The United States as the next Brazil

I was going through photographs of Brazil from its far off white past and felt it was worth a thread to discuss how a formerly white nation with a proud history became a nation of hue monkeys. Its important as americans that we look to Brazil with worry because they are ultimately our future unless something drastic changes.

Other urls found in this thread:


We gotta be able to somehow spread facts about Brazil and South Africa looking really nice when it was occupied by white people, and now looks fucking shitty occupied by minorities. There's gotta be a way to make a hashtag or something with that shit go viral on twitter.
Corruption in Brazil exists on all levels of society from the top echelons of political power (as seen in the Mensalão Scandal and the Operation Car Wash and the Petrobras scandals) to the smallest municipalities.[1][2][3] The Operation Car Wash showed central government members using the prerogatives of their public office for rent-seeking activities, ranging from political support to the syphoning funds from state-owned corporation for personal gain. Specifically, mensalão typically referred to the practice of transferring taxpayers funds as monthly allowances to members of congress members from other political parties in consideration and exchange for their support and votes in congress.

Dom Pedro II (English: Peter II; 2 December 1825 – 5 December 1891), nicknamed "the Magnanimous",[1] was the second and last ruler of the Empire of Brazil, reigning for over 58 years.

Inheriting an Empire on the verge of disintegration, Pedro II turned Portuguese-speaking Brazil into an emerging power in the international arena. The nation grew to be distinguished from its Hispanic neighbors on account of its political stability, zealously guarded freedom of speech, respect for civil rights, vibrant economic growth and especially for its form of government: a functional, representative parliamentary monarchy. Brazil was also victorious in three international conflicts (the Platine War, the Uruguayan War and the Paraguayan War) under his rule, as well as prevailing in several other international disputes and domestic tensions.

A savant in his own right, the Emperor established a reputation as a vigorous sponsor of learning, culture and the sciences. He won the respect and admiration of scholars such as Charles Darwin, Victor Hugo and Friedrich Nietzsche, and was a friend to Richard Wagner, Louis Pasteur and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, among others

For contrast

Dilma Vana Rousseff (Brazilian Portuguese: [ˈdʒiwmɐ ˈvɐnɐ ʁuˈsɛf(i)]; known simply as Dilma, born 14 December 1947) is a Brazilian economist and politician who served as 36th President of Brazil from 2011 until her impeachment and removal from office on 31 August 2016. She was the first woman to hold the Brazilian presidency[

Brazil was never really nice. Ever. A few photographs of white people don't change that fact.

Hey schlomo, what's up?

Old photos of detroit

More detroit

Nah man Argentina was nice until the kikes there ruined it with multiculturalism. Totally plausible Brazil was great. See

My grandfather used to travel to Rio de Janeiro all the time for business. Even 20 years ago, he said that his cab drivers wouldn't stop at red lights, and that he was strongly advised not to hang around on the beach adjacent to his hotel, nor to go out alone at night for any reason. He didn't go to favelas either, he went to business districts that were ostensibly "safe" compared to the rest of the city. What a nightmare to consider: the third world will stay the third world, and will continue getting worse as time progresses and technology improves but the people themselves don't. Thanks to mass third world immigration, if it isn't stopped, the rest of the world will become third world as well. The entire planet will turn into a giant ghetto where only the elites are safe in their gated communities while the rest of us suffer perpetual violence at the hands of blacks, mestizos and Muslims, while the police refuse to protect us and any retaliation or self-defense will be deemed "racism" and grounds for imprisonment.

Detroit now

Brazil was great in the 19th century. It was clean, safe and moral values were upheld. Only commies disliked it.

Old Chicago

I live right next to Brazil, in Uruguay. A formerly white nation which is constantly being infested by liberalism and globalist agendas, they are pushing on us as many brown inmigrants from shitty nations like Venezuela as possible and pushing racemixing through the media. My country is no first world nation but it still used to fare much better than any other surrounding shithole, I think that the kikes just can't stand for any sort of homogeneous nation to exist (except for Israel) and after three periods of liberal globalist government there is little hope left.

Is Uruguay a mostly safe place for tourists? I was planning on spending my next vacation there.

Most tourist spots are pretty safe and since a huge amount of the yearly income is from tourist pockets then you can bet that you will be treated right. Stay away from lowly brown neighbourhoods though, Montevideo is probably the most dangerous place due to a third of the population being crammed there.


