Look up Fredricksberg Texas.

Due to the influx of Mexicans from the south, we typically use it in school to disinclude them from our conversations.


It's because teaching a 2nd language is very discouraging when speaking to teachers and pediatrics.The excise is that learning two languages will make the child develop longer and your child will have to esol after esol your child will go to speech therapy where any accents are stamped out. Speech therapy partly why southern and other dialects in America are disappearing they want everyone to speak general American English dialect.

I absolutely believe in learning German as our second language as the Germans are very much related to us, and that's not even to mention that the majority of White Americans today are of German descent, but arguing against English because it is the language of our forefathers is the shittiest argument you could make.

There is nothing wrong with the continuation of what your forefathers established, especially if it is your language, race and culture, and in fact is absolutely necessary.

What? :O

I'm a Pennsylvania Dutch speaker and I know a couple of Plautdietsch speakers from out west. I don't know if that guy is a German or what; they're so strange to American German speakers

No, you are not. If you are one, then you'd know that you aren't one.



I don't understand what this means? I speak it, I read it, I go to a Grundsau Lodge occasionally. Are you trying to project some incorrect notion you have of it?

You are speaking German, not Dutch.
So don't call yourself Dutch.

Don't lecture me about it when you clearly don't understand what you're talking about. Dutch is a middle English and early modern English term for continental West Germanic speakers. Do Dutch call themselves "Dutch"? No, they call themselves Nederlanders. Why would Dutch even consider themselves that drastically different from Germans during the 17th century, where the term originates? When they had a clear dialect continuum and Germany was a nonexistent political entity? Dutch is a vernacular term and good one

You're a fool, get a grasp of what you're speaking about before getting involved you meme spouting cuck

You just triggered the poor Swamp Germans really really bad, you know that, right?

Why not call yourself Deutsch?

I get he's joking but that's really fucking cringey.

It is impossible to complete German idealism in the united states.
The first and largest reason why is the intellectual foundation for the US is classical liberalism and puritan spirital belifs. Both of these things are completely at odds with German idealism.
The second reason being the US does not have an established concept of nation state. The concept of blood and soil is not possible with a strong sense of established identity.
The third reason being the United States significant minority population means establishing a concept of a european nation state within the US would destroy the US, in fact a European nation within the US would be at odds with the goverment and likely seek to destroy the goverment.

The term is different in PA Dutch, it's Deitsch. It's also a Mitteldeutsch dialect. Plus every academic involved that I take seriously uses Pennsylvania Dutch more than Pennsylvania German, which is used more generally when describing it linguistically rather than the people; Don Yoder, Mark Louden, Kraybill, Nolt, Gehman, Hochstetler, etc.

I use Pennsylvania German occasionally, especially to hold off the dumbfucks that believe that apocryphal story of it being a mistranslation of "Deutsch". But Pennsylvania Dutch is overall a better term and more historically appropriate

But that is correct.

I am not sure if that is correct, but I admire your typical German Autism, which means you are probably correct about that.

Mark Louden and Don Yoder (RIP) both have done research and called that out as a myth, it's an earlier English term. Again, the clear concept of Dutch as completely separate from Germans is a roughly Napoleonic concept. Not that there wasn't a division beforehand, but having a dialect continuum from Dutch all the way to Swiss High-High German and nationalism not really being the same as the 19th century complicates it

I don't like to be an autistic fuck, but someone trying to correct me on something I've read about quite extensively with their entry level misconceptions bugs me to hell. The criticism of "Dutch" in particular is a massive pet peeve that I've almost come to blows over IRL. People seriously repeat the Dutch = Deutsch meme all the time, as though our highly literate ancestors and Philadelphia merchants formerly involved in the North Sea trade were too stupid to get ethnic terminology correct. It's obviously indirectly true, it's an anglicization of Diets/Deutsch/Dietsch/Deitsch, but it's a preexisting term to the colonization of N. America and has a very broad definition

I have German ancestry. I grew up near Pennsylvania German communities. But the only way I learned german was through school. Grades eight through 12, then a few more semesters as an undergrad. I still practice when I can.

But I'm too nervous and self-conscious to actually talk to native speakers.

Germans are kind of difficult to talk to;

Most Germans in the US that plan on being here long term are more open to it and friendlier. As long as you have the accent down and generally use the right genders then you'd be surprised at how willing most of them are to help you and speak with you.

You are/were near PA German speaking communities, are you around Philadelphia? There's plenty of German expats here and organizations for speaking

I'm not the most social person to begin with, so just striking up a conversation is hard enough in English.

I grew up in the suburbs outside Philly. Currently in Texas, though.

He's not joking.

We aren't going to bully you for it. Most probably want to help you improve your pronunciation, because it's difficult to pull off.

So which group of people does Pennsylvania Dutch apply to? Only from Immigrants from West Germany or something? Including actual Nethelanders?

