Democrats Slogan 2018 "I mean, have you seen the other guys?"

The Democrats revealed their new slogan for 2018 and it's passive-aggressive non-argument drivel you'd see on tumblr. satire come to life. This does however posses some potential for humorous counter memes.

inb4 shills pretend mocking democrats is an endorsement of republicans

Other urls found in this thread:

Straight out of le current year mans unwitty banter.

This can be used against them so so easily. Let's make it early bird and meme it to ours better than "fake news".

Friendly reminder whenever you see some faggot here typing in that kind of flippant pretending not to care and doing a bad job at it manner that they are from tumblr 100% of the time.

I would vote Democrat just to spite the right.

holy shit i thought this was another #fightrussiaforher thing you guys came up with. this is actually what they are gonna run with? theyre so fucked.

I swear it's like jokes are real life. It's almost baffling to look at.
Here are some alternatives.

I'm going to need sauce I know democrats are retarded but this displays such a monumental disconnect. I mean, holy shit.

sounds like a winner
not really

Use an internet search, it's legit.
How can they be this fucking dumb?

Good thing convicted felons cant vote then Tyrone.

Jewgle it.

I'm installing PS just to have some fun
wat font?

This is amazing. I mean that sincerely. Who would've thought they'd be this retarded, I can't tell if it's on purpose as in they're purposely trying to destroy their own party so that they can just take over whatever fills the vacuum. Because there's no way they could be so retarded and out of touch that they've become tumblr.

So p much 8 years confirmed then? Only thing kikes have left to play is crashing the economy.

Link’s right in the OP, faggot. It’s actually up for a vote (BUT WE KNOW WHAT TO DO, RIGHT?) against some other ones. Actually, you know what? Maybe we should force the OTHER one.

If we force the one that explicitly mentions Hillary, shouldn’t that hurt them even MORE? “Ugh, they’re STILL pushing Hillary?!” the average person will say.

This is coming from Salon. OP is slightly a faggot for not mentioning this. "It was just one lick" kind of faggot. Even Salon thinks this is a shitty slogan.

They're obviously not planning on winning. They just want to look like self-righteous losers. They always have an awful time getting niggers to vote in midterms, and after their poor showing in 2016 they know they have no hope for 2018.

Ok, sodomite

LIKE OMG, they really resorting to valley girl talk. Are they trying to win the 84' class election?

Isn't Salon pissed at the DNC for screwing over communist Bernie?

Will 2018 finally, FINALLY be the year that those insufferable lefty fucks fully realize and comprehend that they are hated?
Probably not.


Good god its real.

And that's even worse! How can I get on the democrat consultant gig train. No knowledge or experience required it seems.


I think this is the most effective way of mocking this slogan. Flip the whole victim-persecutor script around and fuck them hard with it. Normalfags and Alt-Right cucks will eat this shit up.

I'll be voting Republican. I hate the Neo-Cons but I think the idea of "pushing" the electorate to the right by encouraging Dem wins and degeneracy is both morally reprehensible and idiotic

This one is awful too. Make America Great Again is a nonpartisan message about making everybody great. Their counter of Make Congress Blue Again is a partisan message about giving the democrats more political power, with no mention whatsoever of helping anybody but politicians.

You mean the other guys that kicked your ass during the election with what was considered the joke candidate?

I'm using Andy font here, but that's not the font they used.

niggers can't read cursive. haven't they seen the georgeball z-trayboon trial?

They probably used a paid font
Andy looks similar enough

collectively, they behave like a herd of retarded morons, but make no mistakes, individually they are quite cunning in a corrupt and greedy sort of way
this is just an emerging property of their collective behavior that makes them look braindead stoopid, that's because none of them fights for ideas they believe in, they're just in it for the money and power, and they despise their colleagues and their voters
so they propose ideas outside of their domains of competence, they approve stupid ideas to one-up each other, they lie about the quality and consequences and ultimate goals of projects they are asked to say witty things about

and they've actively engineered their whole organisation to become a big fat tumblrocracy because each one of them believes he got a better chance to rise in the ranks if every one of his internal competitors is mediocre

they won't win anything in this generation

If you don't trust op
this shit is real.


Meaning they won't win anything ever again. The democrats and their current political beliefs can only survive via silencing the other side. As social media advances and legacy media dies, it just makes it that much harder for them to do that. This was the generation they needed to win, and instead they're dealing with the most conservative generation since the 50's, raised on image boards and taught to ask questions. It's over.

These are pretty good.

The repubs have the opportunity to win so large in 2018 they could call a constitutional convention – but the kike backed congress is so cucked that they'll probably fuck it up and sphyer the gay-polynomial-gender-vegan-non-gmo-alienkin will probably take enough seats to prevent it. Seriously, the average person is really fucking stupid - right or left.
My biggest concern is that perhaps we've already transcended values and there's no turning back. As Juenger said, "anyone caught hewing the facts is seen in an adverse light". I think thats where we are and its why every time I try to have a civil conversation with anybody i feel so confused by the end that I feel dazed. You literally cannot speak truths to these people. Its almost like being stuck in circle talk - or whack a mole that never ends. Just having facts deflected by emotional responses and never taken into consideration. I secretly hope Serrano was right and there is an inner earth. Please, White Gods – save me from this reality.


For example, this post here. Notice the aloof attitude despite the urge to post anyway. Symptomatic of low impulse control and intelligence.

Im sure we could associate that with the police or something.

That's the thing though, you don't have to be smart or have any overall high intelligence to be cunning the way they are. Just spiritually jewish. Which is why they're losing. They have the mindset of kikes with none of the in-group preference.

Police party 2020
Officer Dick for president!


Ultimately it's meaningless unless the neocons and ZOG is ousted. We're already a one party system on that front since there's no difference. That's what we should really be working on fixing.

Congressmen shouldn't worry so much about funding anymore either. Much election of Trump and congressmen have shown you don't need more shekels from kike funders than your opposition or win. Focus on America first and nothing else, fuck Israel, fuck ZOG.

Surely this will sway voters who were going to vote red.

The left in general has become such a meme.

Make America Blue Again

these fucking retards will never win another election at this rate.

They genuinely never learn. I think the marxist brainwashing has made them essentially retarded, truly lacking in any capacity to examine their own flaws or fuck-ups and learn from them. In their minds it's literally "everyones fault but mine"

There's no doubt they'll once again attack the voters instead of their political opponents thus alienating any votes they may have brought over to their side. I reeks of no-effort political theater while putting all the real effort into election rigging.

Such is life when you're a Satanist. Satan was born out of senselessness, and because of that everything he does is senseless. It is why the Jews, despite undeniably having the entire world given to them on a silver platter after World War II, still manage to fuck up everything for themselves by intentionally overplaying their hand over and over and over again.

Evidence does not convince people. People convince themselves. The most anyone can do is change the environment people use to convince themselves. But even then changing the environment doesn't guarantee changing the mind. This is the price of having free will. It is the one and only weakness of the red pill.

When do we hit them with the final blow of #RightSideofHistory lads?

Make it a multi-pronged meme that works on many levels.

1. Pro cop, anti-nigger.
2. Make police uniforms blue again, representing a deescalation of crime in America
3. Democrats are anti-cop, and therefore pro-crime
4. Dysfunctional white democrats hate cops because they remind them of their fathers.

Reminder - the DNC has had an issue with regressives over the last 7-9 years.

Embed is Obongo stating that the Mexican-American border needed to be secured, circa (about) 2008.

Now, compare that video with what has been circling the wagon as of late.
Notice a difference?

"We cant wait 10 years from now to do it"
tfw they waited to years to do it


They can't. It's the only thing keeping them from being murdered house to house. It's why they are so desperate to start a huge war.

but its true, they could crash the entire economy if they wanted, but they dont, because they're insanely rich bc of it.

The Supreme Courts future gives me the best glimpse of hope - but in all honesty i think the only way to fix this is for trump to drop pizzagate and just let us all burn DC to ashes.


Obongo lied about a bunch of shit, like not signing the NDAA. You can say what you want about Trump but he still fulfilled promises faster than any other pres in 20th-21st history

tfw trump is part of DC

obamala is a lying nigger

Forgot this

Obama said that to put McCain on the defensive. Politicians are never allowed to agree on matters.

lol, trump 2020

Bullshit. Look at what kikeschild did after waterloo. Got the news first – started selling all his bonds which caused a crash since everyone assumed he knew that Napoleon had won. By the end of the day he bought up all the bonds for pennies before they realized they'd been doped by a kike and his pigeon. Fuck, I think thats how they still have control over the bank of england even today? Look at the 9/11 options market. They don't give a fuck. You have to think like a Jew. Go buy Iraqi Dinar before the IMF revalues their currency. Thats probably what they're doing.


