Miscenceptions and Questions about Hitler and National Socalism

This thread is for all Questions that do not need their own thread.

Why did Hitler not have any children?

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Why didn't Jesus have any?
Why didn't Atlas?
Weight of the world on just one man.

One thing I've never really understood is the economic side of NS. How does NS answer the problems of socialism and what specific changes would be needed in the United States to transition it to the new system?

There is a book about NS Economic policies, but not sure if a translation is out.

I love Hitler but this mp4 I found of him hurt me

lol wtf is he doing

Whats the deal with his niece that killed herself? That birth of evil canuck movie about hitler had him be a creepy fucker and drive her to suicide which i know is bs. I always wanted to know what really happened.

When you trust your doctor too much.

High as fuck on amphetamines. His birthday is on 4/20 afterall.

He ain't spergin he high af off life and methamphetamine.


I've often seen an image stating that Hitler was pro individual and not antiproperty, however I can't seem to find the source of the text.
Instead, I find statements more along authoritarian lines that point to complete government control. Can any anons point me to relevant statements regarding the individual, property, or liberty to start a business under a nat soc state?

Watching a sporting event on stimulants

Fun smackhead fact: tweaking is for withdrawals after methamphetamine has worn out.

So much Judiasm already in this thread.



People should check pdfs board.

Somewhat true, the fps was so low it was adjusted and sped up to have consistency, but it still doesn't explain his erratic movements later on, especially his jaw rocking back and forth then. Its okay user, no one knew the evils then.

Forgot to mention speed up to have consistency like vid related.

Are you seriously that stupid? Look at everyone around him, its not repeated. That's what you do when you're on crank dipshit, its just sped up a bit.

Just looks like he really has to go to bathroom or his rump is a bit itchy or his just uncomfortable. (also the film looks sped up, so it makes his movement look more erratic)

Shit first time I've been called a shill on this board. Three years lurking and a couple posts here and there.

to what extent, if any, was gun ownership restricted in the Third Reich?

have you read this? it's apparently a pretty significant book
i havent read it yet. pls no bully

Makes sense. I used to take amphetamines my first two years in college and it can make you very sporadic and uncomfortable sometimes.

I just remembered I bought the programme, abolition of interest, and the german state, all by Feder months ago and still haven't read them.

Download William Pierce's book about it (has a red cover). Do people around here not go to polarchive or pdfs when lurking anymore?

not an artform, sage and gas yourself.

Pozzed article on the Holohoax, but according to both sides, Hitler only wanted gun control for pinko scum, kikes and faggots.
Pinko scum and kikes weren't even Germanic people, so that seems fair. As for other "enemies of the state," I think that seems fair.

Hitler always said that the reason he never married was because he was already married to Germany. All Germans were basically his children. As to why he didn't have children. I don't think he would have made a bad father but the responsibilities of presiding over an entire continent prevented him from considering children. Perhaps in a world where Germany's future was more secure, he would consider children because he knew they would be safe in the world he created for them but there was also the very real fear that Hitler could have died sometime in the 1940's from Heart problems and Hitler was aware of this. it would be cruel to bring children into the world, knowing you will be leaving them without a father not long afterwards would it not?

I'm pretty sure the film is sped up. Also, he's watching his country compete in a very important Olympic games as its Head of State, who wouldn't be excited/nervous?

One (((misconception))) is that Hitler wasn't really a vegetarian. Basic Bitch Conservacucks try to claim it was Allied Propaganda because "not eating meat is gay" These Jew-brained fuckheads have no conception of Aryan empathy or the German spirit, so they of course don't understand that Hitler's love for animals was genuine. There is no evidence that he had bowel issues or would sneak sausages, and there are numerous sources showing that he became an ethical vegetarian at some point in the 1930s, and stayed so until he died.


I don't think you understand where you are.

Why did he regard the Mexican race as superior to burger and French races?

Where did you get that idea from?

(nice dubs, check mine )
His niece an hero because of her life and her family, you are correct in that Hitler had nothing to do with it because he was on and off during those years

His speeches and conversations regarding those 3 groups (Mexicans, American Anglos, and French)

Source? I've literally never heard him from talking about Mexicans let alone in comparison to Americans Anglos and the French

It's a common misconception that Fascism and National Socialism are inherently different worldviews. That is false. They are the same thing

This was brutal to watch

He never compared them directly, I think. But he did talked enough times about these groups (specially the French) to know where he stood. Regarding the burgers, he was always short from calling niggers. And regarding Mexicans, he laudd their race (he did talk about them as much as burgers).

Did Hitler absolutely had to start WW II? Couldn't he like wall off Germany from the world and create a beautiful happy and pure country to where white people from around the world could seek refuge?

youtube.com/watch?v=70E9KA48Sic HITLER WASNT AS BASED AS TRUMP TJHO

Is this a real question?

U.S.S.R was moving West and was going to invade Poland. Would you want the U.S.S.R. on your border?

Depends, do you consider Anglos and French white?