If I explain it fully will you promise to read it? Needlessly to say basically everyone who *is* Pennsylvania Dutch understands and knows that they are Pennsylvania Dutch rather than "German", generally


It really depends on where you are. Where I come from nobody in the city speaks it, but many in the country do, and there were plenty of Völkisch institutions, until they got subverted by you know who. Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are both really big for German. My German is kind of weird though, since my German teacher was Austrian until I was around 8, and I spent a lot of time in Bavaria.

>He is a fat slob brain on wheels type of person
ok, nice philosophy, implying you are not just another symptom of the disease

Okay, now you confused me more. Are you saying this in a Switzerland/Austrian "We are not German at all." or in what way do you mean it?

I am now curious, because apparently I am completly wrong, so yes I will read it.

I heard this really often on /int/ for some reason. Unsuspecting user goes to Bavaria, thinks he learns German and ends up with a nearly incomprehensible dialect.


Make sure to cover (((Dugin)))'s influence and the rise of Communist apologetics and Russian dicksucking.

My grandmother never learned the language, so my mother and her siblings didnt learn it and then i didnt learn it.

I wish I were red pilled 20 years ago in high school so I would've taken the initiative to learn it when it was offered to me instead of useless French.

A storm is coming

>muh enlightenment reason t. (((mendelssohn)))


168 million( officialy), still counting.



The spirit of Germania isn't with some subhuman Anglo, we all how how Hitler's Germany classified that race. That spirit is hard to find in Germany, but the resistance is growing… Outside of Germany, you however can find that spirit.

After reading Mein Kampf and going through Hitler's speech and conversations, it's easy to discern where we can find the torch Hitler left us. It's no secret that after WW2, many Germans escaped with that torch and pass it down to their redpilled communities. As the global German community grew, there were cases of racemixing (which wasn't prohibited) with these races. Hence we find redpilled communities in South East Asia, Latin America, other small parts of Europe (excluding France and UK), and even Africa.

The Fuhrer didn't died in vain, as the spirit of Germania is now a global phenomenon.


Not being an asshole, but if you want to seriously achieve proper fluency you do need to speak it. I can understand being nervous about it but you should look into interpals or mylanguageexchange (though they banned me for literally no reason and never responded to my email). But look at it this way, you spent several years studying it; but some guy that is immersed in it for a couple months will ultimately speak better than you do and he probably doesn't even know what Plusquamperfekt or Genitiv even is

Talking about antarctica? A lot of things have been making me think about it recently…

(((According to plan)))

someone better have at least glanced over this

I did learn German in high school. (Part of the last class to teach it before it was nuked along with advanced French courses in favor of more Spanish classes. Thanks, Commiefornia!) The problem is that there was nothing to do with it afterward, other than lurk KC or try to read Goethe and fail miserably. At least with moonrunes I can watch my stupid Mongolian claymation.

I remember one old guy from our German listening exercises that was from somewhere in the south, like Austria or Switzerland or somewhere around, and he became an inside joke for being completely incomprehensible compared to the other speakers, who were mostly kids from Berlin or Hamburg. I wish I could remember his name. "I am become Herr X, destroyer of grades."

You have much to learn about esotericism.

I did user, your work wasn't in vein. My family is currently in New Jersey, but originally we're from Western PA near Pittsburgh. We're Czech and German Lutheran and my family's been in the country long enough to not really remember exactly what generation it was that came other, certainly prior to the 20th century. Chances are my ancestors were probably just early-19th century immigrants who came over during industrialization, but I find your stuff interesting nonetheless.

I just cried tears of laughter watching this, with the motivational epic music and him seeming so confident in the memes. Truly a giant of irl shitposting.

Choose your wife Holla Forums

Hitler gave us a mission beyond the grave.

Replacing the word 'meme' with 'spirit' or 'divinity' or whatever you were shooting for isn't going to get the job done. It would just cause more repetition in philosophy. There has to be more than positional comparison of micro and macro and multi to complete the order of ideals. As in more than talking about what is foundational, and what is Transcendent.

depends on your character and the new culture, I think.


Bullshit. Ain´t that simple at all.

Nope. That is autism to the highest degree.

German idealism is not what we are about you faggot. Just cause it says German don't assume it's all 1488 etc etc.
Learn to philosophy.

German idealism is not ubermensch shit it's giving up individual autonomy to the state in what ends up being a dystopia of tower block houses and secret police.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau influenced Kant, but he was also a shithead.

Is this thread a lefty pol joke?

GTFO libertarian kike. German Idealism was the philosophy that created Nationalism.

The idealism of the spirit of a people, the spirit of a nation.Before this there was no Nationalistic philosophy because there was no autonomy of Self away from the mechanical God/church outlook

Wasn't but it's also very relevant and more I look in to it, more I wonder. The amount of coincidences there are too high for it to just be ice and oil and penguin research. Thousands of people? For?