Napoleon is the fuckup that helped make the Rothschild so powerful to begin with. He knew all along but goddamn even though he could have prevented everything going wrong in Europe he set it on the path to ruin. It's meme that Germany is Europe's destroyer, it was always France. Germany wouldn't have even gone full WWII if it were not for the Treaty of Versailles for their kike masters the Warburgs.

Checked for truth.


Its not his fault that they also funded the Austro-Hungarians.

It's so easy to counter-meme these morons. They provide practically zero challenge.

I think this is the wrong way to go, it's just doing the same thing they are doing(which is fucking retarded). You mock them not copy them.



Jesus Christ that is some faggoty fucking shit I tell you hwat.

Satan doesn't even exist in the Bible, the original wording basically means "opposition"

They are probably shifting their demographic priorities over from boomers. This sort of thing can only appeal to edgy tryhards and pretentious know it alls. They should just come out of the shadows and say look, we don't care about the economy, we probably wont have kids, and we don't care about history because we dont care about the future. It's all culture and narative engineering at this point.

Serious potential. I keep thinking that little per-emptive jump dance slick willy did on election night could be worked in some how.


Aside from this obvious gaffe that is the one in the OP, this is the worst.
For all you leftist faggots reading this:
The reason why this will not work is because you're paying homage to "MAGA." You're admitting that MAGA was so effective that you're ripping it off. And nobody likes someone who steals another person's creativity.
This is why Antifa is retarded. They exist just to oppose something. Without fascism's legitimacy to stand on its own as a belief, antifa wouldn't exist.
This is just monumental levels of fail.
I'm waiting for
"Democrats 2018: Hey, Remember Obama? Let's Reminisce Back To A Time We Can't Recapture."

How have I never seen this before? Anybody have a high quality webm/mp4?

Opinion discarded.

rothschild tier kikes don't give a fuck about normal kikes unless they are pushing israel this week. they gonna be squirreled away in a bunker somewhere sitting on all that stolen gold / blood money.

You are not a very smart man.


what do you expect? Isn't Perez a faggot?

We know Holla Forums.

Maximum autism.

Obama was a disaster unless race baiting and increased the debt more than all others combined. What they want is Bill Clinton riding the dot com bubble feel good era but even then they're sunk. The SJWs and such did irreversible damage to the Democrat brand and we need them to keep going until there's not a single competent white person left in the entire DNC. Just full of idiot shitskins who fight over who is the most oppressed even the darker niggers turn on the lighter skinned niggers.

He sure talks like one.


Not an argument, opinion discarded.



Checking ID and filesize dubs. TFW next election we meme the dems as retards repurposing old material ad naseum.

Pathetic, the memes will be easy to create.

Well they're defacto royalty so no shit. Look where the send their kids to go to school. Literally next to princes and shit. Problem with normal kikes is they're not going after them, their entire existence is based on going after gentiles but they'll always be plebs in a broke arse Jerusalem hood while Rothschild on the like worship Moloch at their satanic parties.

>discussing jewish holy texts
>getting upset when jewish terminology is used
Are you not aware that Genesis is jewish? Did your mother feed you crack cocaine instead of sending you to sunday school or something?

Are you seriously claiming that Jews came up with the story of creation?

>not a
They plagiarized it from other sandniggers to be sure, but Genesis is unambiguously their version of it.

admitting that they are the lesser of two evils

literally pic related


They don't even try to make slogans that cannot be changed by the opposition.

Politicians that share white nationalist views exist and make it in. Guess which party they always run under out of those 2. And guess which of those 2 has never and will never.

That's not how this works. You don't have ownership over a meme. You never watermark a meme because you want it to be plagiarized. You can't take credit for it because you want everyone else to take credit for it. You don't get recognition, just the self-satisfaction of knowing you created something that is seen and thought about by thousands of people.
>you can't own things, goy
Kek. Why are they so fucking stupid?


G-guac surge?




So bad, it seems like it almost must be black propaganda. But it isn't.

pretty sure this was an ironic meme/user shitpost, not a real leftist meme

This makes current year Photoshop Phridays on somethingawful look good in comparison.

Look above your post

There were anti-Hillary memes made by this guy, but also anti-white memes. Pretty sure he's a genuine anti-white marxist nigger.

You tell us.

It's supposed to be a gay leftist meme hence the watermarks.


Get out.


We should hijack that slogan and make images and memes like these.

democrats vs Rebublicans
Multicultarism vs White Society
Degenerates vs High standards

He was pandering to working class Democrats on the fence about his "guns and religion" type of bullshit.

Fuck this cunt. Stratego is awesome.

I thought burgers have a reputation for being extremely patriotic? How did that bitch get away with this?


That entire meme is bad
Stupid nigger. This is why you're fucking animals.

It looks like an advertisement for dlc.

Xir. Effin' brilliant, m8.

could also compare Republican and democratic states or cities and towns

I read the article, and it says Satan doesn't exist in the Bible 'at first', but becomes a later addition after massive changes in the Israelite's literal world forces them to reconsider their spiritual world. Huh, it's almost like revisiting old information in light of new information is a part of the wisdom of God or something. There's also a lot of "probably" by the author when it comes to "disproving" the links people use to identify Satan in the Bible, meaning her assertions of proof base on opinion, making her proof completely useless. Oh yeah, I also did a search for her biography:
>Works at the College of (((Humanities))) in A FUCKING LEAF.
This author is pozzed as fuck, fam. You're stupid if you trust her word.


You're doing that wrong. Get out.

The "white people don't season their food ayy lmao" meme doesn't even make any goddamn sense. Whites are the ones who developed basically all culinary schools. There's a massive variety of different styles of european/white cooking that all use pletny of various herbs and spices.

Meanwhile, the niggers that make these "memes" usually don't even cook their own food, and instead eat at popeyes and mcdonalds every day of the week. And then when they're all morbidly obese, they complain that healthy eating is racist because they're too fucking dumb to go grocery shopping and cook their own food instead of eating processed fast food garbage.

But they aren't the lesser of two evils.
If you really think that, leave.

Hahahahaha, oh never change democucks, never change


90% of American patriotism you see is ironic. That's how they get away with it.


Anyone who says white peoples' food is boring is a low-rent nigger that has never eaten French, Italian or Greek (say what you will of their "whiteness") food.
Nigger food is fucking slop. Nigger food will always be slop.
Pigs feet, collard greens and fucking ham hocks.

Democrats can only win in the fake and highly orchestrated political arena where you grovel before the media when you step 1 word out of line. They don't stand a chance when noone gives a fuck about the media and they're too stupid on their own to create a decent campaign. But that shouldn't surprise anyone since it's the party of spics and niggers.

Not anymore.

They legitimately think Cajun food was invented in Africa or some shit. If you told them New Orleans was founded by French people they'd treat you like we treat the WE WUZ types.

Southern European food is bretty gud, but Polish food is the best. Good luck finding it in America though, not easy to do.


At least people know what Kielbasa is.

and with one fucking meme we're sliding into food arguments. let's keep the memes flowing, these are getting good

They still don't understand, and probably never will, that Trump won because of his campaign platform, and not in spite of it. They're so irreversibly the Minority Party now that they can't even acknowledge demographic change as a political issue. So instead of responding to Republicans in '16 with "We'll clamp down on illegal immigration, but we'll do it humanely," their position became "There is literally nothing wrong with being an illegal immigrant, BIGOT"

It'll be interesting to see how big this gulf gets between their platform, and the desires of sane people as we continue to shove the Overton window to the right. If we're lucky, in Trump's second term he'll be talking about tackling the black crime problem head on, while Democrats whine that blacks aren't THAT violent and defend the Crips and Bloods as peaceful organizations.

Americans aren't patriotic anymore. Patriotism requires standing up for the ideals upon which your nation was built. Americans are jingoistic. They don't care about the actual country, rather they worship the Great Orange King sitting in a big chair.

Next time I see nigger culinary memes, I think I'm going to post examples of actual nigger cooking, such as the haitians who literally eat mud cookies, or the west africans who eat rotten peanut soup

We still have polish neighborhoods in areas around philly, trenton, and southern NJ. It's absolutely true that in general, Polish food is something you're only going to get from babcia and not from some specific "polish restaurant"

I live near a polish community center that has dinner open to the public once a week. Superb stuff, I get a plate full of mashed potatoes, pierogis, golabki, sausages, sauerkraut, red cabbage, etc. Excellent stuff. In a way it reminds me of Pennsylvanian Dutch food, but better.

