Macron's body language and desperation to be next to Trump seems a little weird. Does he fantasize about having the same things that Trump has, like his beautiful tall wife, wonderful children and billions? Is Macron jealous of Trump or is he trynig to get some street cred among world leaders? What's the little frog's angle?

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Why is queen bitch front and center and dressed in a bright red?

No idea but the reaction of several world leaders that saw Macron run to Trump like a puppy is hilarious.

Macron is slightly below optimal height and Trump is slightly above.

His original position was shitty to begin with. I'm quite surprised he didn't went next to Momma Merkel for this picture. Macron is the typical beta that needs to claim himself alpha (remember the "jupiterian" headlines?) to assert dominance, because he can't project confidence naturally. As Le Pen herself said, France chose a woman to be their leader, and that is Merkel, not this stereotypical napoleonic-complex french manlet.

kek, okay that makes sense. I see France becoming a country of literal cucks int he next 3 years. Macron is going to collapse that nation to cuckoldry.


Just webm it OP, it's not that hard

Shoo, kike.


So, who did Trump elbow out of the way to make he got to center stage?

>(((wonderful children)))

Macron has Napoleon's height but he wasnt born 250 years ago… So yes Macron is a manlet.

Stop breaking links goddamn pleb newfag.

Little Boy Macaron, just trying to find a father to be with his motherwife and make his family whole again.

See how easy this is?

Napoleon's wife was kike-looking, but was white. But here's what it becomes interesting:


The only question is whether Macron will truly pull a Napeloeon and re-marry a 19-year old to have children at his 40's.

Meanwhile macron's mom has 24 years on him

Back then, social media wasn't a thing and it took ages for word of Josephine's infidelity to reach Napoleon. When he heard about it, he tried to divorce that bitch then and there.

Knowing that she and her kids were fucked if that happened, she stopped being a whore, and kissed the ring. All the while, Napoleon was fucking all kinds of other women.



He married a woman that was thrown in jail, and had two children with another man. Not only that, she was older than him.

My point is exactly that; he was a huge cuck by modern standards, exactly how Macroleon is today. It took a huge amount of time for him to realize that, and when it did, he married a 19-year old girl with German royal blood.

huge cuck by old times standards*

TRUMP verbally abused Merkel
She broke down in tears

Holy shit

I'd call this best timeline, but Merkel's still alive.

Didn't know he married his teacher..

You just don't marry her. Especially after her eggs shrivel up and her son is older than you.

Because Germany is the host obviously.

did they fug???


she's front and center because Germany's hosting the event. Why she's cosplaying a traffic cone is a mystery

Haha look at the leader of fucking Germany everybody, talk about bad optics.

Gee, I don't know why, user.

Germans should vote AFD upcoming election, if they don't and CDU wins again with Merkel at the helm, or worse (((Martin Schultz))) wins with the SPD Germany is doomed and it will take western Europe with it to financial ruin if not full blown civil war.

Host to all manner of disease and parasites.

And shouldn't the NPD be the "better" option?

Okay now get to a realistic conclusion. Merkel and her party will win again. She's the incumbent and the majority of the German people really don't care about getting diversified by Muhammad and his ilk. If the rapes in the previous years didn't change anything than nothing will.

Someone told her it was a good idea to stand out.

Merkel's bright red hilldog outfit clashing with everyone elses's dark blue/black outfits is really rustling my autism. Completely ruins the aesthetics of the photoshoot.

Your lifts are showing, kike.

Best is how Merkel is totallz irritated at Macron leaving the formation.
In another video you could see her commenting about macron going to Trump to the chinese minister to her left. You can lipread TRUMP

Macron even sat next to trump during the concert in the opra

Call me crazy but maybe Macron is more right wing than we thought.

Get the fuck out and gas yourself.

I'm not saying "Macron is /ourguy/ xd." just that he may be more far right than we thought.

Macron is no where near to the right

I guess what it takes is a frenchwoman

Power changes people.
I can only hope to be pleasantly surprised.
I'm not that knowledgeable in US presidents history, but could he be some cucked version of JFK ?

I don't understand Macron's deal. Is he tsundere for Trump? Is this an Ocelot and Big Boss situation? Just like my japanese animes?

fuck anime

lol WTF happened here?

I'm assuming this is a single frame taken out of context to make it look like Trump just rekt Mutter Merkel, but I'm just going to assume that's the case anyway.

Get the fuck out faggot.

every time

I thought spaghetti was an Italian dish.


every time you shill start derailing threads by triggering the weebs. Go kill yourself.