That is incorrect. Communist subversion and expansion was a major threat but the USSR had no designs on Poland at that time. One day perhaps they would come back, but not in 1939. Hitler's ambition was the perfect tool for Stalin to manipulate to his own ends and he did so accordingly. It is unfortunate but given the situation, Hitler had no choice.

There seems to be a lot of compelling evidence that suggests Hitler may have actually done nothing wrong. However, how are the air raids on civilians acceptable? Is it true that Germany bombed cities and other places where people live? I don't ever see this addressed.


I have a question. Wikiquote has a section of Adolf Hitler Quotes (en.wikiquote.org/Adolf_Hitler). In it it is divided by confirmed quotation and unconfirmed quotation. My question to the board is how many quotations in the (((Confirmed))) section are true and is the unconfirmed quotation about the American Civil War something he actually said? THe citation is some kind of weird book that reads like a novel but it's truth.

This is a good video on the matter. Imperial Truth has a lot of great videos about the Reich.

He died busily defending the nation.

At the beginning of the war Germany's bombing campaigns were limited to the industrial centers of enemy nations or fortresses that artillery could not breach. Hitler took every measure to play war 'by the book' as they say. Weilun was the first Polish city to be bombed in the war and was an industrial city, therefore it became a priority for the Luftwaffe to damage its war material creating capabilities. Some cities like Warsaw, were strongholds of resistance that refused to surrender. War operates on a timetable and Hitler needed all the time he could get to prepare for the Western Front. Hitler requested that the Polish declare Warsaw an open city two or three times. Had they complied with this wish Warsaw would have been treated like Paris and left unscathed. The Poles did not surrender and Warsaw was bombed until it capitulated. Other cities like Rotterdam were actually mistakes. The notification that the Dutch had surrendered came too late and Rotterdam was bombed because the bomber squadron in question weren't aware of Dutch surrender. Now Britain was a different case. At first the bombing campaigns were limited to centers of industry, armaments production, air fields and shipping facilities, but as Britain began its own bombing campaign against German civilians, Hitler's hand was forced by a population demanding revenge and he withdrew his directive on not bombing London and authorized raids on the city, the Velgeltungsangriff (Revenge attack) as it was known.

Very well. I'll address each point individually.

As to why Germany couldn't wall itself off from the world. Germany is a central European nation surrounded by enemies with powerful armies that all have a mutual dislike of her. Moreover, Germany lacks the natural resources necessary for autarky (Self-sufficiency) and cannot shy away from the rest of the world like the United States could. If Germany were to cut herself off from the world she would quickly fall behind, such a move would be greatly detrimental.

You wonder why he couldn't just create a beautiful, happy and pure country. That's all he ever wanted. There were (((others))) and their golem who were not going to let that happen no matter how many lives it cost to achieve it.

Having white people from all around the world seek refuge in Germany is contradictory to the principles of nationalism. Of the the main reasons for the war beginning in the first place is because different ethnic groups, despite all being white, hated living in other countries and wished to be united with their own. American White Nationalism could never take off in Europe, nor should it. The Poles and the Germans are both white but 'hwhite brothers' they are not. Germany is for the Germans and on one else. Other whites must make do in their own white countries.

And finally you ask if Hitler absolutely had to start WW2. He did not intend for the a world war nor a general European conflict. Hitler was a gambler and took opportunities whenever they arose. He often spoke of Providence presenting him chances, chances that he could not let up. Hitler gambled on the idea that France and Britain would not respond to a conflict with Poland if the USSR attacked in tandem, lest they be forced to declare war on Russia as well. His gamble might have payed off had Stalin not outmaneuvered him and pretended to be unprepared to focus all the blame on Germany as the sole aggressor and invade two weeks later. In which case, Hitler's gamble didn't pay up and a regional European conflict was turned into a world war.

"Heinz Splittgerber, in his short book Unkenntnis oder Infamie?, quotes a number of Polish sources which reflect the atmosphere in Poland immediately before the hostilities commenced. On August 7th, 1939 the Ilustrowany Kurjer featured an article "which described with provocative effrontery how military units were continually foraying across the border into German territory in order to destroy military installations and to take weapons and tools of the German Wehrmacht back to Poland. Most Polish diplomats and politicians understood that Poland's actions would perforce lead to war. Foreign Minister Beck… tenaciously pursued the bloodthirsty plan of plunging Europe into another great war, since it would presumably result in territorial gains for Poland."24 He goes on to cite some 14 incidents where Polish soldiers aggressively crossed the border, destroying houses, shooting and killing German farmers and customs officers. One of them: "August 29th: "State Police Offices in Elbing, Köslin and Breslau, Main Customs Office in Beuthen and Gleiwitz: Polish soldiers invade Reich German territory, attack against German customs house, shots taken at German customs officials, Polish machine guns stationed on Reich German territory."25