Anyone who thinks New Orleans wasn't founded by French people have never been to New Orleans. There's so much French here it almost doesn't feel like an American city sometimes.

If they want nigger shit, they mean Creole. Cajuns are white catholics. Always have been.

t. New Orleanian

so exactly the same slogan they used in 2016 which worked so well for them.
2018 and 2020 will be republican sweeps.

Nigger's idea of seasoning is basically putting hot sauce on it until it drowns out the flavor of their crackhead mother's cooking.
Drown in grease, drown in "muh hot saouce" and say it's "muh culture."
Every nigger needs to die.

Exactly. Nothin' but hot sauce, fried in lard, and pickled. Nigger food is horrible.

Cajun, the word, is interesting. Cajun comes from the word "Arcadian." When southerners pronouce it, it sounds like "Ar-Cajun." Eventually, it was shortened to just Cajun.

This shit is hilarious. 2020 will be the year when a third party emerges, stealing lots of votes from democrats

Nah, it needs current year man edits. Slogans like "come on, it's 2018".

The reason why this will not work is because you're paying homage to "MAGA." You're admitting that MAGA was so effective that you're ripping it off. And nobody likes someone who steals another person's creativity.
This is why Antifa is retarded. They exist just to oppose something. Without fascism's legitimacy to stand on its own as a belief, antifa wouldn't exist.

See also: Holla Forums

Nigger food is indistinguishable from novelty carnival heart-attack food.

Gonna be interesting watching the Dems get Bull-Moosed.

Incidentally, fried chicken was actually invented by white men, but niggers made it awful.

I'll be disappointed if this is how they lose, since that'll make it easy for them to blame somebody other than themselves. I want to see them realize they're to blame so their egos are crushed. Those tears promise to be the most delicious.

I'm sickened yet curious

Fried chicken is one of the few things that people say are "nigger culinary creations" that are good. Of course it's because niggers had nothing to do with it.
Well, you niggers sure do seem to love Colonel Sanders' recipe which consists of salt and fucking pepper and pretty much nothing else.

Sure would be a shame for all the currently existing 3rd wheel cuckparties if that happened to be a real white nationalist party.

What we should be doing is having a deep-cover Holla Forumsack run in the DNC primaries as a bernie-style communist, and then switching to a 3rd party run in the general election to siphon away millennial progressive leftist voters and help tank the democrats even harder.

In other words, the exact same strategy Bill Clinton employed by paying Ross Perot to stay in as a 3rd candidate in both 1992 and 1996 to throw the election for him.

Pretty much. I don't mind carnival food every now and then. Like, maybe once a year or so when Mardi Gras rolls around. But every damn nigger restaurant around here is constant 24/7 fried/pickled everything. Shit's horrible.

KFC recipe got leaked about a year ago.
11 spices — mix with 2 cups white flour
2/3 tablespoon salt
1/2 tablespoon thyme
1/2 tablespoon basil
1/3 tablespoon oregano
1 tablespoon celery salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon dried mustard
4 tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons garlic salt
1 tablespoon ground ginger
3 tablespoons white pepper


fried in panko fish or seafood are pretty good when done right

Nah, we need an edgy socialist party. If we know anything, we know that edgy young voters will vote socialist, leaving only dying boomers to vote democrat - splitting the party in two and allowing (((conservatives))) to win.
What we need to do is hijack the republican party and make it white nationalist instead. Trump is an okay start to that, but even though it was historically filled with kike-lovers, we need to make it Holla Forums.

I hate these, it makes democrats look strong and Trump supporters look like pathetic weaklings.

The PPC (Progressive Populist Caucus) tried to do that back in 2004 with Dennis Kucinich. It almost worked, too; but then they fucked Kucinich in the ass with gerrymandering.

I know what I'm cooking tonight.

I thought this was why the burgers voted for the Republicucks: they weren't democrats.

Are you a bong?

That would cause a vote split, pitting Trump vs. whatever candidate such a party would push. It's far better to keep pushing republicans while we have Trump, and let demoshits implode into several squabbling cuck parties.

This election was noteworthy for being fueled by actual grievences for once

DON'T DO THIS. It makes poison gas.

I kek'd

This. I contend that the reason Trump is president is because he had a stated and clear goal.
The wall. While Trump was trying to sell whites on their future truthfully depending on keeping out the brown hordes, he was winning.
What was the great message of the Demoshits? They didn't have one.
Their entire platform was ran around "muh vagina." In the end, it just didn't have the hearts and minds of voting aged Americans.
Pretty easy to see why Trump won. You could have ran literally anyone white against Hillary using Trump's platform and they would have beaten her.

I personally like it. The "other guys" are decent, honest politicians that aren't under investigation by the DoJ, or pedophiles, or even senile old bats that push 93 million Americans dying everyday.
For once, the Damn Dems have an accurate slogan.

Wew that's good

top jej
>>>Holla Forums

their arguments is that should support them because they arent as bad as the other guys

if they were good, they could make an argument about how good they are

so by their own admission they are somewhere on the bad end of the spectrum

A false narrative will always win over truthful arguments.

This is, at the heart, why this slogan is disastrous.
We will secure the border and keep your family safe.
Those guys suck. Vote for us instead because reasons.
Is there no Jew marketer to help them with their message? Kikes convince people that they need to buy Coca Cola sugar water. How is it the democrats haven't figured out marketing?

Not strong, just violent and unhinged. That's the point. The more violent and crazy the left looks the more normalfags don't want anything to do with them and vote against them out of spite.

Worse, it makes KFC

Exactly. With all the kikes they have, why are they doing so badly with marketing?

Talmudic magic can only go so far. Since the 60s, the kikes have been able to convince a huge number of whites into slowly giving away their country. But that power has its limits. You eventually reach a point where you can no longer convince whites to keep fucking themselves over.

Also, most of the "mastermind" kikes are ones like Rothschild and Soros. The youngest generation of ZOG kikes are incompetent, because they grew up in a society where they were already at the top, and have grown complacent.

And this was particularly ineffective considering you had one of the dirtiest ever politicians using it. You could have had virtually anyone run against that cunt and they would have won.

They believe that it should be self-evident why Demoshits are the superior party.
They seriously think that Democrats are still the counter-culture. That's not so surprising.
What's surprising is that they've failed to adjust fire. They honestly don't even realize how badly they've failed. At this point, I'm not sure anything can convince them of their failures unless they lose every single political seat.
In my opinion, they still think they are virtuous and everyone should just automatically know that they're virtuous.

well they were going to use their tried and true slogan "Kill Whitey" but it didn't pan out in focus groups

Interesting point.
The average politician really doesn't even know what America looks like. They probably think niggers make up 80% of the population.
Their focus groups would look like an antifa rally because they probably think everyone is a nigger or spic. Sorry, Demofags. We still make up 2/3 of the population.

< "I mean, have you seen the other guys?"

It's like their encouraging people to look into voting for someone else because they know their own candidates suck so hard.

The only thing democrats have to do is play the waiting game, the demographics are so bad that once the boomers start dying off we're fucked. Democracy is not going to help us really.

The Jews tried to sell them Bernie. It didn't work out so good.

It's like they're TRYING to run their party into the ground.

Bernie would have been disastrous for kikes. I almost want to see a world where Bernie won.

Man, I'm still confused what the hell happened with the demcrats vis-a-vis Bernie.
Like, was he always a rogue agent acting as a wrench in the clinton machine?
Or was he specifically put in there to get white democrats and millennials interested in politics with the hopes that they would go on to vote for clinton in the general election, but the plan backfired and they all ended up continuing their hatred for clinton instead?

You're right libshit smugitude is going to backfire for them on this.

I'm not surely I can feel pity for someone who willingly supports the Democratic party and their erosion of America, but man it's like watching piglets think the shotgun barrel is their friend who just wants to give them a head-rub. It's sad to see because you know what's about to happen, but on the other bacon's pretty tasty so whatever, fuck them.

Democrats 2018: "Wow, just wow."

You know what, I think that is the angle the democrats were looking for.

Idiots already think we have forgotten and forgive them for Gamer Gate.

Oh my.

Classic kek

Officer Dick reporting for duty


What is this one even supposed to mean?

She persisted (running for president again?) We resisted (we didn't fucking vote for her?)

It almost sounds like "Victory, we didn't elect the cunt!" And for that I want to give this my vote

The Current Year is over. It is now Modern Day.


I took it to mean more she persisted (with her typical tricks), we resisted (by voting in an outsider). It really sounds like one of our slogans. That's what kind of fuckups we're dealing with here.
Sometimes I sit back in awe of how fucking stupid these people are.