Brazil was okay until "redemocratization" in 1985, and great before becoming a republic (through a coup), when shit really hit the fan.
The country really only ever thrived under strong centralized power or dictatorships.

Gee it's almost as if Brown people have always been the majority.

Shit, but still better than the others

So, exactly like California?

Because just like USA, there are white pockets in Brazil (see ).

Also, Argentina is whiter, but is overran by jews (largest jew population in south america). Would you trade-off a whiter country for more kikes in it? I know I wouldn't; its easier to fight the golems than the puppet masters

Brazil is shit and becoming Venezuela economically, but this is also good because everyone is now rallying over a right-wing gov't, because we had two decades of leftist governments that didn't work, and when people compare military government with democractic (AKA, left-wing presidents), they understand that the difference was local x global corruption.

Doesn't take much intellectual force to get the normie into admitting we're worse than we were several decades ago.


They might look happy, but come on. I don't see one junkie taking a crap anywhere in those photos. How can they really have happiness without junkie dumps?

Lol had to tell Americans not to run.

Is there a single white country left on the planet? I've been seriously considering vacating burgerland and assimilating elsewhere. We have the baddest goy president we've ever had, but he's still not bad enough of one to stave off the demographic shift.

Fuck off back to Holla Forums you fucking moron.

So move to the middle of the country where it's still white. This is some defeatist concern trolling faggot shit coming from you and OP.

I'm calling bullshit on those figures until I see some actual 23&me or other genetic ancestry results.

the problem with Latin America is that their concept of "whiteness" is completely different from everyone else's. In America, Europe, etc, we think of white as meaning all European ancestry. Not just having any amount of European ancestry. But that's basically how Latin Americans use the term; you can have like 20-40% nonwhite ancestry and still identify as "white". It's more of a "state of mind" in LA. You are high status and have a good job? You call yourself white. It's more of a status label over there. And of course this is due to the fact that there's been so much miscegenation that's occurred throughout LA

Unfortunately, this makes determining the actual fraction of white people in countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay very hard to do. Because there ARE actual white people there, but then there's also a ton of mestizos/castizos who LARP as europeans just because they had a grandparent from italy.

Some Eastern European Countries… Russia to a certain extent….

But the number is decreasing.

Im from the middle of the country and over the past 7 years I have seen the brown tide begin to arrive. White flight wont save you

Stop being a demoralized cunt. There's going to eventually be rahowa and we're going to take the country back.

Rhodesians, who were only a couple percentage points of the population, were able to take on the niggers who vastly outnumbered them, had the support from all surrounding nigger nations, and despite the fact that Rhodesia was embargoed by literally every nation except South Africa. Don't give up hope. It's never over until there's not a single white man left drawing breath.

You mistake being pragmatic with nihlism. Im not giving up I intend to fight I just intend to win. Your claims that you are going to start and win a racewar in the next few years are pure delusion. Americans are incredibly insilar and almost no one will realize what is happening until it has already happened. We need to nation build and regroup not entertain impossible fantasies

I've been waiting to bring this up and this is certainly on topic
Does anyone have a screenshot or archive of that beauty/makeup marketing user??

He was saying some insane shit. What I remember is that he was a marketing guy for a really big firm that represented the cosmetic industry. What they did to sell more makeup/beauty products was change the perception of what was beautiful through insane propaganda campaigns. The user claimed that this is where that "brazilian booty" meme came from. In order to sell more beauty products they made the ideal beauty standard a mutt that was a mix of both white and black features. So since a big ass was an inherent black feature, what happened was that every woman wanted to look a little blacker. Cosmetic surguery fixed that and became very popular after the campaign.

What was most disturbing about his post is that he said that an indirect result of these beauty campaigns was a higher rate of transgender men. He was unsure if it was unrelated but still brought it up because of how hard they shilled this shit.


1) show me the DNA tests that actually show that all of these self-proclaimed white brazilians are actually 90%+ white
2) Have you ever seen an octoroon before? They do not look white whatsoever.

And just to be clear this marketing campaign happened in Brazil. The moral of his story was that you're (USA) next goyim.

I might have one. I remember that user.