I don't watch anime, but you're a subversive, new faggot. Reported.

6'3"+ looks good if you're buff, but has the potential to look like a hungry skelly at even normal weights.
6'1"-6'2" is ideal height
5'11"-6'0" is an acceptable height. 5'11" was the cutoff for the SS I believe.
5'10" is king of manlets
-5'6" is manlet tier.

This is the best I can think of, and my fairly unbaised view of male height. For the record, I'm 6'0" and have experience only in North America.

Do you know where you are, faggot?


-5'9" is manlet tier*


tenbux tier

Disgusting low energy faggot. Told ya anyone who finds those old ass stock images funny is a faggot from reddit!

Jesus, you anime cucks are cringy and pathetic

He seems to be clinging on to Trump and giving him lots of funny looks. Is it possible that he's made some sort of threat against Trump, and is trying to rub it in his face and fluster him, but Trump doesn't give a shit?

Could that manlet possibly think he's intimidating?

The fact that you don't know you've lost this battle is sad and telling. I don't even anime post, lurk more faggot.

This better have fucking happened.

What's next? Edgy? You got anymore self absorbed, liberal buzzwords? No one gives a fuck what you find "cringey", we always had anime around here so fuck off you old faggot you're not welcome.

my sides




lol that bigfoot pose on the right. She has bretty good tiddies though. Kind of cute when she smiles, but doesn't change the fact that she's a 5/10.

This is Jeb-tier.

Even you have no idea what bullshit you just typed nigger.

The fact that you faggots always get so triggered when someone even dares to insult your autistic chinese cartoons for manchildren is funny. And "cringe" is suddenly "a self absorbed, liberal buzzword"? Jesus, how new are you?

No, you didn't. Stop telling blatant lies. It's always just been a handful of loud virgin autists posting anime girls, deluding themselves it somehow became acceptable.

/r/ing edit of pic-related

Would you fuck her, Holla Forums?

More buzzwords. For example, I find spergy newfaggots who make two paragraphs that translate to "anime triggers me", in spite of the fact that it was always here, cringey. Do you get it now, dum dum?

People are annoyed because you want to turn a funny thread about Macron being a needy sperg faggot into your own personal blog about why cartoons make you feel bad.
Filtered. Have an anime.


Inserts exist for manlets to add an inch or two to their height, pic related.

Your shitty personal opinions don't change the fact that you have a severe mental deficiency and you don't even realize that when the day of the rope comes weebs are going to be one of the first in the gas chambers.

I'm not a weeb you retarded faggot, or does the sight of a girl trigger you this much? Now go suck a black cock you faggot we had a nazi girl at the corner on this page not even that long ago, just HOW new are you to forget this shit. Reported.


I hate edgelords more than I hate weebs.

You're cancer too, plebbit scum. The definition of POLITICALLY INCORRECT is being edge lords, idiot.

Literally tumblr tier.


This just in from Top Kek news, Norway's first lady looks like a fucking land planet.


Here's Macron with his pensioner wife, look at the contrast with Argentina

The definition of "politically incorrect" is the opposition to the "politically correct" campaign to deracinate the European man.


Jeezus. Trump should send her a Wal-Mart fatty scooter as a sign of international goodwill.


Leftists were playing Macron up like he's going to destroy Trump at G20. Maybe the leftists saying this shit have been fed info and Macron is supposed to shadow Trump and make him look like shit. Of course whatever kike dreamed this up is clearly deluded because Macron is nowhere near competent or charismatic enough for this to work.

The rule I go by is that if you stand taller than a full sized refrigerator, you're not a manlet.

You can shill an autist to power, but you can't make him cool.

Merkel's the host so she gets the special shirt bathed in the blood of gentile infants


Fox news is stupid. It's obvious he was told to move by the camera guy who literally points him to Trump. It evened out the numbers

merkel is pissed

>>>Holla Forums

Fox News aren't the only stupid ones.

I kek'd



germany and china is getting closer

Hopefully the red shirt meme will come true.

Walking disaster.

Germany and china have always been close you mong

Norway is Finland with Arab-like oil money… Fantasy tie (poorly sized since immediately removed after photo, or just poor habit), fat wife in a horrible dress, trying too hard to be serious (meaning he's totally not in his frame of mind).
It's like the arabs sheik coming butt naked in the bathrobe they call traditional, they just don't give a fuck, he's there to have fun and dine well, no matter what happens his country run itself…


Yeah, but I would have been one of Hitler's best soldiers.