It can be both.

It translates into this for me… "Why the fuck are you considering voting for us? I mean, have you seen the other guys? You have so many other options."

CY+3? = MD+0

The 2nd. He agreed to the DNC's terms, aka muzzle himself and never really fight back, and people were supposed to fall in line when he fell short.

Its supposed to mean they resisted Trump. Surely you've heard their mantra repeated ad nauseum by now.
Like a fucking broken record that gets dumped into all of their brains by daddy Soros.

Isn't it satisfying watching these vermin squabble in their own verbal filth?

It will be such a wonderful sight seeing their former party like seeing the dead corpse of a rival, bleeding on the floor.

It brings a smile to my face.

It's the current hour

But… they didn't. All they did was kvetch about Russia and it amounted to jack shit. I can't imagine describing what they're doing as resistance.
Yeah, that just doesn't work for me.

I'm not totally convinced. He was muzzled, yes, but the dude is also a completely impotent cuckold, so that doesn't exactly surprise me if he'd let himself get fucked in the ass like that (see: that time in seattle where he gave up his mic to BLM dindus)
And then I see shit like that face he had on during the DNC, where he was red and sweaty and looked like he was being held at gunpoint to say the right things.

I'm not saying he was or wasn't a plant. Both could make sense to me. I just don't think it's cut-and-dry.


I think we should add some tolkien-style ages in there.

Like "modern day 0 of the 2nd age" or something.

Jesus Wyatt, you've sure become used up.

I’m out doing irl.. Someone please make a nice quality one for our plebs, suggested slogans:
>Honest Work To Set Us Free this would trigger the kikes

Alright, so modern days run quarterly and basically put things into seasons in the Current Year.
For example:
Current Year +0, Modern Day +0 would mean you're talking about Jan. - April, 2014.
We are currently CY+3 MD+2.

isn't cajun food heavily influenced by french expats also?

He also had a cut on his face at DNC and his brother sounded awfully upset. I think Sanders was legitimately retarded and wanted to usher in the glorious worker's revolution and was vastly out of his weight class. Hell, Seth Rich's investigation seems to show that he may have even beaten Clinton if shit wasn't rigged in her favor by the DNC.

Well, when you agree to handicap yourself but your opponent is such a piece of shit you still almost win it would make sense that you'd be kicking yourself afterwards, especially since you're also forced to come out and endorse them. Bernie is a cuck, but in a fair contest even Bernie knows he would have beaten Clinton. How much contempt do you think some piece of shit cuck has for someone even more pathetic?

The white population of America is not yet psychologically prepared for physical removal.

To buy ourselves more time we need to continue encouraging the white youth to become more traditional so they form nuclear families and have more children, keep abortion legal so the progressive shitskins keep using it, transform the democrats into overt marxists so that the opposition party (whether or not it's called "the republicans") can appear justified in becoming their fascist foil, end HUD programs that move niggers into white parts of the country, stop all non-white immigration, open up white immigration from Europe (EU madness stands to drive level-headed white people out of Europe), completely repeal the NFA, and make America completely financially and industrially independent from the rest of the world.

If we fail, then America is lost. Victory is not a foregone conclusion.

As stated, Cajun food is good because it's former Frenchies that came to New Orleans. Really, it's probably one of the great cultural things about the south. If you've never been to N'awleans, you missed out. I got to go about 15 years ago, I was 22. It was a very unique place.
blogpost pls no bully



Definitely the 2nd. I think towards the end he briefly considered going rogue, thinking he could win it for real, but was quickly put back in his place.

They honestly consider their screeching protests as a form of resistance. Its to keep them active in hopes of them actually turning out to vote in 2018 in an attempt to win the House and push impeachment. Traditionally whichever side of the aisle is currently more pissed off shows up in greater numbers for midterms as voters who are relatively content often only vote in presidential election cycles.

The current year is 2015

I think your autism is broken

Get out.

I am autistic enough to greatly appreciate this.

This will always bug me because the leftists stole "it's the current year!" from us, who were originally using it starting in 2011 with ISHYGDDT on /sp/

The biggest problem I see here is that I'm worried about the same shit happening that I see happening with the whites who move out of liberal areas and into conservative ones. While you would think that they'd want to avoid the very policies that made their former areas shitholes they instead vote for what they just left.

Its like the Democrats are TRYING to feed us fuel against them. God bless them they're a political party made up of actual retards

It's CY+2 right now. So CY+2 = MD 0

Obama has "fake charisma". It's hard to articulate exactly what I mean by that. It's essentially when the media props up some politician and telling you how charismatic they are, instead of actually seeing them in action and deciding for yourself. It's almost always applied to shitskin politicians. King Nigger is a great example of this. Another example is Kamala Harris, who acted like a fucking chimp-out baboon during the senate hearings, but all the media spun it as "YASS QUEEN SLAYYY! strong independent black woman Kamala Harris is the only one powerful enough to TAKE ON EVIL WHITE RACIST JEFF SESSIONS".

The meme is pretty old before I heard the current year I always heard someone say b-but it's the 21th century when it comes to political issues they don't want to talk about

MD+0= Jan - April
MD+1= May-Aug
MD+2= Sept-Dec
So technically, we are in the Current Year of 2, Modern Day of 1.

He uses a teleprompter. That's all you need to say/know

They do this shit everywhere, particularly with Hollyjew.
And all of the writers are fucking kikes, I'm sure everyone here already knows this but it still pisses me off to no end everytime I think about it.

make the patch strings more…horizontal.

Meh. All Presidents do. It's what those little glass squares are. Some of our nation's greatest orators - like Lincoln - used paper or prompters of some sort. It's a pretty weak argument.


Put it this way, he doesn't mumble like his mouth is full of marbles, the way Bernie does. Though he does have quite a stutter when flustered.

Or it's because he was the only person on tv talking about fixing immigration.


Paul Nehlen ousting paul ryan would be a great start, not just because we'd remove the arch-cuckservative from office, but because it would pave the way for candidates who are unambiguously on our side.

Didn't he lose badly? What are his chances next time?

That's going to be a tough fight. Ryan's been a member of congress for 18 years. He knows the game.

the inclusive way is now to fingersnap, because PTSD snowflakes get badthoughts when they hear claps

I think it was like 80/20.

We all know the GOP is going to win bigly in 2018. The real question is why TYPE of "republican" we're going to have in office.

The GOP establishment is still a more dangerous enemy than the Democratic Party. We need to root out the traitors and cucks as best we can and replace them with nationalists/populists. We can't do anything on that front yet, but when more information on the midterm campaigns start coming out, we have to pool our resources and figure out which GOP candidates to support in primaries, make an effort of getting people out to vote in these primaries to bump out the cuckservatives, and spread memes supporting nationalist candidates.

Yes, he started off saying things nobody would even dare to say, "Build a wall deport them all". Having policies that most people want is very appealing but as Ron Paul showed, you need to have gravitas to draw the spotlight to those policies.

Yeah it was a massacre, but ryan did have Trump's backing at Nehlen's expense. Which I'd say was either an attempt to sink the nevertrumpers, and/or set ryan up to fuck up the obongocare repeal and replace. Essentially Trump wanted to say "See, it isn't enough that I get in, we need to get these people out as well". But I don't want to chesscuck too hard here.

Trips don't lie.
Even though I hate TRSfags, Nehlen went on Fash The Nation, which I thought was pretty cool.

I really hope he tries again and ends up being a good contender. I can't imagine that the reason Nehlen lost was because of any actual character flaw or ideological flaw. Ryan is a cuck and I can't see how anyone actually likes that weasel. I'm just assuming he won based on inertia and people just checking his name because that's what they're supposed to do.

If Nehlen actually had some good funding and better meme campaign to back him, now that the focus is no longer on Trump? I think that might actually make a dent. Still a longshot, but getting that faggot Paul Ryan out of office would be goddamn amazing.

The main problem with this is being an American nationalist typically involves being a philosemitic nigger herder.

What we really need to do is find the one or two Holla Forumstier guys and go all out.
After we get them into office, we start grooming them for 2020. 2020 rolls around and we've got caches of memes and material to get them in.
In fact, we should already be working on that.

What's more important was what he said, which was a more White Nationalist version of Trump's campaign. Plus the fact that he went on a show named after facism, that put's him at least on par with Gorsuch who's been great so far. Another piece of good news was that a candidate like corey stewart almost won his election, which means that candidates can push the overton window much closer to us and still be viable, doubly so if Trump gives them an endorsement.