Byrd alone is quite something. Then all the hot rocks and holes everywhere water and land.

Exactly! Knowledge + message of National Socialism is timeless; tools to change the world.

OP is a faggot

Possibly, especially around Pittsburgh, but it still doesn't mean you don't have any PA Dutch ancestry. There were some Slovaks that were somewhat assimilated into the PA Dutch speaking region around the Coal country, I don't know much details about that though. My point ultimately is that it is a fairly vague, vernacular definition and isn't exclusive


They're watching you bro

The Ideal German and German Idealism are very different things although the system of idealism which was fostered in and by Germany is very Germanic. It displays the soul of the German for the world to see.

The superior German will be for all time the Übermensch who is born both of the chasing of superiority yet of the volk. The individual who in addition to being individual has the greatest meaning in belonging to his people, for to be so post-human that one feels nothing to humanity is absurdly evil and by definition alien to humanity's interests.

There must be a resurgence from the meaninglessness and despair of modern Europe, I believe Holla Forums must always include thought towards a future for white children along the path of the Germanic Spirit.

Much like Faggot-Marriage made marriage too culturally complex for (((the Feminist))) and stalled their attempt to destroy marriage due to their inability to anticipate women's 'Helen of Troy' complex seeing fabulous marriages and wanting to be at the center of all the attention, Multiple languages stall their ability to simplify and control language and culture to leverage degeneracy onto the Right to turn them into passive slaves to vice.

I more than glanced, it is heartening for at least the reason that Hollywood may not touch this culture for the points you speak to are not known widely. I hate that industrialization and the ideal of assimilating rendered English prestigious among the PA Dutch speakers, it was a false promise as ultimately (((Hollywood))) has centralized culture under their messaging.

If America is becoming more Multi-nationalism, after the melting pot promise was broke by 1965's meddling and multi-culturalism then PA Dutch must become more insular and protective to succeed this new era.

Once we accept we are genetically bred to maximize survival of ourselves, then should we accept we must breed memetics to maximize survival of our civilization as the constitution which tries to act as social contract does? At least if it is superior to all else that we both wish individual liberty and wish a tribe of people that esteem and remember us to down the generations who seek to build and outdo us in turn. A socialism of tribe where capitalism is degenerate if it is not of glory than of only capital, if it is not of family than of vice, and if not of furthering civilization by methods and abilities than of quickly-obsolete complex financial instruments. If memes are transmit perspectives and implicit associations, a society that maximizes the cultural transmission of in-jokes, lessons, visibly successful lifestyles, and all other forms of peer-to-peer memetic nurturing completes the expression of our nature from a singular animal into an eternal civilization.

Will Spinoza's God provide the meaningfulness that resolves us to oppose evil? A definition of God is required culturally to survive which renders judgement against the degenerate and rewards sacrifice and gratification delay. I believe that it is true that older languages were more honest about the intentions of religious thought than modern atheistic thoughts of religion. Particularly in the common modern belief that God is somehow reversed to be made in man's nature and image rather than our mentality began to internalize the structures and forms of the universe as it evolved to greater understanding of those structures and forms.

I believe that Jung is a central refutation of this cosmopolitanism and the future of Europe may only be secured when a man is driven to implicitly learn from his fellows and ostracism grooms society. The greatest version of this ought to be as decentralized as how money affects the success of families and businesses. Memes grooming genes.

German Idealism for me is the product of Immanuel Kant making room for Religion from endless empiricism, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling's purpose-required understanding for reality, Friedrich Nietzsche's examination of our meaningless modernity, Carl Jung's refutation that we may culturally mix with those whose genetics are different without cultural simplification into meaninglessness, and Adolf Hitler attacking the other which caused our aimless descent into male suicide / MGTOW and female over-sexuality / child surrogacy.

Our character is the impulses I describe and I do believe that our disposition and a new culture may even work better in the first generation but crime in Europe from the third generation of immigrants shows a retreat to the mean similar to IQ over generations.

all I hear is

It's something I'm looking to get more involved with over the next couple of years; I have my own strategies. I've tried to spark some interest among posters here and on halfchan in the past and it doesn't really seem to stick; which comes off as surprising to me as I can't imagine there isn't a large portion of posters here that are at least somewhat PA Dutch in ancestry that feel they have little ethnic roots and distinctive cultural backgrounds to pass on to their children

It would've worked as a secondary pool for developing of "speakers" while I could see if my other ideas were feasible or were able to garner interest

We don't like fags around here, OP, yourself included.

You need to deeply understand a situation noted by the Marquis de Condorcet in the late 18th century called the Condorcet paradox, which states that collective preferences can be cyclic, even if the preferences of individual voters are not cyclic. This is paradoxical, because it means that majority wishes can be in conflict with each other. When this occurs, it is because the conflicting majorities are each made up of different groups of individuals.