It only took about a decade to go from Tito dying to full-blown ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia. All it takes is the right spark. I'm not saying the race war will be next year, or the year after that. But it WILL happen, and I believe within our lifetimes.

What the fuck happened?

miscegenation and nonwhite breeding patterns. They also tried whitening the place up with lots of german/italian immigrants, but not enough to make the country overall white.

The folly of the new world colonists was muh dick'ing the natives as well as importing a fuckton of niggers. I hope a couple centuries of profits from sugar cane plantations was fucking worth it. Should've just ethnically cleansed both continents completely and colonized it with whites.

The US legitemetly does not have a decade and if you think this is bad right now you dont know shit. The LA riots the MLK riots the zuit suit riots and the fuck load of race riots we had before the 1960's were not enough to start a racewar and white people were not total faggots then. The US is about half none white and of those whites about half are insufferable leftist faggots. You are not going to do shit.


This also works the other way, user. You can tell the normie from the red-pilled by what type of women they deem attractive.

If you like frog-women, you're the normie incarnate. If you like feminine, thin, but healthy women, you're red-pilled. Not that hard.

Balkanization is more likely. The territorial lines as we know it won't last for our lifetimes, I'd say, but the blood will hopefully survive and have a place to recoup while the rest of the country turns into Brazil.

Soon enough.

No, you lying cunt, the whites went south because it was the closest to their natural climate. They were smart to move to the second-best urban areas, which was obviously the south, and what they usually did in europe; don't go to urban pozzed areas, move to semi-large cities with large rural outskirts.

Whenever you think about miscigenation, think leftism. The more to the left the government was, the more they tried to support it. The military never cared whoever fucked who, and it was the whitest Brazil ever got. Natural tribalism kicked in, and whites bred with whites.

In North America, Anglos drove the natives out and replaced them. They didn't mix with them. In South America, the Iberians kept the natives around and interbred with them. You see the difference between the two continents today.

The difference is South America was an exploitation colony, and North America was a populating colony. It only was better in Brazil compared to other countries because the royal family moved there during Napoleonic times. And it was even better in southern states of USA because they were so close to the northern states, which were too cold to plant cotton, coffee, sugar or anything worth exporting, when other goods were much more valuable.

The south is still majorly white.

There even are, as few and small as they be, intact German/Italian and even Polish communities. Of course you're not going to see that in the more urbanized areas.

Yo here's the thread

But that goes back to my original question: how much of the brazilian "white" population is ACTUALLY white? Obviously there do exist the intact immigrant communities of german/italian/polish settlers, but I mean of "whites" as a whole. Because I've seen photos from places in Uruguay and southern Brazil that are said to be almost totally white, and there are plenty of people who are at least castizo.

The beyond cucked Portuguese royal family who abandoned their people without even trying to protect their country. I wonder if Europe has even witnessed greater act of cowardice and selfishness from any other ruler.

The beyond-cucked are now labelling themselves the true conservatives. You'll see a rising phenomenon in Brazillian politics of "monarquists", who believe monarchy will help the country steed on its on way, as in to have a royal family to tell the subjects how to behave and do things.

Obviously, those faggots never took their time to look how cucked european royal families are nowadays, and how quick this will devolve into leftism. With the added bonus of now having to support the royal family through more taxation.

top kek

This is the Injun Holla Forumsposter who hates his reservation being ruled by Jews, but thinks Sitting Bull will get his revenge when the Jews rule everything.

They're low IQ. You can't really expect much from them.

Remember that if we became Brazil we would be even worse off, because of no more first world picking up the slack, and it will have been a result of anti civilization policies

White 47.73%


Just a little bit of perspective for the anons that believe everything they see posted here, regarding brazillian demographics it often looks like anons think niggers are overwhelmingly present on Brazillian society when in reality it follows social class lines, upper working class and above is mostly white, and not the mystery meat kind of white, rather european immigrants that never intermarried with negroids. This is present even on the more cosmopolitan regions of the country.

what are you referencing?

That's hard to determine. When answering a national census, for instance, in Brazil, race is self-declared. Data says around 50% of the country is 'white', but that's obviously not true. It comes from the culture of having a looser definition of who's white or not in Brazil. If you look white enough, people will see you as white, so we have light-skinned pardos declaring themselves white even though they really aren't.