Trump backed Ryan because he was trying to extend an olivebranch to the #NeverTrump crowd. It was just political favor-trading. Except Ryan immediately stabbed him in the back and threw him under the bus multiple times leading up to the election anyway, so it was all for fucking nothing. I hope Trump learned his lesson on this and decides to say "fuck you" to Ryan and supply funds and endorsements to Nehlen.

And the average (((conservative))) GOP member will cuck so hard to the israeli lobby, you can guarantee we'll be bombing more muzzies by next election.

babysteps. I'm not going to sit back and cheer on cuckservatives and liberals just because a civic nationalist politician isn't far right enough.

Is a sitting president allowed to fund someone running for congressional office?

Is Israel?

I think there's a lot of wiggle room to have a guy closer to us that can still be elected. We really need to see where the line is drawn. We assume that we can't get a true white nationalist into office, but is that really true? Have we tested that?

I'm skeptical of the efficacy of national/international meme campaigns on regional elections. I think regional memospheres are still primarily offline, even in the age of kikebook.

Well we would first need to find one that's non-shit. Who would run? Dicky? That kike Enoch? David Duke who's likely a fed? Is there a single good option?

This kind of argument is so silly.

This is the mirror of their desperation.

Is this a joke?

Yeah I said as much and that was my initial thoughts back in '16 when the cuckservatives looked more powerful than they actually were. Even up to election day I was worried they would have swayed enough votes to lose to hillary. Anyway I wouldn't say it was a complete waste IF AND ONLY IF he backs Neheln against ryan next year, with an emphasis on how ryan is an impotent traitor.

Mid terms are a better chance for one of our guys to get in, because minorities don't care about smaller politics, making 2018 a mostly white voter affair. And the main concern of white voters has always been jobs and immigration. Although as points out we still have a lack of good candidates, Nehlen is the only one who comes to mind and also the only one to adopt Trump's twitter strategy, still I expect I'm not the only person to see the opportunities we have next year.

Are you surprised though? It's not anything groundbreaking; it's the exact same platform they've been running since the beginning of the 2016 election cycle. "Vote for us because Drumpf is a big orange literally hitler. Also muh vagina :^)"

Someone out there in 2018 is going to be that. If they're smart and worthy of our help, they will have paid attention to this election and realized exactly what we're saying right now. That is, there's a lot of room to the right and a lot of voters who want to vote that way.
We find him, we make a huge deal out of him, make memes, flood twitter, etc. And we get him in. This needs to be a very big organic thing.
After he's in, we continue to sing his praises. Media kvetches over "evil Nazi," perpetuates his publicity and we're in it in 2020.

I think Trump backed Ryan because he had polling data that said it was a forgone conclusion, and he wanted to back the winner for better optics.

Steve King is quite close… except he's extremely philosemetic. I think a "pro-Israel WN" being elected is possible, even though that's basically a contradiction in terms.

That might not be a terrible strategy though. Start electing overt WN who play lip service to jews. Then redpill normalfags by pointing out how ALL jews hate the pro-jew WN, despite his pro-jew stance. This will drive a necessary division between pro-jew and pro-white. Many normalfags have never seen jewish behavior clearly before because all they consume is kosher media and their worldview is shaped by that.

I have one… Steve King.

The first one is a reference to when Mitch McConnell used Senatorial procedural rules to shut that bitch Warren up. Senate Rule XIX prevents Senators from shit-talking other Senators on the floor. Warren was warned to shut her lying mouth. After the rule was officially invoked, Senator McConnell stated
So yeah, feminist cunts turned an incident of a woman being a total bitch and ignoring the rules into some sort of badge of honor.

Heimbach? He commands a tremendous amount of respect in Appalachia, he has a solid platform, he's a great speaker, and he's on the level.

That's what I'm thinking, it's easy to forget that our lack of preferable candidates isn't due to a lack of ability but the chilling effect and cockblocking of the judenpresse and cuckservatives. We've proven that WN leaning policies are extremely popular even in the face of media backlash, the exact stategy was laid out by fucking ann coulter years ago, so it's not esoteric knowledge. The major impediment was a lack of will, something that a Trump presidency has been restoring despite it's failings.

I'm not sure how I forgot about King, given that he's getting immigration laws moving in the right direction. His twitter is saying all the right things and his very existence pisses off all the right people.

It seems odd for Democrats to implicitly mention Warren as "she" in 2018, since that's not a POTUS election year. I'm assuming they'll try to run her in 2020. Implicitly referring to her in their slogan in 2020 would make more sense.

In the context of a midterm election, I think "she" must refer to Hillary. That's who most people will think of anyway…

Heimbach is one of the only "e-celebs" I actually respect. Honest solid straight-forward guy. Not a kike plant or a degenerate or any of that.

Also, Kris Kobach is running for the governorship of my fair state, and he's confirmed /ourguy/. He is on record stating that he likes VDare, a political newletter which, among other things, publishes articles about the problem of White Genocide.

He needs to work on his SEO if he wants to run for office.

Heimbach strikes me as more of a local politics kind of guy, he'd need some more substantive achievements before going on to larger politics, on top of losing some more weight. That's not an insult either, culture and community comes before politics and he's doing great work on that level, helping our people and inoculating them from the judenpresse.

He needs to stop tolerating Dicky, though. The problem is, Heimbach is an honest enough guy who's willing to give anyone a fair shake, but Dicky hates his guts. Several years ago, Richard Spencer barred Matthew Heimbach from attending NPI, but gave Jack Donovan top billing to talk about, of all things, masculinity. That's right, Dicky would rather associate with faggots than fascists.

Also, Heimbach doesn't really count as an e-celeb, since basically all his work is done IRL and the only things he does online is make the occasional YouTube video.

Well, we need to flex again.
What we did with Trump was both hilarious and fun. It didn't have to end with Trump. Perhaps Trump was the beginning of us flexing memetic magic, triggering shitlibs and getting results?
Who doesn't want to relive that sort of magic on a state/regional level?

Getting Kobach elected would be a huge blow to the left and secure a real /ourguy/ stronghold in the dead center of the country.

didnt mean to imply the core of america is dead.
it's the only place where America is even still America.

I should really try to meet up with him at some point, I'm not too far from his area.

We start filling congress and the house with /ourguys/ and eventually they become things like Senate Majority Leader, Attorney General, appointed to special committees. We really need to up our game.

I like Heimbach because he already made his mistakes. He went through his civnat phase and came out the other side. He still has some ties to Dugin that I don't like, but politics makes for strange bedfellows. More power to him.

Agreed completely on all accounts. Heimbach isn't a "hateful" guy, and this can be a weakness in going-along-to-get-along with the alt-right faggots.

Kobach is a solid dude. I wish he'd instead be in charge of HUD instead of that Kelly faggot that's currently running the show. From what I understand, Kobach doesn't want the job because he doesn't want to move himself and his family to DC to live among that trash. Which I totally understand, but at the same time, he really needs to take one for the team and do that job. He'd be so much more useful running HUD.

That said, if he becomes governor and ends up being able to swing that position to go for a presidential run in say 2024 after Trump steps down… that's be fucking great.

Another part of Heimbach's problems is that he went for political activism before building up a reputation and financial base, whereas every other good candidate that we've mentioned ITT did the opposite, since that's much more powerful.

I'm really excited to see who's going to stick their necks out next year, Holla Forums was never more energized than it was during the campaign.


whoops, saved as jpg. Fuck me.

God, they're all terrible. Haha, are those the graphics they're going with? 3 shades of blue; very eye-catching. They're so stunningly bad that it's almost unbelievable.

this is real?? Are they making fun of themselves? Yeah, any people still somehow "on the fence" arent going to be swayed by this garbage. Yes, theyve seen the other guys and they are more attractive for starters. If we are just going off of looks here, democrats are usually ugly and out of shape, the men are skinny fat wimps and the women are dyed hair disgusting freaks.
I cannot believe they are really going with this. Maybe they just dont want to be taken seriously anymore because they know its all over for their party.

Why not just use the leaked DNC emails or Hillary quotes against her? Seems way more funny.

what sort of sense does it make from tactical point of view?

who would a campaign like this be aimed at? swing voters?

surely a swing voters stance would be…

and to this they offer nothing

We need to show that Holla Forums isn't a one-hit wonder. And also, because it will be fun and I've never had more fun shitposting than during the campaign.
Not only that, it will further Holla Forums's credibility. Not that we need Holla Forums to be splattered everywhere, but Holla Forums is always relevant and stays relevant.
And there was unprecedented creativity for months on end. Morale dipped one time and that was the Iowa caucus. After that, morale really never went down. We were impervious to shills, trolls, bait… It was a beautiful thing to see.