These and many more are the things one must take into account before making the fallacious accusation that Germany was the one to have started WW2. The following quotations are added here to show that not only Poland was bent on war against Germany, but also her ally Great Britain (and France). Although it is still widely believed that Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain on September 29th, 1938 (Munich) honestly tried for peace, one has to consider the possibility that his real goals were somewhat different. Only five months later, on February 22nd, 1939, he let the cat out of the bag when he said in Blackburn: "… During the past two days we have discussed the progress of our arms build-up. The figures are indeed overwhelming, perhaps even to such an extent that the people are no longer able even to comprehend them…. Ships, cannons, planes and ammunition are now pouring out of our dock yards and factories in an ever-increasing torrent…"26

Max Klüver writes: "Of the considerable body of evidence that gives cause to doubt whether Chamberlain actually wanted peace, one noteworthy item is a conversation [after Hitler's address to the Reichstag on April 28th,1939, W.R.] between Chamberlain's chief advisor Wilson, and Göring's colleague Wohlthat… When Wohlthat, taking his leave, again stressed his conviction that Hitler did not want war, Wilson's answer was indicative of the fundamental British attitude that could not be a basis for negotiations between equals: 'I said that I was not surprised to hear him say that as I had thought myself that Hitler cannot have overlooked the tremendous increases which we have made in our defensive and offensive preparations, including for instance the very large increase in our Air Force.'"27

And on April 27th, 1939, England mobilized her armed forces. Heinz Splittgerber quotes Dirk Bavendamm, Roosevelts Weg zum Krieg (Ullstein-Verlag, Berlin 1989, p. 593), who writes: "Since England had never yet introduced universal conscription during peacetime, this alone virtually amounted to a declaration of war against Germany. From 1935 to 1939 (before the outbreak of the war) England's annual expenditure on war materials had increased more than five-fold."28


There is more to be read if you're interested, this is just an overview. It doesn't go into detail of the number of peace treaties Hitler has offered or the reason why war was declared on the USSR. There are articles about that in the archives here:


If you want books, look on /pdfs/.

It was sped up, I have the slow original version somewhere on my computer.

Most people get slightly excited when watch sports, my old man acts like that. I don't see what the big deal is.

does national socialism have similar properties to socialism we see today? or is just socialist for its time (like FDR new deal). what's its economic policies

It's a common misconception that Fascism and National Socialism are inherently the same worldviews. That is false. They are not the same thing.


Im just not sure i could be a socialist
I love capitalism to much

Go shill somewhere else.

My good goy mum says Hitler was a globalist and wanted to make a european super state. She also says that the EU is the new nazis. Is there any sort of proof for either of those?

Tell you good goy mother that the EU is more like the USSR than the Third Reich, EUSSR if you will. Hitler did plan for a cooperative effort among European nations. Not one giant superstate like the USSR or US but a grand alliance of nations. Hitler believed (Rightly) that only the resources of the entire European continent combined would be able to stand up to the US and the rest of the world.

He could have ignored Prussians getting slaughtered by Polish nationalists and communists alike, yes.

He was too busy with other things OP. Safety first and then children. Liberals and niggers are like bunnies that fuck everything and get knocked up without having a stable life.

It's sped up, look at the audience to the left.

The British kikes started and screamed for war by boycotting German products. They started it via proxy. It is easy to blame Hitler for starting it but in reality he didn't.



Search for Goebbels Diaries. He says the Fuhrer is convinced that smaller states should be liquidated and Europe should unite under German leadership. Ribbentrop also drafted plans for a European Confederation but that was rejected by Hitler. In Hitlers Zweites Buch (Second Book) he makes mention of only the combined resources of an entire continent (Note he says an, not the continent of Europe specifically) can stand up to American might, although all things considered the continent in question can only mean Europe. Of course with Germany being so powerful it could only mean the continent would naturally fall under its dominion but it is not 100% clear what a German Europe looks like: Like the EU but nationalist? Or a loose alliance of states that pool their armies and resources together in times of external conflict?


Hitler had some serious medical issues during the entirety of his reign. He's probably tripping out on something his doctor gave him.

{{{America}}} has basically had the opposite strategy for Europe, and has worked tirelessly to split nations apart, such as Yugoslavia, then make vassals of the remains.

Divide and conquer is a trademark Anglo technique after all - but they usually don't realize the full extent of the damage they have caused until it comes to bite them back decades later

Hitler had Asperger's, he was stimming here.

He's super excited about the sports event. It looks like he's rooting for an athlete to win. Maybe it's a sprints event and it's very close. So his movements seem like he wants the athlete to eke out a couple more centimeters. Like "Come on man, you need 5 more centimeters, come on, only 5, what are you doing?"

Anyone want to convert this to a proper framerate?

i keep people saying the natsocs were funded by bankers/illuminatis/masons. Is there any truth in that or is it just feel good rhetoric for people who don't want to accept they might have been the baddies in ww2?

If i remember correctly, Irving has a Q&A where a question like that is asked and he does a good job, like always, to debunk it.

Bumping because my question was unanswered. I'll directly quote the thing in question:


I can't imagine that Hitler would've said that. I don't really think he cared that much about American history. His use of the word inequality doesn't make any sense. He always talked about a united Germany without classes. He wouldn't have been an advocate of slavery/inequality. He would've deported them back to Africa.