Portuguese also genocided some injuns, though that was after they betrayed them and allied with the french

Argentina used to be one of the greatest economies of the world, greater than many European countries. Then they let in the shitskins flood. Brasil is not even the beginning of what the USA will be, far worse I think because the USA have nuclear weapons and stupid shitskins will be in control of them.

Exactly. That is precisely the point I'm making. Just looking at a census of a latin american country and seeing what percentage self-identify as "white" is next to useless.

Not an argument

I'm actually not too worried about the nukes. The thing about nukes is that they require careful maintenance to keep functional. The shitskins will just end up with some defunct warheads, rather than being able to chimp out and send nukes everywhere.

The real danger? The nuclear power plants. Those things require proper maintenance. What happens when the shitskins take control and they don't bother properly taking care of these facilities? Meltdowns everywhere.

Ban test

Every light skin " nigga " declares himself white. Every shade of brown here declares itself white. A lot of natives mixed with white declare thenselves white.

Every mixed white motherfucker declares himself white. So yes, brazillian white populatin would barely reach 10%. Note to all other anons, 90% of brazillian whites are complete trash. The biggest problem here is the culture, nothing is worth saving except some hundreads of thousand folks of all races, except jews. They are worse than american jews.

Russia isn't a white country. Its demographic situation is worse than Western Europe. Russia has one huge indefensible border. There's shitloads of people from central asia satelite countries in Russia.

Most of Eastern Europe, Iceland and New Zealand are still white mostly.

Realistic many predict if the tides of current policy, immigration and economy does not change, the US will become a Brazil 2.0. Not as shit as Brazil, but not the US of old times. Racially it will be the garbage we have here, culturally too. No sense of culture, no civility, no sense of pride, no sense of nation, no sense of community. An literal NatSoc hell. Oh yes, with a huge dumb as fuck population.


In Brasil there's like this thing reverse one drop rules. Everybody is so very desperate to cling to their white blood heritage any they can have get. The reason? Look around Brasil and you know full why. Nobody wants to be a fucking nigger monkey not even the niggers and lighter skinned niggers get into fights with darker skinned all the time. I see your stupid leftists in white countries and if your stupid leftists think that if everybody mixes up racism will magically disappear THEY ARE LIARS!! DO NOT BECOME LIKE BRASIL AMERIBROS AND EUROBROS. IT IS FATE WORSE THAN DEATH!!

All this is really just showing me that letting your enemies live will be a mistake.

It's very likely that when the cheap oil runs out and the debt piles become over-bearing that we will see many of these large and diverse nations split into pieces, including the USA. Who knows? Maybe after a couple of generations American whites will ally with Canadian whites and retake North America.

All of Eastern Europe, Finland, Iceland, Denmark, East Germany are all 99%+ white.

It is you idiot

While I believe wholeheartedly in karma. Nah bro, every civilization ends. It is just sad that ours is not ending, it is been wiped the fuck out, genetically, historically.

Yes, for any european or american with any sense of civility or even basic human decency, living is a society similar to ours is truly hell. Also, one thing nobody fucking talks about is how INEFFICIENT a diverse society is.

Many authors from all sorts of field predict that, and a form of new tribalism, so setting up local communities with your peers would be the best.

For me, it is truly depressing, because the more I study, self-improve, the more I read, the more I came to respect and even love the old american culture. Hard work, respect for one another, one great fucking culture, real freedom… the feels.

If only we had an user with the $$ to fund a cautionary movie that depicts this.
A common normalfag question that gets asked is: what would you do if you won the lottery. What I would do is fund documentaries and movies that took on subjects that (((they))) refuse to allow discourse on.

One of the most depressing aspects of this board is finding out how this shit is affecting every single nation. They are trying to abolish any kind of nation state.

The difference between the "Shoah" and the real Shoah that is coming is that today we have the internet and people are waking up world wide. There will be no where to run, no where to hide.

My state has 2 MILLION illegal brown and black immigrants from poor nations. Thousands of muslim rapefugees. This is every fucking where.

When you see photos and old movies from the past do you ever feel a sense of longing? Like you never had a chance to live in a white country.

Imagine all those happy photos from the past what it was like being surrounded by all whites. I never had a chance to feel that. Do you think they knew or where they like fish in water?