My IRL group is already, no joke, poised to be a major influence in his campaign. I'm sure Holla Forums will help out with the memes when necessary.

Holla Forums needs to be so feared they all know us but dare not name us, lest they draw our attention and incur our wrath.

We're MODERN DAY now.

This can't fucking be real. Even those retards can't be that unaware.

Good. You need to make it fun and edgy. You need to get your efforts in the news and bring it here and not make a PA request, but if your work with campaigning for a Holla Forumstier guy is worthy, anons will notice. If keks are to be had and shitlibs are freaking out, we're going to jump on it. Because what the fuck else is a mongolian underwater polo club going to do?

Have leftists finally decided to self detonate?

This shit's coming out normie-tier. I'm all out of meme magic. Dubs save me.



Is there a website to make these or is that just photoshop?

There is only one computer program that lets you edit pictures, as far as I know.

muh sides


Just use gimp or somesuch.

First attempts, even though I've been hanging out in this thread.

I can cook any fucking nigger or shitskin under the goddamn table. In fact, I can cook their own ethnic food better than they can. I'll make Collard Greens better than any fat negress in the country and Chicken Tikka Masala better than any street shitter. White people dominate the culinary arts and anyone who says otherwise doesn't know a fucking thing.



I mean, it's not like they're being subtle about it. The only way you could fail this hard is if you were actually trying. Who stands to gain from Dems losing? Republicans. And who controls the Republican party? The same damn (((people))) who control the Dems.

In this way, (((they're))) able to use the pendulum effect to (((their))) own advantage, by always having it swing (((their))) way.

Nawleans food is superb.
I went to a buffet there that was incredible. Steak, lobster, patte, all the finest gourmet food in an-all-you-can-eat setting. It was the fanciest buffet ever. Shit was expensive though, like $50 a head

Cucky, but unfortunately probably effective in the right circles.

gah! Nobody calls it that. Don't do that.

It at least cements the idea in their mind that "groups can change", which weighs heavy on their cognitive dissonance re: American history.

I noticed that shitty meme pop up again briefly yesterday when the Polish president shut down the mouthy cunt reporter at the press briefing with Trump.

Democrats 2018: like, duh!

Shrimp is possibly my favorite food. I was in heaven in New Orleans.

You must not have been here during the BP spill. Couldn't eat Gulf seafood for months.

No this was 15 years ago. I'm an elderfag.

Damn. Pre-BP and Pre-Katrina. Back when crawfish weren't tainted with bleach and plastics. I barely remember what food tasted like before all that mess. Maybe some day it'll finally filter out.

Exactly. I don't cook elaborate meals every day because I get busy, but I can damn good fried chicken, curry, tacos, and any other "ethnic" food I want. And it always irks me when people say "lel diversity is wonderful because muh ethnic restaurants". Nah, fuck that. I'm perfectly capable of finding recipes and learning to cook that food myself.


I love seafood so it was a treat for me. Favorite is freshwater fish, but I love me some shrimp, Maine lobster and fucking crab. I had the crawfish in NOLA and it was delicious.
I can't get into sushi, though. I think sushi is disgusting and I can understand what the Japs see in it.

Thanks, now I can make my own crystals.

But have you made Bernie Sanders glowsticks?

Thanks Holla Forums. I tried this and it works!


Ha ha.
Made me look.




These are shit and make me suspect you might be a nigger yourself.


They're quotes from that DNC chair, Sally Boyton Brown, you idiot nigger.


Kobach is at the top of the SPLC shitlist for wanting to gas the beaners vote war now. His events get bomb threats on a regular basis.

Yahweh is the anglicized version of YHVH, because hebrew cannot into vowels. How you could possibly think that there is anything but the minutest semantic difference in these names is baffling to me.

fuck off
Make something worth a damn.

Kiss my ass, you ignorant faggot.

Ha, I live in Chicago. No shortage of Polish food here.

I prefer to think of it as the Current Year being the old age that ended, heralding the coming of the Modern Day.

Though there are some sad, out-of-touch, behind-the-times remnants who are still holding on to the Current Year. Luckily, nobody's ashamed to laugh at them, because it's the Modern Day.

This we need to hit them were it hurts they wince when they are reminded that the younger generation finds them extremely lame and coorporate. The left has this perpetual fantasy of being rebels fighting "The Man" when in fact they've been "The Man" for the past 30 or so years.


It's made with a font and design choices that could only appeal to a vapid uneducated woman or something, tbh.


I believe this style is popular on instagram or snapchat or other "trendy" websites for vapid normalfag millennial women.


I havent seen them all
Has anybody made a "JUST…" one yet?


Just Donkey?

Possibly where my association came from, and likely by design then. Race to bottom with 'em.

Especially since half the reason for colonialism was to appropriate native mudrace spices.

We didn't need to over spice our food because we actually ate stuff that wasn't rotting.

We wut?

Look at all the cultures that are known to spice their foods a lot it was normally to masked that their meat was spoiled.


Just laugh and laugh some more. Stop telling them how to stop being bad.

It's hard not to have pity on them. Plus even when we're goofing off we come up with something better they designed by committee.

Had a few ideas. If any of you niggers like 'em redo them in PS with the correct font, all I have is GIMP (which is shit for adding text) and paint.NET.


I'll give the jewish bolsheviks pointers:

1.Self deport back to hell.

I haven't, but I did eat a roast beef sandwich at Arby's a few weeks ago. Close enough.


Doubtful. A roast beef sandwich actually contains things you'd want to put in your mouth.
Also horseradish sauce on that is delish

jews are truly a disgusting race. I've seen fat chicks fatter than Schumer that looked far less disgusting.

Idk if you want to put fast food shit in your mouth to be honest, but in comparison I'd pick Arby's every time.

An Arby's sandwich would have contributed more to society than Amy or or cuck jew uncle.

True enough.

Fresh OC

There's less E. Coli in an Arby's roast beef sandwich than in Schumer's vag.


I can't into pictures but can someone make with with "Maybe we'll take up your weird fetish as our cause next!"

Typical dems. They haven´t produced a sound argument ever since King Nigger took the wheel.

Not if Trump cleanses the fed before then, which seems likely.

They're too stupid to take advice from Holla Forums.

The architecture is unquestionably French, and looks incredible. But all that beauty is drowned out when you remember it's a "party" town 1% of the time and Nogtropolis the rest.

Identity Politics is what won the election
We literally did nothing wrong and were attacked at every angle with rhetorical sentences and physical violence
Fuck that destroy these marxists

They need more tranny niggers

This one makes it sound like Hillary was raping them.


if-if-if-if-ififififif… okie-dokie
the tweets are…

If organizations were smart, they'd all implement anonymous private image boards in their intranets for employees to collab on. This anonymous process always produces better results than committee.

Because it's the purest form of meritocracy and any and all ideas on are on the table with little risk of being dismissed because of who suggested it.

I forgot cripples.

So much type.

They sort of do that the democrats always try to rip-off the right wing slogans or movements that worked although the leftists ones are not really as successful and always soulless due to the fact they are manufactured.

There's not much that can be done to help them when their message is kill Whitey, unlimited gibs, feminism, drugs, open faggotry and no borders for all.

They've been at it for 50 years and everyone knows their platform. They can try to re-brand with stupid slogans and lame graphics but it will never work. In fact I'm still amazed at the utter chaos on the left since the election - they're destroying themselves before our eyes.


I think 'me vs. the guy she talks about' memes are a good format, needs the democrat slogan to cover the entire top of their side.


If the democrats made their party platform "Gas the kikes for social progress", I think they'd go far.

All this talk about Glassberg reminds me of my memes from the campaign that I'll never use again.

"It's like Star Wars and Harry Potter" is a perfect slogan by itself. It sums up how they're all manchildren.

Can we give Jeb his on 24/7 unbeknownst to him stream? I just can't imagine how Guac the Turtle lives his day to day life.

That would indeed be true progress and we'd rid ourselves of their subversive degeneracy.

They have started to reference Dr.who as well.

That would be the highest rated show ever…..


can we somehow convince the dems that the only way to win is to convert jeb to their side? That jeb is in fact the perfect candidate.

Speaking of children's books and movies this picture reminds me of Mr.Mcfeely.
Someone needs to make a Chris Nolan style dark gritty movie about Mr.Rodger's neighborhood with Jeb as Mr Mcfeely.

Jeb memes will always be relevant.

The Guacman Show.

Jesus Christ, do people really get payed for this shit? They literally could've come up with something fucking simple like "we're still blue" and it'd at least have some irony.

Think about who was most likely on this committee mostly 50ish year old women with a token cuck and college feminist.