He is a child seeking a father figure. Trump emanates testosterone and control like he was born for it ( ;) ). It is only natural that anyone on the left would eschew their indoctrination when confronted with what everyone seeks in life: guidance, support, assurance. Macron quite simply could not help himself.



You're retarded. The SS minimum height was 5' 7"

'Standards of height vary for different units. For the Adolf Hitler Bodyguard (Leibstandarte) the minimum is 5 feet, 10 inches. For the ordinary SS divisions it is 5 feet, 7 inches, or for men under 21 years of age, 5 feet, 6 inches. For mountain troops, the minimum is 5 feet, 5 3/4 inches.'

no, not jealous, user
envious is the term
jealousy means wanting to safeguard and/or keep that which is yours… i think
envious means wanting that which is another's

because they want her to be the new leader of western civilization

She wanted to dress up as her favorite person, duh :'^)

I bet Hillary's envious.

Curse these genetics. Everyone else in my family is tall.

Friendly reminder that Audie Murphy was 5'5.

Didn't the lying press specifically say they were going to do this to "de-legitimize" Trump's presidency?

She's not the first lady, that landwhale is their prime minister.

This is some really weak, T_D basic bitch nonsense. Why are we talking about this while ignoring the apparent thawing of relations between Putin and Trump?

BTW, I don't think that this ceasefire means much. SAA pushed to Daraa already and nobody wants to deal with Israel wading in, not yet at least. Assad already declared a ceasefire in the three southwestern provinces starting Monday. This is merely a chance for Deep State USA to save face. Putin knows that it will at most buy some time. What matters is what happens in the East and with regard to any Turkish attacks on the PKK aka the """SDF""". My money is on another 'chemical weapons attack.'


What a cuck, I bet Merkel is telling Macron to look "tough" and keep hounding Trump, even if it looks pathetic.

that seems what they're after, jude are not very creative

What thawing? They've always been amiable.

Why is everyone saying Macron is trying to intimidate Trump? From the looks of it he was rushing to be at Trump's side for the photo in a totally positive way. I think this should bode well for US - French ties. Especially with the way Merkel looked after she realized he moved? She looked shocked and scared.

I think maybe Macron is pretty based.

No, it was started by moot for the "raycis".

Macron is like a happy doggo!

Kek, he is a plaything for Merkel and can he compared as the Trudeau of France. For instance, he demanded that half of the elected politicians in his party have to be women.


Anons who had reservations about Le Pen I can understand. What the fuck is this?


Good thing that I can handwave it on a milk allergy at 4 right?

You're right. The fact it was the first meeting and a similar US-backed ceasefire announcement never occurred under Obama makes it newsworthy for the all the plebs in the (((media))) who love to pretend they know what's happening in Syria. If the rebels weren't busy killing each other I'd be worried about another falseflag in the coming hours/days.
pls post in the /sg/ thread. It's getting lonely there tbh

The words Tillerson said about how much chemistry there was will be the main focus of the US MSM tomorrow.

That's low quality bait. I've said it before and I'll keep doing it, Trudeau and Macron agree on just about everything. They got the same general view and a very similar attitude. No passion, emotion or energy. They both think their nation doesn't have an identity or a culture of it's own (and shouldn't have one).

"It's 2017" is their main argument for any topic.

From what I understand, 5'10 is perfect soldier height.

I am 6'2 myself though.

She's doing it again

It's just the average male height, at least in USA.
Average = best for military since it allows for standardization etc…
It's not like being 5'10 makes you kill better.

How is this cucking? Do you even think about the words you use? There's already a perfectly good one, embarrass, to describe what he's doing to himself, and which cucking is not synonymous with.


Who is the odd one out in this picture?


Let me convert those measures to a non-plebeian measurement system…
You're a big guy!
Not as big, but almost 1,80m, so not bad. Above hothead height, for sure.

The guy who'll be impeached next week: Temer


What is Macron is secretly a Trump supporter?

Trump does this a lot as well.



that fucking face gets me every time

Macron is the odd one out breaking formation and Temer is not getting impeached, what the hell is wrong with you?

but it doesn't make him look like lone crazy old maid

Yeah but it probably means something unless you're inclined to think it's just random lol


this thread is sliding shit that's not fake - like this thread

Temer IS getting impeached, maybe not next week exactly, but right now Congress is leaning towards authorizing the Supreme Court to start his trial for charges of corruption - which means that he'll be automatically ousted for 6 months, or until the trial is over.