Japs are considered White in Brazil too no? Since they are "pale" and usually upper class.

No. But that's because you can easily identify them as Asians. The Japanese here also have held onto their culture, traditions and celebrations very well.

Same user here. Thank you so much. I read this a while ago and regret not archiving.

This is a really interesting read. Although this user could be larping it's still interesting and hits some good points.
>Again, the goal was the commodification of identity to replace traditional identity constructs and the creation of a neo-homogenous population. The racial integrationist aspect has been largely successful. The white-identifying Brazil of the mid-twentieth century was by the 2010s majority non-white, not due to demographic change but due to biological racial integration and identity reconstruction.


Huh… Human world peace might not be impossible. I based this on the fact that it was acknowledged (hence one can reason it was recorded and reworked in models) that outcomes can yield unforseen elements. That one part sparked hope.

Pretty good thing to show anyone who thinks you can reason with these people.

Hey faggot, the redskins themselves are doing the most to destroy themselves between racemixing, child abuse, drugs, and alcohol. Whitey isn't pointing a gun at their heads and forcing them to get high and fuck kids all day.

They were savages who collected scalps, enslaved each other and raped each others' women for centuries before ebil Whitey ever even knew they existed.

>>>Holla Forums

I might agree with their ultimate goal if they were attempting to uplift mankind collectively via eugenics, education etc but this is like the opposite.

Hmm, but it still begs the question of jewry: do they really think western countries will work as well when they are no longer white? Would they really rather live in third world societies than first world ones? They can't possibly be so short-sighted, can they?

No shit, fucking moron. He's not arguing with you. He's telling you to fuck off with your stupidity.

The posts reminded me of the ending scenes of The Network, especially the points on egalitarianism and the profit motivation. For these types, this is the real nature of things, a collection of numbers and variables interlaced with whatever ideology sells best for the brightest dreams and dullest minds. It's a wash, a penultimate shellgame built to justify an anti-human and borderline demonic worldview.

The ones I feel worst for are those who go about their business in relative ignorance. Subjugation on this level is unfathomable for them, they already have enough difficulties and daily problems without having to add slavery of our souls on top of everything.

I agree with everything EXCEPT the scalp part. The scalping started when the US government was giving shekels for dead indians, but they needed a way to verify this. Hence the government started to pay shekels for indian scalp…naturally, the indians copied that practice.
t. /his/toryfag

Indeed it is like they do not care about iq and culture and their effects on society if brazil has demonstrated something it is how utterly corrupt and worthless a nation it is, not that the west in general is much better these days.

I missed this thread. So my theory of a brazilification of the world is not only NOT absolute autism, but with research it has factual basis, and since I can foresee geopolitical movements these retards always miss, I can have a glimmer of hope.

I better start writing I guess. Thanks for the share user.

Its better to be a rich in a poor country its easier to bribe people, cheaper to buy land ect

This is actually a different version of
but he's saying the same thing. And it appears to be written by the same person.

What I find interesting about version is that he takes jews out of the equation and instead points a finger at multinationals and banks. TBH both of these are pretty fucking jewish. But it does explain why leftism and globalist agendas seem like an unholy partnership.

It all comes down to understanding how banking and debt works (which is inherently jewish) if you want any of this to make sense. But the spooky part is that it makes sense. It also ties into conspiracies of elite transhumanism where the goal is to have a global underclass and a permanent ruling class.

It does seem terribly short sighted.

that guy made this thread as well. very important to understand their whole strategy. if someone could combine these threads into a single image or make a redpill image from this one as well it would be great

I doubt that they will let israel become a third world shithole. The Scofield study bible aka Rothschild bible does teach that in the end days the whole world will be ruled from Israel.


It started with the French during the colonial wars.

Ayy fucking lmao buddy, I have lived in Indiana all my life and we still have shitskins here. I remember as a kid not seeing a black person until I moved out of the state in middle school. I recently moved back and now there are taco stands, black families that live next to my parent's house, and half the people at the grocery store are mexicans, muslims, or blacks. It has seen a complete demographic shift in just 10 years from all-white to half white. Good luck.
BTW I lived in the last town to hang niggers in the US, nowhere is safe if even Indiana in the middle of cornfields with harsh winters doesn't deter shitskins.
At least we give out less welfare.