I guarantee you the tumblr cunt suggested this and the old cunts were like "Yes this is what the younguns responds to cheeky over inflated egoism" and the cuck possibly thought about raising and objection but cucked out and that's how this garbage was made.

Shit, that's actually genius. Works on multiple levels. Don't tell them this.

It's not true though more and more they're showing their true crimson colors.

What do you guys think about these?

They'd know. Pedos are now calling themselves "age fluid."

Not subtle enough, but you're on the right track and the second one is close to ideal.

Change it to something like "Love knows no age" Or "Ageless love" something that could be played as something else but everyone knows what it really pertains to. Memes work not because of what it says but because what it makes people think.

Let them run with this, go ahead, let them try. If they keep this shit up, they will never win another election…ever.



Maybe have it say "Rich people know whats best for you"

Maybe have one that says "Rich people know whats best for you" or "We have money!"

Don't they hate corporations?

They hate corporations the same way women hate being slapped and chocked.

Wasn't planning on it.

Anglos fucked everything up, by starting the revolution of 1789 indirectly by having their own revolution when they beheaded their king and placed the kike puppet Cromwell who created the (((Commonwealth))), and died giving England to a real kike this time from netherlands William of Orange.
England is from where the shit started, it was the first to fall and, catastrophe, the place from where the industrial revolution started also, so the shit hitted the fan in no time worldwide.


ah so only when they are not on "their" side ( reason doesn't matter ie cheap labor) or in the case of women when you are seen as less desirable/successful.

Good enough?

I want to do one that demands more freaks, shitskins, and shames the democrats for having too many seemingly sexually normal people, men in general, and jews.
IDK how to make it plausible.
Thought about calling jews "cis white jews". That might cause more problems down the road.
Anyway everything should be done to make the democrats into the freakazoid nigger/brown aids party that are openly hostile to anything even resembling a white person ( white WOMEN included).


Those damn cisjews hogging all the money from the transjews.

My attempt

I figure associating known lolcows with their party of choice speaks volumes.

Maybe something like "Fuck off everyday American we only want our brown faggots"


It's over for the Democratic party. I can see third parties fighting each other to take the second slot. The Democrats won't ever recover.

don't tell them they have too many jews
in fact it would be best if they could take them all

I spit out my coffee. Thanks, user.

Thats the reason I am here?!

Well, that rules you out, Bob.

Th-that's not a real attempt at a meme they made is it?

It never fails. They never know anything about what they're talking about.

This, vote for it nigger THIS IS ONE THING Holla Forums CAN DIRECTLY AFFECT, STICKY IT!!

Didn't that "Die Cis Scum" person change their life around and become normal? I remember seeing something about her on /cow/.

Hold the fuck on, am I reading this right? Are they seriously celebrating their own defeat here? Did we actually put them on suicide watch?


Holy shit I just saw that….What the hell must be going through their head I wonder?

right however to niggers and spics jews look white I was trying to exploit this.

I'd write 'furry otherkins only' -Stonetear but I'm too tired after the day. TGIF.

This is the "Love Trump_'_s Hate" thing all over again where all you had to do to vandalize it was add an apostrophe.

How can they be so fucking dense?

when you design by committee and the committee operates on oppression points

More and more their retardation only makes sense to their own little group.

Nah, it doesn't matter at this point. They won't pay attention, or listen, because they can't. Reality has no place in their world. Just look at the last two years; they've lost politically big time, have been ridiculed & shunned but STILL produce these as their 2018 slogan candidates. We've seen that these people can literally have their children killed and will STILL spout their fantasy-land beliefs. It's mind-boggling to people with normally functioning brains, but it's clear now that they don't have these.

Do an image search for "inspirational cursive tattoos".

I've been in this thread all day and I still can't believe how much of a failure they are. This is just ignorance on all levels.
How are you still unaware of how you lost the election? No way you still believe it was muh russian hackers.

I'm thinking for the dems Love Trumps Hate Oh And Fuck White People And The White Vote

They'll never win an election ever again, even the spics vote Republican eventually because they get tired of being thrown under the bus for mudslimes and niggers and called white like Zimmerman. It's over.

There are 2 kinds of people
The kinds that can reason and think and those that follow public perception ie the crap the jews control. This is why we need strong religion and strong leaders because a great chunk of society in incapable of thinking for itself.


this could only works in groups where employees aren't motivated by greed and selfishness
in the crab-fight liberal world, an anonymous server would degenerate into a snitch contest on his coworkers for when somecuck wishes to stays anonymous and a tripfagging fest for when he presents his ideas that he wants to get recognition and benefits for

you have to realize that these are people who believe they can make a profit by working in an organization led by the likes of illary…

These are brilliant. The left in a nutshell: stupid, shallow, entitled brats.


Haha, perfect. Sums up everything about the modern Democrat party. Sure, the GOP isn't much better but it's just barely enough and we'll make sure to change that.


They seem more interested in enshrining Obama than having anything to do with Hillary.


Not if they're giving them shekels they don't

Like omg….. muh passive agressive faggotry and shieeet.

Knocked it outta the park, user.



have we mocked up 'No Refunds' yet?

Meh. Not really feeling it.


You are totally forgetting about Mother Nature. Sooner or later we will face food shortages of some sort. Then infrastructure breaks down, and it soon becomes a cluster fuck / free for all. Things will simply get more chaotic until the chaos can't be contained.
Take a look at a city like Los Angeles. The streets are now jam packed with the homeless citizens (not illegals) and not just in Down Town Los Angele's skid row. They have spilled into all parts of the city under every single Freeway underpass there is a tent town now. Ever freeway on ramp has organized homeless people begging for change. Santa Monica right next to the PCH has its own mini skid row right now in between the New Metro Station until you reach the Ocean its a total Zoo because the metro brings all new types of crazies to Santa Monica. The government's solution is to use even more tax dollars to "fight the homeless" which means the middle class gets robbed for even more money and the Politicians line their pockets. Also because this is a Sanctuary City there is little to no enforcement of Political Corruption. Case and Point LA's department of Water and Power got new billing software which over billed people. This was how DWP gave itself a raise, they just started overbilling. No one went to jail for it because the LA Politicians can't even wrangle the Utility companies here, it really is Chinatown aka KIKEtown.


I hate to toot my own horn but seriously check out my id.











The "pussies grab back" one actually seems like a tagline they would use.


totally hip, righteous, and phat
a solid sender

This is fun.


Thanks for the inspiration.

This looks like maxipad advertisement.

Can't unsee it, you're exactly right.




You bastard, you beat me to it!

Damn, and here we were thinking the democrats were grade A retards when it turns out its actually the maxipad marketing team pushing the most effective advertising slogan ever. They sure know how to target their market.

We're more than a year off from the midterms, and those stupid cucks have already given us all the material we'll need to perform a second memetic holocaust.

Too obvious.
Dems will somehow make this make sense in their minds, and take credit, but it's an obvious punch in the gut to any white man who has had to work for a living.

Nailed it, nice work.

are y'all serious? how quickly we forget:



So they're really gonna double down with their weak attempt at relevance, humor, or whatever it is they think they're accomplishing here. This is as bad as the "just chillin' in Cedar Rapids" or "why aren't I 50 points ahead, you might ask" moments. So forced and so cringey and just completely out of touch.
Looks like bad memes are going to be back on the menu, boys.

It gets better user….

Why do I have to be reminded everyday on how absolutely fucked we are? How can people look at this shit and not feel despair? This is our fucking politics right here, these are our politicians. This shit is straight out of some edgy piece of satire a hundred years ago. How much further are we gonna sink into Idiocracy before it's too late? This is probably the best fucking representation of democracy I've seen yet

"I Mean, Have You Seen the Other Guys?" Are you fucking kidding me? This is supposed to be fucking considered politics now? I swear to God that shit gets progressively how fitting a word worse every single fucking day at this point. I'm not a shill, not trying to demoralize, not this or that or what the fuck ever buzzwords there are now, I just can't believe this shit. Everytime I think we hit rock bottom we end up rocketing past it spectacularly. If we could show the Founding Fathers and all the great presidents of the past what happened to their beloved country and their hopes and dreams then America would've never been born. Or if it was it'd end up being one of the most authoritarian and sophisticated monarchies in the world


This shit is straight out of Rome.


Because you're a low T faggot.
Lift moar.



Kek, I bet that faggot spent tens of millions. How do you fuck up that bad?

Quite an astute analysis user. I fully concur.



Is that the nazi dudes kid from ultimate muscle?

Remember they said this all the time in response to the concept of making America great?


But pic related is less obvious.

Good honing, user.