Temer lost PSDB, PPS, most of his own party, and of course the Left is salivating over the opportunity to impeach him. He basically has no one with political weight behind him. If you know Brazilian politics, the fact that Renan Calheiros already jumped the boat should be a clear sign that Temer is over and done. Hopefully he an heroes himself like Vargas to make things interesting again. But he still gets to fuck Marcela every night, so I doubt he's gonna do it

Who cares about the G20 puppet show? That whole thing is a circus. It even comes complete with the hunchbacks and bearded lady anarchists burning shit down for (???…) reasons.

Why would they? People don't care about Temer, everyone knows the failed, low energy strikes organized by CUT are not the popular movement that demanded Dilma to be impeached. What people actually want is Lula and his friends in jail.

Just like Jupiter


Of course Macron is on the right. He is a neoliberal austerity nigger banker faget after all.

They are just making his name more meaningful than the title of president. He isn't just a president, he is TRUMP

Why even live


Merkel has nice childbearing hips.

I must give credit where credit is due.

he wanted to get to the right side of trump so that the caption to the picture would list his name first.


huh, who dis? where's Her Majesty at?

Most women reps have no fucking dignity or class. The men are all wearing the same kind of dress, sometimes having even the same color code, to look as an united and cohesive group. The women just wear whatever the fuck could give them the most attention and all dress differently. There's no way Merkel's assistants didn't dress her to highlight her presence in a group of politicians.

That is the prime minister and her cuck husband (he actually spend his days at home cooking and cleaning).

Gee, I wonder, user.

He was looking for Trump, and asked the camera guy where to find him.


You know the answer.


Most of the world leaders are trying to cozy up to Trump due to wanting to get energy deals going with him. They may try making some statements to the media about how they want to get tough with Trump, but that's largely just to play to their bases in their home countries. In private nearly everyone is wanting to suck up to Trump, minus Merkel.

Merkel and the German government had been comfortable being the main economic leaders in Europe so Trump waltzing in like he owns the place is disrupting their political plays quite a bit.

Liquid natural gas is a pretty big deal and Trump wanting to use it as a bludgeon on our 'allies' has them a bit unnerved and also kinda happy. Unnerved because they listen to American media which acts like Trump should be this buffoon that knows nothing of what he's doing, which makes leaders feel like they ought to have had the upper hand with him as they make him feel out of place (yet that isn't happening). But also happy because Trump constantly talks about wanting to make trade deals primarily on energy which could weaken the stranglehold Russia and the Middle East have on them

God his face is so punchable

We can only hope that Trump is an OG Freemason and not the child-fucking ones.

Trump is not freemason. He's a wallmason.

Too bad there's no wall.

What's the hottest thing on the news right now? Ah right.

I bet you think he'll still be around after 2020. Why you faggots let ikampfy trick you into backing this Zionist orange is beyond me. Desperation?

He says that, but it still hasn't happened.

Eh, i am just kidding, relax, i am not seriously believing that an actual wall is being built. You won't get relaxed treatment from other Trump supporters though.


Hi, Moshe. Please try me.


Is Temer based or not? I remember that his cabinet was only white males.

Holy shit….no, just no….

Interesting that pedophiles and gynephiles look exactly the same

End yourself normie

Looks like the Health Minister


The thousand cuckings stare.

red is the color of sacrifice. this entity known as merkel has clearly sacrificed the German's homeland for the greater agenda of the kikes and further destruction of white culture.

He's a neoliberal shill, it only makes sense that he'd want to rub elbows with America. French economics have traditionally been on the left and opposed to Americanization, in this sense Macron is a radical.

A man can dream can't he?

Macron is trying to prove he isn't Merkel's pet poodle. Everyone in the EU apparently thinks Macron is a joke and no one takes him seriously. He's trying desperately to prove he's not a cuck


He can, and he should -

>fantasize about having wonderful jewish children
OP is a fucking retard, no one would fantasize about having jewish children. if trump had any sense of decency he would disown his kike family and remove them from his will, but of course he doesn't have decency because he's the biggest kike of them all.


very astute point user, almost like the media and trump are working together to dupe the whole world!!! right you are, the kikes are in bed together 10000% since the beginning

Why is that bag of shit Merkle always making that retarded hand gesture? It's in every fucking picture.

Also, I believe the leaders are arranged by time in office. The longer you have been president, PM, etc, the closer to center you are positioned. Merkle is center front because Germany is the host country. The Macaroni Kid is next to Trump because they haven't been in office long.

Nope, he's not. He's a global humanist AKA absolute kike agent under the individualistic veneer. He's a less autistic Milliband 2.0