I suppose it might go without saying but I would imagine the seemingly "random" explosion of media popularity of the Kardashians and Jenners could be a direct part of this specific propaganda campaign.

Link for reference. Hoosiers never really liked blacks and my parents are pretty racist. The only reason they haven't moved is because they can't afford it. Indiana has some of the fiercest Trump supporters in the entire US and we STILL are being overridden with shitskins. Best thing to do now is to establish ourselves in governments and elect our people. Trump is a really good start but it's just the beginning.

It's hard not to get black pilled sometimes when you look at the immigration numbers and birthrates. I get mad sometimes that I grew up in the 80's, college in the 90's, things seemed to be falling into place, and within a few years of graduating and trying to get my life going, 9/11 happened, recessions, and now white genocide. I really resent that the prime of my life is being spent in an era of affirmative action, open anti-white sentiments, muslims invasions and terror, women making more money and fucking everything up… this was a shit time to be alive really.>>10216587

Maybe Y2K really did happen, we're just in a metaphysical hell because we all died

Thanks for the lol

2025. Remember the date anons. That's when this shit gets going. We have 8 years of Trump to give us some breathing room. Then it begins.

this is the best i've got

I'm from the south. This is the truth even among those who left the colonies to live closer to the big cities, many of those families even speak Italian and German to this day.

I don't know about the other regions, but this is not true here. The left tries hard to brainwash everyone into believing that Brazil is Africa, and as the progressive religion dictates, European identity is evil, it's even somewhat common to see on the internet Brazilians from other regions saying this kind of stuff about any evil racist southerner who dare to identify as someone from an European family. However, there are countless families of European migrants from the early 20th century that preserved their heritage, I know many of them personally.

Just remember you don't have to make absurd claims like "there's no white people left in Latin America" to deliver your message. Do not unwittingly echo the marxist narrative that Brazil is Africa when so many families do their best to resist all this social engineering meant to destroy our people.

You retards are specially the ones I am talking about. You are all mixed with dreams of being accepted as white because of your pale skin. White goes beyond skin too. There is white man who are brown because they worked i
under scorching sun for decades.

Is there whites in the South ? Yes. A huge fucking minority, most guys in this board would rather put a bullet in most whites of the south than accept them. Deal with reality, most of you are not white, regardless who many generations ago someone from europe fucked some brazillian cunt.

First OP to actually make me think in some time. We're fucked, boys.
never lose hope though, just a hard pill to swallow
So question, was it the jews who allowed the rise of the hue monkey ?

Ardent anti-semite Gustavo Barroso wrote a 6 books series on the jewish influence on Brazil since 1500, their influence is beyond absurd.

You mean the guys who in their terms of service demand that they have all the rights to your genetic material after you took their test?

Yeah but whites were killing whites there, so noone gave a fuck.
Also, whites killing whites is exactly what we want to avoid from now on forever.
No more brother wars dude.


The south is white simply because the vast majority of the population are the descendants of European families who came to colonize a region left alone by everyone else who would rather not have to deal with the harsh winter, it's not that hard to understand. Most of them didn't own slaves and we never had many natives or migrants from warmer regions, where does all your imaginary mixing comes from? Your idea that we claim to be white as some weird desire to be seen as white instead of an accurate observation of reality is actually funny.

Your response is pure emotional marxist indoctrination, even your English is breaking down. Why are you offended that Brazilians would consider themselves white? Brazil is not your city, it's a country of continental proportions and each region has its own history and culture. Stop projecting your neurotic ideas about acceptance and identity on people you don't know. Get rid of all this poison in your brain.

I've arrived at rio de janeiro today, i'm born here but today i live on the south (our south has some white cities, they're usually countryside and kinda poor, because when your city grows enough it attracts all kinds of niggers… i'm living in one pretty quiet but still has some 'pardos' which are poor and uneducated in their majority, and the only niggers you see are disgusting haitians, but they're rare)
its interesting to see that there are some really smart people here down south, of course there are the usual white trash like the 13 yo white kid smoking pot all day with his 'pardo' friends, but the smartest people i've ever meet where down here in the south.