Ah movieblob. That man is the living embodiment of the Left's utter hatred of the middle class.

if the democrats can only justify their existence as "we aren't them" after they fucked over the bernouts means their party is on the brink of dissolution or schism

I still don't get that bring back our girls crap.
One day I turn on the lügenpresse and they are spamming this all over the place and I stupidly think actual Americans were kidnapped, before they reveal the fact that "our girls" are in fact sheboons from some random nigger country and I'm supposed to care for some reason…. ridiculous

Just look at the person that is Movie Bob he lives in a fantasy world where good and evil are clearly defined and unbending in his case Mario though most leftist go for Star Wars or Harry Potter he also hated his own working class family so much he chose to stay in his car and play gameboy until they went to sleep.

The left run rampant with the "Chosen One" syndrome where they alone are the one with the answers they alone are the one are the one who can see things as they are but life isn't a video game the heroic call to action never came to Bob so he decided to create his own King Koopa in the form of the right wing due to the left heavy use of emotion and so-called oppression and desperate to become a hero that Bob believed he was destined to be he dehumanizes anyone who is on the other side. To people like Bob there aren't other people with different points of view of opinions but NPCs for him to crush.

get it right REEE, it's the modern day era

MDE for short.

punctuation, user, and remember to breath
But yeah, these kind of people have a "chosen one" complex who only see in black and white

I blame the poor writing in children's and young adult media. Plus the huge influx of morons who never think to themselves "Gee why would a group willingly call themselves evil?".

because feminists and women in general are just passive-aggressive bitches with daddy issues.

If that election auditing pays off, there may be millions of illegal voters off the books as well which will own them short term.

Democrats have it rough, they are completely brain drained with all the feminist and minorities filling out the vast majority of the party, and to top it off their supporters will get offended by almost anything, I bet even this tepidly awful slogan offended some Xir somewhere.

They did use the words guys.

The long-term demographic projection is still in their favor at present. This is still good news, but I wouldn't declare victory until we turn that around.


the dems wouldn't say something like that, user
that's because the Autists is us

If it's official, Trump is basically re-elected.

Same thing happened with bitcoin. Remember all the "sky is falling" articles a short while ago, all the panic-selling as people thought the cryptocurrency was on its last legs, now it rallies to unprecedented new highs. Someone, somewhere, made a fuckload of money from that.

The names and faces change but the game stays the same.

gave me a good chuckle.

Sums up their platform. America was never great in their eyes, because it was mostly white people.


I got bored with the Good vs Evil trope a long time ago. Writers often use it to justify a protagonist acting against their own interests. It is especially bad in video games. Too many story lines end with the protagonist sacrificing themselves to protect a world full of murderous thugs and nightmare creatures.

Ah. You libertarians. You make me laugh.

Nice dubs

We should decide what the democrats' next slogan is going to be for them.
Of so many excellent submissions, I think this one encapsulates it best.

This is something I've been predicting and talking about for a while. They have so bought into the diversity and stronk womyn meme that they have up and enriched the entire party. Instead of listening to the cis white males ideas on winning the rust belt they listened to some xir tranny faggots ideas on inclusion. Now they're all scratching their heads wondering why nothing works anymore, just like anytime whites are replaced with shitskins the company (or party in this case) will bleed out sooner or later.


Name a single democrat politician pushing veganism. I can name plenty of vegans who have named the Jew.

That's true

On the DOTR all these mentally ill faggots will meet their fate and a glorious new state will arise over their ashes

Eat shit, you fucking cuckold faggot. You're a physically shriveled jewish puppet.

This meme you're trying to push will never take off. The reason why is because although you can hand-pick a few vegans, that does nothing to invalidate the experiences each of us has had with vegans in real life. __All_ the vegans I've actually met have been weak effeminate nu-male faggot anti-white leftists. Every single one of them.

Leave it to the vagan to single out one tiny word in a whole paragraph to get butthurt about.

It's not rocket science, everything niggers say about whites is projection same with kikes. Inbred, culture thieves, murderers, racist, etc, etc, it's all shit that describes them.

This is just pure gold.

Apollo, why doth thou burn this candle at both ends?

Don't let the rest of the nation go the same way.

Not my personal experience. I mean, yeah they're all hyper-skinny douchebags, but I haven't met any that are anti-white. There is a smug sense of self-righteousness among them all, though. The old joke always holds true:

How do you know when there's a vegan in the room?
Don't worry, they'll let you know.

I wouldn't mind so much if they saw themselves as having a particular diet, but it's not just a diet with them … it's a fucking religion. A lifestyle. A cult of personality that they can't avoid screaming it in everyone's face.

You haven't met any vegans. Veganism has been a part of Western Civilization since the Neo-Pythagoreans, and even before that.


It's a way of life. It's not just a diet because we're against animal testing too. Niggers should be experimented on, not pigs. Oinkers > Shitskins.

Democrats surely are not very bright if it comes naming slogans or campaigns.


Jews eat flesh. Puppets don't. The goyim are animals and must be kept weak.


Proved my point. Good job.





holy shit thats good


My cup runneth over with OC, and it was good, and OP was not a sodomite. Yea for we have entered unto the kingdom of Kek, the land of memes and happenings.


more like napalm on a vietnamese child.

The jew always destroys the authority he needs to defend him from the outraged gentiles. No exceptions.

Modernity ended in the 20th century grandpa, we're on the cusp of the Post-Post-Modern Era

All I know about Polish food is sausage and those mashed potato ravioli.







Holy fuck why the hell did they have to make it look like an old school coke-a-cola ad and ruin the font for me.


I can guarantee you a woman came up with this or a faggot. Same thing.



Political violence is the future, at least our future. Let's not make ourselves look like the losing side.

Yeah, I'd rather hear the lamentations of their wives sons.


NRCC had a pretty good one.




I'm enjoying this even if my visual memetics aren't the strongest.

One more.

Wait, what?

Jesus my sides


Extended version

I was going to do FMSU but yours is better

Repeating digits in ID demand it

Looks like Westly Clark sans hair


Make Pills Blue Again.


Have you seen the other guys?

2 more and another Bix Nood variant.

Have you seen the other guys?


Just going to leave this here since there isn't a general drawfag thread. Over 9000 hours in Paint.

Edited to fix a few retarded mistakes. May clean it up a bit more eventually.






Is this gonna be the new "IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR!"?

Rallying for non-specific change worked for (the virtually unknown) Obama in 2008 and didn't work for Hilldog in 2016. For a bunch of Congressional representatives, who might as well be faceless to 98+% of the country, it might be a good move (for how bad of a spot the Dems are in) unless things improve.

i wonder how the liberal dogs nipping at this negress's heels justified it under the progressive stack that should put a homeless black woman over everyone attacking her


They knew what was best for her and were trying to help here, that's how they rationalize their pets stepping off the plantation.

not here


it seems that all their preach against "hate" is just projection. i've never seen a crowd of whites assault and accost a homeless negress for any reason

Criminally underrated post. The best part is how no one could agree on anything to call the next decade until it was nearly over. Same is gonna happen with this decade we're wrapping up now.

The font isn't right - but here are my propaganda contributions.

And since I have ID Hitler dubs let me use my powers for good




It's like a perfect summation of their 2016 campaign with Shillary. Just deflect everything bad about yourselves onto the other guy, excuse all grievance and hatred for your own mediocrity by pushing it off onto the evil republicans. It's much like how the 08 election went too, obummer came through with his vision of hope and freebies and people bought it hook line and sinker, meanwhile the republicans focused everything on how bad the democrats would be and ran a piece of shit that couldn't be saved no matter how bad the opposition was. They are fucked.


First one is A+. Makes the person think of all the reasons they hate Dems.

He can't keep getting away with it!

Can someone post a black of the "Dems ' 3018" one? Without the "other guys" text.


Ok, good enough. Here are 4:3 and 16:9 versions. The 4:3 version should be adequate for 16:10 displays.

Reminding everyone the Democrats are the no-fun party always feels like a good choice.

This is kind of fun.

Would also accept one I found Wu's /cow/ thread.

"Time to put a real WUman in charge."

Here you go user

More bonus content. An enlarged and cleaned Magic Sound logo.



RIP Seth Rich

what's going on in images 3 and 4? the one where it looks like they're drinking the blood of someone? is it just a cake or what?

I like how they had to have a non-cursive version at the bottom so nigs could read it.


That looks like syrup… could you imagine keeping your bath water in the tub so you can refill your glass whenever you want a drink? Do you think they wake up in the morning thinking "yeah, yesterday's party was great, we should do that more often". These edgy idiots are fucking disgusting.