If the PA Dutch should band together into some group containing at least themselves to defend against the multi-nationalism AND a majority wish to, then all whites might band together to defend against the multi-nationalism,
but since not all whites are PA Dutch AND the majority of whites do not wish to band together to defend against the coming multi-nationalism, then PA Dutch do not band together to defend against the multi-nationalism despite a majority wishing to.

People have to be asked if they want to join the smallest of groups only, and perhaps then under what criterion could other groups join, and perhaps if only other groups which have bound together to defend against the multi-nationalism or perhaps may…

This shit gets complicated and you have to try to explain the stupidity in the question itself or people assume too much to later agree on anything further.

Around blacks… know the rest.

try hard

Around blacks don't let them say shit like "you got your ass beat by a white boy" in the motherfucking pejorative. You hear that shit and you hit the nigger in the back of the head.

that's the fucking rest!

Oh, I wrote Hutterite, but I meant Brethren; Schwarzenau/River. German Baptists or Dunkers. I always get it mixed up with Hutterites, I don't know why

Hutterites live in Canada on the Prairie and are a different migration wave. I don't know what dialect region they're from, but they still speak German

America used to teach multiple languages up until even the 90's but our culture long since decayed and most people were failing at that point in high school. It was actually required where I went and I'm sure thousands of places around the country.

Also that's kind of retarded. We are a country continent that's solely anglo prior to the mexican rat fuckers pouring into our country in the 1960's. There was no need to speak a foreign language when there was nobody around us worth a shit that spoke a different language. Being a world super power didn't help that much either. We had far more multilingual peoples decades ago than now and that's solely due to the dumbing down of education.

Lastly, it was apart of America's founding. It was english or GTFO the same way it would have been if any Englishman tried to be a permanent resident in Germany unable to speak the language. There was a time when speaking a foreign language in public was considered very rude and ignorant. Ironically we're now doing the same everywhere we go not even trying to speak the local language.

The failures are multitude but at the end of the day it was separation and having an entire continent to ourselves.

dumb niggers keep talking about multi-languages because this thread's subject matter is beyond their attention span

Unfortunately, yes.

One thing is for certain. He's a really hard working guy. No other president like him.

No current member of Holla Forums wishes not to merely post but also to act?
Unfortunately I guess it is so.

They do not comprehend the philosophical and humanitarian virtues that must fuel every national effort, as nationalism proves to be the only system fit to carry out humanity's ideals.
We merely must have a character of the philosophers and remember the question that making Jews free German citizens left for others to later answer. Jews were then a "state within a state" that undermined the German nation. Minorities with civil rights in Europe will only be possible if one could manage to cut off all their heads in one night and to set new ones on their shoulders which should contain not a single foreign idea.

…I have only one passion, one need, while I live only one complete feeling of myself, and that is to work for the White Races. The more I do the happier I feel.
European society is corrupted into one that encourages impulses based on purely self-interested motives for all its vital stirrings and motions and restricts the individual freedom elsewhere to prevent virtue even locally being enforced. I now believe with all my heart in the freedom of man and perceive that with this belief only are duty, virtue, and any ethics at all possible.
It is, furthermore, clear to me that the extremely harmful results to society come from the acceptance of the principle of Marxist materialism and that the great moral depravity of the Eurocrat mainly flows from this source. I am more than certain that if the French do not acquire a dominance and make changes in Germany in a few years no one in Europe who is to have practiced freedom of thought will have a haven. I am more than certain, therefore, that even if the Identitarians find a corner elsewhere, they shall still be driven out within a decade at the most.

I see in Holla Forums and world events the ending of the "third epoch of European history" where only self-interest is cultural impulse. Even if Cosmopolitanism were the purpose of humanity achieved, only in patriotism is the will of that purpose realized in that only within the nation may ideas be acted out and international ideals must be spread from successful nations alone to humanity. All cosmopolitan ideals must necessarily become patriotism anyway.

My nationalism is centered on our interpretation of the present "Happenings", and our opportunity therein. With us, more than any other age in the history of the world, time is taking great strides. Within the three years that have passed since 8ch left 4ch, history has pushed society through decades. We alone can fulfill the ultimate goals for humanity by creating and leading our new nationalist age in history. I affirm that were there such a nationalist world, it is our purpose here to prove to all its existence and its true properties, and to bring before all a vivid picture of this world, and to indicate the means of creating it.

Johann Gottlieb Fichte for the nation, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling for the understanding of our reality, Arthur Schopenhauer for understanding of women, and Carl Jung for the understanding of allegory and so influence.

You're accusing a guy who looks like a chubby Martin Luther of being Jewish. You might have a point in that it would explain Luther's neurotic actions, but the guy looks more like Fr. Hesse than a rabbi.