what can i say about rio? this place changed a lot since the last time i've came, theres an obvious contrast between the rich areas, which are looking cleaner now but still filled with niggers and pardos, and the poor areas, that keep expanding on government land and destroying the reminiscent of the forests.
These poor people look more and more hostile, since their culture ('funk') was accepted by the mainstream. They barely can speak our language, and tbqh our portuguese teachers don't mind.
There is no such thing as order here, you can't see anything that resembles "logic" or "reason" (ie, they destroyed a viaduct (Perimetral) and part of that ugly concrete building was left standing there inaccessible, for no reason)
The smell of shit from Baia de Guanara is reaching even farther.
Its still a violent place, and surprisingly even more niggerish than it was before. People are extremely apathetic towards violence, thats when they're not supporting these "poor victims" that killed, raped and tortured because they were hungry. I hate the mentality of everyone here in rio, i can't explain but even i feel i'm less productive when i'm around these parts.

perhaps the european part of russia, also i think switzerland is ok, the netherlands where i live is also pretty good outside the cities although that's changing very quickly
*when i first started school, there were like 3 or 4 shitskins ranging from a poo, one fully blown nigger and some imported mestizo kid i think and everyone called them niggers just because they were brownish, now that im finishing school there are like 20 of them, and this was a rural school where every kid in a 20 km range went to*
*tfw you live in the northern province that is known for it's tall blond citizens but refugee centers are being built everywhere and cucks are adopting little niggers from all across the third world *

interesting, this is exactly what i imagined was (((their))) plan

look up the kalergi plan, by the time the peoples of the world have been integrated in the internationalist shitstew the truly rich jews are living far away from the remains of civilisation with their only connection being the earnings they make of the enslaved world populace

i think he meant the brazilian civilization

Nice analogy. Feels good.
I think you are right.

I have heard some say that if the southernmost province of Brazil became independent, it would be the whitest country of Latin America along with Uruguay. Is that true?

China won't

True, and much whiter than Canada and the US.

We're actually yellow here mate


I have a feeling this could happen, just because Americanism is so cancerous that normies can't really effectively oppose the Jew.

Here's what to do:

Shift financiers.

Rely on the Chinese for borrowing needs.

Do not use the Fed.

The Chinese might despise us, but they don't hate us and wish to eliminate us like some other group.

This is a hilarious myth. Look at OP's screencap from cuckchan:
But you notice its just a picture of two blond women, surrounded by Hue monkeys. One of them is even staring at the obvious oddity of two nordic women on the street. Brazil fell racially a long, long time ago. Few nations of South America did anything at all to resist the darkening of their populations, and almost all cherry picked examples of nordic looking south americans are pictures of 1st generation Germanics or other Nordic European subtypes. Within a generation their genes are lost, thats the legacy of the Spanish and Portugese Imperial miscegenation policies. Empires always push miscegenation, and they always implode from within as a result. Even Musolini couldn't bring himself to accept race realism; ironically, the Fascists were civic nationalists, just like all Latins, because Latins turned themselves into shitskins through their empires, and the Jews working within them.

Because kikeism is a way of being, beyond earthly understanding. It is satanism. Imagine the universe wanting to create complexity within itself, and then a shadow moves in, and says no no no, do not grow or learn or cooperate. Worship me instead.

The truth about the kike is that it needs to block your inner light before it can try to twist you into serving its agenda, which takes place here and now, instead of on a collaberative universal realm. Ghettoization of the world is literally a maneuver to build a kingdom on earth where nobody acts in a cooperative matter, they are now beasts who are disconnected from any true sense of purpose. The satanist pays you in only what it can control, such as perversion.

An unburdened soul is like water in a pond. The satanist is a stone that falls to the bottom and wills everyone to join it.

The jewish race is only an earthly adaptation of that collective force that wishes to dominate everything else. Every corner it finds itself on, it collects in and attempts to grow.

It is inherently predatory and cunning. Its predatory maneuver is to make you attached to earth through fear and belief that the party on earth is the greatest there is. On the flip side, youre encouraged to feel nihilistic and aimless.

Loving earth and denying "god" (a loaded term" will keep you returning to shit kingdom, which is the only thing a cancerous satanist can provide for a man, because perversion is controllable, but true enlightenment and continuation is from "god."

The most important thing a human can learn is that the attempt to solidify oneself on a rock doomed to die is a very pitiful venture. You can take wisdom with you, but your body is rot.